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Diversity Benefits Self-assessment

Managing and leveraging diversity can benefit your organization in many ways. For each of the
statements listed below, rate how effectively your organization is currently benefiting.

Organizational Benefits
Degree of agreement (1 = none, 5 = a great deal)

1 2 3 4 5
We are more adaptable when solving problems and dealing with
changes because our employees have diverse talents, cultures, and
We have a broader range of services because our workforce
understands the cultures and languages of a variety of customers and
We have a large pool of ideas and viewpoints from which to draw on for
strategic planning, innovation, problem solving, and decision making.
We execute more effectively because we empower all of our employees
to carry out their responsibilities in flexible and creative ways.
We stay on top of trends and keep up with our customer and competitor
needs, which makes us better equipped to rapidly adapt to change.
We experience more team effectiveness because our teams are
comprised of diverse people.

Improvement Areas
List two or three areas where your organization could benefit from diversity more effectively.

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