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UNewsGuard ‘The website of Cable News Network (CNN), the first U.S. television network dedicated to news, which pioneered the 24-hour news cycle. Ownership and Financing, Content Creaibiticy “The Aleta bated network and se ae med by Tues Brondesting ‘Sjptem. Tamers operated by WarerMeda a divson of ATA, he ‘elecommunietons company tht purchased Te Warner ine in zene, “Te nebte generates revenue fom aovertemens and sponcored Lethe eleision network CNN webs roves around the lock news coverage, rangng rom breaking pol and enterprise ‘forest reports on hash and ness. The webs pubehes ‘connuous updates in oth text and ideo. Categorias at ha top ofthe CNNIcom homepage nude US, Wor ois, users, Opinion Hath Entertainment Sie, Tre, Sports and vider. he Word secton features news pages tare. rine “Couns regions and continent, nckuting cna te Mid ae ‘rca, and Europe Busines fetes tops suchas Tech and Pots tage content forthe 2029 election, ‘seston etd by staff ben London, HongKong Abu Dhaba Data, as wl as Arabic and Span language ste videos ou should ee" secon atthe bottom athe homepage {features cps of stories that were broaecaston he teen network and ypialy nde a nesdine ands paragraph ote. ‘CAN pushes extensive oli coverage. ncn a mixof nes ae ‘ommentaryon US, reside onal Trump andthe 2020 presidental ‘ection Typea stories include “Trump administration pushes UN 9 top mentions of reproductive heath rom oft ocumets""Hackers faving machines used thoughout the US fare erable oattac and han Oma ay len i progeseve ‘enough tobe Democratic presidental nominee” Coverage ofa \ahsteboner complain that prompted an peach inguy of President Tum genaate a dozen or mote healines onthe nomepage fr several ys September 209, inducing breaking “Cans Pots secton ncodesa Fats Fs subsection, whch racks aleged mizstatementby Present Trump, ar wel 2 thozeby former ‘ie Presdentjoe Biden, US, Sen. ernie Sanders Ht, and other poltians ana higievel goverment offal "ypieatheatines on other news topics inde school resource ferred ater aresting wo 6 year-old chen” “Beekeeper _s70ups sue EPA over pesticide decison "Two teens have been charged inthe fatal unprovoked attackon aman ats Manfand a, pole “euth Kore’ young men ae fghtng aginst feminism” and Munreds mou ‘Sed glade afuneralin Sze” ‘The webte lestreams CNN eosin channel hic aces to ewer hroug a pai subscption toa cable sevice provider ‘aN employs more than 4000 journalists around he lobe, “arte and rework cond ori reporting. uaingon- an of "reenjouralsts producers and camera crews, The nebate ces reliable sources sucha enforcement, government offs people vith than knowledge of events, subject expe and document. eadlins accurately elect story conte. ‘Whats NewsGuara®? ‘This website mostly adheres to basie standards of eredalty and transparency. ‘Score: 875/100 oes not repeatedly publish false content 25 ‘Sather and presents information v responsibly = yep crc dren rer ¢_ Hanes the aiference berween ‘news and opinion responsibly Avoids deceptive heasnes Website dacoses ownership and financing YClearly labels advertising. Reveals whe'sin charge, ncuding Y any posite confit interests Ycreatore slong with ther contact ‘or bographieal information rer arise in order of portance More information. ‘CAN nas on several broadest jour auara ncn 2 Peabody Award in 2018 forts overage of the ssf thes states omer iia and Syria. The network won the George Pok arin 2018 forts undercover repring on moder-dy sav actonsin Libya Noted anchors include Cvistane Amanpaur, Anderson Cooper, Cs ‘uo and Dan Lem, as wel as Wol Biter, jake Tapper, and mea ‘eanicom doesnot posta corrections poy. The webs, however, routine publishes corrections wn general appear as notesn ales at te bottom of tres nd expan the mistake. launches his presse campaign i 2015 In ant 2017, then Presdent-lc romp accra the network of reporting Yoke news He has regularly calles CNN Fake News CNN”n eet anda ews ‘conferences and the White House bry suspended the pres ass of Chef what House correspondent im Acosta In 2018 ater 3 heated on ‘air exchange ata press conference. “xenanged words th Presiden rump a alive teed pest Conference, ana White Hours inzrn wae tol take the mrophone ‘rom acorn The Whit Hour released vieo footage of Acosta and ‘the nen tht some cites sid was doctored aa which wate House ser KellvanneConmay laters was merely “ped up" ‘CAN sued and he ite Hous agreed to formal reinstate eps ate federal paige ordered the restoration Act tus on 3 {temporary bas. Supporters defended cosa a dong his 389 reporter: devacor sod he ae overy ares. “Te network mage sme signa reporing mistakes at coverage ofthe Teump adit aton in 2017, ncuing one tat et the ‘esgnotons ote senior porters nan ee investigative unt ‘onjune 7, 2017, published a story based ona single ‘anonym source that state that former Fl director James Comey ‘os expected to ety before the Senate nteligence Commitee tat head not tld Presiden Trump atanearer meting thatthe presdent was net under Ft nvestgaten. However, Comey eeased I prepared esumony ater the try appented Saying he had ld he present hatha was not a target of an wesigaton. On une Comey ested hate to President Trump on thre oceans tat hevas not underimertgmton. The Raterant ad testimony ‘ovradcted CNN report and fred Presiden Trumps seertons {CM corrected ts story one and on the a (on une 22, 2017, CNN, alo cng one anonymous eure reported rtoneousy tat Senate comnites was probing Russian invetnent ud whose leader had tin anny 2017 wth hedge {une founder Anthony Searamue, ih wae then a member of Presdent-elct ramp’ transtion tam That same day, Searammc ‘eats id nthng wrong” in erence ta meeting wt Kil Dray, head ofthe Russian rect nvestment Fund ‘cn retracted he story he nest ay, sayngin an ecto note tat he information accurately, scoring to eportin The Washington Post ‘The network accepted the resignation ofthe thre junit woe inthe tony one of whom headed the investiative tam and apologeed to Scaramuct In cember 2017, he netrk cored a story that meported the ate ofan era he Trump presidental campaign had received, which reported dat, sept 4, 2016 was spare because ocurred before \Wiceaks made the archive public However, the enawar actualy ate Spt 14,2016, one after the documents Were rlssed. CNN had base ts report on te Sources who saw te eal which Rad been geno congresinal inesigaos tssued an edtors note ‘saying “The nen etal appear to show that the sender was eying on publi aval formation. The neu ifrmation nicates that he ‘communication es Scant han CNN italy ported” “hoc a eter threatening osu CN or purportedly prosug baced ‘overage of the presidant cing amutipar Projet eras report hat posted undercover video trom inside CNN'S news‘oom. The Octobe 2019 port bythe conservative group quoted one CAN employee as Saying nat etrak resident lf Zucker hada personal vende” ‘guns the president, and ad tat Zucker tld ta a orig. teeing to focus Cs coverage onthe Ture inpacheent ey ‘ory thats focus of many mesa organations in 2015. In response tothe Trump campaign lawyer ete, Matt Domi CANS ce resident of ommunatios and dita parberships, aii an male statement "Miss noting more hana desperate Pm stunt ‘nd doesn merc arexponce” Ina $275 milion defamation lawsuit a Covington, Kentucky, tenager ld hat the nebo putt ant Trump agenda fn anuary 2019 ‘overage ofthe boys atendance at March frie alyn \Washingzn, The federal avaut sald tat Nex Sandmann was wrongly porayed as acs when he was Wdeolaped wearing cap embazoned th President Tarps mot Make Ameria Great Aga an sng, ‘tan Omaha tribal elder who was atending the indigenous Peoples March, CNN fled a ation to dies the waitin May 2019, The newer ete wth Sandmann for an undecored amount in nary 202, Sandmann fig smi avs appt The Waengton Pos and NBC. judge esmsse the wet agaist the Pst inJuy 2013, but reviewed hisruling and reinstated patof tree mont ater. The ‘Washington Pest and NEC cases Were pening as of aay 2020 tna 2018 iterew with CNN nest David Aerod, CNN presen ef ‘at ourjo at ENN stot he rth Zuker ai “Te probe a ‘ir ay and ag, [do understand that sometimes when you're pro ‘ruth ieomes ff as ae-trump” ‘cunna ited several conservative commentators, nung SE upp and, eet, 2016, forme Tum campaign manager Corey Lenandowst as wel as aural who have worked at conservative publeaons, nung Katan Colin rom te Daily Caller, na Saran ‘Westwood fram th Washington Examiner. The network ire Scan Isgur Fores, former Deparment of sie spokeswoman forthe ‘rump administration as. patil eitorn 2018, ten changed Fores roleto at of poical analyst afer ries sie and outs the network questoned her objectivity noting that Foes had once called Eun te lnton News Network Atnough CNN com features labeled commentary separate Opiion {ecton,NewsGuard fund that CNNcom frequently posts ideo ips ‘tat featur bert or antrum commentary by the netwerks anchors ineudng Lemon, hostofCNN Teg wth Don Lemon.” ‘cue, of-cuoro Prine Tne an Tapper host the week "tate ‘ofthe Unio program, ‘The videoclip are not spctcaly abled a piso, and sme are posted stongride news videos onthe webste Fer example nan Oct. 2,2018, video cp that appeared on homepage led “bon Lemon to Presdent rump, Whats he Matter th you; Lemen described a New York Ties ate quoted 25 sy tat Present Trump had suggested shooting migrants ia he leg and stocking a moat with snaes or alight to stop them om onan the US border, “hen read this tonight honest ought hs was he crapest ‘thing that evr heard spell coming rm the president” Lemon Saidin ep. “Sevousty, Mr. Presiden? Whats he mater WA ou? ‘moat ful snakes of allgators? Tas sore Horry Per Stu ane ‘ere fs ot anny, but is st luahabie™ ‘on Aug. 11,2019, 2 week after the mass shootings In Pas, Texas, and dayton Ohi, and after convited sex fender ery Estes apparent suicide nal, Tapper noted i aide ip and tet ‘wanerp avalon the webiste, tot President Trump didnot weet about the massacres instead, Tapper sald the president uses mi massive Titer lator, 62 lion flowers to spread a erange conspiracy theory yng he death of ety Epstein a peson tothe presdent former postal asthe intone. President Trump ‘oud use hs megapnone for anything Bu the president often uses {wap hat which ite Wes of ws personal tacks, ig. and ‘Transparency History insane conspracy teones Ie cp ane ansepr were ne Bbeeo 3s pin, ‘Asin August 2019, CNN com publshed cp ints Videos You Should ‘See section about the mass shootings: Tied "Hear Brooke Baldwin's ‘earl Ple For change the cp incase labeled opinion. This has been a hore week fr Ameria Balin said inthe lp fem CNN Newsroom show never ought ny 20 years of ours that | woul ge alias sunday morning rom my boss asig me ogo ‘over aimass shooting an actualy had askthe question heh -Thatwas at forme she ade, Yam wort that might not be thea unless thre srl change Washington” ‘Because regula features commentary by ts anchors intext and vdeo cps onthe webste that on vance iberal anda “Trump opinion, and ae nt deat labeled 35 such Newscuarahas termina tha CNN doesnot nett sandr or handing the ference between news an pinion esponsby Falloving 3 telephone call and exchange of emats with NewsGusrdin ‘tober 2019, ENN decined to conpment about being opinion ints video ips. ‘The website’ About Us page tates that CNNIs owned by Warner eda and nots tat Warmer isa suber of AT [ANN Proties page names and provides bographis forts eadeship and epartg taf Arues receded the autor, and he ‘ames the pres and tees of hel work ‘Advertisements ae sponsored content are disinguishabe fom ‘oral coment CNN alto aiferentates content publshed on fs ‘omar pltorm from atrial content hough elias, ferent branding and ste design. ‘CAN was nunc in 1980 by meia businessman Ted Tues ith ‘hat as ten the radically new proposton of brosdcasing news 24 hours 4a. The dll news ce enabled the network report tres tveas they unoied, wich gvelcan edge dung he Gut Warn “The network's abst auch in 1995, decarings00n after thas nisin wa oho anunering comment to objective and accurate news” More than 20 yeas ate, remains one ofthe mos ‘frequented online news sources inthe United states. In caver 2018 ae decribed Pesca Trump suprtan” Cer. Ssyoc)z,maled 16 homemade pipe bombs to those ne considered to be eneies ofthe president. incung CNN and several Democratic pitas, former Present Barack Oana, and 2016 Democratic preset candidate Hilary into, Syoc pleaded guilty 065 counts Inthe case and was sentenced in gst 2019020 years nprion ‘Cun suspended commentator Ryan Liz fos wee in 217 for Luspeaed charges of sexual misconduct 2243s ed bythe New ‘Yorker for the charges, which were never deta, The network as speed conserve commentator Pari Denar August 2078, afer The washington Pos reported he had been ed fom fizona ‘Sate University in 204 for making sexily expt comments and gestures to two worn, Dennard not ery the actors but sald he as joing The Post reported. Dennard oneyearconvat expired n Novemer2018. Both he and CNN tol Te Halywood Report ae eltors Note: This Nurton abel wos updated on on, 7,220 Peis pon fer reve of le nd ever content onthe mest and Folin a ete of NearGunds sonore thi lobe ws updo on ‘ot 242019 an rating wos change, orf Neva clterinotin thot CN com doesnot hone te aference tenes ‘and opinion respons etten bp Yel cay Peggy Ackerman, eee by ra Sophie Haring, Amy Westeat Send feedback NeweGuards Ci ors Sources ‘Ownership and Financing, ‘content itp cnn conEVENTS296/annberarystback mschneind ep alexa comopstesicountie US tps times com/2018/03/20technoogyatsimesarer i ‘expainedhtm hntpstempressroom blogs cm com/2018026/nn-ialaings- ‘wafcjanuary-2018- number-one! pana comi2017F\gtalewsfen launches @commarceunt ans gta ews-subsepionsan-2016 1202606263) psc con 2019102%potesirump democrats ‘constant fghuinennent tps cn com/2019/04/2etertanment/g ume tones season Bepsode recap mainder tom itp co.conivideos farhion2019/09/23mianfehion weak 201g se capta-rgcmideo'piaysssyecopital Sponsorship psc comideosus2019108/2/man-rouns-afe- underwater proposagorgcm ip con comdens2019/8/2Sroraye teacher cut ot augers ha. oigeon| hips imc comfideos/2019708/2S/rea-estate gent _tsked open house

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