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Review Article

The cochlear implantation surgery: A review of

anesthetic considerations and implications
Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa, Ashish Kulshrestha1
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Ram Nagar, Banur, Punjab, 1Government
Medical College and Hospital, Sector-32, Chandigarh

an important landmark development in otology.[1] Cochlear

ABSTRACT implants are very expensive electronic devices which need a
The advancement in the technology of the cochlear careful surgical technique to place the internal compressor
implants has resulted in increasing trend of cochlear assembly within the mastoid antrum and connect the
implantation in both the children and elderly population. electrodes to the cochlear neurons. The surgical technique
The anesthesiologist is faced with the task of smoothly requires a team approach which includes use of such
conducting the surgery without any interference in anesthetic technique so as to maintain a bloodless surgical
the stimulation techniques used. The preoperative field with stable intraoperative hemodynamics. As such
evaluation is mainly focused on the presence of any role of the anesthesiologist is crucial during such expensive
congenital anomalies in these patients which may affect surgical procedures for a better outcome. Total intravenous
anesthetic technique. The reduction of anxiety of the anesthesia, locoregional anesthesia, newer induced
patient as well as the parents of small children is an hypotension techniques, and advent of newer drugs in
important aspect of the preoperative visit. Intraoperatively anesthesia practice including newer sedative agents and many
the anesthetic technique chosen should not interfere other techniques and drugs have allowed even complicated
with the stimulation of the cochlear implant electrode surgical procedures to be performed with a great ease.[2‑4]
assembly. The postoperative management is mainly
focused at prevention of agitation and good analgesia. The most common candidates for cochlear implant surgery
A close cooperation between the surgeon and the are children but adults and sometimes elderly people, with
anesthesiologist is essential for a positive outcome in failure of hearing aids may be considered for this surgery.
this surgery. The current review focuses on the important
anesthesia aspects related to cochlear implant surgery. PREOPERATIVE EVALUATION

Key words: Anesthesia, cochlear implant, Selection of patient

sensorineural deafness Early detection of hearing impairment in childhood is
essential for proper development of learning and listening
skills and early implantation of cochlea leads to acquisition
INTRODUCTION of these skills and thus also helps in mental and intellectual
development of the child. It has been found that proper
A cochlear implant is an electronic device which is used to development of both the speech as well as vocabulary occurs
restore hearing in patients with bilateral severe sensorineural if the child receives the cochlear implant before 2.5 years
deafness in order to provide improved communication of age.[5] Surgical procedure itself needs the facial nerve to
abilities. These electronic devices have an ability to transform be identified and for which proper development of facial
speech and other sounds into electrical signals used to ridges is important which usually develops by 2 years of age.
stimulate the existing fibers of auditory nerve in the inner
ear. These are different from usual hearing aids in that these Access this article online
devices do not just amplify the sounds, but actually stimulate Quick Response Code:
the auditory nerve. Cochlear implants are considered to be Website:

Address for correspondence: Dr. Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa,

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Gian Sagar Medical
College and Hospital, Ram Nagar, Banur, Punjab, India.

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Bajwa and Kulshrestha: Anesthesia for cochlear implantation surgery

After selecting the patients, further investigations required Table 1: Various congenital syndromes associated with
for surgery include objective assessment of hearing by steady deaf‑mutism and anesthetic implications
state evoked potential, auditory brainstem evoked potential, Congenital syndromes Anesthetic implications
and electrocochleography. Radiographs of skull and high Treacher Collins Facial dysplasia associated
syndrome can lead to difficulty in airway
resolution computed tomographic scan of the temporal management
bone are needed to visualize the basal turn of cochlea, its Klippel‑Fiel anomaly Fusion of cervical vertebrae leads
patency, and any abnormal ossification within it. It can also to restricted neck movements and
difficult intubation
give useful information about degree of pneumatization
Pendred syndrome Metabolic derrangements
of mastoid, any congenital abnormality in inner ear, and involving goiter and
any fluid accumulation in middle ear. Magnetic resonance hypothyroidism
imaging (MRI) may be useful in identification of sequelae Alport syndrome Renal and endocrine abnormalities
of labrynthitis with fibrous tissue filled cochlea where the Jervell and Prolonged QT interval, risk of
Lange‑Neilsen syndrome ventricular arrhythmia, and history
placement of electrodes may be difficult.[6] The presence of of syncopal attacks
acute or chronic suppurative otitis media with or without
cholesteatoma was considered contraindication for cochlear
implant surgery previously, but now with adequate control drug owing to its reasonable and reliable effect with no serious
of the infection preoperatively and with the measures to side‑effects. It helps in reduction in separation and induction
prevent recurrence of the disease, it is no longer considered anxiety in children with a favorable pharmacokinetic profile
a contraindication. and minimal effects on recovery profiles.[14]

The presence of mental retardation and any central nervous Anesthesia induction
disease affecting the auditory pathway should be assessed Induction of anesthesia can occur in the standard
preoperatively[7] and so is the presence of any congenital manner in adults using thiopentone 3-5 mg/kg or
cataract which should be corrected preoperatively in order propofol 2-3 mg/kg intravenously with the analgesia
to achieve maximum help from the improved vision for given by fentanyl 2 mg/kg intravenously. The induction
postoperative hearing rehabilitation. in children without intravenous access can be achieved by
inhalational induction by oxygen and sevoflurane. Tracheal
Anesthetic aspects intubation is achieved after neuromuscular blockade with
Majority of the patients coming for cochlear implant vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg intravenously with appropriate sized
surgery are children with hearing impairment and hence endotracheal tube which is then firmly secured in place
communication with these children is very important to after confirming bilateral equal air entry. Attenuation of
establish a good rapport preoperatively. The children and pressor response with preoperative dexmedetomidine in a
the parents should be counseled after detailed description dose of 1 mg/kg not only provides stable hemodynamics
of the surgical and anesthetic procedure. This also helps during induction and intraop period enabling a smoother
in allaying anxiety of both the child as well as the parents. control to provide a bloodless field during surgery, but also
decreases the requirement of anesthetic drugs during periop
Preoperatively, it is essential to screen for the presence of period.[15] Anesthesia is usually maintained with oxygen,
various congenital syndromes leading to deaf‑mutism as air, and isoflurane with intermittent doses of vecuronium.
the systemic involvement in these syndromes may affect the Alternatively, a total intravenous technique involving
anesthetic management. Also, the various types of dysplasia infusion of propofol can be used to maintain anesthesia.
of temporal bone and cochlea associated with these syndromes However, the choice of anesthetic technique and drugs is
may render the surgeons to change the surgical technique of solely the priority of the attending anesthesiologist whether
cochlear implantation. The various congenital syndromes and to use experience‑based or evidence‑based anesthesia
their anesthetic implications are shown in Table 1.[8‑13] based on scientific logical empiricism.[16] The standard
monitoring should include five lead electrocardiogram,
A thorough preoperative examination is required to assess noninvasive blood pressure, pulse oximetry, capnography,
the presence of any congenital abnormalities, developmental and neuromuscular monitoring.
milestones, cerebral palsy, any neuromotor deficits, and
presence of any active upper respiratory infections. Regional anesthesia can be used by the block of great
auricular nerve, but studies in tympanomastoid surgeries
Premedication with oral midazolam 0.5 mg/kg given about have not shown any benefit of such blocks on the reducing
20-30 min prior to anesthesia induction remains the preferred the incidence of postoperative pain.[17] The newer drugs

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Bajwa and Kulshrestha: Anesthesia for cochlear implantation surgery

and techniques have greater potential in providing adequate useful in maintaining light but sufficient level of hypnosis.
sedation during surgical procedure, but need larger studies In a prospective study including children, it was found
so as to establish their overall efficacy and safety.[3,18] that the ESRT increased with increasing concentration
of inhalational agent with minimal effect of propofol and
Intraoperative management nitrous oxide. The ECAP was not found to be affected by
The surgical duration is usually 3 h with no significant either the inhalational agents or the propofol. Thus, it can
blood loss and thus requirement of blood transfusion is be concluded that the use of total intravenous anesthesia
minimal, however sometimes significant blood loss may using propofol and opioid is beneficial in pediatric cochlear
occur from large non‑collapsible mastoid emissary veins. implant surgery.[21]
Adequate blood volume is maintained by infusion of
crystalloids compensating for fasting and blood losses and Sudden coughing and bucking should be avoided at the end
large amounts of fluids should be avoided as it can lead of surgery to prevent dislodgment of the electrode array
to bladder distension leading to postoperative agitation as of the implant and the neuromuscular blockade should be
catheterization is not done in the surgery. reversed and spontaneous respiratory efforts are allowed.
The child can be extubated in deeper planes and kept in
An important step during the surgery is preservation of lateral recovery position to prevent sudden agitation. The
facial nerve which may be identified intraoperatively by child should be nursed in post‑anesthesia care unit (PACU)
electrical stimulation thus precluding the use of muscle in presence of the parents with proper care of postoperative
relaxants. This should be used after the effect of the muscle analgesia.
relaxant used for intubation has weaned off as evidenced
by the response on the train of four stimulation and during Postoperative care
this process the anesthesia can be maintained by propofol The major postoperative concern in cochlear implant
infusion. surgery is the prevention of postoperative nausea and
vomiting (PONV) which is common in ear surgery. The
Cochlear implant being an electrical device, can easily be various measures employed are adequate anxiolysis
damaged by static electrical discharges from electrocautery preoperatively, use of total intravenous anesthesia with
so the use of electrocautery should be discouraged once propofol, avoidance of nitrous oxide, administration of
the cochlear implant is inserted in place. However, proper antiemetics like ondansetron 0.1 mg/kg intravenously
hemostasis should be done before placement of cochlear at the end of surgery, and the use of dexamethasone
implant. At the conclusion of surgery, the integrity of 0.15 mg/kg intravenously at the beginning of surgery.
the implant is checked by brain stem auditory evoked The use of dexamethasone has been found to augment
responses and by electrically evoked stapedius reflexes. the other antiemetics used and studies have suggested that
This is very essential for postoperative fitting of external the risk of infection after a single dose of dexamethasone
speech processor which may be difficult in small children is unclear.[22‑24] Palonosetron has also proved to be an
postoperatively. efficacious antiemetic drug which has got a long duration
of action.[25]
The two main aspects of electrical stimulation are usually
used, that is, the electrically elicited stapedius reflex Postoperative analgesia can be maintained with parent
threshold (ESRT) and electrically elicited compound or nurse controlled boluses of opioids like fentanyl or
action potential (ECAP).[19] ESRT mainly determine the morphine. However, intravenous or per rectal paracetamol
maximum comfort level which is defined as the loudest has also been found to be effective in reducing doses of
sound tolerated without pain, while ECAP mainly opioids and thus helps in prevention of opioid‑related side
determines the noise threshold, that is, lowest acoustic effects.[26,27] The incidence of postoperative shivering can
stimulus perceived as sound. Anesthesia can affect the also be reduced to a large extent by use of perioperative
ESRT leading to wrong estimate of the maximum comfort dexmedetomidine.[28] The patient should be monitored in
level which may produce pain during stimulation. In various PACU till the consciousness is regained fully with minimal
studies it has been found that there is a strong correlation PONV.
between the level of hypnosis and the mean stapedius
reflex threshold value and it is thus postulated to reduce the Complications
concentration of inhalational agents with maintenance of The cochlear implant surgery is considered to be relatively
normal carbon dioxide levels during such stimulations.[20] safe and minimal or no anesthesia‑related complications are
The use of electroencephalograph has been found to be reported. The complications are mainly surgical including

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Bajwa and Kulshrestha: Anesthesia for cochlear implantation surgery

minor complications like mild flap infection, change in taste, avoided and so is the use of radiotherapy directly over
minor balance problems, and transient facial palsy. The the implant which can cause serious damage. MRI is also
major surgical complications include flap necrosis, device contraindicated in these patients and can lead to tissue
failure, device migration, cerebrospinal leak, meningitis, damage and implant migration. However, if MRI is deemed
and persistent facial palsy. [29,30] Late postoperative to be necessary, the external magnet can be removed by a
complications requiring reimplantation can occur late and minor surgery, and thus MRI can be performed and the
are less frequent and thus these patients should be followed magnet can be replaced post procedure.[41]
for long‑term.[31] Other less frequent complications include
displaced magnet from the receiver pocket by magnetic toys CONCLUSION
and silicone allergy.[32]
In conclusion, the cochlear implantation surgery has gained
Cochlear implantation in special population popularity over the last decade and thus the attending
Due to advancement in screening and diagnosing hearing anesthesiologist is faced with the responsibility of safely
problems, more number of young children often comes for conducting the surgery. The anesthetic technique used
early surgery for cochlear implantation. There is evidence may have implications on the method of stimulation of
suggesting that early bilateral cochlear implant surgery in the electrodes of the cochlear implant intraoperatively.
children less than 12 months of age results in better auditory Moreover, most of these patients are children and it is the
rehabilitation. A multidisciplinary approach involving responsibility of anesthesiologist to prevent any agitation
pediatric anesthesiologist is essential for a positive outcome and smooth induction and emergence from anesthesia.
as studies in cochlear implant surgeries in infants have A close cooperation between the anesthesiologist and
shown the age of the patient and experience and the skills surgeon is essential for a positive outcome.
of the anesthesiologist to be important risk factors.[33,34]
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How to cite this article: Bajwa SS, Kulshrestha A. The cochlear
Sharp M, Davies H, et al. Parent/nurse‑controlled analgesia for children implantation surgery: A review of anesthetic considerations and
with developmental delay. Clin J Pain 2008;24:817‑24. implications. Int J Health Allied Sci 2013;2:225-9.
27. Czarnecki ML, Salamon KS, Jastrowski Mano KE, Ferrise AS,
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
Sharp M, Weisman SJ. A preliminary report of parent/nurse‑controlled

International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences • Vol. 2 • Issue 4 • Oct-Dec 2013 229

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