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Saturated liquid ;- The liquid which is almost ready to covert into water vapour.

1. state 1:- compressed or subcooled liquid.

2. state 2:- Saturated liquid.

3. state 3:-Saturated liquid + saturated vapour.
4. state 4:- saturated vapour.
5. state 5:- Superheated vapour.

• Increase in saturation temperature also brings increase in saturation temperature.

• at lower pressure the conversion widow is very high but at high pressure the conversion
window is very less as can be observed in below graph.

very imp uper slide

• when this wimdow reduces to very low down to single point then this point is called
critical point ,as well as the themperature is calledcritical temp, as well as the pressure is
called critical pressure.
triple point is only achived at low pressure, (vacuum)

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