Meda Communication Strategy Draft

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The marketing and communication plan of the MEDA is an important component
of the Agency¶s structure and overall planning strategy and is vital for promoting
the Agency and its activities to all associated persons, institutions, the private
sector and the public in general.
The importance of the marketing and communication plan importance is
increasing relevant, as the Metsweding District, and in particular the Mandate
Area (Kungwini Local Municipality and Nokeng Tsa Taemane Local
Municipality), has seen serious job losses and unemployment over the last number
of years. The marketing and communication plan is crucial in the branding of the
Mandate Area to be the destination for investment and economic development.

This document is a reflection of a c   to market the MEDA as the
development arm of the Metsweding District Municipality (  ). What is also
important is for us as different spheres of government to communicate with one
voice and avoid sending conflicting messages to the public. According to chapter
three of the constitution section 41 (1) (h) ³All spheres of government and all
organs of state within each sphere must co-operate with one another in mutual
trust and good faith by -
Úc fostering friendly relations;
Úc assisting and supporting one another
Úc informing one another of, and consulting one another on matters of common
Úc 6o-ordinating their actions and legislation with one another.´

Ñ c c

The Metsweding Economic Development Agency is a competent and dynamic
Agency that will promote, facilitate and implement the economic development
priorities of the Metsweding District Municipality and the two Local
Municipalities. Metsweding is a tourist destination where excellence, good
governance, sustainable growth and service delivery prevails.

 c c

To mobilise and utilise resources in social and economic development and in
partnership with its stakeholders for the realisation of its vision, and to enhance
the quality of life of all the people in the District through:
Effective and efficient systems, procedures and processes that would provide
platforms for the implementation of its IDP.

Although the Metsweding municipal area forms part of Gauteng it is regarded as
having mainly a rural character. Poverty is more severe among local communities
when compared to the rest of the province. From the recently completed IDP
document it is well understood that much of the development potential in this area
remains untapped, largely due to specific constraints hampering its development. A
number of studies and investigations conducted in the Metsweding District
Municipality (MDM) have concluded that there are vast development and
investment opportunities. However, special interventions need to be introduced to
exploit these opportunities.
It is from this need that Metsweding Economic Development Agency (MEDA) was
conceptualised and tasked with the implementation of economic development
projects. MEDA will thus assume the role of development facilitator which will
provide the operational support as well as the initiation and implementation of
development projects for which feasibility has been proven.
During 2003 a development grant of R8.7m was made available by the DPLG for
the establishment of an Entrepreneurial Development 6entre in Metsweding (i.e. the
MED6). MED6 was registered as a Section 21 6ompany during 2005 and
implemented its mandate successfully. The need to expand the scope, mandate and
legal form of MED6 to a comprehensive Development Agency was the result of the
following factors:

1.c Various forums, workshops, Summits and discussions within the District
indicated the need for accelerated development implementation capacity to
reduce current poverty levels.
2.c To facilitate a holistic approach to economic development rather than being
restricted to only entrepreneurial support and development.
3.c Increasing global competitiveness in Gauteng as a result of the area
becoming part of the ³D  c

4.c Limited LED implementation capacity by local government. During the last
10 years neither Metsweding District Municipality nor the two Local
Municipalities were able to stop the growth of unemployment within
5.c To accelerate project implementation and ensure sustainable development
facilitation. Municipal entities were evaluated and found to be a possible

At this stage it is foreseen that MEDA will be owned by the Metsweding District
Municipality (MDM), Kungwini Local Municipality (KLM) and the Nokeng Tsa
Taemane Local Municipality (NLM) as well as GDED/GEDA. MEDA will be
staffed by a core of appropriately skilled individuals. The structure is designed to
facilitate and implement large development projects while at the same time
accommodating Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise (SMME) development.

×Ñ !cc
o To reinforce and increase accountability through the communication process.
o Obtain public buy- in through information sharing and educating processes.
o Provide accessible, cost effective service delivery and to communicate this message to
our stakeholders.
o Establish communication platforms where the community needs are communicated to
the Municipality and vice versa.
o Establish call service centres to disseminate information and assist the public with
queries and complaints.
o Adopt an integrated approach, involving all stakeholders to bridge the communication
o Empower local communities by keeping them informed about local government issues
and how they can participate in these processes.
o 6ommunicate all municipal processes, priorities and outcomes to stakeholders.
o 6reate awareness of the role that MEDA plays amongst its stakeholders.
o Improve and encourage good media relations.
o Promote and encourage intergovernmental relations.
o Align communications strategy to national government requirements of 6lusters, such
as the IDP 6lusters.
o Establish a comprehensive diary of events for the municipality.
o Promote interactive governance and direct communication programmes with
communities within MDM. Encourage all stakeholders to participate effectively in
MEDA programmes, projects and activities.
o Raise awareness of the achievements of MD Municipality and the programmes and
services delivered.
o Promote and market the investment potential of MEDA.
o Promote the corporate brand identity and image of MEDA.

c ×  c cc c c
c The marketing and communication plan of the MEDA is an important component
of the Agency¶s structure and overall planning strategy and is vital for promoting
the Agency and its activities to all associated persons, institutions, the private
sector and the public in general.

The importance of the marketing and communication plan importance is

increasing relevant, as the Metsweding District, and in particular the Mandate
Area (Kungwini Local Municipality and Nokeng Tsa Taemane Local
Municipality), has seen serious job losses and unemployment over the last number
of years. The marketing and communication plan is crucial in the branding of the
Mandate Area to be the destination for investment and economic development.

This document is a reflection of a c   to market the MEDA as the
development arm of the Metsweding District Municipality (  ).
c c c c
c !  c"c
A situation analysis of the present status of the economy of Metsweding and the
possible role of the MEDA in reversing the negative urban and rural development
trends in the area is underway. The promotion of the Mandate Area as a
destination for property investment in retail, residential, office development and
tourism/leisure, as well as Agricultural Development (Incubation, Agro
Processing etc.) and Manufacturing has to be undertaken shortly. Linkages to the
Maputo Development 6orridor could lead to new investments, especially foreign
investments, in the Industrial Sector. (Ekandustria) The marketing and
communication plan is an integral part of the Business Plan of the MEDA and
effectively of the Integrated Development Plan (×) of the MDM.

As indicated in previous documentation, the Metsweding District has not seen

positive development over the past fifteen years. The Strategic Spatial
Implementation Framework (SSIF) was developed to do a situation analysis in
respect of the present gaps in the market for development and projected future
gaps. These gaps were basically identified in the areas of retail, residential, office
and tourism/manufacturing and agriculture. Extensive market research in respect
of the present situation regarding market demand and future demand projections
forms the backbone of this conclusion.

The SSIF and the projects identified for municipal infrastructure and private
sector funding is therefore a result of a situation analysis and the outcome of the
SSIF. It is therefore the SSIF that will be marketed to the public and private
sector. The bottom line of the SSIF is to increase the levels of property
investment in retail, residential, office as well as job creation projects /
programmes in tourism, manufacturing and agriculture.

c cc c
c In the Marketing and 6ommunication Plan of the MEDA, a number of
Institutions/entities have been identified as the target audience of the MEDA.
These target audiences are:

Úc The MDM
Úc Kungwini Local Municipality
Úc Nokeng Tsa Taemane Local Municipality
Úc The Gauteng Provincial Government
Úc National Government
Úc Private Sector, particular property developers (domestic and international)
Úc The general public
c c c
c The message that is the cornerstone of the Marketing and 6ommunication Plan of
the MEDA, is to increase the levels of property investment in retail, residential,
office as well as job creation projects / programmes in tourism/manufacturing and
agricultural development.

The idea is to deliver a specific, short, and powerful message to specific

individuals and groups that will reinforce the projection of the message. By
building public awareness of the MEDA¶s broad objectives, the MEDA prepares
the target market for subsequent follow up activities and market efforts. The
cornerstone of the Marketing and 6ommunication Plan is the unique selling
points of the SSIF and the specific projects that should be funded by the
Municipality, Provincial and National Government and those that show market
potential to be invested in by the private sector.

c !#c c
The role and function of the MEDA

The MEDA is essentially the economic development arm of the Municipality,

with a specific focus on investment and job creation. Many of the activities and
programmes of the MEDA are aimed at increasing the levels of investment and
decreasing the levels of poverty and unemployment with job creation projects /

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The objective of the SSIF was to identify market opportunities in respect of
residential, retail, office and tourism/leisure/entertainment development. The
basis for this identification process was extensive market research in these areas.

c  c
c Branding is of vital importance to the MEDA and its existence. Branding is the
process through which the MEDA wants to create awareness of its existence and
development opportunities offered in the market place. The first effort in this
respect was the distribution of a regular newsletter, the property investor¶s
conference, exhibitions at shopping centres, etc.

c  cc$cc c c
Úc Newslettersc
Úc Media Releasesc
Úc Presentationsc
Úc Property Investors 6onferencec
Úc Shopping 6entre Exhibitionsc
Úc Sign Postsc
Úc Promotional event opportunitiesc
Úc Special gifts, stickers, shopping bagsc
Úc Brochuresc
Úc Websitec
Úc Personal Meetingsc
Úc Media Tripsc
Úc 6lose liaison with local, national and international pressc
Úc E-mailc
Úc TV and Radioc
Úc Marketing c

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c '!c
Staff 1. Intranet
2. Internet newsletter
3. Workplace newsletter
4. Administrator
5. Structured induction programme
6. Notice boards
7. Workshops
8. Loo messages
MDM 6ommunity 1. A 6ouncil newspaper (published fortnightly) is the primary
source of 6ouncil news, communiqués from the Mayor and
Municipal Manager, 6ouncil vacancies, tenders and notices.
2. A monthly magazine promoting the District, activities and
people of Metsweding.
3. 6ouncil website
4. Municipal road shows, Imbizos and regular briefings
5. Annual Report, IDP Review and Five-Year Report
6. Use of local commercial and community media both print and
7. An in-house communication tool at all customer care entry
Media 1.c Press release
2.c Media briefings
3. Media tours
Local organisations 1.6ouncil newspaper
and 2.Website
other spheres of 3.Stakeholder Forums
government 4.Government communications forum
External 1.Advertising programme as part of the investment marketing and
stakeholders with tourism marketing strategies
regards to tourism 2. Website
and economic 3.A set of regular communications tools such as brochures,

c  cc
c The action plan for the implementation of the Marketing and 6ommunication
Plan of the MEDA will be according to the item, purpose and timeframes, persons
responsible and audiences targeted.

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Newslettersc General Quarterly 6EO Government,

c information private sector,
regarding civil society
activities and
projects to c
Annual report Selected Annually 6EO Key stakeholders
Media Releasesc Local and Ad hoc Marketing and General public
c national press communication
liaison company on retainer
Presentationsc To advertise Ad hoc 6EO and other All of the above
c the role and managers
functions of
the MEDA as
far as possible
Property Selected local Every two Full staff Selected local
Investors and national years and domestic
6onferencec property property
c developers developers
Shopping To distribute Ad hoc 6EO and managers General public
6entre the MEDA
Exhibitionsc message to
c the general
Promotional To distribute Ad hoc Full staff General public
event the MEDA
opportunitiesc message to
c the general
Special Special guests Ad hoc All staff Interested parties
gifts/6D¶sc and interested
c parties
Brochuresc Special guests Ad hoc All staff Interested parties
c and interested
Websitec To distribute 6ontinuous All staff General public
c the message
of the MEDA
Personal To personally 6ontinuous All staff General public
Meetingsc market the
c role of
functions of
the MEDA
Media Tripsc To inform the Mostly during 6EO Focused
c media first prominent marketing on the
hand of the functions, such media (local and
role and as the MEDA national)
functions of Property
the MEDA Investors
6lose liaison To inform the Ongoing 6EO Focused
with local, media first marketing on the
national and hand of the media (local and
international role and national)
pressc functions of
c the MEDA
E-mailc To inform the Ad hoc (most All staff All stakeholders
c general public newsletters) and the public
of the
functions of
the MEDA
TV and Radioc To inform the Ongoing 6EO Focused
c media first marketing on the
hand of the media (local and
role and national)
functions of
the MEDA
c  c( c.(/c
c The MEDA appointed a marketing and communications company with a strong
public relations element, on retainer to implement its marketing and
communication strategy. This entails strong liaison with the local, national and
international press. The MEDA believes in an ongoing, personal relationship
with the media.

All PR activities are well prepared through personal meetings and media releases.

c c c
c A strong marketing budget enabling a consistent flow of resources is crucial for
the MEDA to develop a market segment for community development.

' !c * c  c

Newslettersc R10 000
Annual report R60 000
Media Releasesc R5 000
Presentationsc R5 000
Property Investors 6onferencec R200 000
Shopping 6entre Exhibitionsc R50 000
Sign Postsc R100 000
Promotional event opportunitiesc R20 000
Special gifts, 6D¶sc R30 000
Brochuresc R20 000
Websitec R10 000
Personal Meetingsc R8 000
Media Tripsc R40 000
6lose liaison with local, national and R10 000
international pressc
E-mailc R5 000
TV and Radio R10 000
'c (012cc

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'c 6ommunication should be needs driven
'c 6onsistency ± in themes, messages, tone and style ± to ensure an instantly
recognisable look and feel to all communications from the 6ouncil to all
'c To communicate with integrity and honesty
'c 6ommunications to be timely and accurate
'c To use µplain English¶ and not jargon
'c Embrace a genuine desire for people to feel good about dealing with the 6ouncil
'c Staff and Members should be told about 6ouncil initiatives first or simultaneously
with outside audience
$  c
c It is important for the MEDA to continuously monitor and evaluate its marketing
and communication strategy to ensure that adjustments are made according to
what the market requires. If the strategy is sound and measurable, it will be
reflected in the nature of press coverage and feedback received from the public.
Annual adjustments will be made in this respect.

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