The Promise Fulfilled - (Part Two) - Focus Questions

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The Promise Fulfilled - (Part Two) - Focus Questions

Read pages 44-45 of your Work/Text Book and answer the following questions
in your Note Book.

1. At the heart of Jesus' teaching is the ___Kingdom of God__________.

2. To prepare for this kingdom, Jesus called on his hearers to repent and believe in the
______Good news_________.

3. Name three attributes of the kingdom Jesus came to establish.

1. It is was everyone: Jews and Gentiles.
2. Rich and poor - especially the materially poor and those ‘poor’ in spirit.
3. For saints and sinners, all those on the very margins of society.
4. A Kingdom of Love, Peace, Integrity, Forgiveness, Honesty, Unity

4. _______Compassion_____________ became the core value Jesus' followers need for

5. It was at the Last Supper Jesus instituted the _________Eucharist____
6. Taking, blessing and breaking bread, Jesus gave it to his disciples saying, "Take and eat.
This is my _____body_______ which is given for you. This is my ____blood_______ of the
covenant, which is poured out for many for the ______forgiveness of sins____".
7. Jesus was put on trial before the High Priest for ________blasphemy___________ and
threats against the Temple.
8. Jesus was brought before Roman governor _______Pilate__________ for questioning.
9. From the time Jesus was arrested, the disciples fled out of _______fear___________ and
abandoned him.
10. Jesus prayed _______forgiveness_____________ for those who had put him to death.
11. Another term for "covenant" is _____________Testament___________________.
12. These were the final words of Jesus as he breathed his last breath, "into your
hands..............I commend my spirit................".
13. Jesus rose to life on the ________third___________ day.
14. Jesus' resurrection from the dead conquered death, _________sin_____ and
15. The ___________Ressurection_________________ is the climax of the Paschal Mystery.
16. The Paschal Mystery refers to the _________the death of Jesus christ which liberates us
from sin: by his resurrection, he opens for us the way to new life.________
Notes from class from Tuesday, January 11. Page 43 of the workbook
Test next class

Epiphany means manifestation

The 12 tribes were named after the sons of Jacob

He gathered a community of coming together

It was Peter who declared you are the Christ. He was the leader of the apostles.

Christ means anointed one.

The word apostle comes from the Greek word Apostolos which means messenger
Or one that is sent.

The twelve disciples are


The three main purposes of the incarnation

There is 1 person in Jesus and two nature (divine and human)

The son of Man has come out to seek out and save the lost (Luke 19:10)

God is Love (1st John 4:8) Love is a person

Another word for Beatitudes is blessing/blessing/happy

Learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart. (Mathew 11:29)

Those who humble themselves are exalted.

John 10:10 I have come that may have life and have it to the full.
The four main purposes of the incarnation

He showed his powerof demons when he preach with authority.

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