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Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria

Bp. Epifanio B. Surban Street, Dumaguete City

College of Liberal Arts -Education

MODULES In RESEARCH 1 : Final Period

Parts of a Full-Blown Research Proposal

Intended Learning Outcome 1. Analyze the parts of a full-blown research proposal
2. Write a full-blown proposal on your research topic

Parts of a Full-Blown Research Proposal

 Title Page – reflects the title of the study and the writer
 The Problem and Its Scope
 Introduction - The main purpose of the introduction is to arouse the interest of our readers
and convince them that the research paper is worth reading.
Suggestions in writing the introduction:
1. Try to respond to the obvious questions in the minds of the readers: What is the study
about? What need is being responded to by the study? Who benefits from the study? These
three questions must be answered in the first paragraph of your introduction.
2. Cite some relevant past attempts on the same study and quote from these authors to
establish the need for the study in the second to the third paragraph of your introduction.
3. In the fourth paragraph , underscore the losses that will accrue on the discipline if the
study is not conducted. What will happen if the study is not done?
4. In the final paragraph, repeat exactly what your main objective is in conducting the study.
In order to make your introduction attractive, use the active voice rather than the passive

 Theoretical Framework
Essential characteristics:
1. It develops the theoretical basis of the study and explains how factors interplay or
interrelate with one another.
2. It clearly shows the variables or factors involved in the study.
3. It demonstrates how these variables are to be measured.
How then should the theoretical Framework be written? We find the following
recommendations effective:
1. Start with the theory you wish to investigate. State this theory in one or two sewntences.
2. Explain how this theory is arrived either by citing theories relevant to its development or
by explaining the observed relationships amongst the variables.
3. Explain how your variables are to be measured.
4. Sketch, if possible, the key features of your framework.

 Statement of the Problem. This contains the general and specific objectives of the study.
The general objective is usually a reiteration of the title of the study. The specific objectives
or problems must be measurable or quantifiable.
 Significance of the Study . This spells out the importance or values of the study and its
contribution to the researcher, students, community, school, society, government,
administrator, environment, agencies involved and others. The writer should give convincing
statements on the genuine need to conduct the study. The use of the following phrases
could help express this part of the thesis:
The study will provide . . .
It will also contribute . . .
The findings will also serve as a guide . . .
This will also serve as basis . . .
Hopefully, the study will provide some insights and information on how . . .
The study will enhance . . .
 Scope and Limitations
Scope. It contains the coverage of the study. Hence, it should well define the subject, time,
samples, institutions, persons involved. The use of the following phrases could help express
the scope of the study:
The coverage of the study . . .
The study focuses on . . .
The study consists only of . . .
It only involves . . .
It covers the . . .
The study includes . . .
Limitations. This includes statements on what are excluded or not part of the study. These
are usually the constraints which are not under the control of the researcher. The use of the
following phrases could help write this portion of the study:
This writer limits this study to . . .
This study is limited to . . .
The study does not cover the . . .
The study excludes . . .
It does not include . . .
The study involves only . . .

 Review of Related Literature and Studies

This includes brief and topical presentation of relevant published or unpublished researches, or theses
conducted locally or foreign/internationally which have relationship or similarity with the present
study. It also includes literatures related to the research topic written by persons who are experts on
the topic under study.
Your presentation of this section should include a synthesis or a summary of the relatedness or
similarities of the studies and literatures reviewed to the present research work. The use of the
following phrases could help with the synthesis of the study:
The study conducted by _____ provides _____for _______.
This study has similarity to that of ____in the following aspects _______.
This study is similar to that of _____in terms of ______.
The concept presented by _____ has a bearing on this study in the sense _____.
 Methodology
 Research Design. It is the research method used in the study. Describe or justify why it is the
best design for the study.
 Research Environment. It describes the locale/setting or venue of the study.
 Research Respondents and Sampling Techniques. It includes the description of the subjects
or population involved in the study, the sample size, the manner it is determined and the
technique used in the selection of samples.
 Instrumentation. It includes the use of the questionnaires, interview or observation tools ., its
description, content, development and validation.
 Data collection Method. It includes the steps to be used in the gathering of data, time frame,
and the persons responsible for the collection of data.
 Statistical Analysis of Data. It includes the statistical tools to be used in the analysis of data
and the reasons of appropriateness of the said tools.
References . This includes the alphabetical listing of all references used in the study.
Manuscript formatting Notes
 The left hand margin is 4 cm and 2 cm for the right hand margin.
 Use one side of the paper. The text is double spaced throughout. Single spacing is used in the
references, but double space between references.
 For the font size, Use Verdana 11
Final Task/ Final Requirement

Write a Full-Blown Proposal on your chosen Topic.

Deadline is set on January 21, 2022.

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