Newsletter 14 120122

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Sandiway Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 14 Wednesday 12th January 2022 Spring Term 2022
Happy New Year
In my first newsletter of 2022, I would like to wish you all Around the school…
a very Happy New Year. Personally, it is not the start I had As we start the term off, the children are excited to be
hoped for with my family succumbing to the latest variant studying new books, new themes and new projects.
of COVID, but we are all now well and ready to make a In Year 6, the children are enjoying their new English
positive start to the year with all the promises of text ‘The Selfish Giant’ and will be studying the Amazon
excitement ahead of us. rainforest in their geography work for the next few weeks.
Year 5 are studying ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ – lovely
COVID updates Norse myth to stimulate their writing. They are also
Thank you for taking the time to read the email sent out at focussing on geography this half term, exploring The Alps.
the beginning of the term. The arrangements at the Year 4 are reading ‘Escape from Pompeii’ – starting to
beginning and end of the school day are working well for think careful about character description and plot of the
everyone. As we are now securing our school site a little story. Linked really well is their history work on the
earlier, I respectfully ask that you vacate the playground invasion of the Romans.
after drop off to prevent anyone being locked in. Year 3 have just started to study ‘Stone Age Boy’, which
Can I ask that you drive VERY SLOWLY as you enter the links really well with their history work last term on the
school site off the road, this route is now shared more by Stone Age and this half-term on the Iron and Bronze Ages,
pedestrians as well as cars. We have put cones to help the including some primitive art work – they will be experts!
separation. Year 2 have started reading ‘The Dragon Machine’ and
We do have a couple of staff still absent from school and will be writing very exciting pieces soon. Their geography
I am grateful for members of the school community work is exploring where our food comes from – expect
stepping in to support us. lots of questions at meal times.
Year 1 are reading ‘The Lion Inside’, which links really
PTA News well with their geography work looking at the continents
I have been asked to remind parents that all raffle stubs of the world and also with their science looking at humans
and money need to be returned to the school office by and animals.
next Wednesday, please. Reception have been very excited to be reading ‘The
Mrs Forsyth, her team and the PTA are working hard Naughty Bus’ which has taken them on a visit to London –
with the final arrangements for the much very exciting they have enjoyed making models, travelling on a bus and
‘Gin and Quiz’ night, which is planned for next Friday – seeing the sights.
21st January. Please contact Mrs Forsyth More information can be seen on the class pages of the
( with any school website.
questions/queries. Ticket money can now be brought to
the school office for ticket allocation – payment by 14th
January, please. We will also be in touch again next week Chris Priddey
with guidance to ensure that the event can run within
COVID times to ensure that all participants are as safe as

School Photos
Tempest are booked in on Monday 24th January for both
individual and family portrait photos. Please send children Events and Dates
into school this day in school uniform, with PE kit in a bag 21 Jan Gin and Quiz evening
if this is a normal PE day. 8 Feb 6pm Y5 Conway visit Information
8 Feb Parent Partnership Meeting
Applying for places for Reception for Sept 2022 18 Feb Break up for half term
Final reminder: the closing date is January 15 th 2022. If 28 Feb Children return to school
you have a child who is due to start school in September, 2 Mar Dental check-up for 5 year olds
or you know of someone, please let them know that the 2-4 Mar Y5 on Conway Residential
deadline is approaching. Applications should be made on 29-30 Mar Y2 on Fox Howl Residential
CWaC’s website. 1 Apr Break up for Easter holiday

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