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tion of ammonium and alkaloid salts. conclusion of my research work as an 10. J. D. Roberts, H. E. Simmons, Jr., L. A.

emeritus, which allowed me to continue smith, C. W. Vaughan, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75,
We called the complex salts with nega- 3290 (1953).
tively charged central Atom "ate" com- my work as a chemist free from the obli- 11. G. Wittig and L. Pohmer, Chem. Ber. 89, 1334
plexes for understandable reasons (23). gations of a teacher, and finally to devote 12. G. Wittig and H. F. Ebel, Justus Liebigs Ann.
They can be compared with the myself completely to my interest in fine Chem. 650, 20 (1961); H. F. Ebel and R. W.
Hoffmann, ibid. 673, 1 (1964).
"onium" complexes, which were al- arts. I want to close my talk by offering 13. 0. Wittig and M. Rieber, ibid. 562, 187 (1949).
ready known, as shown in Fig. 16. Be- cordial thanks to my collaborators. 14. G. Wittig and K. Clauss, ibid. 577, 26 (1952);
ibid. 578, 136 (1952).
cause of the inductive effect of the cen- Without them my work could not have 15. G. Wittig and K. Torsseil, Acta Chem. Scand. 7,
been accomplished. 1293 (1953).
tral atom in onium complexes, all ligands 16. G. Wittig and G. Felletschin, Justus Liebigs
R are cationically labilized and the hy- Ann. Chem. 555, 133 (1944).
References and Notes 17. Compare A. W. Johnson, Ylid Chemistry (Aca-
drogen atoms at the neighboring carbon demic Press, New York, 1966).
atoms are proton-mbbile; however, in 1. Compare G. Wittig, Acc. Chem. Res. 7, 6 18. G. Wittig and M. Rieber, Justus Liebigs Ann.
(1974). Chem. 562, 177 (1949).
ate complexes all ligands at the central 2. __ and M. Leo, Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges. 61, 19. G. Wittig and G. Geissler, ibid. 580, 44 (1953).
atom are anionically labilized and the hy- 854 (1928); ibid. 62, 1405 (1929). 20. G. Wittig and U. Schollkopf, Chem. Ber. 87,
3. , ibid. 64, 2395 (1931); G. Wittig and 1318 (1954).
drogen atoms at the neighboring carbon H. Petri, Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. 505, 17 21. On a variant of synthesis of olefins with carbon-
(1933). yl compounds, see J. Boutagy and R. Thomas,
atoms are hydride-labile. This rule ex- 4. G. Wittig and W. Schoch, Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. Rev. 74, 87 (1974).
plains numerous reactions. I do not have Chem. 749, 38 (1971). 22. H. Pommer, Angew. Chem. 89, 437 (1977).
5. G. Wittig, U. Pockels, H. Droge, Ber. Dtsch. 23. G. Wittig, ibid. 62, 231 (1950); ibid. 70, 65
time here to discuss its importance as a Chem. Ges. 71, 1903 (1938). (1958).
heuristic principle. 6. G. Wittig and U. Pockels, ibid. 72, 89 (1939). 24. R. W. Hoffmann, Dehydrobenzene and Cy-
7. G. Wittig, P. Davis, G. Koenig, Chem. Ber. 84, cloalkynes (Academic Press, New York, 1967).
Thus I come to the end of my lecture. 627 (195,1). 25. G. Wittig, Angew. Chem. 68, 505 (1956); Fest-
The excursion from diyls to ylides now 8. G. Wittig, G. Pieper, G. Fuhrmann, Ber. Dtsch. schrift Arthur Stoll (Birkhiuser, Basel, 1957).
Chem. Ges. 73, 1193 (1940). 26. __, G. Keicher, A. Ruickert, P. Raff, Justus
ends at my idyll. With this I mean the 9. G. Wittig, Naturwissenschaften 30, 696 (1942). Liebigs Ann. Chem. 563, 110 (1949).

obvious that we prefer the idea that

m5Cyt is involved in gene regulation and
differentiation, but its involvement in
other possible functions will also be con-
DNA Methylation and Gene Function
Protein-DNA Interactions
Aharon Razin and Arthur D. Riggs
Regardless of the details, it has long
been our opinion (6) that the essential
function of m5Cyt is to modify protein-
The methylated base 5-methylcytosine not known, but its ubiquity suggests DNA interactions. The conversion of
(m5Cyt) (Fig. 1) was discovered in calf some important function. In the last dec- cytosine to m5Cyt introduces a methyl
thymus DNA about 30 years ago (1). Since ade, several hypotheses suggesting a role group into an exposed position in the ma-
then, the occurrence ofthis minor base has of m5Cyt in gene regulation have been jor groove of the DNA helix (Fig. 2), and
been demonstrated in a wide variety of advanced (5-8). However, there has the binding to DNA of proteins such as
the lac repressor, histones, and hormone
receptors is known to be affected by
Summary. In most higher organisms, DNA is modified after synthesis by the enzy- changes in the major groove (10). For ex-
matic conversion of many cytosine residues to 5-methylcytosine. For several years, ample, it has been shown (11) that chang-
control of gene activity by DNA methylation has been recognized as a logically attrac- ing the thymine residue at nucleotide po-
tive possibility, but experimental support has proved elusive. However, there is now sition 13 in the lac operator to uracil or to
reason to believe, from recent studies, that DNA methylation is a key element in the cytosine greatly decreases the affinity of
hierarchy of control mechanisms that govern vertebrate gene function and dif- repressor for operator. Changing posi-
ferentiation. tion 13 to m5Cyt restores -tie aiffnity for
repressor to normal. Therefore, the lac
repressor only senses the presence or ab-
organisms, including all vertebrates and been only one review on m5Cyt in eu- sece 13.
plants that have been studied (2). In karyotic DNA (9), and this review was Bacterial restriction enzymes have a
mammalian DNA, 2 to 7 percent (de- completed before the power of restric- strong affinity for unmethylated restric-
pending on the species) of the total cyto- tion enzyme analysis was fully realized. tion sites, but have a reduced affinity for,
sine is converted to m5Cyt (3). Methyl- Studies of the last 2 years, mainly with and no activity on, methylated sites (12-
ation occurs enzymatically after DNA restriction enzymes, have drastically 14). Thus, it is a solid fact that m5Cyt can
synthesis by methyl transfer from S- changed the experimental approaches to profoundly affect the binding of proteins
adenosylmethionine (SAM) to position 5 a solution of the long-standing enigma to DNA. The only question is whether
of cytosine (4). of the function of m5Cyt in eukaryotic Dr. Razin is a member of the Department of Cellu-
In vertebrates, m5Cyt is the only modi- DNA. The purpose of this article is to re- lar Biochemistry at the Hadassah Medical School,
fied base yet found in DNA. The biologi- view critically the available information Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Dr. Riggs is a
member of the Division of Biology, City of Hope Re-
cal role of m5Cyt in eukaryotic DNA is in this rapidly expanding field. It will be search Institute, Duarte, California 91010.
604 0036-8075/80/1107-0604$01.75/0 Copyright X 1980 AAAS SCIENCE, VOL. 210, 7 NOVEMBER 1980
eukaryotic cells have availed themselves NIH2 Msp I shows the location of methylated
of this opportunity for gene control. We CCGG sites.
think the body of evidence now accumu- N; N I, CH3 Residues of m5Cyt can also be detect-
lated suggests that they have. C ed by the Maxam-Gilbert DNA sequenc-
ing technique (30) as a blank in the se-
quence ladder (31).
Basic Assay Techniques H
Fig. 1. Structure of 5-methylcytosine.
Rapid progress has been made in re- Basic Facts
cent years in the development of highly
sensitive and reliable methods for the ation state of the internal cytosine (25- Symmetry and heritability. Bacterial
identification and quantification of m5Cyt 27). Some of the most interesting results restriction and methylation enzymes rec-
in DNA. To conventional chromato- have come from the use of the Hpa II- ognize symmetrical sites, and both
graphic methods (15) have been added Msp I enzyme pair and the Southern strands are symmetrically methylated
more sophisticated methods such as gas blotting technique (28). With this tech- (13, 32). Thus, these sites can exist in
chromatography (16), high-resolution- nique, total genomic DNA is cut with ei- three states (Fig. 4): unmethylated, half-
mass spectrometry (17), gas chromatog- ther Hpa II or Msp I. The DNA frag- methylated, and fully methylated. After
raphy-mass spectrometry (18) and high- ments then are separated according to DNA replication, a half-methylated site
performance liquid chromatography (19). size by agarose gel electrophoresis and is quickly converted to a fully methyl-
In addition, specific antibodies against transferred by blotting to a nitrocellulose ated site. At least one bacterial methyl-
m5Cyt have been used to detect methyl- sheet. The DNA fragments in or near the ase has been shown to act in vitro much
ated regions in intact chromosomes (20). gene of interest are then visualized by faster (2 100 times) on a half-methylated
All the above-mentioned methods yielded hybridization with a labeled probe, site than it does on an unmethylated site
important information, but failed to pro- which can be either RNA or cloned (33).
vide any clue as to the function of m5Cyt DNA. Figure 3 is an idealized autoradio- Using the above facts, Riggs (6) and
in eukaryotic DNA. It became clear, gram illustrating this important tech- Holliday and Pugh (7) pointed out that
therefore, that new methods were needed nique as introduced by Waalwijk and symmetrical methylation of both
to reveal methylated sequences in spe- Flavell (29). A comparison of the bands strands, coupled with a methyjase (main-
cific regions of the chromosome. That seen for Hpa II with those seen for tenance methylase, Fig. 4) acting only on
need was met by the use of bacterial yites, would lead to the
restriction endonucleases which cleave maintenance througjh DNA revlication of
DNA at specific sites. a methvlation patter on the DNA.
The majority (about 90 percent) of the Methylated sites would remain methyl-
m5Cyt residues in eukaryotic DNA are ated; unmethylated sites would remain
found in the dinucleotide sequence CpG unmethylated. Thus, there should be
(5'-CG; C, cytosine; G, guanine) (21). clonal inheritance of a methylation pat-
Fortunately, several restriction enzymes tern.
include CpG in their recognition se- The elegant studies by Bird and South-
quence (14). Some of these "CpG en- ern (22) and Bird (34) have provided ex-
zymes" (and cutting sites) (22) are the re- perimental .ippnrt for these modeis.
striction endonucleases Hpa II (CCGG), Amplified oocyte ribosomal DNA
Msp I (CCGG), Hha I (GCGC), Xho I (rDNA) is unmethylated, whereas unam-
(CTCGAG), Ava I (CPyCGPuG), Sal I plified somatic rDNA is highly methyl-
(GTCGAC), and Sma I (CCCGGG) (T, ated (13 percent of the total cytosine is
thymine; A, adenine; Py, pyrimidine). m5Cyt). In somatic DNA, most of the
Most of these enzymes do not cut the Hpa II (CCGG) sites are methylated;
DNA if the CpG sequence is methylated however, many of the repeat units in the
(23). Thus, these enzymes can be used to DNA had one unmethylated site (that is,
probe for methylation. In practice, if the there was a methylation pattern). Bird
results are to be meaningful, it is neces- reasoned that, if methylation were only
sary to have a control showing full cutting, on one strand, then hybridizing somatic
so the pattern to be expected in the ab- rDNA with a large excess of unmethylat-
sence of methylation is known (for clari- ed amplified or cloned DNA would gen-
fication, see Fig. 3). A control showing erate many unmethylated sites suscep-
the full cutting pattern can be obtained if tible to Hpa II. When this experiment
the DNA region of interest has been was done, the result was that there was
cloned in Escherichia coli, since in no increase in susceptibility to Hpa II.
cloned DNA, CpG sites are unmethylat- Since half-methylated sites are fully pro-
ed. In this way, the methylation pattern tected from cutting, this experiment sug-
of calf thymus satellite DNA was first de- gests that methylation is symmetrical on
duced (24). both strands. Very few half-methylated
A more convenient and generally ap- sites exist in nonreplicating Xenopus
plicable approach became possitole when Fig. 2. Location of the methyl group of 5-
rDNA; the sites are either fully methyl-
it was found that Msp I recognizes the methylcytosine in the major groove of B-form ated or unmethylated. Cedar et al. (27)
same sequence as Hpa II (CCGG) but DNA. The methyl groups at position 5 of a recently have determined directly that,
cuts the DNA regardless of the methyl- pyrimidine ring are shown in black. in calf thymus DNA, the internal cyto-
7 NOVEMBER 1980 605
A Msp I Fig. 3. The Waalwik-Fla- for a number of organisms (19, 46, 47).
Hpa 1I veil experiment. (A) Map Immunofluorescence or immunoper-
RI RI RI of the rabbit ,-globin gene
region. The globin coding oxidase procedures with antibodies to
I I I1- regions are shown in black; m5Cyt show that many centromeric re-
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 kb introns are white. Restric- gions of mitotic chromosomes have a
tion enzyme cutting sites high content of m5Cyt (20, 48). How-
are indicated. (B) Idealized ever, other studies clearly show that
B autoradiogram obtained af-
RI+ Msp I RI + Hpa I RI ter treatment of unlabeled single-copy DNA contains considerable
Any Liver Sperm Cell Brain Any rabbit DNA from various m5Cyt. For example, rat single-copy DNA
tissue line tissue tissues with the indicated has m5Cyt as 2.3 percent of total cyto-
restriction enzymes fol- sine (19).
lowed by agarose electro- Two studies have indicated a non-
phoresis, Southern blot-
ting, and hybridization to random distribution of m5Cyt with re-
32P-labeled globin probe. spect to nucleosome structure (47, 49).
Because of its small size, Micrococcal nuclease preferentially di-
the smallest DNA fragment gests DNA between nucleosome cores.
is not apparent in the origi-
nal publication (29). It is Early during the digestion with this en-
shown here only for logical zyme, the DNA released contained very
clarity. little m5Cyt. Thus, most m5Cyt residues
probably are "covered" by nucle-
sines in both strands of the Hpa II site On the contrary, the picture that we It has been reported recently (50) that
are, in fact, methylated. During replica- think is emerging is that each cell type long stretches of sea urchin DNA are un-
tion, of course, half-methylated sites are (and probably each species) has only one methylated, and an earlier autoradio-
created, and Bird (34) has shown that or two DNA methylases with limited graphic study (51) indicated that this also
methyl groups are added to the new specificity. Single- and double-stranded may be the case for mammalian DNA.
strand only. Taken together, these re- DNA are methylated at most (but not all) Tissue specificity. Waalwijk and Fla-
sults indicate (i) there is a methylation CpG (5'-CG) sequences. Denatured, vell (29) first provided convincing evi-
pattern in somatic rDNA, (ii) methyl- nonhomologous DNA usually is the pre- dence that there are tissue-specific
ation is in both strands, and (iii) the ferred substrate, but there are two re- methylation patterns (Fig. 3). Rabbit
methylation pattern is maintained ports that undermethylated, homolo- DNA's from different tissues were di-
through DNA replication. More recent gous, double-srande DNA the pre- gested with Eco RI and either Hpa II
experiments also indicate that DNA ferred substrate (41, 42). But f of the (CCGG, sensitive to m5Cyt) or Msp I
methylation is clonally inherited. pBr322 purified enzymes fic nearly as effi- (CCGG, insensitive to m5Cyt) restriction
and 4X174 DNA were methylated in ciently in vitro as they must in vivo. The enzymes and then analyzed by agarose
vitro by means of Hpa II methylation, enzymes probably are being studied un- gel electrophoresis, Southern blotting
and inserted into mouse cells via DNA- der suboptimal conditions or with miss- (28), and visualization of globin contain-
mediated gene transfer (35). Whereas ing cofactors. Ad4itiosak studies cearly ing restriction fragments by hybridiza-
unmethylated DNA sequences general- are needed, especially wXh half-methyl- tion with a labeled rabbit ,8-globin probe
ly remain unmethylated, the in vitro ated DNA's as subsrates. However, it is (cloned rabbit globin DNA). The restric-
methylated DNA sequences retain their our guess that "maiutae" type en- tion fragment patterns obtained with
methyl moieties even after 50 genera- zymes with specificity mtd miy to Hpa II (but not with Msp I) clearly
tions of growth and culture (36). The her- CpG are being studjod. For exampe, were tissue-specific, indicating tissue
itability of a methylation pattern is further poly(dG-dC) is slowly awthod, al- specificity in methylation at a site within
confirmed by experiments showing tissue though not fully (40). By pyrie tract the (3-globin gene intron (intervening se-
specificity. analysis, Browne et al. (43, 4) have quence). At this site, brain and sperm
Since methylation is mainly in the shown that in vivo and i' vitro he pre- DNA were 80 and 100 percent methyl-
symmetrical sequence CpG, Fig. 4 sum- ferred sequence for methylti is the ated, respectively, whereas DNA from a
marizes our current thinking. The in vivo same. The distribution of _h rabbit cell line was completely unmethyl-
results indicate that a maintenance meth- rimidine tracts is consistmt w& COG aed, and DNA from liver was about 50
ylase must exist. Simple reasoning also being the primary determiat withiit- prcent methylated. This type of result
suggests that at some stage, de novo ed flanking sequence specifctY. .
been confirmed for chicken globin
methylation must occur. In fact, it is An intriguing early report (p9) sg- human globin (23), ovalbumin
known that unmethylated adenovirus gested a "walking" mechanim fo rat p3), and for several cell lines, with viral
DNA becomes methylated in some cell liver methylase; that is, after m titl DNA bybridization probes (54). Thus,
lines when integrated into the genome binding interaction (initiation?), the vt* specific sites are observed, tissue
(37). methylase may travel alone the DI'A _6se~city is readily apparent.
DNA methylases. There have been without dissociating. Althouh still co- In contrast, if one measures the aver-
several studies on mammalian DNA troversial (42), this observation recenti* age or overall level of methylation in ver-
methylases. S-Adenosylmethionine-de- has received support (40). tebrates, only small changes of question-
pendent DNA methylases have been pu- Distribution of methylated sequences. able sipiificance are seen (47, 55). There
rified from human HeLa cells (38), from Early studies revealed that mouse satel- have been several reports where tissue-
rat liver (39, 40), from hepatoma (41), lite DNA is more than twice as methyl- specific differences in total m5Cyt are
and from mouse ascites cells (42). These ated as main band DNA (45). That satel- claimed ,56, 57), but these changes gen-
studies have given no indication of a lite or highly repetitious DNA tends to eally were less than 10 percent. There
large number of highly specific enzymes. be highly methylated has been condrme bs been &Dne widely quoted report that
606 't SCIENCE, VOL. 210
bull sperm DNA has only half the m5Cyt Maintenance De nove
content of somatic cells (3). However, CH3 methylation CH3 methylation
we think these measurements should - I.:}
v -
CG -

now be made again with more modem - GC - -
GC - - GC-
methods, with due consideration being CH3 DNA DNA
given to the high satellite content of bo- I replication II replication m
vine DNA. Restriction analyses indicate Fully Half
that rabbit and mouse sperm DNA is methylated methylated Unmethylated
highly methylated (29, 53) and that sea Fig. 4. Three possible states of methylation: fully methylated, half-methylated, and unmethyl-
urchin sperm DNA has the same m5Cyt ated. It is probable that de novo methylation occurs rarely; most DNA methylation is main-
content as somatic DNA (58). tenance-type methylation following DNA replication.
Restriction enzymes for sequences
containing CpG have been used to deter-
mine the average methylation of mouse (62). Chloroplast DNA from mating type preferentially used as a template during
embryo DNA from the two-cell to plus (Mt+) gametes is highly methylated, in vivo mismatch correction.
blastocyst stages. Thus, we now know whereas chloroplast DNA from Mt- In E. coli, methylated sites can be mu-
that CCGG and GCGC sites are methyl- gametes is only slightly methylated. Af- tation "hot spots" (72). A major hot spot
ated to similar extents (70 to 80 percent) ter zygote formation, the Mt- chloro- in the lac repressor gene is the sequence
in embryos and in all tissues of the adult plast DNA is degraded. Thus, in this sys- CC(AIT)GG which, in wild-type E. coli
mouse (55). (It may be of interest to note tem, restriction-modification clearly ex- is always methylated (59). Coulondre et
that although tissue specificity was not ists. al. (72) suggest that deamination of cyto-
observed, species specificity in average DNA replication. In the phage OX 174, sine produces uracil, which is recognized
methylation of GCGC sites was ob- DNA methylation at one specific site is and preferentially removed, whereas
served: 50 percent in rabbit, 75 percent known to be involved in replication; deamination of m5Cyt generates thy-
in mouse.) It is clear that the specific blocking methylation blocks DNA syn- mine, which is not preferentially cor-
changes in the methylation pattern that thesis (63). The replication of the E. coli rected.
occur during differentiation take place chromosome also stops after one round Scarano (5) pointed out that deamina-
against a high background so that the av- of synthesis in the absence of methyl- tion of m5Cyt at specific sites would lead
erage total methylation changes less than ation (64). The sequence of the replica- to a heritable change in the DNA (GC to
10 percent. It is also worth noting that tion origin of E. coli has been published AT transition) that could influence dif-
restriction enzyme analyses probe only (65), and at the origin the sequence ferentiation. Although this is an inter-
about 10 percent of the total methylated GATC, which is always methylated un- esting possibility, there has been little
sites. der normal growth conditions (59), oc- experimental support for this idea (73).
curs ten times more frequently than ex- It has been known for some time that
pected. Together these observations sug- the doublet CpG is rare in eukaryotic
Some Possible Functions gest a possible role for DNA methylation DNA, and Salser et al. (74) have pointed
in prokaryotic DNA replication. out that if methylated CpG sites were
Restriction and modification. Protec- Eukaryotic cells, since they have so mutation hot spots, evolution would tend
tion from eukaryotic restriction enzymes many bidirectional replication origins to eliminate them except where there
is the most obvious function for m5Cyt. (66), must orchestrate carefully their was positive selection. This model sug-
Sager and Kitchin (8) have, in fact, pro- complex DNA synthesis process. Taylor gests that noncoding regions will show a
posed a model for differentiation based (9) has proposed a rather detailed model scarcity of CpG sequences relative to
on restriction and modification. How- for the control of replication by DNA coding sequences. This idea should be
ever, in spite of numerous (unpublished) methylation. It is clearly too early to testable as more sequences appear, but
efforts, sequence-specific endonucleases judge the validity of this model. For ex- note that satellite DNA's tend to be rich
in mammalian cells have not been detect- ample, because of conflicting results, it is in methylated CpG. A recent analysis of
ed. Moreover, the methylation pattern of still not known with certainty when, af- nearest neighbor dinucleotide frequen-
eukaryotic DNA argues against this pos- ter DNA synthesis, methylation is com- cies and the level of DNA methylation
sibility. In contrast to those in E. coli pleted (56, 67). supports the idea that m5Cyt tends to
DNA (59), specific methylation sites in Recombination and mutation. Recent mutate to T (75).
mammals are not completely methyl- results obtained with prokaryotes sug- Sneider et al. (76) have proposed a
ated; for example, 50 percent of Hpa II gest that this possibility should be con- meiotic recombination model which pre-
sites are unmethylated in rabbit DNA sidered seriously. Methylase-deficient E. dicts half-methylated sites in sperm and
(26). Also, mammalian cells will take up coli mutants have been isolated (68) that oocyte DNA. By restriction analysis, the
unmethylated DNA and maintain it in- have reduced methylation of GATC se- DNA of sperm is, indeed, methylated
tact (35). Nevertheless, one should still quences (69). These mutants show in- differently from somatic DNA (29, 53,
keep an open mind, because preferential creased spontaneous mutagenesis, in- 76).
cleavage of SV40 DNA near the replica- creased spontaneous induction of lamb- Chromosome folding, packing, and
tion origin by an extract of green monkey da prophage, increased sensitivity to sorting. The complex secondary and ter-
testis cells has been reported (60), and a mutagens and ultraviolet light, and hy- tiary folding of eukaryotic chromosomes
SAM-dependent, nonspecific endonu- perrecombination phenotype (70). Glick- probably involves specific protein-DNA
clease in hamster kidney fibroblasts has man et al. (71) also have found that, interactions (77) which could be influ-
been detected (61). when a lambda heteroduplex DNA mole- enced by the distribution of m5Cyt in the
In chlamydomonas, it now seems cer- cule with a single base mismatch and on- DNA (49). The high methylation of cen-
tain that methylation is involved in the ly one strand methylated is used for tromeric regions suggests a possible role
maternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA transfection, the methylated strand is in mitosis and chromosome sorting.
7 NOVEMBER 1980 607
Gene Regulation and Differentiation ly, nonmethylated in all tissues, fully herpes tk genes (36). Tk- revertants ob-
methylated in all tissues, and variably tained from Tk+ transformed cell lines
None of the possible biological func- methylated with respect to tissue type. are usually unstable, frequently convert-
tions mentioned above have yet received The variable sites are less methylated in ing back to Tk+. In one intriguing in-
any experimental support from eu- active tissue. Similar conclusions have stance, an unusually stable Tk- revertant
karyotic studies. In sharp contrast, the been reached from studies on rabbit and was found to have a highly methylated tk
idea that methylation is involved in gene human globin genes (23, 78). Some, but gene (81).
regulation and differentiation has been not all, sites change their methylation Active chromatin regions are known
strongly supported. Several predictions level; active genes are always less to be more sensitive to deoxyribonu-
made by the differentiation models have methylated. clease I (82). A recent report (83) in-
been verified. Specific methylation A similar story is emerging from viral dicates that undermethylated DNA in
patterns exist; methylation is sym- studies (37, 54, 79). For some time, it has the region of the chicken ovalbumin gene
metrical in both strands;@9 methylation been known that adenovirus virion DNA is also sensitive to this enzyme. For both
pattems are clonally heritable; and is essentially unmethylated, whereas deoxyribonuclease I sensitivity (82) and
methylation patterns are tissue-specic. chromosomally integrated and nonex- undermethylation (83), it is important to
This last-mentioned deserves emphasis. pressed DNA is methylated (37). It also note that continued transcription is not
If methylation is not involved in gene has been found (54) that the herpes necessary after the gene has been set in
regulation and differentiation, then why Saimiri-transformed cell line 1670, which the active configuration. For example, in
are there tissue-specific methylation pat- is not producing detectable virus, con- the case of chicken erythrocytes, al-
terns? The case for an important role of tains many episomal copies of highly though the globin gene is not being trans-
m5Cyt in the control of gene activity is methylated DNA. Cell lines actively pro- cribed, it still is undermethylated (52)
even stronger than presented so far, as ducing herpes Saimiri virus have un- and sensitive to deoxyribonuclease I
will be seen below. methylated viral DNA. (82).
Correlation of gene activity with un- Another study (80) has probed for For all of the variably methylated sites
dermethylation. McGhee and Ginder methylation of integrated retrovirus that have been observed to date, there is
(52) first reported that certain specific DNA, and a correlation was observed no obvious reason why methylation
methylation sites (Hpa II, CCGG) in the between undermethylation of specific should critically affect transcription. For
region of the chicken 3-globin genes are sites and expression of viral gene se- example, the Hpa II site in the rabbit
less methylated in erythrocytes and re- quences. Finally, studies have been done globin gene is in an intron. As always
ticulocytes than in oviduct tissue. Corre- where thymidine kinase minus (Tk-) with regard to correlations, one should
sponding results have been obtained by mouse L cells were transformed to Tk+ be cautious in drawing conclusions. In
Mandel and Chambon (53), who studied with the thymidine kinase gene of herpes particular, the above studies give no in-
the chicken ovalbumin gene and found a simplex (35). Even when transformation formation as to cause or effect; under-
correlation between undermethylation is done with a tk gene fully methylated in methylation could be just a trivial result
and gene activity. They observed three vitro at Hpa II sites, most Tk+ trans- of transcription inhibiting methylation.
classes of Hpa II and Hha I sites, name- formed cells have only unmethylated However, the results to be described
next suggest that methylated sites in
DNA do, in fact, determine the dif-
Uniformly methylated ferentiated state of the cell.
* 0 De novo Ethionine and 5-azacytidine. Ethio-
CG CG CG methylation nine, a methionine analog that inhibits
embryonic cells Germ line or
most methyltransferases, is an effective
0 0 0
early embryo/ inducer of globin gene expression in
Friend erythroleukemia cells. In spite of
demethylation the fact that ethionine is toxic and affects
* 0 v

* many cellular processes, Christman et

Differentiated CG CG CG C :G CG CG al. (84) suggested that induction of glo-
cell types GC GC GC GNC GC GC bin production is caused by under-
0 0 0 0
methylation of the DNA. Although this
DNA experiment is difficult to interpret
r replication unambiguously, nonetheless it wrs the
CG CG CG C:_G CG CG first indication that undermethylation of
DNA can affect gene activity.
More definitive results have been ob-
tained by Taylor and Jones (85) from
methylase studies with 5-azacytidine. 5-Azacytidine
CG CG CG CG CG CG is a cytosine analog with a nitrogen atom
replacing the carbon atom at position 5
GC GC GC GC GC GC of the pyrimidine ring and thus cannot
Cell type 1 Cell type 2 accept a methyl group. Taylor and Jones
treated the mouse cell line lOT'/2 with 5-
Fig. 5. A demethylation model for the establishment and maintenance of a differentiated state. azacytidine for a short time, removed the
Inhibition of methylation by sequence-specific proteins during DNA replication leads to de- analog, and observed that several gener-
methylation and the establishment of specific methylation patterns (closed circles represent
methyl groups) in various cell types. The maintenance methylase system ensures heritability of ations later, foci of differentiated cells
the methylation pattern. (muscle, chondrocytes, and adipocytes)
608 SCIENCE, VOL. 210
were apparent. Mutagenesis was consid- Conclusion 22. A. P. Bird and E. M. Southern, J. Mol. Biol.
118, 27 (1978).
ered, but none of the mutagens tested 23. L. H. T. Van der Ploeg and R. A. Flavell, Cell
Vertebrate gene regulation clearly re- 19, 947 (1980).
caused differentiation of this cell line. 24. F. Gautier, H. Bunemann, L. Grotjahn, Eur. J.
After the above observations were pub- sults from an interplay between DNA Biochem. 80, 175 (1977).
25. C. Waalwijk and R. A. Flavell, Nucleic Acids
lished, it was found (86) that 5-azacyti- and chromosomal proteins: nucleosomal Res. 5, 3231 (1978).
dine causes undermethylation of DNA. proteins, nonhistone proteins, HMG 26. J. Singer, J. Roberts-Ems, A. D. Riggs, Science
203, 1019 (1979).
Since the continued presence of 5-aza- proteins (90), and specific regulator pro- 27. H. Cedar, A. Solage, G. Glaser, A. Razin, Nu-
cytidine is not necessary (short treat- teins (repressors, activators). Protein cleic Acids Res. 6, 2125 (1979).
28. E. M. Southern, J. Mol. Biol. 98, 503 (1975).
ment during DNA synthesis is suf- modification by acetylation may be one 29. C. Waalwijk and R. A. Flavell, Nucleic Acids
Res. 5, 4631 (1978).
ficient), this analog is causing a.clonally of the control mechanisms (91). But the 30. A. M. Maxam and W. Gilbert, Proc. Natl.
heritable change in gene activity. point we wish to make here is that DNA Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 560 (1977).
31. H. Ohmori, J. Tomizawa, A. M. Maxam, Nucle-
Demethylation models. A possibility modification by methylation probably is ic Acids Res. 5, 1479 (1978).
considered likely in earlier models (6, 7) also an important part of this complex hi- 32. R. J. Roberts, CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem. 4, 123
was that at some point, perhaps in the erarchy of controls. Perhaps methylation 33. G. F. Vovis, K. Horiuchi, N. D. Zinder, Proc.
early embryo, DNA would be under- is utilized primarily for stable memory of Nat!. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 71, 3810 (1974).
34. A. P. Bird, J. Mol. Biol. 118, 49 (1978).
methylated or nonmethylated, providing a differentiated state through DNA repli- 35. M. Wigler et al., Cell 16, 777 (1979).
cation, a process that might otherwise 36. Y. Poilack, R. Stein, A. Razin, H. Cedar, Proc.
a clean slate upon which to lay down a Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., in press; R. Stein, Y.
methylation pattern during differentiation. disrupt delicate protein-DNA and pro- Pollack, A. Razin, H. Cedar, personal commu-
However, now it is known that the DNA tein-protein interactions. This possibility 37. D. Sutter, M. Westphal, W. Doerfler, Cell 14,
in mammalian sperm and early embryos is suggested by the observation that 569 (1978); D. Sutter and W. Doerfler, Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77,253 (1980); L. Vard-
is highly methylated (29, 53, 55) and un- some organisms in which differentiated iman, R. Neumann, I. Kuhlmann, D. Sutter, W.
dermethylation is correlated with gene cells do not continue replication may Doerfler, Nucleic Acids Res. 8, 2461 (1980).
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activity. not utilize m5Cyt DNAmodification (27, Res. 2, 1669 (1975).
92). 39. D. Drahovsky and N. R. Morris, J. Mol. Biol.
Therefore, several investigators (23, 57, 475 (1971); ibid. 61, 343 (1971).
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tem, provided that de novo methylation 12. R. Yuan and M. Meselson, Proc. Natl. Acad. D. Riggs, Nucleic Acids Res. 7, 2369 (1979).
is slow. Starting from a uniform, fully Sci. U.S.A. 65, 357 (1970). 56. J. W. Kappler, J. Cell. Physiol. 78, 33 (1971).
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methylated ground state, and proceeding 14. R. J. Roberts, Gene 4, 183 (1978). A. N. Belozersky, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 299,
unidirectionally by demethylation is logi- 15. K. Randerath and E. Randerath, Methods Enzy- 397 (1973).
mol. 12, 323 (1968); A. Razin, J. W. Sedat, R. L. 58. J. M. Pollock, M. Swihart, J. H. Taylor, Nucleic
cally attractive and also is consistent Sinsheimer, J. Mol. Biol. 53, 251 (1970). Acids Res. 5, 4855 (1978).
with the studies showing sperm and em- 16. A. Razin and J. W. Sedat, Anal. Biochem. 77, 59. There are two sites [CC(A/T)GG and GATC],
370 (1977). methylated by the E. coli methylases coded by
bryonic DNA to be highly methylated 17. J. Deutsch, A. Razin, J. Sedat, ibid. 72, 586 the genes mec and dam. These sites are fuily
(1976). A low-resolution mass spectrometric methylated in both chromosomal and episomal
(23, 29, 53, 55, 58). method also has been developed [J. L. Weibers, DNA [A. Razin, S. Urieli, Y. Poilack, Y. Gruen-
However, at this time it would be pre- Nucleic Acids Res. 3, 2959 (1976)]. However, it baum, G. Glaser, Nucleic Acids Res. X, 1783
should be noted that when low-resolution mass (1980)].
mature to focus on one model because it spectrometry is used, some artifacts might occur 60. F. L. Brown, P. R. Musich, J. J. Maio, Nucleic
is obvious that there are many possible resulting from molecular ion fragments [such as Acids Res. 5, 1093 (1978).
the (M-1) ion of thymine] identical in mass value 61. R. H. Burdon, A. C. B. Cato, I. S. Valladsen, in
additions and variations. For example, with m5Cyt. FEBS 12th Meeting, Dresden, 1978, Gene Func-
restriction enzymes could be added and 18. J. Singer, W. C. Schnute, Jr., J. E. Shively, C. tion, S. Rosenthal et al., Eds. (Pergamon, New
W. Todd, A. D. Riggs, Anal. Biochem. 94, 297 York, 1979), vol. 51, p. 159.
specific demethylation could influence (1979). 62. W. G. Burton, C. T. Grabowy, R. Sager, Proc.
19. J. Singer, R. H. Stellwagen, J. Roberts-Ems, A. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76, 1390 (1979); H.
gene deletion, translocation, or inversion D. Riggs, J. Biol. Chem. 252, 5509 (1977). Royer and R. Sager, ibid., p. 5794.
(8, 89). We should also point out that 20. 0. J. Miller, W. Schnedl, J. Alien, B. F. Erlan- 63. A. Razin, in The Single-Stranded DNA Phages,
ger, Nature (London) 251, 636 (1974); B. W. Lu- D. T. Denhardt, D. Dressler, D. S. Ray, Eds.
some limited de novo methylation prob- bit, R. R. Schreck, 0. J. Miller, B. F. Erlanger, (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring
ably does occur in somatic cells (35), and Exp. Cell Res. 89, 426 (1974); B. W. Lubit, T. D. Harbor, N.Y., 1978).
Pham, 0. J. Miller, B. F. Erlanger, Cell 9, 503 64. D. Billen, J. Mol. Biol. 31, 477 (1968); C. Lark,
thus there may ,be "shuffling," that is, (1976). ibid., p. 389.
addition as weS as removal, of methyl 21. J. Doscocil and F. Sorm, Biochim. Biophys. 65. K. Sugimoto et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Acta 55, 953 (1962); P. Grippo, M. Iaccarino, E. U.S.A. 76, 575 (1979); M. Meijer et al., ibid., p.
groups during differentiation. ) Parisi, E. Scarano, J. Mol. Biol. 36, 195 (1968). 580.
7 NOVEMBER 1980 609
66. J. A. Huberman and A. D. Riggs, J. Mol. Biol. 76. T. W. Sneider, J. Kaput, D. Neiman, B. West- 86. P. A. Jones and A. M. Taylor, ibid. 20, 85
32, 327 (1968). moreland, in Transmethylation, E. Usdin, R. T. (1980).
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69. S. Lacks and B. Greenberg, ibid., p. 153. don) 233, 48 (1971). 90. E. W. Jones, G. H. Goodwin, J. M. Walker, C.
70. M. G. Marinus and N. R. Morris, Mutat. Res. 78. C. Shen and T. Mariatis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Sanclus, Ciba Found. Symp. 28, 95 (1975); S.
28, 15 (1975). U.S.A. 77, 1787 (1980). Weisbad and H. Weintraub, Proc. Natl. Acad.
71. B. Glickman, P. Van den Elsen, M. Radman, 79. J. C. Cohen, Cell 19, 653 (1980). Sci. U.S.A. 76, 630 (1979); B. Gazit, A. Panet,
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72. C. Coulondre, J. H. Miller, P. J. Fatabough, W. 81. A. Pellicer et al., Science 209, 1414 (1980). 91. J. R. Davie, E. Peter, M. Candido, Proc. Natl.
Gilbert, Nature (London) 274, 775 (1978). 82. H. Weintraub and M. Groudine, ibid. 193, 848 Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 3574 (1978).
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74. W. A. Salser, I. Cummings, A. Liu, J. Strom- 83. M. T. Kuo, J. L. Mandel, P. Chambon, Nucleic Res. 6, 2987 (1979). There is preliminary evi-
mer, J. Padayatty, P. Clarke, in Cellular and Acids Res. 7, 2105 (1979). dence that Drosophila may utilize 6-methyl-
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and A. W. Nienhius, Eds. (Grune & Stratton, Eur. J. Biochem. 81, 53 (1977). sonal communication).
New York, 1979), p. 621. 85. S. M. Taylor and P. A. Jones, Cell 17, 771 93. Supported by NIH grants GM20483 and
75. A. P. Bird, Nucleic Acids Res. 8, 14941980). (1979). GM25825.

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