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January 7, 2022

1. It is a part of total process of education that involves the learning processes of skills, the
acquisition of knowledge and the development of attitudes through movement.
a) Movement Education
b) Physical Education
c) Physical Activity
d) Kinesiology
2. Learning how to move was deemed vital for one`s survival during this era.
a) Medieval Times
b) Primitive Era
c) Ancient Civilization
d) Renaissance Period
3. Which of the following statement below is not TRUE about legal bases of Physical Education in
the Philippines?
a) All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the
country and the cooperation with athletic club and other sectors.
b) The State shall promote Physical Education and encourage sports program, league
competitions, and amateur sports including training for international competition.
c) Physical Education and Sports is a fundamental right to all and this right should not be
treated as different principle from the right to adequate food, shelter, and medical care.
d) The State shall make Physical Education more exclusive for those who are capable
engaging into physical activities, games, recreation and sports.
4. This period has given Physical Education importance in school’s curriculum.
a) Medieval Times
b) Primitive Era
c) Ancient Civilization
d) Renaissance Period
5. What is the primary goal of Physical Education in educational setting?
a) Fitness
b) Bring out the athletic potential of students
c) Train to be strong individuals
d) Develop sound body
6. Which level in education must Physical Education must be introduced?
a) Secondary Level
b) Primary Level
c) Tertiary Level
d) All levels
7. Which of the following choices is emotional benefit of PE to health?
a) Strengthen peer relationship
b) Stress reduction
c) Improves goal setting
d) Strengthen bones
8. Which of the following choices best describes a quality Physical Education program?
a) Quality Physical Education programs must center on authentic assessments to learners.
b) Quality Physical Education programs must focus to the holistic development of learners.
c) Quality Physical Education programs must be inclusive to all types of learners.
d) Quality Physical Education programs must bring out the full potential of the learners.
9. This term is is being referred to the overall condition of a person’s body or mind and to the
presence or absence of illness or injury
a) Wellness
b) Exercise
c) Physical Activity
d) Health
10. Sharlene, a new teacher, can develop and maintain good relationships with her peers at work.
In it its sense, it is important to note that Sharlene has to know how to connect to people
because it allows her behavior to significantly contribute to harmonious relationship in the
organization. What dimension of wellness is referred above?
a) Emotional wellness
b) Physical Wellness
c) Interpersonal Wellness
d) Environmental Wellness
11. How should one deal with personal problems in life?
a) Identify its causes and seek solutions
b) Address the problem to somebody who can solve it for you
c) Look for temporary stress alternatives to forget problems
d) Make most out of livid moments and learn from it
12. Which among the choices below best describes a financial literate person?
a) Shanon can buy everything he wants
b) Brenda extravagantly spends her income for food and clothing
c) Malcolm buys a new car for his 22nd birthday
d) Parvati manages to spend her income for necessities and important bills
13. Why do most people don’t have much time to engage in exercise?
a) Lack of motivation
b) Boredom
c) Lack of confidence
d) All of the above
14. Which of the following choices below is not recommended to wear in outdoor activities?
a) Jogging pants
b) Leather Shoes
c) Athletic shorts
d) T-Shirt
15. What important safety measures must be observed when going to gyms?
a) A person must stay hydrated at all times
b) Ask assistance in using the facilities and equipment
c) Warm up before start to engage in exercise
d) All of these
16. Which of the monitoring tools below can help you track your fitness development?
a) Weighing Scale
b) Tape Measure
c) Journal
d) Fitness plan
17. The first stage in “Stages-of-change” model is called _______________
a) Action
b) Maintenance
c) Preparation
d) Pre-Contemplation
18. In this readiness stage, people plan to take action within a month or may already have begun to
make small changes in their behavior
a) Action
b) Maintenance
c) Preparation
d) Pre-Contemplation
19. This is an exercise tool that can help you committing to your word—can result in a higher chance
of follow-through than a casual, offhand promise.
a) Journal
b) Exercise Plan
c) Personal Contract
d) Module
20. How do you formulate your personal health goal?
a) Goals should evolve out from the desire of your mind and heart
b) Goals must be elusive and intangible to achieve
c) Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic
d) Goals must be carried out in the most convenient time
21. Which of the following should you done first before committing to change?
a) Self-reflection
b) Self-Assessment
c) Self-Help
d) Develop Fitness plan
22. Spencer is proud that he overcame his addiction in smoking cigarette and promised not to get
back. Spencer has a new self-image and total self-efficacy with regard to his target behavior.
What do you think is the implication of this behavior?
a) Spencer quickly establishes his new behavior
b) Spencer has created a plan for change but is worried about failing
c) Spencer has reached the final stage of termination
d) Spencer is fully renewed to his goals and vision
23. It refers to planned, structured, repetitive movement intended specifically to improve or
maintain physical fitness.
a) Exercise
b) Movement
c) Physical Education
d) Physical Activity
24. In engaging into physical activity and exercise, which of the following choices is not
recommended to be done?
a) Engage in moderate to high intensity exercises at least once a week
b) Muscle strengthening exercises must be part in fitness plan
c) Attempt to carry heavy dumbbells in your first week doing your fitness plan
d) Stretching exercises must be observed after doing conditioning exercise
25. Which of the choices below is effective and safe in losing weight?
a) Perform frequent resistance exercises like lateral bench press and the likes
b) Focus on cardiorespiratory endurance exercises
c) Put much time and effort in flexibility exercises
d) Skip meals while you can
26. Which of the following choices is not true about physical activity?
a) Increasing Physical Activity Improves Health and Wellness
b) Increasing Physical Activity Manages Weight
c) Increasing Physical Activity Improves Fitness
d) Increasing Physical Activity Achieves Desired Body Physique Instantly
27. It is an energy system that supplies energy for medium to high-intensity physical activities.
These high-intensity activities usually last from ten seconds to two minutes.
a) Anaerobic A-Lactic (ATP-CP) system
b) Aerobic System
c) Anaerobic glycolysis (lactic acid) system
d) Phosphate System
28. This energy system provides energy for low-intensity physical activities that last from two
minutes to a few hours
a) Anaerobic A-Lactic (ATP-CP) system
b) Aerobic System
c) Anaerobic glycolysis (lactic acid) system
d) Phosphate System
29. Energy system operates during exercise depends upon the following choices except;
a) Duration
b) Presence of Oxygen
c) Intensity
d) Type of Exercise
30. What predominant energy system is used when you engage yourself in long-distance running?
a) Anaerobic A-Lactic (ATP-CP) system
b) Aerobic System
c) Anaerobic glycolysis (lactic acid) system
d) Phosphate System
31. This is the ability of the muscles to repeatedly exert force against resistance or to sustain
muscular contraction
a) Muscular endurance
b) Cardiorespiratory endurance
c) Muscular Strength
d) Flexibility
32. What skilled related component is much likely needed and required for those who are into
boxing and discus throw?
a) Coordination
b) Speed
c) Power
d) Agility
33. To improve muscle strength, which of the following activities is most likely recommended to be
a) Jogging
b) Boxing
c) Weightlifting
d) Arnis
34. What skilled related component is highly required in juggling and kicking a ball?
a) Coordination
b) Speed
c) Power
d) Agility
35. This phase is where your body is able to adjust to the new type and level of activity
a) Beginning Phase
b) Progress Phase
c) Maintenance Phase
d) Developing Phase
36. This is the most effective drink to intake to replenish and hydrate your body
a) Soda
b) Water
c) Energy Drink
d) Whey Protein
37. The following are safety measures for doing physical activity in hot places for beginners except;
a) Drink fluids before, during, and after activity
b) Dress properly for exercise in the heat and humidity
c) Watch for signs of heat stress
d) Spend at most 1 hour under the sun to lose weight
38. What shoe type must be worn in outdoor activities?
a) Rubber shoes
b) Leather shoes
c) Tip-Tap shoes
d) Doll shoes
39. This is the most important part of exercise that you should do before proceeding to conditioning
a) Warm Up
b) Cool Down
c) Tone Down
d) Heat Up
40. Mountain biking has been a current trend in fitness in this time of pandemic. Which do you think
of these following choices should biker must wear in priority to ensure his safety in roads and
a) Gloves
b) Sunglasses
c) Shoes
d) Helmet

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