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Acknowledgement Letter

October 17, 2003

Dr. Sue Jones

123 Anystreet
Anywhere, USA 111111

Dear Dr. Jones:

I wish to acknowledge receipt of your application for the {position you applied for} at the
College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State
University. The search committee will review all completed applications after the
application deadline {date stated in the announcements} and will communicate with you
regarding the progress of the search.

WSU is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action educator and employer. In order
to implement affirmative action policies and procedures in hiring and to provide valid
information regarding these efforts when requested by governmental agencies, we request
that all applicants for positions complete and return the self-addressed, postage paid
postcard to the Center for Human Rights. This information is for statistical and official
affirmative action purposes only and will not be used to determine eligibility for the
position. Failure to comply will in no way disqualify you from consideration for

I also wish to inform you that WSU employs only U.S. citizens and lawfully authorized
non-U.S. citizens. All new employees must show employment eligibility verification as
required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Thank you for your interest in employment at Washington State University.


Jane Doe
Chair, Search
Confirmation letter
George Shelley
HR Executive
ABS Fitness Center
34473 Golden Lantern Street,
Dana Point, CA,
United States
(949) 496-0606

November25, 2009

Neil Jackson
34473 Golden Lantern Street,
Dana Point, CA,
United States
(949) 496-0606

Dear Mr. Jackson:

We feel happy to inform you that your services are being confirmed as Marketing Team
Leader with effect from 20th November 2009. This is with reference to the performance
review of three months from 14 August to 15 November 2008, when you were on
probation in the company.

The terms and conditions given in the appointment letter remain unchanged. Your salary
revision will be done in the month of July as specified earlier. If there are any changes in
the leave policies, you will be informed about it in a separate letter in the future.

The senior management has looked into your contribution to the company and your hard
work has paid as you have been confirmed before your probation period of six months.
This is due to your diligent performance and handling the responsibilities well.

We wish you all the best! I hope you will fulfill your goals and company's goals with the
same sincerity and trust shown in the last three months

Yours truly,

George Shelley
Adjustment letter

Green Tree Freight Co., Inc.

Columbus, Ohio 45453
(315) 565-6789
March 26, 19XX

Mrs. Phoebe F. Hughes

Complete Table, Inc.
P.O. Box 3132
Austin, TX 78703

Subj.: March 24 letter about damaged freight

Dear Mrs. Hughes:

I have just received your March 24 letter about the damaged shipment you received
through Green Tree Freight and regret the inconvenience that it has caused you.

From your account of the problem, I am quite sure that your request for the $240
adjustment on the damage to the 2 crates of Valjean Cristal stemware will be granted. A
certain amount of breakage of this sort does unavoidably occur in cross-country shipping;
I am sorry that it was your company that had to be the one to suffer the delay.

I must remind you to keep the damaged crates in the same condition in which you
received them until one of our representatives can inspect them. That inspection should
take place within 2 weeks.

If all is in order, as it sounds to be in your letter, you can expect the full reimbursement
within 2 weeks after our representative's inspection. I hope this unfortunate accident will
not keep you from having merchandise shipped by Green Tree Freight in the future.


David F. Morgan, Customer Relations

Green Tree Freight Co., Inc.
Columbus, Ohio 45453
(315) 565-6789
Enquiry letter
1102 West 30th
Lawrence, KS 66321
August 4, 19XX

Dr. Maria Gomez-Salinas

Director of the Diabetes Clinic
St. David's Hospital
1000 Greenberg Lane
Wichita, KS 66780

Dear Dr. Gomez-Salinas:

I am writing you in hopes of finding out more about how the

new Glucoscan II blood glucose monitoring system, which a
representative at Lifescan informed me that your clinic is
currently using.

Originally, I saw Lifescan's advertisement of this new

device in the January 19XX issue of Diabetes Forecast and
became very interested in it. I wrote the company and got
much useful information, but was recommended to write
several current users of the system as well.

For a technical report that I am writing for a technical

writing class at Johnson County Junior College, I need some
help with the following questions:

How often does the Glucoscan II need to be calibrated in

practical, everyday use conditions?
How accurate is the Glucoscan II compared to other
similar systems that your patients have used?
What problems do your patients experience with this new

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Anita Teller
Student, Medical Technology
Johnson County Junior College
Complaint letter

Anne Rice
689, Park View Apartments
New Jersey

Mr. Thomas Morgan
Customer Service Manager
ABC Company
New Jersey
23rd June, 2008.

Ref: Defective product

Dear Mr. Morgan,

I had bought the XYZ Baking Product, receipt number 123445 from your Company on
20th June. I regret to inform you that the product is defective and my numerous verbal
complaints to your personnel have yielded no results.

I request you to either replace the product with a functioning new product or refund my
money within one week.

I have never been let down by any of your products in the past and I look forward to your
immediate action on this occasion.

I am enclosing a copy of the Receipt to help you initiate immediate action.

Thanking You,


Anne Rice
Collection letter
July 20, 2010

Gold Times Savings and Loan Corporation

Jacksontown, New Orleans

Mr. Richard Prentiss

325 Privet Avenue
Smithville, New Orleans

Re: customer number 10-100

Dear Mr. Prentiss,


According to our records, you have an unpaid balance with us of $8,256.23 for the billing
period June 15 to July 14, 2010. As this may be an oversight on your part, we urge you to
settle your account with us by July 30 in order to avoid the inconvenience of legal action
being taken against you. If you have any questions, you may contact Dean Driver at 025-

If you have already paid your overdue balance, please ignore this notice.

Thank you for your prompt action on this matter.

Respectfully yours,

Branson Smith
Head, Collections Department
Gold Times Savings and Loan Corporation

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