7 Ways To Hidden Affiliate Profit

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Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
Having A Business Plan .............................................................................................. 5
What To Sell? ................................................................................................................. 8
Sourcing Digital Products ...................................................................................... 9
Secret Tactic 1: Don't Go With The Flow! ........................................................ 11
CBEngine ................................................................................................................... 13
Other Research Resources.................................................................................. 17
Secret Tactic 2: Build Your Business .................................................................. 20
Putting The Building Blocks In Place .............................................................. 20
Building You Business & Your Brand............................................................... 22
Secret Tactic 3: Using The Funnel! ..................................................................... 28
Secret Tactic 4: Residual Income Is Best ......................................................... 29
Secret Tactic 5: Diamonds In The Rough ......................................................... 31
Secret Tactic 6: Keyword Gold Mining ............................................................... 34
Secret Tactic 7: Challenging Reviews & Web 2.0.......................................... 37
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 42

For anyone who is interested in earning an income online, affiliate
marketing is an excellent place to start. As an affiliate, you will simply
be selling the products of a company or organization in return for a
commission for every successful sale achieved.
So, if you are an online beginner or a 'newbie' to internet marketing,
the major advantage is that you do not need to create a product in
order to start selling and generating cash straight away.
This does not, however, mean that it is only beginners who are selling
and promoting affiliate products. In fact, many of the most successful
online business people and entrepreneurs make a significant
percentage of their money from selling other peoples’ products as
Nor are the numbers small, either. Many of the most successful online
affiliate marketers earn in excess of $US10,000 a month simply
through their affiliate marketing efforts.
Affiliate marketing can therefore be an extremely lucrative business,
as long as it is done correctly.
‘Doing it correctly’ so that you can quickly begin to generate significant
levels of income from affiliate marketing is exactly what this book is all
There are also many different types of affiliate products, and that
means that for the majority of people, it is possible to find a product
which they can promote in which they have a genuine interest.
As having knowledge of the products that you choose to promote will
make it considerably easier for you to do so, this is something that is
quite important.
Having said all this, it is a sad fact that most people who try to make
money from affiliate marketing will never succeed and that’s often
because they choose to promote a product that they are interested in,
rather than looking for something that solves problems or answers
questions for potential buyers.
So, the first rule of affiliate marketing is, find and sell products that
people want to buy, and not those that you find most interesting or
A figure that is widely bandied about in internet marketing circles is
that 95% of people who set out to earn an income online will never
earn more than a few cents.

This obviously suggests that only 5% will succeed. Some people seem
to think that the 5% who make it are just fortunate or lucky - in the
right place at the right time.
Whilst having a little bit of good luck is certainly going to help you, I
am here to tell you that good fortune is categorically not the reason
that the most successful affiliate marketers make it.
These people make it for one reason and one reason only. That is,
they treat affiliate marketing as a proper business right from the
So, it follows that everything that they do is predicated on this fact
and every decision they make is a hard-nosed business decision.
Even if these folks start off their affiliate marketing career on a part-
time basis, nevertheless they do not treat it as a hobby or an interest.
It is a business, pure and simple, and is treated as such at all times.
They also understand that no business ever succeeds without hard
work, and no matter how many times they see ads telling them that
they can earn $1 million with just one hour’s work a day, they don’t
shift from the path of hard work and effort, because they know that
this is utter nonsense! Successful online business people and internet
marketers all have a business plan in place, and are willing to work
hard to make sure that they achieve their objectives as set out in that
plan. Unlike the majority of people who take up affiliate marketing,
they do not expect overnight success nor do they expect such success
to be handed to them on a plate.
So, the first thing you must understand and appreciate if you want to
be successful as an affiliate marketer is the difference between running
a business and trying to make a little money from your hobby on the
side. Do this one simple thing and you give yourself a great chance of
achieving success, but ignore this rule and you are going to make life
very difficult and frustrating for yourself.

Having A Business Plan
Online or offline, there is not one successful business in the world that
does not work to some kind of business plan. From the biggest global
corporations right down to one man (or woman) operations, if a
business is to be successful, then there must be a plan in place to
define how that success will be achieved.
Think of running a business as a journey, which is effectively exactly
what it is (hopefully, a journey to success). Assuming that your
journey is going to take you to places where you have never been
before, then it would be a foolish person who set out without a map or
directions to where they were going.
A business plan is effectively your map, something that will guide you
to success. It is therefore fairly logical that without such a map, you
cannot hope to arrive at your destination without an awful lot of wrong
turns down dead-end streets.
The vast majority of people who set out to sell affiliate products,
however, do not have any plan in place before they do so.
Perhaps because so many books that they read tell them how easy,
simple and quick it is to become an affiliate marketing success, they
ignore the basics of good business sense.
There is no magic or voodoo about affiliate marketing. It is a business
just like any other. So, even though one of the beauties of affiliate
marketing is that you do not need to create your own product,
nevertheless you do need to create your own business plan.
This does not necessarily need to be a complicated or complex plan,
but everything you read throughout the rest of this book should be
incorporated into the plan that you establish before you even consider
trying to market your first affiliate product.
Everyone works in their own way, and there is no specific 'best' way of
creating your business plan. You must, however, create it and write it
down somewhere, as opposed to having some general, airy-fairy ideas
that exist only in your head.
Ideas, thoughts and plans are all too easily forgotten, and having
something in writing somewhere will give you a template to which you
can constantly return when you need reminding of the correct way of
doing things.
You should also appreciate that your business plan is a dynamic thing,
and that as you develop your affiliate marketing skills, you should

incorporate new ideas and tactics in your business plan as a constantly
updated reference point for the future.
One tool that many successful Internet marketers use is a large
whiteboard upon which they can write down their ideas in a relatively
random fashion, before pulling them together into some kind of
coherent plan.
Another option is to use what is known as 'mind mapping' software,
which again offers you the ability to jot down seemingly random
thoughts and ideas and then pull them together in a way that is
difficult if you are using good old-fashioned pen and paper or an online
document, for example. There is an excellent free mind mapping
software program that you can download from Free Mind.
Generally speaking, if you're setting yourself up as an affiliate
marketer who will be operating alone promoting digital products, then
this is probably all you need to create a reasonable business plan.
If, however, you were setting up a sales team who will promote real
world products that your company will act as an affiliate for, then you
may need something a little more formal and structured in order to
create a suitable plan. In this case, you can look here for more free
software that should help you.
Which ever way you go about creating your business plan, the
important thing to appreciate is that you must do so before you do
anything else. Just setting out on a new journey with the vague idea
that you want to be an affiliate marketer is definitely going to make
things a great deal more difficult and frustrating than it really needs to
be, so why do it?
You must also take time to consider why it is you are thinking about
becoming an affiliate marketer in the first place.
You must have a goal or a target that you are aiming at (this is your
journey’s destination point) and (extremely importantly) your goal or
target must be about something more than just making money.
You must look beyond money to discover the specific reason why you
want to generate this additional income. Is it, for example, to clear off
your credit card bills, or buy a new car, or perhaps to be your family
on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday?
The reason that having this objective or target clearly in place is that
another common characteristic of those who fail in affiliate marketing
is that they don't do this, perhaps believing that making money is an
object in itself.

It is not, however, and having a real goal will help you stay focused on
your plan, especially when things are not going quite the way that you
planned, which will inevitably happen from time to time.
Indeed, if your objective is a brand new car, for example, you may
even paste up a picture of the car you want to buy in order to keep
yourself motivated and focused at those times when things become a
little difficult, as they must and will do.
Whatever it is you want that the additional cash for, incorporate that
into your business plan as your first stage “primary target”.
Without doing so, you do not create a clear objective, a journey's end
point, and therefore you make it almost impossible to know when you
have arrived at your destination.

What To Sell?
There are literally thousands of product owners and creators who are
actively seeking affiliates who can successfully promote their products.
The first thing you need to consider is therefore, is, what kind of
products do you intend to promote and consequently include in your
business plan?
The first choice that you must make is between acting as an affiliate
for businesses who have digital products on sale, or those who are
selling real world, tangible goods.
Now, it is quite common for people to first come to affiliate marketing
because they have an interest or even a passion for a particular
subject matter or topic, around which they have already built or are
building a website. In this case, the person who is creating the website
is going to be looking for a product which they can promote from that
site, and, therefore, the type of product that they will be looking for is
defined by that site’s subject matter.
If, however, you're looking to become an affiliate marketer without a
clearly defined subject matter in mind, as yet, then the first thing you
need to look at it is how you can choose the product or service that
you wish to act as an affiliate for.
Many commentators will suggest that the first thing you should do is
define what you are interested in, as an interest in the topic suggests
that you have some knowledge and that will make it easier for you to
promote the affiliate product in question. As mentioned, however, I
would always say that, logically, you should first look for a product
that people want to buy, as this obviously makes it easier to sell!
Nevertheless, you must start somewhere, and for most new affiliate
marketers, it is generally easier and more cost-effective to start off
looking to sell digital products, rather than tangible ‘real world’ goods
for several reasons.
Firstly, digital products such as e-books, software programs and the
like are instantly deliverable to customers, and therefore they
constitute an instant but very simple sale for an affiliate.
There is, for example, no question of delivery charges to be paid, or
any other peripherals of this type that might slow down or otherwise
hinder a successful sale.
Secondly, the commission payable on digital products is generally at
least 50% of the purchase price, and increasingly commonly it can be
as high as 75% as you will discover later.

Thirdly, digital products are remarkably easy to find and also there is
generally no delay in setting yourself up as an affiliate when you find a
product or service that you like.
Many real-world tangible goods affiliate programs will, on the other
hand, want to review your sales website before they decide whether
they will accept you into their affiliate program or not. The
commissions payable on tangible goods sales are also considerably
lower than those on digital products, usually in the range of 10 to 25%
of the sales price.
For the purposes of this book, therefore, and going to assume that you
are going to promote digital products as an affiliate, rather than
tangible, real-world goods, although you will find a few affiliate
program sites for such goods at the end of this book.
Sourcing Digital Products
The two main sites that you should look at in order to start sourcing
products that you can sell will be found at Clickbank.com and
The two sites between them feature many thousands of digital
products, and in both cases, you search the sites for products that you
would like to promote by using keywords that are related to your topic
or subject matter.
If, for example, you were looking for a ‘dog training’ affiliate program
for a dog related site that you’re building, then you would simply
punch in the keyword ‘dog training’ on either of these sites, and you
would see a list of related programs that you can start promoting.
Sign up for a free account on both sites and you can then start
promoting the product of your choice immediately.
So, in terms of simplicity and speed selling digital products is the
quickest way of starting to generate an income from affiliate product
The question now is which specific products to promote and this is
where we start to get a little more in-depth by beginning to dig down
into some of my favorite Secret Affiliate Marketing tactics.
Now, as already suggested, if you already have a site and you are
looking for an affiliate product to help monetize that site, then the
decision about the kind of product you will promote has effectively
already been made.
I am, however, going to assume that you are approaching this from
what you might call the opposite direction.

That is, you are looking for a good affiliate program to promote that
you know people should be interested in buying, before you start to
build any kind of web site that will market the product that you
What we are about to look at is based on this assumption.

Secret Tactic 1: Don't Go With The Flow!
When first beginning to work with either Clickbank or PayDotCom, it is
very easy to discover which are the most popular products in any
particular category.
You simply punch in your own key search term, and the products that
come out at the top of the resultant table are likely to be the ones that
are most popular. For example, in the following screenshot from the
Clickbank Marketplace, you will note that the results are graded by
‘Popularity’, and that the top result has a gravity of 125.73.

Whilst you do not need to know specifically what gravity is or how it is

calculated, it is generally used as a measure of popularity for Clickbank
products (more information can be found in the Clickbank FAQ section if
you want a more detailed explanation).
The problem with this is that a product with this level of gravity is
probably already too popular meaning that most of the big ‘dog
related’ websites are also promoting this particular program.

This is going to make it extremely difficult for you to make a
significant impression in the general marketplace, and there is no
doubt at all that the marketplace is going to be extremely competitive.
Most Clickbank experts would recommend that you should be looking
to promote products that are reasonably popular, but not overly so.
And according to these folks, the best way of locating such products
will be to look for those showing the gravity of between 40 and 100
points. So, in the screenshot shown, the second product would appear
to be a far better option than the first one.
What you must understand, however, is that the idea of looking for a
product with this sort of gravity rating on the Clickbank site is fairly old
news, and that there are lots of books on the market making this
selfsame recommendation. In other words, even if you follow this
apparently expert advice, you will still be in an extremely competitive
market sector, because everybody else who has any interest in affiliate
marketing will probably be following the same advice.
So, in this example, whilst picking the product that is second in the
table would probably give you an improved chance of making some
sales, it would nevertheless be difficult to begin to dominate the
market which is what you would like to do in an ideal world.
In the same ideal world, rather than finding and promoting products
that are popular now, what you would really like to do is find the
products that will become popular over the coming weeks and months.
In this way, you can get into the market early, thereby giving you a
head start on most of your competition.
In my experience, the ability to find new products before anybody else
gives you a significant marketing advantage.
For example, no matter what it is that you are promoting online, you
should always try to have a URL that reflects the product that you
have for sale on that site.
If, for example, you are looking to promote an affiliate product called
'universal dog training', and you wanted to register a domain to sell
this product from, then you would look to see if the name
UniversalDogTraining.com was available, or, failing that, universal-
In either situation, using this domain name should help you to
generate traffic from natural search engine results, as Google, Yahoo
and all the other major search engines would potentially send anyone
who searches the specific product name to your site, as it is included
in your URL.

Similarly, were you to build a ‘lens’ at Squidoo or a ‘hub’ at HubPages,
you would want to secure the URL including the exact product name
for exactly the same reason (don’t worry if this means very little at the
moment, it will be explained in far greater detail later in the report)
If you are one of the first in the market to recognize the potential of a
new affiliate program called ‘universal dog training’, then the chances
of you securing your favored domain name or Squidoo URL are
significantly higher, and this gives you a far better chance of attracting
good numbers of visitors from natural search engine searches.
Effectively, the sooner you start promoting a new product, the more
chance you have of securing the site names that you want, no matter
what kind of site or blog it is that you build.
Suffice to say that the sooner you can begin promoting a new affiliate
product that subsequently becomes popular, the more success you are
likely to have because there is little or no competition in the market.
So, one of the first things that I would recommend is that you should
ignore the widely accepted wisdom and search out new affiliate
products that you believe are likely to be successful.
Another factor in favor of brand new affiliate products is that they
almost always sell best just after they have been launched, particularly
if some recognized expert or guru decides that the product is worth
So, by jumping in right at the beginning, you give yourself absolutely
the best chance of making significant sales before everyone else starts
to realize how popular the product is and set themselves up as your
There are a couple of excellent online resources that will allow you to
find these new products that I have been using for some time now,
and can thoroughly recommend.
The first of these can be found CBEngine.com, which is a site that lists
and then analyses all the products that are featured at Clickbank, and
as there are over 10,000 products, this constitutes a significant
database of information.
You can sign up on this site for a free 15 day trial so that you can give
it a complete 'test drive' and then join for $39 95 for one year's full
access, which will be money very well spent, as you are about to
In particular, I have found that using CBEngine to find highly
promising new Clickbank products has enabled me to make excellent

new product sales by attacking the market before everybody else has
jumped on the bandwagon.
Of course, the secret of making this work most effectively is to pick
products that are most likely to become popular, and once again,
CBEngine provides you with the information that you need in order to
do this by looking in the 'New Clickbank Products’ listing.
Looking at the listing would give you a screen that looked something
like this:

Now, you can immediately see that almost all of the programs shown
have no gravity whatsoever, which is exactly what you would expect
as they are all brand new releases. So, what you need to do now is try
to establish the products that are likely to become popular over the
coming months.
Unfortunately, there is no accurate foolproof scientific way of doing
this and you must therefore accept right from the outset that some of
the products you pick will not be as successful as you might have
hoped. On the other hand, there will be other products that do exactly
the opposite, and perform considerably better than you expected and,
on the whole, I would say that this balances out.

Obviously, however, you must have some way of selecting the
products that you feel are most likely to become popular, and here is
my own method of selecting the products that I believe are most likely
to become big money makers.
First, staying on the CBEngine website, I would open the 'Clickbank
Marketplace Movers and Shakers' section and look for the products
that are enjoying the greatest momentum, as this tells me which
products are currently becoming popular.
So, looking at the screenshot below, you can see that the product with
the greatest momentum is related to weight loss. As if it proof were
needed, weight loss products are always in great demand.

What I would now recommend you should do is go back to your list of

new products and see if there are any that have recently launched in
the same market niche.
By looking again at the ‘New Products’ table, you can see that there
are in fact, three possible products that should be of interest in the
weight loss market niche, and that all of them pay an affiliate
commission of 75% of the purchase price.

So, the next thing that you should do is click through on each of the
programs highlighted to get more information about each of them.
Doing so on ‘The Total Body Transformation’ link brings you to this
page which shows that for every sale of this particular product you
would earn $66.55.

That’s a very healthy return and would immediately make me want to

look into promoting this particular product further. I guess that those
earning levels per sale might work for you too, right?
So, the next thing that you would need to question is - Is the sales
page likely to make sales for you? In other words, does the sales page
look good to you because it is reasonable to assume that if you like it,
then your visitors will most likely react in the same way?

I think that this does everything that a weight loss page needs to do,
and it is proven that quality pictures are always very effective sales
tool. I would therefore be reasonably confident that this page should
sell, and more than happy to promote this program.
You should then do the same with the other two products shown in the
table and make your assessments on the same basis.
Other Research Resources
The other method that I would recommend you consider using for
picking the new products that you feel are most likely to be successful
is using external resources such as eBay or Amazon.com to look at what
is generally popular at the moment.

On the eBay site, for example, eBay pulse is a daily snapshot of the
most popular products on the whole site. In other words, eBay pulse
shows you what people are searching for on the world’s most popular
auction site. This is therefore a clear indication of products and/or
services that are currently in demand.
Now, go back to your ‘New Products’ table and see if there are any
products that correspond to popular searches from eBay pulse.
Remember that the new product listing is not categorized by popularity
and so anything that is shown is worth considering no matter where it
appears in the table, as long as it corresponds to an exciting new
product as indicated by the eBay pulse site.
Go back to the original full ‘New Product’ screenshot and you’ll see
that listed 13th in the table is a product called ‘iPhone Craze‘.
And the most popular search on eBay is for iPhone related products
and services, so once again, this would be something that I would
definitely look into as a a new affiliate product that will probably be
worth promoting.
So, you have two slightly different approaches to selecting new
Clickbank products that should have the best chance of success.

However, I would again mention that there is never a guarantee of any
new product achieving success, and that some of the new affiliate
products that you pick up will undoubtedly sink like a stone!
And, finally (and just in case you thought that I had forgotten!) the
second website that will give you details of new Clickbank products can
be found at PayDotClickBankAlert.com.
The site is entirely free to join, and has the advantage that it will send
all of the latest product information from both Clickbank and
PayDotCom directly to you by e-mail.
As you can see, however, the way that the results are presented is not
nearly as user-friendly as that of CB engine.
Nevertheless, it is free, so you should join as well as taking advantage
of the free 15 day CBEngine trial too.

Secret Tactic 2: Build Your Business
Putting The Building Blocks In Place
As I have already suggested, being a successful affiliate marketer is
synonymous with being a successful business person.
And, as with any other business, in order to be a successful affiliate
marketer you need to spend some money on your business. Now, I
know that you will probably have read or seen many books and special
reports that will tell you that you do not need to spend money to be an
affiliate marketer.
That is absolutely correct. If you just want to be an affiliate marketer,
like everyone else, then do not spend any money.
However, you already know that 19 out of every 20 affiliate marketers
will fail, and by choosing not to spend any money you are giving
yourself an awfully good chance of becoming one of the ones who
never make it.
You must take this business extremely seriously, and accept that any
serious business, online or in the real world, needs some investment in
order to stand any chance of achieving success.
So, going right back to the stage of creating your business plan, you
must build a sensible budget into that plan.
Of course, it does not make sense to spend a lot of money when you
first launch your affiliate marketing career, but there are some basic
requirements that you must put in place.
By the way, on the subject of budgets, once you do start seeing some
earnings from your affiliate marketing efforts come through the door,
you should allocate as high a percentage of those earnings as you can
afford for reinvestment back into your business.
Do not fall into the trap of spending all your affiliate earnings without
any reinvestment into the business as this will only guarantee that you
never really move away from first base.
But, returning to your initial situation, the first two things that I would
recommend you should spend a little money on is your own domain
name and a web hosting account where the web pages that you build
will be hosted.
You will then need to get yourself an autoresponder account, as this is
perhaps the most critical tool that you need for building your own
online business. Because of the importance, I would recommend that
you consider using a paid option for your autoresponder account,

although it is possible to set up a free account if money is a critical
issue for you.
In terms of registering a domain name, there are plenty of places
where you can get a domain name for less than $10 per year. Try
RegisterYourFirstDomain.com they always have the Lowest Prices.
Now, in terms of the name that you choose for your website, the
accepted wisdom would generally be that you should register a domain
that is as similar to the name of the affiliate product that you want to
promote as possible.
In a perfect world, this would make extremely good sense.
Unfortunately, however, the world is not perfect, and nor, I assume,
do you have money that you simply wish to throw away!
You know that I am recommending that you should promote new
Clickbank or PayDotCom products because this has proved to be the
most profitable method of affiliate marketing for me.
Nevertheless, I have already pointed out that not every new product
will be as successful as you would like it to be.
If, therefore, every time you decide to promote a new product you
register another brand new domain name, you could very quickly find
yourself spending a lot of money on domain name registrations, even
though it costs less than $10 per time.
It is also a fact that, whilst there are a few affiliate products that are
almost always popular, the vast majority tend to sell well only for a
relatively short period of time.
So, once again, if you choose to register a brand new domain for every
new affiliate product, you could find many of those names become
entirely redundant in a very short period of time.
At the risk of beginning to sound like a broken gramophone record, let
me emphasize again that your affiliate marketing efforts should be
principally focused not just on making money, but also on building
your business at the same time.
Your business should be a long-term venture, and thus a crucial part
of your business building strategy should be to create and popularize
your own brand name and image. Indeed, your brand image should
focus on your name in order to make you as widely known as possible
in affiliate and internet marketing circles.
So, rather than creating dozens or even hundreds of new domains for
every new product, you should start off with one domain in your own
name. This will allow you to start making your name known to people

in the business, and building your own brand in this way will, in turn,
help to accelerate the effectiveness of your business building strategy.
If possible, you should try to register the .com version of your name
as the majority of people who use the internet still think in terms of
.com domain names, rather than in terms of .net, .biz or .org.
Now, of course, if your name is relatively common, this may not be so
easy. I think, for example, if you try to register John Smith.com, you
may be disappointed!
In this situation, one increasingly popular option is to register a .name
domain as this tells people what the URL is about, and (at least at the
moment) .name URLs are still generally available even when the other
popular ones have been taken.
The next thing you need to look at is your web hosting account, and
once again you should be looking to set this up for less than $10, but
note that is a monthly commitment.
Take a look at USDC Servers Web Hosting and Design to get an idea of
the comparative deals on offer. I have used USDC Servers myself for
some time, and have never had any major problems with them so if
you are looking for cheap but efficient hosting, they would be my #1
Finally, when you are focusing your affiliate marketing efforts both on
making money and building your business, you must have an
autoresponder in place.
As suggested, if you can afford a paid service (we use ResponseBot)
like Aweber, ResponseBot or GetResponse, then those three are really
the ‘Rolls-Royces’ of the autoresponder business, and it will be well
worth your while investing in either of these three services.
Failing that, there is a free autoresponder that can do a reasonable job
for you at ResponseBot, but, as I have suggested, if you can afford
either of the paid services you should go for it, as that will definitely
help you to build your business way quicker than using a free service.
Building You Business & Your Brand
If you have already taken a look at the Clickbank site, then you will
appreciate that in order to get paid your commission from any sales
that you generate of an affiliate product from Clickbank, the site must
be able to recognize that the sale came from you.
In order to do this, Clickbank use a system that they call ‘hoplinks’,
which basically allocates a specific code name or number to your
account, which then automatically identifies any sales that come from
your coded link.

So, to start generating sales and building your business, you simply
put this coded ‘hoplink’ URL in front of as many potential customers as
possible, and eventually somebody will click on the link, visit the
affiliate product sales age and buy the product.
This is what the overwhelming majority of Clickbank and PayDotCom
affiliates will do.
But, if you take a moment to think about it, you may quickly realize
that this is a very short sighted way of operating. In this scenario, ask
yourself the question, whose business are you building?
It is certainly not your business, as the customer did not buy from
your page, nor did you get any of their contact information.
So, yes, you landed a sale and a chunk of commission, but more
importantly, you did not attract a new customer or prospect to your
own business, and thus, you are never going to be able to sell them
anything else ever again.
And it is the accumulation of customers and prospects that will
ultimately be the single most important factor in deciding how
successful you are as an online entrepreneur.
It is therefore critical that you do not send your prospects directly to
an affiliate product sales page.
What you must do instead is send them to a page where you can
collect their name and e-mail address for your own mailing list, before
sending them to the affiliate program sales page.
One of the most commonly quoted phrases in internet marketing and
online business, is ‘the money is in the list’, meaning that when you
have peoples’ names on a mailing list, you can mail them, time after
time with sales offers and (do it for long enough) they will buy.
Another internet marketing cliché is that people need to see a sales
message seven times before they are tempted to get their credit card
out. Again, like the last oft quoted phrase, it may be a cliché but that
does not make it any less accurate!
So, building your business should always be your number 1 priority.
Here is how you do it.
First, let us assume that you have managed to register your .com
domain name and that you are now the proud owner of JoeSoap.com.
The first thing that you need to do is create a relatively simple HTML
homepage so that when people visit JoeSoap.com, there is something
for them to see.

I would recommend that you build a simple page explaining that you
are an affiliate marketer, and giving brief details of all of the affiliate
programs with which you are associated.
You then need to feature something on your homepage that will
persuade visitors to JoeSoap.com to give you their name and e-mail
address. For example, as this is a page that is going to focus on
affiliate marketing, then you might want to create a simple five or six
edition e-mail course that teaches the basics of affiliate marketing.
You would then add this course to your autoresponder account so that
it will be sent out to anyone that requests it over the course of a few
days, automatically.
Then you must create a name capture form within your autoresponder
account site so that you can grab the name and address of anyone
who asks for the free e-mail course (you will find all of this explained
in some detail on almost any autoresponder site that you join).
No matter which autoresponder service you are using, creating a form
will generate a snippet of code that you simply copy and paste into
your homepage. I would, incidentally, recommend that you try to
paste this so that it appears on the top left hand side of the page if
possible, as this has proven time and again to be the most effective
position for such a free offer to appear.
Incidentally, if the thought of creating your own homepage fills you
with terror and dread, do not worry!
You can start building the page from a free template such as those on
offer at FreeSiteTemplates and then use the excellent free My Free Web
Site Builder or NVU .html to change and modify the template to make
it your own. And if you are not sure what you are doing with HTML
coding, you can access some terrific free tutorial materials from The
Barebones Guide.
So, now you have a method of capturing the names and e-mail
addresses of your site visitors, which is the first significant step to
building your long-term business.
Next you need to upload your newly created homepage to your web
hosting account using an FTP client like the excellent SmartFTP
program which you can download and use entirely free. And (once
again) don’t panic if this sounds complicated or difficult – it is neither,
and there are full video instructions for using SmartFTP here. There are
other free FTP Clients like FileZilla.
Next you need to build a series of mini sites under the main
JoeSoap.com domain name, all of which will feature one new affiliate

product each. There are lots of different ways that you could do this,
but in the interests of simplicity, I would recommend that you should
create a series of simple, one page blogs sites using WordPress.
With many web hosts, including USDC Servers Web Hosting and
Design, it is possible to install WordPress on your domain in about five
simple steps using ‘Fantastico’ from the cPanel.
If your host does not have ‘Fantastico’, however, you can download
the software from Wordpress.org and install it yourself by following the
instructions given on the site.
So, what you do now is install a new WordPress blog for every new
affiliate program that you plan to promote. Give the blog the same
name as the program that you are trying to promote so that (returning
again to our earlier example) if you were working with ‘The Total Body
Transformation’ product, then the blog title would be
Joesoap.com/TotalBodyTransformation or something similar.
On each blog site, you would include the same name capture form that
you built earlier, together with a review of the product that you are
promoting that is positive about the benefits (i.e. what it can do for
anyone who buys it, what problems it solves and so on). And make
sure that you include a call to action – not asking for the order is one
of the simplest but most fundamental mistakes that so many new
affiliate marketers make!
Your objective on each of these pages is (firstly) to capture the visitors
name and e-mail address, and (secondly) to send them to the affiliate
sales page that carries your ‘hoplink’ URL.
So, you should stress the value of joining your mailing list, and
actively encourage them to sign up with your free e-course or even by
adding additional free gifts that are closely related to the product that
you’re promoting on that particular page.
You must also think of a way of convincing your site visitor not only to
visit your affiliate sales page, but also to buy from you, rather than
from any of your competitors.
Again, the best way of doing this is by offering a valuable free bonus
that they can only get if they buy the product through your link.
So, for example, you might want to create an additional physical
training video that would be a perfect complement to a product like
total body transformation.
Now, of course, you could create each individual mini site using HTML,
and the NVU editor that you downloaded earlier, but the fact is that
using WordPress is a lot quicker and easier.

The major search engines also love WordPress blog sites, and
therefore, if you promote any particular affiliate program for any
reasonable period of time, there is a chance that you might start
enjoying some traffic from the search engines as well.
But, on the other hand, when you decide that a particular affiliate
product is no longer worth actively promoting, then you can just leave
the WordPress blog dormant (as you may still get some visitors) or
remove it if such an action is appropriate.
One thing that the search engines particularly look for are sites that
are regularly updated. Now, you do not want to have to update each
WordPress blog every few days, as this would quickly become a
mammoth task.
What you should therefore do is add a WordPress plug-in to each new
blog that you build that will automatically add fresh new content on a
reasonably regular basis via RSS. Although there are many such plug-
ins available, the one that I have found easiest to use and most
effective is FirstRSS which will send news from several of the leading
social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Slashdot and Technorati directly
to your webpages.
By including this plug-in, your sites will be automatically updated,
which will keep the search engine spiders happy and should help your
blog sites retain any search engine ranking that they acquire.
And, when you are promoting the affiliate programs you should always
point all of your promotional materials at your WordPress review blog
page, rather than at your homepage.
In this way, you will know that visitors will be taken directly to your
product review, where they will hopefully join your mailing list (and
thereby help to build your business), before looking at your affiliate
sales page.
On your homepage, you should finally link all of the brief mentions of
the affiliate programs that you are promoting back to each individual
WordPress mini site. In this way, should anybody decide to take a look
at your homepage, it will professionally link back to your individual
affiliate product Wordpress mini sites.
As suggested earlier, by promoting mainly new affiliate products, you
give yourself an opportunity to be the first in the market.
Thus, in addition to your Joe soap.com WordPress blogs, you will want
to create Squidoo lenses for and HubPages hubs for each product as

Doing this should, in turn, attract visitors from the search engines who
have used the slightly different keyword phrases that you have
optimized your ‘external’ mini sites for.

Secret Tactic 3: Using The Funnel!
As long as you have structured your business so that you capture
peoples’ names and e-mail addresses as often as possible, then
sometimes it will pay you to initially promote a lower priced product in
reference to a higher priced one.
This is because you are far more likely to get sales promoting low-cost
products than you are with products towards the higher end of the
price scale.
For example, you might start off by promoting a product that costs
less than $20 as a way of attracting people to visit your site and
therefore adding their name to your mailing list.
After all, for most people $20 is effectively nothing, and therefore if
the product your promoting (including your own free bonuses)
represents a great value ‘deal’, then you should generate a good
number of sales.
This, however, is not the main point of the operation.
The significance of doing this is that once people are on your mailing
list, you can set about building the all-important trust with these folks,
and this will eventually enable you to offer higher priced products or
regular membership programs to your list members.
For example, although a customer has ‘fallen into’ your sales funnel by
buying a $20 product, the next time you try to sell them something, it
could be a $67 a month membership program or $497 product (both
of which might pay you 50% commission).
So, your cheap product has it effectively acted as a loss leader for you,
but has nevertheless, it has added significant further value to your

Secret Tactic 4: Residual Income Is Best
In my experience, many affiliates take an extremely narrow view of
their business, and focus all their efforts on selling a very limited
number of products into an equally limited number of markets.
For example, the vast majority of people who decide to sell digital
products as affiliates will only utilize the services of sites like Clickbank
and PayDotCom, without looking any further for other opportunities.
This is not only narrow-minded, but it also inevitably limits the earning
power of such affiliates, whilst ensuring that they are always working
at 110% of capacity!
For example, if you are selling a standard Clickbank product, then
every sale is a great boost but, nevertheless, in order to remain
profitable you must keep finding brand new customers every day.
Thus it is inevitable in this situation that there will be times when sales
figures are good, but there will also be down times, when the income
you will be generating will be significantly reduced.
For most people, this would not be an ideal situation and yet this is
exactly what the overwhelming majority of affiliate marketers do on a
week to week and month to month basis.
Wouldn’t it be much more comfortable and far simpler if you knew that
there was income coming in from your affiliate sales every month,
irrespective of how many new sales you generated?
This is exactly will happen if you promote membership style affiliate
programs, as well as ‘one-time sales’ programs.
You simply promote affiliate programs where the member has to pay a
monthly fee to the site which they have joined. You then receive a
percentage of the membership fee for each and every month that they
remain a member of the site.
For example, this is a fairly common arrangement used by web hosting
companies to promote their services.
You affiliate with a particular web host, promote their services, and for
anybody who joins through your promotional link, you will receive a
monthly commission share whilst they still remain a member.
So, imagine that you promoted an affiliate product which carried a
monthly membership fee of $49 and that you were entitled to the
commission of 50%.

Each and every month you will receive $24.50 for every member you
have referred to the site, so 100 members would mean that you would
earn $2450 per month even before you get out of your bed!
Now this is not meant to encourage you to be lazy, but it does ensure
that every month your business has some cash flow from which you
can pay your necessary outgoings, such as web hosting and
autoresponder fees, staff salaries and the like.
I would therefore strongly urge you to look at residual income affiliate
programs as well as those available through Clickbank and
Here is a short list of directories where you can find a broad cross-
section of residual income affiliate programs:
You can also find some residual income affiliate programs that are now
promoted through Clickbank itself, as well

Secret Tactic 5: Diamonds In The Rough
Remember when we were looking earlier at CBEngine for new
Clickbank products and there were three that looked interesting in the
weight loss and body conditioning market niche?
Given that there are three alternative programs that we could
promote, the most important question is, which one is likely to be the
most successful - that is, profitable?
The simple answer to this question is that you simply do not know
which of the new programs that you decide to promote will be the
diamonds, and which will remain as charcoal forevermore!
Unfortunately, most inexperienced or beginner affiliate marketers are
most likely to simply choose one of the three at random, and then sink
all their efforts into promoting that particular product without ever
considering testing, and testing is one of the biggest and most closely
guarded secrets of almost all top affiliate marketers.
These people never focus all of their efforts on promoting only one
affiliate product at a time. They will always have many affiliate
programs that they are starting to promote in an effort to find out
which ones will sell, and those that will not.
This is something that you must start doing if you seriously want to be
a successful and profitable affiliate marketer.
Do not under any circumstances be tempted to do what the average
affiliate marketer (i.e. a member of the 95% group who fail) will do.
They will find a product that they believe they can make money with,
and focus all their efforts on promoting only that product. Then if that
product does not sell particularly well, they will quit trying to promote
it and move on to the next product.
In this way, they steadily and entirely predictably move from one
failure to the next and thus they never really give themselves any
chance of being successful. If they have a business plan at all
(unlikely), then such a marketer will never have considered selling
several affiliate products at the same time, and testing them to see
which sell the best as part of a structured plan.
So let’s go back to our situation of having three products that we think
might sell into the weight loss and body conditioning niche market to
see how such testing might work. We are going to test each of the
three against one another to see which of them (if any) are worth

And, note that it is entirely possible that all three of them might be
good (in which case, if you can make money on them all, then you
should promote all three) or exactly the opposite may be true, in
which case you would drop all three.
This testing method does necessitate that you spend a little money on
advertising, but that is what businesses do – spend money to
advertise in order to make more money from sales.
In this case, you are going to use Google AdWords as your advertising
medium, and you are going to send people directly to the affiliate sales
pages, not your review page (as this would add another obstacle to
your ad viewers making a purchase).
So, you need to find a few good keywords for each product and create
AdWords ads using a keyword search tool. You can sign up for a 6
months free trial to AdsenseAdwords.com at
http://www.adsenseadwords.com/adsense/adsalt.asp .
Try to pull together a short list of keyword phrases, some popular and
some less so, and create your ads mentioning the key phrase at the
beginning of the title line, if possible.
Keep your bids low (you are not necessarily trying to shoot for the #1
spot) and set you maximum daily budget to the minimum as well, in
order to keep your initial costs down as low as possible.
Then, keep a very close eye on what happens.
If after a few days (don’t act too quickly!) you start seeing sales from
some ads but not others, drop the ones that are not getting anywhere
and take the ones that are working and change a couple of words in
them to see if the new, revised version will do even better.
What you will find after a week or so is that some products are not
selling whatever you try to do. It doesn’t really matter why; the
important fact is that you are not selling anything, so just drop the
product from your portfolio.
This little experiment or test will have cost you some money, but not
too much.
Other products, however, will be selling, but some of the ads will work
better than others, so drop the bad ones, and attempt to improve the
ones that make the sales.
What you should end up with by carrying out this testing and purging
operation is a small portfolio of products that you know will sell, and
ads that are doing a reasonably good job selling them for you.

As long as you are breaking even on your paid advertising efforts with
any particular product in the first month or so, stick with it, but keep
tweaking your ads in a never ending effort to generate ever increasing
sales without spending any more money.
By doing this, you should be able to move from breaking even into
profits in next to no time, and, by continuing on with building a large
portfolio of profitable affiliate products in this way, you can almost
guarantee that, longer term, your efforts to build a successful affiliate
marketing business cannot ultimately fail.

Secret Tactic 6: Keyword Gold Mining
As suggested in the previous chapter, in order to test your ads you
need keywords that are going to give you the best chance of success
when testing.
However, the same rule also applies when you are actually ‘full-on’
promoting the affiliate products, rather than testing.
You need to have a list of excellent keywords, that is, keywords that
will attract clicks on your AdWords ads, and then convert those clicks
by enticing someone to buy the affiliate product in question.
How do you do this?
Well, there are lots of free keywords tools out there that will give you
lists of keywords that you might want to use, and these are all very
well, except for one vital ‘flaw’.
Almost all of these rely on the same data, that is, the search numbers
supplied by Overture and these are notoriously inaccurate.
So, here is my own personal keyword method that I can categorically
guarantee is both effective and also a little bit sneaky! And, whilst it is
not entirely free, it is not too expensive either.
We are interested in selling affiliate products that are in a broadly
defined category that we might call ‘weight loss’. So, it would make
good sense to see what keywords other successful sites in the weight
loss niche are using to drive traffic to their sites to make sales, right?
Now, there are several ways that you can ‘spy’ on another site to get
this sort of information.
The first and simplest way is to open the homepage of the site in your
browser window and look at what keywords are being used in the
underlying html code (using Firefox, you do this from “View” and then
‘Page Source”).
Unfortunately, this only works if the page is coded in html, and fewer
and fewer webpages are created using this particular code, so more
than likely you will need to adopt a different approach.
Look back and you will see that the site that showed the greatest
momentum was carried a link ‘Practical Weight Loss’. So it is
reasonable to assume that a base keyword for this site would be
‘weight loss’, in the same way that ‘total body conditioning’ would
center around ‘body conditioning’.
So, take your first primary keyword phrase, head on over to
KeyWordSpy and type the phrase in. Using the free version (you can

sign up for a trial, but the basic free version can be used without doing
so) you will see the top ten sites for that keyword phrase:

The highlighted site MyBodyMakeover,com has 13441 keywords

shown! That gives you an awful lot of information, and clicking on the
link will give you a lot more, as it shows the top ten keyword phrases,
top competitor sites, their best PPC ads and so on (this last one is
definitely something that you should look at if you are new to AdWords
and PPC).
The problem with KeyWordSpy is that you are limited to only the ‘top
ten’ related information using the free version, and that once the free
trial has expired, it is not a cheap program at just short of $90 a
So, note down all of the extremely useful free information that you can
get from this site and then copy/paste the same domain name over to
Spyfu and input it there. A lot of similar information can be gained,
including how much money the company spends on its ads, as well as
the top ten search terms from both organic and advertised search

The difference with Spyfu, however, is that you can get complete and
full access to everything on the site for three days for the princely sum
of just $6.75!
So, all you need to do is get a list of the affiliate products that you
intend to promote together, and come up with your primary keyword
terms for each one. Then, run them all through KeyWordSpy to see
what information you can gather there.
Finally, sign up for a full three day membership of Spyfu and spend
every waking minute for the whole three days digging down as deep
as you can, in order to build massive list of keywords that you know
are performing for all the best sites in the market niche that you are
planning to attack. In three days, you can collect together enough
data to keep you going for three to six months if you work had enough
at it, after which it will be time to invest your $6.75 once again!
Armed with these keywords, you can then begin to build your own
killer AdWords ads. And, just in case you are not sure how to create
effective ads, remember to go back and look at the best KeyWordSpy
ads (‘Ad Variations’ tag after clicking through from the programs name
on the first results screen).

Secret Tactic 7: Challenging Reviews & Web 2.0
I have already mentioned that Squidoo and HubPages can be very
effective ways of boosting your affiliate product sales. Now I'm going
to show you in some detail exactly how you do this.
As you know by now, one of the best ways of pulling traffic from
natural search engine results is to use your primary key words in your
URL, and then duplicate those primary key words and phrases in any
other AdWords or other PPC advertising that you do.
And, as pointed out already, by being one of the first to promote a
particular Clickbank product, you will give yourself the best
opportunity of grabbing a good URL name as well.
Both Squidoo and HubPages work in a very similar manner to one
another, so, for the purposes of this explanation, I am going to treat
them as if they are both the same, because you will very quickly
recognize the minor differences once to start using them.
Both Squidoo and HubPages are sites where you can build your own
modular mini sites based around your topic or subject matter. In both
cases, you can add lots of peripheral modules simply by clicking to add
them, which means that both sites offer the ability to create effective
mini site that are both extremely flexible and easy to build.
However, for our purposes, we want to keep our mini sites as simple
and uncluttered as possible, and therefore the external modules that
you will need to add in to each will be minimal.
The reason, however, that you should use both of the programs is that
they both figure extremely well in the search engines, and especially in
Google natural search engine results pages.
Build a reasonable quality mini site with either Squidoo or HubPages
for a relatively new product, and you will most likely find it ranking in
the top 10 search engine results with Google within just a few days.
There is, of course, no guarantee that you will stay there,
unfortunately. This will, however, mean that you will start attracting
fresh traffic almost immediately!
So, the first thing that you need to do with both sites is to see if you
can grab the name of the affiliate product that you are promoting as
your mini site title.
If, however, someone has got there slightly before you so that the title
you want is not available, simply put a single dash in between each of
the words of the product title and try again. If that fails, try a double

Assuming that, for example, you are promoting the 'Total Body
Conditioning' program, then you would look to register the name ‘total
body conditioning’ as your mini site name with both programs.
Were you to be successful, then you would have two mini sites ready
to be created with the following URL addresses:
These are the two best addresses that you can ever have in Squidoo
and HubPages for this particular product, as it clearly indicates to the
search engine results what you are writing about.
As you go through the setup process with both of these programs, you
will need to input additional keywords to help the search engines
locate your site.
Go back to the keyword list that you built using Secret Tactic 6, and
input as many of these as you can.
You also need to include the specific keyword phrases highlighted
below, as this is how you will generate the maximum amount of traffic
for your Squidoo lens and HubPages hub.
As mentioned, both of these mini site creators are modular, and you
will need to include some additional modules in your site, in order to
make it look attractive. It also helps to ensure that the site
administrators don't take a dim view of what you're doing, as they do
not always approve of people using their sites for what they view as
commercial purposes.
Both Squidoo and HubPages offer you the ability to include eBay
products and an RSS feed on your site, plus a comments module as
You should definitely include all three of these options, particularly if
you have your own products sale on eBay. This works especially well if
you have a cheap report that you are selling on eBay as a method of
building your own customer list.
For your incoming RSS feed, I would recommend that you just lift the
latest news stories from Yahoo by using the following URL:
Change the highlighted words for some that are more appropriate to
your topic, but do not be too narrow with the words that you use. Do
not, for example, use the product title, as this will reduce the number
of news stories available, and thereby limit the amount of times that
your site will be refreshed and renewed.

You also need to set up a comments module, so that other people can
visit your pages and add their comments to them. This is another good
way of adding updated content to pages, and also makes your pages
look a lot more involving and interactive to real life human visitors.
One mistake to avoid with both your lens and your hub is that you
should not publish either until they are fully ready to go.
This is something that many new Squidoo and HubPages publishers
do, without realizing that, as soon as the pages are live other people
can see them. Given the speed with which people pick up on new
lenses and hubs, this is a mistake you surely want to avoid.
So, having included eBay, an RSS feed and comments module in your
site, you're ready to go with your product review.
Now, what you should do is create two entirely different product
reviews that ‘approach’ the product from slightly different angles.
And, whilst the review on your WordPress blog that is attached to your
own domain is full of praise for the product, the reviews you publish at
Squidoo and HubPages should be slightly different.
So, on your Squidoo lens you should create a fairly noncommittal and
balanced product review but one that nevertheless does not
wholeheartedly recommend that the product is great for everyone.
The format that I would use for this noncommittal review would be
something along the lines of:
"I found the product, and I bought it, even though I knew I should not.
The program told me that I would lose 10 kg in two weeks.
Even though I didn't believe it, I thought that I would give it a try. And
I was right to be skeptical -- although the program says that you will
lose 10 kg with no exercise or effort whatsoever, I found that you do
need to work at it, despite what they tell you.
I did not exercise as hard as I needed to, and therefore only lost 5 kg
in two weeks.
So, if you're willing to do the exercise, then maybe you can lose the 10
kg, but if you're not willing to do the work it is not going to happen.
My conclusion, therefore, is that it is not for everybody, but it's not too
The first thing you must do with this review is create an excellent
headline, so something including the words ‘disappointed’, ‘shocked’,
‘stunned’ or ‘surprised’ will create the immediate curiosity that you are
striving for.

What you now do for this review is create keyword phrases that
include the product name, followed by the words 'real review', '
‘genuine review’, ‘review’, ‘reviews’ and so on. In this scenario, you
would have keyword phrases something like 'total body conditioning
real review'.
Now you move on to create the second review, and this one should be
far more negative and critical than the first. This should go something
like this:
"Be honest. Do you really believe that any diet plan you buy online,
can help you lose 10 kg in two weeks?
Do you really believe that you can do it without any effort or work?
No, nor me, so, why I bothered buying this program I have no idea.
But I did, and here is what I found.
I lost 5 kg in two weeks instead of 10 kg, and I did exactly the amount
of exercise that the program recommends as well, which is none!
So, the product manufacturers are not telling the full truth when they
say that you can lose 10 kg in two weeks without exercise or effort.
You can, however, lose 5 kg, and that may be enough for some
If it is, then this might work for you. If not, then it won’t".
So, generally in this review, you are being more negative and stronger
in your stated views. Thus, the keywords that you are going to use
should also be negative and stronger. Again use the exact product
name but add suffixes like ‘scam’, ‘sucks’, ‘garbage’, ‘crap’, ‘bad
review’, ‘rotten review’ etc.
Now, go back to your AdWords account, and create PPC ads using
these keyword phrases as your titles. Don’t forget to add them to your
earlier created keywords list either.
In this way, you will drive incredibly targeted traffic to your mini sites,
where the visitor will read your review and hopefully then click through
on any links that you include.
You should try to drive visitors from Squidoo and HubPages to your
WordPress landing pages on your own site by including links in your
review text.
Do not, however, try to link directly to your affiliate pages, as this is
something that Squidoo and HubPages will most probably not be too
happy with.
Once you have published your lens or hub, then you should go out and
visit as many other lenses or hubs as you can find in your category,

and leave comments on them, as this will create back links to your
site, and should also encourage others to visit you, to read what you
have to say.
The beauty of this particular arrangement is that your reviews all say
that the product was effective to some degree or other, but not in a
gushing or over-exuberant manner. This adds a good degree of
credibility to your reviews, and, for example, most overweight people
will be more than happy if a product could remove 5 kg of bulk from
their frame, even though the claim was for 10 kg!
The key to making this particular secret technique work is landing a
good title for your lens or hub, and the sooner you try to do that, the
more chance you have of grabbing a good name. So, as soon as you
decide that any affiliate program is worth promoting, do not forget to
go straight to Squidoo and HubPages to try to get the product title for
your own les or hub, even if you do not plan to start a full scale
product promoting immediately.

So, there you have my seven favorite secret affiliate marketing tactics
that I have been using over the last year or so with a considerable
degree of affiliate marketing success.
Obviously, the first thing that you must have in place in order to be
successful is to be promoting a product that people want or need.
This is why any weight loss program is more than likely going to be
successful, as it is a well-known fact that more and more people in the
western world are overweight or obese.
The flipside of this, of course, is that it will not matter one iota how
hard you work at promoting or how much money you spend on
advertising. If the product you are promoting is a dud, then you are
not to make any sales.
Logically, therefore, after you have established your business plan
(remember!) then you must focus on building a portfolio of affiliate
products that solve problems or answer questions that people have.
Do this successfully, following the tactics and strategies that you have
read about in this report, and there really is no reason whatsoever why
you cannot be one of the 5% who really do make a very acceptable
living selling affiliates products every day on the internet.


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