Individual Assignment 1

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HRMT 5210


LECTURER: Prof.Dr. Noor Saadah Zainal Abidin


Abdulah Said Abdulle 213923050

 Find one journal article based on the topic (attitude and satisfaction).
 State the name of the journal, topic, authors, and date of publication.
 Read the journal.
 Make a summary of key important points on the findings of the research.
 Explain How Managers Can Used the Findings of The Research in The Journal That Could
Advantages and Disadvantages to Employees, Managers and Organizations?
JOURNAL: Asia pacific journal of management and education (APJME)
TOPIC: How Does Job Satisfaction Affect the Job Performance of Employees?
AUTHORS: Kah Yee Lam, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Akshay Kumar, Ashi Jain, Rudresh Pandey,
Ashvinderjit Singh, Chuan Rou Chua, Jian Wei Chia, Venus ToroArenas, Carolina Ardila Lopez, Camilo
Alberto Perez Restrepo

The purpose of this journal paper is to investigate how job satisfaction affect the productivity of
employees? the author beliefs that the most of companies are giving attention to increase the job
satisfaction of employees. because job satisfaction leads to affect the employee’s behavior which will lead
to influence employees performance in different ways like employee’s work effort, absenteeism, and
turnover rate. Therefore, job satisfaction has much connection with the feelings of employees on their job.

In this ever-changing and competitive world, the author recommended to companies to adapt Herzberg’s
two-factors theory which are intrinsic factors which means factors that represent less tangible and
emotional needs. And extrinsic factors which are more related to employee’s direct benefits like salaries.

The article author has quoted from the findings of the American psychologist Frederick Herzberg who
beliefs that has been proven the intrinsic factors tend to increase employee’s motivation while extrinsic
factors tend to reduce motivation when they are absent.

In addition, satisfied employees are valuable to their organizations because when the employees are
satisfied, they could perform efficiently and contribute to the overall target and success of an

Based on my review on the journal, the author highlighted the top four factors that will affect employees
job satisfaction are:

1. Employee benefits

Employee benefits like remunerations are crucial for them because they will be satisfied with the job
pay given by the company. Therefore, the more the company provides employees benefits, the higher
the employee satisfaction will be, which will lead to high performance by the employee, which at end
also increase the company’s revenues and profits.
2. Job enrichment

Job enrichment means the general motivation technique used by an organization to add a feeling of
satisfaction derived from work itself. Thus, job enrichment is an essential tool for any company or
organization to upgrade employees’ motivation as well as job satisfaction.

According to author opinion, giving authority or power to the employee will make them more
satisfied with their job and increase the job performance, and this part of job enrichment.

On other side, if the employee feel insecurity for their jobs this will increase employees’
dissatisfaction as well as will affect the work performance.

3. Skill development

The author believes that management should consider its employee training and skill development in
order to keep employees' pace with technologies and work system. if the management improve these
things then the employees will that they can deliver all the business process which will make them
more satisfied with current conditions of the job and will reflect better job performance.

4. Health Working Environment

A healthy working place clarifies a good environment of work which make employees more delighted
and motivate which will lead to achieve job goals. The result of my review on this journal shows that
the author encourages organizations must maximize the improvement of their work environments,
because the work environment has a positive and significant influence on employee job satisfaction
which means that the atmosphere of working place is one of the important variables that can increase
job satisfaction.


The finding of this research will help the managers in understating how better job satisfaction of
employees can improve the productivity of employees. but unfortunately, a lot number of managers does
not give much attention on employees' job satisfaction instead of that, they focus more customer
satisfaction, which is fine, but it is important to bear in mind that, only customer satisfaction
consideration and dismissing caring the employees will lead less employees’ productivity which will
result low work performance for the organization. Therefore, it is ideal for all organizations in business
world to maximize both customer satisfaction and employees job satisfaction in order to get great
performance as well as to success in achieving the organization's target.

From this research, employees in the future will be interested in joining organization that provide
Employee benefits, Job enrichment, skills development, and Health Working Environment as this
research show that providing these factors for employees will result to reduce stress and help in
overcoming problems and worries of everyday working life.

In conclusion, we can see nowadays that all modern organizations put their priority in proving job
satisfaction of their employees. therefore, from time to time they do review and renew their organization
culture to attract young talent but also boost creativity and productivity in all age people.

Kah Yee Lam, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Akshay Kumar, Ashi Jain, Rudresh Pandey, Ashvinderjit Singh,
Chuan Rou Chua, Jian Wei Chia, Venus ToroArenas, Carolina Ardila Lopez, Camilo Alberto Perez
Restrepo. (How Does Job Satisfaction Affect the Job Performance of Employees?).

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