Instructions To Candidates

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 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
 Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and Two questions from section C.
 Answers to all questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

1. State Two advantages of using electronic sources as a source of information on History and
Government. (2 mks)
2. Name One homid who manufactured oldowan tools during the Old Stone Age period.
(1 mk)
3. What were the uses of the Acheulian tools during the old Stone Age period. (2 mks)
4. Identify the main contribution of Jethro Tull to the development of Agriculture in Britain. (1 mk)
5. State how the Kings of Western Sudan enhanced the development of the Trans-Saharan Trade.
(2 mks)
6. Identify one disadvantage of using canoes as a means of water transport. (1 mk)
7. Identify two additional improvements that have been made to the modern roads from the macadamized
roads. (2 mks)
8. What is Telecommunication? (1 mk)
9. Identify the main discovery of Louis Pasteur during scientific revolutions? (1 mk)
10. State One missionary factor that contributed to the scramble and partition of Africa. (1 mk)
11. Identify Two ways in which the Africans reacted to colonial rule. (2 mks)
12. Give Two similarities between the French and the British colonial Administrations. (2 mks)
13. Name one country colonized by Germany in West Africa during the scramble and partition of Africa.
(1 mk)
14. State the main function of International Labour organization as an agency of the United Nations
Organisation. (1 mk)
15. State two military pacts formed by the capitalist and communists power blocs during the cold war period.
(2 mks)
16. State one condition that one must fulfil to become a senator in the United States of America.1 mk)
17. Give two ways in which the member states of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
(C.O.M.E.S.A.) benefit from the organization. (2 mks)

SECTION B (45 Marks)

Answer any THREE questions from this section.
18. a) Identify three physical characteristics of Dryopithecus. (3 mks)
b) Explain Six advantages of the Enclosure System in Britain durng the Agrarian Revolution.
(12 mks)
19. a) State three limitations of animal transport. (3 mks)
b) Explain Six positive effects of modern transport. (12 mks)
20. a) State three uses of steel during the industrial revolution. (3 mks)
b) Explain the factors limiting industrialization in Third World Countries. (12 mks)
21. a) State Three factors that facilitated the application of the French policy of assimilation in the four
communes of Senegal. (3 mks)
b) Explain Six effects of Assimilation in Senegal. (12 mks)
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section.

22. a) Identify three member states of the commonwealth in West Africa. (3 mks)
b) Explain six ways in which commonwealth countries benefit from the organization.
(12 mks)
23. a) State five causes of the second World War. (5 mks)
b) Explain the social effects of the Second World War. (10 mks)
24. a) What conditions must one fulfil to be elected President in India. (3 mks)
b) Explain six functions of the India’s Parliament. (12 mks)


 This paper consists of THREE sections; A, B and C.

 Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section


Answer all the questions in this section.

1. Give one limitation of archaeology as a source of information in history

and government. (1mk)
2. State two ways in which Homo erectus attempted to improve his way of life. (2mks)
3. Give two MAIN reasons why early agriculture developed in Mesopotamia. (2mks)
4. What factor encouraged the production of perishable agricultural goods during
the Agrarian Revolution in N. America? (1mk)
5. State two advantages of petroleum as a source of energy. (2mks)
6. Identify one factor which led to the spread of iron working skills. (1mk)
7. State two economic effects of the industrial revolutions in Europe. (2mks)
8. Identify two factors that promoted Greek unity. (2mks)
9. Give two factors which led to the growth of Buganda kingdom. (2mks)
10. State two reforms that were introduced by the German administration after
the Maji maji uprising. (2mks)


 This paper consists of THREE sections; A, B and C.

 Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section


Answer all the questions in this section.

11. Give one limitation of archaeology as a source of information in history

and government. (1mk)
12. State two ways in which Homo erectus attempted to improve his way of life. (2mks)
13. Give two MAIN reasons why early agriculture developed in Mesopotamia. (2mks)
14. What factor encouraged the production of perishable agricultural goods during
the Agrarian Revolution in N. America? (1mk)
15. State two advantages of petroleum as a source of energy. (2mks)
16. Identify one factor which led to the spread of iron working skills. (1mk)
17. State two economic effects of the industrial revolutions in Europe. (2mks)
18. Identify two factors that promoted Greek unity. (2mks)
19. Give two factors which led to the growth of Buganda kingdom. (2mks)
20. State two reforms that were introduced by the German administration after
the Maji maji uprising. (2mks)
21. Identify two obstacles which Samori toure encountered in his second Empire. (2mks)
22. Give two reasons why the axis powers were defeated in the Second World War. (2mks)
23. Identify one challenge encountered by the Pan African movement. (1mk)
24. Name the two Houses of the U.S.A congress. (1mk)
25. Name the first African to be elected secretary General of the UNO since its
inception. (1mk)
26. Why did the French government replace the policy of Assimilation with that of Association in 1945?


Answer any three questions from this section.

27. (a) State five factors which led to the Agrarian Revolution in Britain. (5mks)
(b) Discuss the impact of the agrarian revolution on the European society. (10mks)

28. (a) State five factors that contributed to the development of the Trans
Saharan trade. (5mks)
(b) Explain ways in which the Trans Saharan trade led to the development
of kingdoms in Western Sudan (10mks)

29. (a) Give ways in which industrialization in Tthird World countries has
affected them. (5 mks)

(b) Describe the problems of industrialization in third world countries. (10mks)

30. (a) State five reasons that led to the failure of the Chimurenga War of
1896- 1897. (5mks)

(b) What was the outcome of the Chimurenga War? (10mks)


Answer any two questions from this section.

31. (a) State five methods used by African nationalists in South Africa in their
struggle for national Liberation. (5mks)
(b) Describe the problems encountered by African nationalists in South Africa. (10mks)

32. (a) State five factors that led to the collapse of the East African community in 1977.
(b) Explain the roles which the UNO has played in the world since its formation. (10mks)

33. (a) State five causes of the cold war. (5mks)

(b) What were the effects of the cold war on international relations? (10mks)


1. Give one short coming of using written records as a source of history 1 mk

2. Name two sub- species of Homo – Sapiens 2 mks
3. Identify two factors which favoured development of domestication of animals in ancient Mesopotamia
2 mks
4 Give one advantage of currency trade over barter trade 1 mk
5 Give the main reason why the Kabaka of Buganda married from all clans in the Kingdom 1 mk
6 What was the main source of energy during the early period of industrial revolution 1 mk
7. Name two countries that were colonized by Britain in North Africa 2 mks

8. Outline two economic polices adopted by president Getulio Vargas (1930- 45) Which contributed to
Industrialization in Brazil 2 mks
9. State two functions of the Asantehene in Asante Empire 2 mks
10 State one way in which Africans reacted to European colonization of Africa 1 mk
11 What was the main contribution of religion in the Maji Maji uprising against German rule in Southern
Tanganyika 1 mk
12 Give two functions of the political parties in USA 2 mks
13 Name one organization of UNO which was formed to promote education activities in the world
14 Give one similar social problem which both Tanzania and DRC have faced since independencemk
15 Identify two effects of the cold war on Africa 2 mk
16 State one condition that one must fulfill to become a senator in the USA 1 mk
17 State two Problems that face the EAC 2 mks

18 a) State three benefits of the discovery of fire to early man 3 mks

b) Explain six ways in which Homo Erectus attempted too improve his way of life 12 mks
19 a) Name three continents that participated in the trans- Atlantic trade 3 mks
b) Explain six effects of slave trade on the people of west Africa 12 mks
20 a) State three factors that hinders industrialization in third world countries 3 mks

b) State and explain six factors that made industrial revolution to take place in Britain ahead of other European
powers 12 mks

21 a) Name any three animals used by Man in early transport 3 mks

b) Explain the disadvantage of early animals transport 12 mks

22 a) State any three grievances of the shona and Ndebele during the Chimurenga wars ( 1896- 1897) against the
British (3 mks)

b) Discuss the results of the Chimurenga wars 12 mks

23 a) State three conditions one must fulfill to be elected president in India 3 mks

b) Discuss six functions and responsibilities of the president in India 12 mks

24 a) Explain five ways in which the African Union (A.U) Differs from the organization of African unity (O.A.U)
5 mks

b) Discuss five objective of the African Union (A.U) 10 mks


 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C
 Answer all questions in section A; THREE questions from B and TWO questions from section C


Answer ALL questions in this section{005}

1. Give two limitations of using written records as a source of African history. (2mks)
2. Name two species of Australopithecus (2mks)

3. State two theories that explain the origin of iron working in Africa(2mks)
4. Identify one way in which man used stone tools (1 mk)
5. List two forms of communication used to send messages to distant placesin the shortest time possible.
6. State two characteristics of macadamized roads (2mks)
7. Name two cash crops that were grown in North America during Agrarian Revolution (2mks)

8. Give two results of the land enclosure system in Britain (2mks)

9. Give two inventions that improved textile manufacturing industry
in Britain in the 18th century. (2 mks)

10. What method did the European powers use to acquire colonies in Africa (1 mk)

11. State one method which the international community used to

hasten the attainment of majority rule in South Africa (1 mk)

12. Give the main reason why the British were able to suppress the
Ndebele uprising in Zimbabwe (1 mk)
13. Name one system of colonial administration which was used by
the British to administer their colonies in Africa (1 mk)
14. State the factor that helped the Shona to expand as an empire (Imk)
15. State one function of the monarch in Britain. (Imk)
16. Identify the main reason why the League of Nations was formed (Imk)
17. State one achievement of Pan-Africa between 1945-1963 (1 mk)

Answer any THREE questions from this section
18(a) State seven reasons why industrial revolution first took place in Britain
(b) Explain the social problems brought about by the industrial revolution in Europe. (8 mks)
19(a) Identify three factors that led to abolition of slave trade in the 19 century (3mks)
(b) Explain six effects of the Trans-Atlantic slave Trade on West Africa (12 mks)
20(a) What were the terms of the Berlin conference of 1884-1885 (5mks)
(b) Discuss the immediate results of the partition of Africa by Europeans (10 mks)
21a) Name three features of the cold war ( 3mks )
b) Explain the effects of the cold war (12mks)
Answer any TWO questions from this section
22(a) State the internal factors that led to the rise of Nationalism in Africa (5mks)
(b) Discuss five causes of Nationalism in Ghana (l0mks)

23(a) State five constitutional powers of a president in India (5mks)

(b) Describe the functions of the British parliament (10 mks)
24(a) What were the objectives of the U.N (5 mks)
(b) Explain five factors that led to the collapse of the East Africa community
(5 mk

 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.

 Answer ALL questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answer to all questions MUST be written in the answer sheet provided.
 Candidates may be penalized for not following the instructions given in this paper.

Answer all the questions in this section .

1. What is Social History? (1mk)

2. Identify the main contribution of John Deere to the development of Agriculture in the United States of
America. (1mk)
3. Give two advantages of the currency method of trade. (2mks)
4. What are the advantages of the use of radio over newspaper in modern society? (2mks)
5. State two factors that facilitated scientific revolution in Europe from the 14 th century (2mks)
6. State the main way in which the establishment of the customs union contributed to industrialization in
Germany. (1mk)
7. State two factors responsible for the decline of Merowe as an urban centre. (2mks)
8. Give the main economic activity of the Baganda in the 19 th Century. (1mk)
9. Give two reasons why the Berlin conference was convened in 1884. (2mks)
10. Identify two ways in which European nations ensured effective occupation of their colonies in Africa.
11. Identify two treaties that Lewanika signed with the British. (2mks)
12. Name two political parties that contributed to the struggle for independence in Ghana. (2mks)
13. What was the immediate cause of the second world war. (1mk)
14. State the main function of the trusteeship council of the united Nation organization. (1mk)
15. Identify the main socio-Economic challenge in Africa since independence. (1mk)
16. State two requirements for a presidential candidate in the United States of America. (2mks)
Answer any three questions from this section.

17. a) Give five disadvantages of the traditional system of farming in Britain before 18 th century.(5mks)
b) Explain five changes that marked the agrarian revolution in Britain. {10 mks}
18. a) What are the limitations of road transport. (3mks)
b) Explain the impact of modern road transport. (12mks)
19. a) Give three reasons why Kabaka Mutesa welcomed the missionaries in Buganda. (3mks)
b) What were the impact of Buganda collaboration with the British. (12mks)
20. a) State five causes of nationalism in Ghana. (5mks)

b) Explain the role played by African National Congress (A.N.C) in the struggle for majority rule in South
Africa. (10mks)

Answer any three questions from this question.

21. a) State five problems of the non-aligned movement. (5mks)

b) What were the effects of cold war? (10mks)

22. a) Mention three differences between the former organization of African Unity (O.A.U) and the present
African Union. (3mks)
b) What challenges led to the collapse of East African Community in 1977. (12mks)

23. a) What are the constitutional powers of the president of India? (5mks)
b) Explain the advantages of the federal system of government in the United States of America.

 This paper consist of THREE sections; A, B and C.

 Answer ALL questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answers to all questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.

SECTION A (25 marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in this foolscap provided.

1. Give the other name for Homo habilis. (1mk)

2. Identify one area in Africa where Agriculture began. (1mk)

3. State Two advantages of the use of Electricity in industries during the industrial revolution.
4. Identify two factors that promoted the development of the Trans- Atlantic trade.
5. Give the name of the German who designed an oil engine for trains. (1mk)
6. Give the main advantage of space Exploration. (1mk)
7. Identify two uses of bronze. (2mks)

8. State one disadvantage of Electricity. (1mk)
9. What is scientific revolution? (1mk)
10. State two government policies which contributed to industrialization in India. (2mks)
11. Identify one reason for the decline of Kilwa. (1mk)
12. State two importance of the Odwira festival amongst the Asante. (2mks)
13. Distinguish between a written and unwritten constitution. (2mks)
14. Name two colonies in North Africa that were colonized by France during the 19 th century.
15. Give the name of one party that assisted in nationalism in Mozambique. (1mk)
16. State two problems which faced the League of Nations. (2mks)
17. Give one feature of the Non-Aligned Movement. (1mk)


Answer any three questions from this section.

18. (a) Identify three ways of naming fossils. (3mks)

(b) Explain six ways of life of Man during the Old Stone Age. (12mks)

19. (a) State three measures that third world countries should take to become industrialized.

(b) Discuss the positive impact of scientific inventions on medicine.. (12mks)

20. (a) Mention five factors that influenced the development of Early urban centers in
Africa. (5mks)

(b) Discuss five problems facing London as an urban centre. (10mks)

21. (a) List three Countries that were colonized by the Germans in Africa. (3mks)

(b) Explain six terms of the Berlin Conference of 1884- 1885. (12mks)

Answer any two questions from this section

22. (a) Identify any three treaties that were signed at Versailles after World War 1.
(b) Explain six economic results of the Second World War (12mks)

23. (a) Mention three causes of Pan-Africanism. (3mks)


(b) Discuss the achievements of Pan-African movement. (12mks)

24. (a) State three types of Elections in Britain. (3mks)

(b) Discuss six functions of the Prime Minster in Britain. (12mks)

 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
 Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answers to all the questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

1. List two forms of Oral traditions. (2 mks)

2. State two uses of acheuliam tools. (2 mks)
3. Mention two agricultural practices used in Europe before the agrarian revolution. (2 mks)
4. State the main contribution of Alexander Flemming in the field of medicine. (1 mk)
5. Give one way by which poor transport hinders industrialization in the third world countries.
(1 mk)
6. Give two advantages of currency method of trade. (2 mks)
7. State results of the construction of the Suez Canal. (2 mks)

8. Define indirect rule as a colonial system of administration. (1 mk)

9. State the main cause of the cold war. (1 mk)
10. Give two achievements of Pan – Africanism. (2 mks)
11. Identify two political challenges that have been faced by the Democratic Republic of Congo since
independence. (2 mks)
12. State two functions of the security council of the UNO. (2 mks)
13. Outline two ways in which the Versailles treaty of 1919 affected Germany. (2 mks)
14. Identify the role religion played in the Chimurenga war of 1896 – 1898. (1 mk)
15. Give two functions of the electoral commission of India. (2 mks)
Answer any three questions from this section

16. a) Identify three ways in which early man used stone tools. (3 mks)
b) Explain six ways in which early agriculture changed the lives of early people. (12 mks)
17. a) Give five factors that contributed to the development of the Trans-Atlantic trade.
(5 mks)
b) Discuss any five impacts of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (10 mks)
18. a) Identify ways in which the steam engine contributed to the growth of industries in Europe during the
19th Century. (3 mks)
b) Explain factors that led to Japan becoming an industrial power after the 2 nd World War.
(12 mks)
19. a) What were the terms of the Berlin Conference of Nov. 1884 – Feb. 1885. (5 mks)
b) What were the impacts of partition of Africa on Africans? (10 mks)

Answer any two questions from this section

20. a) Outline the social organization of the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (5 mks)
b) Describe the political organization of the Shona Kingdom during the pre – colonial period.

21. a) State five methods used by nationalists in Ghana in their struggle for independence.
(5 mks)
b) Explain five challenges Nationalists in South Africa faced in the liberation struggle.
(10 mks)

22. a) State factors that led to the rise of non – aligned movement in the 1940’s. (3 mks)
b) Explain problems the non – aligned movement has faced since its inception. (12 mks)


 This paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C.

 Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section
 Answers to all the questions MUST be written in the answer booklets provided.

Answer all the questions in this section in the Answer Booklet provided
1. Give two physical features of Homo Erectus. (2mks)
2. Identify two methods of irrigation used in ancient Egypt. (2mks)
3. Give the main limitation of barter as a method of exchange. (2mks)
4. State two ways in which the invention of the wheel revolutionized early transport
5. Name one iron working centre in West Africa. (1mk)
6. List two disadvantages of using coal as a source of industrial energy. (2mks)
7. Give two symbol of national unity in the Shona Kingdom. (2mks)
8. Apart from Mozambique, identify another Portuguese colony in Africa. (1mk)
9. Name two types of partition treaties used during the scramble and partition of Africa
10. Identify the method used by the Portuguese to administer their colonial possessions
in Africa. (1mk)
11. Give the main reason why the USA entered the Second World War. (1mk)
12. Name one political party that fought for the independence of Tanganyika (1mk)
13. State two reasons for the rise of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) (2mks)
14. Identify two challenges facing the African union. (2mks)
15 Give one feature of Human Rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter. (1mk)
16. State one function of national political parties in the USA. (1mk)
17. Distinguish between a written and un-written constitution. (1mk)


Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

18. (a) Identify five aspects of the culture of the Early man during the middle stone
age period. (5mks)
(b) Explain the effects of the agrarian revolution in the USA. (10mks)

19. (a) Give five factors that led to the growth of Cairo as an early urban centre in
Egypt. (5mks)
(b) Explain the economic effects of the Industrial revolution in Europe. (10mks)

20. (a) Give five reasons why Lewanika of the Lozi collaborated with the British South
African Company (5mks)
(b) What were the terms of the Buganda agreement of 1900? (10mks)
21. (a) Give three external factors that led to the rise of nationalism in Africa. (3mks)
(b) Explain six methods used by nationalists in South Africa to liberate their country from white
minority rule. (12mks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

22. (a) Why did Fredrick Lugard use indirect rule in Northern Nigeria? (7mks)
(b) Explain the effects of Indirect rule in Nigeria (8mks)

23. (a) Why did the Pan African Movement take long to establish itself in Africa before
1945? (3mks)
(b) What were the effects of the cold war? (12mks)

24. (a) Give three functions of the union parliament in India. (3mks)
(b) Explain six functions of the Monarchy in Britain. (12mks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.
1. Outline two distinctive features of homo habilis. (2mks)
2. Identify two ports that were used during Trans - Atlantic trade in West Africa. (2mk)
3. What is levallois? (1mk)
4. Give two examples of the vessels used by the early man in water transport. (2mks)
5. State two advantages of boda boda. (2mks)
6. Identify two uses of copper in ancient Egypt. (2mks)
7. State the contribution of Robert Koch in the field of medicine. (1mk)
8. List one disadvantage of oil as a source of energy. (1mk)
9. State two factors that influenced the growth of Kilwa. (2mks)
10. What two methods were used by the Resisters against European intrusion in Africa in the 19 th century.
11. State two terms of the Lewanika-Corydon treaty of 1898. (2mks)
12. Give two reactions for Samori Toure’s resistance to French colonization. (2mks)
13. Name two African leaders who collaborated with the European imperialists during the 19 th century.
14. Identify two causes of the cold. (2mks)
Answer any three questions.

15. (a) What were the factors that led to the development of early agriculture in Egypt. (5mks)
(b) Explain the results of early agriculture in Egypt. (10mks)
16. (a) Identify the factor that delayed industrial revolution in continental Europe. (5mks)
(b) Describe the steps taken to improve social and working conditions of the people in Europe in the 19 th
century. (10mks)

17. (a) What was the outcome of the maji maji uprising. (7mks)
(b) What was the role of religion in the organization of the maji maji war. (8mks)
18. (a) Give reasons why Ghana pioneered in the attainment of independence in Africa. (5mks)
(b) In which ways did president Nyerere of Tanzania assist the liberation movement in Mozambique.
Answer any two questions from this section
19. (a) Why was Odwira festival important among the Asante. (5mks)
(b) Describe the political organization of the mwene Mtapa Kingdom in the pre-colonial period.
20. (a) What are the functions of the cabinet in India. (3mks)
(b) Explain the features of the government in India. (12mks)
21. (a) Give reasons why the U. S. A was reluctant to join the first word war during the initial stages
(b) Explain the political results of the Second World War. (12mks)

 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
 Answer ALL the questions in section A, Three questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answers to all the questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

1. Identify two forms of government. (2 mks)

2. Identify any two limitations of Genetics as a source of information on History and Government.
(2 mks)
3. State two characteristics of the Neanderthal man. (2 mks)
4. Give one major political effect of the Trans – Saharan Trade on the people of West Africa.
(1 mk)
5. Sate two economic uses of coffer in Pre-colonial Africa. (2 mks)
6. Give any one means of traditional water transport. (1 mk)
7. State two duties of the Batako among the Baganda. (2 mks)
8. State two reasons why the British used direct rule in Zimbabwe. (2 mks)
9. Identify two methods used to fight for independence in Ghana. (2 mks)
10. Name two symbols of unity in the Mwene mutapa Kingdom during the Pre-colonial period.
(2 mks)
11. What was the immediate cause of the Second World War.? (1 mk)
12. Where is the East African Legislative Assembly based? (1 mk)
13. Name any two campaign methods used by Presidential candidates in USA. (2 mks)
14. Give one way in which one becomes a member of the House of Lords in Britain. (1 mk)
15. State any one advantage of the written constitution. (1 mk)
16. Describe any one disadvantage of coal as a source of energy in the European industries upto 1850AD.
(1 mk)
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

17. a) Why did early agriculture begin along the river valleys in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
(3 mks)
b) What were the impacts of Agrarian revolution in Britain? (12 mks)

18. a) Describe five ways through which slaves were obtained during the Trans – Atlantic trade.
(5 mks)
b) What were the effects of Trans-Atlantic Trade on the Western African states? (10 mks)

19. a) Name any three methods used by the European powers to acquire colonies in African during the second
half of the 19th century. (3 mks)
b) Why were European armies able to defeat African armies during the age of European Imperialism?
(12 mks)

20. a) Identify five problems encountered by Nationalists in South Africa. (5 mks)

b) Discuss the role of Nelson Mandela in the struggle against apartheid. (10 mks)

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

21. a) State Five economic activities of the Shona Kingdom during the 19 th C. (5 mks)
b) Describe the political organization of the Shona in the 19 C. (10 mks)

22. a) How has Non – Aligned movement influenced world politics. (5 mks)
b) Explain Five ways the commonwealth member countries have benefited from the organization.
(10 mks)

23. a) Name three political parties in India. (3 mks)

b) Describe how the government of India is organized.
(12 mks)


 This paper consists of THREE sections; A, B and C.

 Answer ALL questions in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from section C.
 Answers to all the questions must be written in the answer booklets provided.

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. State two available tangible evidence that researchers use to determine the origin or date of man.
(2 mks)
2. State two ways how early man evaded predator. (2 mks)
3. State two sub – species of homosapiens. (2 mks)
4. Give two results of the development of the steamship in Europe. (2 mks)
5. Identify two social problems brought about by industrial revolution in Europe. (2 mks)
6. Identify the uses of bronze in ancient Benin Kingdom. (2 mks)
7. Mention two social reasons that made the Europeans to colonise Africa. (2 mks)
8. Mention two emerging health problems facing the world organization (WHO) (2 mks)
9. Identify two ways in which Samori Toure acquired fire arms. (2 mks)
10. State two considerations that the colonists took into account in determining colonial administration.
(2 mks)
11. State the hereditary head of the British political system. (1 mks)
12. Identify Democratic Republic of Congo first prime minister. (1 mk)
13. Identify two permanent members of United Nations organization with veto powers. (2 mks)
14. Which bloc collapsed in the cold war in 1990 – 1991. (1 mk)

SECTION B (45 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section.

15. a) List five items that archaelogists use to reconstruct the activities of the pre-historic people.
(5 mks)
b) What were the effects of neolithic revolution on early society? (10 mks)

16. a) How did the Sumerians benefit from the invention of the wheel. (5 mks)
b) State the functions of Cairo town. (5 mks)
c) What were the effects of local trade. (5 mks)

17. a) Identify any three nationalists who promoted the growth of nationalism in Ghana.
(3 mks)
b) Explain six factors that contributed to the development of nationalism in Ghana.
(12 mks)
18. a) Describe the social organization of the Shona during the pre – colonial period. (5 mks)
b) Explain the political organization of the Mwene Mutapa Kingdom during the pre-colonial period.
(10 mks)

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section

19. a) Give five reasons why the First World War was referred to as the greatest war ever fought by 1914.
(5 mks)
b) Explain the effects of the cold – war. (10 mks)

20 a) State the characteristics of the commonwealth nations.

b) Explain why the PAN-AFRICAN movement took long to be established in Africa.(10 mks)

21. a) Identify three political parties represented in the us congress. (3 mks)

b) Explain the functions of the prime minister in Britain. (12 mks)

Answer ALL questions from this section

1. Give two limitations of using archaeology as a source of information in History and Government.
2. State two characteristics of Homo Erectus. (2mks)
3. Identify one way in which early man used stone tools. (1mk)
4. List two uses of the wheel in Mesopatamia. (2mks)
5. Give the main disadvantage of Barter Trade. (1mk)
6. Name two materials on which the earliest messages were written. (2mks)
7. Give one reason why continental Europe lagged behind in industrialization. (1mk)
8. List two disadvantages of the use of coal as a source of energy. (2mks)
9. What was the main contribution of Edward Jenner to the field of science. (1mk)
10. State two functionsof the Lukiko among the Baganda in the pre-colonial period. (2mks)
11. Name two sources of Samori Toure’s arms during the Franco-Mandinka war. (2mks)
12. State two methods that were used by the European powers to acquire colonies in Africa.
13. What was the main reason why the U.S.A. joined the second world war on the side of the allies?
14. State two aims of the Non-Aligned movement at the time of its formation. (2mks)
15. Identify the main factor that led to the collapse of the cold war. (1mk)
16. Who heads the state in Britain? (1mk)
Answer any three questions from this section
17. a)Give the disadvantages of the open field of system of agriculture in Britain before 1750.
b) Explain five effects of the Agrarian revolution in Britain. (10mks)
18. a) State five factors that facilitated the development on the Trans-Atlantic trade.

b) Explain reasons for the decline of the Trans Atlantic trade in the 19 th century. (10mks)
19. a) Identify the methods that the South Africans Nationalists used in the struggle for independence.
b) What problems did the South Africans face in their struggle against the white minority rule.

20. a)State three duties of the Emirs in Nigeria in the colonial period. (3mks)
b) Discuss the differences between the British system of indirect rule and the French policy of assimilation.

Answer any two questions from this section.

21. a) Identify five economic activities of the Shona in the 19 th century. (3mks)
b) Describe the social organization of the Shona in the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
22. a) State ways in which the Pan African Congress held in Manchester in 1945 was different from the earlier
ones. (3mks)
b) Explain six factors that undermined the performance of the Pan African movement.
23. a) List three categories of members of parliament in India. (3mks)
b) Explain the functions of the Indian Legislature. (12mks)
 This paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C.
 Answer ALL questions in section A.
 Three questions from section B and Two questions from section C.
SECTION A (25 Marks){016}
Answer all the questions in this section for the answer booklet provided

1. Name two printed sources of written materials (2 Marks)

2. Give two features of Kenyapithecus (2 Marks)
3. State two importance of the domestication of cattle by the early man. (2 Marks)
4. List one method of irrigation used in the ancient Mesopotamia (1 Mark)
5. Identify two social features of the Buganda Kingdom during the pre colonial
Period (2 marks)
6. List two items of trade acquired from Europe during the Trans Atlantic slave
trade (2 Marks)
7. What was the contribution of William Morton to medical science? (1 Mark)
8. Give two inventions that led to the Agrarian Revolution in America (2 Marks)
9. State one reason why African slaves were more attractive than the others
from the British colonies. (1 Mark)
10. List two uses of horns as medium of conveying message during the ancient times (2 Marks)
11. Why was the Odwira festival vital in the Asante Kingdom? (1 Mark)
12. Identify one method used by the British to administer their colonies in Africa (1 Mark)
13. Name any two founder members of the Axis powers during the second world war (2 Marks)
14. What was the main aim for the formation of the United Nations Organization? (1 Mark)
15. Which event promoted USA to join the second world war? (1 Mark)
16. Identify two weapons which were used during the cold war (2 Marks)
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

17. a) Identify three stone Age or palaeolithic periods (3 Marks)

b) Describe the way of life of the early man during the last phase of Stone Age
period (12 Marks)

18 a) Give three disadvantages of mobile phones (3 Marks)

b) Discuss the positive impact of telecommunication (12 Marks)

19. a) State three political events in Europe which promoted the scramble and partition
of Africa (3 Marks)
b) What were the causes of Chimurenga war of 1896 – 1897? (12 Marks)

20 a) Identify three economic activities of the Asante Empire during the pre colonial
Period (3 Marks)
b) Describe the political organization of Shona Kingdom (12 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided

21. a) List three minerals that has led to rapid industrialization in South Africa. (3 Marks)
b) Explain the factors that led to industrialization in Brazil (12 Marks)

22. a) Name three personalities who have been secretary general of the United Nations
Organization. (3 Marks)
b) Discuss six challenges that the United Nations Organizations faces in promoting
world peace (12 Marks)

23. a) Identify three political parties in India (3 Marks)

b) Describe how the government of India is organized (12 Marks)

SECTION A ( 25 Marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section.
1. State two methods of irrigation that were used in Ancient Egypt. (2mks)
2. Identify two early forms of written messages. (2mks)
3. Give two duties of the Emirs in Nigeria during the colonial period. (2mks)
4. State two functions of the international court of justice of the league of Nations. (2mks)
5. State two features of the commonwealth countries. (2mks)
6. What was the main source of power during the early stages of industrial Revolution in Europe.
7. Identify two roles played by the Tuaregs during the Trans-Saharan trade. (2mks)
8. Name the military pact formed by the communist East during the cold war period. (1mk)
9. Name two countries which were dominions of Britain. (2mks)
10. Identify two powers of Indian President. (2mks)
11. Give two economic activities of the early man during the Old stone Age period. (2mks)
12. State two reforms introduced by the Germans after the Maji maji rebellion in Tanganyika.
13. Identify two terms of Buganda Agreement of 1900. (2mks)
14. Give one method used by Ghanaian Nationalist in their struggle for independence.


Answer any THREE questions from this section

15. a) State five factors that led man to start domesticating plants and animals. (5mks)
b) Explain the results of Agrarian Revolution in Europe. (10mks)

16. a) State three important routes during the Trans-Saharan trade. (3mks)
b) Explain six causes of the decline of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (12mks)

17. a) State three reasons why the Lozi collaborated with the British during the colonization of Africa.
b) Explain six effects of the Lozi collaboration with the British. (12mks)

18. a) Give three factors that led to the scramble and partition of Africa. (3mks)
b) Explain the immediate effects of the partition of Africa. (12mks)


Answer any TWO questions from this section

19. a) State three methods that UNO uses in its efforts to achieve world peace. (3mks)
b) Explain six challenges that have faced UNO in its effort to achieve world peace.
20. a) State three advantages of a Federal system of Government. (3mks)
b) Explain how the powers of the President of U.S.A. is checked. (12mks)
21. a) Explain three functions of the Lukiiko of Buganda Kingdom. (3mks)
b) Explain the political organization of Buganda Kingdom before colonial period. (12mks)


Answer all the questions in this section

1. Give two reasons why Africa is considered to be the cradle of mankind (2mks)
2. State two factors that facilitated early agriculture in Mesopotamia.(2mks)

3. Give two disadvantages of the open field system in Britain. (2mks)

4. Name one method of trade. (1mk

5. List two limitations of the use of rafts as a means of transport (2mks)

6 What is the main factor that influenced the growth of Johannesburg as an urban centre? (1mk)

7. Identify two symbols of national unity in the Shona Kingdom in the 19th century. (2mks)

8. Name the founder of the Mandinka Empire in West Africa. (1mk)

9. Give two external factors that led to nationalism in Mozambique.(2mks)

10. Name the policy that was adopted by the Allied powers to avoid a second world war. (1mk)

11. Name the secretary General of the United Nations. (1mk)

12. State two main organs of the organisation of African Unity (2mks)

13. Give one economic reform Mobutu Sese Seko adopted as president of Congo. (1mk)

14. Name the two military alliances formed by the capitalist and communist power blocs during the cold war Period.

15. State one provision of the Magna Carta (Great Charter) of 1215 in Britain. (1mk)
16. State one condition that one must fulfil to become a Senator in the United States. (1mk)

17. State one characteristic of Human Rights. (1mk)


18a) Give three characteristics of the Homo sapiens. (3mks)

b) Explain six ways in which the early man attempted to improve his way of life. (12mks)
19a) Identify five positive impacts of scientific inventions on medicine (5mks)
b) Explain the results of the industrial Revolution in Europe during the 19 th century. (10mks)

20a) State five benefits enjoyed by assimilated Africans in the four communes of Senegal. (5mks)

b) Discuss the impact of direct rule on African communities in Southern Rhodesia (10mks)

21a) Outline five political challenges that Tanzania has faced since independence (5mks)

b) Explain the hindrances to full realization of the aims and objectives of COMESA (10mks)

22a) What were the aims of the Pan-African movement? (5mks)

b) Enumerate the achievements of the Non-Aligned movement (10mks)

23a) Identify the common features of the British common wealth. (5mks)

b) Discuss the challenges facing the United Nations Organisation (10mks)

24a) Identify five roles of political parties in the U.S.A. (5mks)

b) What are the functions of the British Monarchy (10mks)



Answer ALL the questions in this section.

1.State two advantages of land enclosure system in Britain. (2 marks)
2 State two industries established by early man. (2marks)
3.Name one reason that influenced man to domesticate animals. (Imark)
4.Give one result of the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia. (Imark)
5.Who were the first people to use iron in the World. (1 mark)
6.State one term of the industrial conciliation Act of 1934 in Zimbabwe. (Imark)

7.Identify two terms of the Berlin conference of 1885-86 {2mks}

8. State any one early sources of energy. (2 marks)
9. Name any two countries that were colonized by Portugal in Africa. (2marks)
10. IdentifytwopeacefulmethodsusedbySouthAfricanintheirstruggleforindependence.
11.Name one commune in Senegal where the assimilation policy was successful. (1 mark)
12.State two roles of the Takshiffs during the trans Saharan trade. (2 marks)
13Give one function of the royal fire in the Mwene Mtapa Kingdom. (1 mark)
14Identify two demands made by Austria Hungary against Serbia following the
assassination of arch duke Ferdinard. (2marks)
15.Give two reasons why the Schlieffen plan failed. (2marks)
16.NameonecountriesinAfricathatwerenotcolonizedbyBritainbutaremembers {1MK}
of the commonwealth.
Answer three questions from this section,
17 (a) Identify five uses of fire in the stone age period. (5marks)
(b) Discuss the culture of man during the late stone period. (l0marks}
18 (a) State three factors that have influenced industrialization in Brazil. (3mark}
(b) Explain social effects of industrial revolution in Europe. (12marks
19 (a) State three factors leading to development of Athens. (3mark}
(b) Discuss the impact of agrarian and industrial development on Urbanization. (12marks)
20 (a)Give five reasons why Kabaka Mutesa collaborated with the British. (5marks)
(b) Discuss the results of African collaboration with European intruders. {10mks}
1(a) Identify five functions of the United Nations Security Council. (2marks)
(b)Discuss the challenges facing the United Nations.
22(a) Give three functions of the Monarchy in Britain.
(b) Explain how the powers of the president are checked in the USA.
23(a) Give any three features of the cold war. (3marks)
(b) Discuss the effects of the cold war. (12marks)

34. Identify two obstacles which Samori toure encountered in his second Empire. (2mks)
35. Give two reasons why the axis powers were defeated in the Second World War. (2mks)
36. Identify one challenge encountered by the Pan African movement. (1mk)
37. Name the two Houses of the U.S.A congress. (1mk)
38. Name the first African to be elected secretary General of the UNO since its
inception. (1mk)
39. Why did the French government replace the policy of Assimilation with that of Association in 1945?


Answer any three questions from this section.

40. (a) State five factors which led to the Agrarian Revolution in Britain. (5mks)
(b) Discuss the impact of the agrarian revolution on the European society. (10mks)
41. (a) State five factors that contributed to the development of the Trans
Saharan trade. (5mks)
(b) Explain ways in which the Trans Saharan trade led to the development
of kingdoms in Western Sudan (10mks)

42. (a) Give ways in which industrialization in Tthird World countries has
affected them. (5 mks)

(b) Describe the problems of industrialization in third world countries. (10mks)

43. (a) State five reasons that led to the failure of the Chimurenga War of
1896- 1897. (5mks)

(b) What was the outcome of the Chimurenga War? (10mks)


Answer any two questions from this section.

44. (a) State five methods used by African nationalists in South Africa in their
struggle for national Liberation. (5mks)
(b) Describe the problems encountered by African nationalists in South Africa. (10mks)

45. (a) State five factors that led to the collapse of the East African community in 1977.
(b) Explain the roles which the UNO has played in the world since its formation. (10mks)

46. (a) State five causes of the cold war. (5mks)

(b) What were the effects of the cold war on international relations? (10mks)


1. Give one short coming of using written records as a source of history 1 mk

2. Name two sub- species of Homo – Sapiens 2 mks
3. Identify two factors which favoured development of domestication of animals in ancient Mesopotamia
2 mks
4 Give one advantage of currency trade over barter trade 1 mk
5 Give the main reason why the Kabaka of Buganda married from all clans in the Kingdom 1 mk
6 What was the main source of energy during the early period of industrial revolution 1 mk
7. Name two countries that were colonized by Britain in North Africa 2 mks
8. Outline two economic polices adopted by president Getulio Vargas (1930- 45) Which contributed to
Industrialization in Brazil 2 mks
9. State two functions of the Asantehene in Asante Empire 2 mks
10 State one way in which Africans reacted to European colonization of Africa 1 mk
11 What was the main contribution of religion in the Maji Maji uprising against German rule in Southern
Tanganyika 1 mk
12 Give two functions of the political parties in USA 2 mks
13 Name one organization of UNO which was formed to promote education activities in the world
14 Give one similar social problem which both Tanzania and DRC have faced since independencemk
15 Identify two effects of the cold war on Africa 2 mk
16 State one condition that one must fulfill to become a senator in the USA 1 mk
17 State two Problems that face the EAC 2 mks

18 a) State three benefits of the discovery of fire to early man 3 mks

b) Explain six ways in which Homo Erectus attempted too improve his way of life 12 mks
19 a) Name three continents that participated in the trans- Atlantic trade 3 mks
b) Explain six effects of slave trade on the people of west Africa 12 mks
20 a) State three factors that hinders industrialization in third world countries 3 mks

b) State and explain six factors that made industrial revolution to take place in Britain ahead of other European
powers 12 mks

21 a) Name any three animals used by Man in early transport 3 mks

b) Explain the disadvantage of early animals transport 12 mks

22 a) State any three grievances of the shona and Ndebele during the Chimurenga wars ( 1896- 1897) against the
British (3 mks)

b) Discuss the results of the Chimurenga wars 12 mks

23 a) State three conditions one must fulfill to be elected president in India 3 mks

b) Discuss six functions and responsibilities of the president in India 12 mks

24 a) Explain five ways in which the African Union (A.U) Differs from the organization of African unity (O.A.U)
5 mks

b) Discuss five objective of the African Union (A.U) 10 mks


 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C
 Answer all questions in section A; THREE questions from B and TWO questions from section C


Answer ALL questions in this section{005}

1. Give two limitations of using written records as a source of African history. (2mks)
2. Name two species of Australopithecus (2mks)

3. State two theories that explain the origin of iron working in Africa(2mks)
4. Identify one way in which man used stone tools (1 mk)
5. List two forms of communication used to send messages to distant placesin the shortest time possible.
6. State two characteristics of macadamized roads (2mks)
7. Name two cash crops that were grown in North America during Agrarian Revolution (2mks)

8. Give two results of the land enclosure system in Britain (2mks)

9. Give two inventions that improved textile manufacturing industry
in Britain in the 18th century. (2 mks)

10. What method did the European powers use to acquire colonies in Africa (1 mk)

11. State one method which the international community used to

hasten the attainment of majority rule in South Africa (1 mk)
12. Give the main reason why the British were able to suppress the
Ndebele uprising in Zimbabwe (1 mk)
13. Name one system of colonial administration which was used by
the British to administer their colonies in Africa (1 mk)
14. State the factor that helped the Shona to expand as an empire (Imk)
15. State one function of the monarch in Britain. (Imk)
16. Identify the main reason why the League of Nations was formed (Imk)
17. State one achievement of Pan-Africa between 1945-1963 (1 mk)

Answer any THREE questions from this section
18(a) State seven reasons why industrial revolution first took place in Britain
(b) Explain the social problems brought about by the industrial revolution in Europe. (8 mks)
19(a) Identify three factors that led to abolition of slave trade in the 19 century (3mks)
(b) Explain six effects of the Trans-Atlantic slave Trade on West Africa (12 mks)
20(a) What were the terms of the Berlin conference of 1884-1885 (5mks)
(b) Discuss the immediate results of the partition of Africa by Europeans (10 mks)
21a) Name three features of the cold war ( 3mks )
b) Explain the effects of the cold war (12mks)
Answer any TWO questions from this section
22(a) State the internal factors that led to the rise of Nationalism in Africa (5mks)
(b) Discuss five causes of Nationalism in Ghana (l0mks)

23(a) State five constitutional powers of a president in India (5mks)

(b) Describe the functions of the British parliament (10 mks)
24(a) What were the objectives of the U.N (5 mks)
(b) Explain five factors that led to the collapse of the East Africa community
(5 mk

 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.

 Answer ALL questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answer to all questions MUST be written in the answer sheet provided.
 Candidates may be penalized for not following the instructions given in this paper.

Answer all the questions in this section .

1. What is Social History? (1mk)

2. Identify the main contribution of John Deere to the development of Agriculture in the United States of
America. (1mk)
3. Give two advantages of the currency method of trade. (2mks)
4. What are the advantages of the use of radio over newspaper in modern society? (2mks)
5. State two factors that facilitated scientific revolution in Europe from the 14 th century (2mks)
6. State the main way in which the establishment of the customs union contributed to industrialization in
Germany. (1mk)
7. State two factors responsible for the decline of Merowe as an urban centre. (2mks)
8. Give the main economic activity of the Baganda in the 19 th Century. (1mk)
9. Give two reasons why the Berlin conference was convened in 1884. (2mks)
10. Identify two ways in which European nations ensured effective occupation of their colonies in Africa.
11. Identify two treaties that Lewanika signed with the British. (2mks)
12. Name two political parties that contributed to the struggle for independence in Ghana. (2mks)
13. What was the immediate cause of the second world war. (1mk)
14. State the main function of the trusteeship council of the united Nation organization. (1mk)
15. Identify the main socio-Economic challenge in Africa since independence. (1mk)
16. State two requirements for a presidential candidate in the United States of America. (2mks)
Answer any three questions from this section.

17. a) Give five disadvantages of the traditional system of farming in Britain before 18 th century.(5mks)
b) Explain five changes that marked the agrarian revolution in Britain. {10 mks}
18. a) What are the limitations of road transport. (3mks)
b) Explain the impact of modern road transport. (12mks)
19. a) Give three reasons why Kabaka Mutesa welcomed the missionaries in Buganda. (3mks)
b) What were the impact of Buganda collaboration with the British. (12mks)
20. a) State five causes of nationalism in Ghana. (5mks)
b) Explain the role played by African National Congress (A.N.C) in the struggle for majority rule in South
Africa. (10mks)

Answer any three questions from this question.

21. a) State five problems of the non-aligned movement. (5mks)

b) What were the effects of cold war? (10mks)

22. a) Mention three differences between the former organization of African Unity (O.A.U) and the present
African Union. (3mks)
b) What challenges led to the collapse of East African Community in 1977. (12mks)

23. a) What are the constitutional powers of the president of India? (5mks)
b) Explain the advantages of the federal system of government in the United States of America.

 This paper consist of THREE sections; A, B and C.

 Answer ALL questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answers to all questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.

SECTION A (25 marks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in this foolscap provided.

18. Give the other name for Homo habilis. (1mk)

19. Identify one area in Africa where Agriculture began. (1mk)

20. State Two advantages of the use of Electricity in industries during the industrial revolution.
21. Identify two factors that promoted the development of the Trans- Atlantic trade.
22. Give the name of the German who designed an oil engine for trains. (1mk)
23. Give the main advantage of space Exploration. (1mk)
24. Identify two uses of bronze. (2mks)

25. State one disadvantage of Electricity. (1mk)
26. What is scientific revolution? (1mk)
27. State two government policies which contributed to industrialization in India. (2mks)
28. Identify one reason for the decline of Kilwa. (1mk)
29. State two importance of the Odwira festival amongst the Asante. (2mks)
30. Distinguish between a written and unwritten constitution. (2mks)
31. Name two colonies in North Africa that were colonized by France during the 19 th century.
32. Give the name of one party that assisted in nationalism in Mozambique. (1mk)
33. State two problems which faced the League of Nations. (2mks)
34. Give one feature of the Non-Aligned Movement. (1mk)


Answer any three questions from this section.

18. (a) Identify three ways of naming fossils. (3mks)

(b) Explain six ways of life of Man during the Old Stone Age. (12mks)

19. (a) State three measures that third world countries should take to become industrialized.

(b) Discuss the positive impact of scientific inventions on medicine.. (12mks)

20. (a) Mention five factors that influenced the development of Early urban centers in
Africa. (5mks)

(b) Discuss five problems facing London as an urban centre. (10mks)

21. (a) List three Countries that were colonized by the Germans in Africa. (3mks)

(b) Explain six terms of the Berlin Conference of 1884- 1885. (12mks)

Answer any two questions from this section

22. (a) Identify any three treaties that were signed at Versailles after World War 1.
(b) Explain six economic results of the Second World War (12mks)

23. (a) Mention three causes of Pan-Africanism. (3mks)

(b) Discuss the achievements of Pan-African movement. (12mks)

24. (a) State three types of Elections in Britain. (3mks)

(b) Discuss six functions of the Prime Minster in Britain. (12mks)

 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
 Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answers to all the questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

1. List two forms of Oral traditions. (2 mks)

2. State two uses of acheuliam tools. (2 mks)
3. Mention two agricultural practices used in Europe before the agrarian revolution. (2 mks)
4. State the main contribution of Alexander Flemming in the field of medicine. (1 mk)
5. Give one way by which poor transport hinders industrialization in the third world countries.
(1 mk)
6. Give two advantages of currency method of trade. (2 mks)
7. State results of the construction of the Suez Canal. (2 mks)

8. Define indirect rule as a colonial system of administration. (1 mk)

9. State the main cause of the cold war. (1 mk)
10. Give two achievements of Pan – Africanism. (2 mks)
11. Identify two political challenges that have been faced by the Democratic Republic of Congo since
independence. (2 mks)
12. State two functions of the security council of the UNO. (2 mks)
13. Outline two ways in which the Versailles treaty of 1919 affected Germany. (2 mks)
14. Identify the role religion played in the Chimurenga war of 1896 – 1898. (1 mk)
15. Give two functions of the electoral commission of India. (2 mks)
Answer any three questions from this section

16. a) Identify three ways in which early man used stone tools. (3 mks)
b) Explain six ways in which early agriculture changed the lives of early people. (12 mks)
17. a) Give five factors that contributed to the development of the Trans-Atlantic trade.
(5 mks)
b) Discuss any five impacts of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (10 mks)
18. a) Identify ways in which the steam engine contributed to the growth of industries in Europe during the
19 Century. (3 mks)
b) Explain factors that led to Japan becoming an industrial power after the 2 nd World War.
(12 mks)
19. a) What were the terms of the Berlin Conference of Nov. 1884 – Feb. 1885. (5 mks)
b) What were the impacts of partition of Africa on Africans? (10 mks)

Answer any two questions from this section

20. a) Outline the social organization of the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (5 mks)
b) Describe the political organization of the Shona Kingdom during the pre – colonial period.

21. a) State five methods used by nationalists in Ghana in their struggle for independence.
(5 mks)
b) Explain five challenges Nationalists in South Africa faced in the liberation struggle.
(10 mks)

22. a) State factors that led to the rise of non – aligned movement in the 1940’s. (3 mks)
b) Explain problems the non – aligned movement has faced since its inception. (12 mks)


 This paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C.

 Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions from section
 Answers to all the questions MUST be written in the answer booklets provided.
Answer all the questions in this section in the Answer Booklet provided
1. Give two physical features of Homo Erectus. (2mks)
2. Identify two methods of irrigation used in ancient Egypt. (2mks)
3. Give the main limitation of barter as a method of exchange. (2mks)
4. State two ways in which the invention of the wheel revolutionized early transport
5. Name one iron working centre in West Africa. (1mk)
6. List two disadvantages of using coal as a source of industrial energy. (2mks)
7. Give two symbol of national unity in the Shona Kingdom. (2mks)
8. Apart from Mozambique, identify another Portuguese colony in Africa. (1mk)
9. Name two types of partition treaties used during the scramble and partition of Africa
10. Identify the method used by the Portuguese to administer their colonial possessions
in Africa. (1mk)
11. Give the main reason why the USA entered the Second World War. (1mk)
12. Name one political party that fought for the independence of Tanganyika (1mk)
13. State two reasons for the rise of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) (2mks)
14. Identify two challenges facing the African union. (2mks)
15 Give one feature of Human Rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter. (1mk)
16. State one function of national political parties in the USA. (1mk)
17. Distinguish between a written and un-written constitution. (1mk)


Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

18. (a) Identify five aspects of the culture of the Early man during the middle stone
age period. (5mks)
(b) Explain the effects of the agrarian revolution in the USA. (10mks)

19. (a) Give five factors that led to the growth of Cairo as an early urban centre in
Egypt. (5mks)
(c) Explain the economic effects of the Industrial revolution in Europe. (10mks)

20. (a) Give five reasons why Lewanika of the Lozi collaborated with the British South
African Company (5mks)
(b) What were the terms of the Buganda agreement of 1900? (10mks)

21. (a) Give three external factors that led to the rise of nationalism in Africa. (3mks)
(c) Explain six methods used by nationalists in South Africa to liberate their country from white
minority rule. (12mks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

22. (a) Why did Fredrick Lugard use indirect rule in Northern Nigeria? (7mks)
(b) Explain the effects of Indirect rule in Nigeria (8mks)

23. (a) Why did the Pan African Movement take long to establish itself in Africa before
1945? (3mks)
(b) What were the effects of the cold war? (12mks)

24. (a) Give three functions of the union parliament in India. (3mks)
(b) Explain six functions of the Monarchy in Britain. (12mks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.
1. Outline two distinctive features of homo habilis. (2mks)
2. Identify two ports that were used during Trans - Atlantic trade in West Africa. (2mk)
3. What is levallois? (1mk)
4. Give two examples of the vessels used by the early man in water transport. (2mks)
5. State two advantages of boda boda. (2mks)
6. Identify two uses of copper in ancient Egypt. (2mks)
7. State the contribution of Robert Koch in the field of medicine. (1mk)
8. List one disadvantage of oil as a source of energy. (1mk)
9. State two factors that influenced the growth of Kilwa. (2mks)
10. What two methods were used by the Resisters against European intrusion in Africa in the 19 th century.
11. State two terms of the Lewanika-Corydon treaty of 1898. (2mks)
12. Give two reactions for Samori Toure’s resistance to French colonization. (2mks)
13. Name two African leaders who collaborated with the European imperialists during the 19 th century.
14. Identify two causes of the cold. (2mks)
Answer any three questions.

15. (a) What were the factors that led to the development of early agriculture in Egypt. (5mks)
(b) Explain the results of early agriculture in Egypt. (10mks)
16. (a) Identify the factor that delayed industrial revolution in continental Europe. (5mks)
(b) Describe the steps taken to improve social and working conditions of the people in Europe in the 19 th
century. (10mks)
17. (a) What was the outcome of the maji maji uprising. (7mks)
(b) What was the role of religion in the organization of the maji maji war. (8mks)
18. (a) Give reasons why Ghana pioneered in the attainment of independence in Africa. (5mks)
(b) In which ways did president Nyerere of Tanzania assist the liberation movement in Mozambique.
Answer any two questions from this section
19. (a) Why was Odwira festival important among the Asante. (5mks)
(b) Describe the political organization of the mwene Mtapa Kingdom in the pre-colonial period.
20. (a) What are the functions of the cabinet in India. (3mks)
(b) Explain the features of the government in India. (12mks)
21. (a) Give reasons why the U. S. A was reluctant to join the first word war during the initial stages
(b) Explain the political results of the Second World War. (12mks)

 This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
 Answer ALL the questions in section A, Three questions from section B and TWO questions from section C.
 Answers to all the questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

1. Identify two forms of government. (2 mks)

2. Identify any two limitations of Genetics as a source of information on History and Government.
(2 mks)
3. State two characteristics of the Neanderthal man. (2 mks)
4. Give one major political effect of the Trans – Saharan Trade on the people of West Africa.
(1 mk)
5. Sate two economic uses of coffer in Pre-colonial Africa. (2 mks)
6. Give any one means of traditional water transport. (1 mk)
7. State two duties of the Batako among the Baganda. (2 mks)
8. State two reasons why the British used direct rule in Zimbabwe. (2 mks)
9. Identify two methods used to fight for independence in Ghana. (2 mks)
10. Name two symbols of unity in the Mwene mutapa Kingdom during the Pre-colonial period.
(2 mks)
11. What was the immediate cause of the Second World War.? (1 mk)
12. Where is the East African Legislative Assembly based? (1 mk)
13. Name any two campaign methods used by Presidential candidates in USA. (2 mks)
14. Give one way in which one becomes a member of the House of Lords in Britain. (1 mk)
15. State any one advantage of the written constitution. (1 mk)
16. Describe any one disadvantage of coal as a source of energy in the European industries upto 1850AD.
(1 mk)
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

17. a) Why did early agriculture begin along the river valleys in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
(3 mks)
b) What were the impacts of Agrarian revolution in Britain? (12 mks)

18. a) Describe five ways through which slaves were obtained during the Trans – Atlantic trade.
(5 mks)
b) What were the effects of Trans-Atlantic Trade on the Western African states? (10 mks)

19. a) Name any three methods used by the European powers to acquire colonies in African during the second
half of the 19th century. (3 mks)
b) Why were European armies able to defeat African armies during the age of European Imperialism?
(12 mks)

20. a) Identify five problems encountered by Nationalists in South Africa. (5 mks)

b) Discuss the role of Nelson Mandela in the struggle against apartheid. (10 mks)

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

21. a) State Five economic activities of the Shona Kingdom during the 19 th C. (5 mks)
b) Describe the political organization of the Shona in the 19 C. (10 mks)

22. a) How has Non – Aligned movement influenced world politics. (5 mks)
b) Explain Five ways the commonwealth member countries have benefited from the organization.
(10 mks)

23. a) Name three political parties in India. (3 mks)

b) Describe how the government of India is organized.
(12 mks)

 This paper consists of THREE sections; A, B and C.
 Answer ALL questions in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from section C.
 Answers to all the questions must be written in the answer booklets provided.
SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. State two available tangible evidence that researchers use to determine the origin or date of man.
(2 mks)
2. State two ways how early man evaded predator. (2 mks)
3. State two sub – species of homosapiens. (2 mks)
4. Give two results of the development of the steamship in Europe. (2 mks)
5. Identify two social problems brought about by industrial revolution in Europe. (2 mks)
6. Identify the uses of bronze in ancient Benin Kingdom. (2 mks)
7. Mention two social reasons that made the Europeans to colonise Africa. (2 mks)
8. Mention two emerging health problems facing the world organization (WHO) (2 mks)
9. Identify two ways in which Samori Toure acquired fire arms. (2 mks)
10. State two considerations that the colonists took into account in determining colonial administration.
(2 mks)
11. State the hereditary head of the British political system. (1 mks)
12. Identify Democratic Republic of Congo first prime minister. (1 mk)
13. Identify two permanent members of United Nations organization with veto powers. (2 mks)
14. Which bloc collapsed in the cold war in 1990 – 1991. (1 mk)

SECTION B (45 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section.

15. a) List five items that archaelogists use to reconstruct the activities of the pre-historic people.
(5 mks)
b) What were the effects of neolithic revolution on early society? (10 mks)

16. a) How did the Sumerians benefit from the invention of the wheel. (5 mks)
b) State the functions of Cairo town. (5 mks)
c) What were the effects of local trade. (5 mks)

17. a) Identify any three nationalists who promoted the growth of nationalism in Ghana.
(3 mks)
b) Explain six factors that contributed to the development of nationalism in Ghana.
(12 mks)

18. a) Describe the social organization of the Shona during the pre – colonial period. (5 mks)
b) Explain the political organization of the Mwene Mutapa Kingdom during the pre-colonial period.
(10 mks)

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section

19. a) Give five reasons why the First World War was referred to as the greatest war ever fought by 1914.
(5 mks)
b) Explain the effects of the cold – war. (10 mks)

20 a) State the characteristics of the commonwealth nations.

b) Explain why the PAN-AFRICAN movement took long to be established in Africa.(10 mks)

21. a) Identify three political parties represented in the us congress. (3 mks)

b) Explain the functions of the prime minister in Britain. (12 mks)

Answer ALL questions from this section

1. Give two limitations of using archaeology as a source of information in History and Government.
2. State two characteristics of Homo Erectus. (2mks)
3. Identify one way in which early man used stone tools. (1mk)
4. List two uses of the wheel in Mesopatamia. (2mks)
5. Give the main disadvantage of Barter Trade. (1mk)
6. Name two materials on which the earliest messages were written. (2mks)
7. Give one reason why continental Europe lagged behind in industrialization. (1mk)
8. List two disadvantages of the use of coal as a source of energy. (2mks)
9. What was the main contribution of Edward Jenner to the field of science. (1mk)
10. State two functionsof the Lukiko among the Baganda in the pre-colonial period. (2mks)
11. Name two sources of Samori Toure’s arms during the Franco-Mandinka war. (2mks)
12. State two methods that were used by the European powers to acquire colonies in Africa.
13. What was the main reason why the U.S.A. joined the second world war on the side of the allies?
14. State two aims of the Non-Aligned movement at the time of its formation. (2mks)
15. Identify the main factor that led to the collapse of the cold war. (1mk)
16. Who heads the state in Britain? (1mk)
Answer any three questions from this section
17. a)Give the disadvantages of the open field of system of agriculture in Britain before 1750.
b) Explain five effects of the Agrarian revolution in Britain. (10mks)
18. a) State five factors that facilitated the development on the Trans-Atlantic trade.
b) Explain reasons for the decline of the Trans Atlantic trade in the 19 th century. (10mks)
19. a) Identify the methods that the South Africans Nationalists used in the struggle for independence.
b) What problems did the South Africans face in their struggle against the white minority rule.

20. a)State three duties of the Emirs in Nigeria in the colonial period. (3mks)
b) Discuss the differences between the British system of indirect rule and the French policy of assimilation.

Answer any two questions from this section.

21. a) Identify five economic activities of the Shona in the 19 th century. (3mks)
b) Describe the social organization of the Shona in the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
22. a) State ways in which the Pan African Congress held in Manchester in 1945 was different from the earlier
ones. (3mks)
b) Explain six factors that undermined the performance of the Pan African movement.
23. a) List three categories of members of parliament in India. (3mks)
b) Explain the functions of the Indian Legislature. (12mks)
 This paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C.
 Answer ALL questions in section A.
 Three questions from section B and Two questions from section C.
SECTION A (25 Marks){016}
Answer all the questions in this section for the answer booklet provided

1. Name two printed sources of written materials (2 Marks)

2. Give two features of Kenyapithecus (2 Marks)
3. State two importance of the domestication of cattle by the early man. (2 Marks)
4. List one method of irrigation used in the ancient Mesopotamia (1 Mark)
5. Identify two social features of the Buganda Kingdom during the pre colonial
Period (2 marks)
6. List two items of trade acquired from Europe during the Trans Atlantic slave
trade (2 Marks)
7. What was the contribution of William Morton to medical science? (1 Mark)
8. Give two inventions that led to the Agrarian Revolution in America (2 Marks)
9. State one reason why African slaves were more attractive than the others
from the British colonies. (1 Mark)
10. List two uses of horns as medium of conveying message during the ancient times (2 Marks)
11. Why was the Odwira festival vital in the Asante Kingdom? (1 Mark)
12. Identify one method used by the British to administer their colonies in Africa (1 Mark)
13. Name any two founder members of the Axis powers during the second world war (2 Marks)
14. What was the main aim for the formation of the United Nations Organization? (1 Mark)
15. Which event promoted USA to join the second world war? (1 Mark)
16. Identify two weapons which were used during the cold war (2 Marks)
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

17. a) Identify three stone Age or palaeolithic periods (3 Marks)

b) Describe the way of life of the early man during the last phase of Stone Age
period (12 Marks)

18 a) Give three disadvantages of mobile phones (3 Marks)

b) Discuss the positive impact of telecommunication (12 Marks)
19. a) State three political events in Europe which promoted the scramble and partition
of Africa (3 Marks)
b) What were the causes of Chimurenga war of 1896 – 1897? (12 Marks)

20 a) Identify three economic activities of the Asante Empire during the pre colonial
Period (3 Marks)
b) Describe the political organization of Shona Kingdom (12 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided

21. a) List three minerals that has led to rapid industrialization in South Africa. (3 Marks)
b) Explain the factors that led to industrialization in Brazil (12 Marks)

22. a) Name three personalities who have been secretary general of the United Nations
Organization. (3 Marks)
b) Discuss six challenges that the United Nations Organizations faces in promoting
world peace (12 Marks)

23. a) Identify three political parties in India (3 Marks)

b) Describe how the government of India is organized (12 Marks)

SECTION A ( 25 Marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section.
1. State two methods of irrigation that were used in Ancient Egypt. (2mks)
2. Identify two early forms of written messages. (2mks)
3. Give two duties of the Emirs in Nigeria during the colonial period. (2mks)
4. State two functions of the international court of justice of the league of Nations. (2mks)
5. State two features of the commonwealth countries. (2mks)
6. What was the main source of power during the early stages of industrial Revolution in Europe.
7. Identify two roles played by the Tuaregs during the Trans-Saharan trade. (2mks)
8. Name the military pact formed by the communist East during the cold war period. (1mk)
9. Name two countries which were dominions of Britain. (2mks)
10. Identify two powers of Indian President. (2mks)
11. Give two economic activities of the early man during the Old stone Age period. (2mks)
12. State two reforms introduced by the Germans after the Maji maji rebellion in Tanganyika.
13. Identify two terms of Buganda Agreement of 1900. (2mks)
14. Give one method used by Ghanaian Nationalist in their struggle for independence.
Answer any THREE questions from this section

15. a) State five factors that led man to start domesticating plants and animals. (5mks)
b) Explain the results of Agrarian Revolution in Europe. (10mks)

16. a) State three important routes during the Trans-Saharan trade. (3mks)
b) Explain six causes of the decline of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (12mks)

17. a) State three reasons why the Lozi collaborated with the British during the colonization of Africa.
b) Explain six effects of the Lozi collaboration with the British. (12mks)

18. a) Give three factors that led to the scramble and partition of Africa. (3mks)
b) Explain the immediate effects of the partition of Africa. (12mks)


Answer any TWO questions from this section

19. a) State three methods that UNO uses in its efforts to achieve world peace. (3mks)
b) Explain six challenges that have faced UNO in its effort to achieve world peace.
20. a) State three advantages of a Federal system of Government. (3mks)
b) Explain how the powers of the President of U.S.A. is checked. (12mks)
21. a) Explain three functions of the Lukiiko of Buganda Kingdom. (3mks)
b) Explain the political organization of Buganda Kingdom before colonial period. (12mks)

Answer all the questions in this section

1. Give two reasons why Africa is considered to be the cradle of mankind (2mks)
2. State two factors that facilitated early agriculture in Mesopotamia.(2mks)

3. Give two disadvantages of the open field system in Britain. (2mks)

4. Name one method of trade. (1mk

5. List two limitations of the use of rafts as a means of transport (2mks)

6 What is the main factor that influenced the growth of Johannesburg as an urban centre? (1mk)

7. Identify two symbols of national unity in the Shona Kingdom in the 19th century. (2mks)

8. Name the founder of the Mandinka Empire in West Africa. (1mk)

9. Give two external factors that led to nationalism in Mozambique.(2mks)

10. Name the policy that was adopted by the Allied powers to avoid a second world war. (1mk)

11. Name the secretary General of the United Nations. (1mk)

12. State two main organs of the organisation of African Unity (2mks)

13. Give one economic reform Mobutu Sese Seko adopted as president of Congo. (1mk)

14. Name the two military alliances formed by the capitalist and communist power blocs during the cold war Period.

15. State one provision of the Magna Carta (Great Charter) of 1215 in Britain. (1mk)
16. State one condition that one must fulfil to become a Senator in the United States. (1mk)

17. State one characteristic of Human Rights. (1mk)


18a) Give three characteristics of the Homo sapiens. (3mks)

b) Explain six ways in which the early man attempted to improve his way of life. (12mks)

19a) Identify five positive impacts of scientific inventions on medicine (5mks)

b) Explain the results of the industrial Revolution in Europe during the 19 th century. (10mks)

20a) State five benefits enjoyed by assimilated Africans in the four communes of Senegal. (5mks)

b) Discuss the impact of direct rule on African communities in Southern Rhodesia (10mks)
21a) Outline five political challenges that Tanzania has faced since independence (5mks)

b) Explain the hindrances to full realization of the aims and objectives of COMESA (10mks)

22a) What were the aims of the Pan-African movement? (5mks)

b) Enumerate the achievements of the Non-Aligned movement (10mks)

23a) Identify the common features of the British common wealth. (5mks)

b) Discuss the challenges facing the United Nations Organisation (10mks)

24a) Identify five roles of political parties in the U.S.A. (5mks)

b) What are the functions of the British Monarchy (10mks)


Answer ALL the questions in this section.

1.State two advantages of land enclosure system in Britain. (2 marks)
2 State two industries established by early man. (2marks)
3.Name one reason that influenced man to domesticate animals. (Imark)
4.Give one result of the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia. (Imark)
5.Who were the first people to use iron in the World. (1 mark)
6.State one term of the industrial conciliation Act of 1934 in Zimbabwe. (Imark)

7.Identify two terms of the Berlin conference of 1885-86 {2mks}

8. State any one early sources of energy. (2 marks)
9. Name any two countries that were colonized by Portugal in Africa. (2marks)
10. IdentifytwopeacefulmethodsusedbySouthAfricanintheirstruggleforindependence.
11.Name one commune in Senegal where the assimilation policy was successful. (1 mark)
12.State two roles of the Takshiffs during the trans Saharan trade. (2 marks)
13Give one function of the royal fire in the Mwene Mtapa Kingdom. (1 mark)
14Identify two demands made by Austria Hungary against Serbia following the
assassination of arch duke Ferdinard. (2marks)
15.Give two reasons why the Schlieffen plan failed. (2marks)
16.NameonecountriesinAfricathatwerenotcolonizedbyBritainbutaremembers {1MK}
of the commonwealth.
Answer three questions from this section,
17 (a) Identify five uses of fire in the stone age period. (5marks)
(b) Discuss the culture of man during the late stone period. (l0marks}
18 (a) State three factors that have influenced industrialization in Brazil. (3mark}
(b) Explain social effects of industrial revolution in Europe. (12marks
19 (a) State three factors leading to development of Athens. (3mark}
(b) Discuss the impact of agrarian and industrial development on Urbanization. (12marks)
20 (a)Give five reasons why Kabaka Mutesa collaborated with the British. (5marks)
(b) Discuss the results of African collaboration with European intruders. {10mks}
1(a) Identify five functions of the United Nations Security Council. (2marks)
(b)Discuss the challenges facing the United Nations.
22(a) Give three functions of the Monarchy in Britain.
(b) Explain how the powers of the president are checked in the USA.
23(a) Give any three features of the cold war.
(b) Discuss the effects of the cold war.

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