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Sample Persuasive Speech About

Teens, I’d like to offer you some advice that may be the most important lesson you’ll ever learn
about driving—although it may have only been covered briefly in a single lesson of your driver’s
education course. Texting while driving is a serious distraction and one that could cost you your
life or the lives of others. I know how hard it is to put the phone down and concentrate on the
road. Even as an adult, I sometimes struggle with avoiding distractions while I’m driving. But
there are plenty of other options and a lot of good reasons to keep your eyes on the road.

I know you may think that it only takes a second to type that text and hit send. However, in
actuality, the average text takes your eyes away from the road for five seconds. If you’re going

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55 mph, then five seconds is the amount of time it takes you to drive the length of a football
field. A better alternative is to wait until you reach your destination. Or, if you absolutely must

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respond to a text sooner, find a safe place to pull over.

You may also think that you’re a good enough driver that you can safely send a text message
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without interfering with your ability to operate your vehicle. Statistics show that teen drivers who
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text spend approximately 10% of their driving time driving outside of their lane. But it’s hard to
know that if you aren’t looking. If having the phone within reach is too much of a temptation for
you, try placing it in the backseat where you can’t get to it while you’re driving.

You may have even seen your parents or other adults texting while driving themselves. Let me
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assure you that doesn’t make it any more safe. In fact, because texting takes your eyes off the
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road longer than any other activity that distracts you from driving, it makes all drivers 23 times
more likely to be involved in an accident. In 2011, almost a fourth of all auto collisions were
caused by someone using a cell phone. So, in this case it’s best to do as your parents say and
not as they do.
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Another good reason to avoid texting and driving is because it is outlawed in many cities and
states. Getting caught could get you in big trouble. And in addition to the actual laws in place,
there are technological advances that now allow parents to install driver cams that show them in
real time exactly what you’re doing while you’re driving. This could get you in even bigger


So, teens, as you prepare to get out on the roads, let your biggest worry be whether you’ll pass
your driving test, not whether you’ll end up in an accident due to texting and driving. Let it wait.
Pull over. Or just put your phone out of reach until you get where you’re going. When you

respond to your BFF’s text of “where r u?”, you don’t want your answer to be “in an ambulance.”

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Free Sample Persuasive Speech: Love is more powerful than hate

Love and hate are one of the strongest opposites in our dichotomous thinking. Why then unhappy love often turns into
deep hate and ruined relationships? A person in love loves everyone. This overwhelmingly positive feeling can change
the   world   drastically.   A  person   in  hate   becomes   an  enormous   destructive  force.   It   drives   to   an   abyss   of   violence.

Have   you   ever   experienced   real   light   of   love   and   real   darkness   of   hate?

Love may be more powerful than hate because, as it was in the song, love can lead to hate, whereas hate never, even
metaphorically, produces love. Love is more powerful because it gives birth to new positive challenges. Love changes a
person, enriches the world, extends the horizons, enhances opportunities, brightens friendships, and deepens emotions.
A person in love has a specific aura, a peculiar kind of energy that is given off, scattered in all directions, like the light of
the   myriads   of   stars,   sliding   through   ages,   celebrating   Juliet,   Laura,   Natasha,   Ophelia,   Desdemona,   all   those   love
stories,   powerful   in   their   complexity   of   feelings   and   emotions,   all   about   eternal   love.

But love can go away. It simply disappears, vanishes. So powerful  to disappear,  or  love never goes away. Love's

components are intimacy, passion, and commitment, with all their variations. Consummate love that balances them all is
rare. If Romeo and Juliet had lived longer, would they have loved each other with the same intimacy, passion, and
commitment? I have doubts. Love is powerful because it can transform. It is, in fact, a transforming process of flexible
relationships,   in   which   intimacy   remains   stable. 

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Who ever lived to hate? Love is powerful because it drives, navigates, directs, and makes our existence meaningful.

Hate invites loneliness, whereas love denies it. Hate ruins personality, whereas love builds ego identity. Hate results in

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acts of violence, whereas love leads to amazing acts of kindness. Hate destroys, whereas love creates. Hate is war,
whereas  love is peace. Hate is bad, whereas  love is good. Hate is revenge, whereas  love is construction. Hate is

meaningless, whereas love is meaningful. It is impossible "to love to hate". It is always "love" that gives birth to "love".

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That's   why   love   is   more   powerful   than   hate,   if   you   follow   me.
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Discover your powers. Discover love in yourselves. Be sure you're more powerful to love than to hate. Keep love inside,
and all will be always fine. 
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I wrote this in a few hours total and put little effort into it because it's due very soon. I'd just like
for someone to tell me if I made any mistakes or if it's just generally bad for a 10th grade essay.

I'm also trying to remove all contractions (they're, don't, etc.) and I'm looking for parallelism
mistakes. I ran into some trouble with the conclusion because I honestly have no idea how to
form a good conclusion to anything besides a fiction narrative.

Should students have to wear uniforms?

Uniforms are seen almost anywhere in the world and are worn for many different reasons that

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could range from going to a reunion to going to work. People usually think of suits, tuxedos, or
something a grown up would wear when “uniform” is said. Why are children expected to wear
uniforms every day if grown-ups are the ones they usually see wearing them? Many students in
the lower grades might not enjoy the uniform policy, but they also do not really care about it.
However, the upper grades see it as a nuisance in their daily routines and despise the idea of
doing it for so long. The truth behind the matter is that there are so many reasons that show the
uniform policy’s greatness or its issues. Security, bullies, characterization, individualism, and
much more can be brought into concern when discussing this topic.
Everyone should be able to feel secure in their school and should not have to worry about
anything going wrong. If there wasn’t a uniform policy, random strangers could just walk into the
school building and you would not be able to tell the difference. Students could conceal
weapons in baggy or thick clothing, so that no one would know what they have. Teachers would
have a much harder time trying to learn who you are when you’re style of clothing or fashion
changes every day; anyone could skip their class and just go to another where the teacher
doesn’t even know anyone’s name. Bullies would be able to sneak into the same class as the

student they are bullying and bully them daily with no problems.

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Bad behavior is also a huge issue that can be found in hundreds of schools and it’s not a very

easy issue to handle. Uniforms don’t directly conflict with behavior issues, but there have been

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students who would start a fight over something so ridiculous. Uniforms have deleted this whole

situation by removing clothes related issues that would provoke another student. Students who
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want to leave could just get in their car and drive away without anyone seeing any sign of him or
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her being a student. Students would also put a little more effort into what they’re learning if they
are not worried about something as simple as clothes.
Students are encouraged to be creative and do something amazing every day by teachers or

parents. How can students express their individuality when they are forced to wear the same
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thing as everyone around them? Students tend to alter their faces with jewelry to make up for
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this loss of freedom. Some schools actually tell their students to take the jewelry out and not to
wear it again, so students are once again at a loss of creativity. The uniform policy puts many
students in a state of no control and makes them feel insignificant, but its purposes are very
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useful to keeping a school in great shape.

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