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Instructions: Answer briefly the following:

1. How the study of life, works and writings of Jose Rizal contribute to

Studying the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal is necessary

for us to understand and use it as an inspiration for our life and to also
to contribute for the greater good of the country. His works is truly a
remarkable because it awakens Filipinos sleeping pride and serves as
motivation for fighting against the Spaniards.
In our generation, these contributions of Rizal will serve as our
foundation to create and make changes for the country`s development.
Not only for the country but it also motivates us as a student to study
harder and able to overcome difficulties in life just like Rizal did.

2. Based on your observations/experiences, how Filipinos celebrate

Rizal Day? What can you suggest to have a significant and
commemorative celebration of Rizal Day?

Base on my observation during Rizal day in todays generation,

some people celebrate it through participating in events and programs
about Rizal. These events are interesting because of remembering
how Rizal became Bayani and being inspired by looking back to his
Sometime I observe that some people does not have interest

Professor: JANE V. FUENTES, MA


and neglecting Rizal Day just like a normal day. They forget and
doesn’t want to remember Rizal what he did for the country. For them,
Rizal is just a normal person which they don’t want to know.

Professor: JANE V. FUENTES, MA


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