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Project Report of Movie Ticket B ooking System

Introduction of the Project Moyie Ticket Booking System:

The "Movie Ticket Booking System· has been developed to override the problems
prevailing in the practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and
in some cases reduce the hardships faced by this existing system. Moreover this
system Is designed for the particular need of the company to carry out operations in a
smooth and effective manner.

The application Is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data.
It also provides error message while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is.
needed for the user to use this system. Thus by this an it proves It is
Movie Ticket Booking System , as described above, can lead to err0r free, secure,
reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their
other activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help organization
in better utilization of resources.

Every organization, whether big or small, has challenges to overcome and managing
the Informal-Ion o! Tickel, Movie, Customer, Movie Type, Movie Language. Every Movie
Ticket Booking System has different Movie needs, therefore we design exclusive
employee management systems that are adapted to your managerial requirements.
This Is designed to assist In strategic planning, and will help you ensure that your
organization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your Mure
goals. Also, for those busy executive who are always on the go. our systems come with
remote access features, which will allow you to manage your workforce anytime, at all
times. These systems wm ultimately allow you to better manage resources.
P;roject Rapart ,o f !Movie Ticket B,oollcifn,g S'ystem

Ah%1ract of th,e e'.rraiqqt Movl e Tick:eJJlogking Spkm);


The purpose o~ Mowe Ticket Booking System is t0 avttlmate d\8 existing manual

s.yslem by ma help of c:ompu tenied equipnraents and fu~edg·ec!I 1

oom;utBr scfhva re.
lfutfilling theEr requirements~so that lheir valuable data/i11formatlon ran be stored for a
longer period vJith easy accessing and manipubition of the same. Tue ,rrequired software
and nardware are eacS,ly evailebie and easy ·tic, work V/Jth.

Movre Ticket !Booking System, as de.scribed abcWe. car,i fead to error rree.
secure, reliable and fast: management s,ystem .. It can a_ssjst U,e useI ·m concentate on
their other activilies rather to concentrate on the 11ecord keeping. ThllS It wdl help
organization rn netter LI'Hhza·Hon of ~esou1ce,s,I The arganlzabom can ma~ntairn
computerized records v.rithout. redundant en'lrres. Thet means u~at one ne&d not be
distracted by ifn'formatiori 'that is no'l relevant, while being ab1e lo reach 1he [nformatlcn .

The aim is to automille rn; exi.sUng manual system by the help of oomputerized
equipments and fur~J.,fledged computer software! f1JlnlJiing ttleir re-quiremenlS. so lhat th1ir
vaJu'1bte data/inrfbm,a1tion can be sjtored for a longer period wJth easy aecessing and
Objective of Project on Movie Ticket Booki ng System:

Tile main objective of the Project on Movie Ticket Booking System Is to manage
the deta~s of Movie, Ticket, Booking, Customer, Movie Language. ltt manages all the
information about Movie, Movie Type, Movie Language, Movie. The project is tolally
built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The
purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for
managing the Movie, Ticket, Movie Type, Booking. It tracks all the delails about the
Booking, Customer, Movie La nguage.

Functio11allties provided by Movie Ticket 13ooking System are as follows:

• Provides the searching facilities based on vari:ous factors. Such as Movie, Booking,
Customer. Movie Language
• Movie Ticket Booking System also manage ihe Movie Type details online for
Customer detalls, Movie Language details, Movie.
• It tracks all the informatio11 of Ticket, Movie Type, Customer etc
• Manage the information of Ticket
• Shows the information and description of the Movie, Booking
• To increase efficiency of managing the Movie, Ticket
• It deals with monitoring the information and transactions of Customer.
• Manage the information of Movie
• Editing, adding and updating of Records is Improved which results in proper
resource management of Movie dala.
• Manage the information of Customer
• Integration of all records of Movie language.
Scope of the project Movie Ticket Booking System

It may help collecting perfect management in details. In a very short time, lhe
collection will be obvious, simple and sensible. II win help a person to know the
management of passed year perfectly and vividly. It also helps in current all works
relative to Movie Ticket Booklng System. It \'.ill be also reduced the cost of collecting the
management & collection procedure will go on smoothly.

Our project aims at Business precess automation, i.e. we have tried to

computerize various processes of Movie TICket Booking System.

• In oomputer system the person has to fill the various forms & number of copies of
the forms can be eaS11y generated at a time.
• In computer system, tt is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly
pnm It, wtilch saves our tlme.
• To assist the staff in captunng the effort spent on their respective working a,eas.
• To utilize resources in an efficient manner by increasing their productivity ttrough
• The system generates types of Information that can be used for various
• It satisfy the user requirement
• Be easy to understand by the user and operator
• Be easy to operate
• Have a good user interface
• Be expandable
• Delivered on schedule within the budgeL
Project Report of Movie Ticket Booking System

Reports of Movie Ticket Booking System:

• It generates the report on Movie, Ticket. Movie Type

• Provide filter reports on Booking, Customer, Movie Language
• You can easily export PDF for the Movie.Movie Type, Customer
• Application also provides excel export for Tfckel, Booking, Movie Language
• You can afso export the report into csv format for Movie, ncket, Movie Language

Modules of Movie Ticket Bookina Svstem:

• Movie Management Module: Used for managing the Movie delalls.
• Movie Language Module : Used for managing the details or Movie Language
• Movie Type Module: Used for managing the details of Movie Type
• Ticket Management Module: Used for managing the information and details a
the Tlckel
• Booking Module : Used for managing the Booking details
• Customer Module : Used for managing the Customer information
• Login Module: Used for managing the login details
• Users Module : Used for managing the users of the system
Input Data and Validation Qf Project on Moyie ncket Booking System

• All the fields such as Movie, Booking, Movie Language are validated and does not
take invalid values
• Each ·form for Movie, Ticket, Movie Type can not accept blank value fields
• Avoid Ing errors In data
• Controlling amount or Input
• Integration of all the modules/forms in the system.
, Preparation of the test cases,
• Preparation of the possible test data with all the validation checks.
• Actual testing done manual~.
• Recording or all the reproduced errors.
• Modifications done for the errors found during testing.
• Prepared the test result scripts after rectification of the errors.
, Functionality of the entire module/toons.
• Vafldations for user input
• Checking of the Coding standards to be maintained during coding.
• Testing the module with all the possible test data.
• Testing of the functionallty involving aD type of calculations etc.
• Commenting standard in tlhe source files.

Tt1e 1191tw;are gua!IIY Ql;m we will use the followtng SQA Strategy:

• In the first step, we w10 select the test factors and rank them. The selected test
factors such as rellabibty, maintainability, portability or etc, will be placed in the
matrix according to their ranks.
• The second step Is for identifying the phases or the development process. The
phase should be recorded in the matrix.
• The third step ls that ldentl[ylng the business risks of the software deliverables.
The risks will be ranked into three ranks such as high, medium and low.
Features. of the prgjeccMoy;ie Tfck;et Bop,klne :System::

• Product and Component based!

,■, Creatil, g & Changing fssues a1 ease
• Query Issue Ust to any deµlf'I
• Re130rtlng & C:hal11ng In more comprehenstve way
• User Accou nls (0 comrol lhe access and rmairnlaln secLJ rlty
. , Simple· status & Resolutions
• MuJtWeve Prrorlti,es & SeveriUes_
., Targe1s & Milestones for guimng lhe programmers
,., Attachmen~ &Addffio:na~ Comments for mare information
• Robust databa,se back~nd
• Various fevel of reports availabfe wf1h a lot of filter critaria"s
• It contaJn better stor:age ca pa city.
■ Accuracy in i..'tork_
• Easy & fast retrieve~ or inrormation.
,., Weill designed reports.
• Oecrea&e lhe load of the person Involve in e::dstfrng manual system.
• Access of any mforrnaHon ~ndlv.iduaHy.
• Work becomes very speedy.
,■, Easy to update information
Spftw;a ~e Raqyiremenl Spec:ificati'Orrl

The Software Reqwremerrts Specificdon is produced at the cLJlmjnetlon of the

ana1ysls task.. The function and performance allocated to sofwirani a5 part oi sys1em
angi neernng afe refined ~ es,aib~~!hlng a complete l nfom1atlorn desm ption, a delaile d
fuin coona I and behavioral des,c~Iptta r, an mrficaUon of pe rnorman oo requi:fiements amid

destgn oonstrai nm~ appmpr-laie vaUdatlon criteria, and other dia't.a pertinent lo
requlrem ents.
ldentificati:oni of need~

as suffering fmm a series of 1drawbacks. Since whore of

The oldl menual system w1
Ile s,~stem was to be mainta~ned \Yith hands the process ciff keeping. malntaJning and
retrieving the information 11vas very tedious a11d ler,gthy. lhe records were never used 10
be in a systematic ordeL them used to be tots of difficulties In associating any pariicurar
transadlon Mth a pariia:.llar rcontext. lrf any infcmnation was to be 'foondl tt \IJias reqwi~ed
to rgo througtl U1e different re;1smrs, documents there w1ouki never exist anyth[ng like
repofil generation. lhere woul,d al'i.1•1ays, lbe. unnecessary oona1mption of time whil,ri
entenng rocurds and rebievilf'lg records. One 11filor-e problem \VHS that It was very difficult
to find errors \-'lnlle ent.erlng the recordsMOnoe the reoords were entered ffl: was very

drfftcUJJ hto updeta the-Se records.

The H~aS-On beliind ii' is llhat there IS lot of mfonmation to be malntalned and have
to be kept in min[!J \ 1nile running the bl!lsiness .For thrs 1reaso11 \'lie have provided

features, Present system is parliaDy automated (oomputemad), ac:ruaHy e>dsting system 1

is quite labarious as one has menter same infcrmatlan ai three· djfferen,I places.

IFollowilllg points stnouhil be wen comsidered:

r ojed Report of Movie Ticket Booking System

IFeas Eb11 Hy s,1udy:

Mer doing the project Move Ticket Bocking System, study and analyzing air the
el<fsting or requ1red runetfonabUes 0~ the system, lhe neKt. task
rs to do the fea.stbillty
study fer the project AD projects are feasible - given LH'il~~mited resources and Infinite·
Feasib1hty study includM, consfder,3tion of all the poss,ible ways to provide a solution k>
1 1

prop0sed s01ution should saUt:rfy all

the given problem. The 1 me useli requirements and
sticu1d be nexibla e·noogh so that fub.J m changes can be easily done based an rhe

future upcoming requirement5.

A. l!ccrnomical FeaslblHty
This is a wry important aspect. to be cons~dered while d'eveloping a projeeL We
decided Hie technolagf based! on minimum poss~ble cost factor..
•, Ail hardware and sofb.v.ere cost has to be borne by the organ rzauon.
l!r Overall we have estimated that the benents the organization IS going to recefive
from uae propnsed system v-1.iJ I sur-ely ov.ercome Ile initial coots and Ile later on
running cost ·for system,

B. TechnicaJ Feasibility

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