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1. Match the following expressions with their meanings:

a) become aware of - start doing things you aren’t used to

b) think outside the box - to be in the news
c) grasp the problem - understand a situation completely or in
d) hunger strike - put someone in a difficult position
e) rally - refusal to eat as a form of protest
f) see the full picture - notice the importance of something
g) make (the) headlines - understand the problem
h) step out of your comfort - join other people to support a cause or
zone protest about something
i) push someone against the - explore ideas which are unusual or
wall creative and not limited by rules or

2. Now, watch the interview and try to answer as many questions as


- How old is Greta Thunberg? What is she famous for?

- How did she travel to New York? Where will she be speaking?

- What does Greta mean when she says she wants the world leaders
to panic?

- What does Greta think about being polite?

- What gave her the confidence to start the movement?

- Why is her Asperger’s syndrome a superpower?

- What type of strike did she start?

- How did she feel about millions of kids around the world following
her example?

- What should we do right now, according to her?

3. What is the carbon footprint?

4. Look at this picture. What does this expression mean?

5. Look for information about the “Fridays for future” movement. Have
they held protests in your country or city?
a) become aware of - notice the importance of something
b) think outside the box - explore ideas which are unusual or
creative and not limited by rules or
c) grasp the problem - understand the problem
d) hunger strike - refusal to eat as a form of protest
e) rally - join other people to support a cause or
protest about something
f) see the full picture - understand a situation completely or in
g) make (the) headlines - to be in the news
h) step out of your comfort - start doing things you aren’t used to
i) push someone against the - put someone in a difficult position

- She is 16 years old. She’s famous for her solitary strike against climate
change outside Sweden’s Parliament, which inspired millions of
supporters to rally in more than 150 countries.
- She sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-emission yacht. She’ll be
speaking at the UN’s climate action summit.
- She means they need to step out of their comfort zone to prevent the
worst consequences for the planet from happening. She wants people to
become aware of the crisis.
- It is such a serious crisis that she can’t bother to be polite; we must
speak clearly.
- She doesn’t know, she just knows what is right. She wants to make sure
she’s done everything in her power to prevent the crisis.
- It can be an advantage because it makes you different, so that it makes
you think differently. It makes you think outside the box.
- She started a school strike (not a hunger strike).
- It’s been surreal. No one could have predicted that reaction, so it’s been
an adventure to her.
- We have to try to understand the problem. Once you fully understand the
climate and ecological emergencies, then you know what you can do as

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