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Bay Area Microwave Technology for Defense

Developments in the Cold War Years
E. James Crescenzi, Jr.
Central Coast Microwave Design; Cambria, CA, 93428

Abstract - The San Francisco Bay Area has long been which later grew to culture-changing proportions in the 90s.
recognized for entrepreneurship in "high tech" industries, and Indeed, the cold-war era came to an end (1991) and by the mid
more specifically for innovative contributions to microwave 90s the landscape was strewn with downsized or defunct
technology. This was particularly true with regards to the companies which had been dependent on the defense market.
application of this technology to defense requirements and This was conveniently followed by the dot-com era and later
programs. This article will broadly review the development of
defense-related microwave technology and the associated manifestations of what we now refer to as "globalization".
industry in the SF Bay Area, in the last 50 years.
Index Terms - History, defense industry, SF Bay Area.
I. INTRODUCTION Microwave and earlier radio technology in our area has its
roots extending back nearly a century [1]. The most famous of
The defense industry in the SF Bay Area (and elsewhere in the our "microwave" companies pre-dating WWII include Litton
US) was the result of three primary influences: a) military Electronics (1934), and Hewlett-Packard (1939). Although
requirements and the associated demands placed on the invention by Russell and Sigurd Varian of the klystron
technology, b) innovations and advances in applicable occurred in 1937 (at Stanford), Varian Associates wasn't
technology, and c) the entrepreneurial, managerial, and founded until 1948. Dalmo Manufacturing (later Dalmo-
organizational contributions of institutions and industry. Victor) developed airborne and submarine antennas that were
widely applied in the WWII era. Many talented inventors and
The history of microwave technology in the SF Bay Area academics moved to eastern laboratories during WWII, to
certainly reflects these factors. The region has been widely return after the war's conclusion with entrepreneurial zeal and
viewed as an exemplary center of entrepreneurial activity. skill in obtaining government sponsorship for defense related
Considering the time period beginning 50 years ago, the overt technology.
hostilities of the Korean War had ceased (1954), and we were
about to experience Sputnik (October 4, 1957). The Korean Certain institutions are widely recognized for their leadership
War reinforced the criticality of air power (including air-to-air in the Bay Area. Hewlett Packard Co. was often cited as a
conflict), and the later Vietnam experience demonstrated the model to emulate in our industry for its technical leadership,
vulnerability of aircraft to ground-to-air missiles. The space and for employee motivation and professionalism [2].
race began in this period, including President Kennedy's Stanford University (under Fred Terman's leadership) is
declaration of the goal to place a human explorer on the moon, credited for pioneering the linkage between university
to be followed by numerous public and covert space programs. research and industry formation [3]. Of course, the history of
There was an ongoing effort to prepare for (and, if possible, Silicon Valley later became dominated by computers and
avoid) the fearsome possibility of a third world war with our semiconductor integrated circuits [4].
anticipated adversary being the Soviet Union. From a
microwave engineering perspective, there was a seemingly This paper will attempt to provide a perspective of the
endless stream of new programs and technology initiatives microwave engineering experience in the San Francisco Bay
involving advances in communications, radar, surveillance, Area, and the local industry that served the defense market.
ECM (electronic countermeasures), and EW (electronic The author's first experience with this defense industry was as
warfare). Add to this mix of requirements the advances in a lieutenant in the USAF in 1962-65 when he was assigned to
microwave technology including vacuum electronics (TWTs monitor receiver equipment testing at Melabs, Applied
and BWOs in the 50s and 60s), the availability of powerful Technology Inc., and Watkins-Johnson Co. His government
measurement tools (spectrum analyzers, sources, VNAs, etc.), supervisors made it clear that the Stanford Electronic Labs and
solid-state devices (Gunn diodes, GaAs FETs, LNAs, YIGs, the several companies in the Stanford Industrial Park were at
VCOs, mixers, etc.), hybrid integrated circuitry, MMICs, the forefront of developments in electronic warfare. After
receiver technology - a bountiful progression of advances, and witnessing final testing of a millimeter-wave receiver at ATI
one has an amazing era of opportunity. These advances were in 1965, the program/marketing manager (Larry Theilen) and
intertwined with a budding culture of entrepreneurial activity, engineering manager (Franz McVay) announced they were
investment expansion, risk taking, and employment mobility, leaving ATI to form a startup, which was to be Avantek.

0-7803-9542-5/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE


Perhaps no company better typified the accelerated growth the advancement of defense-related endeavors. Compact
and leveraging of microwave technology in the 70s and 80s. Software developed the most widely applied microwave
It was noted for technical excellence and aggressive software of the mainframe computer era (70s and early 80s).
marketing, but later succumbed to the severe boom and bust Numerous in-house microwave CAD programs were
cycle that became all too common in "Silicon Valley". contributed to microwave design in that period.
A comprehensive review of the developments in microwave TABLE 1
defense electronics in the SF Bay Area exceeds the scope of A PARTIAL LIST OF BAY-AREA COMPANIES INVOLVED IN
this brief paper. Rather, an attempt is made to list the DEFENSE APPLICATIONS OF MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY
companies headquartered in the Bay Area, and to review
highlights of pivotal programs and technologies, as Litton Electronics CPI
determined from interviews of associates and other local Hewlett Packard (Agilent) Ferretek
contributors. Much of the era precedes the widespread Stanford Research Institute - SRI Ferrotek
adaptation of electronic records and web-facilitated search Dalmo-Victor YIG-TEK
capabilities. Varian Associates Micro-Lambda
Lockheed Compact Software
Lenkurt (later GTE-Lenkurt) Comm. Trans. Corp - CTC
Systems, LORAL) OmniYig
Major government sources of funding for development of Applied Technology Inc. CTT
microwave components included the three branches of the Sylvania Electronic Labs Zeta Labs
armed services (Army, Navy, Air Force), the Defense (later GTE Government Systems) Applied Signal Technology
Advanced Research Programs Agency (DARPA), NASA, and Watkins-Johnson Dexcel
the intelligence agencies. Funding extended from basic Microwave Electronics Co. -MEC Microwave Technology-MwT
research to many developmental efforts. Perhaps the most (later Teledyne MEC) Akon
famous (and meritorious) microwave R&D program in the Melabs GHz Technology
Bay Area was the sponsorship by the US Army Electronic Eimac Celeritek
Research Laboratory of filter technology development at Alfred Electronics Harris Microwave
Stanford Research Institute (SRI), which resulted in the classic Farinon Electric Magnum Microwave
publication by Matthaei, Young, and Jones [5]. This work Physical Electronics Labs - PEL Microwave Power
laid the technical foundation for many entrepreneurial Stewart Engineering Pacific Measurements
activities. A history of passive component development is Aertech Labs Giga-tronics
provided in [6]. Relcom Condor Systems
UP Associates MMD (Microwave Modules
Major programs were often aimed at the development of Argo Systems & Devices)
specific operational systems. Funding from a broad array of Avantek Pacific Monolithics
government offices was essential to university laboratories, as SLAC Spinnaker Microwave
well as to the core research activities of small and large ESL Cougar
companies. Most company R&D department managers were Addington Labs Stellex (now MA-Com)
familiar with several government sponsors. They would visit California Microwave Endgate (Endwave)
potential sponsors to generate interest in their core Western Microwave Marki Microwave
capabilities, prepare white papers, and respond to government Wiltron (Anritsu) Conductus
RFQs (requests for quotes). Competition for funding was Systron Donner Omega Microwave
intense, particularly for larger programs associated with major Stanford Telecom
military systems. For example, each new aircraft would
typically require a specialized avionics suite which resulted in Most companies were founded on the basis of excellence in
large development and manufacturing programs. Many of the particular specialties - a niche. For example, Watkins-
Bay Area companies had core expertise in certain technologies Johnson originally produced very low noise traveling wave
that resulted in component and subsystem products that were tubes. Argo Systems was noted for IFM receivers; Applied
typically sold to larger companies who specialized in turn-key Technology for airborne radar warning receivers; ESL offered
systems. Examples of component (or device) - oriented outstanding signal processing and direction finding systems;
companies includes Varian Associates, Watkins-Johnson Co., Sylvania Electronic Labs excelled in ground-based and
and Avantek. System-oriented examples include Lockheed, submarine-based reconnaissance systems; Avantek offered
Ford Aerospace, Applied Technology, ESL, etc. Table 1 lists excellent transistor amplifiers and oscillators; Aertech Labs
a sampling of our many companies. Several (UP and Wiltron, led in tunnel diode amplifiers; YigTek in yittrium iron garnet
for example) served primarily commercial markets, but their filters and oscillators; Ford Aerospace in complex satellite
instruments and basic technology contributed significantly to communications systems, etc., to note a few examples. Others


companies are difficult to categorize. Litton Industries, for and by W-J. The emergence of three terminal active devices
example, began as a tube company and expanded to include (Si bipolars and later GaAs FETs) was key, as these devices
solid-state devices and full systems capabilities (and grew were far more applications-friendly than earlier two-terminal
through many acquisitions). Most successful companies devices (Gunn, avalanche, varactor and tunnel diodes, for
evolved and expanded into multiple areas. example). There was a huge emphasis on populating systems
with solid-state amplifiers (to replace TWTs) and oscillators
Numerous bay-area companies have gone through name (to replace BWOs) in the 70s and 80s.
changes, acquisitions, and/or mergers, so that most of the
names listed in Table 1 are no longer current [7]. Corporate An example of the creative interplay between device, circuit,
turmoil is such an inherent feature of the Bay Area psyche that and process technology is the development by J. Sterrett and
many of the companies listed in Table 1 no longer exist as co-workers (Avantek, early 70s) of the "unit amplifier" - a
separate entities. Only a small number of microwave feedback amplifier that operated to >500 MHz and was easily
companies in the Bay Area are currently defense-focused. mass produced using a Si bipolar transistor die and a small
thin-film integrated circuit, in a low cost hermetic package.
Whole product lines of unit (or "cascadable") amplifiers
IV. SIGNIFICANT MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGIES evolved at several companies. These building block (lower
cost) products contrasted with the more complex and often
Microwave technology in the Bay Area is part home-grown, specialized multi-stage amplifier assemblies that were
part imported, and often reflects a diffuse heritage. The developed for many military applications. Examples include
mobility of key scientists and engineers and collaborations at low-noise radar amplifiers, and medium power TWT
SRI and elsewhere accelerated this process. A review and replacement amplifiers, and wideband (2-8, 6-18 GHz) amps
ranking of the most significant technologies is beyond the for various avionics systems. The wideband solid-state
scope of this paper, but a few examples are offered as amplifier industry generally integrated transistor die in multi-
illustrative. Our heritage in vacuum electronics ("tubes") is stage thin-film hybrid assemblies. The compact interdigitated
particularly outstanding [1], and includes such famous 3 dB coupler invented by J. Lange at TI facilitated this
contributors as Charles Litton and Russell and Sigurd Varian. approach, which was widely exploited by Bay Area
Many tube advances occurred during the pre- and post-WWII companies. During the 70s and 80s, in-house device
era, although significant development continues to this day. fabrication (in particular GaAs FET and MMIC) was widely
TWTs were the multi-octave preamplifier of choice in the 50s considered essential to leverage proprietary device capability
thru mid 70s. An example of a particularly sophisticated into unique products. Over a dozen GaAs fabs existed at one
application was the SHRIKE anti-radiation missile point in the Bay Area, although only a few specialized low-
preamplifier assembly that included three phase and amplitude volume capabilities exist here today.
matched TWTs (manufactured in significant quantity by W-J).
While W-J was noted for low noise TWTs, others including The emergence of "subsystem" (multi-function assembly)
Varian and MEC (Teledyne) led in high power TWT capability became especially critical for miniaturization and
technology widely applied in jammer systems. High power performance enhancement for airborne and missile
vacuum electronics continues to be a productive industry, applications. The APR-38, and AMRAAM systems, for
whereas solid-state devices are now used for low noise and example, benefited greatly from this integration effort.
medium power applications. Components properly integrated without coaxial cables
achieved new levels of electrical performance, as well as size
Many of our local companies contributed to the development and weight reduction. The challenge of evolving from
and product evolution of solid-state amplifiers, oscillators, producers of components to integrators of higher level
tunable filters, receivers, and various complex systems. The functionality proved to be particularly critical for a company's
early work at SRI [5] included electronically tunable filters growth and survival. Interestingly, this evolution often
based on Yittrium Iron Garnet (YIG) resonance, which was involved interdisciplinary contributions (mechanical design,
adapted and creatively improved by numerous individuals and materials science, CAD, automated test, reliability,
companies. Initially these were combined with TWTs to interconnect technologies, mass production disciplines, etc.)
advance surveillance receiver sensitivity and immunity to that went beyond what one classically considered as
interference by strong signals, and later with Gunn diodes and "microwaves". Mastering such subsystem capability proved
bipolar and field-effect transistors as tunable solid state essential if annual sales were to reach $1 OOM.
oscillators with high spectral purity. Amplifiers, oscillators,
and mixers were critical elements in both commercial and
defense applications. Work on thin film circuit fabrication at V. EXAMPLES OF SIGNIFICANT DEFENSE PROGRAMS
UP Labs and outside our region (specifically from TI's MERA
program) was quickly adapted and improved by such bay area The number of defense programs that resulted in contracts to
companies as Avantek (staffed by ex-HP and TI engineers) microwave companies in the Bay Area surely numbered in the


thousands. Only a few are listed in Table 2, for which the that one could reasonably project as accomplishing the new
selection process was primarily the author's personal goals. One program that was particularly challenging was the
knowledge and that of associates interviewed in preparation of low noise preamplifier for the F16 radar. It required achieving
this article. They provide some insight into the types of a noise figure several tenths dB below the then current art,
programs that supported our local industry. Highly classified while also incorporating an integral protective limiter (with
programs (particularly space programs) are surely under associated insertion loss). Several companies competed
represented in the list. vigorously for the honor of achieving the new benchmark, and
manufacturing the preamplifiers while avoiding a loss proved
Survival in the defense industry often depended on being to be challenging. Missile electronics were particularly
awarded major programs with follow-on manufacturing. Few competitive, as the follow-on production awards could be
companies could exist on development contracts alone, large and continue for decades. The AMRAAM program, for
although the development efforts were a critical element of example, resulted in advances in subsystem integration which
these high tech businesses. Of equal importance to winning
programs with large follow-on potential was avoiding costly achieved new functionality in small space with light weight.
development efforts that incurred delays or cancellation of Platforms such as this often involved multiple product
production. The defense business was often a high risk improvement phases that extended operational effectiveness.
VII. Conclusion
EXAMPLES OF MAJOR DEFENSE PROGRAMS WITH Engineers who worked in the microwave industry in the SF
SIGNIFICANT IMPACT IN THE SF BAY AREA Bay Area contributed to many notable technical advances, and
participated in an era of vigorous entrepreneurial activity.
* ALR-46 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) This article has attempted to provide a general review of the
* 466L & FLR- 12 ground based surveillance systems activity of the last 50 years, and to offer a perspective about
(1960s) the overall professional experience of microwave engineers.
* QRC259 reconnaissance system A few observations about current microwave defense industry
* B-52 EW upgrade programs opportunities will be included in the oral presentation.
* Shrike Missile AGM-45
* USAF F4G Wild Weasel ECM suite (APR-38)
* ALQ1 19 & ALQ13 1 jamming pods
* Space Shuttle Avionics The author wishes to acknowledge contributions to this article
* Standard Missile, AIM-7, RIM-7 by Frank Emery, Keith Gilbert, Barry Bakner, Rick Gold, and
* AMRAAM (AIM- 120) air-to-air missile Gary Policky.
* ALQ- 151 ASPJ (airborne self protection jammer)
* HARM High-speed Anti-Rad. Missile (AGM-88) REFERENCES
* AN/SLQ-32 Navy EW System
* F 15E ALQ- 135 (countermeasures system) [1] Ward Winslow, The Making of Silicon Valley: A One Hundred
* F16 Radar (APG-66 and APG-68) Year Renaissance, The Santa Clara Valley Historical
Association, 1995.
* ALQ-126 jammer system [2] David Packard, The HP Way - How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our
* TPQ-36, TPQ-37 mortar locating radar. Company, Harper Collins Publishers, 1995.
* AN/TRC- 170 Troposcatter microwave terminals [3] C. S. Gillmor, Fred Terman at Stanford - Building a Discipline,
* Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) a University, and Silicon Valley, Stanford University Press,
* MMIC Program (DARPA) 2004
* Aegis SPY- ID (ship phased array radar system) [4] Michael S. Malone, The Valley of Heart's Delight: A Silicon
* Voyager Satellite Valley Notebook,, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
[5] G. L. Matthaei, Leo Young, E. M. T. Jones, Microwave Filters,
* DSCS-3 (Defense Strategic Comm. Satellite) Impedance-Matching Networks, and Coupling Structures,
* Patriot Missile radar McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1964.
* B lB Avionics Suite [6] Harlan Howe, Jr., "Passive Components: A Brief History",
It was typical for the critical specifications and goals of new Microwave Journal, Nov. 2005.
defense programs to exceed the current state-of-the-art! The [7] The list of companies in Table 1 is sure to be incomplete.
Apologies are offered to those who were overlooked.
contractor was expected to devise new approaches and designs

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