Locomotive Wheel Slip Control Method Based On An Unscented Kalman Filter

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7, JULY 2018

Locomotive Wheel Slip Control Method Based

on an Unscented Kalman Filter
Petr Pichlik and Jiri Zdenek

Abstract—Railway traction vehicles transfer forces between The high value of the slip velocity is undesirable because it
wheels and rails through an adhesion coefficient. The adhesion increases wear of wheel and rails, and it can cause damage to
coefficient value can decrease abruptly during the train run. There-
fore, the wheels can simply gain high value of the wheels slip ve- some locomotive mechanical parts [5]. The high value of the
locity. Thus, the vehicles are equipped with slip controllers for this slip velocity occurs when the applied traction force exceeds the
case. During the past decades, many types of slip control strategies maximal force that can be transferred between wheels and rails
were developed, and the new methods are also developed today.
Some perspective methods are based on an estimation of the adhe- through the adhesion coefficient. In this case, the wheel starts
sion coefficient or an adhesion force. However, correct operation to accelerate. In this case, a slip controller or protection has to
of these methods is not guaranteed in all cases. Moreover, these react and reduce the applied force to decrease the wheel slip
methods have some weakness that can decrease their efficiency.
velocity to the acceptable value.
Therefore, a novel method based on the adhesion condition estima-
tion is presented in this paper. The adhesion condition is estimated The speed of the freight trains is typically lower than pas-
by an unscented Kalman filter. When the method is connected to senger trains. However, their weight and the required tractive
a controller, it is possible to eliminate the rising wheel slip velocity effort are higher. The high value of the required tractive effort
at its beginning and limit it to the appropriate value. The output
of the method is directly used as an input of the controller without causes that the transferred force between wheels and rail is close
any additional calculation as it is used in traditional methods. The to the maximal transferable force [6]. Any adhesion coefficient
input signal does not need any additional filtration, and the method decrease causes the increase of the slip velocity. This situation
does not require information about the actual train velocity for its
proper work. The verification of the method is done with the mea- typically occurs when the train goes uphill or during adverse
sured data that were measured on a freight train hauled by an conditions on the track surface when the adhesion coefficient
electric locomotive. This paper also presents simulation results of has low value. If the slip controller does not work correctly or
the method with a controller based on the locomotive mathematical
is not tuned properly, it delays detection of the high value of the
wheel slip velocity. Thus, the tractive effort has to be decreased
Index Terms—Adhesion, unscented Kalman filter, PI control, more to eliminate the high slip velocity. The result is a decrease
rail transportation, velocity control.
of a train longitudinal velocity. Furthermore, it can cause train
delay [7] or a train jamming on the track in an adverse condi-
I. INTRODUCTION tion. The similar problem can occur during a locomotive braking
EQUIREMENTS for high force transfer between wheels using an electrodynamic brake.
R and rails are placed to modern locomotives because they
have to reach high values of a tractive effort and high-speed.
Many slip control methods have been developed to avoid
these problems. Generally, the slip control methods can be di-
However, the adhesion coefficient value limits the forces that vided into the methods that suppress the high value of the slip
can be transferred between wheels and rails. Therefore, the velocity, and the methods that try to determine the maximal
locomotive performance is limited by the adhesion [1]. Thus, adhesion [8]. Some methods that try to determine the maximal
the maximum adhesion utilisation is required [2]. However, the adhesion value are based on the wheel velocity or a wheel accel-
adhesion coefficient changes continuously during the train run eration comparison [9]. Some methods use a wheel-rail contact
[3] and [4]. This can cause that a small wheel slip velocity, which model to estimate the adhesion force [10]. Other methods eval-
is needed for the force transfer between wheels and rails, can uate a wheel-rail noise [11] or torsional vibrations that occur
change into a high wheel slip velocity or wheel spin suddenly. during the high slip velocity [12]. Methods based on sliding
mode control are also used [13]. Modern slip control meth-
Manuscript received July 25, 2017; revised January 13, 2018; accepted Febru- ods try to determine the position of the operating point on an
ary 17, 2018. Date of publication February 21, 2018; date of current version adhesion-slip characteristic or slope of the characteristic. The
July 16, 2018. The review of this paper was coordinated by Prof. J. Wang.
(Corresponding author: Petr Pichlik.) slope of the adhesion-slip characteristic can be determined from
The authors are with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech a phase shift between motor torque and its velocity [14] or by
Technical University in Prague, Prague 16627 Czech Republic (e-mail:
pichlpet@fel.cvut.cz; zdenek@fel.cvut.cz).
the derivative of the adhesion coefficient according to a deriva-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2018.2808379 tive of the slip velocity. The disturbance observers [15], [16]

0018-9545 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR. Downloaded on August 09,2021 at 20:42:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

and [17] are used for the adhesion coefficient or the adhesion
force estimation because these quantities cannot be measured
directly during the trains run [18]. The method described in [19]
uses a disturbance observer for the adhesion-slip characteristic
slope and a forgetting factor to cope with the noise. The adhe-
sion force can be estimated by an extended Kalman filter [20] or
unscented Kalman filter (UKF). This method is used in automo-
tive applications [21], [22] and [23] and for mobile robots [24]
applications. However, the UKF is not typically used for the
locomotive slip control. There is a difference between the slip
controller for locomotives and for automotive. The locomotives
have a lower adhesion coefficient due to the steel to steel contact
between wheels and rails and forces that are being transferred
are higher too. On the other hand, the side movements of loco- Fig. 1. An example of the adhesion-slip characteristic.
motives can be neglected due to the rail guidance although they
arise. Therefore, in the automotive have to solve both the lon-
gitudinal slip and the sideslip. Moreover, some control methods sion coefficient. The adhesion coefficient is typically described
for automotive are based on specific behaviour, e.g., a determi- as a function of the slip velocity or a slip. The slip velocity is
nation of a tire cornering stiffness coefficient [25]. defined as a difference between a wheel longitudinal velocity
The proposed slip control method is based on the UKF that is and the wheel circumference velocity, and the slip is a ratio be-
used as the estimator. The proposed slip control method elim- tween the slip velocity and the wheel longitudinal velocity. The
inates the weakness of the classical methods by estimating the wheel circumference velocity is higher than the wheel longitu-
relative adhesion force that does not require additional deriva- dinal velocity in a traction mode. An example of the dependency
tive or any other calculations. Therefore, the relative adhesion between the adhesion coefficient and a slip velocity, so-called
force can be used as the controller input directly. adhesion-slip characteristic, is depicted in Fig. 1. The character-
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. The proposed istic can be divided into a stable area and an unstable area. The
slip control method is described in Section II. The adhesion and unstable area is unstable from the electric drive point of view.
basic related terms are described at the beginning as the basis of The maximal point of the characteristic is located between the
the slip control method description. The adhesion phenomenon, areas. The shape of the adhesion-slip characteristic depends on
as well as its nonlinearity effects on the locomotive tractive many parameters like conditions of a rail surface, weather, and
effort, is introduced in part too. Next, the UKF algorithm is so forth.
described. This description is done because the filter can be im- The slip controller has to hold the operating point of the elec-
plemented in different ways [26]. A mathematical model of one tric drive in the stable area or close to the maximum point in the
wheelset is described in part III. A two-mass model and five- unstable area of the adhesion-slip characteristic. The operating
mass model are used as the mathematical models. The two-mass point moves to the unstable area of the adhesion-slip character-
model is formed by an electric drive and a wheelset mechanic. istic when the applied tractive force is higher than the maximal
The model is derived from the five-mass model that is also de- transferable force. The slip controller has to decrease the ap-
scribed in the paper. The two-mass system model for the UKF plied tractive force to return the operating point to the stable
is selected to enable implementation of the method into a digital area. Therefore, the slip controller cannot prevent the operating
signal processor. The last part of the paper contains the simu- point movement in the unstable area, but by the fast reaction,
lations that are based on the measured data and the five-mass can return the operating point to the stable area. Moreover, the
mathematical model. The method functionality is verified in fast reaction avoids the movement of the operating point far
the simulations. Moreover, the simulation results are compared to the unstable area. If the operating point oscillates around the
with the measured data, and a controller performance is shown maximal value, the slip-stick oscillations occur. The oscillations
for the five-mass mathematical model that provides sufficiently cause, e.g., a noise [27]. The slip controller should avoid the os-
accurate results. cillations. If the operating point gets to the unstable area, the slip
velocity starts to increase. The high value of the slip velocity is
II. SLIP CONTROL METHOD BACKGROUND undesirable, and the slip controller should avoid this situation.
If the high value of the slip velocity occurs, the tractive effort
A. Adhesion and Slip Control
has to be significantly decreased to reduce the slip velocity to
The proposed slip control method is based on the estimation the acceptable value.
of the adhesion. Therefore, the adhesion is described first. The The value of the adhesion force depends on the adhesion
force between wheels and rails are transmitted through an adhe- coefficient and a normal force that is applied to the wheel. The

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normal force changes during train motion. The changes occur,

e.g., due to the track irregularity [29]. Therefore, the adhesion
force estimation can be used instead of the adhesion coefficient
[15] because the adhesion force consists of the changes of the
adhesion coefficient and the adhesion force.

B. Proposed Slip Controller Principle

Some of the slip control methods are based on a derivative of
the adhesion coefficient to the slip velocity [28]. The derivative
is defined as:

=0 (1)
where μ is an actual adhesion coefficient value and vs is an
actual slip velocity. Fig. 2. An example of measured adhesion-slip characteristic [11].
The adhesion coefficient cannot be directly measured during
the train run. Therefore, an estimation of the adhesion coeffi-
cient has to be used. Observers or variants of Kalman filters are
used for this purpose. When the adhesion force is estimated,
the derivative according to (1) can be calculated. The deriva-
tive value changes with an operating point position change in
the adhesion-slip characteristic. The derivative is positive in the
stable area, and negative in the unstable area of the adhesion-slip
characteristic. At the top of the characteristic, the derivation is
equal to zero. A time derivation of the adhesion coefficient can
be used for simplification. The simplification is done because
the slip velocity has a small value and the slip velocity changes
during the acceleration. Therefore, it is hard to get the derivative
equal to zero [30]. The time derivation of the adhesion coeffi-
cient solves two problems that are related to the slip velocity.
The first problem is connected with the estimation of the train
velocity. It is difficult to determine the train velocity when all
wheels are driven because the measured wheel velocity is higher
than the train velocity about the slip velocity. When the deriva-
tion of the slip velocity is eliminated, accurate train velocity
knowledge is not required. The second problem is the division
by zero that can occur when the slip velocity has a constant
If this method is tested on a mathematical model with a static Fig. 3. Demonstration of the classical method work.
adhesion-slip characteristic according to Fig. 1, the method
works as expected. However, when the measured data are used A simulation of the method function, which uses a derivation
as the input, the method can fail. The reason is the real adhesion- calculation, is shown in Fig. 3. The calculation is done from the
slip characteristic. The shape of the characteristic changes dur- measured data that were measured on a locomotive that hauls
ing the train runs [31]. Therefore, the slope of the adhesion-slip a freight train. A measured wheel velocity, train velocity, one
characteristic stable area changes and the slip velocity changes wheelset force and calculated adhesion force, and derivations
too. Measured adhesion-slip characteristics are published in of the estimated force are shown in the Fig. 3. The adhesion
[11], [31]. An example of the measured data from [11] is shown force was calculated by a first order disturbance observer [30].
in Fig. 2. If the operating point is fixed at some point in the The tractive force had a constant value. The train accelerates,
characteristic, the point oscillates around its position during the and the high slip velocity starts to appear from time 4.5 s. It is
train runs. In this case, the derivative can be positive, negative clear that the drop in the estimated adhesion force detects the
or zero, although the position is in the stable area. Moreover, wheel slip high value. The calculated derivation according to
the method can fail when the adhesion-slip characteristic has a (1) is mainly positive in part, where is not present high value
plateau instead of the peak [32]. of the slip velocity. It only oscillates around zero. The adhesion

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Fig. 4. The proposed slip control method block diagram and wheelset electri-
cal and mechanical part.

force derivation according to the time is smoother, but it oscil-

lates around zero too. This situation occurs due to adhesion-slip
characteristic changes. To eliminate the noise in the derivation
the wheel velocity signal has to be filtered. The filtration causes
additional time delay and a slip controller delay response. Fig. 5. The proposed slip control method principle demonstration.
Based on the previous conclusions a method based on the
UKF was designed. The proposed method eliminates the de-
scribed weakness of the classical methods. The main weakness is led to the slip controller block. The slip controller block
of the classical method is the calculation of the derivation of the consists of the UKF algorithm and the PI controller. The UKF
adhesion coefficient or adhesion force. Moreover, the derivation block estimates the relative adhesion force iFAdhesion . An error
is divided by the derivation of the slip velocity that can be zero. value e, which is the input of the PI controller block, is calculated
Thus, the classical methods can fail. The result of the calculation as a difference between estimated relative adhesion force and
is noise signal that has to be filtered or, a controller reference required relative adhesion force i∗ FAdhesion . The required tractive
value has to be set to a higher offset. These modifications of force F ∗ tractive is multiplied by the PI controller block output, and
the output signal cause a delay of the slip controller response. the result is the tractive force FTractive . The PI controller block
The proposed method does not directly estimate the actual value output is limited from 0 to 1. The required value of the relative
of the adhesion coefficient or the adhesion force. The method adhesion force is a small negative value close zero. The block
estimates a relative adhesion force. The estimated relative ad- wheelset mechanical and electrical system can be represented
hesion force corresponds to the course of adhesion force in the by the measured data or a mathematical model for a simulation
time, but not in absolute value. The estimated relative adhesion purpose. In a real application, the block will be represented by
force is shifted to zero in normal conditions, and become neg- a locomotive wheelset with an electric drive.
ative when the adhesion force starts decreasing. Therefore, the The principle of the method is demonstrated in Fig. 5. The
estimated force can be used directly as the controller input with- wheel velocity, train velocity, relative adhesion force and one
out derivation and any modification. The output of the method is wheelset tractive force are shown in Fig. 5. When the wheel
similar to the output calculated according to (1) that is presented velocity starts to increase the relative adhesion force starts to
in [30]. decrease with a time delay. The time delay is caused by a UKF
The block diagram of the proposed slip control method and its setting. When the relative adhesion decreases below a required
connection with the wheelset electrical and mechanical parts are relative adhesion force, a controller acts. The result is the high
shown in Fig. 4. The wheelset mechanical and electrical system value of the slip velocity suppression. The train velocity can
block input is a tractive force FTractive , and the block output decrease during the action. The relative adhesion force is waved
is a wheel velocity vWheel . The block consists of an electric because the wheel velocity is waved too.
drive controller, converter, electric motor, gearbox, wheelset The adhesion phenomenon is nonlinear, but the proposed
mechanics and wheel or motor speed measurement. The electric method output is linear. When the output value is zero or a
drive controller controls the motor torque or speed. The velocity slightly negative, the operating point is in the stable area of

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the adhesion-slip characteristic. If the output is negative, the

operating point gets to the unstable area, and a controller reaction
is required. Basically, any type of controller can be used. The
well-known PI controller is used to demonstrate that the method
can correctly work even with a simple controller.


The UKF needs a mathematical model for its proper func-
tion [35]. The model describes a system that is estimated or
filtered by the UKF. A nonlinear discrete-time system can be
described as:

xk +1 = f (xk , uk ) + wk (2)
yk +1 = h(xk ) + vk (3) Fig. 6. The five-mass wheelset configuration.

Where xk is the state vector, f (xk , uk ) the nonlinear state

model, uk is the input vector, yk is the output vector, h(xk ) is
the measurement model, vk is the state noise, and wk is the
measurement noise.
The system model influences the UKF performance. There-
fore, it is needed to use the correct system model. The model
could describe all required system properties. However, the
system model affects the computational complexity of the whole
UKF. Therefore, the description has to be as simple as possible.
The used models can have different complexity. The model can
describe the whole locomotive or can be represented by a simple
model that uses a torque difference between motor and wheel
and angular momentum. The model complexity depends on a Fig. 7. The two-mass model with a speed sensor position.

purpose of the model usage. If simulations of the whole system

are required, e.g., behavioural study, then it is better to have Therefore, the electric drive is represented by the motor mo-
a model with higher complexity to capture all phenomena that ment of inertia and time delay of the whole electric drive. Two
can occur. On the other hand, for a real-time calculation in a mi- angular velocities are depicted between the connected masses in
crocontroller, it is better to have a simpler model with sufficient Fig. 6. These two velocities are there because the actual velocity
accuracy. The model that describes the locomotive wheelset is of both masses can be different due to a shaft twist.
used as the model for simulation purposes.
B. The Two-Mass Model
A. Wheelset Description The five-mass model was used for the method verification
The used wheelset model describes Škoda 93E electric lo- with a controller, and the model was used as a basis of a two-
comotive wheelset configuration. The simplified wheelset con- mass model simplification that is used for the UKF. The UKF
figuration is shown in Fig. 6. The wheelset consists of an elec- with the two-mass model has lower computational complexity
tric drive, pinion, gear wheel and two wheels. This structure than the five-mass model. However, the five-mass model can
can be described by a five-mass model as it is shown in the provide higher accuracy and describe more phenomena. On the
Fig. 6. The masses are connected with shafts. The pinion and other hand, some parts of the model are unobservable. The
gear wheel are connected differently through transmission teeth. unobservable parts of the system model are redundant for real-
The five-mass model is used for numerical simulations. The time control. Therefore, the UKF with the two-mass model is
model is described in [36] in detail. Every mass has its mo- simpler for implementation into a digital signal processor, and
ment of inertia J and rotates with an angular velocity ω. Masses the calculation is less time-consuming.
are connected by shafts that are represented by its elasticity c The two-mass model was designed to preserve the main fea-
and damping d. A subscript M indicates a mass connected to a ture of the five-mass model. The two-mass model is shown in
motor, P is pinion, GW is gear wheel, DD is a directly driven Fig. 7. The electric drive forms one mass and the second mass
wheel, and ID is an indirectly driven wheel. The electric drive is created by a pinion, gear wheel and a wheel. The masses are
is represented by an electric motor and its power electronics. connected by a shaft that is represented by an elastic element.

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Fig. 8. The five-mass and two-mass model comparison.

The model configuration is shown in Fig. 7 for a case when the

speed sensor is mounted on the directly driven wheel.
The two-mass model state vector is defined as:

x = [Δϕ, ω1 , ω2 , iF ]T (4) Fig. 9. Bode plots of the five-mass model and the two-mass model.

Where Δϕ is shaft torsion between motor and pinion, ωM is

a motor angular velocity, ωDD is a directly driven wheel angular IV. THE UNSCENTED KALMAN FILTER
velocity, and iF is an estimated relative adhesion force. The proposed method is based on the UKF. The used UKF
The mechanical part of the wheelset is linear. Therefore, for algorithm uses the scaled unscented transformation that is a
a two-mass system, a system matrix can be written: modification of the symmetric transformation. This transfor-
⎡ 1 1 ⎤ mation has improved robustness against high order nonlin-
0 J1 J2 0
⎢ ⎥ earities [26]. The UKF algorithm is described here because
⎢ c12 −d12 d12 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ more types of implementations are described in the literature.
⎢ 1 ⎥
⎣ 12
c d 12 −d 12 − J2 ⎦ The algorithm of the used UKF is described in [26], [33]
0 0 0 − T1 and [34]:

C. Two-Mass Model Comparison With the Five-Mass Model χ0 = x̂k (+) (5)

A comparison between the two models was carried out ac- χi = x̂k (+) + ci · n + λ, i = 1, . . . , n (6)
cording to the poles of the models. Frequencies, which were √
χn +i = x̂k (+) − ci · n + λ, i = 1, . . . , n (7)
determined by the five-mass model and from measurement on
the locomotive, are 18 Hz and 61 Hz. The 18 Hz was determined λ
W0 = (8)
as a frequency between the motor and the wheel, and 61 Hz is n+λ
the frequency of vibration between the directly driven wheel ( ẑ ) λ
W0 = (9)
and indirectly driven wheel. The reduced model only contains n+λ
18 Hz. The difference between the five-mass model and two- (P ) λ
mass model is shown in Fig. 8. The comparison is made through W0 z z = + 1 − α2 + β (10)
their poles. Frequencies of 18 Hz are shown for both models,
and 61 Hz is shown for the five-mass model only in Fig. 8. Wi = , i = 1, . . . , n (11)
2(n + 1)
The reduced two-mass model does not preserve higher fre-
quency. Therefore, its behaviour is different. The comparison 1
Wn +i = , i = 1, . . . , n (12)
of the five-mass model and the two-mass mode is also made 2(n + 1)
by a Bode plot that is shown in Fig. 9. The behaviour of the 
2n +1
five-mass model and two-mass model is almost identical to the x̂k (−) = Wi · ηi (13)
frequencies up to18 Hz. The difference occurs at the frequency i=1

of 61 Hz where the frequency is not preserved in the two-mass 

2n +1

model. However, the frequency is not considered. Therefore, the Pxx = Wi · (ηi − x̂) · (ηi − x̂)T (14)
accuracy is almost the same in the considered frequency range. i=1

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2n +1
( ẑ )
ẑ = W0 · ξ0 + Wi · ξi (15)
(P z z )
Pz z = W0 · (ξ0 − ẑ) · (ξ0 − ẑ)T

2n +1
+ Wi · (ξi − ẑ) · (ξi − ẑ)T (16)

2n +1
Pxz = Wi · (ηi − x̂k (−)) · (ξi − ẑk )T (17)

Kk = (18)
Pz z + R k
x̂k (+) = x̂k (−) + Kk · (zk + ẑk ) (19)
Pk (−) = Pxx + Qk (20)

Pk (+) = Pk (−) + Kk · P̂xz


Fig. 10. Example of the measured data–one wheelset velocity, train velocity,
Where χ is a sigma point matrix, x̂ is a state estimation Pk is and, the wheelset tractive effort.
an error covariance matrix, λ, α, β and κ are scaling parameters,
Wi are weights of χi , ẑ is an output estimation Pzz is a prior
output error covariance matrix, Pxz is an output error covariance A. Simulation Results Based on the Measured Data
matrix, Pxx is a prior error covariance matrix, Kk is the Kalman The data were measured on the Škoda 93E electric locomo-
gain, Rk is a measurement noise covariance matrix, Qk is a tive during a freight train hauling. During measurement were
process noise covariance matrix, and zk is a measured system measured wheelset velocity, a tractive effort and a train veloc-
output. An a-posteriori estimation is marked by a (+) symbol, ity. The wheelset velocity and the tractive effort were measured
and an a-priori estimation is marked by a (–) symbol. by a locomotive computer, and the train velocity was measured
The scaling parameter λ that is defined as: by a GPS. The wheelset velocity was measured on one wheel.
The wheelset velocity is considered the same as the wheel ve-
λ = α2 · κ + n · (1 + α2 ) (22) locity because a shaft connects the wheels on the wheelset. An
example of the measured data is shown in Fig. 10. A high slip
Where a scaling parameter α describes a range of sigma points velocity value is depicted in Fig. 10. The slip velocity value
around x̂, β contains information on the distribution of x, it has is 1.65 m·s−1 , and the duration time is 1.5 seconds. The lo-
value 2 [34], and κ is another scaling parameter, and it is usually comotive is equipped with a re-adhesion controller that reacts
set to zero, but its value can be negative [26]. and decreases the tractive effort. The tractive effort decreasing
The ci are columns of a Cholesky factor calculated from suppresses the high value of the slip velocity. The train veloc-
the matrix Pxx . The matrix Pxx has to be positive definitive ity decreases as a side effect of the tractive effort decreasing.
to be possible calculate the factor. If the matrix is not pos- The re-adhesion controller reaction occurs 0.6 seconds after the
itive definite, the calculation fails. Therefore, a prejudgment high value of the slip velocity appearance. This response is typi-
of the UKF algorithm divergence can be used to prevent the cal for obsolete re-adhesion controllers. Modern slip controllers
situation [23]. should detect and suppress the high value of the slip velocity at
its beginning.
The simulations based on the measured data, with the UKF,
were done offline. The UKF simulation results are shown in
Verification of the method functionality was done with the Fig. 11. The measured wheelset velocity, calculated wheel ve-
measured data and mathematical model. The measured data are locity, calculated motor velocity, and estimated relative adhesion
used for the proposed method functionality verification. The force are shown in the Fig. 11. UKF calculates the calculated
mathematical model is used for the slip controller verification. motor and wheel velocities. The motor velocity is recalculated
Results provided by the mathematical model are compared with to the wheel velocity. The measured wheelset velocity is used
the measured data. This comparison is made to ensure that the as the UKF input. The motor velocity is the only estimation
model is working correctly and to prove that the five-mass math- because the velocity cannot be measured and the velocity is un-
ematical model provides sufficiently accurate results. observable. There is a time shift between the calculated wheel

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Fig. 12. The UKF results in a mathematical model.

Fig. 11. Result of adhesion estimation by a UKF on the measured data.

velocity and the calculated motor velocity. The shift is done by

elasticity and damping between a motor and the wheel. The time
shift is changed when the re-adhesion controller reacts. The last
variable is an estimated relative adhesion force. The relative ad-
hesion force is dimensionless value and does not correspond to
an actual adhesion coefficient or an actual adhesion force value.
The estimation performance depends on the covariance matri-
ces setting. The change of the matrices changes the estimated
output. The dependence of the covariance matrices settings on
the KF output is described in [36] in detail. However, the depen-
dence of the covariance matrix settings is similar to the UKF.
The relative adhesion force decreases when the slip starts rising.
The time delay between the slip beginning and the significant
reduction of the adhesion is 0.1 second. The time delay is caused
by the UKF settings and the velocity measurement period. The
velocity is measured by the locomotive computer. When the
measured data are recorded outside the locomotive computer,
the data are sent through a slow interface that does not enable
to transfer every data sample. Therefore, the velocity measure-
ment period is long. Thus, the data filtration is a side effect of the
Fig. 13. Demonstration of an operating point movement on the static adhesion-
data record. The data in the locomotive computer are measured slip characteristic.
with a shorter period, but it is not possible to get them from
the locomotive computer without computer´s modification. The
The simulation results are shown in Fig. 12 and the results
modification is difficult due to legislation. Therefore, a mathe-
correspond to the results depicted in Fig. 11.
matical model is used that generate simulated data with a proper
Demonstration of the operating point moving on the adhesion-
sampling period.
slip characteristic is shown in Fig. 13. There is shown the static
adhesion-slip characteristic, slip velocity, estimated relative ad-
B. Mathematical Model Verification hesion force and actual value of the adhesion coefficient. In the
The measured data enable to verify the proposed method beginning, the operating point is set to the stable area marked as
performance on the real system. For the method development, A when the slip velocity starts rising the operating point moves
it is more appropriate to use the mathematical model due to the to the area B1 . The point B1 and B2 are the same points on the
measured data drawbacks that occur during the measurement. adhesion-slip characteristic. The points are marked as point B,

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is used, the torque decreases about 30% only. More significant

is the difference between the impulses value. The impulse is
85.9 kN·s, and the force decrease is 23% in a case when a re-
adhesion controller runs, and the impulse is 9.9 kN·s, and the
force decrease is 3% in a case when a PI controller runs. A
timely regulatory intervention causes the differences.

The novel method for locomotive wheel slip control is de-
scribed in the paper. The method is based on the UKF that is
used as the estimator that estimates the relative adhesion force
that is used as the PI controller input that limits the applied
tractive effort to avoid the high value of a wheel slip velocity
creation. The proposed method can cope with some weakness
of traditional methods that are based on the derivative of the
adhesion force or coefficient according to a slip velocity. The
adhesion phenomenon, the used UKF algorithm, and the pro-
posed method are described in the paper. The wheelset model
and simulations are also described in the paper. The UKF uses
a two-mass wheelset model. The model was derived from the
five-mass model that describes the wheelset more precisely, but
the model contains some unobservable parts that are redundant
Fig. 14. Controller simulation results. for the real-time control. The precision of the models is almost
and the point indicates the maximal value of the adhesion-slip identical in the used range. The two-mass model is used due
characteristic. The relative adhesion force starts decreasing. The to lower computational complexity. The two-mass model is de-
slip velocity starts rising and the operating point steps over the signed, so the mechanical frequency between motor and wheel
maximal value point and get to the area C1 . After a re-adhesion is maintained. The detection method functionality was verified
controller reaction, the slip velocity starts decreasing, estimated with the measured data and on the mathematical model. The
force reaches its minimal negative value, and operating point measured data were used for mathematical model verification.
starts returning to the maximal value of the adhesion-slip char- After that, the simulation based on the mathematical model was
acteristic. The operating point is in the area C2 . The relative done. Simulations based on the mathematical model can pro-
adhesion force starts rising. When the operating point reaches vide very similar results as the offline calculation based on the
the point B2 , which lies on the maximal point of the adhesion- measured data. The proposed method can detect the adhesion
slip characteristic, the estimated adhesion reaches its zero value. conditions change at its beginning, and thus the high value of
After that, the operating point returns to the stable area A. the slip velocity can be eliminated in its beginning.

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