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HELPING: If you want to help someone who’s rolling, say how

PLAYERS: CREATE YOUR TEAM you try to help them and make a 1d6 roll against your own

1 As a group, pick from the following tables or roll 3d6 to

determine 2 advantages and 1 disadvantage for your team:
number. Add your result to theirs.

A TechnoNoir-themed hack of John Harper’s Lasers & Feelings YOUR CREW HAS...
1 A high-tech safehouse 4 High-quality forged credentials Roll 4d6 or pick from the tables below to create the Runners’
THE YEAR IS 20X6. You are a crew of Runners – skilled operatives for mission:
hire in the semi-legal twilight between the monolithic megacorpora- 2 An advanced 3D printer 5 Military-grade gear
tions, vicious gangs, and downtrodden denizens of the neon-soaked 3 A sweet ride 6 Someone on the inside
urban Sprawl. After a botched mission, your leader, Dar.C, is in an THE TEAM HAS BEEN CONTRACTED TO...
underground hospital on life support, and your funds are running BUT THEY...
1 Destroy/Kill 3 Protect 5 Sabotage/Disarm
dangerously thin. You’ll have to take any job you can get just to make it 1 Are in debt to some nasty folks 4 Don’t blend in at all
2 Investigate 4 Recover/Rescue 6 Steal/Kidnap
through another week. 2 Are new at this 5 Have a lot of enemies
3 Are wanted by corporate police 6 Have scavenged gear
PLAYERS: CREATE YOUR CHARACTER 1 Batch of artificial organs 4 Netstream celeb

2 Give your team a slick cyberpunk name, too, like The 2 Bioengineered animal 5 Secret corporate tech schematic

1 Pick from the following tables or roll 3d6 to determine

your personality, background, and team role:
TechRaiders or Chiba 5. 3 Cybernetically-enhanced kid 6 Sentient AI
YOU ARE A... ROLLING THE DICE 1 A competing crew of Runners 4 An anarchist biohacker collective
1 Charming 3 Naïve 5 Unhinged When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. 2 A gang of technopunks 5 The mob/yakuza/triads
2 Grizzled 4 Savvy 6 Zen Roll +1d for a favorable situation and +1d if you’ve got the 3 A hyper-rich tech mogul 6 The Sprawl’s biggest megacorp
FORMER... right skills/equipment. (The GM tells you how many dice to BUT...
1 Cop 3 Ganger 5 Sexbot roll, based on your character and the situation.) Roll your dice 1 For one of you, it’s personal 4 The target is in a hyper-secure vault
2 Corp Employee 4 Megacorp Heir 6 Soldier and compare each die result to your number. 2 That part of town is a deathtrap 5 The target moves every 6 hours
TURNED... 3 The client says no other deaths 6 They know you’re coming
If you’re using CYBER (tech, rationality), you want to roll
1 Driver/Pilot 3 Hacker 5 Living Weapon
under your number.
2 Gun-Fu Master 4 Infiltrator 6 Street Medic GM: RUN THE GAME
If you’re using PUNK, (intuition, recklessness) you want

2 Choose your number, from 2 to 5. A high number means

you're more CYBER (tech, science, logic, precision). A
to roll over your number. Introduce the team by asking each player 2 questions about
their character. This can be a short flashback to a “job
low number means you're more PUNK (intuition, improvi- interview” scene between the player and Dar.C.
sation, street smarts, recklessness). 0 If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The GM
says how things get worse. Some good questions: Why did you decide to become a
Runner? What in your former life prepared you for your current
3 Give your character a kickass cyberpunk name, like Dek
Micr0n or Harmonyx. 1 If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM
inflicts a complication, harm, or cost.
role? What do you think of [Character X]?
Play to find out how the Runners complete the mission.

YOU HAVE: If two dice succeed, you do it well. Begin the game with the team arriving at a starting location,
An augmentation of your choice (robot arm, bionic eyes, Good job! or by having a contact approach them with a new job.
Net-brain interface, etc) Before a threat does something, show signs that it’s about to
A ranged weapon of your choice (submachine gun, wrist
rockets, sniper rifle, sonic blaster, etc)
3 If three dice succeed, you get a critical success! The GM
tells you some extra benefit you get.
happen, then ask what the characters do.“The technopunk
racks his arm-cannon and takes aim at you. What do you do?”
A melee weapon of your choice (katana, stun baton,
titanium knuckles, etc) ! If you roll your exact number, you are a true CYBERPUNK.
You get a special insight into what’s going on. Ask the
Call for a roll when the situation is uncertain. Don’t pre-plan
outcomes – let the chips fall where they may. Use failures to
GM a question and they’ll answer you honestly. You can push the action forward. The situation always changes after a
A Net-enabled personal communication device
change your action if you want to, then roll again. roll, for good or ill.
A sick cyberpunk outfit GM: Frame the answer by explaining how the character If you don't know something, ask the players! “Who’s your
knows the new information. Is it something they deduced, contact? What’s the name of the nightclub? Where's the corp
YOUR GOAL: Complete the mission and stay alive. intuited, remembered, observed... ? scientist’s apartment?”
43 79
62 65


Need a cool person or place for your players to encounter? 01000011 01111001 01100010 01100101 01110010

Pick or roll from the tables below! 43 79

62 65

1 Abandoned overpass 4 Megatower slum
2 Crowded street market 5 Neon-lit nightclub
3 Domed pleasure park 6 Office park turned warzone

1 Augmented femme/homme fatale 4 Quiet, super-smart engineer/coder
2 Gruff but friendly bartender/tech 5 Shadowy information broker
3 Nervous , uptight corp employee 6 Streetwise con artist

1 Bionic ninjas 4 Drug-crazed gangers
2 Breakdance-fight squad 5 Gun drones
3 Cyber-hounds 6 Piloted mech suits

CYBER//PUNK is a mod of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper, and is

distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.
Original game at

Modifications & design by David Brunell-Brutman

Download this pdf at

Stream the game soundtrack at


50 75
6e 6b
01010000 01110101 01101110 01101011

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6e 6b
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