Building An Adjustable Constant Current Load

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Adjustable Electronic Loads An adjustable paver loa i «piece of test equipment that often comes handy in the development ef certain electronics builing «poser sappy, tothe ouput can sometimes do in pinch, but often you wall ot have the adjustable electronic load comes h or example, when you are come time when you nes to ‘simulate load to see hove well sr desgn peviorms asthe load varies Acling power resistors vale handy with the ight poterreting forthe res. This i wh i one using common components od 1. la this ariee ll show have you can The circuit Constant current ‘dummy load’ designs built around the venerable L MP have be quad! David Jones atthe eevblog popularized the concept in one of his excellent vic essentially an OPAMP b though that the or ofthe ite popular in the hobbyist community ever since concept has bee he circuit below ie very similar to Dave's d and that thece was limited p Th The bi fora long time though, and its OPAMPS in the LM32 spare’ OPAMEe for thermal overload protection and ancth sideration for test equipment. nt always bothered me ection in the circuit. Therefor to activate a cooling approach should result in are 1 shows the circurt age tollower that ens a emetic. The “Current Sou on should be 2s seen similar designs on the web. The U2D OPAMP is 8 voltage atthe 01 Ohm resistor “ollows’ the voltage applied toss non-mverting input. Therefore the current atthe output {81 VL/(01) = 10 VL I decided to se a 01 Om resistor (instead ofthe common | Ohm design) to allow larger currents The ne reduces the power dissipated inthe resistor fora current. Furthermore, the souree-to-ground voltage is also reduced thus ensuring that VGS 1 Kept well above the MOSFET's threshold voltage forall pra nations. used two SONDS N-channel MOSFETS in parallel to reduce the total Ron and improve elabiiy.n this design, the maximum current should be about 7A and it 1s limited by the SW resistor | used: not by the MOSFETs, Larger currents can b¢ < wath a resistor capable of 10 or 20 W which I didnt have handy). The input voltage should net exceed ¥ maximum VDS for these MOSFETS). As an added protection measure, | added a power MGV trom the input to ground to protect the MOSFETs against high-voltage tra os > | 882 ie oO F i . se*EB 3 “ J = = 4 ar F ee = im pe aye oo —<——_] ; owe 30 FF] hw stant x ent Load cscust “The U2A OPAMP is a volt suffering the ‘set voltage from the resistive divider formed by the LM. rmulli-turn pot is not available, you can ure twa single turn pots in seies instead (100K and LOK for example). The U2A output drives another res before eriving the panel meter. This was needed in my case to ‘calibrate’ the panel meter independently f is needed, this potion can be skipped, The switch SW2 witches between veltage and current re you can quickly calculate the power dissipation. Switch SW2 allows you to se the current ‘programmed! by the resistive divider even ifm load This sn posted inthe eevblog one cannot know exactly the ‘programmed Inec current until the input terminals are co worst-case and the multi-tum potentiometer RVL Ifa ve divider voltage ane eu ent readings. only one reading 1 [ound this tobe very useful in normal operation so connected, snvenience’ feature Isaw implemented in ancthe m that turns-oat tobe quite important Without this switch ected. In the b case scenario this is just an a ply under test ! Inthe rio ican act inadvertent! ly an excessive load to yous Asme joned mn the introduction, the two “spare” OPAMES a eset by the thermistor and RS voltage diver and the RS, RS 1s placed in contact with the MOSFET heatsink and ‘the UZC output goes High. This tums-on the BS170 Mos down the current souree and protecting the circu. I calculated the threshold se ay RS and Ré tor my particular applic ents at the MOSFET case. For a more generic approsch, you can replace RBand Ré with an adjustable tim: design. Ensure that the prot . 5 ‘ lightly below the absolute maximum ratin mp signals the user when the overlead protection i -ontral. U2 forms a simple comparator betwe on edback provided b ses as the tern: When the temperature exceeds the oly forees the eontel vl input to ground thus shurting ed on temaperarir che right threshold for your led inthe data sheet. th rolled by the postive rature inerease * vated and was mounted in the tront pane! The U28 0 the Bsvo MOSFET the averinad protection threshold. One cots atgue that thew Mis alan voltage comparator with hysteresis and is sed to control 2 12V fan (reuse from an ald PC povser supply). A INAOD: diode protects rolled net inductive lick-back voltages fan ac WV2 shows abviousty be lower than i always De on. While tis is Certainly a vais approach, | peer not to deal with the fan nose when the pouies dissipated inthe load i low and found this cit ccomplish this goal quite nice! Lessons Learned I deci’ spas bl this cise in i Je Pertboand rather than designing a dedicstec pet In retrospect suite scent and actually leaned abit her’ always asiver lining). sos. mistake As ater learned the parasit sssyp reading quite abit on + those interested inthe topic | ecommend Ron Mancins Stability ang inp capacitance” from Texas Instmaments RY anc CS was my firs approach at increasing the phase margin but proved insufficient I ended-up using 2 ‘heaey-handed’, dominant-pole compensation technique by adding capacitors CS end C7 to the

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