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“The Shack”

1. Why did the main character blame the Lord?

 Ever since Mack was a child, he has had many bad experiences with his family, especially to his
father. Mack blamed God for everything that he experienced while growing up. He didn't feel
that God was there for him, especially the death of his daughter Missy.
2. Why does God/Papa has multiple genders?
 According to the Bible, specifically in Hebrew, that God has no gender at all. In my perspective,
God/Papa has multiple genders in the movie "The Shack" because it explains how equality and
humanity work in various situations. Also, for us to understand that gender doesn't matter as
long as you keep yourself to do better and to help those people in need.
3. How did God/Papa prepare the main character for forgiveness?
 There's a lot of various scenarios in the movie considering how forgiveness is significant in
humankind. God/Papa tested Mack to strengthen his trust and faith that could make him realize
how those things could change him as a person. A person who values everything for the sake of
goodness. God/Papa used Jesus, Sarayu, and Wisdom to realize everything while staying in the
cabin house.
4. How did Wisdom prepare the main character to become a better judge?
 Mack can easily judge the people around him based on their physical appearance and
capabilities. Wisdom tested him by explaining how evil deeds and scenarios work in the eye of a
judgemental way of thinking. She let him viewed the different cases and bad situations which is
happening right now and let him choose from one of his children to judge who will be the one to
go to hell based on what they've done. At that moment, he got to realized everything.
5. Whom do you think people should blame for all uncertainties?
 Ourself. We're the ones who choose from what is better in a particular situation. Moreover, God
creates these uncertainties and tragedy to inform us that he knows and he's in control of
everything that exists in the world. In my opinion, based on the movie, it's Mack. It is how he
handles his faith and trust in the Lord from the beginning to the end of the movie.
6. Why do you think the movie makers have chosen these actors to play as God the Father, the Son
and the Holy spirit? Consider their race, skin color, and personality.
 I think for us to know why equality and fairness are significantly different when addressed in all
humankind. Actors are all different physically. It proved that regardless of our race, skin color,
culture and personality, we’re all equal in the eyes of the Lord. Also, to teach us the values and
morals of the movie.

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