SLA For DICTIONOct. 25 292021 WEEK 2

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General Wood Street, Mahayahay Iligan City

Senior High School Department A. FORMAL DICTION
This diction entails the use of formal language which is used
SELF- LEARNING ACTIVITY to address formal situations. In this type of diction, sophisticated
CREATIVE WRITING language is used and it also follows grammatical rules. People
Quarter 1 Module 1 use this diction to write articles, address audiences, make formal
LESSON 2 presentations, or even address a press conference. Additionally,
MELC 1: Use imagery, DICTION, figures of you can also find formal diction in legal papers, business
speech, and specific experiences HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Iab- documents, and professional texts. Generally, formal diction is
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, you will be typically used in formal settings.
able to:
Other characteristics of formal diction are:
1. define what diction is. ➢It involves choosing words that are polite and proper.
2. differentiate formal diction from informal diction.
➢Often filled with descriptive words that are quite precise and
3. choose the correct word to complete the sentence/line
in the text. sentences may be longer.
In the first lesson, you have learned one of the Formal: The man spoke to his father in a low voice so others
important literary devices you can use to come up with a creative could not hear. Informal: That guy told his dad secrets in a low
writing composition and that is IMAGERY. However, your voice.
knowledge of it may be useless if you don’t have enough Going to the extremes of formal diction, jargon is a
vocabulary words that will correctly expressed the exact picture highly technical language or specialized terms that only people in
you want to imprint in your reader’s mind. In choosing the a certain group understands.
accurate words to express your thoughts and ideas you need the Example: The candidate must be adept at both the
knowledge of DICTION. What is then a Diction? latest communications technology and heritage voice systems to
keep all stakeholders informed of developing trends in the
Before we will define the term, let us first watch this workplace.
video and find out how formal and informal diction differ from
each other. B. INFORMAL DICTION Informal diction refers to the use of informal,
casual, and conversational words while speaking or writing.
What did you notice on the video specially on the words Unlike formal diction, it is more relaxed, and it is what people use
they used to communicate with each other? Did you spot in real life to interact with their colleagues and friends. In writing,
differences? What are those? you can use informal diction to write personal letters and emails
Direction: Plot your observation on the video watched using the to friends and relatives. Some writers also use informal diction
table below. when writing poems, short stories, and novels.
In addition, informal diction uses shorter words and
Video A B sentences may be shorter.
Going to the extremes of informal diction, colloquialism is a
language which is highly informal and may include regional
Relationship of the expressions and spelling that reflect dialect and non-standard
person talking with pronunciation.
Example: I am gonna become the best player in the world.
Setting (Where is
(‘gonna’ is a colloquial word that means I am going to)
the conversation
happens) Direction: Read the different types of diction and understand how
the choice of words affects the meaning of the sentence.
Formal Diction Informal Diction
Hello, young man. It is a true
Hey, kid. Nice to meet ya.
Diction refers to the speaking or writing style or the pleasure to make your acquaintance.
What's up?
choice of words that a speaker or writer uses. The choice of How are you feeling today?
words has a significant effect on the quality of a speech or The man spoke to his father in a low That guy told his dad
writing. Well-chosen words help a writer or a speaker to pass a voice so others could not hear. secrets on the down-low.
message clearly and easily. On the other hand, poor word choice
can cause message misinterpretation by the readers or listeners. Would you care to explain the
Why'd you leave the party
reasoning behind your decision to
so soon?
All forms of communication, whether written or oral, are leave the gathering early?
made up of words. They are considered the basic kernel of
transmitting ideas and information. Knowing how to properly use
In the first example, the speaker uses longer words such as
the right words in any form of creative writing is an advantage. "pleasure" and "acquaintance" as well as longer sentences. By
The words you employ in your writing ultimately reveal your tone contrast, the informal speaker uses monosyllabic words like "kid",
and attitude in your work. slang like "ya" and very short sentences. Though both examples
convey the same information, they do so with different levels of
Qualities of Good Diction formality.
The words a writer or speaker chooses must be Colloquial Diction: She was hotter than a hen on a July Sunday.
Explanation: This sentence is highly informal, and it assumes that
accurate and right. This is vital since it helps to prevent message
the reader understands that the hen is hot not just because it's
misinterpretation. Secondly, the words must go in line with the summer, but because she's likely to end up in the soup pot for
context within which the writer or speaker uses them. Thirdly, the Sunday dinner as part of rural tradition. In some ways,
words should be easy to understand to help the reader/listener colloquialisms such as this one can be just as exclusive as jargon,
understand the message being conveyed clearly. Using complex appealing only to groups who are in the know about local traditions
words might put off your listeners and readers. and expressions.
Dalumangcad, Jona S. Creative Writing (fiction) Module & lighthouse, a three-legged thing
SLA SY 2021-2022 Condensed Self- Made Learning Module. erects on a mud-flat, shone strongly.
Unpublished Materials. Lights of ships moved in the fairway-
a great stir of lights going up and
going down. And farther west on the
upper reaches the place of the
monstrous town was still marked
ominously on the sky, a brooding
gloom in sunshine, a lurid glare
ACTIVITY SHEET under the stars." - Heart of
CREATIVE WRITING Darkness, Joseph Conrad
Quarter 1 Module 1
LESSON 2 "Anyway, I keep picturing all these
Name: _____________________________________________ little kids playing some game in this
Grade & Section: ____________________________________ big field of rye and all. Thousands of
Contact#: __________________________________________ little kids, and nobody's around-
nobody big, I mean-except me. And
Address: ___________________________________________
I'm standing on the edge of some
Date received: _______________________________________ crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have
Date submitted: _____________________________________ to catch everybody if they start to go
over the cliff-I mean if they're
MELC 1: Use imagery, DICTION, figures of running and they don't look where
speech, and specific experiences HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Iab- they're going I have to come out
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, you will be from somewhere and catch them.
able to: That's all I do all day. I'd just be The
1. define what diction is. Catcher in the Rye and all. I know
2. differentiate formal diction from informal diction. it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd
really like to be." - The Catcher in
3. write a script in both formal and informal diction.
the Rye, J. D. Salinger
Activity 1: DEFINE ME!
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly and concisely. "Sometimes God gits familiar wid us
womenfolks too and talks His inside
1. If the lesson Diction can be compared to a certain thing business. He told me how surprised
what it is and why? (5 pts.) He was 'bout y'all truning out so
2. How important the skills of choosing the right words to smart after Him makin' yuh different;
express thoughts and feelings in your day to day and how surprised y'all is goin' tuh
conversation. (5pts) be if you ever find out you don't
know half as much 'bout us as you
Activity 2. IDENTIFY ME! think you do. It's so easy to make
Directions: Identify to which diction in literature do the following yo'self out God Almighty when you
literary passages belong by putting a tick/check mark under ain't got nothin' tuh strain against but
columns B or C. Numbers 1 & 2 are done for you. women and chickens." - Their Eyes
Were Watching God, Zora Neale
Formal Informal Hurston
Literary Passages Diction in Diction in
Literature Literature
Activity 2: WRITE ME IN!
"But I reckon I got to light out for the Direction: Write a script in the following scenario.
territory ahead of the rest, because Scenario 1:
Aunt Sally she's going to adopt me
Event: Press Conference
and sivilize me, and I can't stand it. I ✓
been there before." - The Setting: City Hall
Adventures of Huckleberry Person: President Duterte
Finn, Mark Twain Scenario: Act as a reporter and ask questions address to the
Presidents regarding how effective vaccine is.
"It is a truth universally
acknowledged, that a single man in Scenario 2:
possession of a good fortune must Event: Birthday Celebration
be in want of a wife. However little
known the feelings or views of such
Setting: Go Hotel at Robinson’s Place
a man may be on his first entering a Person: Close Relatives
✓ Scenario: Asking if they go for vaccination or not.
neighborhood, this truth is so well
fixed in the minds of the surrounding
families, that he is considered as the Watch this video for better understanding of the lesson.
rightful property of someone or other
of their daughters." - Pride and
Prejudice, Jane Austen
"What a piece of work is a man! How
noble in reason, how infinite in
faculty! In form and moving how
express and admirable! In action
how like an Angel! In apprehension Prepared by: JACKYLYN M. MANEJA
how like a god! The beauty of the Contact #:0905-715-8661
world! The paragon of animals! And Schedules:
yet to me, what is this quintessence MONDAY/TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY: Webi /Digi Class
of dust? Man delights not me; no, (Work from Home)
nor Woman neither; though by your
TUESDAY: Modular Class
smiling you seem to say so."
- Hamlet, William Shakespeare Distribution/Retrieval/Checking of Module
THURSDAY: Follow-up calls. (School)
"The sun set; the dusk fell on the
stream, and lights began to appear
along the shore. The Chapman

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