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GUIDEBOOK FOR MIDI NOV.1985 1 MIDI FORMAT 1. WHAT IS MIDI? ‘The MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is an international standard for external control of electronic musical instruments, In other words, musical instruments, rhythm machines, sequencers, etc, are equipped with standard- ized input and output terminals and the music information which the instruments send and receive via these terminals is made compatible by a certain formating. ‘This standard enables a musical instrument to connect, synchronize, and sequence {memorize} to other models and even to other brands. 1-1, What is MIDI Capable of Doing? Connections can be made among keyboards, rhythm machines, sequencers, and MIDI interface equipped computers. [—=. HEC) ART TUT NENT) ETAT In MIDI PARA BOX CASIO cz mipt PARA OX CASO MIDI COMPUTER 4-2, What Data is Delivered Via MIDI? (1) Key velocity + striking speed of keys (2) After touch = key pressure (3) Note data + pitch and duration (4) Pitch bend data (5) Program change (6) Channel assignment : each keyboard must have a channel number that specifies which keyboard shouid be played. (7) Chock signal for synchronization (8) Start/Stop signal (9) Exclusive message : Each brands’ unique commands or data. 2, EXAMPLES OF MIDI CONNECTION 24. Remote Play To Amplifier To Amplifior ‘Our vAlschannel ¥ (Bhchannel 1 ‘Music played on keyboard (A) is also performed on keyboard (8) + The same basic channel should be set on both keyboards. 2-2, Play Utilizing Digital Sequencer SZ-1. [1) Monophonic 4-note orchestral performance. IN Recor To Amplitce a 02-101 or €z1000 MONO mode 4 Together with a sequencer having minimum of four tracks such as Casio SZ-1, CZ-104 or CZ- 1000 synthesizers can play four monophonic tones simultaneausly. * €Z-101 or CZ-1000 should be set in MONO mode, Basic channel 1, and voice channels 1 104, Recorded muses in tracks 1 to 4 correspond to voice channels 1 to 4 of C2.101 or CZ- 1000. {2) Polyphonic playback our Ww Polyphonic Keyboard joan Sa) Ct ‘The keyboard plays a polyphonic music recorded in one of the sequencer tracks. * ‘The sequencer and the keyboard should have the same channel number. (3) Synchronous playback with a drum machine, To Amplitier . our our To Amplifier CLOCK EXT. ‘Deum Machine Set ‘This connection adds a drum machine to connection diegram (1) or (2). Drums start/stop and tempo can be synchronized with keyboard playback. * In this configulation, the SZ-1 is the master. For synchronization, the clock switch of the SZ-1 must be set to INT and the drum machine clock to EXT. {4} Synchronized playback of a single polyphonic track and three monophonic tracks. our €2.101/62-1000 Polyphonic Keyboard 2s ve [Linton eae MIDI Channel Basie Channet Basic Changi Voice Channel Track 3°CH3 Track 4=CH4 In this configulation, polyphonic music is recorded on sequencer’s track 1. In the tracks 2 to 4, monophonic musics in different tones are recorded. Keyboard A must be set to the POLY mode and basic channel 01. Keyboard B should be set to the MONO mode, basic channel 02 and voice channels 02 to 04. For playback, polyphonic musie is executed from keyboard A while three different monophonic tones are played in keyboard 8. {5} Synchronized playback of 4 polyphonic tracks. ‘cH=01 cH=02 mpi PARA 80x =] 2-1 MIDI channels 1 Track 1= CHO! Track 2» CHO Track 3= CHO3 oHOS cE Teack 4 = CHO Polyphonic voices recorded in each track are played in the keyboard of corresponding channel. 2:3. Using the CZ-5000's Internal Sequencer ae ee Pawn 80x cHor eno ¢z-5000 62-5000 Teacks Track 1 = MONO Track 2 = MONO cHos ‘CHO Track 3 = MONO Track 4 = MONO Track 5 ~ MONO Track 6 = 3.4Note POLY cHos: cHos: Recorded voices in tracks 1 to 6 are played in the keyboard of the basic channels 01 to 08 respectively, Note: Only 8 voices can be recorded in CZ-5000 sequencer. MIDI CIRCUITS The following figure shows the MIDI connection. Data from the transmitter’s CPU is sent to the receiver's CPU through the MIDI cable at the rate of 31.25K baud (31,250 bits per second). In the receiver, the photo coupler transforms the “H” or “L" level of the data into the light energy, and then to the voltage level again to insulate against electric noises. To Gets [ye OT @ 9 pee) OS 29 counter _—_ wen Transmitter Maximum 15 meters Receiver from CPU 4. MIDI FORMAT (On data item is composed of 8 bits (1 byte) plus the start bit (always "0" (aiways "3°" = "H1"), "L") and the stop bit ‘Start Bit Dare Stop Bit 0 1 1n the following exptanations, the start and the stop bits are omitted. 4-1. Channel Voice Message Channel voice messages carry data which control the voices (tones) and channel number. (One message is composed of 2 of 3 bytes (plus two bits for the start and the stop bits in each byte). Cian lef UCI )f PTT The first byte is called "status byte” as it indicates what data the message carries. The first bit of the status byte Is always 1. The followings explain the functions of some important messages. {1} Note ON event First Stow) Byte | Second Byte | Third Byte 1001anan | OkkKERKK | Ovvvvewy This message is made of three bytes and carries key number (a pitch to be sounded) and velocity (hitting speed) information. (EE | Se Status byte ..... 1001nnan ‘The first four bit of the status byte 1001 indicates that a pitch should be sounded. ‘The lower half of the byte determines the channel number as shown below. a ana | Channel No. o000 ooo ooo oort 2 3 4 o100 5 o101 6 7 3 9 0 orto 2nd byte..... OkkkkkKk ‘The second byte of the Note ON event message carries a key number data. Upon receipt of this data, corresponding key of designated channel keyboard sounds. In order to discriminate from the status byte, the first bit of the succeeding bytes should be 0. The following figure indicates the relation between the key and Okkkkkkk, where the numbers of the keys are the decimal number of Okkkkkkk. ie, [Wem | Joa]@2 [tee [a ]2 olkle le lee lee lle [fol lel lleloboefofed lof fol exten one 3rd byte Ovvvvvew The third byte of the message indicates the key velocity. ‘The following figure indicates the relation between the loudness and Ovvwvwwv. Weakest ‘00000001 Loudest oman ee va 7 wh For keyboard having no velo feature such as CZ-101, CZ-1000 and CZ-5000, velocity data is always transmitted and recognized as 64. Note: 1. When two or more same messages are transmitted, the status bytes from the second message can be omitted. e.g, To sound C2 end E2 on channel 1 10010001 90170009 91000009 90110700 9100000 Lao 90OF COTO MrDO NCO ROL NTOP 91007009 Channel Note ON C2 Velocity 64 2. Velocity 0 is used as “Note Off", (2) Control change . . nnn ececee Channel eumber + Control number vevuvwy: Control value £2 1011 mann Occeecee Ovvwwwyy Velocity oe ‘The message conveys the information of switches and VAs of the control panel. 2nd byte -Occcecee cececce indicates a switch or a VR in the control panel. ard byte we. Ovvyyywy vuvvvvy deseribes the status of the switch or value of the VR. ‘The following table lists the control change messages of models CZ-101/1000/5000 and CT-6000, €2-101/1000. ceccece | Decimal Number Switch or VR aevuwe | Status | Transmit | Receive ooo | OFF 2 ° ‘ogoc001 1 ViBRATO ON/OFF aitiiti | on ° ° ‘0000101 5 PORTAMENTO TIME | 900000 | 00 x ° i a1o0011 | 98 0000110, 6 MASTER TUNE so0ge00 | 9 % } sna | 127 ‘o00001 65 PORTAMENTO ‘ogo000 | OFF ° ° ON/OFF | ssiattt | on * Transmit and Receive: © possible, x impossible le. CZ-101 is able to receive PORTAMENTO TIME data but cannot send it. For sending VIBRATO ON data to channel 2, the message carries: 101} Q019 9000000) O1111114 Que a Control Chsnne! VIBRATO ON Change 2 switch ©z-5000 ececece | Oecimat Number | Switch or VR worn | Staws | Teonsmit | Receive ‘9000007, 1 MODULATION Wheel 2 ° ° oon010% 5 PORTAMENTO TIME | 900000 | 00 x ° 2 p nooo | 99 ‘0000110 6 MASTER TUNE ‘ooceo00 | 0 * ; x ° atin | ar ros0009 64 SUSTAIN Pedal ‘000000 | OFF ° ° tnt | ON vo00001 5 PORTAMENTO ‘oon | OFF ° ° ONIOFF viint | ON cT-6000 eccecce | Decimal Number Swieh or VR. www | Staus | Transmit | Receive vo00000 64 SUSTAIN Peds! ‘o000000 | OFF > ° timiy | ON (4) Program change... . 1100 nnn Oppppppp. nann Channel number PPPPAPA: Program (tone! number ‘This message is composed of two bytes and sent when a tone is changed to another. ‘The following tabte indicates the program numbers of the Casio synthesizers. cz-101/1000 pepapee | Decimal Number | Tone Number Transmit |] Recuive 009900 0 PRESET TONE 1 . bs 001111 6 PRESET TONE 16 9109000, 32 INTERNAT No.1 ? C ° ° onoia11 a INTERNAL No. 18 ‘009000 e Gariridge No. rota) 78 Cartridge'No. 18 2-000 ippone | Oxsna Nanbe_|_ Tove Number Tone [Roa] ‘oo0eon9 0 | Preser x onass enseuace n : : : 2 | © cous 31__| passer 08 crvevoon souno) ‘exon op | enon panic a p : ‘ o | © oni & _|_wenorvoanx oo ‘CT-6000 cannot transmit or receive the program change messages. If 2 keyboard receives a larger program number than described above, it selects the largest program number. i.e, if 2 CZ-6000 receives program change message of Cartridge No. 1 from a C2-101, the (€Z.5000 sets MEMORY BANK 0-8. (5) Pitch Bender Change... -1140nnnn Ovvyyyyw Ovweww Informations of a pitch bender wheel's position is transmitted by two bytes (14 bits as the first bit of the value bytes are fixed a5 0) The centrol value — the normal position of the wheel- should be 01000000 00000000. The lower 6 bits are not used {fixed as 0) in Casio synthesizers as shown below. up own 01171111 Gta00000 (7E40H) “ 91900000 o9000000 14090H) 20000000 0000000 {00004} =10- (6) Channel Pressure. .... 1101nann Gvuvyvwy (After-Touch) vwvwyyy: Pressure value This message conveys the after-touch {key pressure) data of the whole channel. ‘The following table shows the pressure value of CT-6000 Transmit | Recognize Minimem Pressure | @o00000 | oncoo00 a t Q Maximum Pressure | o1niti0o | ontniay (7) Polyphonic Key Pressure ..... 1010nAnn Okkkkkkk Ovvvvw (After-Touch) Okkkkiek : Key No. Ouvvyvyy : Pressure value For the keyboards having after-touch key pressure detection feature on each key, the message carries the pressure data for each key (8) Note OFF Event... 1000nana Okkkkkkk Ovyyywwy kkkkkkk = Key No, vevwvuy : Key velocity ‘This message informs releasing key and the releasing speed. However, since the releasing velocity Is not important and it wastes transmitting time, most keyboards do not utitize the message. Instead of this message, Note ON Event (velocity 0} is mostly used. i.e., when hitting and releasing key C3 of channel 01 keyboard: 3 ca ‘on OFF, [9019069 g0141109 91000009 90111109 90000009 once SOU n0) Roapony {___) Ce 109 gonnyong Note Channel Key No.60 Velocity The status canbe Key No.60 Velocity 0 on *c3 = 64 omitted ifitisthe = C3 oy OFF same message. —ue 4.2, Channel Made Messages The channel mode messages are transmitted by the same status as the control change message 1011, and the discrimination is made whether the second byte is in between 01111010 (7AH) and 00101911 (7FH) One of the important feature in the channel mode message is OMNI which determines a receiver whether it accepts only the assigned channel data or all the voice data. OMNI ON... Ifa receiver is set on OMNI ON, it accepts all the sounds whatever the assigned channel number is. OMNI OFF .... A receiver set on OMNI OFF accepts only the assigned channel data SEQUENCER 1 ad In this connection, bass, guitar and piano are heard from individual receiver and ali the notes of these instruments are heard in string ensemble sound from sol the CH4 keyboard PARA BOX eves Te. (BRT REELRETE) (PL HRE HEY cH cH cua cna OMNI OFF ‘OMNI OFF OMNI OFF ‘OMNI ON BASS Guitar PIANO STRING ENSEMBLE With combinations of OMNI ON/OFF and Polyphonie/Monophonic, for @ receiver assigned to basic channet “N", the four possibie modes arising from the two mode messages are; ‘OMNI ON | OMNI OFF POLY ON Mode 4 Mode 3 POLY OFF | Mode? | Modes Mode 1 OMNI ON POLY ON Voice messages are received from all Voice Channels and assigned to voices polyphonicatly. =12= Mode 2 ..... Voice messages are received from all Voice Channels, and contro! only one voice, monophonically. Mode 3 Voice messages are received in Voice Channel N only, and are assigned to voices polyphonically Mode 4 ..... Voice messages are received in Voice Channels N through N-+M—1, and assigned monophonically to voices 1 through M, respectively. ‘The number of voices M is specified by the third byte of the Mono Mode Message. Track 1... SYNTH. BASS €Z-101 or C72-1000 is set on Mode Tek 2--MIOLINE SEQUENCER 4 when [SOLO] button is pushed. ‘a Mt nder this condi 5 ee Aes Under this condition, monophonic x ia 4 voices recorded in each track of 2.101 or C2900 | the sequencer is playbacked simultaneously from the CZ-101 or G2-1000, ssie Channel = 1 Voiee Channel 1; SYNTH. BASS. Voice Ghannai 2: VIOLIN Voice Channsl 3: PERCUSSION Voice Channel 4: SYNTH. STRINGS Chennel Mode Messages have the following formats: (1) owt ON 1OVInnnn 01711101 9000000 (en) (70H) (00H) nnn : Basic channel (2) OMNI OFF..... 1011nnnn 01411100 a090c000 (Bau) {7CH) (00H) (3) POLY ON ..... 101fAnnn 07111111 000000 (en) (7FH) (00H) (4) MONO ON..... 10t1nnnn 01111110--00000000 @ (BnH} (7EH) [ion owww = @ © When the third byte is OOH, the keyboard produces only a single monophonic voice. @® www : Number of Voice Channel ‘The keyboard is able to produce several monophonic voices simultaneously. when the third byte is 00000100, then the keyboard can play four different ‘monophonic voices simultaneously, -B- Other than the above modes, Channel Mocle Message includes the local control and all note off messages. (5) Local Control Off .....1011mmmm 01117010 90000000 (Bn Hi) (AH) (00H) (On this mode, o receiver cannot accept data from the keyboard but only MIDI data. (6) Local ControlOn ..... 101Mmnnn 1111010 T1111 (Bn Hy (AW) FHI 2 FER (On this message, a receiver is able to produce sounds aither from the keyboard and MIDI data. (7) ANote Off ......... 1017anan 01117011 GoDO0000 (Bn H) (78H) (00H) Upon receipt of this message, the keyboard stops producing sounds. Model | Channel Mode | Transmitied | Recognized Remarks CT-6000 | Default” Mode 1 ‘Mode 1 (Mode 3) | (Mode 3) Messages x x Locel ON/OFF x ° All Notes OFF x x cz-101 | Defoe Mode3 | Mode 3 OMNI ON/OFF ©2-1000 | spessages x PoLy, mono | ‘sre Mode 1= 3 Mode 2~ 4 Local ON/OFF x ° All Notes OF F x x €2:5000 | Defaule Mode | Mode 3 Changing to Mode Nesaee x x econ pre Local ON/OFF x ° switch All Notes OF F x x sZ1 | Detaure Mode 3 Message x x Local ON/OFF x x Al Notes OFF x x * Default: Status at Power-ON a4 43, System Common Message {1} Song Position Pointer..... 11170010 ongeeeee (FORD Ohbhhhhh eeReLER = Least signi hhhhhhh : Most significant As soon as a music starts, a register built in a MIDI apparatus starts counting from 0 and counts up the MIDI beat (1 beat = 6 MIDI clacks*). When the music is stopped, the resister stops counting and stores the number in it. If the music is continue — started, the register starts counting from the stored number. A certain number con be preset in the register by this message. * Refer to page 16 for “MIDI clock”. (2) Song Select . . 11110011 Osssssss (FSH) sssssss_: Song number For a sequencer or a keyboard which is able to record several songs, the message designates a song number or a sequence number. {3) Tune Request......... 11110110 (FoH) ‘The message tunes an analog synthesizer’s oscillator automatically. (4) EOX ee 110111 (End of System Exclusive) (F7H) ‘This message indicates the end of 2 System Exclusive Message. Moda! System Common | Transmitted | Recognized | Remarks “eT-6000 | SongPosition x x ‘Song Select % % “Tune Request x x 2-101 | Song Position x x ez.1000 [Song Select x x Tune Raquest x % 62-5000 |_ Song Position x x Song Select x x ‘Tune Request x x sz Song Position x x ‘Song Select x x Tune Request x x = 15~ 4-4, System Real Time Message ‘System Real Time Messages synchronize the MIDI apparatuses which utilize the timing between ‘drum machine and sequencer. (1) MIDI Timing Clock «0.22.2... 11111900 (FH) On the connection shown below, a song recorded in 2 $2-1 is played on 2 CZ-101 and a rhythm machine, and a5 the song and the rhythm should be synchronized, the S2-1 sends this code (F8H) 24 times per 2 quarter note (9). MoI IN Mie OUT MIDE IN DAUM MACHINE sz 2.101 (CLOCK "EXT" CLOCK “INT The clock selection switches on the SZ-1 and the drum machine should be on “INT” and “EXT respectively, (2) Start ve 11111010 (FAH) When the sequence start button (PLAY button on SZ-1) on a transmitter is pushed, this message is sent to receiver(s}. In S2-1, this message is transmitted to receiver when the number in the song pointer is O and. PLAY button is pushed, (3) Continue - se- 11141011 (FBH) When @ sequencer is stopped at the middie of a song, the song position pointer in the sequencer also stops counting. If the sequencer receives this message after then, the song position pointer counts up again from the stopped number. (4) Stop... cece eeeeeeees 17111900 (FCH) When @ MIDI apparatus receives this message, the song position pointer stops counting and. holds the stopped umber. (5) Active Sensing ......-- = 11111110 (FEH) ‘The message is used for MIDI connection; When a receiver recognizes this message, it expects to receive a message within 300ms. Uf the receiver do not get any message within 300ms, it then shuts the voice off. 16 (6) System Reset... ........... TVTT144 (FH) ‘Once a receiver accepts this message, it initializes itself to the Power-ON status. Model System Real Time Transmitted Recognized | Remarks T6000 Glock ° © Commands* ° ° ez.101 Glock x ¥ 2-100 Commands x x 2-500 Giock ° 3 Commands o ° SZ Clock OGlock “INT? | O Glock "EXT™ Commands OGlock “INT” | O Glock “EXT” “Commands: Other messages than "MIDI Timing Clock” 45, System Exclusive Messages Other than the above explained messages, manufacturers’ unique messages can be transmitted from a MIDI interfaced personal computer. ‘The foliowing shows the format of System Exclusive Messages 11110000 Giiiitii Oxxxxxxx Ooorxe Ox T1TTOITT Ke ee eee an (2) (3 cy 41) Status . 11110000 (FOH) n1T= (2) Manufacturers’ Identification Number . . 0: ‘When a system exclusive message is transmitted, it must identify the manufacturer's registered code number. The followings show the identification number of each manufacturer. Casio sores 01000100 (46H) Sequential Circuits, Inc. . 00000001 (01H) Big Briar.......... . . 00000010 {02H} Octave/Plateau 2.00... +. 00000011 (03H) Moog Music 2... occ sees sevsssee+ 08000100 (04H) Passport Designs see «+++ 00000101 {05H} Lexicon ... a . 00000110 (06H) Kuraweil Musie System CBS Musical Instruments Steinway & Sons ...... Oberheim Electronics .. Bon Tempi . a 90000111 (07H) = 00901000 (08H) 0001001 (09H) = 00010000 (10H) 00100000 {20H} = 00100001 (21H) Kawai = 91000000 (40H) Roland = 07000001 (41H) Korg. . 01000010 (42H) Yamaha - 01000011 (43H) (3) Command 00. eeeeeeee Desc OER OK Xx xxXXx and number of bytes can be determined by the manufacturers, however, the first bit of any byte must be 0. For Casio's System Exclusive Messages, refer to the next section, (4) End of System Exclusive ....... 11110111 (F7H) A receiver recognizes the end of a System Exclusive Message when it receives other statuses {except System Real Time Messages) o this code, MIDI Computer =18- Ul, CASIO’S SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE Note: In this section, all the message codes are shown in hexadecimal notation unless otherwise noticed. 8 11119000 01000100 o0000000 01111010 We Oe Foo a4 o 0 7A 1. 62-101, 62-1000 14. Massages (1) Send Request 1 fom “ ‘When a CZ-101/1000 receives a Send Request 1 message from 2 personal computer, PARA- METER data for one tone of the designated Basic Channel are transmitted from the CZ-101/ 1000 to the personal computer by the foltowing procedures. Computer —e C2-101/1000 €2:101/1000—eCamuter 1 2 3_| GNIS) 4 s je Basie Channel Memory Bank PRESET TONE No, 1~ 1B 0D~ OF or 10~ 16 INTERNAL 1~ 16 CARTRIDGE 1~ 76 Sound Acea® 20~2F o¢ 30~3F soos 40~ AF or 80~5F ” 60 *Souncl Acea: The voice which the GZ-101/1000 is able to sound at the moment, Tone Data: PARAMETER data. Refer to page 22. -19- (2) Receive Request ‘A personal computer transmits a PARAMETER data for one tone to a CZ-101/1000 by the followiag procedures. 2 bes f Sompyier—e CZ:101/1000 €2:101/1000—» Computer 1 [olas[oojoo] raf 2a] eas) 2 (Foleafoofoolz nfo} 3 EZ 4 FT N: Basie Channel jd: : Memory Bark (3) Bend Range The BEND RANGE of the CZ-101/1000 is varied according to the Bend Range message from the personal computer. Computer ——» CZ-101 1 |[Eolsstoofoo]7n [sola le7 N 5 Basie Channel did: BEND RANGE 0~1: (4) Key Transpose The KEY TRANSPOSE of the CZ-101/1000 is varied according to the Key Transpose message ‘rom the personal computer. Computer ———» 6Z-101/1000 1 |(Eo]#4 foofoo|7s [41 laa: [Fr N+ Basie Channel dds} Kay teanzpoee date key [Ga [aels [a2] c fez[o [e ids | $5 [44 [43] 42 [4 j00 [01 [oz [03 [os [05] 06 -20~ (5) Tone Mix TONE MIX ON/OFF end the mixing level are set in the CZ-101/1000 by the following message from the personal computer. Computer —= 62-101/1000 1 |folsaoolooln[a2 aul F 7) No: Basie Channe! d, 2 TONE MIX ON/OFF dys 4e--ON 0---OFF dz} Mixing level LEVEL 1 i LEVELS (6) Send Request 2 When 2 CZ-101/1000 receives a Send Request 2 message from 2 personal computer, PROGRAMMER and EFFECT data are transmitted fram the keyboard to the personal computer. Computer —»G2-401/1000 (€2-101/1000 —=Compuier 1 [{eol@s[ooloo]7 N] 19 lao, 2 (Fo[s4[o0[oo [7m] 30) 3 | fiat 4 (Side [dade] FT 8 | fez Side: Dummy deta. Should be within 00~ F7 NN: Basic Channel adlss Memory Bank PRESET TONE 1~ 16 on. 00 ~OF INTERNAL 1 ~ 16 ~ os 202 CARTRIOGE 1~ 16. 0~aF dsde: VIBRATO/PORTAMENT ‘gd | vigraTo | PORTAMENT oo | OFF OFF 10 | oN OFF 20 | oFF oN, 30 | on ON Mi Voice Channel When the keyboard is set to MODE 4 (OMNI OFF, MONO), the four Voice (Channels are transmitted repeating the above procedures 1~ 5 four times ‘At this time, M should bo N, N41, N#2 and N¥3. Ifthe CZ-101/1000 is set to MODE 1, MODE 2 or MODE 3, the sbove procedures are performed once with BEV. ~2- 1-2, Tone Data In Send Request 1 and Receive Request messages, Tone Data is transmitted between the personel computer and a CZ-101/1000 in the foltowing order. {in the following table, one square indicates B-bit data, however, in the actual data transmissions, it is divided in two (4-bit each) and 0 (0000 in binary code} is added on each 4-bit data. 2.9,, data [aa [is actually tonsmitted as [064] fos]. Sending ‘Symbol Contents of Data Data Format 9 MAMD, MAMV | DCAI KEY FOLLOW ie | Aes 2 | _rva__| BERLENRLOWE =z w_|__rmv __| OUI RVELore z a : 18 SAMD, SAMV DCA2 KEY FOLLOW er mr) REESE La fa (1) PFLAG LINE SELECT and OCTAVE data is uss 00 : LINE SELECT 01: LINE SELECT 2 10: LING SELECT ¥ +1" 11: LINE SELECT 1 +2" 00: OCTAVE 0 {e OCTAVE +1 10: OCTAVE -1 (2) Pos DETUNE + or - vase use og po: ceune 1: DETUNE ~ (3) PDETL, PDETH ~~~ DETUNE data 1330. Lss.nse use Low|HicH]|—> |\' 0 Data is ransmittod r T HIGH iow High byte fist. Le Half tone (NOTE, OCT) data Less than half tone (FINE) data The FINE data 0 ~ 60 is assigned to 00 ~ 3F (HEX.) as follows. FINE Date | MIDI Transmission Data | HEX. 0 d0000000 09 2 ‘ ‘ ne oF | do01000% 1 2 1 1 30 poor 1% a | OT ODOT a t : 2 45 ooroinet 2F we eorrooot 3 Q 1 ‘ 60 oorriata 3F -23~ ‘The C2-101/1000 is able to detune up to three octaves and eleven notes (47 half tones). ‘This half tone data is transmitted as follows: Oct | NOTE | MIDI Troasmistion Data | HEX, ° ° 00000000 00 2 : t u ooooro1t 08, 1 0 00001100 oc : ‘ t " ooorerny ” 2 ° 00011000 18 t 2 t u oo1c0011 23 3 ° 00100100 24 L 2 t " oorority ae (4) VK ~ VIBRATO WAVE 80, use wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 : VIBRATO WAVE 4 VIBRATO WAVE 2 VIBRATO WAVE 1 VIBRATO WAVE 3 Wave 4 -m- TRIANGLE ‘SAW UP SAW DOWN. SQUARE - VIBRATO DELAY TIME data VIBRATO DELAY TIME data is transmitted in three bytes. DeLay] evOLo.PyoLY | DELAY] PvOLV.PvDLY | DELAY] PvoLD,PunLy | Belay] #vOLO, PYDLy ie ieee) | tise tex | Thee wwext_| Tine | ‘re o |fe oho ofo o]| a fr sje ofr jf s fs aje ole sl] 7 [sale olor 1_feifoopo ny] [raf ofr al] sfx afoofee|| w (clo ofe a] 2 foaoofea|| a» iso ofral « [Fao ops oper 3 ffeafo ojo s|| 2 fe ofr al] 3 fs sjo os 7] alr 7} a l[eafe sro ay] fo ojo) sa [fe fo ofs & oF Fe a) | ee | a 7fo cys § aor ¢ Psesee| w [eros] # s[ouies| a feafeare 7 foro oo 7i| se Pape ope ai[ # fs efoofe7]| # |e afore se efo ofos}| m fe afo oj2 aj] se [safo ole sll a [fs aJo var] eo leefe fo s|] x [fe ajo ofr s}] ss fe ajoofe r]| aw [safe ter © PAPA) = [PSS s|| « eee all ws [eset ? uy fe eie ojo ei] [2 ato oje sl] ee ajoojr7]] a = 8[o fe F] 2 @l[_# PP sjeoje || 2 [Felool s/o» [Safe ape 3 oI aif ‘fee i eI _28 Gi Ter 6 *| 7 = TRF af ee Te} eal] 6 ver ws 7|_@ pe ‘ofr 3)| 69 TE F eee] we FF] ee Fre] of ll are pea] ee ape a]] IPF =25~ (6) PSD, PVSV ~~ VIBRATO RATE data rave] PRLRHEYa [rave | PSO GIR Paar PSHE [rare | PSS oP yee) = [Pop ajo vali eo 1 [foe] Pape Pore 2 feyowse oy] 7 (ope seo pope a 3 [fe sje ole ol| w [reo sjao [eer eye o} I we [rope sje} | epee jo ajo Fe a)a oye 0) vo 2l iF apo zs @ e|| of |] oj of = 26 (7) PVD, PVDV - s-sewe VIBRATO DEPTH data cern] POOH [oars] POR [osm] MOREY [oem] ORE feooe | = rape voy Al 7% Pee apes (pape ofe 2 eos a]| «fe efo oe a eae oye 3 cafe a] [eee aye y ‘eae e) ee | 7 [a elo ofr r ofs Fl] 7 [a Flo afo 7] Spe aj] wo fe alo tte of6 7 a fs 1fo 1]? | o]| a fe ale tse Ae eT if 2 Proof 3 | 2 [Pele of 7|| 7 [fs efo ofp 7]] ee [s 2[o 2]? Fl} 2 Pipers » [pap opri| » [ese seo =~ (8) MEW DCOI WAVEFORM & MODULATION HIGH HIGH | Low] —> Low Cc MODULATION (RING, NOISE} | =— RESONANCE (WAVEFORM 6~6) 1: FIAST & SECOND 0 : FIRST only SECOND WAVEFORM FIRST WAVEFORM Date is transmitted High byte first. WAVEFORM, MODULATION FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST First = 7 FIRST = 8 SECOND = 1 SECOND = SECOND SECOND = SECOND SECOND = SECOND = 7 SECOND = 8 woouLarion ololol RING ON ifolo NOISE ON ofa} ~28~ DCA KEY FOLLOW (9) MAMO, MAMV-. DCAt eA f Key coLtow | MAMD. MAMY oe ee Q bolo fos Tra] foa [2a os | 2F [os [3a] for [as fos [52 joo [sr (10) MWMD, MMV Dew 1 KEY FOLLOW cw Key Fotiow | MMO. 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B= 118,0 Kat Wo Ashe2¢ Conversion from MIDI data (8) to RATE data (a). LL When 8 = 0, «=O. ee When f= 774, «= 99; Otherwise: . #990 XP +110 HT os Ange Boor -m~ (13) PMWL OCW1 ENVELOPE END step SO 2p] metic DCW1 ENVELOPE RATE and LEVEL ]— nate cate [se 0:7 oe rN ves ts c]— _——_evet asta SUSTAIN point 1: SUSTAIN point 1 = Not SUSTAIN point DCW1 ENVELOPE Data Table 70H war fos 0) ave) Bags |are| Gata | nave) Gaza | nave] Bara / BlahS [PATE as | PATE) RASA | PATE] Be oP = Fal = als vies a 17] sr asi ve [fe-3) Plies ae Pale Papo [ea 3) The 2 if ° |e fe é = i i e a wie q [ra 2 ira Ewa we | all a ipa a fra | we | TET a2 iB sl a2 |P 6 rele | ipa ® [Pa era e Fae ral Ps » als Pe] o eal» Palm [al « alo [eal ow re > fs Pals Pale Pale [eal «= Pale [ea] pw Bay eal al» (mal (ral @ imal [eal o ip = Pals Pap al» pel = Peal Fel iral = a | fe alle [ea] |e o} © Pll ire 9 |B vm |B ly |p a Conversion Calculation Conversion from RATE data {a) to MIDE data (g). BHI, x @ + 99, +B Conversion from MIDI data (g) to RATE data (a). to MIDI data (8). B=127io Xa + Wo to LEVEL data (ab. Conversion from MIDI data (6) Conversion from LEVEL data (al when p’=0, @=0 when 9=0, @=0 when §"= 774, «= 99%0 when 9=7Fy, @= 9910 othorwis otherwise: = 980 XP F110 +1 99:9 x0 1279 HH whereas 6" 8 -3-

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