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Alissa Urman

Jr. English
February 10th, 2021
“I Am”
I am the daughter of average Americans.
Who are descended from hardworking people
Who continue to work and make money despite their ages
They call me Alissa Urman
I am opinionated in my own way and stubborn
I wonder when the debates aren't going to be a discussion
I hear opinionated high schoolers all the time
I see Trump rallies and political based masks
I want everyone to respect each others opinions
I am opinionated in my own way and stubborn
I pretend to not care when people state unwanted opinions
I feel irritated when people think their opinions are better than everyone
I touch my phone and read articles and instagram posts all the time about
the debates
I worry that our president is going to make us spend more money then we
have before by raising our gas prices
I cry when i’m frustrated because i work hard for my money
I am opinionated in my own way and stubborn
I understand that people have opinions and so do i
I say I don't care about anything political but i care when i hear people like
Trump degrading women
I dream of the day we have a steady president that somehow meets
everyone's needs
I try to ignore the big changes but its hard when life is changing so fast
I hope for a good future
I am Alissa Urman

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