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3 The Young double-slit

OCR Physics A experiment
Teacher and Technician notes

The diffraction grating

Specification references
 1.1.2 a) c) j)  4.4.1 f) (i)
 1.1.3 b)  4.4.3 g) (ii)
 1.1.4 d) e)  M2.2, M2,3
 1.2.1 b) c) d) j)  This practical includes skills and
 1.2.2 a) j) techniques relevant for PAG 5

 During this practical students will observe the effect of a diffraction grating on a narrow beam
of white light.
 Students will practise measuring the wavelength of light of a certain colour.
 Students will observe a line spectrum and measure the wavelengths of different lines.

Learning outcomes
After completing the practical students should be able to:
 measure the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating
 use the diffraction grating equation to solve exam-style questions
 describe how the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave can be determined using a
diffraction grating
 use knowledge of the operation of a diffraction grating to answer a range of exam- style
questions covering a range of contexts.

Teacher notes
 The main part of this experiment requires the students to observe the diffracted spectra
produced by a white-light source, and then to use a colour filter to make measurements of light of
a certain wavelength in order to determine the wavelength. Students should mark the direction of
each order including the zero-order beam on the white paper.
 The students could work in small groups, with each group making their measurements using
filters of the same colour so the reliability of their results can be compared. This part of the
investigation and the calculations should take no more than approximately 40 minutes.
 Ensure that each grating is labelled with its number of lines per millimetre.
 A spectrometer set-up to observe a line spectrum could be available for each group, allowing
them to measure the wavelengths in the spectrum. Each group could make a measurement on a
different line. This part of the investigation should take no more than 10 minutes and could be
done by each group while the other groups are continuing the main investigation.
 The spectrometer section is optional as students are not expected to know how to use an
optical spectrometer. Alternatively you could provide students with data for a line spectrum.
 You may need to remind students to use their calculators in degree mode.
 It may be useful to show students that a laser will produce a much more coherent diffraction
pattern because laser light is monochromatic. This could be a good front-of-class demonstration
to either introduce or conclude the practical.

© Oxford University Press 2015

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12.3 The Young double-slit
OCR Physics A experiment
Teacher and Technician notes
 The research question in the Follow-up sheet covers topics that students do not need to
know for AS Level. It would make a good extension for higher ability students who are doing the
A Level course.

Example data
These results are obtained from a hydrogen discharge lamp with a green filter
(for the 5.20  10–7 m line) and an orange filter (for the 6.05  10–7 m line).
Lines per mm  400. Separation, d   2.50  10–6 m.
( 400  10 3 )

n1 n2
Angle / ° Wavelength / m Angle / ° Wavelength / m
12 5.20  10–7 24 5.08  10–7
14 6.05  10–7 29 6.06  10–7

Answers for method sheet

1 The grating spacing, d (in metres),  , where N is the number of lines per metre.
For a grating with 400 lines per mm:  2.50  10–6 m. (1 mark)
( 400  10 3 )
2 The calculated wavelength should correspond to the colour of the filter. Example answers
are shown in the Example data. Award 1 mark for each correct answer, to a maximum of
4 marks.
3 a Most protractors give a precision of 1°. (1 mark)
b Calculate the wavelength for an example angle of diffraction equal to the measured
angle 1° to give an upper limit for the wavelength. (1 mark)
Repeat the calculation for an angle of diffraction equal to the measured angle –1° to give a
lower limit for the wavelength. (1 mark)
Hence, determine the uncertainty in the measured wavelength. (1 mark)
4 Award 2 marks for any sensible suggestion and explanation. Two possible answers are
provided below.
The angle of diffraction for each order could be determined by measuring the angle from one
of the beams to the corresponding beam in the same order on the other side of the zero-
order beam.(1 mark)
Dividing this measurement by two gives the angle of diffraction for that order. (1 mark)
The angle of diffraction could be measured more accurately trigonometrically.(1 mark)
However, each diffracted beam spreads out slightly due to the spread of wavelengths the
filter transmits. Use of a trigonometric method could give greater precision in the
measurement of each diffracted angle as there is likely to be less uncertainty in the estimate
of the upper and lower limits of the angle of diffraction for each diffracted beam. (1

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12.3 The Young double-slit
OCR Physics A experiment
Teacher and Technician notes

Answers for follow-up sheet

1 a 3.33  10–6 m (1 mark)
b Rearrangement of equation to give sin θ  (1 mark)
375  10 9
sin θ 
3.33  10  6
sin θ  0.113
θ  6.49° (1 mark)
2 a Suggested answer below, accept any other suitable method.
 Ray of light shown perpendicular to grating (1 mark)
 Use of a protractor and trigonometric method to measure angle
(Allow: spectrometer used to measure angle) (1 mark)
 Angle of diffraction of first order measured (1 mark)
 Determine value for λ using equation (1 mark)
b  Angle between the two first-order beams measured (1 mark)
 Use equation n λ  d sin(θ) to find λ (1 mark)
 Measurement of second order (or any other) to find further value for λ (1 mark)
 Mean value for λ found (1 mark)
3 a Constructive interference of the microwaves (1 mark)
b Destructive interference of the microwaves (1 mark)
d sin 
c n λ  d sin θ, λ   20  10–3  sin (20) (1 mark)
 6.84  10–3 m (1 mark)
d 43° (1 mark)
4 a Monochromatic (1 mark)
b d  1000  2.00  10–6 (1 mark)
n λ  d sin θ
d sin 
λ  (2.00  10–6)  sin (24.6)  832  10–9 m (1 mark)
c Infrared (1 mark)
d sin 
d Rearrange n λ  d sin θ to n  (1 mark)

Realise θ must equal 90° so n 

2.00  10 6
sin 90 
 2.40 (1 mark)
832  10  9
Realise n must be an integer, so the highest order is 2. (1 mark)
Realise there will be a bright fringe at the centre so number of bright fringes will be five.
(1 mark)

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12.3 The Young double-slit
OCR Physics A experiment
Teacher and Technician notes

Research question
The student should cover the following aspects in their report.
 Nature of a spectrum, particularly emission spectra
 Hot, low-pressure gases produce characteristic lines
 Spectral lines analysed with telescopes and spectrometer
 Wavelength of lines from a star matched to terrestrial samples
 Red shift/blue shift can alter positions of lines but relative positions can be identified
 Chemical composition can therefore be determined
 Peak wavelength of emission can be determined
 Star compared to black body
 Temperature given by Wien’s displacement law λmax T  2.9  10–3 m K

A table for recording results can be supplied. Students may need additional support when
calculating sin–1 as some will just report this value and not find the angle itself.

© Oxford University Press 2015

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12.3 The Young double-slit
OCR Physics A experiment
Teacher and Technician notes

Technician notes
 If students are using a spectrometer and a light source that gives a line, then the spectrum should be set
up ready for use. A gas discharge tube is ideal.

 The low-voltage ray box used in this experiment may become hot.
 Provide a written reminder to students to switch off the ray box when not using it or if it
becomes too hot.
 CLEAPSS information on ray boxes: Laboratory Handbook/CD-ROM section 12.16.

Equipment and materials

 a low-voltage ray box (fitted with a single slit)  a colour filter and a suitable holder
 a low-voltage power supply for the ray box  a drawing board with a sheet of white paper pinned
 a diffraction grating labelled with its number of lines to it
per millimetre  a ruler, a protractor, and a sharp pencil

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