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UNewsGuard ‘The website for Reuters, an award-winning global news agency that provides content for customers in more than 120 countries. ‘ownership and Financing, Content Reuters owned by the pully rade Toronto-based Thamson ‘Thomson Retest owned by The Woodbridge Company Limited, 2 privately held business controled by Canad weathist fay, the Thomson David Thomeon serves schatman of bath companies News organizations pay asubsription fe to Reuters to use content including artes potagraphs and video footage The fee varies, ‘ependingon these othe subscribers organtzation and which Reuters one ofthe largest news agence nthe word ands part of a broader company fering information and analy or nani, accounting and egal professions. According to Thomson Reuters 2018 anna report the news sion to $370 milion i even an $27 msion nadjsted earings fore tere tare, deprection, and smarzation, Revers News ‘that year acount or 7 percent ofthe compar total revenue ganerates eve rom averting and sponsored ‘The website produces breaking news and enterprise stores in secons Incuing Business, Markets, World Polis, Tech Wath Ue Pures and Video, Reuters com pushes content in 17 inerational eons, th he US. version featuring Word subsecons for Mena Bran, ka, Rusia, Euro one, Middl at China, apa, and, ‘Typical headlines clude "anacs Trudeau keep the wheel but prepares fore tun’“German W2 U-boat basen Franc reboots 35 datacenter "ndonesi’s report on 737 MAX crash recommends ‘edesgn better traning and“How amalor US em ender fa al of defaults, asus” Revers esate tego ices Specal ‘reports Fr exam, New Gold Rush: The widetgldmsners domes by he toi rae” explores how high rics and expensive poor verintes mines ‘The websites Busnes secton covers vation and defense sustainable busines practices and mergers of major companies. Inaction to. ‘news and ifermation abou aba mares Reuters estes stock nd find sreenre that allow readers to usespciecteriato search fot investment appetites, A eal Seton Iocses on personal Reuters publishes phot sss ty staf photographers under The Wier mage hesdngin Pures One tory foloned a group of young uscotes who span the free time climbing a bulldng to fel more lve Another ea reported onthe soil stigma bala SUVs face in eastern Congo The abate ao report ona, ese and Sports. beat staves unser an Oty Enough heading ce one about 9 Bris coupe wo grow ees into the shapes ofthe ears, Reuters egary provides egal onthe round reporting using, ‘elable Sources suchas gverament ofa and am enforcement Authors, subject mater exerts, and peope wih stand trond fevers, Heedines actraelyreflectsoy corte ‘he website doesnt posta corrections poy. However, the site ‘equal publishes corrections typealy noting them atthe botom of ‘What is NewsGuard®? ‘This website mostly adheres to basie standards of creilty and transparency score: 95/100, oes not repeatedly publish false Y content azpones {Gathers and presents information v responsbiy yep evden err news and opinion responsibiy 125) YA deceptive heatines 0) Website sacloses ownership and financing YCleary labels advertising 3) Reveals whe'sin charge, including Y any pose conflicts of interest =) ‘The site provides names of content X creators along with either contact ‘or bographical information 5) Cero red in order of ipo More information. ‘Transparency History erronaous stor, ACorrectone taba tha bottom ofthe homepage Tink fom readers can use to request acoecton. outers com separates eas rom commentary The ebste publishes ‘pinion and ana nits Breaingvews ection which i descrbes as "the Reuters brand for faci commentary.” Putz pies one nthe iteration reporting category ots ‘overage of Rohingya genocide in Myanmar too journals ‘ao were imprisoned in he country athe tne they won. a anther inthe breaking news photography category for documenting the Journey of Cental nd South Ameranimmerants ote Unites ‘States, Reuters lo won two Pultzersn 208 fora series exposing pole ling squads targeting drug ofendesin the Pipes and for {photographie sres onthe migration of Rohngya epee fom Myanmar. Reuters coverage eared the news agency many ther les in 2019, ncuding 3 George Po ANar, a UNESCO/Gutlermo Pubahersin Asia (SOPA Reuters avoids emotional charged language, such 35 "eroist “errr when reccunting evens ures the words appear ina quotation of prophase ccocdng othe pully avalable Reuters andbook of Journalm. The handbook nstucts staff "Am or 8 _Sepasionate ue of language so that niu, organisations and "ewebate Reuters pubes fe Tt Pines one of which states ‘hat isall sup unbiased ond reliable news services tots mada ‘siteenbers as wall 2st0 busesres and governments ‘nme by Thomson Retes Cor. The ste aso ks fromthe homepage fo an edtoralendesp pe, Some stores on the website are ada to Reuters acaute they are ‘reriten fom pes leases or based on another organza ‘reporting. Heater Carpet, the cmpanys sence deco of ‘communicatos, tld NewsGuard n an email at reporters aS ae not named Xo protect the safety of jourasst workngin a dangerous are orftoo many reprtrs contributes oa try 9st her al inddualy, Stores that rede wrest ther names atthe topo he aril nd nk to archives of ther work: However, does not provide contaet or bographcal information fr these wits. This ‘oss not mt NeweGuards standart or rouding contacto Dographiaintermaton about content cents Astestto comment on thio of iforntion, Crpenter ol NewsGoardin another emalltha Reuters provides direct contact infrmation forts joumast up request trough the Contact ‘pton found on he webste and athe top of near every Story page Advertising and sponsored content are singushabe fom editor Routers traces roots to 1851, hen ulus Reuter beg ending soc quoes between London and Pave a a elegraph cable arose ‘te Englch Chanel. He had prevousy used pigeons to cart stock infrmation becween Aacten Getmany, and Brussels. The wre service ‘expanded across Europe, and then to Asia and South America by he 1870s. The Press Association a news cooperative founded by Bish newspapers, bought a maori stake in Reuters 1925 194, ‘nership was spit between the Pres Association andthe Newspaper Proprietors kesocation which represent Bais atonal newspapers Onnersp was extended to press associations in ‘usta and New Zelae in 1987, Reters became a publ trades ‘company in 888 rmerge wth the Thomson Corp. 9 2008. tn 2010 Reuters expanded Services for US. nes organizations by launching he Reuters Aer service, nan eet to Gam pubes ‘sence at alemer subscription cost Tis resulted in mre US.bases reporters being assigned to cover major cts and sports, though according to. 2014Poyrter story, Reuers"made no attept to Bul” ‘Baty state bureaus he the AP. The fet customer was he Tune ‘Company, which moved seven fs mar pubeatons, inducing the ‘hago Tribune, o Reuters by 2013. The papers wen back to Using the [APs series in 2015, but Rees as continued to esta US. ‘coverage aired ts fist Rust Bet corespondent in 2017 ‘A deal completed in October 2018 so $5 percent of Thorson Reuters ‘nancial and rik unt the most prob epmenof the company. 0 Invest frm Bakstone Group, whch aged pay" minim .0f$525 millon er yar for 30 eas for Reuters to supply news and ‘etoral coment. The onnershp of Reuters news operations was nat Fatloning the 2016 election of President Donald Tum, the news agency encourage reporters to sce tothe compan princes of "reer ndependence and freedom fom ban anuary 2017 emote Covering Trump te Reuters Way" When Rob Cox, edtor of Reuters Breahngvens service, volte those principles by weetng “Bloods on yournands Mr. President” afte ve people were ied at anenspaperofcen napoli Manjand Cox apoogzed and deleted ‘he et etorin.Chit Sepnen flr leased a statement yng {Coxe acbons ware inconsistent vat the Tomson Reters Trust Princes. we donot condone his havior and wl ake appropri action No aspnary action was iscosed by Reuters In December 2019, Reuters reported that informations ibtor protect its busines elatonsip wit msiond China Rein which ‘Sserinates Reuters to lobliestors through an one pintform, had iter Reker nets stories to remove those that ou ‘ernbarrass Bing ari at government protestsin Horg Kone according to Reters Refi spokesman acknowledge inthe Reuters report that there were asin its procedures tat were beng Improved while adng tat the company needs to comply withthe ‘ules of tha countries ere it does bushes. Revers parent company, ‘Thomson Reuters Corp, owned Retin blore sling in 2018. Disere NwsGuord tor Detr Ec fon previ worked ot eure as edn cargo busines nd eg nev conection: A earls version of his Muon Label econ reported ow ong pay tna asthe words Yeo er Tear" t deere ‘sec event has been ple. Te poy hos been in eet teas ince 1982 NewsGuord apagies forte er. {tors Nowe This Nur abel was upton Bec 13,2018 Te abel previous) wos updte, on Ot 30 2019, 0 rect ensures leteriotin thot Revtrcom does ot mee the tndar for powdeg Injomaton about center cea. Written by Jin Grego. Ean Hoe feted ty Any Wee oye Pucrick, Peay Ackeann Send feedback t NeweGuard: Ci ere Sources ‘ownership and Financing, content upsznunu reuters. convarscaindustry thomsonteuers-dnhorson revtrs deus ari-hbslemrke ters sSSN1436977620060817 totes er/2007108/1 unsaid Yethomson hm ito njtimescm/2008/04/7/ousnessiada/7adconem psn bloombergconvnens/aries/20180-3D.acstoneto acquire thomson eutersunitin20ilon eal ups reutrsconvarsceus thomsoneutrst Daclctnefexcusve blackeone-ntaks-buy major taken key thomson euter-untUSKEN7 pss forbes corproile/dovishemson/#2bs162195628, pm revtrscomfbreakngvens itpieters.zendeskcomensslorties25712869 Hom does Reuters gaterand-edithe-news- inn newsvire a/en/elearefrchive/Sptember201 0108647 mt hns:tanquarepor:thomsonreuters.con/downlaadsannuaiepor- 20¥7thonean veers pat 2018 annual ep np sharsoncesers coma tpageney reuters comfenteustomerspubloheriesghey putin ml creaibility hntpsageny reuters comfeniproduct seniceiproductsinews- photoshenl hsv thomsonreuterscom/enpreducs-sevcesinens- mean! psn reutrscomisubjets/myanmareportts ipa reutersconvarces se economy watclisteutre tchlistpredicingsthe ext dowrurUSKEN KFODU tips teuters.converie-es trumps cohen rg saystoo bad ater

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