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May 10, 2011

The Cold Hard Facts

One needs only look at where we rank in education in North Carolina, and the cold hard facts
will startle you. They should. We are near the bottom of most indicators relative to salaries,
per pupil spending, and others. Test scores are stagnant or falling in key areas. Even
moderately attentive observers remember nearly all our past governors claiming to be
“education governors.” They proclaimed N.C. as a great education state. Rhetoric is cheap;
results are harder to come by. North Carolina is long on rhetoric and short on results.

Well over 100 years of Democrat rule has put North Carolina in this unenviable position.
Republicans finally have an opportunity to do better. The state is broke while our educational
needs are great. Given the circumstances we find ourselves in we most likely cannot please
everyone. There will be pain and cuts we wish we didn’t have to make, particularly in
education. However, a better day is coming and you will see many positive changes in
education. We will move North Carolina towards being a true leader in education. First, we
have to get our fiscal house in order. A $3 billion budget hole cannot be fixed overnight, but
we will fix it…

Governor Where are You?

As you know, we have passed health care reform for a second time. It will be in Governor
Perdue’s hands as soon as the conferees finish their work, hopefully this week. Governor
Perdue vetoed our first health plan which was virtually the plan outlined in her own budget
message sent to us early in the session.

Our health care plan makes great strides in restoring financial stability to a rapidly
deteriorating health plan. Without an immediate overhaul, it faces a $515 million deficit as of
July 1st 2011. By wasting precious time we are losing $14 million a month, we are currently
down $28 million and rapidly approaching $42 million.

There’s more. It will require $750,000 to $1 million to do a second mailing requiring a second
member sign up.

I ask again, governor where are you? What are you waiting for???
A Promise We Will Keep

Never in my memory has a temporary tax actually been temporary. They have all been
extended and extended. The people I talk to do not trust North Carolina’s politicians to keep
their word anymore. I don’t blame them. This time we will honor our word. Temporary will
mean temporary. You will see… Yes, we could do a lot with the $1.3 billion we are taking
from individuals and businesses, but so could they. Particularly with the hard times they are
facing. Most people never stop to calculate the stimulating effect of putting $1.3 billion back
into the economy. Consumer spending will increase, jobs will be added, and the public
confidence will once again be restored.

NCAE: Looking Out For Children, Members, or Itself?

From Civitas:

The North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) portrays itself as concerned with the
interests of students and public education. Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric. NCAE represents
the interests of approximately 50,000 teachers and public school employees who pay them.
NCAE tax documents state the real purpose of its mission:

• “[Tax] Exempt purpose is to advance the interests of educators and the promotion and
protection of welfare of the association’s members.”

• “To advance the interests of the teaching profession.”

While Schools Suffer, NCAE is Immune from Current Economic Hardship

Over the past several years, NCAE has bemoaned declining average teacher salaries, the loss
of ABC Bonuses and rising insurance premiums. However, NCAE seems immune from these
troubling trends.

• In 2009, NCAE took in more than $11 million in total revenue, including $8.8 million
in membership dues.

• Total NCAE revenue has increased from $10.1 million (2006) to $11 million (2009).

• According to the NCAE web site, average dues for teachers for 2009-10 were about

• Since 2006, the number of NCAE employees has increased from 86 to 135, an
expansion of 56 percent.

• NCAE spent $7.9 million on salary and compensation in 2009. Divided among 135
employees, this generates an average salary and compensation: $58,719.
• Compensation as a percentage of total NCAE expenses has increased from 66 percent
(2006) to 72 percent (2009).

NCAE Compensation: 2006-2009

Total compensation for the top four NCAE executives increased on average 24 percent
between 2006 and 2009. Over the same time period, the average teacher salary and
compensation in North Carolina increased about 12 percent.

NCAE and Your Money

NCAE frequently criticizes the influence of powerful corporate interests in American politics.
However the fact is NEA and its local affiliates like NCAE represent the largest political
influence on American politics. Let’s look at the numbers:

• In 2008, NEA spent $56.3 million on political campaign contributions.

• NEA is largest political campaign spender in American politics. NEA’s contributions

are larger than Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and Exxon combined.

• In 2009 NCAE made $710,716 in nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures.

2010 Contributions:

• NCAE contributed $172,950 to candidates. Democrats received $170,650 in

contributions (98.6 percent); Republicans received $2,300 in contributions (1.3

2008 Contributions

• NEA and NCAE contributed $1.8 million to help Bev Perdue win the 2008 Governor’s

• NEA spent another $1.7 million on campaign ads for Bev Perdue.

Such giving patterns would lead one to conclude all teachers are liberal. Are they?

• A 2005 survey of NEA member political attitudes found NEA members “are slightly
more conservative (50%) than liberal (43%) in political philosophy.”

• 2009 Education Next –PEPG National Survey of public school teachers found 37
percent of public school teachers somewhat or completely support the formation of
charter schools. When told President Obama supports charter schools, the figure
increases to 43 percent.

• When told President Obama supports merit pay, 31 percent of public school teachers
express support for such proposals.

Worth Reading – Worth Doing

Diane Sawyer Special Report_
(Copied from a recent email)

Did you see Diane Sawyer’s special report? They removed all the items from a typical, middle
class family’s home that were not made in the USA. There was hardly anything left besides
the kitchen sink. Literally!

During the special, they showed truck loads of items – USA made being brought in to replace
everything and talked about how to find these items and the difference in price, etc.

It was interesting that Diane said that if every American spent just $64 more than normal on
USA made items this year, it would create something like 200,000 new jobs!

She said, “I was buying food the other day at Walmart. On the label of some products it said,
from China. For example “Our Family” brand of the mandarin oranges says right on the can,
from China. I was shocked, so for a few more cents I bought the Liberty Gold brand or the
Dole, since it’s from California.”

Are we Americans as dumb as we appear, or is it that we just do not think while the Chinese,
knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and
goods to be sold in American markets? 70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges
afforded to the Chinese should be suspended. Why do you need the government to suspend
trading privileges?

Do it yourself America!

Simply look on the bottom of every product you by, and if it says “Made in China” or “PRC”
(and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will
be amazed at how dependant you are on Chinese products and you will be equally amazed at
what you can do without.

Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit
some American farmer. Easter is just an example. The point is, do not wait for the
government to act. Just go ahead and assume control on your own.

Think About This:

If 200 million Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that’s a billion dollar
trade imbalance resolved in our favor… fast!!

Most of the people who have been reading about this matter are planning on implementing this
on May 1st and continue it until June 1st. That is only one month of trading losses, but it will
hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they might have
to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness are worth it.

Remember, May 1st to June 1st 2011!

Start Now!

Send this to everybody you know. Let’s show them that we are Americans and NOBODY can
take us for granted. If we can’t live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our
lives, we deserve what we get!

Pass it on, America… Buy American!

All I can add is Amen!!!

Marriage Amendment Rally

On Tuesday May 17th, supporters of a constitutional amendment to preserve marriage in N.C.

will gather on Halifax Mall at the General Assembly. The rally is scheduled for 10:30 AM.
Halifax Mall is located behind the Legislative Building, at 16 W. Jones St. in Raleigh. I look
forward to seeing you there.

Senator Jerry Tillman can be reached on Facebook

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“A fool flatters himself; a wise man flatters the fool.” Robert Bulwer-Lytton

“There can be economy only where there is efficiency.” Benjamin Disraeli

“Government’s finest duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” Ronald Reagan


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