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DAY 13

Exercise 1: Listen to the audio and answer the questions.

Questions Answers
1. Does he live in Vietnam? no, he doesn't
2. What is his favorite season? his favorite season is
3. What is the coldest month in his country? july
4. When do the flowers start to bloom? spring
5. When do the trees begin to change color? autumn/ fall

6. How many seasons are there in Melbourne? seasons

7. What are the favorite activities in summer? hiking, fishing, camping,
water sking, etc...
8. When do people enjoy driving in the mountains?
9. Which season is beautiful? spring

10. What are the hottest months? dêcmber, january, february

Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.

Hi, guys. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'd like to talk about the weather and
the seasons down here. We are in the Southern Hemisphere, so our seasons
are (1)opposite
of U.S. and Vietnam, which are in the Northern Hemisphere.
(2) _________________
lets start with the winter - my favorite season! The winter begins in June
the coldest month
and ends in August. Usually, (3) ______________________________ is July, where the
temperature can drop below freezing. The city usually gets about 5-7 inches
go skiing
of snow during this time. I often (4) ________________________ with my family at a
nearby ski resort during (5) _____________________________.
the winter holiday Spring usually arrives
in late September, when the temperature rises to about 50 degrees during the
a beautiful season
day. It is (6) __________________ because that is when the flowers start to bloom.
kite flying
It can be very windy, so it is a great time for (7) ______________. People often like
go on picnics
to (8) ___________________________ and play outdoors on the weekends. Our three
hottest months are December, January, and February. The summer has low

humidity, so it is pleasant even on these hot, dry days. (9) ______________________
popular activities
during this season include hiking, fishing, camping, water skiing, etc. Finally,
the summer changes to autumn in early September when the weather cools off,
and the trees begin to change color. This is a time when a lot of people enjoy
driving in the mountains. After the leaves fall, everyone (10) ___________
cleans up their yards and gardens in preparation for winter.


Phonetic Word
Words/Phrases Meanings
transcription forms
freezing /ˈfriː. zɪŋ/ (adj) băng giá

khu nghỉ dưỡng trượt

a nearby ski resort /ə ˌnɪrˈbaɪ skiː rɪˈzɔːrt/ (n)
tuyết gần đó

bloom /bluːm/ (v) nở hoa

go on picnic /ɡəʊ ɑːn ˈpɪknɪk/ (phr) đi dã ngoại
go skiing /ɡəʊ ˈskiːɪŋ/ (phr) trượt tuyết
cool off /kuːl ɔːf/ (phr) trở nên mát hơn

Pronunciation Workshop / Workbook 31

DAY 14

Exercise 1: Listen to the audio and choose TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) for the
following statements.


1. The speaker is in Dalat right now.

2. We call it the Green city because of the fresh air.

3. Dalat is located high in the mountains.

4. The weather is very hot in summer in Dalat.

5. Dalat has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

6. Between December and March, flowers bloom a lot in Dalat.

7. You need to bring an umbrella because it sometimes rains.

8. Dalat is a wonderful place for couples to spend their


Exercise 2:
Part 1: Listen to the audio and write down the words about the topic “Weather –


- Seasons:

- Weather:

Part 2: Choose A, B, C, or D for each gap in the following sentences.

1. The temperature is 6°C. It's too __________ to go outside.

A. hot B. cold C. windy D. stormy

2. The colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and

violet - can be seen in a __________ .

A. thunder B. rainbow C. dull D. stormy

3. In __________, flowers bloom colorfully.

A. spring B. winter C. rainy D. snow

4. The sky was dark, windy and __________.

A. snowy B. winter C. stormy D. hot

5. It is wet in __________ season, but hot in dry season.

A. rainy B. windy C. cloudy D. stormy

6. My mother asked me to turn on the air conditioner because it was __________


A. dull B. humid C. mild D. hot

7. What a terrible day! It’s so ______ that my soulmates have to cancel their trip.

A. chilly B. breeze C. sunny D. warm

8. There's a strong wind. It's raining cats and dogs. Children stop shouting

because they are afraid of __________.

A. getting wet B. being cold C. thunder and lightning D. fog


Phonetic Word
Words/Phrases Meanings
transcription forms

be located in /biː loʊˈkeɪ�d ɪn/ (phr) được đặt ở (vị trí)

outdoor activities /ˈaʊtˌdɔːr ækˈtɪvə�z/ (n) hoạt động ngoài trời

be (adj) enough to do /ɪˈnʌf/ (phr) đủ để làm gì


unique /juːˈniːk/ (adj) độc đáo, đặc biệt

honeymoon /ˈhʌn.i.muːn/ (n) tuần trăng mật

romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ (adj) lãng mạn

Pronunciation Workshop / Workbook 33

DAY 15

Exercise 1: Listen to the audio and choose TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) for the
following statements.


1. Amy’s first day at the university was awesome.

2. Amy feels excited about 6 subjects this semester.

3. Amy is afraid of learning Philosophy.

4. Amy doesn’t want to join any clubs.

5. Amy is suggested to join the Drama Club.

6. It is a bad idea to do Romeo and Juliet together.

7. They hope to be famous people in the future.

8. They decide to register the Drama Club.

Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and circle the correct answer for each question.

1. What year of university is Amy in?

A. Third year B. First year C. Fourth year D. Second year

2. How does Amy feel when she begins studying?

A. She feels excited. B. She feels bored.

C. She gets mad at her teacher. D. She feels disappointed.

3. How many subjects does Amy study in this semester?

A. 10 subjects B. 3 subjects C. 2 subjects D. 6 subjects

4. What subject is Amy worried about?

A. Geography B. Philosophy C. Biology D. Economics

5. Which club does Amy’s friend suggest to her?

A. Dance Club B. Guitar Club C. English Club D. Drama Club


Phonetic Word
Words/Phrases Meanings
transcription forms
congratulations /kənˌɡrætʃ·əˈleɪ·ʃənz/ (n) chúc mừng

nervous /ˈnɜːrvəs/ (adj) lo lắng

smart = intelligent /smɑːrt/ = /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ (adj) thông minh

survive /sərˈvaɪv/ (v) sống sót, tồn tại

actress /ˈæk. trəs/ (n) nữ diễn viên

fill out signup form /fɪl aʊt saɪnʌp fɔːrm/ (phr) điền phiếu đăng ký

Pronunciation Workshop / Workbook 35

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