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Study on spin-splitting phenomena in the band structure of GdN

R. Vidyasagar, S. Kitayama, H. Yoshitomi, T. Kita, T. Sakurai et al.

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232410 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4727903

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100, 232410 (2012)

Study on spin-splitting phenomena in the band structure of GdN

R. Vidyasagar,1,a) S. Kitayama,1 H. Yoshitomi,1 T. Kita,1 T. Sakurai,2 and H. Ohta3
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University,
1-1 Rokkodai, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
Centre for Support to Research and Education Activities, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Kobe 657-8501,
Molecular Photoscience Research Center and Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai,
Kobe 657-8501, Japan

(Received 18 April 2012; accepted 21 May 2012; published online 8 June 2012)
An exceptional kind of spin splitting in the band structure of AlN/GdN/AlN double heterostructures
has been studied by employing temperature-dependent spectroscopy. This spin splitting can be
attributed to both the band-gap shrink and the difference between minority and majority band
energies in GdN below the Curie point; these results have been established by evaluating the optical
band gaps at the X-point. The temperature-dependent magnetization measurements that provide
direct evidence of the magnetic ordering below 32 K and it is described by long-range spin
C 2012 American Institute of Physics. []
correlation in GdN. V

Optical and magnetic interactions present in ferromag- and majority spin band energies using temperature-
netic semiconductors are dealt with the quantum behaviour dependent optical spectroscopy. Magnetization measure-
of spins and itinerant carriers, which have recently emerged ments have also been performed to evaluate the Curie point
as outstanding platform to develop spintronic devices and for the GdN thin film. We have used reactive rf sputtering
for quantum computation originating from solid-state performed under molecular beam epitaxial quality at a base
physics.1–4 For instance, theoretical and experimental studies pressure of 2.5  106 Pa to obtain stoichiometric AlN/GdN/
have shown that partially filled 4f orbitals in rare-earth AlN heterostructures.
nitride compounds possess magnetic and electronic proper- Double heterostructures of AlN/GdN/AlN were epitax-
ties simultaneously. GdN is known as one of the promising ially grown on a c-sapphire (0001) substrate using reactive rf
intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductors in which Gd has both magnetron sputtering. The c-sapphire substrate (10  10
partially filled 4f and 5d orbitals.5 The quantum spin effects mm2) was cleaned with acetone, methanol, and deionised
could be accessed via the partially filled 4f and 5d orbital (DI) water in an ultrasonic bath to remove residual organic
electron properties of the GdN semiconductor. Notably, ear- contamination on the surface. The substrate is subsequently
lier reports on GdN have stated controversial views on its etched with HF to remove native surface oxides. Then, the
electronic and magnetic properties and commented on the substrate was again cleaned with DI water. After the chemi-
formidable challenges that remain with respect to the physi- cal cleaning process, the substrate was mounted onto a sam-
cal characteristics and oxophilicity.6–9 In contrast, our earlier ple holder, and then transferred into the growth chamber.
reports described the AlN/GdN/AlN double heterostructures The growth chamber is evacuated to a base pressure of
grown by reactive radio-frequency (rf) sputtering under 2.5  106 Pa using a turbo molecular pump; the substrate
ultra-pure conditions. These reports show that the GdN has a was outgassed at 500  C for 2 h. We used a 6N mixed gas of
preferential orientation (111) for the rock-salt structure upon Ar and N2 for the reactive growth, and the total sputtering
the c-axis-oriented AlN with the wurtzite structure, which is pressure was 5 Pa. Initially, a thin (100 nm) AlN-buffer
established by high-resolution x-ray diffraction and its pole layer has grown on the c-sapphire substrate at 500  C to
diagrams. The magnetization measurements indicated that a make the surface smooth. The growth of the 68 nm thin GdN
Curie temperature (Tc) of 30 K was achieved with an oxygen layer commenced on the AlN buffer layer with a growth rate
content of less than 1020 cm3.10 In addition, an understand- of 22 nm/min. The GdN layer was capped with AlN
ing of the physical properties of these materials requires ex- (100 nm). The oxophilicity is curtailed by both the AlN
ploration of their low-temperature properties. Because these capping layer and the ultra-pure depositing conditions. Inter-
materials typically exhibits near metallic to insulating phase estingly, secondary ion mass spectroscopic (SIMS) analysis
transitions and non-magnetic to magnetic phase transitions, on the epitaxial structure of the AlN/GdN/AlN heterostruc-
the physics of the quantum phase transitions play an impor- tures confirmed that the oxygen content is less than
tant role in determining their low-temperature properties. To 1.0  1019 cm3 (not shown here). The heterostructures have
understand the exact band structure and ferromagnetic prop- further been characterized by a home-built temperature-de-
erty, temperature-dependent optical and magnetic measure- pendent spectrophotometer using a monochromator (Ocean
ments on a highly stoichiometric cubic structure of GdN are Optics USB-2000þ) to understand the spin splitting in the
required. In this Letter, we map the variations in the minority band structure GdN. The magnetization measurements have
been performed by a magnetometer using a superconducting
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: quantum interference device (Quantum design MPMS-XL) to confirm the ferromagnetic ordering in GdN.

0003-6951/2012/100(23)/232410/4/$30.00 100, 232410-1 C 2012 American Institute of Physics

232410-2 Vidyasagar et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232410 (2012)

FIG. 1. (a) Temperature dependent opti-

cal absorbance spectra for AlN/GdN/
AlN heterostructure. (b) Tauc plots for
AlN/GdN/AlN heterostructure. The inset
is the magnification part of the optical
band gaps for the minority and majority
energies were presented. The spin split-
ting has been clearly visualized below
30 K.

Figure 1(a) shows the typical optical absorbance spectra decreased from 300 to 35 K. Such a trend is referred to as
in the range of 650–930 nm of a 68 nm GdN thin layer meas- semiconducting nature. Furthermore, the optical direct band
ured at different temperatures. The inhomogeneous back- gap (red shift) drastically reduced as the temperature
ground of the optical absorbance spectra is negligible decreased from 35 to 3 K. The typical red shift in the optical
because the background is cancelled by subtracting the trans- gaps of the GdN film is presumed to be due to ferromagnetic
mitted signal passing through a reference sapphire substrate. ordering by the exchange interaction between the nearest
From Figure 1(a), it is obvious that the broad absorbance neighbouring (J1) and next neighbouring (J2) magnetic states
spectral values reduce as the temperatures reduce from 300 in the cubic GdN lattice. Earlier theoretical reports based on
to 100 K and that the values slightly increase as the tempera- the mean field theory showed an anti-ferromagnetic ordering
ture reduce from 30 to 5 K. A surprising change has been between the N p and Gd d magnetic moments leading to an
identified in the trend of the absorbance spectra region of interaction between the nearest neighbouring Gd atoms that
710–810 nm, which is attributed to the fact that two optically were ordered ferromagnetically through a d-f exchange cou-
induced direct transitions originated from the low- pling.12,13 In this case, the investigators merely obtained a Tc
temperature spectra in the range of 30–5 K. This remarkable value of 10 K, which is comparatively lower than the experi-
change in the optical absorbance spectra is considered im- mental value of 70 K. More recently, Sharma et al. reported
portant and makes it possible to evaluate the two optical that the multi-band modified RKKY theory associated with a
direct (i.e., minority and majority spin) band gaps for the realistic band structure of 5d conduction bands as an input
GdN thin film at the X-point below 30 K using Tauc plots, for the single-particle energies and the d-f exchange coupling
which are shown in Figure 1(b). From these plots, the respec- depended on the carrier concentration and the Curie tempera-
tive optical band gaps are obtained by extrapolating the lin- ture.14 These results differ considerably to the present exper-
ear portion of the curve onto (ah)2 ¼ 0.11 The changes in imental findings. Hence, the expected possibilities regarding
the direct band gaps are presented in the inset of Figure 1(b). the difference in Tc value has been addressed in the later
A plot of the temperature-dependent (300–3 K) optical section.
direct band gaps for the AlN/GdN/AlN double heterostruc- Apart from the red shift, these heterostructures exhibited
ture is presented in Figure 2. Magneto-optical effects have both the minority and majority spin band splitting in the
been clearly observed in the AlN/GdN/AlN double hetero- band structure at the X-point of the GdN epitaxial thin film
structure below 30 K. From the plot, it is obvious that the in the temperature range of 35–3 K. In the minority spin
direct band gap increased (blue shift) as the temperature band, the reduction in the direct band gap from 35 K to 3 K
is substantial (85 meV), and the majority spin band energy is
greatly reduced (176 meV). According to the earlier reports
based on LSDA þ U calculations, the splitting energy differ-
ence could be attributed to the difference between minority
and majority spin band energies.15 Prior to that, both major-
ity and minority spin band gaps have a considerably larger
value than the half-metallic band gap of 0.6 eV; thus, the
half-metallic nature in the GdN has completely been aban-
doned. The shrink in the optical band gap (red shift) pertain-
ing to the spin disorder scattering by thermodynamic
fluctuations of the magnetic spins is anomalously reduced,
when the magnetic moments are parallel aligned. The spin
splitting energy difference gradually decreases (blue shift)
from 35 to 55 K and finally vanishes. This slight difference
pertaining to randomly oriented spins (marginal increase in
magnetic moments) leads to the paramagnetic behaviour.
FIG. 2. Optical direct band gaps of the 68 nm thin GdN film in the range of
3 K to 300 K. Optical band gaps of the minority and majority spin band ener-
The splitting energy difference (DE) and the magnetization
gies are indicated in blue and green colors. Without applying magnetic field, (M) as function of temperature are shown in inset of Figure 2.
an exceptional spin splitting below its Curie point have been prevailed. From the inset of Figure 2, it is obvious that both the spin
232410-3 Vidyasagar et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232410 (2012)

splitting band difference and magnetization data have less than that of the magnetic moment interactions. When
showed similar trends, which confirm that at a finite magnet- the temperature approaches zero, the saturation magnetic
ization the conduction band and valance bands of GdN have moment per Gd atom is estimated to be 6.8 6 0.2 lB/Gd3þ at
splits due to spin ordering. The combination of both red B ¼ 100 mT. This value is in good agreement with the
shifts in the optical band gap and spin-splitting energies in expected 7.0 lB/Gd3þ for a half-filled 4f shell. From these
GdN are important opto-magnetic features originating from data, it is difficult to find the exact Curie point for the GdN
GdN intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductor, and such phe- epitaxial thin film because the magnetic moment (M) values
nomenon has not been identified in the diluted magnetic simultaneously depend on the temperature (K) and the mag-
semiconductors until now. netic field intensity (B).
Figure 3(a) shows the temperature-dependent magnet- One of the standard experimental methods for determin-
ization (M-T) plots of AlN/GdN/AlN heterostructure for the ing the Curie temperature is the use of Arrott plots, in which
68 nm thin GdN and the external field along the plane of the square of the magnetization M in a field B is plotted as a
1–100 mT. From the temperature-dependent magnetization, function of B/M at different temperatures, as shown in
it can be seen that there are two phase transitions attributed Figure 3(b).17 The intercept (1/v) (v is susceptibility) on the
to the short and long-range orders in the temperature range B/M axis vanishes at 32 K, which indicates that Tc has been
of 62–3 K. When the temperature decreases from 62 to 32 K, projected as 32 K. This is in good agreement with the data
the development of short-range spin-spin correlations is from the hysteresis loops showing magnetic ordering till
identified, and these correlations become stable at lower tem- temperatures of up to 30 K. This value is low compared to
peratures. This behaviour certainly indicates the presence of those in earlier reports, which showed the highest Tc of GdN
a paramagnetic phase. The magnetization depends on the as 69, 68, 65, and 58 K.18–21 It has been reported earlier that
scattering of the charge carriers due to the interaction with the Tc value is extremely sensitive to the volume variations
localized moments (Multiband Kondo Lattice Model), which (lattice distortion) and to the biaxial compressive strains
we clearly observed in the region of 62–30 K (II-paramag- caused by uniaxial expansion in the growth direction of GdN
netic). This result supplements our previous findings that the thin layer.19,21 More recent reports demonstrated that the Tc
magnetic moment is gradually increased with temperature value increased monotonically at higher sputtering power
range of 32–60 K.16 The magnetization drastically increases and higher N2 partial pressure and confirmed the enhance-
in the temperature range of 32–5 K (I-Ferromagnetic). This ment in Tc is strongly contemplated to the variations in the
rapid increase in magnetization is attributed to the alignment Gd:N ratio in the sputtering plasma (stoichiometric
of spins (strength of quenched order is weak) by the long- effects).22–24 If the Gd:N ratio is non-stoichiometric, nitro-
range spin-spin correlations, and thus, phase transition gen vacancies have prevailed in GdN lattice; these nitrogen
occurs from the paramagnetic to the ferromagnetic state. Fer- vacancies lead to local distortion in the GdN lattice, and the
romagnetic materials that are cooled below a critical temper- unit cell surroundings are stretched effectively. This stretch-
ature, Tc, exhibit long-range ordering of their magnetic ing of the unit cell has caused the increase of the lattice pa-
moments, as the strength of the thermal fluctuations becomes rameter of GdN, which enables to reduce the Curie

FIG. 3. (a) Temperature dependent

magnetization measured at different
magnetic field intensities from 1 to
100 mT for 68 nm thin GdN. (b) The
Arrott plots (M2 versus B/M) are used to
obtain Tc for 68 nm thin GdN at different
temperatures, and the Tc is projected to
be 32 K. (c)–(d) The magnetic hysteresis
loop for 68 nm thin 68 nm film at 4.2 and
30 K when the external magnetic field is
in parallel with the sample surface. The
observation of hysteresis loop indicates
robust ferromagnetism at 4.2 K and soft
ferromagnetic at 30 K.
232410-4 Vidyasagar et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232410 (2012)

temperature significantly. Following these reports, the lower energy difference (DE) in minority and majority bands are
Tc value obtained in the present study could be ascribed to intensively related to carrier scattering and are minimized
the differences in the Gd:N ratio (stoichiometry), defects when the magnetic moments are parallel aligned. The origin
associated by nitrogen vacancies (volume variations), sput- of ferromagnetism is evidenced by the red shift in the band
tering power, and biaxial compressive strains in GdN layer. gap and spin splitting in the conduction and valance band
The best method for determining the ferromagnetic nature of and it is established by providing direct evidence of the mag-
a material is to experimentally measure the magnetization- netic ordering characterized by in-plane magnetic moments
magnetic field (M-H) hysteresis curves. Figure 3(c) presents using Arrott plots in the GdN-based heterostructures. The
the magnetic-hysteresis loop of the heterostructure measured saturation magnetic moment value is good agreement with
at 4.2 K; and the magnification part of the hysteresis loop previous data available on GdN. These measurements pro-
measured at 4.2 K and 30 K is shown in inset of Figure 3(c). vide a good agreement relative to the co-existent semicon-
The heterostructure exhibits typical magnetic-hysteresis ducting and ferromagnetic features and suggest that GdN is
loops, as well as remanent magnetization, thus indicating the efficient and sensitive enough for the development of low-
presence of an ordered magnetic structure at 4.2 K. For temperature spintronic devices.
instance, for the heterostructure with the 68 nm thin GdN,
the in-plane orientation was clearly an easier direction We express our appreciation for the partial support from
because the remanent magnetization and coercivity are found a Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research (Grant No.
to be 3.5 lB/Gd3þ and 47 Oe, respectively, at 4.2 K. The M- 19GS1209) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
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