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About the Guide 4

Recruiting trends 6
At a glance 8
Salary satisfaction & expectations 9
Salary increases: On the employers’ agenda 11
Pandemic side effects on organisations 12
What matters most to skilled professionals 13
Today’s most wanted skills  15
Hybrid working 16

Salary Trends 17
Accountancy & Finance 18
Business Services 22
Engineering & Manufacturing 27
Human Resources 30
IT Perm 35
IT Contracting 38
Life Sciences 43

About us 55

Contact us 56

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 2


Thirdly, this study shows that businesses across all sectors

have changed considerably – and for good – in terms of
adaptability and flexibility while keeping high productivity.
The digital shift and hybrid working are crucial parts of this
change, contributing to much leaner recruitment logistics,
among other benefits. Looking back at February last year,
who would have imagined that hybrid and remote work
would become the standard practice only one year later?

Finally, the outlook for the upcoming period in Romania

is positive, with companies and professionals keen to
continue pursuing the best professionals and the best
career opportunities regardless of how socioeconomic
circumstances might evolve, as the pandemic is not yet
over. Nine out of ten respondents are hiring at the moment,
with more than half expecting permanent hiring to only
increase next year. Sober about the future, employers
continue to focus on soft skills – with adaptability and
teamwork at the top of the list.

This study is based on data collected by our expert

consultants specialised in eight market areas and direct
feedback from employers and employees collected
through a survey. It allows us to provide readers with an
unbiased perspective on the current and future Romanian
recruiting market.
Bine ați venit (that’s how we welcome people in Romania)
to the Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022. All in all, in the upcoming period, the recruiting market
will still be one of high activity for employers and high
I am pleased to introduce the second edition of our annual expectations from employees. I am certain it will be
salary guide for several reasons: an interesting and challenging period for all of us –
organisations, professionals and for us at Hays, facilitating
First, I would like to start by saying this guide helps us the best choices for both sides.
all make more informed and, hence, better decisions for
our businesses, as it provides a snapshot of the present
recruitment trends and salaries and allows us to glimpse
future trends.

Secondly, it confirms the first signs of business recovery

from the Covid-19 crisis. In Romania, like in many other Timur Makhmutov,
locations worldwide, employers and employees are making Managing Director, Hays Romania
up for the time they spent on hold, reluctant to recruit and
change jobs. The vast majority of surveyed professionals
(88%) is open to considering new job opportunities (both
passively and proactively) fuelled by an unfulfilled appetite
for salary increases.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 3



The Hays Romania Salary Guide is our annual

remuneration report prepared by Hays Romania’s
experts with recruitment market insights and salary
references for companies, hiring managers and
candidates. It includes an overview of the Romanian
recruiting market, expert viewpoint and wages for over
200 positions.


The salary data has been compiled using information

gathered during 2021 from the Hays Romania
database. It is based on job listings, job offers and
our candidate database. The recruiting trends and
benefits data is based on a survey conducted in July
and August 2021. The survey was completed by 350
employees and employers from organisations of all
sizes and 8 market areas.

Thank you

We would like to express our gratitude to all the

organisations and skilled professionals who completed
our survey. Your contribution allows us to produce this
comprehensive guide and provides invaluable insight
into salaries, benefits and recruiting trends.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 4


Employers and employees Top 8 industries our participants work in

56% 44%
Employee Employer Accountancy Business
& Finance Services

Gender split
Engineering Human
70% 30% & Manufacturing Resources
Female Male

Survey participants by sector IT Technology Life Sciences

Public Marketing Sales

Seniority Location of survey participants


Board Member



Senior Specialist

Rest of the country
Bucharest - Ilfov

Junior Specialist

Organisations’ size of survey participants

21% 25% 31% 17% 6%

Very large Large Medium Small Micro
(more than 1,000 (between 251 and (between 51 and (between 11 and (up to 10
employees) 1,000 employees) 250 employees) 50 employees) employees)

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 5


Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 6



In the next 12 months, employers plan to offer minimal
Employers are optimistic about the wider economic climate salary increases (between 3-6% in general) or maintain
and employment opportunities for the coming years. the same wages – intentions that do not meet skilled
Besides the negative side effects of the pandemic, which professionals’ expectations. Employees believe the
affected some industries considerably, our respondents that salary increase offered does not reflect their individual
work on specific specialisms declared that they didn’t have performance and does not align with the market average.
to lay off employees (82%). Moreover, almost 90% of them These employees are now more than ever open to explore
declared they are hiring for permanent, temporary, interim, new career opportunities by choosing to leave the current
or contract roles, and 54% expect permanent staffing levels company – 88% of our survey participants declared they
to increase in the next 12 months. have already started to search for a new job or, when not
actively seeking, are happy to consider an interesting offer
from a new employer.
While most employers focused on hard skills when hiring
new professionals before the pandemic, now the perspective Employers and employees agree: both prefer a hybrid
changed – soft skills became crucial in some industries and working model from now on. Employees feel that working
for specific roles. New skills and competencies are now from home led to higher productivity (53%) or did not affect
making a difference in the context of hybrid working, social it (32%). For them, working two days at the office and three
distancing and online communication in addition to field days remote is the optimal split for the new era of work.
expertise and qualifications. Employers declared that the Employers are on the same boat regarding productivity,
most important soft skills they are looking for are teamwork considering overtime didn’t increase considerably
spirit, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. (in general up to 5%). As for the best hybrid work structure,
employers favour the ‘3-2-2’ workweek – three days in the
office, two days remote and two days off.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 7


63% of organisations are in growth phase Employers kept their experts

Which best describes the current phase of your Did you have to lay off employees last year
organisation in Romania in response to the in Romania?
Covid-19 pandemic?
No, we are continuously hiring
3% Crisis
No, but we only replace leaving employees
24% Defensive 24%

63% Growth No, but we do not hire new colleagues

11% Rapid growth

Yes, less than 5% were laid off


Given the current situation, has your company Yes, 5-10% were laid off
postponed or blocked investment plans (such as new 5%
openings, new products, new services, expansions)?
Yes, more than 10% were laid off

Yes, only part time employees or freelance employees

67% 33% were laid off
No Yes 1%

Employers are optimistic about future economic and employment opportunities

How optimistic are you about the wider economic 28% Neutral
climate and the employment opportunities it may/
may not create within the next 2-5 years 1% Not optimistic at all
in Romania?
12% Not very optimistic

48% Quite optimistic

10% Very optimistic

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 8


With a clear divide between employers and employees regarding salary increases,
it is not a surprise that 32% of employees are dissatisfied with their current salaries.
Our results also show that 67% of employees believe their
organisation is not transparent about how pay levels and
pay rises are set. Employers can easily overcome this  alf of employees declared
situation by setting up proper and transparent individual
evaluation processes, concrete pay levels and pay rises, have started to search for
constantly communicating with employees and
motivating them.
a new job - a warning sign
for HR managers who should
Salary dissatisfaction is a warning sign for both parties.
A dissatisfaction of any kind can affect the individual mental design new employee
health and motivation of employees who feel unvalued, retention strategies.
resulting in worse business results if employers are not
open to discuss and solve the issue. Open and transparent
communication as well as managing expectations can be
the key.

Curiously, most respondents who declared dissatisfaction

with salary are satisfied with their current job, employer
and direct manager. Coupled with the fact that 88% of
respondents are actively looking for a new job or would
gladly accept a new opportunity elsewhere, it is clear that
salary packages remain the most important aspect for
employees in their decision to stay or leave, and for HR
managers in attraction and retention strategies.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 9


Salary satisfaction
32% 45% 23%
Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied
How satisfied are you with your salary?

Salary dissatisfaction: main reasons

What are the main reasons for which you are dissatisfied?

It isn't in line with external typical salaries 41%

It doesn't reflect my individual performance 40%

It isn't in line with internal typical salaries 11%

Other 5%
I did not receive an increase in the
last year due to Covid-19 3%

Transparency: an important aspect for employees

Do you believe that your organisation is consistently transparent with employees about how pay levels
and pay rises are set?

28% Agree

4% Strongly agree

38% Disagree

29% Strongly disagree

Employees are afraid to ask for pay rises 88% of employees open to new
job opportunities

In the past year, have you asked for a pay rise? Are you currently looking or planning to look
for a new job in the next 12 months?

I didn’t ask for a pay rise I am not an active

49% seeker, but I am
40% happy to consider
I asked for a pay rise - but was unsuccessful an interesting offer

26% 12% No, I feel satisfied

I successfully asked for a pay rise

Yes, I have already
25% 48%
started searching

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 10


After one year of focusing on cost optimisation, most companies decided not to
decrease salaries and tried to find other ways to maintain the balance and the costs at
desired level.

Just 2% of employers declared they had to decrease

salaries in the last 12 months, which means most employers
maintained fixed costs at the desired level during  ur data shows that 8 out of
challenging times.
10 employers will award pay
With a clear vision of future salary increases, employers
and employees expect approximately the same pay rise
rises to their staff in their
percentage in the next review. However, the value of next review. Whether those
those increases will be far less significant than employees
think they deserve. Employees believe their individual rises will satisfy employees
performance is not appreciated and should be paid more for is another question.
their efforts – 43% of employees feel their increase should
be around 10-20%.

Salary increase on employers’ agenda

During the past 12 months have your employees’ salaries changed? (the ones located in Romania)

48% 19% 19% 12% 2%

Increased Increased Increased They remained Have been reduced
by 3% - 6% by more than 6% by less than 3% unchanged by more than 6%

During the next 12 months do you expect salaries/rates of pay within your organisation located
in Romania to change?

52% 16% 15% 18%

They will increase Will increase Will increase They will remain
by 3% - 6% by more than 6% by less than 3% the same

Expectations aligned, individual performance should be paid more

In your next review, what percentage What percentage increase do you think
increase do you expect to receive? would reflect your individual performance?

45% 0% - 10% 20%

22% 11% - 20% 43%

5% 21% - 30% 15%

7% More than 30% 19%

20% No increase 3%

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 11


Employers are aware of the negative effects of the pandemic on employees’ mental
health and wellbeing: almost 40% acknowledge their employees have been affected.
They recognise that the pandemic’s negative impact was more significant on employee
mental health, morale and engagement than on revenue or profit.

Mental health and work-life balance directly correlate with

workload and working hours, and most companies saw
overtime increase in the last period. On the other hand,  9% of employers believe
more than half of companies (63%) declared they are
paying the extra hours.
the pandemic has
negatively impacted their
While a decrease in employee engagement and morale is
the most significant side effect of the pandemic for nearly employees’ mental health
30% of employers, a similar number consider this period
positively impacted creativity and innovation.
and wellbeing.

Mental health – the collateral Overtime increased in general up to 5%

damage of Covid-19

Please indicate the impact the global pandemic has If overtime has increased during last year as a result
had on your organisation located of Covid-19, by approximately how much?
in Romania
Up to 5%
Positively impacted 61%

5% to 10%

29% 48% 19%

10% to 20%
Innovation/creativity Growth/expansion
More than 21%
Negatively impacted

In your organisation, is overtime paid or unpaid?

39% 26%

Employee mental Revenue/profit

health & wellbeing

63% 37%
Paid Unpaid
26% 8%

Employee Ability to deliver

engagement & morale projects on time

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 12


The global pandemic led professionals reflecting on what really matters in life. Besides
the financial aspect, which nonetheless remains a priority for employees when
looking for a new job, flexibility and work-life balance are now more appreciated than
ever before.

Considering employees are dissatisfied with their salaries

and have low expectations of salary increases, benefits
play a major role in employee attraction and retention.
Although money matters, it isn’t everything, especially since  ork-life balance and
the pandemic caused many to reassess the value of health work environment are
and the balance between personal life and work. Moreover,
career development opportunities are highly appreciated. the tools to attract and
Employers seem to have noticed it: our survey results
retain employees.
show employers offerings are aligned with employees’
expectations. Employers and employees ranked the same
top 5 benefits: extended medical package, life insurance,
company car, co-financing of meals and co-financing
of education.

Most desired benefits by employees Most offered benefits by employers

Top 5 additional benefits Top 5 additional benefits

94% Extended medical 84%


83% Life insurance 59%

67% Company car 49%

62% Co-financing of 48%


61% Co-financing of 39%


Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 13


Employers’ perspective

Which of the following help the company attract employees the most?

1 2 3 4 5
Salary package Flexible work Work-life balance Work environment Benefits package

Employees’ perspective

What are your main priorities when looking for a new job?

1 2 3 4 5
Salary package Work-life balance Work environment Career development Benefits package

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 14


Technical skills are the most sought after by organisations in Romania in more than
eight areas analysed. While finding experts with those skills is seen by employers as
a difficult task, the demand exceeds the offer.

Employers mentioned technical, operational, managerial,

IT/digital and sales skills in the top five most needed skills.
Compared to last year, there are three major changes:  echnical skills remain the
operational skills are more needed now than in the previous
year, and sales skills now appear to be more critical. If last most needed and difficult
year finding people with the right attitude and advanced
managerial skills was a challenge for employers, operational
to find for employers.
and sales skills are much more difficult to find in a market Operational and sales skills
where processes and e-commerce are booming.
are in high demand in the
Soft skills have become crucial in some areas. The most
wanted by employers are teamwork, adaptability,
new era of work.
problem-solving, communication and growth mindset.

Soft skills’ importance grows

Which of the following specialist skills are Are any of the below specialist
most needed by your organisation? skills difficult to find?

53% Technical 46%

41% Operational 22%

41% Managerial 20%

39% IT/Digital 34%

25% Sales 20%

Teamwork prioritised

Which soft skills are you looking for in permanent employees?

1 2 3 4 5
Teamwork Problem solving Adaptability Communication Growth mindset

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 15


In the new era of work, the hybrid working model is the perfect choice. This way of
working combines face-to-face interaction and team collaboration with flexibility and
work-life balance – priorities for employees.

Employers also see the benefits of hybrid working: the

majority is happy to continue with the same practice in the
next year, and 31% prefer their employees to work two days
remote and three days onsite. Coming fully back to the
 nly 10% of skilled
office or working fully remotely are not employers’ professionals who worked
top preferences.
remotely during the
Skilled professionals are on the same page, considering two
or three days in the office the ideal way to continue to work
pandemic wish to return to
next year. Therefore, a hybrid working model is the obvious the workplace full time.
solution to navigate the current environment and balance
the benefits of both onsite and remote working.

Employers’ perspective Employees’ perspective

How would you prefer your employees to be If you work in an office environment, how
working in 12 months’ time? would you ideally prefer to be working in
12 months’ time?

13% 1 day remote and 7%

4 days onsite

31% 2 days remote 26%

and 3 days onsite

27% 3 days remote 27%

and 2 days onsite

8% 4 days remote 14%

and 1 day onsite

14% Fully onsite 10%

7% Fully remotely 15%

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In 2021, the main focus În 2021 digitalizarea și

continued to be digitalisation transformarea proceselor
and financial transformation, financiare au reprezentat
and companies increasingly invested obiective cheie, companiile începând să
in FinTech. investească din ce în ce mai mult în FinTech.
The desire of organisations to implement new systems to Dorința organizațiilor de a implementa noi sisteme de
streamline processes is growing, having a direct impact on eficientizare a proceselor este în creștere, având un impact
the demand for specialists experienced in this field with direct asupra cererii specialiștilor care au trecut prin această
deep know-how of processes implementation. Among the experiență și au un know-how extins cu privire la procesul
most used Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) we mention de implementare. Printre cele mai utilizate soluţii ERP
SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft. amintim SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft.
Changing and automation of processes involve not only Schimbarea şi automatizarea proceselor implică nu doar
tools and investment but also specialists who can handle instrumente specifice și investiții din partea companiilor, ci
processes end-to-end. In this context, we can say that și specialiști care pot gestiona procesele de implementare
continuity is also a crucial aspect that matters to employers de la început la sfârşit. În acest context, putem afirma că în
in finance. Employers are equally interested in finding domeniul financiar continuitatea reprezintă, de asemenea,
strong financial specialists and creating cohesive teams, un aspect crucial pentru angajatori. Aceștia din urmă caută
which can positively influence the business. în egală măsură experţi financiari calificaţi, dar şi coeziunea
şi echilibrul în interiorul echipei care pot influența
The certifications obtained by specialists (CECAR, ACCA,
pozitiv afacerea.
CIMA) and participation in additional courses, trainings and
periodic tests help minimise the risks in an area where the Certificările obținute de specialiști (CECAR, ACCA, CIMA),
financial responsibility is significant. împreună cu participarea la cursuri adiţionale, instruiri și
testări periodice, ajută la minimizarea riscurilor într-o zonă
INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE - MAIN în care responsabilitatea financiară este majoră.
Salaries in the Financial and Accountancy industries in PERFORMANŢA INDIVIDUALĂ – ATUUL
2021 followed the same trend as in 2020. In general, salary PENTRU O MĂRIRE SALARIALĂ
increases were based on individual performance and KPIs. În 2021 salariile în domeniul financiar şi contabil au urmat
As a common practice, both certified accountants and their aceeaşi tendinţă ca în anul 2020. În general, în domeniul
managers benefit from annual professional evaluations, financiar, creșterile salariale se bazează pe performanța
which form the basis of salary increases for the individuală și pe indicatorii de performanță atinși. Ca o
following year. practică comună, atât contabilii autorizați, cât și managerii
beneficiază de evaluări de performanţă anuale, pe baza
SOFT SKILLS - GAME CHANGER IN AN cărora se decid creșterile salariale pentru anul următor.
The financial sector in 2021 proved to be a dynamic one, SOFT SKILLS – APTITUDINI CHEIE ÎNTR-UN
with many companies implementing new systems to help DOMENIU PRECIS
them align at regional and global levels. This resulted in În 2021, domeniul financiar s-a dovedit a fi unul dinamic,
higher demand for specialists with previous experience, multe dintre companii începând implementarea de
especially accountants or financial directors with proven noi sisteme și procese care le ajută să se alinieze la
soft skills in people management. Nowadays, employees’ nivel regional și global. Acest lucru i-a determinat pe
soft skills are considered a real gamechanger in ensuring managerii de resurse umane să caute specialiștii care au
team cohesion. avut experiențe similare, în special contabili sau directori
financiari suficient de experimentați, dar și cu abilități
The most important challenge in this sector in 2022 will
dovedite de coordonare a echipelor. În zilele noastre, echipa
be to maintain a welded and stable team that will provide
şi mai exact unitatea din interiorul acesteia este extrem de
high-quality support to the business. Another challenge is
importantă, iar soft skill-urile angajaţilor joacă un rol crucial
the automation of processes that most companies tend to
pentru atingerea acestui deziderat al angajatorilor.
adhere to, but which require additional time and resources
to implement and stabilise high-quality processes. Cea mai importantă provocare din acest sector în 2022
este menținerea unei echipe sudate și stabile, care să ofere
suport de înaltă calitate organizaţiei. O altă provocare
este reprezentată de automatizarea sistemelor la care
majoritatea companiilor tind să adere, dar care necesită
timp și resurse suplimentare pentru implementarea și
stabilizarea proceselor.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 19


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.


Position Min Max Optimum

Junior Accountant (0-2 years) 4 300 6 400 5 900
Accountant (3-5 years) 5 700 9 800 9 100
Senior Accountant (5+ years) 8 600 13 800 10 800
Chief Accountant 12 000 18 500 15 700

Finance and Controlling

Position Min Max Optimum

Financial Controller/ Analyst (3-5 years) 7 700 10 500 9 000
Senior Financial Controller/ Analyst (5+ years) 9 500 15 800 12 500
Head of Controlling 15 500 21 000 18 000
Finance Manager 18 000 25 000 20 600
Finance Director 25 000 35 000 31 000

Audit Consultancy

Position Min Max Optimum

Junior Auditor (0-2 years) 4 300 6 000 5 200
Auditor (3-4 years) 5 200 9 500 8 800
Senior Auditor (4+ years) 8 600 12 500 10 500
Audit Manager 12 300 20 600 17 500

Tax Consultancy

Position Min Max Optimum

Junior Tax Consultant (0-2 years) 4 300 6 000 5 300
Tax Consultant (3-5 years) 5 100 9 000 7 000
Senior Tax Consultant (5+ years) 7 000 12 000 9 500
Tax Manager 12 500 21 000 17 500

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 20


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Payroll Consultancy

Position Min Max Optimum

Junior Payroll Consultant (0-2 years) 4 300 6 000 5 300
Payroll Consultant (3-5 years) 5 100 8 000 7 000
Senior Payroll Consultant (5+) 7 000 12 000 9 500
Payroll Coordinator 10 300 17 500 13 500

 he era of automation has

reached the Accountancy
and Finance industries.
Adaptability and unity are
the key words for the
next year.

Roxana Săvulescu
Recruitment Consultant

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 21


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The SSC and BPO sector Sectorul SSC și BPO continuă

continues to expand and Romania să se extindă de la an la an,
remains one of the preferred România rămânând una dintre
locations for this particular industry. locațiile preferate pentru investitorii din
Bucharest continues to be the main city for the sector, această industrie.
but other cities known as large university centres have
Capitala este principalul oraş în care industria BPO/ SSC se
become the new attraction for investors: Cluj, Timişoara,
extinde, dar alte orașe cunoscute ca mari centre universitare
Sibiu, Braşov, Arad, Târgu-Mureş and Oradea. Considering
devin noua atracție pentru investitori: Cluj, Timișoara, Sibiu,
the evolution of the sector, the expansion of centres and
Brașov, Arad, Târgu-Mureș și Oradea. Având în vedere
the potential the Romanian market has shown in recent
evoluția sectorului, extinderea centrelor și potențialul pieței
years, demand and employability will likely increase in the
românești arătat în ultimii ani, putem concluziona că acest
near future.
domeniu va fi marcat de o cerere ridicată şi angajări masive.
At the regional level, investment was stagnant in Central
Acest lucru devine o certitudine atunci când realizăm o
and Eastern Europe, as investors chose to wait due to
analiză comparativă cu anul precedent. În 2020 la nivel
market uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
regional, în Europa Centrală și de Est s-a observat o
Moreover, various projects were closed with cost reduction
stagnare a investiţiilor, investitorii preferând să aștepte şi să
and staff optimisations (redundancies), but since the
evalueze dinamica pieței corelată cu perioada pandemiei.
beginning of 2021, the keyword has been “adaptability” as
De asemenea, în sectorul BPO, diverse proiecte au fost
the labour market has begun to embrace the new climate.
suspendate, ceea ce a generat reducere de costuri, dar
Remote work was nothing new in the SSC and BPO industry. şi reducere de personal. Începând cu anul 2021, lucrurile
Still, the pandemic contributed to an increase in more than au revenit la normal, volumul investiţiilor şi angajărilor în
90% of cases, pushing companies into an accelerated digital domeniu continuând tendinţa de expansiune.
transformation – a trend that will continue.
Telemunca era o practică comună în industria SSC/BPO, dar
datorită pandemiei această practică s-a extins şi mai mult şi
SALARY - BIGGEST MOTIVATOR TO HIRE se va menţine şi pe viitor.
The main players on the market are always looking to SALARIUL – FACTORUL DETERMINANT ÎN
expand their salary packages and benefits to secure and ATRAGEREA ŞI RETENŢIA ANGAJAŢILOR
retain their specialists. Usually, salaries and benefits
Jucătorii principali de pe piață îmbunătăţesc sau extind
change on a yearly basis and mainly concern senior
anual pachetele salariale şi beneficiile pentru a-și păstra
employees. Finance or Customer Service professionals with
angajaţii şi atrage specialiştii. Schimbările salariale au în
advanced foreign language skills may see changes in their
general loc anual şi vizează angajaţii cu experienţă din
salary packages.
cadrul companiei.
The annual increase of the value of meal vouchers,
Creșterea anuală a valorii tichetelor de masă, asigurări
complex medical insurance, learning platforms and
medicale complexe, platforme de învățare și cursuri
language courses, as well as mental health, personal
pentru învățarea unei limbi adiţionale, precum și servicii
development, and wellbeing services are among the most
de îmunătăţire a sanătăţii mentale, dezvoltare personală
common benefits that companies continue to expand to
și sport sunt printre cele mai frecvente beneficii oferite de
retain employees.
angajatorii din domeniu.


The SSC and BPO sector has a high demand for foreign CONDIŢIE OBLIGATORIE
languages as businesses service internal and external
Sectorul SSC și BPO vine la pachet cu cunoştinţele de
customers abroad. The most common languages are
limbi străine, cele mai frecvente fiind germana, franceza,
German, French, Italian, Polish, Czech and Turkish, but
italiana, poloneza, ceha, turca și limbile exotice pentru
other languages are gaining traction for specific projects.
proiecte specifice.
Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General
Roluri ca Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable,
Ledger roles are the most common in this sector, as well as
General Ledger sunt unele dintre cele mai des intalnite
Customer Service positions.
în cadrul acestui sector, împreună cu rolurile din zona de
2022 will likely bring the same challenges as the previous Customer Services.
year: cost savings and increased productivity through RPA
2022 va aduce cel mai probabil aceleași provocări ca anul
and automation.
precedent: reducere de costuri și productivitate sporită prin
RPA și automatizare.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 23


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Finance & Accountancy

Position Min Max Optimum

AP Accountant (Fresh Graduates) 4 300 7 400 5 300
AP Accountant (1-3 years) 5 300 9 500 7 000
Collection/Credit Analyst/AR (Fresh Graduates) 4 500 9 000 7 000
Collection/Credit Analyst/AR (1-3 years) 5 600 10 500 7 500
GL Accountant (1-3 years) 5 800 12 500 7 900
GL Accountant (3+ years) 6 900 14 800 9 500
Controlling/Reporting/Planning Analyst (1-3 years) 7 500 10 700 9 600
Controlling/ Reporting/ Planning Analyst (3+ years) 8 600 15 500 12 500
AP/AR/Collection Team Leader 9 200 15 500 13 000
GL Team Leader 12 000 16 500 13 500
AP/AR/GL Manager 12 500 26 700 17 100
Head of Department 17 300 28 500 24 500

Information Technology

Position Min Max Optimum

1st Level Service Desk Agent (Fresh graduates) 4 200 6 000 5 000
1st level Service Desk Agent (1-3 years) 5 200 8 800 6 700
2nd level Service Desk Agent 7 000 12 500 8 900
Service Desk Team Leader 8 600 17 500 12 500
Quality Specialist 9 500 17 500 11 500
Service Delivery Manager 9 700 15 600 12 800
Service Desk Operation Manager 12 700 21 000 16 800

Customer Service and Master Data

Position Min Max Optimum

Customer Service Representative (Fresh graduates) 3 800 5 500 4 300
Customer Service Representative (1-3 years) 4 300 6 300 5 500
Master Data Analyst (Fresh graduates) 4 500 5 500 5 000
Master Data Analyst (1-3 years) 5 300 7 000 5 800
Team Leader (manages 5-10 FTEs) 7 400 10 500 9 000
Team Manager (manages 10+ FTEs) 9 500 13 900 11 500

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 24


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.


Position Min Max Optimum

Sales Support Specialist (Fresh graduates) 4 300 5 500 5 000
Sales Support Specialist (1-3 years) 5 300 7000 6 000
Inside Sales/Account Manager (Fresh graduates) 5 000 6 500 5 800
Inside Sales/Account Manager (1-3 years) 5 500 9000 7 000
Sales Support Team Leader 7 800 14 000 9 600

Human Resources

Position Min Max Optimum

HR Operations Support (Fresh graduate) 4 000 6 300 4 700
HR Operations Support (1-3 years) 4 400 6 500 5 500
Payroll Specialist (1-3 years) 5 300 9 500 7 700
Learning & Development Specialist (1-3 years) 5 600 9 000 7 000
Compensation& Benefit Specialist (1-3 years) 5 400 8 500 7 000
Recruitment Specialist (1-3 years) 5 200 8 800 7 000
HR Business Partner 7 000 14 000 9 500
Team Leader 8 600 12 800 10 500
HR Manager 10 500 21 800 15 800
HR Director/Head of Department* 18 000 25 900 22 600

Logistics & Procurement

Position Min Max Optimum

Order Management Specialist (Fresh Graduate) 4 800 6 000 5 300
Order Management Specialist (1-3 years) 5 400 7000 6 300
Logistics/ Supply Chain Specialist 4 500 7 000 5 300
Operational Buyer (Fresh Graduate) 4 800 6 500 5 300
Operational Buyer (1-3 years) 5 400 7 800 6 500
Team Leader (manages 5-10 FTEs) 7 700 10 500 9 400
Team Manager (manages 10+ FTEs) 11 300 16 500 12400
Head of Department 14 000 24 800 19 000

*Covers the field of HR Operations, L&D, Comp&Ben, Recruitment&Payroll

**Covers the field of Procurement, Supply Chain or Order Management

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 25


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Project Managment

Position Min Max Optimum

Business Analyst 7 000 13 000 8 900
Project Manager 8 500 20 700 14 000
Transitions/Process Improvement Manager 11 500 22 500 16 900
Managing Director 20 800 41 500 25 500

Monthly Language Bonuses:

Italian/ Spanish/ Portuguese 650 - 1 200
Czech/ Slovakian/ Hungarian/ Russian 900 - 1 500
German/ French 900 - 1 300
Polish/ Dutch/ Nordic*** 1 000 - 1 700
Other **** 850 - 2 200

***Includes Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish

****Includes Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Estonian,
Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Croatian

 emote working grew and

became a new trend in the
SSC and BPO industry.

Roxana Săvulescu
Recruitment Consultant

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 26


Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 27


Three trends may cause În domeniul ingineriei se

an automotive revolution: remarcă trei inovații tehnologice
electric vehicles, connected esențiale care pot genera o
and autonomous vehicles, and the revoluție auto: vechiculele electrice,
digitalisation of the industry’s entire vehiculele conectate și autonome și
value chain. digitalizarea întregului lanț valoric
Each of them will significantly impact businesses, the al industriei.
workforce and how the car industry works as a whole.
Toate cele trei inovaţii pot avea un impact major asupra
organizaţiilor, asupra forței de muncă, și, într-un context mai
THE SMART FUTURE OF URBAN MOBILITY extins, asupra modului în care funcționează industria auto.
Due to the automotive crisis, the pandemic and the layoffs,
wages were stagnant for most engineering roles. However, VIITORUL INTELIGENT AL MOBILITĂŢII
specific positions are still in high demand in the automotive URBANE
industry, especially Software Engineers - Embedded C,
Pe fondul crizei automotive, al pandemiei şi al
testers and developers. In 2021, automation continues to
disponibilizărilor în masă, observăm o stagnare a salariilor în
be the trend across all industries, shaping the demand for
domeniul ingineriei. Cu toate acestea, există roluri specifice
specialists and resulting in an increase in salary levels to
care sunt la mare căutare, precum cele de Software
attract and retain them.
Engineer- Embedded C, tester şi dezvoltator. Automatizarea
devine o necesitate și acest lucru modelează cererea
GREEN IS THE WAY angajatorilor în 2021, resimţindu-se o creștere a nivelurilor
All manufacturers who use metals as raw materials have salariale pentru aceşti specialişti - cu scopul de a-i atrage
faced a challenging situation due to the increasing price și păstra.
of metals, especially gardening tools and construction
materials manufacturers. Therefore, their main challenge VIITORUL “VERDE” AL MOBILITĂŢII
was to maintain a balance between the selling price and
Se vehiculeaza tot mai des “Viitorul este electric”, așadar
production costs. Another industry affected by the price
putem estima că domeniile electric și electronic vor fi
increase was Oil and Gas, including equipment production.
marcate de o creştere a cererii pentru rolurile de inginer
electronist, inginer diagnosticare baterii vehicule electrice,
NEW INDUSTRIAL ERA inginer Software Control - Sisteme Vehicul Electric şi Hibrid.
Estimates suggest that by 2050, the car market will be
Tendinţa puternică îndreptată spre producţia şi utilizarea
fully electric. Given the place of the automotive industry in
vehiculelor electrice sau hibride ne conduce la o singură
the economy, the European Commission emphasizes the
concluzie: o creştere a cererii pe piaţa forţei de muncă a
importance of a quick transition to the “new industrial era”
speciliştilor implicaţi în proces.
to maintain the technological advance that manufacturers
have in foreign markets.
Connected and autonomous vehicles are the subject of the
Se estimează ca până în anul 2050, piața auto va fi complet
most futuristic and extreme scenarios regarding the future
electrificată, ceea ce înseamnă că toate vehiculele noi
of the automotive industry. However, the uncertainty is
vândute vor fi pur electrice. Dat fiind locul industriei auto în
huge; it is impossible to establish their degree of realism
economie, Comisia Europeana subliniază importanța unei
with the slightest accuracy. What is certain is that traditional
tranziții cât mai rapide către “noua eră industrială” pentru
manufacturers and providers are investing heavily in
a se păstra avansul tehnologic pe care producătorii il au pe
these technologies, in competition with IT giants and new
piețele externe.
mobility providers.
Vehiculele conectate și autonome fac subiectul celor mai
The global chip shortage crisis has strongly affected many
futuriste și extreme scenarii privitoare la viitorul industriei
industries. The automotive industry has been severely
auto. Incertitudinea este însă imensă, stabilirea cu exactitate
affected, reaching, in some situations, even the cessation
a gradului de realism a acestora fiind imposibilă. Ce este
of production. However, production has resumed faster
sigur este că producătorii și furnizorii tradiţionali investesc
than expected, leading to sudden demand for
masiv în aceste tehnologii, concurând cu giganţii IT și cu noii
chip manufacturers.
furnizori de servicii de mobilitate.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 28


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Junior Engineers*

Position Min Max Optimum

Production Engineer 5 000 7 700 6 500
Quality Engineering 5 400 8 200 7 500
Maintenance Engineering 5 000 7 400 6 500
Mechanical Engineering 5 000 7 400 6 500
Electrical Engineering 5 200 8 500 7 500
Automation Engineering 5 800 9 300 8 000
Project Engineering 6 000 9 800 8 300
Service Engineering 5 000 7 700 6 500

Mid/Senior Engineers**

Position Min Max Optimum

Production Engineering 8 000 13 000 9 500
Quality Engineering 7 000 12 000 8 200
Maintenance Engineering 7 000 12 000 8 200
Mechanical Engineering 8 200 12 500 9 500
Electrical Engineering 9 000 15 000 11 000
Automation Engineering 9 600 15 500 12 000
Project Engineering 7 000 12 000 8 600
Service Engineering 7 000 12 000 8 800

* Junior Engineers: 1-3 years of experience

** Mid/Senior Engineers: +3 years of experience

 onnected and autonomous

vehicles are the subject
of the most futuristic
and extreme scenarios
regarding the future of
the automotive industry.

Adriana Stănică

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 29


Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 30


The Covid-19 pandemic has NEW REGIONAL ROLES AND HIGHER

drastically altered the world of EXPOSURE
For HR professionals, new regional or cluster roles have
work, and the Human Resources appeared for all levels, from specialists to top management.
function is no exception. Many companies Currently, international exposure and multi-country profiles
are in demand, with strong communication skills, agile
were forced to lay off employees and approach, empathy, and cultural adaptability as the most
restructure functions and departments, sought after traits. The ability to solve problems quickly
and effectively is valued as well. For managers, commercial
causing an increase in the demand for acumen is required to understand HR’s impact on
skilled and experienced HR professionals. a business.
HR managers with strong communication skills and Recruitment specialists –HR generalists with strong
stakeholder management experience in particular are business partnering skills in particular – will continue to be
needed to coach and mentor department heads in demand for local roles in various domains, especially in IT.
through change.
Returning to normal will be the main challenge in 2022 –
Restructuring processes, the shift to digital, finding new it will not be an easy task. It will involve effort and time
ways of working between teams, and high workloads during from both sides: employers and employees, considering
the past year have taken a toll on employees’ mental health the pandemic’s significant mental and emotional
and emotional wellbeing. Concerned about burnout and health consequences.
other repercussions, HR professionals were actively involved
Returning to the office is a key part of resuming normality.
in developing various employee mental health programmes
A new challenge for organisations will be to design the
to overcome the high level of stress and uncertainty.
best strategy to ensure a smooth return to the office
Fortunately, as the market bounced back at the beginning whilst taking into account employees’ requests and paying
of this year, companies restarted hiring and recruitment attention to many other aspects, such as health and safety,
processes resumed. This trend has continued throughout which should remain a priority.
the year and many companies have started to create new
Regular upskilling, career development, mental health,
roles and hire considerably. Most new roles became remote,
and wellbeing programmes will be essential tools to attract
creating mobility opportunities in various fields.
candidates and retain staff. In addition to flexible working,
candidates are looking for stable organisations with
HYBRID MODEL - THE NEW NORMAL a strong positive culture and a high level of
In terms of salaries, most HR roles registered a slight employee engagement.
increase aligned with the market – 5-10% compared to the
previous year. In most cases, higher salary increases
(15-20%) resulted from local skills shortages or multiple
offers, such as IT recruitment as an example.
Instead of salary increases, some organisations are using
flexible working to reward staff. After experiencing
lockdown-induced work from home, most candidates see
no reason why they can’t work in a hybrid model. Flexibility,
therefore, is a critical factor in a candidate’s decision to
either stay at their job or accept a new offer.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 31


Pandemia Covid-19 a modificat NOI ROLURI REGIONALE ŞI EXPUNERE

drastic piața muncii, iar INTERNAŢIONALĂ
Pentru profesioniștii din resurse umane au apărut noi
domeniul resurselor umane oportunități de roluri regionale, începând de la nivel de
nu a făcut excepție. Multe companii specialist până la top management. În prezent există o
cerere mare pentru rolurile cu expunere către mai multe
au fost forțate să concedieze angajați, țări, cele mai căutate competențe fiind comunicarea,
restructurând o serie de posturi și uneori agilitatea, empatia și adaptabilitatea culturală. Capacitatea
de a rezolva problemele rapid și eficient este de asemenea
departamente întregi. În consecință, s-a apreciată. Pentru rolurile manageriale, înțelegerea
înregistrat o creștere a cererii pentru comercială a proceselor de business este esențială pentru a
avea impactul scontat în cadrul organizației.
profesioniștii cu experiență în domeniul
La nivel local va continua cererea de recrutare a
resurselor umane. specialiștilor în diverse domenii, cu precădere în domeniul
Un interes crescut a fost pentru managerii de resurse IT, și a posturilor de HR Generalist și HR Business Partner.
umane experimentați, fiind vizate abilitățile foarte bune de
comunicare și experiența în a oferi coaching și mentorat Revenirea la normalitate va fi principala provocare pentru
echipelor de top management. anul 2022 – o sarcină deloc ușoară care va implica un efort
comun atât din partea angajatorilor, cât și a angajaților.
Procesele de restructurare, trecerea de la interacțiunea
fizică la cea online, crearea unor noi moduri de lucru în Reîntoarcerea la birou este un element important din
echipă, suprasolicitarea și orele suplimentare din ultimul acest proces către normalitate. O nouă provocare pentru
an, au condus la dificultăţi în gestionarea sferei sănătății organizații va fi să găsească cea mai bună strategie pentru
mintale și emoționale. Preocupați de epuizarea angajaților a avea o revenire cât mai lină, respectând totodată cererile
și alte repercusiuni pe care le-ar putea avea acest context angajaților, sănătatea și siguranța fiind prioritare.
pandemic, profesioniștii din resurse umane s-au implicat Atragerea noilor angajați și creșterea loialității în organizații
activ în dezvoltarea de programe care să susţină sănătatea se bazează în continuare pe strategii de retenție precum
mintală și bunăstarea angajaților, cu scopul de a gestiona implementarea de programe de training, dezvoltarea
eficient stresul și incertitudinea din această perioadă. carierei, well-being și sănătate emoțională. Pe lângă
Din fericire, pe măsură ce piața muncii s-a redresat la flexibilitatea companiilor, candidații sunt în căutare de
începutul acestui an, companiile au reluat procesele de companii stabile, cu o cultură organizațională sănătoasă și
angajare. Această tendință a fost menținută pe tot parcursul un nivel ridicat de implicare a angajaților în diferite activități
anului și multe companii au început să creeze noi locuri în cadrul companiei.
de muncă și să angajeze din ce în ce mai mult. Majoritatea
locurilor de muncă se desfăşoară de la distanță, astfel au
apărut noi roluri cu mobilitate crescută în diferite domenii.


În ceea ce privește salariile, majoritatea rolurilor de HR au
înregistrat o creștere moderată, aliniată cu piața - 5-10% față
de anul precedent. Creșterile salariale mai mari (15 - 20%)
s-au datorat cererii mari de pe piața muncii și implicit a
ofertelor multiple din partea angajatorilor, un exemplu fiind
domeniul recrutării IT.
În loc de creșteri salariale, unele organizații folosesc ca
beneficiu programul flexibil de lucru, alternând activitatea
de acasă cu cea de la birou. După carantina din timpul
pandemiei, majoritatea candidaților nu văd niciun motiv
pentru care nu pot lucra într-un model hibrid. Prin urmare,
flexibilitatea modului de lucru are un rol foarte important
pentru angajați în contextul schimbării locului de muncă.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 32


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Talent Acquisition

Position Min Max Optimum

Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist 4 500 6 000 5 000
Talent Acquisition Specialist 6 000 9 500 8 500
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist 8 500 13 000 11 000
Talent Acquisition Team Leader 12 000 17 000 15 500
Talent Acquisition Manager 14 500 20 500 17 000

Learning & Development

Position Min Max Optimum

Learning & Development Specialist 8 500 14 000 12 000
Learning & Development Manager 12 000 17 000 15 500

Employer Branding

Position Min Max Optimum

Employer Branding Specialist 8 500 12 000 11 000
Employer Branding Manager 12 000 16 000 14 500

HR Administration

Position Min Max Optimum

HR Specialist/Administrator 6 800 10 000 8 500
Payroll Specialist 8 500 13 000 10 000
Senior HR Specialist/Administrator 7 500 12 000 11 000
HR Administration Manager 8 500 14 000 13 000

Business Partnering

Position Min Max Optimum

HR Generalist 9 500 13 000 11 000
Senior HR Generalist 10 000 14 500 13 000
HR Business Partner 11 000 17 000 15 500
Senior HR Business Partner 14 000 20 500 17 000
HR Manager 17 000 25 500 21 000
HR Director 20 500 34 000 25 500

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 33

 eturning to normal will be
the main challenge in 2022
– it will not be an easy task.
It will involve effort and time
from both sides: employers
and employees, considering
the pandemic’s significant
Mirela Toma Paşculea mental and emotional
Executive Recruitment
health consequences.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 35


The year 2021 has brought many Anul 2021 a creat oportunităţi
opportunities for the IT industry, pentru industria IT şi, în special
especially for the Software pentru Software Development.
Development sector. COVID-19 a condus la intensificarea ritmului proceselor
de digitalizare în companii la nivel global, iar giganţii din
The Covid-19 pandemic sped up the digital transformation
lumea IT au profitat de ocazie pentru a-şi întări statutul de
process, and tech giants quickly adapted to the new
lideri de piaţă. De la Cloud la Programare, Google, Amazon,
scenario to continue leading the market. From cloud to
Facebook şi Microsoft - putem afirma că aceştia sunt cei
programming, Google, Amazon, Oracle and Microsoft still
care setează tendinţele şi conduc piaţa IT.
rule the tech world.
În acelaşi timp, se poate observa o evoluţie importantă
Digitalisation also happened for all types of companies:
în ceea ce priveşte digitalizarea companiilor IT din toate
from start-ups and scale-ups to medium and large
categoriile şi dimensiunile: de la start-ups şi scale-ups, la
companies. UIPath, a Romanian company listed in 2021 on
companii medii şi mari. Definiţia succesului pentru piaţa IT
the New York Stock Exchange, is a clear example of success
din România ne este oferita în anul 2021 de catre UIPath,
in the local IT market.
companie listată anul acesta la bursa de la New York.


In terms of salary, DevOps and Automated Testing roles had
În ceea ce privesc salariile, valoarea şi creşterea sunt direct
the biggest increase. There was an increase in the DevOps
proporţionale cu noile nevoi generate de o piaţă dinamică,
salary range of 15%. Automated Testing also had a wage
de un mediu în plin proces de digitalizare şi securizare.
increase of 20%.
Rolurile de DevOps şi Automated Testing au cunoscut cea
mai mare creştere. Pentru un rol de DevOps a existat o
SPIKE IN CYBERSECURITY AND CLOUD creştere salarială de aproximativ 15%, iar pentru un rol de
Due to the increasing use of Agile principles across all Automated Testing a existat o creştere salarială de 20%.
sectors and the benefit of combining two of the most
important technology areas, DevOps has gained popularity CYBERSECURITY ŞI CLOUD
and is becoming widespread in the IT industry.
Datorită aplicării intense a principiilor Agile şi a beneficiului
With the increased number of fraudulent activities, apărut odată cu unificarea a două dintre cele mai
cybersecurity investment is vital, and the DevSecOps role importante departamente din IT, DevOps devine o practică
a must for every company. The pandemic has shown that din ce în ce mai populară, fiind utilizată şi aplicată în
network architecture is necessary for any company to store mod frecvent.
its resources and capabilities in the cloud. In 2020, Forrester
Din cauza numărului ridicat de atacuri cibernetice,
predicted that the global public cloud infrastructure market
cybersecurity devine o necesitate, iar rolul de DevSecOps
would grow to 120 billion USD. With Amazon leading the
devine un rol central, obligatoriu în orice departament IT.
market with a 32% market share, followed by Microsoft with
În ceea ce priveşte zona de Cloud, COVID-19 a dovedit
a 19% market share, it’s worth thinking about investing in
faptul că folosirea Network Architecture ca serviciu extern
an AWS or Azure cloud certificate – whether you are an IT
este absolut necesar supravieţuirii. Forrester estimează că
engineer or an employer.
piaţa globală de infrastructură Cloud va creşte până la 120
In conclusion, DevSecOps and Cloud Engineering roles will de miliarde de dolari. Cu Amazon lider de piaţă, cu o cotă
be employers’ top choices in the next year. de piaţă de 32%, urmat de Microsoft cu 19%, specialiştii vă
recomandă să luaţi în calcul investirea într-o certificare AWS
Programming is still the hottest topic of the year. Developer-
sau Azure.
friendly and easy-to-use languages like Javascript
and Python are gaining popularity over the classical În concluzie, în 2022 rolurile de DevSecOps şi Cloud
heavyweight ones like Java. Moreover, new languages are Engineer vor fi în topul preferinţelor pentru angajatori.
gaining traction over older ones. For example, Google’s Go
În ceea ce priveşte tendinţele şi provocările anului 2022,
is already well established as a trustworthy programme and
programarea rămâne în topul preferinţelor, fiind cel mai
will gain even more popularity once the Go 2 is released.
popular subiect. Limbajele uşor de folosit şi developer-
Also, Microsoft’s Typescript started to gain popularity and is
friendly, precum Javascript sau Python câştigă popularitate
considered a good alternative to JavaScript.
în detrimentul programelor clasice, precum Java. Mai
mult decât atât, există un trend în care programele noi,
inovatoare sunt preferate în comparaţie cu cele vechi. Go
de la Google este deja recunoscut ca fiind un limbaj de
încredere şi cel mai probabil va creşte în popularitate odată
cu lansarea Go2. De asemenea, Typescript de la Microsoft
câştigă teren şi devine o alternativă bună pentru Javascript.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 36


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Software development

Position Min* Max Optimum

Java Developer 13 000 29 000 22 000
QA Automation Engineer 13 500 26 000 20 000
Manual QA Engineer 12 000 22 000 17 000
.Net Developer 14 000 27 000 21 000
JavaScript Developer 14 000 23 000 19 000
Golang Developer 14 000 31 000 24 000
Python Developer 12 000 27 000 21 000
PHP Developer 12 000 21 000 17 000
SCALA Developer 12 000 27 000 22 000
Embedded Developer 12 000 24 000 19 000


Position Min* Max Optimum

DevOps 13 700 27 400 20 500
Hardware Design Engineer 8600 21 000 15 000

Change Management

Position Min* Max Optimum

SCRUM Master 17 000 27 400 21 500
Business Analyst 15 400 25 600 18 800
IT Project Manager 15 000 23 000 20 000

*Minimum salary is offered for IT specialists with minimum 2 years experience

 ith the increased number

of fraudulent activities,
cybersecurity investment
is vital, and the DevSecOps
experts a must for every

Daniel Ciochină
Team Leader
IT Perm Division

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 37


Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 38



like no other during the IN ROMANIA
The IT contracting market is expanding by the day. However,
pandemic, marked by new there are still several market limitations and barriers that
trends, new challenges and strong need to be overcome. In one hand, the market is not
capitalised, as IT contracting is quite new in Romania. With
digitalisation processes. no tradition, strong vision and market openness, recruiting
The need for automation was greater than ever due to contractors can be a difficult task for companies who want
significant furloughs. On the other hand, IT specialists were to fill gaps quickly.
on the opposite spectrum, being in highest demand. And On the other hand, candidates are hesitant to choose
as project-based remote work expanded, the IT market IT contracting due to a lack of information: there is no
became “employee-centric”, with specialists having common understanding of what contracting employment
significantly more projects to choose from than before. means, including management practices and benefits.
For instance, candidates are concerned about losing
A NEW CHAPTER FOR THE IT their classic benefits (training, paid holidays, bonuses,
CONTRACTING INDUSTRY vouchers, medical insurance, etc.) but will consider
The contracting model of cooperation between company contracting and exchanging basic benefits for negotiating
and professional, i.e. via PFA/SRL of a contractor, is still a a higher pay, flexibility and the duration of the assignment.
new trend in Romania, unlike in Western Europe. However, Another concern that stops candidates on a permanent
the situation in Romania is changing rapidly, despite contract to become contractors is dealing with having
the historical resistance of candidates to change from a the responsibilities of a legal entity. Even if the process
permanent employment contract (the Romanian CIM) to seems to be complex at first sight, there are numerous
contracting. Additionally, companies find it much harder companies supporting contractors, especially with legal
to have IT specialists back in the office, working under and Accountancy services. Finally, the fear of change to
CIM, as this would mean giving up benefits like remote a new way of collaboration is also a concern for potential
work and increased net earnings (on average 30% higher contractors: the perceived “insecurity” of a new situation
for contracting). However, many companies see this as prevents many candidates from taking their chances in
an opportunity to choose the right IT specialists to fill the contracting.
needs of their projects and take advantage of the fast Romanian IT market will not be an exception to the global
response and delivery from the contractors’ side. Moreover, contracting trend. Romania will likely catch up with more
professionals who choose contracting have more diverse mature IT markets mid-term and, short-term, with its
projects per period compared to permanent staff. closest neighbours as well (Czech Republic, Hungary and
Poland). The contracting trend is also fueled by off-shoring/
HIGHER RATES FOR INCREASING NEEDS near-shoring IT contracting jobs from countries with high
Since the start of the pandemic, companies have increased pay rates such as the UK, Germany and the USA – Romania
their demand for IT contractors considerably and is the destination for these jobs in 9 out of 10 cases.
contracting rates have increased for almost all positions.
According to recent surveys, 60%* of IT specialists are
interested in working in a project-based system after their
daily jobs, and more than 20% are open to leave their
full-time jobs to work as freelancers.
There is great demand on the market for DBA, Cloud
Infrastructure/Developer Engineers (especially for Public
Clouds) and Java developers.

*According to the survey conducted by BestJobs between March and April 2021

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 39


Industria IT a cunoscut o MODELUL DE CONTRACTARE IT SE

transformare fără precedent DEZVOLTĂ ÎN ROMÂNIA
Piața de contractare IT se extinde și crește în fiecare zi. Cu
pe perioada pandemiei, fiind toate acestea, procesul de expansiune nu este este unul
marcată de noi tendințe, noi provocări și simplu având în vedere că există încă multe limitări pe piață
și bariere care trebuie depășite. Pe de o parte, piața nu este
puternice procese de digitalizare. valorificată, contractarea IT fiind un model destul de nou,
Nevoia de automatizare a devenit mai mare ca niciodată, practicat recent în România. Fără tradiție, viziune puternică
fiind o consecinţă directă a faptului că un număr mare de și o deschidere a pieţei, recrutarea contractorilor IT poate
angajaţi au fost trimişi în şomaj tehnic. Specialiștii IT, pe de reprezenta o treabă dificilă pentru companiile care doresc
altă parte, s-au aflat în spectrul opus, cererea fiind extrem să își acopere rapid nevoile și să finalizeze proiectele
de ridicată. Odată ce modelul de lucru la distanță a fost cu succes.
implementat în majoritatea organizaţiilor, piața IT a devenit Pe de altă parte, candidații ezită să aleagă să lucreze ca
o piaţă „centrată pe angajați”, specialiștii fiind la mare şi contractori în primul rând din cauza lipsei de informații:
căutare şi volumul de proiecte crescând considerabil. nu există încă o înțelegere comună a ceea ce înseamnă
modelul de contractare IT, a gestionării și a beneficiilor.
UN NOU CAPITOL PENTRU INDUSTRIA DE Pentru a exemplifica, candidații se arată îngrijorați de
CONTRACTARE IT pierderea beneficiilor pe care le au ca şi angajaţi permanenţi
Modelul de contractare IT care presupune colaborarea între cu contract individual de muncă (instruiri, concedii
companie și un freelancer care deţine un PFA / SRL, este plătite, bonusuri, bonuri de masă, asigurare medicală,
încă o nouă tendință în România, spre deosebire de Europa etc.), dar își schimbă viziunea rapid despre contractare
de Vest. Dar, în România situația se schimbă rapid, deși încă atunci când partea financiară, flexibilitatea și perioada
se resimte rezistența istorică a candidaților la schimbarea de colaborare apar în discuție. O altă preocupare care îi
CIM cu modelul de contractare. De asemenea, companiilor oprește pe candidații IT să devină contractori este legată
le este mult mai greu să aibă specialiști IT la birou lucrând de gestionarea responsabilităților unei entităţi legale. Chiar
cu contract individual de muncă, deoarece acest lucru ar dacă procesul pare a fi complex, există mai multe entități
însemna ca ei să reununţe la beneficii precum munca de la care fac se pot ocupa de această parte pentru contractori,
distanță și salariul net crescut (diferența dintre câştigurile în special partea juridică şi de contabilitate. Ultimul motiv
nete alea contractorilor IT și angajaţii permanenţi sunt în constă în frica unei schimbări, frica unei „nesiguranțe” false
medie cu 30% mai mari). Dar, multe companii văd acest îi împiedică pe mulți candidați să ia în considerare opțiunea
lucru ca o oportunitate de a alege specialiștii IT specifici de a deveni contractori.
pentru a satisface nevoile curente. Mai mult, conştientizează Dar, toate punctele de vedere menționate mai sus nu pot
beneficiile: răspunsul rapid şi timpul de livrare scăzut din anula progresul pieței de contractare IT și România va
partea contractorilor, ca să menţionăm doar câteva. recupera rapid ajungând din urmă piețele IT mai mature și
vecinii cei mai apropiați (Republica Cehă, Ungaria, Polonia).
TARIFE MAI MARI PENTRU SOLICITĂRI ÎN Acest lucru este, de asemenea, susținut de o tendință
CREŞTERE puternică de contractare IT off-shoring / near-shoring din
Odată cu răspândirea pandemiei, companiile au partea unor ţări precum Marea Britanie, Germania, SUA -
conştientizat beneficiile modelului de contractare IT, și în 9/10 cazuri România este în buclă pentru o astfel de
cererea pentru contractori crescând considerabil. Potrivit tranziție, costurile fiind mai reduse comparativ cu ţările
sondajelor recente, 60%* dintre specialiştii IT sunt interesați menţionate anterior.
de proiecte în care doresc să se implice în paralel cu
desfășurarea activității la locul de muncă curent cu CIM, și
peste 20% sunt deschiși către ideea de a renunța la locurile
de muncă full-time şi a lucra ca și freelanceri. Având în
vedere că intenția de a colabora pe baza modelului de
contractare vine din ambele direcții, rata pe oră/pe zi a
crescut pentru aproape toate pozițiile IT, comparativ cu
perioada precedentă pandemiei.
Există o cerere crescută pe piața de IT în ceea ce privește
rolurile de DBA, Cloud infrastructure/development
(în general pe Public Clouds) și pe rolurile de
Java development.

*Conform sondajului realizat de BestJobs în perioada martie-aprilie 2021

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 40


Rates in RON/worked hour (including PFA/SRL taxes)

Software development

Position Min* Max Optimum

Java Developer 110 220 170
Front-end Developer 90 180 135
PHP Developer 115 180 145
.NET 120 200 170


Position Min* Max Optimum

Cloud Infrastructure 120 190 175
Security Engineer 120 180 145
System Engineer 85 145 120


Position Min* Max Optimum

DevOps 95 180 220


Position Min* Max Optimum

Big Data Developer 120 225 155
BI Developer 85 215 150
Cyber Security 95 185 140
DW Developer 120 220 170
DBA 80 215 140

Change management

Position Min* Max Optimum

IT App Consultant 85 140 120
IT BA 110 170 150
IT PM 135 220 160
SCRUM Master 100 200 165

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 41


 he Romanian technology
market will not be an
exception to the global
hiring trend. Romania is
likely to reach more mature
markets in the midterm and
its closest neighbours in the
Timur Makhmutov,
Managing Director / short term.
IT Contracting Leader

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 43


Since the start of the Covid-19 TALENT SHORTAGE IMMINENT

pandemic, the pharmaceutical In terms of soft skills, strong interpersonal and
communication skills are even more crucial than before to
industry has played a crucial ensure that a new hire can effectively liaise virtually with
role globally. Vaccine development colleagues and external stakeholders.
became the core activity for some As one of the country’s largest growing sectors, life sciences
continues to face a skills shortage, forcing employers to
pharmaceutical organisations, and evaluate their attraction strategies. Many companies remain
operations in all related areas such conservative in their return to office plans, with many
professionals still working from home at least until the end
as production, market access, supply of 2021. This is expected to remain a standard benefit, with
chain, laboratory, and medical services a hybrid working model as the norm.
increased significantly. Moreover, the In addition, the life sciences market is becoming
focus on some key therapeutic areas increasingly flexible in creating remote jobs and hiring
candidates who live in other countries, especially for
shifted to infectious diseases, respiratory regional or cluster roles. This is good news for Romanian
and immunology. professionals who can access higher-level positions
covering many countries without relocating to other
The pharmaceutical market has been effervescent, and European countries.
many companies created new roles in market access, sales,
digital marketing, and data analytics. At the same time, Despite the variety of vaccines on the market and available
the medical devices, consumables, and personal protective to the population, vaccinations targets set by the Romanian
equipment markets experienced unprecedented demand, as government have not been reached. In this context, we
these products suddenly became a basic need. As a result, predict vaccination will remain on the agenda in 2022 with
the demand for new employees in companies operating in the focus on vaccination campaigns, which can generate
those markets spiked, including demand for salespeople, new jobs.
service engineers and marketing specialists. Mental health is another hot topic for the life sciences
industry in 2022. The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a
MODERATE SALARY INCREASES heavy toll on mental health worldwide, and long-term
In terms of salaries in the life sciences industry, we noticed consequences are yet to be seen. The demand for
moderate increases of 5-15%, the most significant being for specialised healthcare professionals will continue to
key roles related to patient access, digital marketing and increase, especially in medical services, counselling, and
commercial fields. related areas.

Romania’s life sciences industry shows no sign of

slowing down, with additional investment, expanding
headcounts and new market entrants all creating strong job
opportunities. In addition, few companies restructured their
teams, mostly field-based roles.


In the year ahead, specialist sales representatives will be
sought in growth areas, including diabetes, cardiovascular,
respiratory, rare diseases, and immuno-oncology.
Candidates who can sell products virtually, without visiting
or having limited exposure to GP clinics, hospitals, and
pharmacies in person, are in greatest demand.
Pharmaceutical companies will likely focus on hiring
in market access, data analysis, digital marketing, and
medical promotion. In the clinical research area, the most
sought roles will be CRA and management. As for medical
devices, field service engineers, commercial and product
management roles will be the most popular.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 44


De când a început pandemia DEFICIT DE PROFESIONIŞTI

Covid-19, industria farmaceutică Fiind unul dintre cele mai importante segmente din țară,
domeniul life sciences continuă să se confrunte și cu o
a jucat un rol crucial la nivel lipsă de personal specializat, companiile fiind obligate
global. Dezvoltarea primelor vaccinuri de să își reevalueze strategiile de retenție a angajaților.
Multe companii rămân conservatoare în ceea ce privește
pe piaţă a fost obiectivul principal pentru întoarcerea în totalitate la birou, o mare parte a angajaților
unele companii farmaceutice, astfel continuând să lucreze de acasă cel puțin până la sfârșitul
anului. Ulterior, este de așteptat ca modelul de lucru hibrid
existând o creștere exponențială în toate să rămână un beneficiu standard.
ariile conexe - producție, market access, De asemenea, piața muncii din domeniul life sciences este
aprovizionare, servicii medicale și din ce în ce mai flexibilă în crearea de locuri de muncă la
distanță. S-a înregistrat o creștere a numărului de locuri de
de laborator. muncă regionale, fiind vizați și profesioniștii care locuiesc în
Mai mult decât atât, atenția a fost îndreptată şi spre ariile alte țări. Este o veste bună pentru profesioniștii români care
terapeutice corelate cu bolile infecțioase, afecțiunile pot accesa poziții de management care acoperă mai multe
respiratorii și imunologie. Industria farmaceutică a fost țări, fără a fi nevoie să se mute în alte țări europene.
efervescentă și multe companii au creat poziții noi: market
access, vânzări, marketing digital și analiza datelor. În ciuda varietății de vaccinuri disponibile pe piață pentru
populație, numărul persoanelor vaccinate nu a atins
În același timp, segmentul dispozitivelor medicale, obiectivul impus de guvernul român. În acest context,
consumabilelor și echipamentelor de protecție au avut o subiectul va rămâne pe ordinea de zi și în 2022, cu accent
cerere fără precedent, devenind vitale. Ca rezultat, aceste pe campaniile de vaccinare care pot genera noi locuri
domenii au înregistrat o creștere mare a angajărilor, în de muncă.
special în departamentele de vânzări, service și marketing.
Și în 2022, sănătatea mintală este un alt subiect important
pentru domeniul life sciences. Efectele secundare în urma
CREŞTERI SALARIALE MODERATE Covid-19 nu pot fi neglijate, rata ridicată a stresului
În ceea ce privește salariile din domeniul life sciences, a crescut la nivel mondial, și implicit va avea o serie
creșterile sunt moderate, fiind între 5-15%; creșterile de alte consecințe. Astfel, va fi o cerere mai mare pentru
semnificative s-au înregistrat pentru rolurile strategice profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății, în special în aria
precum cele din market access, marketing digital serviciilor medicale, consiliere și profesiilor de
și comercial. sprijin conexe.
În România, domeniul Life Sciences este în continuă
dezvoltare, având parte de noi investitori și alocare de
bugete suplimentare, creând astfel oportunități noi de locuri
de muncă. Doar câteva companii au făcut restructurări,
în special reducând numărul pozițiilor cu activitate
preponderentă pe teren.


În anul următor, domeniul farmaceutic va fi în creștere, vizând
arii terapeutice precum diabetul și bolile cardiovasculare,
pneumologie, bolile rare și imuno-oncologie. Candidații care
pot promova virtual portofoliile de produse vor fi în atenția
angajatorilor, dat fiind contextul limitat de interacțiune față în
față cu personalul din spitale și farmacii.
Companiile farmaceutice se vor concentra în principal pe
angajarea profesioniștilor din domeniul medical, market
access, analiza datelor, marketing digital și promovare
medicală. În domeniul studiilor clinice cele mai căutate locuri
de muncă vor fi cele de CRA și rolurile de management. În
aria echipamentelor medicale, cele mai populare locuri de
muncă vor fi cele de inginer de service, reprezentant de
vânzări și specialist de marketing.
În ceea ce privește competențele transferabile, în procesele
de angajare se va pune accent în continuare pe abilitățile
interpersonale și cele de comunicare foarte bine dezvoltate,
fiind premisele unor interacțiuni eficiente cu clienții și colegii.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 45


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Pharmaceuticals - Sales

Position Min Max Optimum

Medical Representative (generic products) 6 800 10 000 9 500
Medical Representative (original products) 9 500 13 000 11 000
Senior Medical Representative 10 000 14 000 12 000
Key Account Manager / Product Specialist 12 000 15 500 14 000
Area Sales Manager 14 000 22 000 19 000
National Sales Manager 19 000 25 000 22 000
Sales Director 22 000 31 500 29 000
Business Unit Manager 27 000 37 500 30 500

Pharmaceuticals - Marketing

Position Min Max Optimum

Jr Brand / Product Manager 14 000 19 000 16 000
Sr Brand / Product Manager 16 000 25 000 21 000
Marketing Manager 22 000 25 500 24 000
Marketing Director 25 500 37 500 30 500

Pharmaceuticals - Medical Affairs

Position Min Max Optimum

Medical Scientific Liaison 13 000 20 500 17 000
Medical Advisor 15 500 23 000 20 500
Medical Affairs Manager 22 000 30 500 25 500
Medical Director 30 500 42 500 37 500
Regulatory Affairs Specialist 7 500 13 000 11 000
Regulatory Affairs Manager 14 000 22 000 19 000
Pharmacovigilance Specialist 7 500 13 000 11 000
Pharmacovigilance Manager 14 000 22 000 17 000
Quality Assurance Specialist 7 500 13 000 11 000
Quality Assurance Manager 14 000 22 000 17 000

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 46


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Pharmaceuticals - Corporate Affairs

Position Min Max Optimum

Pricing Specialist 13 000 16 000 14 500
Market Access Specialist 15 500 20 500 16 000
Market Access Manager 17 000 25 500 23 000
Market Access / Corporate Affairs Director 27 000 42 500 34 000

Medical Devices

Position Min Max Optimum

Medical Sales Representative 7 500 14 500 12 000
Key Account Manager 10 000 15 500 14 000
Field Service Engineer 9 500 13 000 11 000
Product Manager 12 000 17 000 14 500
Sales Manager 15 500 24 000 20 500
Business Unit Manager 20 500 30 500 26 500

Clinical Research

Position Min Max Optimum

CRA 12 000 17 000 14 500
Senior CRA 15 500 24 000 20 500
Clinical Trials Team Leader 20 500 25 500 22 000
Project Manager 22 000 27 000 24 000
Clinical Operations Manager 24 000 34 000 29 000

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 47

 omania’s life sciences
industry shows no sign of
slowing down, with additional
investment, expanding
headcounts and new market
entrants all creating strong
Mirela Toma Paşculea job opportunities.
Executive Recruitment

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 49


In a dynamic world shaped by Într-o lume dinamică, marcată

strong digitalisation processes, de puternice procese de
marketing remains one of the digitalizare, marketing-ul
core functions of any business. In the rămâne una dintre funcțiunile cheie în
current context, organisations worldwide orice companie. În contextul actual,
realise more than ever the extension organizațiile din întreaga lume resimt mai
of added-value marketing experts mult decât oricând valoarea adăugată
can bring. şi aportul la dezvoltarea afacerii pe care
The growing digital sector has a strong influence on experţii în marketing îl pot avea.
marketing roles, shaping the demand and the offer. In other
Tendința în creștere a sectorului digital are o influență
words, traditional marketing roles are quickly becoming
puternică asupra rolurilor de marketing - acestea merg
obsolete and being replaced with digital marketing
mână în mână și modelează piața, cererea și oferta. Acest
and niche roles created to support new and innovative
lucru înseamnă că rolurile tradiționale de marketing sunt
marketing projects in an online environment.
acum completate de rolurile axate pe aria digitală și rolurile
E-commerce is unquestionably thriving in both B2C and de nișă care au apărut ca rezultat direct al proiectelor noi și
B2B marketing, with nothing but more growth ahead. inovatoare, cu precădere în mediul online.
For most businesses, embracing e-commerce also entails
E-commerce este o industrie prosperă care se află în
reshaping their organisational structure.
continuă expansiune, atât în segmentul tradiţional B2C,
In terms of salaries, most of the marketing roles registered a dar care ia amploare şi în B2B. Este extrem de vizibil că în
slight increase aligned with the market – approximately 5% era Internetului, domeniul digital nu are cum să dispară,
compared to the previous year. Only digital / e-commerce digitalizarea fiind in curs de dezvoltare. În acest context,
positions are an exception, with an increase of 15%. multe companii își remodelează structura organizațională,
deschizând mai mult roluri în domeniu.
DIGITALISATION IS THE KEY În ceea ce privește salariile, majoriatea rolurilor în
Social media usage has increased considerably in Romania, marketing au înregistrat o ușoară creștere aliniată la piaţă -
with an additional 9.1% (+1 million) active users compared to aproximativ 5% față de anul precedent.
2020.* Unsurprisingly, many brands shifted their campaigns
Remarcăm o creştere semnificativă, deloc surprinzătoare,
online during the last year, with roles like Marketing
de aproximativ 15% doar pentru rolurile în domeniul digital
Analytics, e-Commerce Manager, Social Media Specialist,
şi e-commerce.
Digital Manager, Growth Marketing Manager becoming
more common.
ONLINE PRESENCE – A VITAL COMPONENT Rata de utilizare a reţelelor sociale în România a crescut
FOR BUSINESSES considerabil în ultimul an, fapt dovedit de creşterea
numărului utilizatorilor activi pe reţelele sociale de 9,1% (+1
Having an online presence has become essential for almost
milion de noi utilizatori activi) față de anul 2020*. Acest fapt
all companies, and consequently, so has digital marketing.
a condus la un process de digitalizare forţat ale mai multor
The sudden shift to a “life online” brought about by the
brand-uri de pe piaţă şi, ca rezultat direct, roluri precum
Covid-19 pandemic impacted the demand for online
Marketing Analytics, e-Commerce Manager, Social Media
specialists and this trend will continue. In addition, online
Specialist, Digital Manager, Growth Marketing Manager au
platforms spread even further in the marketing industry
devenit din ce în ce mai căutate.
during 2021, and training and certifications in online and
digital tools will evolve from “nice to have” to a major
advantage when looking for a new role. MEDIUL ONLINE - O COMPONENTĂ VITALĂ
*Data from Digital 2020 Romania Report and Digital 2021 Romania Report Pe măsură ce prezența online devine o necesitate pentru tot
mai multe companii, marketingul digital se transformă într-o
componentă vitală pentru acestea. „Viața online” din timpul
pandemiei a conturat cererea specialiștilor online și această
tendință va continua şi în 2022. Pe de altă parte, anul 2021
a subliniat rolul cheie pe care îl pot juca platformele online
în industria de marketing. În acest context, instruirile și
certificările în domeniul online și digital vor deveni de la ”ar
fi bine să ai”, un mare avantaj atunci când candidaţi pentru
un loc de muncă.

*Date preluate din Digital 2020 Romania Report şi Digital 2021 Romania Report

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 50


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.


Position Min Max Optimum

Marketing Assistant 5 000 6 900 6 000
Marketing Specialist 5 500 10 500 8 300
Trade Marketing Specialist 5 500 10 500 8 300
Trade Marketing Manager 12 000 14 600 13 800
Marketing Coordinator 8 300 11 200 8 600
Marketing Manager 13 800 22 700 19 000
Marketing Director 20 600 30 200 26 500
Junior Brand Manager 6 900 9 500 7 500
Brand Manager 7 800 11 200 8 600
Senior Brand Manager 10 300 13 800 11 200
Product Manager 10 300 15 500 12 900
Communication Manager 12 300 15 200 13 200
E-commerce Specialist 8 300 13 000 10 000
E-commerce Manager 15 800 20 700 17 800

E-commerce is
unquestionably thriving in
both B2C and B2B marketing,
with nothing but more growth
ahead. For most businesses,
embracing e-commerce also
entails reshaping their
Cristina Iacob
Team Leader organisational structure.
Business Unit

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 51


Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 52


Business opportunities have Oportunităţile de afaceri au

grown in the last year due to crescut considerabil anul
the rapid expansion of online precedent datorită expansiunii
sales. Companies are in the middle of a accelerate a vânzărilor online. Companiile
digitalisation process, investing more and se află în proces de digitalizare, investind
more in MarTech to keep up with new din ce în ce mai mult în MarTech – cu
online sales models and to be able to scopul de a ţine pasul cu noul model de
sustain sales volumes. vânzări online şi pentru a putea susţine
In an e-commerce market that has not yet reached the level volumele care vin prin intermediul
of maturity of Western European countries, the transition
to digital will dominate organisational changes; sales
acestui canal.
structures will undergo significant changes as the focus will Piața de e-commerce din România încă nu a atins nivelul de
shift to digital. maturitate al ţărilor din Europa de Vest, iar tranziția către
digitalizare determină schimbări organizaţionale, structurile
SALES FUNCTION UNFROZEN şi funcţiile de vânzări trecând prin schimbări majore.
Generally speaking, the salaries in sales followed the overall
market trend with no particularity. Still, a clear change „DEZGHEŢAREA” ROLURILOR DE VÂNZĂRI
compared to 2020 was the unfreezing of hiring processes, Salariile în domeniul vânzărilor au urmat acelaşi trend ca
visible in sales roles from the first months of the year. While şi în restul industriilor. Însă, o schimbare clară, vizibilă încă
companies were cautious and put recruitment processes din primele luni ale anului curent, a constat în reluarea
on hold in 2020, not knowing what to expect, this situation angajărilor experţilor în vânzări. În timp ce în 2020
changed dramatically in 2021, and employers’ first focus companiile au fost prudente și au suspendat procesele
was on sales functions. de recrutare, neștiind cât de puternice vor fi efectele
pandemiei, această situație s-a schimbat în 2021, iar
“HUNTERS” STILL IN DEMAND primul lucru pe care s-au focusat angajatorii a fost
domeniul vânzărilor.
In a market where competition is constantly increasing,
sales roles make the difference. Therefore, business
development managers with extensive expertise in SPIRITUL ANTREPRENORIAL CĂUTAT
their industry and consultative sales abilities remain in DE ANGAJATORI
high demand. Skills such as entrepreneurship, “hunter” Într-o piață în care concurența crește constant, rolurile
capability, hands-on approach, and ability to identify în domeniul vânzărilor fac diferența. Prin urmare, cea
business opportunities are also sought in todays’ perfect mai mare cerere rămâne pentru Business Development
candidate. Experience in developing e-commerce sales Managers, care au o experiență vastă în domeniu și abilități
channels is also in high demand. impresionante în vânzări.
De asemenea, spiritul anteprenorial, implicarea activă,
The year 2021 marked a clear transition from offline to
abilitatea de a atrage clienţi noi și de a identifica
online sales. In this context, e-commerce experts will remain
oportunități definesc candidatul perfect. Experienţa
in high demand in 2022.
în dezvoltarea şi extinderea canalelor de e-commerce
reprezintă încă un plus la angajare.
Anul 2021 a marcat o trecere clară de la vânzările offline la
cele online. În acest contex, creşterea cererii pentru experţii
în vânzările online se va menţine şi în 2022.

Hays Romania Salary Guide 2021-2022 | 53


Gross monthly salaries in RON for full-time positions without bonuses and other benefits.

Direct Sales

Position Min Max Optimum

Sales Representative 5 800 10 500 9 200
Area Sales Manager 9 200 13 800 12 000
National Sales Manager 13 800 18 200 16 500
Sales Manager 14 600 20 000 16 500
Sales Director 18 700 34 000 26 400
Sales Account Manager 7 800 12 000 9 500
Junior Key Account Manager 7 800 9 500 8 600
Key Account Manager 10 000 16 500 12 700
Business Development Manager 12 700 18 000 14 800

Sales Support

Position Min Max Optimum

Sales Assistant 4 500 7 000 5 000
Sales Support 5 000 7 400 5 500
Sales Analyst 5 000 7 400 5 500
Account Executive 5 500 8 300 7 400
Account Manager 7 600 14 600 11 000
Inside Sales Representative 5 300 8 600 6 600

 he year 2021 marked

a clear transition from
offline to online sales.
In this context, e-commerce
experts will remain in high
demand in 2022.

Cristina Iacob
Team Leader
Business Unit

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As market leader, if the best people aren’t Specialist areas

already talking to us, we know how to • Accountancy & Finance
find them, engage with them and match • Business Services
them better than any other recruiter. Our • Construction & Property
recruiting experts offer invaluable advice • Engineering & Manufacturing

and insights, combined with unrivalled • HR & Office Support

• IT Perm
services and access to top talent that will
• IT Contracting
help you to confidently navigate the new
• Life Sciences
era of work.
• Marketing
• Sales
With over 50 years of recruiting experience, Hays makes
finding the best talent easier and quicker, and reduces the
risks involved in hiring. Our expertise lies in being able

to source skilled professionals, our unparalleled ability
to engage with an extensive network of talent, and our
capability to match this to our clients’ specific requirements.
Working in 33 countries and across 20 specialist areas
worldwide, we recruit for permanent and temporary roles Specialist areas
for organisations of all sizes in the private, public and not-

for-profit sectors.

At Hays, we have developed a new and improved model,

Find & Engage. This new model combines art and science to
help establish deep relationships in customer communities.
It takes the best recruitment practices and puts the
Years recruitment experience

relationship back at the heart of recruitment, but uses
technology, machine learning and data science to operate
at scale.

Having launched our first office in Bucharest in 2015, we

are proud to have grown into one of the leading specialist Most followed recruitment
recruitment companies in Romania. company on LinkedIn
Our services
Working across 9 industries and professions, Hays Romania
offers a wide range of services that provide further support
for your talent management strategies. These include:

• Permanent hiring
• IT Contracting
• RPO & MSP Talent Solutions
• Salary Guides & Talent Mapping
• Dedicated on-site recruitment solutions
• Outplacement

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For further information on how our core employer

services can help support your recruitment strategy,

Stay up-to-date with Hays insight into the world

of work.



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