Affect (Noun) Affect (Verb)

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Affect Affect

(noun) (verb)

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises

Effect Effect
(noun) (verb)

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises
One of farming the It was hoped that the new
same stretch of land too bylaw would some
frequently is that the soil may change in the area of park
lose most of its nutrients. maintenance.

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises

Ecosystems are so fragile that The child psychologist

even the smallest change, observed whether the children
such as the removal of a single expressed a negative or
species of insect, can positive toward each
them. toy.

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Ambiguous Ambivalent

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Complement Complement
(noun) (verb)

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Some fields of study, such as The fact that the continents’
ecology and forestry, are so shapes each other so
interwoven that each works as well suggests that they were
a to the other. once part of a single landmass.

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises

Some psychologists use a Despite the researcher’s best

Rorschach test, which employs efforts, the grant committee
an pattern of ink remained about
blotches, to help assess their whether they should award her
patients. the funding.

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Compliment Compliment
(noun) (verb)

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises

Discreet Discrete

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises
The judge’s responsibilities and Though the campus is
reputation were such that, by comparatively small, it is still
necessity, she had to remain partitioned into several
in her conduct. faculties.

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises

The restaurant patrons were so

The journalist considered it a
impressed by the cuisine and
that her article had
service that they wished to talk
stirred up so much discussion
to the owner in order to
about this important issue.

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Imply Infer

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises
Instead of explicitly stating
It can be easy to the
it, the author wanted his
public’s opinion on an issue by
characters’ actions to
reviewing the trends on social
his beliefs about the human

Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises Academic Vocabulary Builder Copyright © 2017 Paragon Testing Enterprises

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