(RO) Indicators and Instruments of Evaluation

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Indicators and Instruments to be used for the measurement of the impact in the children

IMPORTANT: The children should be questioned individually and that can be done in the first and second sessions if there’s no time in the
first one. In the last session with the group, the children should be questioned again the exact same questions. Please don’t tell them that
they are going to answer the questions again, only in the last day of work.
If you have a lot of really young children in the group (eg. 6/7 years old), you can adjust the answers to smiles. Please have in mind the
translation you make to your native language, since it should be easier for the children to fully understand the questions.

Auto-Esteem (based on the Rosenberg’s method)

It describes all the time. It describes me It doesn’t describe me It doesn’t describe me at
sometimes. most of the times. all.

I’m happy with myself.

I think that I have a lot of


I can do things as good as

the others.

I think I am a good

If I could, I would change

a lot in me.

I think that I don’t have

much to be proud of.
Sometimes I feel useless.

Social Skills (based on a scientific article from the Portuguese Society of Health Psychology, the “For me, it’s easy):
It describes all the It describes me It doesn’t describe It doesn’t describe
time. sometimes. me most of the times. me at all.

For me it’s easy to...

BC ...share things.


... compliment other people.

...help the others.

... to control myself.

... to be calm when someone
disagrees with me.

...to know when I’m about to cry.

...to be calm when I’m excited

with something.

IR ...to talk with somebody I don’t


...understand the other’s feelings

....to listen to others.

Say no to others when I don’t want
to do something.

BC: Basic Competences; ER: Emotional Regulation; IR: Interpersonal Relations

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