Tell Me Your Life?: Nobel Peace Prize Interview

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Tell me your life?

I was born on July 18, 1918 in the royal family of thembu, a tribe that
lived in a fertile valley in the Eastern Cape. Politics begins to play a
very significant role in my life. Moved by the humiliation and suffering
of the tour people and offended by the increasingly unjust and
intolerable laws in 1944 I Walter Sisulu And Oliver Tambo and
together with others formed the anc youth league within a few years I
became a president. I got married to Winnie the same year. In 1962 I
was again arrested for high treason and sentenced to five years in
What are your interests in peace?
my interests are the rapprochement between enemies achieved
through the admission of their own faults but in addition to this I have
another interest that of considering the interests of all
What is the most important event in your life?
The most important event of my life was when I finished law studies
at university and with tambo started the first law firm for blacks.
What are the feelings and thoughts while working for peace?
I have hostile feelings as I work to eliminate racism. My thinking is
that I must and will have to fight over principles and ideas without
personal hatred.
What did he say when he received the award?
when i received the nobel prize i said we are here today as mere
representatives of millions of people around the world, the anti-
apartheid movement, the governments and organizations that fought
with us, not to fight against South Africa as a country or against one
of its peoples, but to oppose the inhuman system and commit to a
quick end to the crimes against humanity caused by apartheid. When
this time comes, we will rejoice together in a common victory against
racism, apartheid and white rule. He had the courage to admit that a
terrible mistake had been made for our country, and for the people,
with the imposition of the apartheid system. We hear the rumors that
there is an appeal from the many, scattered throughout the universe,
who want an end to the apartheid system.

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