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A transaction is one or more actions that are defined as a single unit of work. In the Relational
Database Management System (RDBMS) world they also comply with ACID properties:
§ Atomicity: An atomic transaction means either all the actions happen or none of them. If an action
fails half-way through a transaction, then all previous actions in the transaction must be rolled back as
if they never happened.
§ Consistency: A transaction cannot break the integrity rules of the database; it must leave the
database in a consistent state. For example, you might specify that stock levels cannot be a negative
value, a spare part cannot exist without a parent object, or the data in a sex field must be male or
§ Isolation: SQL Server is designed to service many concurrent users, but from the viewpoint of each
user, the data set must look like the user is the only one on the system. Each transaction must be
entirely self-contained, and changes it makes must not be readable by any other transaction. SQL
Server allows flexibility in the degree of isolation you can specify for your transaction so that you can
find a balance between the performance and business requirements.
§ Durability: When a transaction is committed, it must persist even if there is a system failure
immediately afterwards. When you commit a transaction in SQL Server, the information needed to
replay it is physically written to the transaction log before the commit is returned to the user as
Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability are inherent properties of SQL Server transactions.
Isolation has a degree of flexibility and is a choice which requires a more detailed understanding, so
we will explore it further in the following section.
Isolation Levels
There are five transaction isolation levels available in SQL Server 2005 that provide increasing levels of
§ Read uncommitted: This is the least isolated and best performing level, but it does allow dirty
reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantoms. It can be used when you don’t care about dirty reads and
you want to read the data with the lightest touch possible. It doesn’t hold any locks on the data when
§ Read committed: This is the default isolation level for SQL Server and usually provides the best
balance between performance and business requirements. It does not allow dirty reads, but non-
repeatable reads and phantoms are still possible. Any locks held are released when the statement that
caused the read operation is complete, even within a transaction. SQL Server 2005 also has a new
flavor of read-committed based on row versioning called read-committed snapshot which is covered
later in this chapter.
§ Repeatable read: A repeatable read is possible by holding read locks for the duration of a
transaction to prevent other transactions from modifying the data so you can have a repeatable read.
It prevents dirty reads and non-repeatable reads but phantoms can still occur.
§ Serializable: This serializes access to data and prevents all of the side effects by holding locks for
the duration of the transaction and effectively locking rows that don’t even exist yet through key range
locks. This is the most isolated level and the most damaging to high concurrency.
§ Snapshot: The snapshot isolation level is the only optimistic isolation level available and uses row
versioning rather than locking. It prevents all of the previously mentioned side effects just like
serializable, but it does allow for an update conflict to occur that wouldn’t if transactions were run
serially. This conflict occurs when data to be changed inside a snapshot transaction is changed
concurrently by another transaction. Detection occurs automatically and causes a rollback of the
snapshot transaction to prevent a lost update. Snapshot and row versioning will be covered in more
depth after looking at locking in more detail.
summarizes the isolation levels and possible anomalies.
Isolation Levels and Possible Anomalies
Dirty Non-Repeatable Phantom Update Concurrency
Isolation level
Read Read Read Conflict Model
Read Un-
Yes Yes Yes No Pessimistic
1 – Locking No Yes Yes No Pessimistic
2 – Snapshot No Yes Yes No Optimistic
No No Yes No Pessimistic
Snapshot No No No Yes Optimistic
Serializable No No No No Pessimistic

To use a transaction isolation level other than the default read-committed, run the SET TRANSACTION
ISOLATION LEVEL T-SQL command. For example:

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