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Ongoing project (Part 7)

Learning outcomes:

LO1: Explain the concept of mobile marketing.

LO2: Discuss the prevalence of mobile technology in SA.

LO3: Identify the key benefits of mobile marketing.

LO7: Apply SMS marketing best practices.

1. Instructions and guidelines (Read carefully)
1. Insert your name and surname in the space provided above, as well as in the file name.
Save the file as: First name Surname Ongoing project (part 7) – e.g. Lilly Smith Ongoing
project (part 7). (NB! Please ensure that you use the name that appears in your student
profile on the Online Campus)

2. Write all your answers in this document where applicable. There is an instruction that
says, “Start writing here” under each question. Please type your answer there.

3. Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word only. No other file types will be accepted.

4. Do not delete the plagiarism declaration or the assignment instructions and

guidelines. They must remain on your assignment when you submit.

PLEASE NOTE: Plagiarism cases will be penalised according to the Head Tutor’s and
GetSmarter's discretion.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please ensure that you have checked the Online Campus for the due
date for this assignment.

1. There are four pages and three questions in this assignment.

2. Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the questions before
answering them. Answer the questions fully but concisely and as directly as possible.
Follow all specific instructions for individual questions (e. g. “list”, “in point form”).

3. Answer all questions in your own words. Do not copy any text from the notes, readings
or other sources. The assignment must be your own work only.

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Plagiarism declaration:

1. I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend
that it is one’s own.
2. This assignment is my own work.
3. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of
passing it off as his or her own work.
4. I acknowledge that copying someone else’s assignment (or part of it) is wrong, and
declare that my assignments are my own work.

2. Mark allocation
Each question receives a mark allocation. However, you will only receive a final percentage
mark and will not be given individual marks for each question. The mark allocation is there
to show you the weighting and length of each question.

Question 1: Defining the concept of mobile marketing 12,5%

Question 2: The benefits of mobile marketing and its prevalence in SA 37,5%

Question 3: Apply SMS marketing best practices 50%

TOTAL 100%

3. Assignment questions
Complete all questions in the spaces provided below.

Question 1
Define mobile marketing in your own words.

Start writing here:

Question 2
2.1 List five benefits of mobile marketing with a brief (one line) explanation for each.

Start writing here:

Tel: +27 21 447 7565 | Fax: +27 21 447 8344

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2.2 Explain why mobile marketing and its associated benefits are especially prevalent in SA.
(Max. 5 lines)

Start writing here:

Question 3
The next step in your ongoing project is to leverage SMS marketing. This week you are going
to create an SMS campaign to promote Young Café.

Note: Make sure that you first read the notes and watch the lecture video (in Section 2.1 of
the notes), which clearly outline how to create a SMS campaign, before starting this

The SMS will highlight the same promotion as the email newsletter that you created last
week. The relevant information is as follows:

 To entice people to visit Young Café, Kelly created a promotion around a special
two-course meal at Young Café.
 As part of the promotion, customers can select any starter and any main meal from
the menu for R150, and this offer includes one glass of Young Café’s red or white
Using the above information, apply SMS best practices to create an SMS that will highlight
Young Café’s promotion.

Start writing here:

Tel: +27 21 447 7565 | Fax: +27 21 447 8344

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