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Fingerprint attendance management system

Student Name:
Student ID:
Module Name/code:
Module Tutor:

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introductions
1.1: Background
1.2: Problem Statement
1.3: Research Aims
1.4: Research Objectives
1.5: Research Question
1.6: Research Significance
1.7: Research Assumption
1.8: Hypothesis
1.9: Scope of study
Chapter 2: Literature REVIEW
Biometric recognition framework
Biometric Participation System Circuit Principle
Attendance management system
Chapter 3: Research Methods
3.1: Research Design
3.2: Prototype

In numerous institutions and organizations, understudy and staff participation is taken
genuinely as most administration scowl at absenteeism and authorize the people included.
Customarily, the strategy of participation utilized to be done bodily employing a physical
enlist booklet. This strategy is inclined to control and pantomime. The participation enroll
may get harmed, stolen, or misplaced. In this manner, a few electronic methods were
created to counter a few eminent blemishes ordinary with the conventional strategy. These
incorporate clocking machines, RFID, biometrics, etc. Whereas the clocking machine and
RFID strategies may not illuminate the issue of pantomime legitimately, a few individuals
fear the wellbeing impacts of the utilization of biometrics like iris and facial scanner.
Unique mark filtering has been by far the more worthy biometric framework with the
capacity to dispose of all the inconvenience spots detailed so distant although computer
bolster is continuously required.

Chapter 1: Introduction:
1.1: Background:
Fingerprint verification is one of the most seasoned biometric strategies known but still the
foremost broadly used because of its straightforwardness and great records of precision. It
is a well-known reality that each human being is born with a diverse design on their fingers
and these highlights are utilized to recognize and separate between two different people.
The advantage of this application in an instructive established or organization cannot be
overemphasized. The Fingerprint impression acknowledgment and verification technique
has been embraced to supplant the ordinary strategy because it spares time and eliminates
all the setbacks recognized with the participation enroll booklet. A Fingerprint identifying
gadget ought to be set in each classroom or exam hall, and understudies would be required
to swipe their finger across the sensor to demonstrate their nearness within the lesson or
exam. The understudy records are put away within the database for confirmation.
(L.S. Eczema,, 7, July-2015)
Biometrics advances confirm character through properties such as fingerprints, Faces, iris,
retina patterns, palm prints, voice, handwritten cues, etc.
These strategies, which use physical information, are a more useful individual confirmation
method than usual strategies such as passwords or ID cards because they use information
from measurements and this information is and will remain specific to the individual.
during his life. In these developments, the unique tag has become one of the most mature
and well-known biometrics innovations used to demonstrate automatic identification of
individuals. The reason for the popularity of the unique tag guarantee is that fingerprints
satisfy uniqueness, stability, continuity, and effective absorption.
(Akinduyite C.O,, November 04, 2013)
A few biometric highlights are utilized for client confirmation. These are DNA
Coordinating (Chemical Biometric), Ear (Visual Biometric), Eyes (Iris Acknowledgment
and Retina Acknowledgment), Confront Acknowledgment (Visual Biometric), Unique
finger impression Acknowledgment (Visual Biometric), Stride (Behavioral Biometric),
Signature Acknowledgment (Visual/Behavioral Biometric), Discourse and Speaker
Recognition (Auditory Biometric), etc. Planning and creating an understudy participation
framework based on unique finger impression acknowledgment oversees records for
participation within the offices like CSE office of Jatiya, Kabi, Kazi Nazrul Islam College
will be hassles-free, precise, and spare important time of understudies as well as instructors
for conducting the classes. (Rahman S,, 2018)

Keywords: Biometric, Attendance system, Fingerprint, society, Google sheet.

1.2: Problem Statement:
1-Fraud in Student attendance occurs sporadically in the traditional manner.
The student explained that it was common practice for a group of his friends and fellow
students to sign attendance records on each other's behalf for different lessons and lectures.
Several teachers have noticed that students are logged in even though they have not
attended the course. This student's handwriting was identified as one of those who were
checking in for their friends, giving the impression that they had attended.
(Dr Kathryn Leask ,2021)
2-Environmental Challenges:
Under extraordinary cold or extraordinarily warm, the mistake rate is additionally
exceptionally high. Hence this posture is a challenge for utilizing the biometric attendance
framework. (Anuj Sharma, 2020)
3- Fingerprint access control & attendance system:
The application of unique mark innovation in cutting edge life and work has ended up
increasingly prevalent. Fingerprint access control & time participation framework,
fingerprint social security, unique mark keeping money, fingerprint shopping centers,
unique finger impression pick-up and so on, and other modern wonders of life and work
have been broadly known. Unique mark innovation is progressively reviving our Advanced
lifestyle. As a result, the world’s best unique finger impression acknowledgment innovation
has been exceedingly esteemed around the world, and the application of unique finger
impression acknowledgment innovation has quickly been created. At display, numerous
endeavors have been included within the advancement and application of unique mark
recognizable proof innovation, but most of them are presenting outside unique finger
impression distinguishing proof modules for framework integration and advancement. The
toll taken is generally tall and the advertised advancement is troublesome.
Same problem point:
1, Can I recognize the unique finger impression on tape or copied? No. The unique finger
impression time participation machine can as it were recognizing the living fingerprint.
2, if the finger is harmed, the unique finger impression cannot be recognized, what to do?
The time participation unique mark machine can make two distinctive unique finger
impression records beneath the same participation staff title. When one unique mark is
harmed and cannot go to the participation, another unique finger impression can be
utilized to total the participation. Or alter your finger to re-file for attendance.
3. After the control cut, will the information be lost? No. The time participation machine is
prepared with memory, and the participation information will be naturally put away and
sponsored up in genuine time. (ShineACS ,2017)

1.3: Aims:
The goals of this project are to develop a fingerprint-based attendance management system
for the institutions.

1.4: Objectives:
1-To develop a fingerprint-based attendance management system for the institutions.
2-To ensure the efficiency of this System through this attendance management comparison
With the manual system.
3- To Ensure that the proposed system will be more efficient than the manual system.
4-To Ensure the security of the biometric attendance management system using

1-What is the attendance management system?
2- Is biometric security important to develop a fingerprint system?
3-Why would we develop this system?
4-How will a simple prototype of this system be designed?

1.6: Research Significance:

Biometric time and attendance framework are picking up gigantic notoriety day by day
because it has several benefits. This framework has the capability to follow a person’s
interesting fingerprints, hand shape or confront shape, iris this framework makes beyond any
doubt that the workers cannot clock in for one another. Since its brilliance biometric
framework is picking up its toehold in most of the workplaces and private ranches. Not as it
were, private divisions and government bodies are taking steps to introduce this biometric time
and participation framework to track the section and exit hours of the representatives. There
are several benefits of introducing the unique mark time participation program which is why
this framework is spreading its claws in nearly each working division. A few mentionable
benefits of the biometric machine have been clarified underneath.

Say no to intermediary participation: To avoid intermediary participation and get to

control the security framework this biometric program is required. This savvy framework
empowers you to dispose of buddy punching or intermediary participation. To be approved
by a biometric machine one must share his or her one-of-a-kind physical highlight such as
fingerprints, iris which are about inconceivable to duplicate or share. ·

  Precise information: Biometric time and participation framework interface

straightforwardly to your HR program. This uncommon feature empowers you to plan a
report based on later information for investigation without any kind of hazards or
difficulties. In this way, you do not have to hold up long for the information to be upgraded
for confirmation. ( FaceKey Corporation, Oct 9,2017) 

1.7: Research Assumption:
1-The user of this system must have usernames and passwords.
2- The Fingerprint impression acknowledgment and verification technique has been
embraced to supplant the ordinary strategy because it spares time and eliminates all the
setbacks recognized with the participation enroll booklet.
3-The user of this system must keep track of the attendance system.
4-The user of this system must have a good network.
1.8: Hypothesis:
There are a few problems with the fingerprint-based attendance system in this report to
Fraud in Student attendance occurs sporadically in the traditional manner, Environmental
Challenges, & Fingerprint access control & attendance system. So, if a mobile system
implantation for attendance management system using google site technology, then it will
solve the problem & will satisfy the users requirements.

1.9: Scope of study

Scope In:
The report will include the development of a fingerprint-based attendance management
system. Also, it includes the biometric security system such as fingerprint, face recognition,
ID card & other things.
Scope out:
The report suggests a system to all private institutions & will not be system to government
institutions such as school, ministry, & hospital.

Chapter 2: literature review:


Fingerprint sensor module with TTL UART (Universal Nonconcurrent Receiver/Transmitter)

interface for coordinate associations to microcontroller UART or to PC through MAX232 /
USB-Serial adapter is utilized. The client can store the fingerprint data within the module and
can design it in 1:1 or 1: N mode for recognizing the individual. The FP module can specifically
interface with a 3v3 or 5v Microcontroller. A level converter (like MAX232) is required to
meddle with the PC serial port. Optical biometric unique mark peruses with great features and
can be implanted into an assortment of end products, such as: get to control, participation,
safety deposit box, car entryway locks etc.

This chapter will include different parts of Fingerprint based attendance management system
to keep you understand the project & give you more knowledge about this topic.


A fingerprint can be characterized as an impression made by a human finger since of the
designs made on the skin of our palms and fingers ever since birth. The marks or design on
our finger will never experience any alter or maybe it gets to be conspicuous with age.
Figure 1 underneath appears a unique mark im-age. For their changelessness and
interesting nature, they have been utilized since long in criminal and legal cases. Appeared
underneath, could be a unique finger impression design gotten from an optical sensor. The
figure appears black out and dim lines developing from a specific point and spiraling
around it all over the finger. (Longinus S. Eczema,, 2019)

Fig 1: A fingerprint image acquired by an optical sensor.

Biometric recognition framework:

A commonplace biometric acknowledgment framework has two stages of musical drama-
activity, specifically, the enrollment organizes, and the acknowledgment organize (see Fig.
2). Within the enrollment organization, the biometric framework secures the biometric

characteristic of a person, extricates a notable highlight set from it and stores the
extricated include set in a database (frequently alluded to as a format), beside an identifier
partner the highlight set with a person. Amid the acknowledgement organize, the
framework once more obtains the biometric characteristic of a person, extricates a fea-
true set from it, and compares this include set against the tem- plates within the database to
decide a coordinate or to confirm a claimed character.
(Anil K. Jain,,2016)

Figure 2: Run a typical biometrics system. The two primary problems with biometric
recognition include finding a consistent representation of a feature and designing a robust
matching tool for a given representation system.
-Biometric Participation System Circuit Principle:
The primary point of this circuit is to require attendance and show when asked.
Fingerprint recognizable proof is since no two people will have the same unique finger
impression in this world. This is because of the unconventional hereditary code of DNA in
everyone. Fingerprint module differentiates between two fingers based on the edges and
valleys on fingerprint. When the fingerprint is given it stores the focuses where there are
changes in the course of edges and valleys utilizing some algorithms. Inside the fingerprint
module a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is displayed to actualize and analyze the
calculation. Primary heart of the circuit is the fingerprint module. This sends commands to
the controller at whatever point the unique finger impression is matched. Microcontroller
gets these commands from the fingerprint module and employs the inner EEPROM
(Electrically Erasable Programmable Examined Only Memory) to store the participation.
(Gunjeet Kaur,,2016)

Attendance management system:
Attendance management may be a major portion of today’s human asset frameworks; take
organization towards superior human asset hone, frameworks and brilliance, thus normal
participation and reliability are anticipated of all representatives or candidates in a work
setting. Unsuitable participation caused by unscheduled unlucky deficiencies and lateness
cause a disturbance in work, influences efficiency, and makes resolve issues when
workloads are moved to other representatives.
In addition, in numerous educational, and scholastic organizations, participation is
additionally an awfully vital criteria which is utilized for different purposes. These
purposes incorporate record keeping, appraisal of understudies, and advancement of ideal
and steady participation in lessons. In creating nations, a least rate of course participation
is required in most teaching and this arrangement has not been followed, since of the
different challenges the display strategy of taking participation presents. This conventional
strategy includes the utilization of sheets of paper or books in taking understudy
participation. This strategy could easily permit pantomime and the participation sheet can
be stolen or misplaced. Taking part is time expending and it is troublesome to ascertain the
number of understudies that have made the least rate and hence qualified for the exam.
Hence, there's a requirement for a framework that would kill all of these inconvenience
Types of Attendance Management System:
Attendance Administration falls into two categories to be specific: Routine and Mechanized
strategies. Ordinary strategies incorporate time sheets, participation enroll and time
clocks. Time sheets are records, electronic or something else that record what time was
passed through by the worker on what errands. Participation enlist is an official list of
individuals who are shown at an institution or organization. Time clock which may be a
mechanical (or electronic) time piece utilized to help in following the hour worked by a
representative of a company.
The standardized tag attendance system requires that each representative is issued a
badge/card in which there's a standardized tag. In order to check into or out of the
company, the badge/card is swapped on the time clock, and the information is captured by
the clock. Within the magnetic stripe participation framework, information is encoded
within the attractive stripe of the worker card. When the card is swiped through the
representative time clock, the data within the card’s attractive stripe is recorded by the
time clock. This framework peruses one card at a time additionally requires contact with
the peruse. Radio-frequency recognizable proof (RFID) could be an innovation that
employs radio waves to exchange information from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or
name, connected to a protest, through a peruse for the reason of distinguishing and

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following the question. The ID cards of the workers are inserted with an RFID tag which is
studied by a peruse. This RFID framework interfaces to a database through a computer.
In the biometric Attendance framework, there's an attendance computer program that's
matched with a time clock for workers which employs biometric innovation for verification
purposes. When these frameworks are in use, the representatives can utilize their biometric
information such as fingerprints for clocking in and clocking out. This method has the
incredible advantage that the complete handle is simple as well as speedy. Other focal
points incorporate the end of the toll already brought about in getting the workers cards.
(Adetunmbi A.O,, 2013)

Ref Method Strengths Limitations

The figure appears changelessness and

(LonginusS. Fingerprint black out and dim interesting nature, they
Eczema, ACQUISITION lines developing from have been utilized since
2019) PROCESS a specific point. long in criminal and
legal cases.

Biometric a biometric framework The system is related to

(Anil K. recognition secures the biometric forensic applications
Jain, 2016) framework characteristic of a

Attendance Routine and Unsuitable participation

(Adetunmbi management Mechanized strategies caused by unscheduled
A.O, 2013) system unlucky deficiencies and
lateness cause a
disturbance in work

(Gunjeet Biometric Fingerprint fingerprint is given it

Kaur,2016) Participation recognizable proof is stores the focuses where
System Circuit since no two people there are changes in the
Principle will have the same course of edges and
unique finger valleys utilizing some
impression in this algorithms.

11 | P a g e
Chapter 3: Research Methods:
In this objective of this research will analysis step of system development lifecycle was

In the software development process, the technologies that can be the most effective
solutions to the needs of the user are selected. System users are identified and authorized.
Because different roles carry out different operations in the system. At the same time,
criteria such as software performance and productivity were considered.

Covering all operations, the waterfall model has been selected which has been used in many
software projects in figure 3 that consists of analysis, design, coding, testing, release, and
maintenance phases. According to this model, each stage must be meticulously completed.
Since the condition for moving to the next step is fulfilled in the previous stage, a linear
software development process is provided. In addition, the waterfall model is widely used
when identifying specific needs at the beginning of a project. Therefore, when the project
structure and literature are considered, the waterfall model fits the system better.

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3.1: Design:

The proposed system is a two-way system Adopted (registration / registration and verification)
two development approach. registration and System verification stage is desktop oriented. An
application that takes advantage off’s Visual C# framework Microsoft net. Where the online
survey system boasts an application for rating employee performance using HTML, CSS, PHP
(Hypertext Preprocessor) and JavaScript React JS framework as a front-end initiator Motors.
During registration / registration, staff brief Personal and biometric data is collected from the
system and stored in a database.

3.2: Prototypes:

1-startup screen

This is the first page that gives employees the extension. An opportunity to choose between
registration and verification. Employees can navigate to the intended part of the system

without breaking a sweat. This is illustrated in Figure 4 below:

Figure 4: Start-up screen

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2-Staff registration portal:

Finger 5 points to the interface where the user the fingerprint as well as other vital data of are stored

for the first time in the database for employee registration. all info the information required for the
correct registration of attendance is registered. Personal details and photo employees are first entered
into the system which then claims fingerprint acquisition screen to eject, therefore, the employees'
fingerprint details are captured and stored as well. As shown in Figure 6

Figure5: Staff Registration Portal

Figure6: Fingerprint Capture Registration Page

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3-Attendance Verification Page:

After obtaining employee details from the registration page, registered employees can then
attendance by placing a finger on the fingerprint Scanner. The fingerprint image obtained
from the scanner is then compare with each fingerprint template on database. If a match is
found, the personnel information is it was retrieved and then displayed on the platform.
Before when presenting attendance, staff can comment on it activity performed that day as
his/her content the audience. However, if fingerprints cannot be matched found in the
database, the matching prompt does not exist which could be that there is no fingerprint
associated with the input. This is shown in the figures 7 and 8 below:

Figure 6: Registered User Verification Page

Figure 7: Non-Registered User Verification Page

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5-Start screen to answer questions:

At the end of the month, students are introduced with an online survey system that allows
the student to provide adequate information about employees and the public performance
and the startup screen is displayed for the first time, which displays a login screen for
students to enter files details and then the process of feeling the survey question as shown
in Figure 8. Figure 9 indicates login validation appearance.

Figure8: Online Question-Answering

Figure9: The login Validation

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6-Question answering subsystem (dashboard):
After successfully logging in, the student is presented with a list of employees they can click
on. Employment clicks each of the employees to take out the survey form a question for
students to provide an answer to. This is it shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Questionnaire Answering- dashboard showing staff list

7- Question answer subsystem (question form):

In this list, a list of questions is presented to the students. The questions presented allow the students to
tell them more about the activities of each of the employees they have he has previously attended or
attended with the system. Employment the student successfully answers the questions presented he
can then send his questionnaire to storage as displayed in Figure 11 below:

Figure 11: Question modal

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In this paper, we introduced a fingerprint attendance management system. The developed
system is an embedded system that is part of the fingerprint recognition/authentication
system based on detail points. The system extracts the fingerprint's local attribute which is
the detail points in the template. Templates are matched during the registration and
verification process.
To improve quality control during the registration or verification process, a matching score
was used to determine the success of the process. The match score is defined so that only
data sets of detail that exceed the score will be accepted, and data less than the score will be
rejected. Therefore, fingerprint identification using the Minutiae Score Matching method
was used to match detail points before attendance was recorded. The developed system is
very helpful in saving valuable time for students, lecturers, paper and preparing reports in
the required time.
The system can time and stop students and staff in a very convenient way using their
fingerprints to prevent impersonation and reduce the level of absenteeism. It also reduces
most administrative functions and reduces human error, avoids proxy punching, eliminates
time controversies, and helps to update and maintain attendance record.

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1- Dr Kathryn Leask Medico-legal adviser BSc (Hons) MBChB (Hons) LLB MA MRCPCH
FFFLM MRCPathME DMedEth, 2021.
2-©2017 ShineACS Technology Limited, fingerprint access control & time attendance
system3- Anuj Sharma ON MAR, ©2021-22, All Rights Reserved by INCUBSENCE, a
brand of Ulwazi Solutions Private Limited.
3- FaceKey Corporation, Oct 9, 2017
4- 1-sangeetha.J,Sivaranjani.S, Shalini.J Student,Department of CSE, Panimalar Institute
of Technology Chennai, Tamil nadu, India , 2015.
5- Taiwo Gabriel OMOMULE1 , Dr. Alaba Olu AKINGBESOTE2 , Odunayo Olayinka BAYODE3 and Gabriel
Omojokun AJU4, (February 2019).

6- D. E. Mshelia, A. H. Alkali, S. Isuwa, D. E. Dibal, C. Onogwu Computer Engineering Department,

University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. Corresponding Author: D. E. Mshelia, (Jul.-Aug. 2017)

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