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Books by immigrants

- Not long ago, i coincidently walked into an interesting article in Newsela

called: Books by immigrants, foreigners and minorities don’t diminish the
classic curriculum. It was written by a person who has an account named
Viet Thanh Nguyen, and was published in the Washington post. The
publishing day of the article was about October 1st, 2020.

- The plot of the article is mainly about the journey of researching, studying
and objective opinions of the author through literature in different
countries and cultures, and how it affects the curriculum, both positive and
negative. In the article, you will be caught up in a series of events that
happened in the author’s time that all have impacts, whether big or small,
to the curriculum dissent, literature and the problem of retaliative
conceptions of countries in the past: Asian, Americans,…The article will also
show you some of the cultures and fascinating information that some of
you may find it suprising and a little bit confusing at first, although you will
slowly be able to get on with the story. At the near end of the article, the
author points out the main issues of literature of the modern world, and
the effects of it in a nation.

- I must say that this is one of the most complex and fascinating articles i
have ever read about cultural literatures. The reason is because this article
tell a lot of tenseful situations and events through different places and
timelines. Everytime we get to the new events, we always have to check
through the parts that we read earlier, in order to be able to full enclitic
and understand what the author is trying to demonstrate. Moreover, the
article also consists of some serious national policies that affects both the
past and the present of the current curriculum. I really admire the author
for showing me and the readers a lot of new information and a whole new
perspective about many subjects that we seem to not pay much attention:
Literature, studies, politics, morality,… However, what i find the most
interesting in the article is that the writer doesn’t hesitate to write the
drawbacks and facts of the policies and opinions in most of the article,
especially at near the end :

- We are here because white people were there, invading — sorry, civilizing — our
countries of origin. Americans descended from Vietnamese refugees,
undocumented Nicaraguan immigrants and African slaves cannot unlearn
English. In my case, I love English and will not leave it, even if some people use it
to say, “Go back to where you came from.” (They can’t say “Speak English,” since
I teach it.) I write books hoping that people like me will one day be part of the
canon, even if its defenders would never welcome us. We are not destroying
anything by demanding to be part of the canon or the curriculum or the country.
Those building walls are the ones allowing their fear to destroy what they wish to

- Overall, despite the complexity, i still think this is a great article for the
readers to look at and think about what is truly going on in the modern
world’s literature.

New words:
- xenophobia: dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

- Equivalence: the condition of being equal or equivalent in value, worth, function,


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