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X-linked Recessive trait (Color Blindness)




Circle = Female

Square = Male

Square with diagonal line = Deceased Male

No shade circle = Normal Vision Female

No shade square = Normal Vision Male

Half Shaded Circle = Female Carrier

Full shaded Square = Colorblind Male

Line between male and female = Mating

Roman Numerals (I, II, III) = Generation Number

What is a Pedigree? A pedigree is a representation of someone’s family tree. It demonstrates
how individuals in a household are associated with each other. It might well be indicated which
individuals have a specific trait or hereditary condition. If we take a pedigree, which we usually attempt
to have at least three generations, we could be possible to ascertain how a particular trait is inherited.
So, to simply put if you want to know how come you acquired a certain disease or trait, conducting a
pedigree analysis is the best way for you to track who is the carrier of that trait or disease in your family.

The diagram that can be seen above shows the inheritance of color blindness in the Catalan
Family. But, to determine the possible phenotypes and genotypes of the said offsprings in the family, we
need to use punnet square. Wherein, the result shows that, in generation I, the grandparents of (insert
your father’s name) which are (insert their names) are both unaffected nor carrier of color blindness
which makes (insert your father’s name) a normal vision offspring. However, one of the grandparents of
(Insert your mother’s name) on the same generation, specifically, her father died already (insert his
name) and her mother (insert her name) is a carrier of color blindness that is the reason why (Insert
your mother’s name) is a color blindness carrier offspring which can be seen in generation II. Since
(insert the name of your mother and father) decided to mate this results in the reproduction of the
three offsprings in generation III which are (insert your names). In this generation, there is an one
offspring which is a carrier of color blindness (insert your sister’s name), affected by color blindness
(insert your brother’s name), and normal vision (insert your name).

Since this pedigree shows an X-linked recessive trait (Color Blindness), the carrier will always be
the mother/female. Since she has 2 X-chromosomes, one can compensate for the function of the other
non-functional chromosome. The father/male can never be the carrier because he has only one X-
chromosome, which, if affected, will be indicated on the pedigree chart.

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