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Tr,rstri Tf-trf9triT

cf. 36 lig 1983

40.449 8111 cç'qu fifti 3TRTR, 1982

7TRE #0-fim

imar qt

3rtur44 -1-1;r(STW

lirkThi TR, catch( 3417 1117n1


aranzI 2 —f4913itt TfirgR r 7T3W

-3. g14 ch trr

4. TIII3F gag 3itt iik144 ;It 5
5. c;iticif MIT 6efelf WIT
6. tict+.4 Wilzig atlz 38m-f-Rw fifit T NTT WM 7
7. ttr.if(micilth Wt-g "4' wfw

araiRt 3ffifuIr fl1i IT S NW 4444

altce ticricf 71r714it 4r2 8

10. 31TR toll t TraT-4, 12
Trizrzri trt Tit4 01.8.4
11. fa Tr Ciro 81-11 aift dtichl d46 12 \
12. .3*.ITZ Hosrf •%1' 7TVW 14
13. rtìiiffiPrin 14

14. . W4UU T211 -1k1 14

14-W. u6dffijfltM 15
14-131 qlc4,j fl f96€4141o141
14-1T. HuSci VC-a wr 15

3MCITZt —athrthifril aft flrift

15. chrefful a9 , ajq jWLT auziw 15
16. fituei fitift 16
17. ad-T*1N Mil 3T-44 t4 iO< AI frofT 17 1
. 18. itc*-r# 11w-A straWw 17
19. cos 34W1I cth( I71FW 17

20. *41 71 17
21. wizt 7 MAN 17

22. 3TRiat4 1171A qiich 18
23. Wig tRcbit "g71 f#71 18
24. tqTifvreff 'air& tTI 18
25. mosd Wfl 311
-Mil 18
tic 3Trk 01*
v747-ircE4**rzi wt-4 gra wewzil*f(-14
19 '

a 29. *-31-4 3ftiffi4P3, 1936 *1 TI. 4 W ilt.17
I 20
TrdcliT iiriiiii4.1 Thi CA cl rif

Th71 14 Itif 20
fatkM 3174 W-4-0:“1
iitar4 *fat, .7:err:kq aTa inri*tk*fffir 4-tcr.
airiMirdi*VzFil l4 374t1
fart •-84 VICW
33 W fa1Itp4 Giii0 *1 xiiici

-4 *I 711-- 23
4, dil <1. *f 7 *-1

1.TruP*S4 chCqiirif-414 fiziTi, 1984

2. Tf8Wivi

lizzgthr aififwzrrr
swim 36 Tri, 1983.

-rturvtsr sim 4K-0-or fir? 3f4%fq, 1982

( kikegq)
r „ arTildsrm
_t •313411(f illitWal triTi
E yucti 6 -741zti 198316i lith
18 76FF 1983 *1 ARIWTR.Wr118 '4 it.

timurar TrArgilActi'f*chccipsr*1 - .alftr-ilt*-r-4**41fintricbtip.;**-rfa-ff

. tor *-rk * feitr ww Petro' n-87 *74 3/4 fa4, *r
• titrievr wrk* a fit rill arTirrr- w ruu4i*1Wr •arrem

411'ff liuitrzcf* MO *1 if 71943t414*TR- c4VT1

Ts' 3ifirf-feo t:— -

aitzrm 1--3l1t51
1. am o:r, S Wilt —(1) atqM 1 ifkicr RTR
Fursr-Or&RWe4111frfr attAtyr, 1982).

V41 f4RITt -maul Titotolmr t.

ott *tutuwait m-199 tTuf-Attre4: 11w1 titebit,

I tu, fro *-23r17 t!Tf .1-11( (21rmii fo-liT9 *tit
fair flo-flo fi-trd *I

2. TIfT51111.-314 3151f{0114, *14 31-1Zil aiirkrd A—

" mu.scl" t3440 t 11R1 4* 31IN TIVe4i $314 ctiew
qusri ;

" affirm' afirtra• t EMI 9 * 3Titti * 891:111 Huai


(3). "*Thrft"t aftgrat Aftti Thz-h etititemtriii*15

aTt-TRE@ 71 aTFTF,IIanV,, fortichi *at*
wit 4)(4 * fot it* trttemen f-th-za t;

ft94(4cl, a1-rfn1
- 1 tut m arm t—

(*) *1' 13@smi 1-4,61tttAzi .sixii+1141,4 truta Csilr,ricf t ;


(13) A, tikkiwtfitra 1-14i vld FL •crw 6,4it tin)

Trfatit aftwzr- ttit tr at-i4i 714 tiev-r we4
tiref-d*chtiuT, aTlik lied *q,RuI, ker I, 1
tor S 4I (.9trct:"siltAt vtta * 5 ;

(4) "fitilth" t 'km *TN za

aRt * Blum t, trial Itzi atrt t /IT 14,41 alt;
Kb A at t .crw tr aft* 4,4tufitil f*Ift TEEM it
104 Acr t(71 t 301 di.1;1+ 3r-Ttn f-piRifig4 aiTa

(1Z) ThTft ailu.414 * It4t tt iY4fititchwgi-rr

aTr7r971:1, 1948 (1948*It. 63) 7M7 '13-77RT (1)*

(e) 9'17.T9 t4t1ii(M71d

t 3Ttil7 tielleff 11fflt Tti tei -41th TIT 31f9Thffi fq#
•3/41:1z*Tol arff4 ul*fff4pqH(ctiltPa 14)
Trin t, /IT Ad rth zrr trft*Rive twr{ -1-94) Te
itt)Lif 771 tf, 7t1 MICTIP21a3 ;

(ti) 3-71T4114, otiltb 7!3rfilf*It, T-771i* 4'014

airdr1 fl 41111 t niZt chleichciPectitil 3P4 aci
it, -r-tt.t3rtrw,t4tfeckriTticchtil ap:ituttwir7RIT
t, •qT 1, NO •ur airth ;

(5) I Ttutri" aata tt—

(7,*) (6.1i ; 211

(t) -41 4,i(68(71604141(71 dii linfZ7T sitit)•37-fifTWTThi*Pi.

WT7 ATUIVitl:2874 t tit Tivn t, -um; aftniaii
fafiNte*., aTfin -(SIT 0464 m4 fitilf.tcr chorr
, tf.w4I-4-4-61711-bnirau-rW*1-Rgozwkiksiii
I 14 aTikt -44 alfth 11411.4tcr f+-R t :

fcht dkal alWfff 781. 3TA t :-

(W) 171 61(c61( *If win(4'F4,;(utir 7 t) ;t

(U) •• * itftrmrtff 71 4kA WtITEFR*

10141 q17 arm Vri t4r c7r49 fu4 a au;
airtaR, 1947 (1947 14. 14) ft %TM 2* (Aud (T) *
avThi atterf7t fatt * 3rzfrwt * fa4, k1R1cltRang
A titch1( t ;

'71altlfht 3iftTr747 1948(1948 -1•14. 63)

Nig 2 * (siuS (3) -14 742H-Ttrcietrd ;

"fa" 14 7111 3 3147 cid AUT9t41 6T7 ebtrifuT feu

*TO t;

" tatil ticrq" iaftislu —

(crw) 9usei Tr
kur t wrcri t sr-47 (44)
Trirz t t *4,4147 t,

(t) tr w1taftwit1,17-4 tigt-44* 77 1W 717-Mrta

771t1 ; •

" *1-terr* -*envier" A afirgru t TitirraTti afrterr* A-4tr

aftfizru, 1960 (stn•II 27 19, 1960) '4' WI 9 alth
; scf ;

"f-Rh•TW" t *eft t %MI 16 fqzi* f** Trzu *-14

fitkir-* ;

"a ti (ARV 14 aired t .#1 f*th

figium ca 4,4.01a otz, ct)i —

40A, 114 TA airtaZig .t.g1tii*II4%.TWUkt4rifq

t3-11 rill (.414ft- H
t TrRti, tqaTf*A18.€ 3A3thiquul AT skid, ar4rta
t An wit ku HIVI, iirm-rf.butii %Mr (istit' -dittild-t0
4,1qm fent *5Tgrzr i*rr, tft aAttily,Traw feir
at TAO 374t1 1952 (1952 WI 14. 19) aittl
tkat4<1 tear fa A IQ Act) gru tzr t d& arwh 781 ;

" .i4 " *Ma t Tr-40 qiq aftrritru, 1936 (1936

It 4) NM 2* tgus (Ut) 1TTIM-TthTITMa.13-40 ;

" ctik-errtir anti)" A *Pau t gur 15 f9-6S*

cht-giur •

311.211-4 Al IPSO Thl Mai

3. SIR unt-tituffetT.—(1) 1T711titutiK WIN"; i cid ch( ,•717112BraW 3gq


(2) Tut Mir tgd t 4-Itich( c4 :—

(T) ilfiq A curt f*-4zii ;

(-€) fiftr if gm 8 * $Tu Trg WW1 aiitU Tic( (ANC;


tIRT 9% Sti ti4ci ch adircizr ;

%ITU 10% aith W*11

11 TRIT 4,14 TI11114 ce-ih4 0+0 ;

44 tali** T-4 ;

fill/ it 14 ZIPIRT (3)* SR atem*1-44 .bli ;

1F'q twtot 711 H6Itirl1 a9R 7ii kilticta (Relit) trt

1919 WinatTO *4 Tit;

tiff! 12 * amb -atm TTIT ;

zrr ritithi{ gm ?cm *1131


(3 ) Tft ftk:11 1,21(critfiglenn 404tufi4f ctiiuitlrlf fifti

+id t ch)i .721*.:1711Til t figl,ncti aritrti w
Tsr wail{ * argil-49 * trvm-4,E Pith iY afeTu eraii

(4) 31 fafil TNT 14?4

- -41 ci+.4 31a2 chti
*m%wuft rtualfsm14-4 di-cf(K4 TR, t feef-d7ft H
it qiat ili1I.$f swiai..4131
,1 WWimwiThc U914 11-
gra trm -4 Ofd f4fille wK fq-4 tr, at PRI*1 wcitim (2)
-4 forfigte sam -ea fa -4 w**-T t ARO.

(5) ZEIVRT (2) 14 Utzli “<I4 '04

. • 3TFIT*711 l tIT slew
tiA6 tef a****rit gm, k* aam*#t tg afg *ft f fwzit Aignr Al* fee

4, 1:11TU9*T 787 S /1-471i**'1' tET —( 1) 771 titchit, 341111391

DU, 1,1131
14 * fo4 -9147k7T qrt cbriluf liuSd 1 737 p **A** tb'vit fliT
-at fify n VYIR14 ThA, 3117 :
(r14 31-1 444-1 tilanc-I q'f WU '41
4ti 33tfri HuSci 71t

giu.Sci BIPIRT (1) 'elfriflk9711 "crWVVrHd fich1e4 t M. f41:1-

;TIM .3citifi HIHI-4 lp till fd, aftf-47R *
aitAti (Ea n 3 INT-41 Waird ata cht4 m4 lif*
t Big RIR 14 ai 1 idia4 A Na -0
l -4 ZT 7414 .4R tIt1141q1

H U C4 1viflci tigeq ft,a191-(:—

(T) awlT, t 11. 1 iitchi< gra 1iHr1rdfS411 ;

rdt 1#541 t feP fj711I, 3111 ‘711 (edi

steirg, q't titabit gm 9P4-f1gfirra f •4144. :

tr9 * cr. sktfidi t* Ili timpt vedriftrm m ;

(7) 9m-f-a-zra fiITItqitcI

litch-T{ V{1 - dcl t1ce4 fii

fare fcb4 Tr4 ; at{

(9) HuScf

Tfr afttiErq if *rim* *LI II aT- rzri ward t dti

pzi 1
ski.m . tiztttmi 0) * (guS ca) A (7) * apti Rri-feit -Rut
Tgrafti, 1-14-f9t4r4 cuilto a4 *fl.

Tivt9 tict4 ca, zrk t, tre4 * “.<1( ferd


— (1 ) ••131 044 Tr) 31ulki kictzl

5. fi4iiREIT 6citit
VEI Irg-fgaiu f*--za Alkyl' 91 ZIFFtlit 9-411t7.11 t—

(*) Huso witafiwtmml (atfmtvrtra) t ;

(U) 37-4r9 c.c10M t ; N1


1117a 6:pc1 ftatt It

TIT41 Am( t 4111 t 3111116T11
era *-T tzn T-4T t ;

q, amtrai aTmeog k f*At amAg mi +14 tEr

WaT t ZIT cS(14117! t :

Lmt au (*) amlA Clam( mu.sci* f 9111.9-61 .

“:WM( MU 4 *aitti 111"ci 4-1115eit. lchti

(2) 1177 tict-4 *I
f TR A Tel
ki 71—

(*) z-ciuRr (1) ciP4ci f1clI3ff AA ft4tf t TR7tm Am

t t ;

(la) HuScittt i fkm, Ana *mat Arwat

&Fifa:, ardam Tot t ;

(TO uutt NOV( •Wi 114 A muse* fo R Tfrffia 31414 .IVI4 Mel
tiff ei WRI WW1 t.

1T. —( 1) <6)
6. 11R-F1URT FIT17 aiTT 311*04W firm Th-T %TIT 71-
3:FA 11* -17W1 410 *I" fafigm j111 TP1fitchi( cht 3itFUtrg Fur'
41t kT1 rmimm-A -(71-*7 g fo4 m, tffk49II ‘711Mi f4i diaTrE ,I
ctliAl,“ f*1 7T4 *I gram A 617-41 TR frw fgm t.

144 tiett44*Tg*I31TeEcK 4, rid IP4ticvt4(g10,42117.41;1141
at g*-rt Am-carig fu TV1Ttiqt4 4Rk 7111 T*Tfr qcicifti -
amem ATA fuzlAg tmui

4Uçj*1Wi4 *T4 41 4440 chart 74 am{ 1DIT 'ft muse

er, 74 MA ABA *1.4 1ft 211, agmi fiF fa,tit Wm A
m St WI 4,14411i54Y 3TTETR9T tfd 'I1T6 T:741 41 at 44 ?gm AT, ATma
ti IV) Thit

Sel TN. fit7 M-11

3fR *ET t Eur 1-1 z*ETm (2) -4 fal-frod *TO 4 -A ,RY4
4114 -4cf Th-tk Trag * Nuso 4-** air4* Tra4
i1*4 8.1**4 *fici'd*T*84 Ski 3141( 0444,10 kFil tin fr Ito f+-13771.

31a1713—firt-i i itAci t-1T ath 4,4 44

affi74 tircid *11170 aft 3* wit *74.-0 ) *fro


. tiqd 14P41411 11111 3 374, 41* 391TR srf
tictq tzfl TA TR, *-1 ft* *-44* *4 de* -4.44 itkicia *71*.
giPcc * 3-41t14 t ARm, 1-4,14*T 3-41,4-t *1(4 rd T.** * tr114114 Ii
trft frict-a giusd 1437 71-81 ; atIK*4t80*1- .1
-4ft tft-rmTrwt*Itt**1
Tfd,ii tim* dtitacff 71441* qluScl
ara t TrziliTTIR

(3) I*uf aictf ti rot 111411ii mcitt isci T1 Wt ?<Elf in*

4Y414,NRIffilIq Hu,Scl kitir (IA(4 A-4 it V 1i 4141r& erk ql cf
117 ) TU, t—

() 314 anitun4 4.2844 fw 4 tircidlifdt,

8ifut 1Wt,itta thoch ut wc1k3lIva; at

(a) Oi C.R414 qv t q tirld (IRA

34.0 f, Tra 34F3111441441-411qT4 qral gra 311
(11-1141(fl it, fqii%lkA 44* *-am t **Wm c1t;

ft* 40 ticim * fat 3.4 tt4 t, gT4 kill kill

to189804, fd 41-4 zn 17*-R Trwri*-8 4T4 -da
krt &at f< ftcinc844 * Eltg ti.46 fd 4r4 t fat *4 cb.1•8.
tillicht1411R frk Wr4 *thifi vim( 1**1 a** 1¼9
sraFita 4711.
zfr< tff fitt *-)Ti Tti ZciTtrffl t-ft WIT 3TINET (3) .14 fINtZ
wri-(1 39NTil Tfr 3TEWAra f*-4 ter arort Tri eft t -aura *-1 71.1T4
311I1T-17 f*Nt WI{ e eft,uitz trIT.

tfc *1- -4 trar 'Film (3) * apft9 * zwt WIT tin t

Titrda k ft icJttiqief aniEFI, 1936 (1936 *T 4 4) *1 NM 15 *
arkti fiT6 1414 Tit tA suft*1 trt zfr fAttil fw
* (urea tr fe4sr4 feat t, 3iftwrfra ttqdr t,t kat tTrzr
F cl*T4 fcritilirm *74 *I 4114ella zu moat, ftfrer IF 11 H 6
TT, dmitcr f*Errrtrt, t-4ftnlwroitft*
*714, kw sufg*-R1*.i yeatri aft attfizrt gfr Trt-t t aftf
3rfth-Err z-fr aftritt 3INTNITTO *T4 *1(14 aft*-1 2rd t,
(we f*tu ailt) argftur
tft 1 -41-a Sliftwt *T Tit ITITINN t •(41
faittFrt tiqrt tram-ft wr aft* faz *Rif t titt faf-Rwr *km fw
Zi - *N trar f*-zrittr tiftskt
i.iftur -faith *-1, ft-4* fri:rirr
wit k..riztrt .114411, alfir muscr 7r6. attattr fiTarp nal Ti1947Tfut
*nu d tt %fit Tr, fzur *04 krt srrftwr(1 141-11-mr *or t faCcitirmff
TO:f ttti t, t, 3ft Huse' Cledfil( tiql4 ctAllf :

Trg iroser kr) trk**welf*-41 lit ticiart witrzit tterrr

mt NM 3 *1ZWEIM (4) * aTN19 tif,ut tfat **Eiji kti
Tri SO 3iftw
trt (-kw * fat *II •INT 7tTiT ttif *RI t, t 4)4110 *1
aitafir -4141(ig sitla *(4 Tr aft* t71, 31t( HU ("i 311119
fa *v1%1 3171- 07 *Or. dorlet3irft*-Rl*forfik,44 -ara fti*
ijl *VFW -rnvicit4 31791 felf-Raq tfitifrici: WE Mad 11,171fat ñ311.1"
1:11M '6t:1 t, RZ f-cqt *101444 Awf h.

(8) suft*-rt T farikwr, les aftrla 31nr-ti Id 7 apta

ailterw .-11411•Y:14cj ffiwi, 7:174 *t4 af** i4c14 ota

* Huse * qi flk trth-R, trec g *alt oi d‘r R2ir

fixt0941 tP1T.

zirq 391TRI (3) Ti "'it 741 We 'ft-4T 7ffil t,

SITRT*717Ultrilibiltig, aitrai avta vizr‘•Ftf
fcgli TINT t14 * It4ti altiqxf tirqd tifilyi Huse •A
a441141 (Niffr d4.1iiii) *flirt-4,T z1 itu4t aft dti4C11g sqifl, 46(.4
Iltd1; 411 to) tRlia7171*frii, Ariz aT7Ft3 t alit diiq,1 714
(4.1 vlItt .

7Bi saftw/1 tri S qiqiciq am! fciI.cecq trefa

711-1HT (5) TRUER/1U (7) 'RAW timillz* *at t4 3R032ft,
kigatfu4 awk ciwur aitirrao

9. 3TRIVEL-.—(1) ?Wel tv414-1 *1.4,41 ct to( *Tt-49 33INfizm

aTtr19 tzt aifircr4 C-141.14) tzr 3751-cm( WarCifriNT
3TPtIg1zi"*T1,1 t firtZ t) W49Tef70 alftWzi tql ii irdg" 44410
aifimt %TR f-4-4-tzt) um/ wymegrutzT 4k-criTtlfcrowl cil•n, at
wg so .0 Tivm fwm .0wg at firni iirryFri tn.

(2) (T) f=mil *#91(1 WF 9FI fanift Twrr9 t -tf-4gt WTRT: 30 1 -4

at 31 RtiLci( t, t14 14c0.)ch 94;aiff gl(1 Trd:TW Tini tzt
adircrzr ml TOT dvio [krw vcrzn tql atru4“la, ,gcb
'Om uz.tirti tzi 7-th-q w=1') :

if r: F11N a4

1E79 tAct)en wg Tim T4 tcr 1-14Lich ti atifiNFT Rrft 79111 TOP zp


3114(3) SkT -iv nint (2)*utig

:ttit amtitirgt n114,14,
aifiggrtW Wit ticiq Husei 15
at 15 ‘qicia *10 ctanf."

3Triellfrl Olmieb 11 WI 1q36 gm

agititrq ri 1996 70 AT MTh
airtift4 siolith 39 119, 1997 ;71 J1kdr4K

cti srp fct4 31-

aaichtirdiattft faito
3TRInEPT dt-14) &it* 4-114 TR) fi491*-atrOt * amt* rg* vs
, c[41•44.)
Tru trn *4- 4*1 t ialftrgrzi 4*41**-tt ***re w( cuisi
*t, 4t14,1 *TEA 1-44 war Old * *(1 n 9-41 Tim ; str
A Thtlt *-4-t0 rictc atqfwzrri, 1936 (1936 *1 B. 4) g1(1711 dta aitfti safirt-ff
clft wigit .4p(ift :
tr9 Tit +Mkt welt, afircrn1 rw:r t aftw *1 t4
eh tIR t, t an* sift ?<ERR turrtcr-4-0 f*R f**114-40

trritif f*- trfc 3n*c41-Kg* .44(4 tri faril anfroi 7111124W *

'#) *pc aftergla*9 q110, w4at*1-tralwTrRil HAikettWrg enc141
*Et t t **1 Mei* thrum thtilit**Trzt-4,*0 4,4,410
waret IN ta *nt *ft trwtt t 71

f*i* grAfarttfaa trt t,*W-14 4,, ficlAtb*artiV

f*-4 .isiqJi t kuntch4-41iltaTRVIT citri

fwt fcbt.ft fig gRuge tim**1**1:4*,

-€414 4,0 Trl 14:41 (IIII*1#%4 Tow .gmtfaccrfri Br; 3f4-4pi*T, f*rr*
it4ti ***re Trl ft, ticiq wt**Trt-4914 4,4tnit 71-1 fi4# tr(**K t

( 7 ), fig en, fig Act, 3it{ qia* 3Tfi11zh kV" LitiSti*).

§Ille /111391airtt gj zrn-th-ul gain, at afigrq TrauF 4-44 t mav
wzi ciA91.

vft at 79*(1BM *1 Hill tf * Ligtticj.

(8) cht-efivi alTn,
faro sin el 7* 1
riell'ir41 VIA, ,4,4(41 7P7 titeta t71718 ivitil4 14 A*/
t *14-41I fv4.14 * afigrzi Th-F r** 4(iia. chrefrg 31TEJW t
kfif tk TR, 1'M titchi(TEITETPTff*Ti*T 1141,44. * affirm * utp4(
rwq arfwcri Tr it-cm musci *3/444.

(9) zetelw ziTeimati cbei eft, uwi t, TO

wtiiiM* aiThnfl zermr*gm,1,4tnagenii91.19,gruteraffergrer
ge wir4flig

io. arm Tra-ire ar4 * ward, ani--d7 TrIt41 at tii4 in

mrra.—(i) Irk *14 1191.19, ltt4I aitictt jttcr TICS ni 904iifigi* aket
fw4Tribrii41* - -BI-tm-Rwr,euerm9*aTefrif-t91A4,*311T9)4111itil*afirgrer
Thtl t41TI1LT*ItatTe altdf t fqcrwra tt dtictif *TT
Th74*ffi4iff aftfizirl*71-41TigrUlll d•A aieN *fern t, 9K-tor divb
W 31* WO ciP-110 W(T tiaoll W 31:1TWIT Thl 4414 311
ejyti caPiRee chicilifez evir %1. 1 kr mad 14 t
Te.trft, 11191 t

(2) *fg f-191Act), ir * mriR iiwfb *Tax ill* 19,41

Tr +kit( WT4 eferfu * fq-*, wrdi t Husd rth-er

(W) SRN tff i af** coati *1-Avw1fw rt• twit* ard**

ri4 deichr *icor t* tuck en, ervarg,*sre* enficr tim*fff4,
# gram t TNRTwir*, ate

(lN) citAtfr41; ITITLF f-4** 4U1 W 31:f 41- 1,1Wr 451,4 Wtt
091004 choir-m4k9--Awn-mmu*fat, B-wr*-eitR 3(r-Ora thrilltren
0414 T TrdTi

it ffer f fid attrzwr 494,14.—(1) 191T, I* ateiriem *

BeNeil*aluith7 nE2u7r afetitni*Treftw91* fuel wrce* -411tft t3-9
1 WO tTil Nusct -eut.ft *
1 tufra at amtif.nd ‘iiv,,Pr. .&i*
*-1 d 99lir Huse gm t4 fcbtlictivii91 aii7 84 airf9rdi* chrtna1
* rot Trmi ki(9,1{ viTer-Tmer erz far-ate f*-4 art a- wn
afttilig Shillcb 11 19,1996 gm 71-41 Trt
33110347121 *046 11 T9,1996 b711441)11.M.

(2) TitITIT (1) 71 alitichofW Ardy0 51417 ZT 149T, HuSzt W(1 'Wu
* wr 4,14'w cvirc.ifio sit-
4* mg ar4 Ara aft ,14,14

f+-7T 71 tAiif

(*) t9st1qob telt elliiIP.141 Int .11 arria *41,41104 a*

.atieniesr t ;

<-111 4141 611cReicildlt,

IFAM 910*10-4 War* lar-410 ;

Ere um ta-T-4 ;
wrir, 44e4 totactaist ( OIrCia 040 ;

791.(wiaikawi WM( * 411414-3AU ;

311.{ .a3iiii( .741a fff4i 46111 aft tijqz

sitq* tlItC1 cich 01114101g ;

ailtizrri*srqurff*TilM, fwEr*aT7Tft fickil*

mutuafttrizni*IRtml*Wif9* afxrcrpt 371
ch tut ti* do-fmai airt ;

(7) kg 3w; dkxqt mo4v1*Trzur4 -

5fg*1 t cot TER ittruar
*ict afRi IMIIN 4,1{ 791 ticta :

1-9fifir ror
1 %HT 1114 isbvicbori*IMA aticit.41*-(4 Rti
fctiqf Aro Id ismiiPtcr *-(-4 * fa.4 1141.p* act144 srp
f-*-tt fart4 * altti aitlfkm t :

i4tt ath tift k404 3TRifizrzi, 1936 (1936 7T 11. 4) -471

mmeiSrpfttt 3#I Mil ar-egte qTa*trt -g7
artcR tird (AM MT 1414 9u.Ster tiqxfM7Tel1t 3117
-grti aiont 44 Tfr afzifizra* anIff f.tau cuwir.

HtI4vi, TTR1 HON( * 391t<q*1 sett*I* 91ccial kr*111 ffficlicticiltt

4 iivrcrrt4*Th4f+
--411-141.14, trf-*-41k-4141431TnrthTil 3T-T f
tr fa t orlck tr gr.

7tre,TRAT114-11477-a-cotr-drtft*1-4 &Rif-41441414*o
-*-4 *A *Rt. *rar Tot 414u-11,1dr -um; clod Thzu 911V0 *
H(99( n ?cif TWIT retr-R,94 .311
- rf 711.

( s ) +luso * Th4 Trg- fakcjui trIT 1*-1:11 1:217TR *1 RR 41c-44i Pet/

*faltilitrcrTh-Rifirigicticrr4 lictR4 Trk a-5 fetr 41113*13ThinT (3)*31%119
°WC@ *11 Hu-4VA°' ara t Tit t.

12. 34.1TraitairT76STft.— , ITtPT-Wfzi 7, TM titchit

4,4kt aitt aterrr *•34441* 441 wal **1 fiRrtr sqpiRte
alt4414 rot n aftif944 * 441*-4 * Th4 *41k- m .1-4 *ft tut A trd,14.

ffu * 4H fF6ft 144FT *T 44ii %gig 74

01“lint-4711} ftzrmilw-dr t avi musci dtrchtfafittm,
clad .44rur-Tri wzr wr4 4TR 51*t1( N.-dB I*" lu Th41 arlitau 4,**Th-41-ust
4 71:11 ttS tAllif11 34ictilf4ffitiTi 14TWft 4Thirt4 4 *1 tr4,zif.
(WM( * 31-laq 9t1chf 33*; *fa t ft*z t4,11.1

14. a MIT At —(1) 4iuei, k ((Mil 41

t fired fel *rn.

Hu4c11 fdtzl *TIME t4 *Warn, 2TTV1-4z1 71171 aT44 at9faif TI

kr*" airt191 faitur 3r.F4 4 4211441111d trR chlm 414 ft faro Thm wRr.

HuSci* await- tivirp t1IVlr4,, I4I4 fa argr ciitiiI

at 4 Trarsrku Thukil aTRIFT414, 1973 ( shHich 43 Tri 1973) *

. arrtrrizni mnft 11 Tri, 1996 rkl 'edit/Tr-49.

15 •

71-4141* atft ffi aik z-cr*i szt AwrK wip14

fw &Wad t4m1443TRT*Tu1 t ?49flB dAR-Aur* Tgt nfw twaef
*T144 4 sttrrq afìiüt Trirg trairint aifirOA tin f-40 tAtiqk
a atiTiam gm, 141-0te

cil ch 114 .—( 1) HuStiti 1104, tiusci *WM

at fa **471 fatil4 .44 * fu4 Tsiv alfirch fetri AAA fit-a Aure *
147RT aijiii4j 11114 44%344 t1t-L1z44 At .11101. citich fithi tin wtA %.ft tfff
at a etch) a:m49 71731 tgl 431 ft; fg1iA441 ni lafiA

"0-7171111 (1) * altg sd*ITTIET Tit 734 110 feTYSTra

ti 134 flrtaii mi1114 fqq Atitur1141& Afqvigait t,Troga*TrA*
tK T1 At AR

kra Atii arizhfo Vrd, gm Arzw, yq A

TTRITVITd 4417m1 titctot It ft ugil

14-11 Thcncti n.m13 Th, .—TOT* fqc4,, ati tit

Carat, clu-r f*-A Trir chstrur angicbAril TNift tifk4tt At AFT Ait
Aur VRT 33-** alg 4-ii1/74 ,7Tg ful-t44f 334144 f+747 q1-4, cht-qi
!Misch *1 031

14-71 17337 Thet urm4cTh-T uti4p41,44.-37T-49 W aifilfAziA 3itt

3Ati Tre) * 3147 dtA n1141704 lira if A m-1 -4 Yfrw,
WTI, 'gill At* tfw ifwc•wreffartfrfiemi Tft alutti wft aTirrei te•likri

aizzITET 4-34fi1ftf3ftTu4tflOtThiftc

is. cric-qiul maw ant zit ztr cm-0.413i 31111W.—( 1) (RTW) tht-41171
alTEW -CF4 Wchlt n 11 rb f4;747 qtig,91 ;

(t) q, 4IUf airsw *1 311R witich airAwit. btu.

1. 3Tr1
effiN sn•iich 11 Irj 1996 riT 7It

(17) zr41.4 41vb flciniai tin fw wtglifiRrua*fwwaiftrfurr#

WITI aph auriz TR * arraql Trrrr‘-uq ctilciircid qT8T
t 3#1 arfreirr# 7 mid, a#41-4 wiiR TR rut Trii Imre *
-Rag' 4441F-44 ft-NT NMI t. 5(4) faN ztW 31f4fi174 P11 dt141 areti
win( Tit firpil*Brr4til arthru ara tz) oliad 7#1w1-4 fthft
144 alw .

111 t , .k1W11 3111TW °qftb4ttef 3111 37 cnctutri divb

%nfthqth4L3irr/ tri ctItirtn sup- A-#1 Fth1Wn1
WINT 3111 tri q,foq 1 MICH W1111 •Wilal 3111Th giuSti* 391:1c1 14,
fa1if4te vrtnu. * rut Huset 71 am * fuzl mpr tin
fw kur tl firm 1.103,/r4-4. tar xirrt trr zu
31TEJW TFWN1 STNITTpg i 1 IIT*11farrfod

NET3 tir44 "Ifitift1T-AT 111M-T1 .

16. AfIttica mit Aft —(1) UT tit t, firtIttl yiti 3TrlififiriN

3111 tittliNtf Wik arf#Ual f9tvur *r4 14th*t
,a. if U1 Trurui afreirirt, 1958 ( stoiich 25 191958) NM 40
ZINR1 (2) t 81Nti fiT6 fthi 1T4 firlve 3-4 mg* * #-4#
f4-iwl arfrrfurr# t, t11 arfrrfirm irrtrwil * 1 -411kw
19F ‘484NT.

(2) a—

(w) 7:131ar#*.sr#1-491 emq fad wr * furl A#1 kw‘itir*


tu) traiAiwfwzrivr3rtu"wr kid,,rtqlfaftwrr).


117. atir*rftzlizfr arm ca ir<f;ts —Hu5t1Vet

Sitiltff TO El/ , 141f Mpii NM 15 * aitfri filta 1T4
*MIT* t amen t4 aftwett, 10111,04 mu 1,144110*
a *-t wfwtffi i1 fMuIt feaac; C0).4540141 ft 4,1;411-act gail fist;
74*-; trOrn 04.1

2 [18. titehl *Efe*:111 birrta, 119,Sti*tRITRI cm;

Trr*R1 Acm 4.1uSci fttar f84 (1441 cl rb

*Ntii *70-tr7:1 kit911(V1T, LiuSc•f* 4spiqf 1;) 3M-eta Thl AK,

a at -own
aiatfrrt 1-44tt at 70 9u.Scf*fo.4 atia.9.4;(

Trg eatiftrff Th74 airtlfizirf 7:11 ati

aFrafterctitilwd ttt trrntnrc*R Trcrgi mu,s0*-T*11
aftr*ifim iact; ank cbt1.41 t c1444 avrirl t tfo &a qta *74
*trar-4, Vigil-ad m-T 014 *it tu at/ Tig 3TWEM Th7 t44)2 a 71 1 0
1*-zo qpi, a4zik -cpt t;(4,1(*1 -trz; at4 1i4t4ff *f-d4 amp- t WIa••
7A -F1-41 t ra 014.

trarvrk—irdl*Itreazit 0.14411.*1 *--{ ntl**1

(*) tiro 15%33%117 lam oa Tatfi*fa-attrft*Trr 0(4,1{m

far-Ate ;
WI 17 * 3149 fiVb fw4 11.4 * fU4 N
&jufgflt1R133-a afatera

WC 1TOWAT-4.— Wswim* *MR lista f*-4Tfft atf*t* at

tl*al fwzrr Trk arut wzr Tir at; WM1191 714, fifuiiiitichaim * fare
3;faxict aitir*Rwl
.eizr935TrizE11 81,1996 785811841 96.
1.. 3111
3188altr4 sbmirb 11 Wt )996 gm Tiall.rd.
3184f9711 WrilT 11 Tri,1996 TiT vi' tqifst

aitlfrq 5-51

afiragr *0 vrfk (1(40, 'awl titchi 'gRT ;1,1 I tit(

Alitrf0 *it alftIWRI tiost4 * arft-
att Tim si<hr fitauT m-T *A**
tutu * wm-wm vr Sur wt 'ff*TIT.

TM WW1' URI TftrgFr *( %tit —7TwIr tit* fer

rft firtI 14 alti*It4bilh174 aftTrizThr* 3TP:13171/T4 chigir-cirf Wrk
*NT) 4t144 TrEr agatmwm fitalxn km.

stertErtrkerUst 9em-rtur.—(1) gt atlf9tur*aTti

muse tiT rev tzi tit, aVt*fwtlaTm sredwa 'pug tra ftt,
Huso aut t WRIT*011 ITT atiol Trim

(2) tRobri, afmn-a gm, nwr ittii* .kt afticbrft* 511

airtINt*TR finf TR*Wit, 271VM (1)* ait-lb ate* ffft)
W*4 sk-th4t4 tfficri, 1959 (stiiiith 201959) WI %ITU 147*31t3 cwkilcicit
aft* *1 wr-l*fa4 grktm*K trd4L4

ztrtm (2) * attff TrIftIn fth-4 74--aWywrft fcbtr *min

.41,01* fat Trargkur ittbrit-cr tifior, 1959 (stoiith 20 19, 1959) ft tiRT 147
* arti * 41latilcht qn1 *It * ti4 fw* otifilW04 It tit %-l r toir
crmic*wt <441

S cf1 * aft2117 11 * 33-1 wit-cf muse 1TIT

strua fen * altff tE1 1TrYft aterl * fat, crtraxtr
trfm-di tact 9nitY1)

25- WrgR NedG3TT — ( 1) rifq, TM.titttlit wrwiTaivrit wart fw

s tt aim gm tr aA ath **la fen -if *-4- ahr trim wki

airtf971:1 11 19,1996 70
3IftifirfR ich 11 1996 tru sitfenitia.

A cy cut, 1*-7T t 1 31791'S T W17)7ft7tt, 1T TRI 23 * aWtnpq wall(

gm1-€4 Tra fwit far ThlaTffiaeftalt tam:I Ht41R, 3#R11-71gMHust-1
dif bd talift at tom rin tf'd A *TIT** 71 Hutzt * 737 * Ig*
t :

acup zaam*aiefti aif1ifFai*I*-0*114, rat kwbit, wisci *I To

aititg4km.74 * fffa *Tit tal fw a* 7 difilltdcr tar Am
*aw Hustimagafwaaa tioilattui ath aTrafazilarafat, 14,41(

(2) 9U.sf %air3fli3t W4*77-4‘321T3741:1773Wfl drialla7437

t arm, iit,,scr afariaa* arab Tra, =000 t 1 '$
9I W9 "(St wall( gRl•ktf airWRI i art71 gRT f44
- 1T74 ritutot
317)77 *fat filth fwaT

1TM 311ft 91-- 14-dWt7
- Hgt.4ak i31f7r777 Th-1 7TiT
15, 16, 17,18 * 25*Ttftjtbf4TT1i ceirch 71131"7.411gk41%cli , 1860 (1860
'ft 45) *ITU 21 * 314 * tilut, agall:P:0 Nina&

411ft WEI Thi*

I1(141- otira* ftfef ctTrIT.— uhri ueirth *
am **a A tem* *la Tr-ciraS t
fitichr TEr *Tfaaa * fli 1WITI4tS f*-717141 auvrad 1tr, •11
airaer-Al111 ar-4 4114.4116q1 a0 ?Mt

TE-6.-1Pmi tcbI . 31f1111771gRT f*--(11 1:4177 W1 71 t itq1fcMi wi

wiliTaTfaf9aq* - --iiTqattiA7Ivra*atalat
alf* *Ram
furif@e W7.

4 3TrITNIR 1936 Wit 4 Th-Tlia17.-14/2131t417ral 7ring,

-FT A HAtit ti-cra 51N-7M, 1936 (1936 14. 4) 917T 8 3tR.TM (8) *
flaiRingcltiCIW ,XM:Telirtffl cutqf 771, oiict:—

"TRt febtft k.F,1 colitii4 -cam Vr avn A, fat aursrka atcgra fail/
3151f77F, 1982 t1 Trifra L1/14 TRIM 1:94177 B311111777* aT717 it cscl

Trurrkqr cwipir feti 7tii f+

--4 .11 atuf-44** srt--4-4 *1F4
%lid fthi •1144. ".

.41644 tii4rri4UTf4Rcitt9T.-71mi titcbg, alrbtgR1 di 41 *MA

tt SKR Wi f4e chc-4114W -WiVCIT4 smeirgc1T1
tf, HuSCI aitA

?SW tarcr4 0) • wr No wrk luta triark fe3/4

741171Tem airkilvrw*T4*far)vrtfia—(1) ogirb, t f-4thrw
affif-97m * ait3 31791 71ftzil wrsrtrr *0 -Ea aitr3/4,4041*-r
1:144 TO if •7014,4141{ AT4I4rd1441, fit4TW Trk tft chi
trAtai, 3fieN aTPT qi aftritit dtA
nit Tr) figgi*atr491* divot tet TRI t, fithivr*fet 47Ne M-171,
gthi 7E4 TR f+-47 TrFl wrviRifl'i i 31131<f2TV*11,

(W) 3144 31704*fd4, 4110ait4 tc, AN.* aTtir t-4 Bffiuw*t t

tif4A,tataitTOwwwtrid,trytt-414 ;AK

(w) 19c114 41 t1UIcQ4c11 TTRTIT i Th, ctiO4R4 t ftk4*'I 314rtl

11111WWThlt ti1411, tgwrATurr4m-1t tA n,
tgi * c1i.sd14,41 %into.

- act j9P c441 ctd fth-Ert TIT t. 1

altrut *1
Rw*I -b-Ert4w49-4tt.

1(" (2)

(*) trif-*-1:ft trfw *r, WWII; Trdiq TA T fucl Te

aftti-Er** apfti t, yr-drff 11.1-w wrdi t,

1. 3IW11 WL1996flTfl ML

(13) ‘13 aftifigg •*1 3144 -44T4 Tr4 1/24 f-*71

aiimati 3/4 t4 cittitfrr wrIn argyrrei i toft t Titz Tit sem
.47-45T4 Trl t,

ql1c7WNE1WW*T zit 13.1 24,*t tit FtT4UW
Wit tAilf, /11t-M t, tr491zier11.".]

32. AMR& * *SU -31:1011c —(1 ) fu1qct, 9fq4Z *

-qIqIvlq t a:rai *1-4 , tilt 31 * ap-44 41741.4 fft altRTNifititvi
We *rt.

1/14 alTItT*T)IXtriPt7ifitki-Wtti trenui *ITOTIVI

t. t tirveiti ichqf Alcor 3RIETI Te.

*II a:PRPT wuiteff WW f *tit Wan all

aTeRRI**411ftaTq311 cuitiltrgRichl f-W 31tMIT*INNI7171315T-erit,'gru
TrrR* *414 fth-qurrzn t.

33. .1444 tr4r4 vrft.—(1) , srfinom rif

*sri4-4iiVr tiqfPact m-r4 * fez) 147N te.srwivR vd* aTurti 74 n
w4r v*Tft.

(2)- laPpeoza t Slit wfw ft 041 *di IR 311cITB 91114 3A 149T,

cpircirtqd zit 134 t 1-*-K4 1-417 fe4 acrtil

(T) (W) t fqio1çd rdt Th-T %MI 3 ft

BTRIRT (4) * c ?WM WTI ;

(t) MU 3 WERITTI (5) * aittg

xitifvrfiwur 4,1,:r at 3Twmfq4 Aa4tftr fziii4
N Thi *P1 TIT titi*v11%141 ;

(11) (1ZW) WU 4 ft 377R1 (3) * 3147 MU c4 11 1 cs;"

44400 t viafactrciVi aza *a tic Th1 Tim ;

(21) Hosca ticteilVi tau 4*.tactuu (s)*aTtff t4 44, -E4


(4) tIM 7 * aittiq ttRifit VN1 IT<P11


4 icirgificqi 8 71/TRT (3) * 311N ,


(V) 78-9W4 NM 9 711

1 37417 (8) *31t c64(14 3171%7T
I ;

(7) diifti afr“ WU 14 tWEIRT (1)*3N1‘

Ta v1144 U211 *-1((T 14 TPTIZT (2) W. altaff 78-7Fri
*wail wi cacti faam A4R1 -th-Err ;

(u) A Ylf-WzI1 ,4-6:6131417 fWErf f#WW gRT VIII 16 WI 391TRT (2)

* otkg (V) *3147 ?Will ARID ;

(A) NM 17 ftici 37117M17 wan Liuseaftmiffin*

R-.89‘61c1B71 chi49icich chLiruilt< W(IT*7 ;

(,F) MT 19 * 3147 7-8' tfff IAA 7i7 ;

(A) WU 20 *13193 (T) *la ft(11 ire.( .41481tEr4f8 acTI


(2) tif4 igaa. 3rfavra aTfirw uiicse

cri cp< TR 371 3,Fi 1-11.1c11 Te T-{ von ;

all Ml 41 faro fwzir,TA tri Valid fthAIT


1('' 33-* ilif7zTETWRI**tVf*—( 1) 1777-0,1M (41 *TO 3Tritf

t, attrfatm* a-T4tti chtqfkot *T4* gcf),44*tilifl aftiftem TIT
o4j WiR Tr4iPi4i t T11 7Ticirici7

(2) fqftc.ql 147T71 Tfr* ccrictleff Nr7T9 3/177 ZTA ?WIT,

1/11 fiHrofisiti ivied faErt Z.9.4141.htit ift 1MTEI * fat 37*T t

(RT) 14-** 3P/19 ar4tu flu 'hi( *11 tfd dttehl

atd49 ;

(t) tilTi 17**th Vivi f*-4 771 ceir * t 811(

*al *T 314%Tron ;

(ti) $(1fra *,4w aftwrrrzti ajj q,4, j(<

Titata aftraul @TR writ atfl tHiqwrai 311( Hus•i*
ar4iairiedi t atu( triera a& B 9ra -(ural ;

(w0 *it ar-A ?gig ft:v*1 •tititz util f** T-41 la Aiithr.
acr4N fakErril n f*-**ral *rum t ".

34. trifa-uu Vt mi4*1 - yrft. —(i) 71“1:1 afErfami tztr4tti*)

VIITWIR W(4 11.*1 - 4 *1774 WO 001 t iii 171 titchit 174,1 xi
V177131In IAN4IF RLiB aftratm*z-cr*Atit artinu 7 tY4 7TA t14 37-411
*It4oft 7511711Tr7711*17 -Wt7trA711,311ciNchtntpiltil-nralatrfll:

trct *1
- 1 t71, silagf t7 afttirm * TON al4 cuitia t ati*i **Tra
*rk TR- A.Rwul f*za Aiwa.

(2) 77t7R1 (1) * *7/9 f*71 TRIT TS *ft ?MTH * Trea


1. 3littitr4 $6,41c6 11 ri 1996 711 *074.


TfulAt4T W-1 cbc-iiuf retT Vjq4, 1984


%trim, fc-lich 22 ‘71140 1986

346-2592-tik-W-t-85.—Bultib1 301 cbc(iiirf Pdb WittriaPi, 1982

(W. 3619)983) WI %ITU 33 VITTI-071F5-4ThISROlei n, 1Twf eftchic irdcgRI,
cv-irrifigct f1711 t 31refR WI URI 33 WI 37•ITU (1) WT Wtrkid
tr4 -43rwrrim N-4 f,


1. *JR:mg mar vrty.—(1) pi-1.441w tikra 3T4 twirtz

fen fie14, 1984t

(2) itN titcbit WrITiORT ficfff

fivi4 wq WW *4 t aTawn alirfkia‘q

"alfiti-crt" t 3f451-a t 411,19.-kvr wfMIi 3fvf974,

1982 (switch 36 19,, 1983) ;

(3) "WEI" t WriltU t fitigil 14 ticia-f ITF9 ;

(TO " MI" WRTSff t Wreizfq Wi WU.

4RWW144t1 t4 -TIzi-
1 -(1) TB
afvfiznifth-t0“kriat d
- tt,w1Ttf-
4 .9 .1/4 41 d
- LktOqttittvi14-11ThImAct,
ki.17 fchtil PircHrtwik

(w) ww..aithvt .144fl4Yt TrItrik wit (44

dm4 fa * wrturxtBrftinl .

-17 HITH-1 o1çtf klf'lcf VT • 41, d

(13) dq( rb ciI&*4 fl4iiq, m$411
ti4I4 4w, ft 4r-te, tmcksi 7TRI TKI
-i 0 ) ariug fd 114gT TIY7Tk TAT fig Act)
(4) 141 (q * cHici lt rk TIP ft tHiHf 1-414TITT 3111T4, 30 17, 30 itirwit
31 ctita 4 WIRT tr-kaT4 Mitt *tuq WWI iSitiqd tikti HPHil4-Titc4Aci.)cti
faqr (-HA w f49*t It k1iT.

49 -NH (1)U*(2)*Wil7 ticla111211:kntirit*allai Gq1(11

T(F4* MIMa tj kizm %--zu %imp.

alftlfiziff 4 WO 3431:R1M (2) Ti evi Ta VITI7 374

4 *kilt( TM-4-F 4 %if %Tutor.

sici.)41 fic t1 f•414, 7T144741: 30 ‘t 'ThlIT 31

kti4(.41 tv4iHil*/17izt d ficash*ailwarzi By.11 unitna-kafircrqw
-cr"*"tiaqtaitilt 9413VITTI (3) *314.9 31f*TzT*1 tiqi(4*1-4*111$4 Scf

4. *Ea tiqiq • *Nir ( 1 ) 4-6114 311-€1W kit 717, HIlici

airaTzrw (pa * trvark34kIrk 3Trawfw "th fitM
WHT-4,14-4 ficilAct) krW qii ?I4T i4ollfw qt. f4-44I1icil t curt f-*7
TI1 •v14*1-4.41 47 4 7T (3kA m *FM 81440 iirqd 7Tr7T4 nil, 1ql44-T *kW
fiellgIch fiqH 3 t al-SATT tzlf47Tt 71 WiT 9 W 314i 4H4) Tit tzt two/
t1q14 titpri 1141-iNtid *Klieg* 3ft ft (wild ml MO@ 14 will fqi t
WII*4 Wen ta7 Th-T k.

(2) ztif-tqg 0 ) 3147 (till rigiti fig 4-17T wif-ww: <kJ

(giforf 3TI TTT ftAiTT,41 :

19 Irk *4 tff tail VIA wit t nil{ *HIT t 71717 3Tf44-1t

foNua * Ton fitilAch *4't f;nen, olcr t wral t /Tr
82141 (11111d R-41 It Nfc tieta Ti 3rra 1--21M1 l aW4 H'11

dti 1:1174 f*"(lizitr-dU FiR TR 1,444 t 7T61 t t I qiiv,111f*"

m34 t t•

S. -4114f4fOnftitT4 wer TR:* .4• ctitiM.-1

1036 tiRT 4 *51 374M
(3) * (vs (73) aar (n) * slain Ria raidf*-4 ark ar ticol Tturt

-ict %len.* Vrei-fil--6

ch 141W *.art11-6

1464 t1cv4 1444 *1:I 14 *14 ifeet trft-7

6. 31aztarRE1I tigt4i*I' `41*—( 1) aivai TIR a-6 armrest fict4ttn

karardT aTz -(if-awtarn *74 *1 Tardutrft Aar f*- Isnirai aan-ann
f-gkrtiza +
-f .7 at&

tirt44 -4' 3.17-4f4B 4.(a 41usti*3P4 kIck4cZlQ, CfritdMII4d

* ?Oil 25 to-teir `497 ART W(4 *Tfrq etk

Hu6cf atta tti W4 t chtitY4 7T-A TM 31- TIM WIT

teTI an* ITM fat chcit *ft f* TEM t4(44( 3/4 122111 it* aif*rWi

( 1) 4Uj 1 ti micti 54 al ?MO

7. ffuserit*714--*T7*T
tjnft anavw trni ; •1

(2). WWI* Witc( tiqtzliQf *I (tit ,13117:Itt1112W4tstig4 fh4f

1T 1q-n1 *1 actic•46i( far-ate *76 15 t fca to-ri Ait0 :
79* aTaai t7 -(4nto ftgrarkaraia-rn-Tra ofichrtwbv-f-rum-r
-firm trif t tAia.

(3) SCI f+-111 rU114WIPP % ftri tti •A'41Iqqc4, IT1NI1

tit -A *Er* w:r Rw-R*1-14444 t, 4,4-411141 * gen tmcil


7. (3) (3T) trg timtm 9usd*f*-131 tirmidg 4 -mew glt die-144 t

ag musd amtAT 1- 14-41ftrutwfurua -grziwairm aft-**-ti, frit%4 dti*
taw ztrftta rot amtEtur **gm Ittz fwt t, aTtk
agtvgat grei-ftwW171t,*ftlt aitt +1114ei*I3Titli-ACH
3474 Wrfftil tiP4iRld B14*IFE11-1Tb*Ui*M t. t9ttl firag wat

&luso* aittkm 37-dreo fwEri *Pt i,rr4

(2) aftr** tri Tsr*t * fiziw f*-ti *
aittv m1 - til-mlo-r*fat f9Trg ftrftrt *tr wt% '14
g\ TrErr

ism kmm,tb, must-% t f'Ot Vq. T,1)

f*-4% ifzu *qv; tpitc% aftwit kr4 711%-zri strIT ?frit •

%SAWru4M4 aTulmI, aiumgm'ft TIT Tift

cbti *TM t 4ti4 dml-t*c% tit ditRiet dmt-t*cr tictmit t fcb-tt .kt (-Ks%
gm gliwft tit-midi gm 7:1 am** fat 3atki*vt T41 wt.

-eft dm imm (3) -4 atiwfird f-** aTalTR t aival

14.10-1* vi filia Arr4 VeRTI *It *Wag tin-lia-f fmiti
aiR fgq 1-*-Ittt *gm mq4 *fat *rift trimmdtil, Ittfrra witg
“Ic1i*-111411 giu•Sci *SS tick4 tr41,401.1311I70 t11u104 *tt ITO
*T11-*T7 tifia-ortf*TIRT aT41 ‘41q111 U211 tt if fimcimr

4-iuscl* tifi-girt-I*WRT Tit frii-mid-% dmitw% tql

tri4 dqttli *turd fulmliad .1144. Tit* mum( ilk T49174 awRi
w ?gait * N1 IiL

(7) tifc4, IIT dt$4t ardcrfteria am gm Willfg Huvf iThlt 311

aftr*-R1 Huse* ttli-H vft 4 .1,141 cbitlicf Wernra97fl at d'grefid
ticeq *9111 tirmited all. t4 chit* wgfa, AO Lost.' 'gm 311-4 fee
W4, 1Tal tit44( sat( ftAu, .

4utTh7757.—(1) ti W *IRT7* 30Thi i 4vrtt A,

7 A affirw tict-cr Tef tA 1,414 A &lust( * * WI 3 14414

far? watt .1Tb *tiq • 4 argil!, ZW*P14

tri M-1-4 - -A trrE0ftaffiairtizirt qgj
Trt *Kiva *1, 7/9 f+
4 4 atm (4) * W99N ?era tiqt4 aTeti A aifim tt.

3r4I gi tict441 areti UM 4.4 ZWEIR1 (4) 31111-4

fitrta tict41 ft aifbft wegEff91 ( chlefillt4)

9. UM 8 ( 3 )3/4 anh tirgilfdl)iftediwr tillireicIftWW-11.-1TRI

8 49 "Era (3) gf-4k
- ftra tits! fimicifigcr 4-1 dmircite

(*) 311 nTR cAti4 o*i4rf timid t and

11# ;
(13) tnJ1 Vitiui aTfigu tifct TA4t aTf-
Tri A ;

(11) dioc‘i ti .(Trsi 4 ;

(Tr) et, tthitl4 aft a-44 A sr-

s1-arl tmigo tistr
dttictt Tr% 4 la

WIT 9 ( 8 )*31F41-4 t—chrtfluf a;Rjw gm 1R19 3111-TRI (8)

* rat ti(th1( rWZD vr4 31Fq " 5-1g " trn.

nraltat—( 1) 31 IfinT0TIlltAW*31*(W fatzraci*fc4c9fq

*tri slyq "m" It

(2) wise eb\ c(1Al2( (ugly, :—

(W) 419 ceirgiul 11)(84144 * fad 31-


(li) 7r$T ttiVonte ;

01) Ttr(91t 4iticrf *I 4IRict, MIfWI* *I
vt-flad * SMIRK *7 lIA

MT 8 *31,dff ditic , xich' *

(W) ?gen; 3 *3171ff %MHO tirgtetlillgiUtp ¶IR *T

<9) • 9T3I- 9 at11 1;11Efd 11d afgrOd dc( ;

fizril 6* atIcrq fict41 Thl tc ;

(7) Nu6d*11:2117I w4 n41 n

ein Hui t . *1 Ate( ;

(q) trru 1()* sie9 zlifideb wiRWfl11--41zK ;

(z) -0 74 tartisq, zr4

1 *Ea ;

(B) 7WI WEN ft7T 1T41 9619W lsrf Th909d1

(Ng tf6) ii1144Z1 ;

(B) 7M 12* an9 747 Mt Wit ,YR.d ;

(B) 1Twf titcta( TU e 74 Z7r( %fife( ;

(00 9R1 11(3)* atdi N6141Cir 611414 %lite( ;


%ITU 11 037270 (2) '14 cs t-ci lad ch(41114 131
-4211 a:Mal 0t
artf* fu4 ar- ea-aw ;

ct, tut 1-‹ Itart, 1i 3021% 3114c1 siactliqf,

oleic:111W, tei afrit, Btffi t 140f2rd B21T 3:S1 (f.t
fat ctirtim 3itti1jtiugu*drad'AVITER*fa4 31IeRtleh

12. *mat: MI at to, 14-4P7T.—TrirgF * tut* w ail4u, ficitof trgtr

"II" -4 a f*-41•TII10.

13.. TI1TUR *T WWC.—(1) cnrent4 ouath TrAv am 4 atf * fff4 totz

sitaardi taiT chicanr ajti ziftint atf ictikat 711 1:14 Nuse*
ITREi s*tcicllittfd*fat tige041113tt tictlY114:1417.0 gm zrerr tcflpd1Z3lN1ie14
30 fcwiti A V 7174 *Rota wl• av)raa rehell 411/1T.

(2) tmi ttg 3s11 (i)* fiTskA 41lite3tr1tW9 v14wd -i

Ira A, tififw au Ad ti9014trhai, 4,11-dofautrfrada
tAil. z-4 1‘.ie'5114z5-
0B tea * *az do:hist-T*47*Ra .
Titcrltri, 34fryltur Mtn-44ff k1IcI1 4cf *et 711.

(3) (2) *31.41B kiteb1( gm a 511ciehcirf ra ati

*fat) B- AZ t711 mu.sti 0 * f*-41 B211 BTH
3:122144 alt.411/T 311t4cf B211 tiraci*ttilet Th A144, colt 07W aiNtrteura trfd
totetil 2 174 0 tu-gici 717:1 twill( '0 ati)faa .44a.

afffitaa wit— ) Tit rata «frfaa-a fga trinzattril

3fRi*V474 3441d*T91allBY4W tf WE1 Huscl.:Sitilf4B WI* alt/ tat eta) it 0
trNia *1.1r ag Old fql-ktie faIR4 kt4 alfer0 aR1 ñtft terf
SRBTf4ff t. •

(2) do4 -mi4 (1) * 31111B 9t114 '51171 tr4 TR! titch z1T 311B11
atema am* j.ç uj * Tag 1.44 alTWEEW AT* 341-v1(u-1%149T

- ffWt ti I ttiBt tuf -€914 i4j,

3tYrd: 31-11111C tAta, vRrra trumi
tit.ta - wtqi wfi Husd 1- •54q1 wkrft.
trrfta fel 74 auk

fAru** Tram*TA tr.-1-4FA A ird- r9—

(*) ii kq tcbg TITE) 250t iR t, 911 A f4c:11 ,

.(15) ri tzl 'WI (144 250 A aTINT t, WTI IT W t cbc-gliq

[saki WIT *INA Tr4 tw 1:beir :AIM!! :

1:W*1:11 5u quick A Huscrairsf- Asf-4zi 7r4 TA .4.4 *Kul A dt1

gru kZl fth-4 4 ft clIGIct3TR Wr8941111/4-t-4-4Kleth-ra.

41 *ssetaiitftaAvrftwat. —5( *fAlkiw*18TRazw*Trzr1-44- i

*IA *furlf*-A119711- - -4 •qArrkq Atn-T4
fituurk fuir*1
TA At 1*-4 7aa - -1iwat sredrefErgc
- rqw0*furgaii Caccia' t4 *Mt
aitlfkm m74 *I 47traffai

8111ifit1ri%1 NM 15 aNi 16* ainli ITat ( go fir( ct4iiilct<

aiftwfml* oircifickr Huso awfq AmT 8TRTWthal, ci 44) 4
fthl al4
q,i4sifeii IlT 3i<64t8i11.1 mill'Untrft 1Tml 44kcn1t*T4 31-1

A 3Tatt1ft1 :

31Wi slaNTI-cd Aucrt Nfla1ld •frucivicilaf tr

ITT% "aa *ift
.lusvs3* ci4ffct alticilandimmt ARM arizto*fat 7Tm:1 (-wog 0. 111.

61, daimi-f311ft.—fi1rf 17*aitff, 3TaNTWIT-41*T et. 4)01,

(Hell Mil t-14 ift siusvi VO IM1 titchit 391:11-0

arafraf*A w4.

Medittred.— ( 1) muse*114a1T1 iffdl ucl

, :—

(W) vfazr1Tft Aft *nr, sift cri(4,;


(To) tr-q gu Thl AO 4,4;

(IT) Am* H4(-41 treAro go; ,A1

* 4,41ifich *1 Am is *apih vrore

ART cilt4).

*NI WC& 1:47% iffelfrol qT4 AT oti set

n trmt tow( *1 arolAA taT4tHrIB f*-4 iri sifitA4 A aftm A-41 tot

Ti 11,4 * BIA-4.11 soilA -TO -go, AAT Ate t f*A1

frea fAtime-4Awi fw *1- W 141-ote 4401451 clul utArir
*Riot Az4 * vA1AA *fat dit1114 Ark ATM wal trea AT treat AATA-Aw
treon AT-411*-4 Ai4 AM fewoti ttglI cbc-En14 !Thin 51(4 amo tl
ardtUrta iiZli

4341z f*A1 Ara *

441:144 (1)4 aT- %ft Arc ebe-qictosact4*-1
m*, 4311*1 3g-4Fr-cm ttErr *mot t cwour aTizso Hu.svf mum titzg
* 31olo1 Aarei int faA zaa 4,11:144,4 furiRbe Tr rat NR Treo
ii m f-q4 wag veil* flffinP1ifô te .

tart Posidd.—NR1 15 M 16 t d cti cid 1914?fErl tic114 Witcf

ciaretnii Huse* 39*(4 t che.ifuT antic! fl Aka
19 fir-Ate lot *1 tr-dozW A 1*-Eft Aw Agfa go * Araul *1
ar4ta we.

uu1..1rdflT 3121k:

(W) W13 317n1 ftwad ta WIT*


(er) a#-T?F 31T itITT :—

(w) e;TrdZEIT 391PU vitclic491*333Ziril 35


ziN +lust.% flit4 wet arttff

ql,aTulkuatgmitwtti*Waimug*fot aridtr
*cm t aur* A, skid, gm *I Tri t-F tar
3111Mil 7 Ali *WFMT1 - f4***1**fatacriaLITAI4iff
tcrlic gWIff * Twt tur m-rt *TifurruutFt
sk1c41 39 3iftiTh71:1 3911 5 Alsi * 3fRTW 7 et.

(ali) 5:9ei f-** Tit kuchia gur dti Tr{

*PO die-viva AuT*1 aftrw* aftrw 7 *Tura;
* fut driskr f*Tri (9 ;kid, T4iTITRIzW1
Mt* auTi aftwu auzi SIT* 3 *I alff.TW t;

itet*Tru.—Trg tz* 1-*-4 Trt wtrehlg qzavf t

41 (11•44r:4d) iirdifTTIT, 19744 4t141M4f471T
1:1147-01 c3P4*-
irtu t.

(TT) 10,
0 no 4, dird, gru Trt *mu SAW
:nictaft, ducia auzi it **Tr *T4 * rut argiu
f+-111 •11i41.

tqte staTE4 ailuta t T Tly45thl

*1-41 th49rid 114tt fifefli, 1974 *f7** 8 cifulci van/ 4*
fwul ut4 tr uzu t qua tro,ick *zit
*Tr Tug ml chicimit wwfrulfAcr yet MIT ‘4194
f+7:11 iisiccit *14k-telt 31771trAtiNitalwat *tar Hoszr
*1 tut fer anni drido *T4 *1 miltsr 14 *WA
sift* 3 'WI 1:14 11.1404rLicif *9114 T1'fwiflT * Triotawr

t Th§m tiimi-LrFqt -1:11tqrk*cj,j(Uj edi

*-1 Tit 2ft aTtrar aftArtt w( f4ti m.

(TO cm Tim N taTeurw arts iFit :iiri;4

WV{ *TL4 argrt<i traria tgl*fm) afirdkuml

trq aiimigifcch Hpivil 14 um -kw ft dicqmpitnifrat musd cbtrgiaT

Outer *1 iiptliful V( ItflichtilaMtil*t .TA tstu.1
lifirate diciF3'i * 4atm VIM 9 =bout ftb7
ziplatm (-4.44141),r/4Rn:11ST ariluMttitruz'em :
Trt aptti *rip* *vi vkw -441tartid (1011Cli t.

(M) iTa-
4 ?Tart Tri TRIB r*-rtra.

WeriTuT 39a* fPsiqft 3ftzTat—f4411
- 21 * isiti&OT) *
317-4-4 * apzpfri rift rz, f-wp1 aPtEff *azri *fat Tutd
- r w apaRdt -(f-04
diltldWircIrlY 744 .34'04
?Pa at tit w11 It 314174 fqt ctiCr(flijialTE T
,wrsmrt-twmftweftwrrent, t 391ff9eftzET iifl
cstichrTIMMK Te fa*

art — chti apzmi at aitt aptftfm W. fat f*Tri SKR .

*T Trzrefq afrWAIM *T4 *Mal dt141 .44R fff4 chc-tauT atzsit 711 otig ouzir

trftzkrit ISM— (1) tali 14 ITS * fat Treat hi kè

araj( asKitfAcr •41d.t1R1 4gmlawiat itz9*TRT.Ti TIlitrm-wzr
ammfrg Wt.

( 2 ) TRIATTititi4ITIL9WR tiruirvi tBIT3IrWEll*siltut N14 f*lte

aidETTFTa olittcr gm tivfmci .

25.. VT14.—(1)144114VERgRITIIIVITO4 34-4(TON TRWIA1

Hai *TliR1/114 IPT4-1:RITI TR aTaVrrd

84 lei4 (1)*311.119VTR srzrta *Mt, faro are-dizinIA arA•

04 *1.1 *am ilAlltt 3#151Nif ii4k

14aT* fi ariett VT VTR cefful oii jc TIT Vzi

Vtri ti Li d fq Tiro aitufka f*-itt -qTrzt ttsg fat 7r4

trt cils1 'En TtEr Trk WIT rada Wik *fat taw(
*Id faftga Tglat al at ad.A.

26. aria •Tii WE1T aria 41•1411 t 3ITTATI/L—(1)

*fat aqu4
?VP:I 19* avr-PERI (1)*143 (V) V141 (13f)* ait91:11111
RP,cicw scfmta aft aiagg vf-ara apilf2f4f t fat awl-auMT Aka*
l: aIflI'Icl 71ifft aT1T Atli:Foci); * tiqt4

71 A-VT( agfag feaat tgfl, at apirrytt t ardifag

tfazil air' argfaa gt-mtfocili * ttge-ti fitifau * fat fi Mt Wit di 9P1
fiEPT 27414@e lit 311, 4 ti7Ttaiw:4 31TrkinVn

leg arda Jd4 1U arn 411•711 ddi * tics' 44 fat

steam tegct fklwat igk * fat irtfla Ewa ;craw gl t ttit feaut
tgarut artirldni t agl ftfag41 octbie ?sic@ *En
it it VTri Tilt sital * tritia 9N chNiticf aliNATV
f-V4 46=0 44 fch-1 %14 at lit VW* t a IITITfful alcaNt 1414 sT11
Vrtml citifttfti itraret iglagal trt * fat sit-diem frfaut *
tg-rr 1:RN ftqa wra 3l7fau 7trffzil, ii1l* apialith *fait agfaa
.1144 :

af-eRw -576.0 tfw TTT1 774 tiltifvut

tTri riff t tit fT1
wth gw(**Tr outima frft-Tti in*tfutttrtura# Trr 1441*Mq 1ft -Eft trErf7
Tturi cp.+, ap**1 atraaT t wirruer .1091.

27. art ararfdei t101.—(1) twuTr*,

wsiTur alvb apail fA414 *it mu.sci RT 1973
24 * 41;41.1 (2) * w 3149TrTa 1414f Tzl 481 we t iu 3911M
• afr( *-4 qTruzti arneEbTi *r, Tref vrT t aTt 3
t, ft-T sft ft 41mal oivb fl"gruz-a*srvrm w-dr w1r4 TEA mi Trizr‘
trI13 (iga wz, Trug* Aar ?TS * fat dqm %iWqd l11t,1.035,04*
wzrafTera krw Ira fr47 WIT1T, 101 Ii46e * g*Turffw 4,14464* toil, tica"C
fawri AA/1.

fiepil*atrtTI*31witff n 33n tv-8-i• ?TS*

fo* apTirT4***-4TT * a-0** fatu( fwErr*Rm ?AB wiT4 aid, RFT -gal

W6i '3131‘agRT*W44-6.1 4m(41,4 3111

jWilt aluditEWMI, fq
. tA
Thrum TRIku gen t:Ru---* awar 4)qc-r B11Wrji agTuT tflBafftrw
4'14I k19BlIt, 31R.T3RM * tat gR teTtr arga e
ti.411041* aTarrerTif wi <KA* ~km RR 14-**3 fl19 muse* Tgrrui
ge-TaT (4-0 rizr4 btfri (tga zr41.1 aug- gm it-oT MS* fat
di/Th %Ad rwm 7R1, 1191 AEU ebliff.

ftltpzItff 3P1rV1dflT r 13I#lw1t

T4 WW 973 701 4)(41 1NT"i f-W 39 qta 7v-
4R 4111,
f-wITt awrrrtcrt*Tatim ti 7rTr ap*THrarilfp
- ift*fo*Trq gT-6
37T1w t.

28. ?grim TraFfa fa* Tura — ( 1) sti fig* 19 * gm

wrk atTR tra---
4u fairTrgtr tg mricus aifirwrem

titikica ft iTrdi aTT, fal trra aPzIfitzfl

tramft tg Srrifir* atm *74 t fat * aftr*R1 um HuseT \T-* Hcret 61r TR1
AftfAm aw??* fat) ftramr9n11f .i1odfl1ta

ti citlfzei tb4itcrW1191 tuo6lia 441-1414 ( .1) A aftwItm

f*-4174 Hi4cus tgr*r4ti afka1 wmpacarm uganlavia*atrug
Trt Aarei A-amfd* fa4 HIHIctru 8HT6 *A 701 at' futl Astral
fiftiH1*1 * fat) *IN tql.

lit A 411.110,1 ctifthtil *MA -4-41 od .1144 :

trri fwtit *im ct Trei aiwqmsr utirrgui war

atrzjw t at* arms 04641 Th-1 goil 3-cid( "MR 'it to1 TAB *

(s) 31*-rt ttul 4 al -1191 tt z-t Ant ritAttt sr-61w art

Aft wm, 44:H rituut 31** trai * chet ticett
*ftwtra wmt smafaa V** am, t tArtf 3lkllrrqd aTiff*mtg fget

Iv 1-444814a HI{ Ttli:kal H 46;44 strism .Attl.

(a) Huse HfilitA vm atm ctot . *FITztti TTI -74 qv(

4m silt Aft 41 trfm-A ditaxticti B *ma t -titt atrlf- a ch If.

/f< musti tirgircf 14 SRA TrAtAl ;Erflnl airlY4W tili$ It t

76 mot tfrt449 toir H1Hrct tra fe.-6141 trz Aft *it A

urrit4*Wr41-4,At etifrcital*Illfq, At t, siftct4141 TEA -tuttrivAr e

eiriPUFE1 argeC

41u6e flatrali -Cg A atrro nt Tit tat * Hct-ti• 4

faftrte AAA A-41mft tg atm ALA1 zrnial Inward:

49 1414 (5) * aTtft9 ch4 1tF301 i1 fn mu t9 if

otifth att t dittauf tii 4)4041* liTM `411'14
Avg@ tint azrff fwEri aaft{ <Aid, Nit ct %id
t4 =girth WF ra *91

(11) 7zR-1,41 ci-I co cif MP!te tart frifw alt 717
*I fAti4 9=17En-104 aut :

TrT7Ti RvrTRI7T dictimyqcnora4 TR sr-*-R *Cm t et( Th

fifictil RrR Em--(ial 4 HP-4km Telt -atm-11914 aTrr m-R 4 9 t, tql
it Ciao fWiTT t448, TIF4 irosc-MT zrg timito-f tf qT4 ffW *W19 Mg aTtITW
111W4919e t.

29. tifititalt —"iluga nal 141:11t.ft ITInTIVITEVSAW oqPct art m.1

Trorartz *fez) Rfralo IT(I.ipv fwzii an.

ct, 4-414i musefTh-THWOWIT.—( 1) 1R117*ar11-41-1Tefttn4

:14471 MIT otgutii !nice, ftENOT 4I*414 Thlti

(2)Rt-Rsrkw fEr-4a
- ( Cliffcti(ut, fieouIRRT f4gri, 1966 3/4 WEET,
_astitrri 4 *MT 17 * aitti fiso, ovro, *f4- F-4 cm,icilit *m.4
qx4IcRqcti tifirA tifid

EMT 19 3/4 3flit9te.—tiTU 19 * alt9 arferd IIIF,'TST titzi(

Ter 3*-
- fartroe ainiWthrtiRunrkw, fora ci *41, (wffztai, 1
A -44-407
341 dia..° * '374-4/1 * aroR 7T4T11.

aRT 41' IftgritraTif9W —aftect11:1* 31/71714 3141 iaofffit

arfm-+-fml Acichl fwzrr wr4 arm am api lea 4 ara so
Rf-ora aftm trn.
> 39.

3r4r4Tfai431it tQJT41.4 4 Wilrittet.--TAT WITTif fitlwit•Ftt

"z" 9isic4icpci TrAlt Uerf •AHR TrWiTilfrd (NW wirt(ttf 72TIzA 10 wi
wrdraftr *fat trfrett katir:••

aita Taftittittim: fq4 9atdiIUflt

cpici4 w tirrard Tefl Al 'IL

Acit.--ztk fiqqt 'AT-kik-El-4714 warcEd tart •th ag•

trai -.1
\tt1 -tzlii
-41 CAticor icAYTN trIT.


[ftzni 3(5) kft‘l •

30 .q111 31 fktitait eti AtilAchlt 3$14171M-T ?gam

tv.414-11 9P3
TeiTtfil M
S. ch • tiTO 2(3) t arit•Ri fm:rk
9111 30 ‘7, 31 forct M 44114c(11411c4.. 4-
t '
(W) 315Tql/1 (1 Trs13flt 4}4,41i1m1
t) •

(13)/I q Act) Thl 3151-Crl (3 WEIT At ch cia Th17

srfafre 6 aturRtiz wirt (la) wr Tht

lq Act, *TRIM

srFq—" 31"
(Zflad %/R1 19-* 818 firit114 W 3)

14414tch rtr Tiff& vikel-(ff

1. WPM *I 971
thrttglif 314%/W 9R1
RUNT Rr4 %1 t9t49
dqrrd 4RqflftT
5._ mer if fug 717 am! W4RIT fWq
1 tht-tnuithia 9346604 *I
=try faatct
WA 5* 4itvici cm4cholt411
wr fmn _N NT.
Te4P1911effit *Nre Vtl taiR
aTerqi arom IT Trz)
chzenuitia ctaebeirill
icitid fagot. .
All 914,411166141 t* *
tigetri %11:11501 c4.y RW. 7
* dicrid Calif
alszTRT will twit
MK 5 UM 7 afffriff c.iia
rzi*I7E4 Wm a
*1.4 aiR Ttim 11Wil cAtichf Bat
Th'T97 MjONt


4119) thrus0.0 314t1W


(1-4ER tito
31TEIW ggi um 9. ( 8 ) 3/4 MN WTItkT1T fai9T

wsr-itaTi Wa 4TuTrmail Tim WFIPTI 4iialb gm SITIT ?WC! ITLI1

14 44 3711K11 AEIT •
(1) (2) (3)


ulTr :TEM

cut 41

almal aIjTFRITT. '


T(P1-2 '11"
(film 11 trtm2)

TR—num-kw wsnur iztrtaa4trEri mit ( t6Tr igEE )


safter I1Ifl tE6 ara7 ftTfitt1 311fiTtli

wrth3f m-gdw cqVAqi fkElig ilitt)9 Telt
( 1) (2) (3) (a) (5) (6) (7) (8) (0



ti V) I TIT Wird • ikrirdT tW Th7 1


irtfis 7irrat i iggiv 1 -46)7 Mc MT! wzi

(10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) On (18) —

Tafkrzn ma Earl
tiln Sta 4irdYitri

19 3/4 rrnrvzt
?lib N1 VIrW T1P1 ift iffjvji URI 9
stoitql WT
I MA •aikio TrItd ithrai ATI 31e9 afsgra
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

.1514d1 3TFR um 10 t awl; um 3 Us awlu ura-rt t VT t 31th1*FUR tumuli TA +Doua-

la VIntr+1 ‘Iftelch loTz atuf**i ;tar aurt Nur um f16919,eud t Tit in
TV; 1111 in Thu fi*? *elm Mug
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (is)

*mu 294 *turm fwal-woul arzi *al tu* to 31111IIR

tu ft* wu ft;r4 dru Semi 13449 thaws *emu
(16) (17) -Oa (19) . (20) (21) (22)

TBW-1,111 19 * ft***Nurt ultzpr *An

jmIm raw urftus taw sruhr urfinsif*I in u4 *r3 tg ttrU um*

uurtq *au tru WM
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) - (8)

WI 116 wi I{ *AM* tuituull-c umu41 IA

inn WM MAI *au *I um 1191
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

L'Il Ili ill WWI W tri4 &MI W51 vidw tram 331111:1(
th-4-4rd tr TCCErrl 1,4%01 WI xli,1 tiunma Aloft/TM
WI W81 ti* 110 WM %MI

(16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)

. 44

517-Tilt 19 1/1 ftn1 amsfilgs tin/ elintrnifkm

antra aim

ail Arm tam maw Tam asiarltas mensal
matta watts maim taut flail vifts0 'Ps
;maw ar4 man let la ftsa Tenn
whelP7 .1W0PRIT4 10614 Wg111TF
(1) (2)
(3) (4) (s) (A) (7) (8) (9) (10) (is)

aakara ma; ararce-nla •

AT-YR Wthilt #11111
aftml ahlas
1#4111 tin) VIM 31-21 lila TOTS WPM
Aft (tan varta mos am A4za 1.4 malt
(12) (13)
(1s) (16) (17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (7)

saw gm. mafia Trim faqa Paum inza fhw I'm am 1111TR
yama tiaa-Ts feta atti 1:1/11016( ma larftim taara
SIAR1 R111161 41710
(23) (24) (25) (26) (27 ). (26) (29) (30) (31) (
32) (33)

may arm Mar vat ea Ntri 1F1 11/1111ft gram Pial

kW am cafta IT'-'w
a-1 saarmall &NM 1
ZWER1 *a tkPITT41
(34) (35) (36) (37 ) . (30) (39) (40)

Z111Cri atm BglI11aftq (Maw +lama aqua


(41) • (42)
Aims ftfacsrft
(03) , (44) (45 ) (46) (07)

ftarait.—Trfk t 3)11;n-slim m smard flag 9rtata (w) tn m%fa afa (a) 011,1, 6.94 tU
yam *Ran lifisfash tat

(figli 12 trato

crjqkjq, •Itquar em Th-Fitur nut

'twat( wadi* Pawn ,

al/ t Peg


TtUR VI PM 391'4 161 4411,44 41tEts win sit

14.1.4 am fat TA sm-4 tad-6W . • (64:8444 T617183 MI Id

UM 9 *31e4 IMF VI 14‘13 *AM • 3. VOW( TriTrF4 91 zu Et4181 11211

Tlitia7r4 31Er+1717)(81 *1* Wel
s. ups io*anftg Tiwe Triftwzam . S. 9,4<nateCtp1181
1734 RIM( rRI lluSt9 *like . Imzif n-4
n41111 tiIq4 ( titi ).
%ITU 3 ( 3 ) *3141 fifil 1:6‘ eptind . IT6Se*W4TEN*f(T21 1071 V91
Trf Twit
Val twin( WU CCM TIM atlit (a) Niko; f41IT a:ATc
(111) atm I* 31Mrq
UM 12 *MIN rag IA 41741
io. ThIrt t art siticbrfl !UM Rcict
fitim fInnalwrit ciasbg urn
tut fqiitt.
IEENT3:R1Mc rg vmai (1E) *IRT 11(3) *3:11117 twicfl otaell
(ITO aluritiet,
(ii) HIV WO dilclk44chen4
feRt1 IlIft7R11 :—
(W) 11:14.'tiolittit-TAl 317it
t (O11 Tas
ftErd Itratbisti
(m) a,ritTtglErilat tag (t) aT-4 fori-arr4
(m) 'an/ feu seTini (si) Bert aritTifriw tr4

tuktti zziA v. A.
14. () •Aq fe:•eri Thvi
(vo ft• (t) fia.t V*4
(V) 4V1241i)1 (ab) .3174174
(&) ctialiest tirdi 5111i
(V) StifilVitt •
(113) .iii/tr•itt, WWI
(70 olqfljfi4 .
(t), ar4; arQz diisac-T4A
OM wild
(t) -Heal
Oti) ttef
(if() 171131
(111-41) airrk-srAlA
() Th'fici ikite. ta
(T(w) tatIMIit
(t) niU
(v14) %nem
(Trig) n

(z) ten Aim tftrzza

11. ANA .
(W) ;491AT
(t1) fr741, v4i-n4 Th7 MIR
(TM) sr* via
(6-4) YI-1
711 tin tipm •
(ava) dmencatfm sthremtm .
(t) ftlAw AIR
(zTO tdmii
(*An) am team
Afirv ce,
N1R IR to-terra
is. Alltik4, strgirtiithrillt
16. flail! stir;

f4Era affimrt
itI WI11131
clg t cR 111
(1) N(2) (3)

4.041 —

4. A-42 Twa TER an aetrazr, vftetwar/
s. qwe Triv t wa-d

ftri aTfir*-R1

(fiLIR 33 *0

antw *lira liftral rat zgdk wr1131t4t verrcr-4;.5h-t7iir

31 Tratittli4571 301:1141PM 30 11101zR t 'WM 31 RI:mat 11z541

"e4 tat f14it t4144 far* *4 rciA tag* zW575f1
(1) (3) (4) (5)

/414 714 arefr4 zrze

2.•mg diticyntraa vtai erk wit •
(t) .4-4.1f1 • *
(3). Tin( 1191
(4) 191 WM
00) WERT3
(&) *mkt* an trzlw
(75)* (v) vitk4 :

.wffl'm trr

R 25 RT4 1995

TE. 4 (1) 9 t-i.8:. 1:R2P230(81r1.4)etilutretiaTkritfli, 1982

Ti MU 16 3cRITKT ( 71WM ;Rh 4ra 1T1 TIM ,
TN:13ft, ari Th-Funi muoWU ThSthfitervret44T
-4 re NIKT t
fitarw f-vb A-rm t.

Hu1S4 t tivtime *IR* mu Of ,

t R. •StIti act

si NRW , tug) 25Bd 1995

3Fr f4iTrir
441104, itTicrru

tqTR,IR-rith 4B 1995

W. TR 14-3-94-tatitc4 —11143ft .3111 thr-1191VIfIi alkfrIrf, 1982

( sbilith 36 19,1983) VRT 1 31117RT (3)tvircid tue 2 (5), (11) tRIlgff
vtrwehisruluncr-4 are faiuTTAITO afieFur 14-1-84-slcs-a, eh
11 3-41:En 1987 tlittig4 711fri WRI 1 17, 199$ r zlidadtn #
riga wrdrt w-40 afttirm* filledTT-4-4/1117mb! tr-4* rim
w Tem:mail

atatutlaTerai 3F4-41 1114fir1aw3ff Ph hz4fH4 fqnff

'12 1:110 7MBI Trzi Rat( TR 9 t airxM ssrftrw t am-411'13th Mird

No. F. 14-3-94-XVI B.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-

section (3) of Section 1 of the Madhya Pradesh Shram Kalayan Nidhi Adhiniyam,
1982 (No. 36 of 1983) read with clause (ii) of sub-section (5) of Section 2 thereof,
and in continuation of Labour Deptt's previous notification No. 14-1-84-XVI-
B, dated the 11th November 1987 the State Government hereby appoints 1st day
of June 1995 as the date on which all the provisions of the said act shall come
in to force in respect pf such establishments in the State of Madhya Pradesh,
which carry on any business grade or any work in connection with or ancillary
thereto, and which employ or have employed on any working day during the,
preceding twelve months more than 9 person.

TII243tVT*( *Tyr t Btu aTrhriurt,

t RR. nn,

Ilungt41 (twor, Rik, 25 74 1996

*TR, cnicn 25 W4 1996

W. WS 4 (4) 3-95-5R-ti gr caeinaltift1 aftiftzfrl, 1982

%ITU 16 WI ZtitIRT (1) * 3115113 VW 31n/77 Wa n, 7T1 Vliffff ,
14*-WW0f, Wri chctillar 4ci Arc( 3eere
- ctwq1cli airrti, Mc:W-1114 41114cf,
t1Wtich *tkiic,Sri), atgrzt ate aftrwRI tz4tc-wir
airwrft ifi3141.14 ta fitlemPlan, weT t.

1449t7 twor, f 7 RIM 2000

%IT fq‘urr
ciT Iraq, tflU

1+ 89M, R.t1e4, 27 4T4 2000 ,

W." TR 14-2-99-8 trK-4.-1:444t4 414 chmig firtr 315T%111, 1982

(,& 35.!i:1983) *1 NM 24*187-141 (2) U048417rW41*13141754 •Wtg17,,
1Tm1 8t98t, TdcgRT , WWI 'WOW 44 di1jxa4415R 31fu1-cfr4 dichl ant-
31M 31ftnTftm z-w 3TR(1344 NM 24 *1 34414 (1) *814/4 tri 8 8 •
aitsil*talt142131t4 raid!, 1959 (chiller) 20,1111959) *1 NM 147
84113 n8 tatigit *1
- Trft41 31414 TIt tg3Tifvfa 9)0 t

(2) 48 0154[491, Titz3t4 8A94 1,1w 04141441* SIWRTi *1' cIll


No. F. 14-2-99-XVI-B.—Irk exercise of the pbwers conferred by sub-

section (2) Section 24 of the Madhya Pradesh.Shram Kalayan Nidhi Adhiniyam,
1982 (No. 36 of 1983), the State Government' hereby authorise all the Assistant
labour Commissioners and Labour Officers to exercise the powers of Tahsildar
under Section 147 of the Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1959 (No. 20
of 1959) for recovery of payable under sub-section (1) of Section 24 of the said
Adhiniyaniin their respective jurisdiction.

(2) This notification shall come into force with effect from the date or
publication of this notification in the Madhya Pradesh Gazette.

tratitoT * TR 4 Mil du
afr.4twuf, avits tict.


No. 36 of 1981


ADHINfYAM, 1982.


Sections :


Short title, extent and commv9cemen.t.



Labur Welfare Fund.

Constitutidn of Board and allowances
payable to the members.
S. Disqualification and removal.
6. Resignation of office by member and
filling up of casual vacancies.
Power to appoint Committees.



Unpaid accumulations and claims thereto.

10. Interest on unpaid accumulations or fine
on the notice of demand..
11. Vesting and application of fund.
12. Power of Board to borrow.
13. Investment of Fund.
14. Audit and Accounts

Annual Report of the Board.

Report of activities by employers.
Deligation of powers of the Board.


15. Welfare Commissioner, Additional or

Deputy Welfare Commissioner.
16. Appointment of Inspectors.
17. Appointment of Officers and other staff.
18. Deputation of Government servants.
19. Power to impose punishment.
20. Service Conditions.
21. Limitation on expenditure.


Power to call for records.

Directions by the State Government to


Mode of recovery of sums payable to the

• Supersession of Board.

Members, etc., to be public servant.

Protection to persons acting in good



Amendment of Central Act No. 4 of 1936.

Vesting of certain proporties.

Penalty for obstructing Inspector in discnarge

of Inspector's duties or for failure to
produce documents, etc.

Provisions relating to jurisdiction.

PoWer to make rules.

33-A. Power to make regulations.

Power to remove difficulties.



No. 36 of 1983 •



[Received the assent of the President on the 6th

November, 1983; assent first published in the
"Madhya Pradesh Gazette" (Extraordinary), dated
the 18th November, 1983.]

An Act to provide for the constitution of a Fund for

the financing of activities to promote the welfare
of labour in the State of Madhya Pradesh, for
conducting such activities and formatters ancillary

Be it enacted by the Madhya Pradesh Legislature in

the Thirty Third Year of the Republic of India as

1. Short title, extent and commencement.—This
may be called the Madhya Pradesh Shram Kalyan Nidhi
Adhiniyam, 1982.
It extends to the- Whole of the State of Madhya

It shall come into force on such date or dates

as the State Government may,. by notification, appoint
and different dates maybe appoined for different areas
and for diferent eStablishments or classes of

2. Definitions.—IM
this Act, unless the context
otherwise requires,.'

(1) "Board"meanstheMadhyaPradeshLabourWelfare
Board Constituted under Section 4 ;

(2) "Contribution" means the sum of money payable

to the Board in accordance wih the provisions
of Section 9 ;

(3) "Employee" means anypersonwhois employed for

hire on reward to do any skilled, semi-
skilled or un-skilled, manual, clerical,
supervisory , or technical work in an
establishment but does not include any

(a) who is -employed mainly in a managerial or

administrative capacity; or

(b) who, being employed in a supervisory capacity

draws wages exceeding one thousand and six
hundred rupees per mensem or exercises,
either by the nature of the duties attached
to the office, or by reason of the powers
vested in him, functions mainly of a
managerial nature ;

(4) "Employer" means any person who employs either

directly or through another person either on
behalf of himself or through another person
either on behalf of himself or any other
person, one or more employees in an
establishment and includes-

in relation to a factory any person named

' under clause (f) of sub-section (1) of
Section 7 of the Factories Act, 1948 (No.
63 of 1948) ;

in relation to any establishment carried on

by or under the authority of the State
Government the person or authority appointed
by the State Government for supervision
and control of employees, or where no

person or authority has been so appointed,.

the Head of the Department;

in any other case, the person, who, or the
authority which, has the ultimate control
over the affairs of the establishment and
where the said affairs are entrusted to any
other person, whether called a manager,
managing director or by any other name,
such person ;

(5) r‘Establishment" means,—

a factory; or

any establishment which carries on any

business or trade or any work in connection
with or ancillary' thereto ;

Which employs or has employed on any working

day during the preceding twelve months more
' than such number of persons as may specified
by the State Government by notification, but
does not include

(a) an establishment (not being a

factory) of
the State Government; and

(b) an extablishment owned by, or cerried on

.under the authority of the Central
Government for which the Central'
under clause (a.)k of Section 2-of the
Industrial DisPutes Act, 1947 (XIV of
1947), for purposes of industrial

(6) "Factory" means a factory as defined in clause

(m) of Section 2 of the Factories Act, 1948
(No. LXIII of 1948);

"Fund" means the Madhya Pradesh Labour Welfare

Fund constituted under Section 3;

"Independent member" means,—

(1) a member of the Board not connected with the

management ot any establishment or who is
not an employee, and

(ii) an officer of the State Government nominated

as member ;
"Industrial Court" means the Court constituted
under Section 9 of the .Madhya Pradesh
Industrial Relations Act, 1460 (No. 27 of
1960) ;

'Inspector" means an Inspector appointed

under Section 16 ;

"Unpaid accumulations" means all payments due
to an employee from an employer but not made
to him within a period of three years from
the date on which they became due whether
before or after the commencement of this Abe,
including the wages, house rent allowance
and gratuity legally payable but not including
the amount of contribution, if any payable
by an employer to a provident fund established
under the Employees' Provident Funds and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (No. 19
of 1952);

'Wages" means wages as defined in clause (vi)

of Section 2 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936
(No. 4 of 19364 ;

"Walfare Commissioner" means the Welfare

Commissioner appointed under Section 15.


3. Labour Welfare Puad.—(1) The State Government

shall constitute a fund which shall be called
the Madhya Pradesh Labour Welfare Fund.

(2) The Fund shall consist of,—

all fines realised from the employees ;

all unpaid accumulations transferred to the

Fund under Section 8 ;

any contribution paid under Section 9 ;

any penal interest paid under Section 10 ;

any voluntary donations ;

any amount transferred to the Fund under sub-

section (3) ;
any sum paid to the Fund as grant-in-aid or
subsidy by the State Government ;

any sum borrowed under section 12 ;

any loan advanced by the State Government.

If any fund is created or any sum is set apart

by the employer of an establishment for the
welfare of the employees, it may at the
request of the employer and after approval
of the State Government be transferred to
the fund.

Notwithstanding anything contained in any

other law for the Eime being in force or in
any contract or instrument, all unpaid
accumulations shall be paid to the Board at

such interval as may be prescribed, which

shall keep a separate account thereof until
claims thereto have been decided in the
manner provided in section 8, and the other
sums specified in sub-section (2) of this
section shall be paid into the Fund.

(5) The sums specified in sub-section (2) shall be

paid to, or collected by, such agencies at
such intervals and in such manner as may be

4. Constitution of Board and allowances payable to

the members .-( ) The State Government shall
by notification, constitute the Madhya
Pradesh Labour Welfare Board for the whole
State for the purpose of administering the
Fund and to perform such other functions as
may be assigned to the board by or undertthis

The Board shall be a body corporate by the name

specified in sub-section(1) having perpetual
succession and a common seal, with power to
acquire subject to the provisions of this Act
property both movable and immovable, and
may, by the said name, sue or be sued.

The Board shall, consist.of the, following

members, namely :-

Chairman to be dominated by the State


such number, as may be prescribed, of

to be nominated by the State Government:
to iilw , ed Vain as 117:7.9thett rinva
Zia n:Peovidetlithatcto thi:einployers and-iniplcrYees shall
edi al bethavebequalr, rePropentati'cin !oft:the Board .;
Indab edi bns ,8 nollosa ni bsblvoici Isnusm
sida 161) fiiich-nUMber-off.independerienembermas may be
bruiprea r i bed flovbe:chcirdiriatedi bys the State
Government; and ,

ed- d2)i r•Settetary.of rtheiBbar-C.niga earn eriT (2)

as apioneec t&ua ,yd bs.• 'fIc io..o1 biso:
ed Savetaslotlietwiste!'expressly...±provided in this
Act, the term of office -af.ctherChairrnan and
the members nominated under clauses (b) and
oi eldr.ta(ti;e0f.estfejseaticiist(64 7shal.Inbel.three)years
I Imis asar•from%the :!date. cof2 their .nominatioiat
syrbt,,M 91.1.: 9..71)1 Ii • \-3
eTheimembersrofttlid'Sciard:shallthSrentitled to
bis/pn 1.71: geereubh 'allowances rid if icany,- ds may be
es erto.i4:prescribed:ftwe m!rolfso o. bias bnurg
aida-1,9b.cur ,te, sekti eif o bi,nOtass
5. Disqualification and removal.- (1)J7..No person
shall be nominated as, or continue to be a
eMsn pri.7 tha i rman -.or , a 7 niembe b f I !the Boa rd Who'
.1.suiecneq P T1-3 t
salaried,effj..cid2. .ofi.hthe.:BOard.; or
( s Ind i'laharr-gea --jiiis7-61Vent 'ref'
bns bne, oldavort tfiod \ IticIC"-:rT
.(cJaisi foundra tojAber, ± Junaticit-pr \:becomes of
unsound mind and stands so declared by a
paiwol fel P0MIDerent?.:c9urt.; .9rnfa 5aro3 c;f41.- (E) .
(d) is Or has been convicteeof any offence
involving moral turpitude:
cr1s32 th1111110n pa nr.,:rAltr!.d0 Frft.
7! cirr•.^. -r e•vno
Provided that the diagualification under clause
(a) shall not apply to Secretary of the
ao bed i searrun nous (a).
assx.(5,1grie 1.3175 117.9101ri1i) ThteVlit..11:991C/91
:.:17eY•77.-Irn710 c112 "‘11.1 ve7.,7,f7 linen OrAil
(2) The State Government may remove from office
any Member of the 'Board constituted under
Section 4 who-

is or has become subject to any of the

disqualifications mentioned in sub-section
bits Pros ri• • wi.TZTIO1
1- 0-1"0171 10 err°
(1) ;" or '""
sd 1.1Erie -;rt-numn.71-1 k;r•1/2 to e5i3.3o IC 1113S3
is absent without)leave)of,the„Board from
more than three consecutive meetings of
(MI SO t'icriai'DridytbrILIA gir.r3AIID

LIA •I(C):::ittiif the opiniontiof.ithejState t Government

t"3f1,211ts,ic• actirig nin').a,c'manner prejudicial,Atobthey
interest of the board. .yilscio7c!

" 176!”Cesionation,otofficerby memberjand-,filling
. /Vmember may.resign
an , rt.:Wirt of cesuelvicancies.-(1) r
his 'Of fide by giving t notice, :h thereof r(; in
State 'Government :andiorr such
-t ijci • -1251T- w.riting , to the -
°fin •f1.1•2:;Ereeignation being ,accepted (shall )be,deemed
"LI 2it.."it.Olhave , -/acateflis office frortuthe:datef,of
P111:1••b 25-6-e• such• acceptance: by the: State Government
br•.5"•..: z•n(*'' -r4m>f) .; . 4.1 io rcb_rtg
(2) A casual vacancy in the office ;of ;a member
shall be filled up, as soon as conveniently
, and a ;member
0.1. 1r' IL' may .be -,;( by the State Government
a -Li 56 51 nominated• shall hold • of lice #3j for.:±,the
,term: of the 7 of f ice
'Th-t.'21 ' t unexpired port ion of the -
of his predecessor. -.bLidt...t,Er51 t.d N,±zrx

riff / (3)No1 actor pioceedings of (the Board shall be

a ril LI; ty questioned ten.):the Igroundl:merely of the
F116 excstence:of )anyi vacancy.; in Tr. or any defects
in the constitution of the Board or on the
tIj 111 '1t•'groundithat7any- person had 'taken part in the
ft•z1P nprOceedirigs.of ItheiBoard ancl;had voted in an
mi;c in. unauthorised manner .. tins-crt rf EACAb
hit qua; "rIt
7. Power to appoint committeeel—J:For the purproe
of advising the Board in the discharge of its
k fui-ictioni 'and also Ef or carrying: into; effect
)L'a 1.1() 15"any 5 of the -objects' speci fled lin sube section
xc' I r -41fy0 I'VE! V.1 , 3 on 1iic cYt3ttL1dUq tr) h

(2) of Section 11, the Board may constitute

one or more committees. The constitution and
term of office of any committee shall be such
as may be prescribed.


8. Unpaid accumulations and claims thereto.—(1) All
unpaid accumulations shall be deemed to be abandoned

Any unpaid accumulations paid to the Board in

accordance with the provisions of Section 3 shall, on
such payment, discharge an employer of the liability
to make payment to an employee in respect thereof, but
to the extent only of the amount paid to the Board; and
the liability to make payment to the employee to the
extent aforesaid shall, subject to the succeeding
provisions of this section, be deemed to be transferred
to the Board.

As soon as possible after the payment of any

unpaid abcumulation is made to the Board, the Board
shall by notice (which shall contain such particulars
as may be prescribed)—

to be displayed on the notice board of the

factory or establishment in which the
unpaid accumulation was earned; and

to be published in a newspaper in the

language commonly understood in, the area ,
the establishment in which the unpaid
accumulation was earned—

is situate invite claims to be filed, within a period

of one hundred and eighty days from the date of such
display or publication of the notice, by employees for

any payment due to them. The notice shall continue to

be displayed on the notice Board continuously for a
period of one hundred and eighty days from the date it
is so displayed.

If any question arises whether the notice

referred to; in sub-section (3) was given as required
by that silb-section, a certificate of the Board that
it was so given, shall be conclusive.

If a claim is received in answer to the notice

under sub-section (3), the Board shall transfer such
claim to the authority appointed under Section 15 of
the Payment of Wages Act, 1996 (No. 4 of 1936) having
jurisdiction in the area in which the factory or
etablishment is situated, and the authority shall
proceed to adjudicate upon, and decide, such claim
within a period of ninety days from the date on which
the claim is transferred to it by the Board. In hearing
such claim the Authority shall have the power conferred
by and follow the procedure (in -so far as it is
applicable) laid down for giving effect to the
provisions of that Act.

If the Authority aforesaid is satisfied that

any such claim is valid and the right to receive payment
is established, it shall decide that the unpaid
accumulation in relation to which the claim is made
shall cease to be deemed to be abandoned property and
shall order the Board to pay the whole of the dues
claimed, or such part thereof as the Authority decides
as properly due, to the employees; and the Board shall
make payment accordingly :

Provided that, the Board shall not be liable to pay

any sum in excess of that paid under sub-section (4)
of Section 3 to the Board as Unpaid accumulations, in
respect of the claim.
oi sun itJtIon ilar`a •)--rtio41 9(1T .m SUL :";`"Ir-
n 1(7) Y If ciatclaim ()for payment ,t r is rejected,-_ thei
eraoloyee shalLhave a right of lappeal,to the Industrial q
Court, and the Board shall comply with any,order made1
in appeal. An appeal shall lie within sixty days of the
decision.of the Authority.-.The:Industrial. Court shall
give': its tdecision.ordinarily within. a period of I sixty,
dayslf rom' the' date on'which%appeal is presented •before-t
it. . r• • trul •S['11' L: 31

.Val:(8) 9.The idecisiOn tad Athe cAuthority, subjedt

pealta-foresaid andt, the i decision in t appealuofir, the
IndultriallCouretshall/;be..f inal and:conclusive. as ,to,
the. right to receive payment; the liability,of the Board
to)pay andlalso as tol.the amount,,,if
LILA.: il0fi31 a -nh br .k.)93r.t J2.! J. inn!! 1'7
no , claim is made:within the, time,specified:
sUb-section - (3) or a claim has.been ,duly, rejected ,
as :Jaforesaid) by f.the authority,' or on • appeal r byj the
Ciourt ,ithen: the unpaid accumulation - in respect.of such
claimtshall:aacrue to, and.vesttin,,the , Board as;bona
vaeant , and Shall thereafter wiphout further assurance
be deemed to be transferred to, 7andiform]part y 'of ,the:
nab ft .n. P .olk•P oijir, J.,1.7L.t J •T (.3)
irm.N10) --.where the authority tor. the r Industrial, Court
is g. unable' to I diver its lidedision within the perriod
specifiedin'sub-section• (5) or sub:section :(7) „as the
case \ maybeV1tisbailrreCord ,the „reasons therefor.
-51.1D SI.1 1 Lk..?1.0th .11J , tc Ct b t!)ii2 • E f•43
9 .-‘r Contribution. (1) The contribution payable under
this;act in respect of ran.,einployee in an establishment •
shall consist of the contribution ..payable‘, by ;the
employer (hereinafter referred to as the 'employer's
contiibution) erpayableA by.) and employees (hereinafter
referred:to-as -the -employees contribution) and the
contiibUtion payable by.the , State Government ,t and shall
be paid to the oard and form partt of the Fund..•„-r;st
65 I
(2) If the name of the employee stands on the
..eTzJete,12,11'et.IPlertti.c9P•3 3‘.9.tb t?..e•Theinfte0:3 31§t
pscstp,q.cui _respectj.veq..y,-,t cthe 9 ,tnOuntof 9 qOfltrtbtk2fl
paya)71ei„eyery!isix,c m.onqtscby eery emp)toyee-f aha):Inpe
(One Rupees) oR3,. . y and by an employer for:i .emact-t-fpltch
emproyee shall be -1 (Three Rupes) Payable every six
1111211.54.P.11r.o ad., al _Lis—Lino° 'us •on±bnaztatliivnoti. (2)
nrilJudil7no2 tnr-: te,:e.,ftl"4 C'eT

t; VO M-Pir 9V i cle e.P.I.P ..9•149-.9Y-4.14 e(...eePt j.-AP1.; i9R PeYeke

every six months shall not be leas.p tban one hundred
fifty Rupees). .
rne.-11 Anyt .) E=13 r.t vj bfrioubbb itb nue NoiA (a)
Dori 'Lk' 1:c.3)1P-1).4j(etut..t.9. ,the.t
tc ,•:,,cvenrNemPloY.!; iC9.3.11- iiPPT4AD9,PArithq
RIppl‘pyas ‘contril?ot ion .9..ria tna ftanployg,ci:s,:corltribu0Eon
every year before the 15th day of July..tak-_,L1.5S1.- 1 ,day of
January." .1
siti bur E x*.io icin4 ,csq ttevoicyni., nit (V)
gni,s(1,14„4,1t.l.otw4..thatap4ingi enythinguccorkreipedetin,i
other law:df cr.; the a time peingn in i foree/ louc,-..s,up.jegt„to
the (PrCY1...g.ktlee•-•,..R.f../.t4iPa A9t.izieThd -I the ?.•;1‘.1.:1.9;cemetle
thereunder, the emp oyer shall be entitled to recover
from the employed the employees contribution by
ClpdUcbi9;11,frOM_ tir sn.not i,-ortkeryis,e.. and ) such
ded24. ;deemed to, pe-,,afieclucp..49Thamthorieed
by or• under—the Payment of iyages,Act, u,19•36:)n(NazD4
of 9/11 , cijtfflj Ltio.1 end pniwortz: doeidsdsi a
. dk its!id in dDS“:1:.:91! . oi &di dined
Providedslthatnq such-,deduction• shall.] be. Made in
excesp.(of the, thei contril?titi,on..pgylb.rspy . sucty
f K9rn anyagfroti
emp/1:9Yce, ,ne;.•Thi 0,.P,, Pei
than thermageu..rfor,theenenth ofJune pnd ri(pecerr,(„D7,

7 d i yFoyi,..cledifurther,..thatr thr.ough.inedvertence or
f f

for unavoidable circtunstance ta-be recordedAlawriting

nqdqdqçtiqnhabçefl made f rouLthe-,livage.a...o f iapii employee
••- - • -
Amended by Act No. 11 of 1996. I. etioiniq
Inserted by Act No. 11 r. 1996.
'Act- NO77 9 "Of-1997 .
37— Substituted- by .2
legs io 11 lnA yd bro.11'..1:11
flQL So It or: 141A Y1 b.rbner:A

for the months aforesaid, such deduction may be made

from the wages of. such employees Lir any subsequent
month or months after intimation in writing to
the Inspector.

Notwithstanding any contract to the contrary,

no employer shall deduct the employer's contribution
from wages payable to an employee or otherwise recover
it from the employee.

Any sum duly deducted by an employer from the

wages of an employee under this section shall be deemed
to have been entrusted to him by the employee for the
purpose of paying the contribution in respect of which
it was deducted.

An employer shall pay the employer's and the

employee's contributions to the Board by Cheque, Bank
Draft, Money Order or in cash and shall himself bear
.the expenses of remitting such contributions to the

. The Welfare Commissioner shall submit to the

State Government as soon as possible after the end of
July and January every year in the prescribed from a
statement showing the total amount of the employer's
contribution in respect of his establishment. On
receipt of the statement fromitheWelfare Commissioner,
the State Government shall pay to the Board a
contribution of an amount equal to the employer's
contribution in respect of that establishment.

'["(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in the

above sub-sections, the State Governmcint may revise the
rate of contribution payable by the 'employee and the
employer by notification subject to the condition of
previous publication.".]

Inserted by Act No. 11 of 1996.

Amended by Act No. 11 of 1996.

10. Interest on unpaid accumulations or fine on the

\ notice of demand.—(1) If an employer does not pay to
the Board any amount of unpaid accumulations or lines
realised from the employees, or the amount of the
-employer's and employee's contribution under Section
9 within the time he is required by or under the
provisions of this Act to pay it, the Welfare
Commissioner may cause to be served a notice on the
employer to pay the amount within the period specified
therein, which shall not be less than thirty days from
the date of service of such notice.

(2) If the employer fails without sufficient.

cause, to pay such amount Within the period specified
in theAdottce-he shall, in addition to tha't amount, pay
to the Board simple interest—

for the first three months at I (One \and a half

. per. cent) of the said amount for eaeh
complete month after the last date by which
he should have paid it according to the
notice; and

at 3( Two per cent) of that amount for each

complete month thereafter during the time
he make default in the payment
of thatamount.

11. Vesting and application of fund.--(1) THe fund

shall vest in and be held and applied by the Board as
a Trustee subject to the provisions and for the
4 purposes, of this Act. The moneys therein shall be
utilised by the Board to defray the cost- of carrying
out activities which may be specified by the State
Government from time to time to promote the Welfare of
labour and of their dependents.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-

section Cl) the moneysi\in the fund may be utilised by
the Board to defrayexpenditure onthe following
va,L, ao ban- 20euctasi:azu.roca Oleg= no ae•teir.t; .01
ozi veg don aeob.-leyolorfle nfl n (11--hmT,u4A 961 - w!‘ktna,
community and social education centres •
aanii•lo cht;I:nalw;lonnb urndau In lnrorr? l'tfo; v,IL:1^8 sdi
including reading rooms andlibraries,
sdi Jo Inmome- On au ,asexoloms psi.; mola osellpsa
holInsa ..tabds rxckiud.hxinoc7 1 ssyolcims the a m awolcims
community necessities;
sill 'atricinli to AfamnIpo'l 21 se ei:11.4 &di radJiw °
sdri• J.k '(Sc' 03 'snA. nidi ?rn n ir*jn iv,-,-(x/
ed/, no (c) educational facilities for children, women ,
0e.viSa oa ORuS0 ykz! :ts00:S0-,: rum00
091410scr t. ba ndadults
o.L194 a'±tiiiw inuome siii \Lag oI 7.evolgms
moal evbb vJaidi n;;17; etsi sd Jon Llhda doldw- ,nisasdJ
(d) games and sports;
PLlua to 001Vt4e. 10 eist sdi
(e) excuisions, tours and holiday, homes;
EACE-1 ,11i 24 (c.;
. ,
bs.:Linsas bodisq- 11:1 iLAJJ‘4 :trutm” 1;nmA ym,
(fr entertainments and other. forms of recreation;
y4g ;111Jom:J nomana i lInts ention ni
• —1Rw7rnih, h-fr.rd
home industries and subsidiary occupations
for women and unemployed persons;
dne;) 703. Jouoms t.0 L'a*v.) 't90 •
corporate activities of a.socral nature;
rth.Crai ati.L 7iertri flinon eisqmo
edi el nniblonns fl be sved hIrri,da :;?
(iy cost of administering the ACt including
allowances of the AMtierViii%lie Board and
the salaries and allowances of the officers
rftles o,s .7CLOXri 3"10, or " /6 (CO
and staff appointed for the purposes of the
emIJ sei 20/10 7r,011,171.1J hanom sJelquon
Act- and
. Jh“oms :fi
ed .'(>
(j) such other objects as would fh the opinion
of the Board improve the standard of living
bhul °HT (1,—.AhL24 lp kt:J/1.:15T)Clq,7A A4Tn pnhirr24%
and ,ameliorate the social conditions of
era ers.eig nfll y0 02,;:fliqi, 04.911 ea 006 its ./asv flezie
94, Ioa Dr•la ai h:our .
.voaq rtsJau-iT
sa iEzri 319meril evnadm eldT 'Int\ kq.ei 1.0 neat-Tat
• ,Provided that the fund shall bot be utilised ilised in
ylcost). 01 CabOti &i McI bsaLliJv
financipg,any, activity which- the evployer,ie required
1/4.C1 091.30,-Ce ea 2E4131v/ins 4co
under any-lawf for the time being in force to carry out:
.v enj .93enpIg 03 9m13 03 9mxi moat Jpemnasvo0
.aInshrisdnh xi4AI o 9ttris au.ndsi
Provided further that unpaid accumulatiOns and fines
shall be paid to the Board ancLbe.expended by it under
-UtJE IAD zizl7f
e000 iTt7 04 00fluffSla—nrogii0
this Act. notwithstanding anything contained in' the
yu Oti,xIX31) 90 viin ZnUI 6d3 ,Lt ay:1110m 9r13 (1) nolJose

any 4::•t
Waraers--7A-c €ri, r 193.5 ' (Noir:4 ref -1936) ,/
f)Vrttie\- - rote
.11 :L btonibiEllsra ad oi .
• .be.c[inesIg Ezd yam 135
The Board may, with the approval of the State
ca.^10 .en r. e

Government; make a a' 'grant° out of a- the F- fund tb any

a ••••

etiolOyner7rraicy--:1-o-aa1la1i64ey oi ranY 'other) body.. inid

gby. aaartiiii-477fcrifthe7-welfarelof tlabour.65411:)291C1 7E aSay36

If any-,qµetion arises whether any particular
• '
e &penàitixrTfisO45nat -debttable:Teal the 4Fund; the ,
ehallibe-cfef er-rid the- ;State 7Goirernment x and
the rale.c.i3i.o4nr7.41:31nehtt& Sta te !Govei-nm -ent': shall. be
Los ofiT .75011 Ca: :1112:11.1 wiz
Er::laat:i I zvcon Jo poi:zoom zaril cart) z busod
Cf ij( 5-)•ttr) eha.114bill aW foi1 thelsoat& to ) c on t inue
i1obout Welfare fund of
any activtii-Yr ShiñEedfrorn the4
any es tabli shment ,he.,said.,fund is only_trana f erred
,to, the -Board :tinder ,suh-Section c (3),, of Section' 3. ,
, au4,‘ 1.11501.1 911.1
riSsII9JIt 5 'r;1 UI jk l4ilit.1710.1E4-SnC n n
12 .ower of, Board to borrow.-The 'Board may from
' of the State
time to U r . with the pi- evious sanction
Goverimea_iandv.Subject3 to . .the provisions:of this Act
'and itO amic-ICOndit ionsv:as ,. may be z spec i f ied,in _this
behalf borrow ail/ sum required for the purposes-of this
•Act., 4 )1:4 aoxiivi:1 :14x to°44
c-- r
xr faro 11,1 el 0• .4 tr
ie n ie.O crony
[13. Investinent of Fund.-Where
„.L •• ' • • •
V• • -.ed..“. e •. ••••••
cd it -anc ‘aailVditel'far

, portion there-cif canriat.r be 'applie inajinvest

the' `aid eCte &f tharkct i ,b th''Board --
1-f).11 11 stor
ann •-•'‘ 'f•-•
401 1 j •••
the same in purchasing the savings
- •
deposit it in Post Office Saving Bank ot . in,any account
Ewith ScheduledtBsnk viorn,investtits inicrovernment
;, The Board may with.the approval ,o -f ,the 4.- State
in_j any \ other m_ode aof
EGov.ernment,cf also, invest it nc
0invests)! nt.;.:!JI:)tz,;••;or, fitua or) zootdua ,s--v.fatuozodi
9112 7.O itsnttzte3 oTti oi ,ruzi,Juicanz aril ni boiliooga
. erITTIC;) 575119W
....1._,Sulpstituted by Act No. 11 of 1996.
.aeex !0 J0A yd hOJY&E.11 .1

14. Audit and Accounts.—(1) The Board shall cause

to be maintained such accounts, records and registeri
as may be prescribed. •

(2) The Board shall, sodn after the close of the

financial year prepare an annual statement of its
accounts in such form and in such manner as may be

1("14-A. Annual Report of the Board.—(1) The

Secretary of the Board shall prepare an Annual Report
in respect of:the affairs of the Board and the fund for
the financial year. The report shall be laid before the
Board at the first meeting of the next financial year.
The manner and contents of the Annual Report shall be
such as may be prescribed by the regulations.
A Copy of the rdbort which is to be laid before
the Board under sub-section (1), shall be sent to every
member of the Board together with the annual statement
of accounts and the audit report, if available.
A Copy of the report, as approved by the Board,
shall be sent to the State Government duly sioned by
the Secretary.
Report of activityes by employers.—Every
employer shall send a report to the Welfare
Commissioner on the welfare activities conducted by him
during the financial year in such form and in such
manner as maybe provided in the regulations made under
Section 33-A.
Delegation of powers of the Boardd.—The Board
may, hyaspecialresolution, delegate any of the powers
exercisable by it under this Act and the rules made
thereunder' subject to such conditions, as may be
specified in the resolution, to the Chairman or the
1. Inserted by Act N. 11 of 1996.

(iii) It shall be the duty of the Welfare

Commissioner to ensure that the provisions of this Act
and the rules made thereunder are duly carried out and
the decisions of the Board under this Act or the rules
made thereunder are implemented. He shall therefore
have thepowers to issue orders not inconsistent with
the provisions of this Act and the rules made
thereunder, as he deems fit.

The State Government may also appoint one or

more persons as Additional or Deputy Welfare
Commissioner. The Additional or Deputy Welfare
Commissioner shall exercise such powers and perform
such duties as the Welfare Commissioner may, with the
approval of the Board, by order specify. For this
pi.jaose the Board shall be Competent to fix the area
or areas within which the Additional or the Deputy
Welfare commissioners shall exercise the powers and
perform the functions so specified.
The Secretary of the Board shall be appointed
by' the State Government.

16. Appointment of Inspectors.—(1) The State

Government may appoint Inspectors to inspect records
to ascertain and verify the sums payable into the fund.
Inspectors appointed under sub-section 1(2) of section
40 of the Madhya. Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act,
1958 (No. 25 of 1958) shall also be' deemed to be
Inspectors for purposes of this Act in respeet of the
establishments to which the Act applies.

(2) Any—Inspector may—

with such assistance, if any, as he thinks
fit, enter at any reasonable time any
premises for carrying out the purposes of
this Act;
exercise such other powers as may be

nal L.'s 171Appointment of j Officers ;and Other Staff.-

The Board ishall have ; powers subject.,to ,such conditions
f as may be prescribed to appoint off icers
„executive .,cs taf f a iTcipher-fil thaiiir-i those 'appointed ''under
n7 -
to ;darn] out and 'sUpeiVise 'the' aCtiVi ties
finitdI frbiii“then fund?' "Pi La:" 915 cgws vnt ebEtiC
anw J.In7sfaacbnf Joe; slobto nuazi oi 4. :ownq sill
er)6ti 18 ,', Deputation of Government Servante:-r;
[The Sta.e
Government may, in consultation ,with 'the, Boa jd_kdepute
to the service of 'the Board any Government Sz-vant) and
.the terms and conditions of deputation ,of such servants
shall, be datarm —ined" the'.-Siate 'Government in I-

ta t ion wi th the BOaid 'and the ttins • and

conditions so determined' shalrbe binding on the Boaid.
msolleci T:n8 E..f.two(] tftWa f.1:12:tltf4Xf• ritne lenoltait1700.
en!: e19 , Power to >, i posepunisbment .-P0W0r3 tO r impose
;Punisbniont.Notwithstanding anything. contained in this
tact .E or the rules ,made ctheretinder , Li f c in the- enp-iniOn
L.the State Government any, officer or sei- Vantlof the
? Board is negligent in the dischife'bf his dutiesit may
after -Making enquiry in the prescribed manner ins-Pend
him or may impose"gthr-"Othei rplinfshment m isl; may the
Eprescribed and if in the opinion of ,theState Government
he is unfit for his employment, .it MaYikeitiOve.him - from
aie3F.204:1" I F' • -
. Servile `Conditicine.-The method-of ;recruitment
trn-nd D thereOnditio-ris! Of servine includingivay-scales n
A • bru-'= Ethe'i persons 'appointed .under isection:,15
no;:4 en 'shall., be such : as f may be spec f i ed. , by the
,y:)A aa9zfa. State:Government; tt,f wi g •vf.iim nris (in
ed Cd OLL(b) of,the perbris`appointed under Section 17
sUail .'is may:be :deteimined 15Y:the
o 1cc19.Board
- by.' regulations' made` under Section
vni npsnin

21. Limitation on expenditure.-The :expenditure 1

on the of f icers.and the servants appointed
- itrative
seri tr,l a tinder Ehia'Cha-piej"and'otnek?.admin
InS c 'exp —enditu-i-e shall bde exceed the prescribed
P98c)g-niq srp-eiee-nfage-Of the-annual' income of the Fund.
04. ‘Sulistitated byeAct•Nordlcof 1996: e;
2. Amended by Act No. 11,of 1996. jy-ci17.-E, jr;
3. Substituted by Act No. 11 of 1996.
t. V73

iLuzlob sham btri CIFOU Fut, if3113 t3enac6e &j iseawnsvcD ,
audi 221', Power. ta.' call' fox" records bite State Govertunent
any'7of fider rauthorisedbytthe.'State Goveriunent7Ain
this :behalqmay icall for- the records ,JOf theTh Board,
fCjnspecttthCsame and a may caubervise r: the: -working Sof
ethe Boaidfiriti.I.17eno:/?-t yam bn4 Enitof:1 e-rf.3 abealegua •
: bizoE erti 10 no15u112o:.- ., c.t 1Lnfla iennst
23. Directions by the State Government to Board.-
noThe., State Government, may „give zto the,b Board such
6 9 directions as_t in its ,opinion.are necessary or,expedient
„connection _ ;with (expenditure ,.from zthe..,fundr, for
sticarrying out ithe other purposes ofthe Act and the Board
wi th ,such directions. b „• _.€
'24. Mode of recovery of sums payable f rei ct -he
1,;713 fitrao ,Boar4.(1. ) a, Anysum payable .to the Board
aco i b /Ls, ,,,,94nt0 E the.,Fund underk. this Act , shall
„to co.A without yrejudice z to....any,:otherj_m _ odezt of
..zbz., „no.. „id reco.v.ery, o bei re.c.oxera...b.lect_on t.betralf zof
,the z13,9a. 4,asjta9 arrear.j of Itand_revenue.
(2) The State Government may, by notification,
author,ise officers of the State Government
wir _ ntt. ,below therank of Lepeuf Of ficer to
trwlit. yea exercise the powers of t a. Tails ildar ,under
oi ne.S, ec.tion.....147 j of theMadhya Pradesh Land
itufne;,•,0 ue Code :11959 9549
io IS.
sr recovery ou f 6sums.,unaer .sub-isectionz41(1) .
(3) The officers -authorise'd under Sub-
hoopçü sectiont(2hmay;cause•a .notice of ,demand.
e;.1 Ilstie to : be served on any, defaul ter bef ore , the.
toop 4:4 ei issue of ,: any, proces's tunderr, Section,147
21 of the Madhya , Pradesh Land Revenue Code,
1959 (No. 20 of 1959) for the recovery
of any arrears.
yu ,y5m L.,( 4)rnAlllother provisions:of Chapter' XI of the
o 4..;. EALD :re LrmaforesaidcCode shal19 iapplyl mutatis
zurfri ?C' Errol“vo/mutandisfufor I the ozrecoveryi ofl../ sums
ni be 1 i nege ed 'payable r,to the. 3Board i or into the Fund
under this Act.'' ezfi

1. Substituted by Act No. 11 A 1996.


Supersession of Board.—(1) If the State

Government is satisfied that the Board had made default
in performing any duties imposed on it by or under this
Act or has abused its power or has failed to comply with
any direction giyei by the State Government under
Section 23, the StAe Government may by notification
supersede the Boa,rd and may reconstitute it in the
manner prescribed, for constitution of the Board :

Provided that before issuing the notification
under this sub-section, the State Government shall give
a reasonable opportunity to the Board to show cause why
it should not be superseded and shall consider the
explanation and objections, if any, submitted by the
(2) After the supersession of the Board and until
it is reconstituted the powers, duties and functions
of the Board under this' Act shall be exercised or
performed by the State Government or by such officer
or officers as theState Government may appoint for this

Members etc. to be public servant.—The members

of the Board, and the persons appointedd under sections
15, 16, 17, 18 and 25 of this Act shall be deemed to
be public servants within the meaning of Section 21 of
the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (XLV of 1860).
Protection to persons acting in good faith.—
No suit, prosecution or other proceedings shall lie
against any person for anything which is itt good faith
done or intended to be done under this Act. .

Exemption.—The State Government, may, by

• notification exempt any establishment _or class of
establishments from all or any of the provisiOns of this
Act subject to such conditions as may be 'specified in
the notification.

Amendment of Central Act, No. 4 of 1936.—In

sub-section (8) of Section 8 of the Payment of Wages
Act, 1936 (No. 4 of 1936) in its application to the State
of Madhya Pradesh, the following proviso shall be
inserted, namely
'Provided that, in case of any Factory or
establishment to which the provisions of
the Madhya Pradesh Shram Kalyan Nidhi
Adhiniyam, 1982 apply, all such realisation
shall be paid into the Madhya Pradesh
Labour Welfare Fund constituted under the
said Act and shall be applied for the
pursose of the said Act."
Vesting of certain properties.—THe State
Government may by an order transfer to the Board the
property, both movable and immovable, belonging to it,
and loping applied in running the departmental Labour
Penalty for obstructing Inspector in discharge
of Inspector's duties or ,f or failure to produce
documents etc.—(1) Any person, who wilfully obstructs
an Inspector in the exercise of his powers or discharge
of his duties under this Act or fails to produce for
inspection on demand by an inspector any registers,
records or other documents maintained in persuance of
the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder
or to supply him on demand true copies of any such
documents, shall, on conviction, be punished,—

for the first offence, with imprisonment for

a term which may extend to three months,
or with fine which may extend to five
hundred rupees, or with both; and
for a second or subsequent offence, with
imprisonment for a term which may extend
to six months, or with fine which may
extend to one thousand rupees, or with
both :

Provided that where the offender is sentenced to

a fine only, the amount of fine shall not be less than
one hundred rupees.

1["(2) .If an employer—

fails to pay the contribution or any sum

which he is liable to pay under this Act;

is guilty of any contravention or non-
compliance with any of the requirements of
this Act or the rules or the regulations
made thereunder, in respect of which no
penalty is provided;

he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a

term which may extend to one year or with
fine whic may extend to two thousand rupees
or with both." .

32. Power to make rulee.—(1) No Court inferior to

that of a Judicial Magistrate of the first class shall
try any offence punishable under Section 31.

NO prosecution for such offence shall be

instituted except by an Inspector with the previous
sanction of the Welfare Commissioner.

No Court shall take congnizance of such

offence unless complaint thereof is made within six
months of the date on which the offence is alleged to
have been committed.

33. (1) The State Government may, by notification,

and subject to the conditions of previous publication!
make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.

1. Inserted by Act No. 11 of 1996.


(2) In particular and without prejudice to the

generality of the foregoing power, such rules may
provide for all or any of the following matters,
namely :-
(i) the intervals at 'which unpaid
accumulations shall be paid under sub-
section (4) of Section 3;
(ii) the agency which shall collect the sums and
the intervals at which and the manner in
which such sums shall be paid or collected
under sub-section (5) of Section 3;
(i) the number of representatives of
employers, employeesandindependentmembers
on the Board under sub-section (3) of
Section 4;
(ii) the allowance, if any, payable to members
of the board under sub-section (5) of
the constitution and term of office of the
member of a committee under Section7;
.(d) the particulars which a notice under sub-
section (3) of Secti2?,n 8 shall contain:
(e) the form in which statement shall be
submitted under sub-section (8) of Section
(1) the accounts, records and registers to be
maintained under sub-section (1) and the
form in which annual statement of accounts
shall be prepared under sub-section (2)
of Section 14;
powers which an Inspector shall exercise
under -clause (b) of sub-section (2) of
Section 16.
Conditions subject to which the Board may
appoint officers, clerical and executive
Staff under Section 17;
,(i) the manner in which enquiry shall be made
under Section 19;
'[(j) the method of recruitment and conditions
of service of the persons under clause (a)
of Section 20;1

1. Substituted by Act No. 11 of 1996.


(k) the percentage of the annual income of the

Fund beyond which the Board may not spend
on the staff and other administrative
(1). any other matter which has to be or may be

1[33.A (1) The Board may with the previous

approval of the State qovernment make regulations not
inconsistent witlj. -this Act and the rules made
thereunder for the: Purpose of giving effect to the
provisions of the Act.

(2) In parcieillar and without prejudice to the

generality of-the foregoing powers, such regulations
may provide for all any of the following matters,

the manner of preparation and the contents

of the Annual Report under Section 14-A;
determination of the working and service
conditions of persons appointed under
Section 17;
preparation and maintenance of confidential
records relating to officers and staff
working under the Board and preparation
and maintenance of other records of the
any other matter which has to be or may be
required to be made by regulations.
34. Cl) If any difficulty arises in giving effect
to the provisions of this Act, the State Government may,
by general or special order published in the Gazette,
make such provision not inconsistant with the provisions
of this Act as appears to it to be necessary or expedient
for he removal of the difficulty :
Provided that no such order shall be made after the
expiration of two Years from the commencement of this
(2) Every order made under sub-section Cl) shall
be laid on the, table of the Legislative Assembly.
1. Inserted by Act No. 11 of 1995.

No. 346-2692-XVI-B-85.—In exercise of the powers

conferred by Section 33 of the Madhya Pradesh Shram
Kalayan Nidhi Adhiniyam, 1982 (No. 36 of 1983), the
state Government hereby makes the following rules, the
same having been previously published as required by
sub-section (1) of Section 33 of the said Act,
namely :—

—( 1) These rules
1. Short title and ccamenceraent.
may be called the Madhya Pradesh Shram Kalyan Nidhi
Rules, 1984.
(2) They shall come into force on such date as the
State Government may by notification appoint.
In these rules , unless the context
2. Definitiqps.—
otherwise requike's,—
(a) "Act" means the Madhya Pradesh Shram Kalayan
Nidhi, Adhilhiyam, 1982 (No. 36 of 1983) :
.(b) "Form" means a form appended to these rules;
"Section" means a Section of the Act.
3. Payment of fines and unpaid accumulations.
Within thirty days from the date on which the Act comes
into force in any area in respect of the establishments
specified therein, every employer of suchestablishments •
in such area shall pay to the Board by cheque, bank
, draft, money order or cash.

all fines realised from the employer before the

said date and remaining unutilised on that date:
all unpaid accumulations held by the emploYel\ipn
the aforesaid date.

Subsequent to the first payment made in

accordance with sub-rule (1) every employer shall pay
to the Board, all fines realised from the employees and
all repaid accumulations during the quarter ending
31st March. 30th June, 30th September and 31st December
within fifteen days from the close of each quarter.

The payment under sub-rules (1) and (2) shall,

in each case, be accompained by a statement giving full
particulars of the amounts paid.

all other amounts mentioned in sub-section (2)

of Section 3 of the Act shall also be paid to the Board.

Every employer shall submit the Board a statement

of employer's contribution and employees' contribution
in respect of employees whose names stand on the
register of the extablishment on 30th June and 31st
December respectively in form alongwith the payment of
contribution under sub-section (3) of section 9.
4. Notice for payments due.—(1)
The Welfare
Commissioner may, after making such enquiries as it may
deem fit, and after calling for a report from the
InSpector, if necessary, serve a notice on any employer
to pay any portion of fines realised from the employees
or unpaid accumulations held by him which the employers
has not paid in accordance with rule 3 or the
contributions payable by him under Section 9 within the
period specified therein, which shall not be less than
30 days from the date of service of such notice.

(2) The notice under sub-rule(1) shall be served on Le!

the employer either by personal service or by
registered post acknowledgement due:

Provided that in case may employer refuses tofeceive

such notice or it is returned by the postal authorities
with the remarks that the employer refused to accept

it or it cannot be..--served it shal be deemed to have been

served if a copy thereof is posted obn any-euitable
place at or near the.main entrance of the Establ4ahment.

5. Number of members to be nominated.—The number of

"merfbers to be nominated on,the Board under clauses (b)
and (c) of sub-section(3) of Section 4 shall be as under

Representatives of the employer-6

Representatives of the employeesr6
Independent members of whom at least one
shall be women-7

5. Allowances:, to Chairman . and members.—((1) The

Ctairman, if he is_ a non-ofilcial member the will be
ertitled to get such allownace and_ other facllities
aE may be; prescribed time to time by the State

the othermembers'of the Board excluding,Secretary

shall be eligible . to . an allowance of 25 for
Ettending each meeting of the Board.

The Chairman, and members of the board while

:ravelling on duty shall be entitled to travelling and
daily allowances as are admissible to First Grade
Dfficers of Seate Government.

7. Conduct Of business by Board.—(1) the Board shall

meet at least once every quarter as often as may be

(2) All members of the Board shall be given fifteen

clear days notice of a meeting specifying the date, time
and place of the meeting and the business to be
transacted thereat :

Provided that, a shorter notice may be given if in,

the opinion of the Chairman, business of an emergent
nature has to be transacted.

(3) the number of members necessary to constitute a

quorum at a meeting of the Board shall be seven of 14orn
at least one • each shall be
from employers, the employees and the independent members.

(3) (a) If-a member is unable to attend any meetLng

of the Board, he may, by a written instrument signed
by him addressed to the Chairman of -the Board, end
explaining the reasons for his inability to attend the
meeting, appoint any representative of the organisation
which he represents on the Board, as his substitute for
attending that meeting of the board in this place :

Provided that no such appointment shall be valid


such appointment has been approved by. tte

Chairman of the Board, and

the instrument making such appointment ha:

been received by the Chairman at least sevez
days before the date fixed for the meeting!,

A substitute validly appointed shall have all the

rights and powers of a member, in relation to the
meeting of the Board in respect of which, he is

(4) Every meeting of the board shall be presided over

by the Chairman or if the chairman is, for any reason,
unable to attend it, by such one of the members present,
as may be chosen by the meeting, to be the Chairman for
the occasion.


(5) If there is no quorum present as_laid down in sub-

rule (3) the chairman shall, after waiting for thirty
minutes from the time fixed for the meeting, adjourn
the meeting to such hour on some other day as he may
fix. A Notice of such adjourned meeting shall be sent
to every member of the Board and the business fixed
for the original meeting shall be brought before the
adjourned meeting and may be disposed off at such
meeting whether there is quorum or not.

(6) All questions placed before the Meeting of the

Board shall be decided by a majority of 1.1e members
present and voting, at the meeting the chairman have
a second or casting vote in case of equality of vOtes.

(7) the Secretary, and in his absence any other

officer of the board authorised by the Chairman, shall
record the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting
of the Board and shall include therein the names of
the members present. A copy of such minutes shall be
submitted to the State Government as soon as they are
confirmed by the Board.

. 8. constitution of Committees . —( 1 ) a Committee which

may be constituted' under Section 7 shall consist of
members not exceeding 7, out of which at least 3 shall
be members of the Board.

The term of members of a committee appointed for

a specific job shall be the period taken for completing
the said job, provided that in no case which term shall
exceed the term of nominated members under sub-section
of Section 4 of the act.

the term of members of other committees shall be

coterminus with the. term of the nominated members under
sub-section (4) of Section 4.
84 '

9. Particulars to be incorporated in the notice under

Section 8(3).-the notice referred to in sub-secti4n
(3) of Section 8 shall contain the followAng
particculars, namely:-
name and address of the establishment in which
the unpaid accumulation was earned ;
wage period during which the unpaid accumulation
was earned ;
amount of theunpaid accumulation;
list of employees and the amount of unpaid
accumulation in respect of each of them paid
to the Board.

10. Statement under section 9 (8).-the statement to

be submitted to the State Government by the Welfare
Commissioner under sub-section (8) of Section 9 shall
be in Form '8'.

11. Accounts of the Fund.-The accounts of the Fund for

each financial year ending 31st March, shall be
prepared and maintained in Form 'C' .

(2) the- Borad shall cause to be maintained the

following registers
Fees register separately fordifferentWelfare
activities ;
Unpaid accumulations account register;
Register of quarterly receipts of unpaid
accumulations from the establishment and
publication of notices;'
(..d) Register of payments towards sttlement of
claims to unpaid accumulations under Section
(e) Register of fines and unpaid accumulations
received under rule 3;
, 85

( f ) Register of contribution received under Section


(g) Register of payment of allowances to members

under rule 5;

(h). Register of immovable properties of the board;

Register of movable properties of the board;

Register of penal interest paid under Section


Register of voluntary donations to the Board;

(1) Register of grant in aid or subsidy paid by the

State Government;

Register of sums borrowed under Section 112;

Register of loans advanced by the State


Register of grant in aid under Section 11(3);

Separate registers on expenditure in providing

Welfare facilities mentioned in sub-section
(2) of Section 11;

Registers relating to strength of staff, their

Attendance, earned leave, casual leave,
salary advance, loans and such other registers
as the Welfare Commissioner may deem necesary
for the proper administration of the Board.

12. Annual statement of accounts.-The annual

stateement of accounts of the board shall be prepared
in Form D.

13. Budget of Board.—(1) The Welfare commissioner

shall cause the budget estimates for each financial
year to be prepared and laid before the Board on or
before the first day of December of the Finnancial year
next preceding for its acceptance and thereafter the
budget estimates as accepted by the Board shall be.
forwarded to the State Government on or before 30th

The State government may amend, modify or alter

the stimates submitted for its approval under sub-rule
(1) in any respect or manner it may deem fit and shall
return the same with its approval with or without
amendment, modification or alteration, within thirty
days of the receipt of the budget estimates.

the budget estimate approved by the State

government under sub-rule (2) shall constitute the
budget of the board for the financial year and shall,
be issued under the seal of the board and signed by the
Chairman, the Welfare Commissioner and the Secretary.
An authentic copy of the budget shall be forwarded to
the State Government before the end of February.

14. Additiohnaltimmoditure.—(1) of during the course

of the financial year it becomes necessary to incur
expenditure over and above the provisions made in the
budget, the Board shall immediately submit to the State
Government the details of the proposed expenditure and
specify the manner in which it is proposed to meet such
additional expenditure.

(2) On recept of the proposal under usb-rule (1) the

State Government may either approve the proposed
additional expenditure in full or in part with such
modifications as it may deem necessary or without
modifications or reject it totally. A copy of the order
passed by the State government on the proposal shall

be communicated to the board.

15. Mode of payment from fund.—Payment from the Fund
shall be made.—

where the amount payable is less than Rs. 250

in cash, and

Where the amount payable is more than Rs. 250

by Bank Draft or through Cheques issued by
the Welfare Commissioner:

Provided that in any particualr case the Board may,

for speciel reasons to be recorded, authorise payment
in cash in respect of any amount payable by it.

16. Additional powers of Inspector.—Every
shall,, for carrying out the purposes of the Act, also
have the'powers to require any employer to produce any
document for his inspection to supply him a true copy
of any such document and to give him a statement in

17. Strenght of staff etc.—Besides of Officers to be

appointed by the State Government under Sections 15 and
16 of the Act the Board shall have such number of
officers, Clearical, executive and other staff as may
be determined by the board with the previous approval
of the State Government:
Provided that whenever it is necessary to alter the
strength so determined, the board shall send necessary
proposalS with jurisdiction to the State Government for

is. Classification, scales of pay, etc.—the

Classification, the pay scales and allowances of the
posts determined under rule 17 shall be such as may be
determined by the board, from time to time with the
previous approval of the State Government.

19. Method of recruitment.-(1) Recruitment to .the

boards service shall be by the following methods,

by direct, recruitment by selection.
by promotion of members of the service, and

by obtaining State Government Servants on,

deputation under Section 18.

, (2) The number of persons to be recruited .tbrough

gairect recruitment and promotion shall not excaed the
' percentage of determined by the board with the previous
approval of the State Government.

Subject to the provisions of-these rules; the

method or methods of recruitment tocbe adopteefor the:
purpose of filling any particular vacancy of vachcpes_
in the service as may be required to be filled
any particular period of recruitment and the :number Of
persons to be recruited by each method shall be
determined on each occasion by Welfare Commissioner/
, .
Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-ruie
(1) if in the opinion of the Welfare Commissioner the: '
exigencies of the services so requited, -tile Welfart,
commissioner may with the approval of the board and the.,
State government, adopt such method of recruitment to"
the service other than those specified in the said sin-
rule as
as he may, by order issued in this behalf, specify.

20. Appointment to the service.-All appointment

except those mentioned in Section 15 aad 16 shall be
made by the Welfare Commissioner with the approval of
the board and no such appointment shal be made except
after selection by one of the methods of requirement
specifed in rule 19.

21. conditions of eligibility of direct recruitment.—

In order to be eligible to be selected, a candidate
must satisfy the following conditions, namely :—

he must have attained the age of 18 years and

not attained the age of 30 years on the first
day of January next following the date of
commencement of the selection.

the upper age limit shall be relaxed as follows

in case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Tribes candidtate up to 35 years;

if a candidate holding a post of the board's

service applies for another post being
filled through competitive examinations
he will be allowed to deduct from his age
the period of total service rendered by him
up to the maximum of 7 years, subject,
however, to the resultant age not exceeding
the upper age limit by more than five

in case of retrenched government servant,

the period of all temporary services
previously rendered by him upto a maximum
limit of 7 years shall be allowed to be
deducted from his age provided that the
resultant age does not exceed the upper age
limit by more than three years.

Explanation.—the term retrenched government

servant shall have the meaning assigned to
it in the M. P. Labour Service (Gazetted)
Recruitment Rules, 1974.

(iv) in case of ex-servicemen, the period of all

defence service previously rendered by

him shall be allowed to be deducted from

his age.
Explanation.—the term 'ex-servicemen' denotes a
person who belonged to any of the categories
mentioned in rule 8 of the Madhya Pradesh
Labour Service (Gazetted) Recruitment
rules, 1974 and who was employed under the
Government of India for a continuous
period of not less than 6 months and who
was retrenched or declared surplus as a
result of the recommendations of the
ecconomy with or due to normal reduction
in the establishment not more than three
years before the date of his registration
at any employment exchange or 6-f application
made otherwise1. for employment in the
board's service.
he must possess the educational qualifications
which may be laid down by the Board for
different posts with the previous approval
of the State Government :

Provided that in exceptional cases and in the

' exigencies or service the board may on the.
recommendation of the Welfare commissioner,
treat as-qualified a candidate, who though
not possessing any of the qualifications
specified in this clause has passed
examination conducted by other institutions
by a standard which in the opinion of the
Board justifies admission of the candidate
to the examination and selection.

He muist pay the fees fixed by the Board.

22. Finality of Welfare Commissioner's decision.—

Subject to the provisions of clause (c) of rule 21 the
decision of the Welfare Commissioner as to the

eligibility or otherwise of a candidate of selection

shall be final and no candidate to whom a certificate
of admission has not been issued by the Welfare
commissioner shall be allowed to appear at the
examination or be interviewed.

Disqualification.-Any attempt on the part of a

candidate to obtain support for his candidature by any
means may be held by the Welfare ComMissioner to
disqualify him for selection.

Competitive Exam4nation.-(1) A competitive

.examination for recruitment to the service shall be
held at such intervals as the Welfare Commissioner may,
in consultation with the Board, from time to time

(3) the examination including interviews shall be

conducted by the Welfaare commissioner in accordance
4th the- edure as may be determined by the Board.

Selection.-(1) Direct recruitment by selection

to the service shall be held at such intervals as the
Welfare commissioner may in consultation with the
Board, from time-to time determine.

(2) For purposes of selection under, sub-rule (1)

names of persons having prescribed quali4cations
shall be obtained form the ,Employment Exchange/

,(3) For Selection of candidates for service shall be

made by the Welfare Commissioner or other officer or
SelectOncommittee tasi may be determined by the board,
after interviewing t,hem;

Provided that a written test may also be held before

interviewtoescertain the candidates writing or typing

26. Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Tribes.—Fifteen percent, and eighteen per cent of the
available vacancies direct recruitment under clause
3(a) & (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 19 shall be reserved
for candidates who are members of the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes respectively.

In filling the vacancies so reserved, candidates

who are members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes shall be considered for appointment in the order
in which their names appear in the list referred to in
rule 27 irrespective of their relative rank as compared
with other candidates.

If sufficient number of candidates belonging to

the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not
available for filling all the vacancies reserved for
them the remaining vacancies shall not be filled from
the general candidates but re-advertise immediately
and in the case of direct recruitment by selection,
fresh names shall be obtained from the Employment
Exchange. If any vacancies are still left unfilled they
may be filled up from the general candidates and an
equivalent number of additional vacancies shall be-
reserved for candidates belonging to the Scheduled
castes or Scheduled Tribes for the subsequent two
examinations or selections, as the case may be, :

Provided that if sufficient number of suitable

candidates are not available even after the two
examinations or selections to fill all the reserved
vacancies including the additional vacancies or such
of them as are not filled shall lapse.

27. List of qualifiedcandidates.—(1) Where recruitment

is made by a competitive examinations the Welfare
commissioner shall prepare a list arranged in order of

merit of the cancligates who have qualified by such

standard as may beldetermined by the Board, under sub-
rule (2) of rule-24 and of the candidate belonging to
the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, who though
not qualified by the standard are declared by the
Welfare Commissioner to be suitable for appointment to
the Board's service with due regard to the maintenance
of efficiency of Board's administration.The list shall
be pasted on the Notice Board of the Administrative
Officer of the Board.

will be considered for appointment to the available
vacancies in the order in which their names appear in
the list.

Where recruitment is made by selection, the

Welfare commissioner shall prepare a list of candidates
whom he considers most suitable on the basis of the
written eest and interview or only interview, as the
case may be arrange in order of preference and of
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes. Who though not qualified by the standrad laid
down are declared by the Welfare Commissioneer to be
suitable-for appointment to the service with due regard
to the maintenance of effciency of board's
Administration. The list shall be pasted on the Notice
board of Administrative Office of the Board.
the inclusion of a candidate's name in the list
confers no right to appointment unless the Welfare
commissioner is satisfied after such enquiry as he may
consider necessary that the candidate is suitable in
all respect for appointment to the service.

28. Eligibility for pr000tion.—(l) The Board shall

lay down the criteria for eligibility for promotion to
various posts to be filled by promotion under rule 19.

. (2)The Board shall consitute a committee of three

members of whom two shall be the officers and one a
member of the Board for making a prelimanaryiselection
for. promotion of ,eligible candidates. Different
,committees maybe:constituted for different categories
of posts.

,(3). The Committee shall prepare a list of such person

as satisfy the criteria laid down under sUb-rule (1)
and as are held by the Committee to be suitable for
promotion to the service based on merit with due regard
tO enicirity.• This list shall be sufficient to cover
probsbiflaCancies for two years.

. (4) the names of. the person included in the liIst shall
.be arranged in roder of seniority in the service:

Provided that any junior person who, in the opinion

of the. committee, is of an exceptional merit and
suitability may be assigned in the list a higher piece
than that oi persons senior to him.

(Si the Hat so prepared shall be reviewed and revised

every year. -

(S) If in the process of ' selection, review or

reVision, it is proposed to superseae any members of
.thel.service the Cornittee shall record reasons for the
proposed supersession.
. •
"17) The list prepared under this rule shall be
' for;garded by the Committee to the Board.

. , 18) .The Board, shall consider the list prepared by the

Committee along withthe other documents received from
' the Committee and, unless it considers any change
'necessary, pprove the. list.

(9) If the Board considers it necessary to make any

chage in the list recerved from the committee, it shall
inform the committee of the chage proposed and, after
taking into account the comments, if any, of the
committee May approve the list finally with such
modification, if any, as may in its opinion be just and

4 (10) The list as finally approved by the Board, shall

form the select list for promotion of the members of
the service to a particular category of posts. This list
shall ordinarily be in force untill it is reviewed or
revised under sub-rule (5):

Provided that in the even of a grave lapse in the

conduct or performance of duties on the part of any
person included in the select list, a special review
of the select list may be made at the instance of the
Board and the Committee may, if it thinks, fit, remove
the name of such person from the list.

(11) Appointment of the persons included in the

select list to a particular category of posts, shall
follow the order in which their names appear in the
Select list :

.Provided that,. where administrative exigencies so

require a person whose name is not included in the
Select list or who is no,t next in order in the Select
list, may be appoinFed to the Service if the board is
. that the-vacanEY is not likely to last for
more thin three months. '
29. Probation.—Every person directly recruited to
the service of the board shall be appointed on
probation for a period of. tWo years.

Control of Board over staff.—(l) the persons

appointed under section 17 shall function under the
administrative supervisory and disciplinary control of
the Board.

(2) the provisions of theMadhya Pradesh Civil Services

(Classification control and Appeal) rules, 1966 shall
apply mutatis mutandis for disciplinary action against
a person appointed under Section 17 of the Act.

unde rSection 19 shall be made in accordance with the
provisions of the madhya Pradesh Civil Services
(Classification control and Appeal) Rules, 1966 by an
officer specified by the State government for the
Limitation of expenditure.—the Expenditure on
officers and the servants appointed under Chapter IV
of the Act and other administrative expenditure shall
not exceed 50 per cent, of the annual income of the

Register of unclaimed wages and fines.—Every

eMriloyer of an establishment shall maintain and
preserve for period of 10 years a consolidated register
of unclaimed wages and fines in Form 'E" :

Provided tat in cases pending before the Appellate

Authority the Register shall be preserved till the
cases are finally disposed.

Interpretation.—If any question relating to the

interpretation of these rules arises. It shall . be
referred to the State Government whose decision shall
be final.

(See Rule 3(5)1

Statement of Employees' and Employers' contribution

on 30th June and 31st December respectively.

Name of the Estabishment

Name.of the employer

Class of establishment

Address of establishment.

Total number of employees

[as per section 2 (3)]
whose names stand on the
muster roll of the

(a) Emplyers' contribution

@ 50 paise per employee. Rs.

(b) Employers contribution

@ 1 rupee per employee. Rs.

total of sub-entries (a)

and (b) of entry 6. Rs.


Signature of employer

I(See Rule 10)

Statement to be submitted by Welfare commissioner

under Section 9(8)

Crass of No. of Accout of

establishments estabishments Employers
received by
(1) (2) (3)



Total Rs.

Date . . .

Signature of Welfare ComMissioner.

G.R.P.G —28 I—WCLW 13- 1-9-200 I —100Onks.


eligibility or otherwise of a candidate of selection':

shall be final and no candidate to whom a certificate
of admission has not been issued by the Welfare
cdMmissioner shall be allowed to appear at the
examination or be interviewed.

Disqualification.-Any attempt on the part of a

candidate to obtain support for his candidature by any.
means may be held by the Welfare ComMistioner to
disqualify him for selection.

Copswetitive Examination.-(1) A competitive

,examination for recruitment to the service shall be
held at such intervals as the Welfare C6mmissioner may,
in consultation with the Board, from time to time

(2) the examination including interviews shall be

conducted by the Welfaare commissioner in accordance
ih thenedure as may be determined by the Board.

Solection.-(1) Direct recruitment by selection

to the.service shall be held at such inter-1.41s as the
Welfare. commissioner may in consultation with the
Board, from time totime determine.

(2) For Purposes of selection under. sub-ille (1)

names of persons having prescribed qualiScations
shall be obtained form the Employment Exchange/

.(3) For Selection of candidates for service shall be

-made by the Welfare Commissioner or other officer or
Selection committeecas. may be determined by the board,
after interviewing them;

Provided that a written test may also be held before

interview to-ascertain the candidates writing or typing

26. _Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Tribes.—Fifteen percent, and eighteen per cent of the
available vacancies direct recruitment under clause
3(a) & (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 19 shall be reserved
for candidates who are members of the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes respectively.

In filling the vacancies so reserved, candidates

who are members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes shall be considered for appointment in the order
in which their names appear in the list referred to in
rule 27 irrespective of their relative rank as compared
with other candidates.

If sufficient number of candidates belonging to

the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not
available for filling all the vacancies reserved for
them the remaining vacancies shall not be filled from
the general candidates but re-advertise immediately
and in the case of direct recruitment by selection,
fresh names shall be obtained from the Employment
Exchange. If anyvacancies are still left unfilled they
may be filled up from the general candidates and an
equivalent number of additional vacancies shall be-
reserved for candidates belonging to the Scheduled
castes or Scheduled Tribes for the subsequent two
examinations or selections, as the case may be :

Provided that if sufficient number of suitable

candidates are not available even after the two
examinations or selections to fill all the reserved
vacancies including the additional vacancies or such 1
of them as are not filledishall lapse.

27. Listofqualifiedcandidates.—(1) Where recruitment

is made by a competitive examinations the Welfare
commissioner shall prepare a list arranged in order of

merit of the candidates who have qualified by such

standard as may be,determined by the Board, under sub-
rule (2) of rule-24 and of the candidate belonging to
the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, who though
not qualified by the standard are declared by the
Welfare Commissioner to be suitable for appointment to
the Board's service with due regard to the maintenance
of efficiency of Board's administration.The list shall
be pasted on the Notice Board of the Administrative
Officer of the Board.

Subject to the provisions of these rules candidates

will be considered for appointment to the available
vacancies in the order in which their names appear in
the list.

Where recruitment is made by selection, the

Welfare commissioner shall prepare a list of candidates
whom he considers most suitable on the basis of the
written eest and interview or only interview, as the
case may be arrange in order of preference and of
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes. 'Who though not qualified by the standrad laid
down are declared by the Welfare Commissioneer to be
suitable-for appointment to the service with due regard
to the maintenance of effciency of board's
Administration. The list shall be pasted on the Notice
board of Administrative Office of the Board.
(4) the inclusion of a candidate's name in the list
confers no right to appointment unless the Welfare
commissioner is satisfied after such enquiry as he may
consider necessary that the candidate is suitable in
all respect for - appointment to the service.

28. Eligibility for promotion.—(1) The Board shall

lay down the criteria for eligibility for promotion to
various posts filled by promotion under rule 19.

:(2) The Beard shall consitute a committee of three

members of whom two shall be the officers an one a
member of the Board for making a prelimanary.selection
:for. piomotion of .eligible candidates. Different
.committees maybe:constituted for different categories
of posts. .

.(3) The Committee shall prepare a list of such person

as satisfy the criteria laid down under sUb-rule (1)
and as 'ail held by the Committee to be suitable for
•. promotion
. to the service based on merit with due regard
.to Senidrity: This list shall be sufficient to cover
probsbtflaCancies for two years.

. C4)..the names of the person included in the iiist shall

be arranged in roder of seniority in the service:

Provided that any junior person who, in the opinion

of the. committee, is of an exceptional merit and
suitability may be assigned in the list a higher place
than that of persons senior to him.

(55 the liSt so prepared shall be reviewed and revised

every year.

(S) /f. in the process of ' selection, review or

ievirsion, it is proposed to supersede any members of
. - the-,service the Corittee shall record reasons for the
. proPosed supeisession.

The list prepared under this rule shall be

' - forWaraed by the committee to the Board.

, The Board, shall consider the list prepared by the

. Committee
. along withthe other documents received from
the ComMittee and, unless it considers any change,
necessary, approve the. list.

If the Board considers it necessary to make any

chage in the list recerved from the committee, it shall
inform the committee of the chage proposed and, after
taking, into account the comments, if any, of the
committee may approve the list finally with such
modification, if any, as may in its opinion be just and

The list as finally approved by the Board, shall

form the select list for promotion of the members of
the service to a particular category of posts. This list
shall ordinarily be in force untill it is reviewed or
revised under sub-rule (5):

Provided that in the even of a grave lapse in the

conduct or performance of duties on the part of any
person included in the select list, a special review
of the select list may be made at the instance of the
Board and the Committee may, if it thinks, fit, remove
the name of such person from the list.

Appointment of the persons included in the

select list to a particular category of posts, shall
follow the order in which their names appear in the
Select list :

Provided that,, where administrative exigencies so

require a person whose name is not included in the
Select list or who is no,t next in order in the Select
list, may be appoin,ted to the Service if the board is
aatisfie9 that the vacahrle is not likely to last for
more thin three moriths.

29. Probation.—Every phrson directly recruited to

the service of the boardr shall be appointed on
probation for a period of,tWo years

Control of Board over staff.—(1) the persons

appointed under section 17 shall function under -elle
administrative supervisory and disciplinary control of
the Board.

(2) the provisions of theMadhya Pradesh Civil Services

(Classification control and Appeal) rules, 1966 shall
apply mutatis mutandis for disciplinary action against
a person appointed under Section 17 orthe Act.

unde rSection 19 shall be made in accordance. with the
provisions of the madhya Pradesh Civil Services
(Classification control and Appeal) Rules, 1966 by an
officer specified by the State government for the
Limitation of expenditure.—the Expenditure on
officers and the servants appointed under Chapter IV
of the Act and other administrative expenditure shall
not exceed 50 per cent. of the annual income of the

Register of unclaimed wages and fines.—Every

eMployer of an establishment shall maintain and
preserve for period of 10 years a consolidated register
of unclaimed wages and fines in Form 'E° :

Provided tat in cases pending before the Appellate

Authority the Register shall be preserved 011 the
cases are finally disposed.

Interpretation.—If any question relating to the

interpretation of these rules arises. It shall Joe
referred to the State Government whose decision shall
be final.

(See Rule 3(5)1

Statement of Employees' and Employers' contribution

on 30th June and 31st December respectively.

1. Name of the Estibishment

Name of the employer

Class of establishment

Address of establishment

Total number of employees

[as per section 2 (3)1
whose names stand on the
muster roll of the

Emplyers contribution
@ 50 paise per employee. Rs.

Employers contribution
@ 1 rupee per employee. Rs..

total of sub-entries (a)

and (b) of entry 6. Rs.

Signature of employer

I(See Rule 10)

Statement to be submitted bY Welfare comMissioner

under Section 9(8)

Class of No. of Accout of

establishments. estabishments Employers
received by
(1) (2) (3)

2 .

Total Rs.

Date . . . . 1

Signature of Welfare Commissione

G.R.P.C-28 1.-WCLWB. 1:9:2(1)1.. 10011BIts.

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