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EGDT 2100 – Advanced Architectural

Worksheets & Sketching Assignments

EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 1 - Chapter 1_Professional Careers & Commercial Drafting

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ are buildings or portions of structures used for assembly, education, or civic administration,
such as schools, churches, stadiums, post offices, and libraries.
a. Industrial structures c. Public structures
b. Commercial structures d. Institutional structures
____ 2. ____ are buildings or portions of structures used for manufacturing, assembly, or storage, such as
factories, warehouses, and businesses involved in hazardous, toxic, or unstable materials.
a. Industrial structures c. Public structures
b. Commercial structures d. Institutional structures
____ 3. ____ are buildings or portions of structures used by occupants with limitations caused by health,
age, correctional purposes, or in which the mobility is restricted.
a. Industrial structures c. Public structures
b. Commercial structures d. Institutional structures
____ 4. ____ are buildings or portions of structures used for sales, business and professional, or service
transactions, including office buildings and eating and drinking establishments.
a. Industrial structures c. Public structures
b. Commercial structures d. Institutional structures
____ 5. A(n) ____ technician, often referred to as a project manager or a job captain, is part of a design
team in most midsized offices.
a. project CAD c. senior CAD
b. administrative CAD d. CAD captain
____ 6. ____ work with the architect to optimize and harmonize the interior design of structures.
a. Architectural assistant c. Architectural designers
b. Interior designers d. Interior architects

____ 7. A(n) ____ is a person who is licensed by individual states to design and supervise the construction
of structures.
a. construction designer c. architect
b. interior designer d. construction developer

____ 8. ____ study the relationship among the components within a city.
a. Urban planners c. Urban architects
b. Landscape architects d. Landscape planners
____ 9. ____ engineers work with architects and structural engineers and are responsible for the design of
lighting, power supply, and communications systems.
a. Environmental c. Mechanical
b. Ecological d. Electrical
____ 10. ____ engineers are responsible for the sizing and layout of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
systems (HVAC).
a. Environmental c. Mechanical
b. Electrical d. Ecological
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. ____ is a rating system used to evaluate key areas of building projects, such as sustainable sites
and water efficiency.
a. Energy Star c. Ecofriendly
b. LEED d. Green Star
____ 12. Rapidly renewable materials are made with wood from tree farms with a harvest rotation of
approximately ____ years to make products such as LVL, OSB, and laminated beams.
a. 2 c. 10
b. 5 d. 15
____ 13. ____ lumber products are made by turning small pieces of wood into framing members.
a. Renewable c. Manufactured
b. Developed d. Engineered

____ 14. Most office equipment is now rated by ____™ standards that have been adopted nationally.
a. Earth Star c. Energy Star
b. Safe Energy d. Power Star
____ 15. Equipment that uses ____ energy rather than fossil fuels and conventional electricity is highly
beneficial from an environmental standpoint.
a. renewable c. new
b. engineered d. reengineered

Complete each statement.

16. A(n) ____________________ is a person who draws the designs that originate with another

17. A green or ____________________ building is a structure that is designed, built, renovated,

operated, or reused in an ecological and resource-efficient manner.

18. An unlicensed architectural graduate with less than three years of experience is known as a(n)

19. ____________________ is a government-backed program designed to help consumers obtain

energy efficiency.

20. Certain materials and products are ____________________ because they prevent contaminants
from entering the interior environment.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 2 - Chapter 2_The Drafter's Role in Office Practice & Procedure

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The design of a structure starts with the selection of the ____.
a. architect c. location
b. design team d. construction manager

____ 2. Typically, a CAD drafter will become involved in the completion of the ____ drawings that make up
the design presentation.
a. base c. preliminary
b. original d. initial

____ 3. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, a(n) ____ engineering firm will work in
conjunction with the architectural firm to analyze the forces that will be imposed on the structure.
a. structural c. environmental
b. mechanical d. construction

____ 4. Once the working drawings have been completed and the consultants’ drawings have been
received, the drawings are assembled, printed, and submitted to the ____ department.
a. zoning c. construction
b. planning d. building

____ 5. ____ drawings are prepared by subcontractors and show a level of detail beyond that which is in
the working drawings.
a. Plan c. Labor
b. Shop d. Job

____ 6. ____ drawings are issued for bidding or negotiating before an agreement is signed.
a. Procurement c. Contract
b. Negotiation d. Resource
____ 7. ____ drawings show existing conditions or new work not included in the project.
a. Supplemental c. Addenda
b. Modification d. Resource
____ 8. The ____ drawings include the electrical plans, lighting plans, equipment plans, and related
schedules and details needed to completely specify the electrical requirements of the structure.
a. layout c. electrical
b. mechanical d. wiring
____ 9. The first concern of building codes is ____.
a. HVAC safety c. heat resistance
b. structural safety d. fire resistance
____ 10. When all drawings are complete and printed, they will be assembled into a set and bound along the
____ margin.
a. right c. top
b. left d. bottom
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. Whenever only one drawing is to be placed on a sheet, it should be placed near the ____ margin.
a. right c. top
b. left d. bottom

____ 12. One consideration in placing details throughout the drawing set is to place them in groups
according to the ____ that will do the work.
a. work force c. labor force
b. labor group d. labor union

____ 13. ____ involves the placing of each page in its final order within the drawing set and assigning
numbers to each page and detail.
a. Drawing coordination c. Detail coordination
b. Drawing calibration d. Page coordination

____ 14. A space in the ____ corner of the title block is generally reserved for the display of the page
a. upper-left c. lower-left
b. upper-right d. lower-right

____ 15. A ____ is often placed near the detail symbol.

a. legend c. locator
b. title d. tag

Complete each statement.

16. After the contractors have turned in their bids, one of them will be selected as the
____________________ contractor to build the project.

17. ____________________ drawings describe the work required to complete the project.

18. To ensure that all required information is incorporated in the drawings, architects and engineers
typically provide a set of ____________________ and sketches for the drawing team to use in
order to complete the plans.

19. Wherever possible on ____________________ drawings, place the detail symbol where the right
side can be seen.

20. A(n) ____________________ is a written notification of the changes, along with a drawing showing
the new design requirements.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 3 - Chapter 3_Applying AutoCAD Tools to Commercial Drawings

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ models can save huge amounts of time by providing insight to placement of heating ducts,
electrical conduits, and various piping runs.
a. Two-dimensional c. Wire-frame
b. Three-dimensional d. Preliminary drawing
____ 2. The National Institute of Building Sciences publishes the ____ Standard.
a. National CAD c. Construction Specifications
b. Uniform Drawing d. National Reference

____ 3. The ____ name is a four-character code that identifies a building component specific to the defined
a. layer c. component
b. major group d. building layer

____ 4. ____ lines are thin lines in a long-short-short-long pattern that are used to represent the location of
a cutting plane, to show motion, or to show an alternative position of a moving part.
a. Phantom c. Dimension
b. Leader d. Extension

____ 5. Throughout architectural offices, text placed in the drawing area is approximately ____" high.
a. 1/16 c. 1/4
b. 1/8 d. 1
____ 6. ____ are used to identify drawing items and reference the item to specific portions of the
a. Local keynotes c. Reference keynotes
b. Reference notes d. Local notes
____ 7. Each drawing contains annotations referred to as ____ notes that are used to explain the drawing
a. local c. drawing
b. annotated d. text
____ 8. In dimension text, a distance of twelve feet six inches would be expressed as ____.
a. 12' 6" c. 12' & 6"
b. 12'–6" d. 12'*6"
____ 9. Structures dimensioned using metric measurements are defined in ____.
a. millimeters c. decimeters
b. centimeters d. decameter
____ 10. Most architectural and engineering offices use file names based on ____ guidelines.
a. Uniform Drawing Standards c. National CAD Standards
b. National Drawing Standards d. CSI Uniform Drawing System
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 4 - Chapter 4_Introduction to the International Building Code

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The ____ is basically, but not totally, a performance-based code that describes the desired results,
not the exact method used to achieve those results.
a. BOCA c. SBC
b. UBC d. IBC
____ 2. Type ____ construction is the most fire-resistive, providing the most protection from fire for the
occupants of the structure.
a. I c. IV
b. II d. V
____ 3. Type ____ construction provides the least fire resistance, enabling the use of the least expensive
construction materials, but also allowing the greatest risk of fire.
a. I c. IV
b. II d. V
____ 4. ____ is one of the most common materials of light construction.
a. Steel c. Wood
b. Masonry d. Concrete

____ 5. A good way to begin checking a project for code compliance is to determine what ____ the building
will fall into.
a. size location c. size classification
b. occupancy classification d. zoning classification

____ 6. The code has provisions for increasing the allowable size of a building when large ____ are
a. lots c. yards
b. parking lots d. alleys

____ 7. ____, height and number of stories, and construction type are three factors that need to be worked
out together.
a. Allowable floor area c. Minimum floor area
b. Yard space d. Minimum yard space

____ 8. Type ____ construction is the most restrictive construction, meaning that materials used are the
least likely to burn.
a. I-A c. V-A
b. I-B d. V-B

____ 9. Type ____ is the least restrictive construction, allowing materials that have a high risk of fire
damage to be used.
a. I-A c. V-A
b. I-B d. V-B
____ 10. The IBC requirements for a building that has 501 to 1000 occupants is ____ exits.
a. two c. four
b. three d. five
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. The IBC requirements for a building that has 1001 and more occupants is ____ exits.
a. two c. four
b. three d. five

____ 12. Dead-end corridors over ____' in length in a non-sprinklered building for most occupancies are not
a. 15 c. 25
b. 20 d. 30

____ 13. For non-sprinklered buildings, exits will need to be separated by a distance equal to ____ of the
maximum diagonal of the area served.
a. a minimum of one-half c. two-thirds
b. three-quarters d. one-third

____ 14. For sprinklered buildings, exits will need to be separated by a distance equal to ____ of the
maximum diagonal of the area served.
a. a minimum of one-half c. two-thirds
b. three-quarters d. one-third

____ 15. In some cases, corridors as narrow as 36" are acceptable but most conditions require ____" as a
a. 40 c. 44
b. 42 d. 46

Complete each statement.

16. Most construction is governed by ____________________ codes.

17. ____________________ ordinances will have a significant impact on where the building is located
on the property.

18. A two-story non-sprinklered office building is limited to the ____________________' maximum


19. Room occupancy is determined by a(n) ____________________ of the room area to the code
specified area per person.

20. The length of a dead-end corridor can be extended to ____________________' for some
occupancies if the building is fully sprinklered.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 5 - Chapter 5_Access Requirements for People with Disabilities

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The ____ Act is a federal law requiring all new public accommodations and commercial facilities to
be accessible and usable by people with disabilities.
a. Disabilities Access c. Americans with Disabilities
b. Disabled Americans d. Disabled Access
____ 2. Parking spaces provided for people with disabilities must be relatively flat with a(n) ____%
maximum slope in every direction including diagonally.
a. 2 c. 6
b. 4 d. 8
____ 3. A standard disability accessible parking space needs to be 8' wide with a(n) ____' wide loading
a. 5 c. 10
b. 8 d. 11
____ 4. A disability accessible parking space designed to accommodate a van with a wheelchair lift needs
to be 11' wide with a(n) ____' wide loading space to accommodate a van with a wheelchair lift.
a. 5 c. 10
b. 8 d. 11
____ 5. In order to be considered accessible, changes in elevation of more than ____" must be via curb
ramp, elevator, or lift.
a. 1/8 c. 1/3
b. 1/4 d. 1/2
____ 6. Stairways serving a floor that is not otherwise accessible to people with disabilities shall have
treads with a uniform width not less than ____".
a. 7 c. 11
b. 9 d. 13
____ 7. A(n) ____ is usually the easiest way to provide access to upper floors when access is required
above the ground floor.
a. platform lift c. stairway
b. elevator d. escalator
____ 8. There must be at least one 30" x 48" rescue location for each ____ occupants of the building.
a. 200 c. 300
b. 250 d. 350

____ 9. To be considered accessible, doors must provide a minimum of 32" clear in the ____° position.
a. 45 c. 120
b. 90 d. 180
____ 10. Shower spray units that are accessible are required to be attached to a minimum hose length of
a. 45 c. 55
b. 50 d. 60
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. If medicine cabinets are provided in a toilet room, to be accessible they shall be located with a
usable shelf no higher than ____" above the floor.
a. 36 c. 44
b. 40 d. 48
____ 12. Handrails and grab bars shall be ____ in diameter or a shape that provides an equivalent gripping
a. 1 1/16" to 1 1/4" c. 1 1/3" to 1 1/2"
b. 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" d. 1 1/5" to 1 1/2"
____ 13. To be considered accessible, the knee space for tables and counters shall be a minimum of ____"
a. 27 c. 30
b. 28 d. 34
____ 14. At least ____% of patient bedrooms and toilets in medical care facilities shall be accessible in
long-term care facilities and nursing homes.
a. 25 c. 50
b. 35 d. 75
____ 15. Accessible sleeping rooms in all public-use hotels, motels, inns, boarding houses and similar
lodging places shall have a ____" space on both sides of a single bed.
a. 30 c. 34
b. 32 d. 36

Complete each statement.

16. ____________________ ramps are intended to make the transition through the change in level
caused by a normal curb.

17. Accessible faucets shall be operable with a maximum force of ____________________ pounds.

18. If public telephones are provided, the cord shall be at least ____________________" long.

19. Where tables or counters are provided for dining or drinking, ____________________% shall be

20. Kitchens and wet bars when made accessible shall have counters no higher than
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 6 - Chapter 6_ Making Connections

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ are used within the structure to strengthen wood framing connections.
a. Stabilizers c. Nail components
b. Adhesives d. Spikes

____ 2. ____ have a single head, smooth shank, and diamond tip.
a. Spikes c. Shank nails
b. Spike head d. Common nails
____ 3. ____ is a weight classification of nails, which compares the number of pounds of nails per 1000
a. Penny c. Finish
b. Quarter d. Brace
____ 4. ____ nailing drives a nail through the face of one board into the face of another.
a. Field c. End
b. Bind d. Toe
____ 5. ____ nailing refers to nails placed into the supports for a sheet of plywood excluding the edges.
a. Bind c. Field
b. End d. Toe
____ 6. ____ screws have a hexagon- or square-shaped head designed to be tightened by a wrench rather
than a screwdriver.
a. Roundhead c. Flathead
b. Lag d. Pilot
____ 7. ____ bolts are used for connecting lumber to masonry.
a. Expansion c. Drift
b. Toggle d. Stud

____ 8. A ____ weld is formed at the internal corner of two intersecting pieces of steel.
a. V-groove c. square
b. root d. fillet
____ 9. The spacing between the two pieces of metal is called the ____ opening.
a. root c. groove
b. fillet d. base
____ 10. A ____ weld results when one piece has a perpendicular edge and the other has a curved grooved
a. beveled c. J-groove
b. U-groove d. V-groove
____ 11. ____ are enlargements of specific areas of a structure and are typically drawn where several
components intersect.
a. Stock details c. Areas
b. Slabs d. Details
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. Layers should start with a prefix of ____.

a. DETL c. DIM

____ 13. When drawing foundation detail, a thickness of ____ can be used to represent the outline of
a. 0.80 c. 1.00
b. 0.90 d. 1.10

____ 14. When drawing foundation detail, a weight of ____ can be used to represent the finished grade.
a. 0.80 c. 1.00
b. 0.90 d. 1.10
____ 15. The edges of poured members are represented by ____ and a hatch pattern consisting of dots and
small triangles.
a. dashed lines c. thin lines
b. thick lines d. circles

Complete each statement.

16. The ____________________ of a nail is the body of a nail.

17. Nail sizes are represented by the symbol ____________________.

18. ____________________ screws are used at lumber connections where a nail head is tolerable.

19. ____________________ bolts have a nut that is designed to expand once inserted through a hole,
so that it cannot be removed.

20. ____________________ on details is used to specify materials and explain special installation
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 7 - Chapter 7_Wood & Timber Framing Methods

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Wood products are a valuable building resource because of their many ____ qualities.
a. economic c. green
b. industrial d. chemical

____ 2. Wood construction with no special covering is considered Type ____.

a. B-V c. V-A
b. V-B d. V-AB
____ 3. The first piece of wood that comes in contact with the concrete foundation is the ____.
a. mudsill c. mudplate
b. sillplate d. mudsill plate
____ 4. A ____ joist is aligned with the outer face of the foundation and mudsill.
a. diaphragm c. blocking
b. rim d. wall
____ 5. The ____ are the horizontal members used at the top of a wall to tie the studs together and to
provide a bearing surface for the roof or upper floors.
a. trimmers c. sole plates
b. headers d. top plates
____ 6. The ____ is a horizontal support placed between the trimmers to support the lower edge of a
a. subsill c. jack stud
b. king stud d. framing
____ 7. The ____ is the covering that is applied to the eaves.
a. flashing c. cornice
b. roof sheathing d. fascia

____ 8. ____ is used to describe the slope of the roof and is listed in terms of rise over run.
a. Angle c. Run
b. Rise d. Pitch
____ 9. A ____ can be used to reduce the span of a rafter.
a. ceiling joist c. strongback
b. purlin d. collar tie
____ 10. A ____ transfers the weight from the rafter and purlin into a bearing wall.
a. purlin brace c. pulin bracket
b. flying brace d. connected brace
____ 11. A ____ at the roof level consists of two or more members nailed together to support the rafters at
the upper and lower edges of the opening.
a. footer c. header
b. trimmer d. beam
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. The term ____ is used to describe wood members that are 5" and thicker.
a. timber c. beam
b. member d. runner

____ 13. ____ can be used in place of traditional studs or roof framing members.
a. Member c. Runner
b. Beam d. Timber
____ 14. The size and location of posts and beams are specified on the ____ plan.
a. general c. construction
b. framing d. wood
____ 15. Floor decking must be a minimum of ____" deep planks.
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

Complete each statement.

16. Multifamily housing projects, individual retail sales establishments, and office structures are
common uses of ____________________ construction.

17. ____ joists are the structural members used to support the subfloor or rough floor with a maximum
span of approximately 20'.

18. ____________________ are the inclined members used to support the weight of the finished

19. The ____________________ consist of two or more rafters nailed together to support the sides of
the opening.

20. ____________________ timber construction is similar to timber construction, except for the size of
the members used.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 8 - Chapter 8_Engineered Lumber Products

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ is made from ultrasonically graded Douglas fir veneers that are laminated with exterior-grade
adhesives under heat and pressure, with all grains parallel to one another.
a. Structural composite lumber c. Oriented strand board
b. Laminated veneer lumber d. Parallel strand lumber
____ 2. ____ is laminated from veneer strips peeled from the outermost sections of fir and southern pine.
a. Structural composite lumber c. Oriented strand board
b. Laminated veneer lumber d. Parallel strand lumber

____ 3. ____ are a high-strength, lightweight, cost-efficient alternative to sawn lumber.

a. I-joists c. T-joists
b. I-beams d. T-beams
____ 4. Depths for simple beams range from ____.
a. 1" to 84" c. 3" to 84"
b. 2" to 84" d. 4" to 84"
____ 5. The abbreviation ____ represents soft woods.
a. WW c. SW
b. HF d. SP
____ 6. ____ laminated beams are used to span between two or more supports for large openings.
a. Domed c. Camber
b. Vaulted d. Single-span

____ 7. A(n) ____ is a beam that extends past its supports.

a. arch c. camber
b. cantilever d. vault
____ 8. As loads and spans are increased, a(n) ____ or small curve is built into the beam.
a. arch c. camber
b. cantilever d. vault
____ 9. The ____ of a truss are the members that support the loads from the finished roofing material.
a. top chords c. truss clips
b. bottom chords d. block chords
____ 10. A ____ is placed between individual trusses to maintain a uniform spacing, to resist the tendency of
the trusses to fall sideways, and to provide a nailing surface for the roof sheathing.
a. shim c. helper
b. spacer d. block
____ 11. A ____ is a side plate that is often used at the intersection of a chord to a web to form a secure
a. strap c. gusset
b. helper d. bracket
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. A ____ is used to frame a gable roof for projects such as multifamily dwellings and retail sales
a. camber c. pratt
b. fink d. howe
____ 13. The ____ truss has an inclined and horizontal chord as well as one vertical exterior web.
a. mono c. girder
b. sawtooth d. scissor

____ 14. A ____ truss allows interior support walls to be removed by providing the support for other trusses.
a. timber c. girder
b. joining d. strengthened
____ 15. The trusses that are perpendicular to the girder truss are hung from the girder truss by ____.
a. hangers c. brackets
b. braces d. metal hangers

Complete each statement.

16. ____________________ studs are made from short sections of stud-grade lumber that have had
the knots and splits removed.

17. In the grading method, the letter ____________________ represents wood that has been visually

18. When an arch is rotated around itself at its crown, a(n) ____________________ is formed.

19. A(n) ____________________ truss has top and bottom chords that are inclined, allowing for a
vaulted ceiling to be framed.

20. In large structures such as factories or warehouses, mono trusses are often combined to form a(n)
____________________ truss.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 9 - Chapter 9_Steel Framing Methods & Materials

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ controls the stiffness and hardness of steel.

a. Nickel c. Carbon
b. Iron d. Tungsten

____ 2. In the ____, a member resisting a load will deflect, but maintain its structural integrity.
a. elastic range c. stress range
b. breaking point d. yield point
____ 3. The ____ is the measurement of stress in a material, which corresponds to the limiting value of the
usefulness of the material.
a. elastic range c. stress range
b. breaking point d. yield point
____ 4. If a material is____, it has a great ability to bend before breaking.
a. fragile c. malleable
b. ductile d. brittle
____ 5. ____ is high-strength, low-alloy steel with a minimum yield point of 50 ksi.
a. A-242 c. A-529
b. A-441 d. A-588
____ 6. The ____ designation refers to miscellaneous shapes that can’t be classified as a W or S shape.
a. M c. U
b. T d. X

____ 7. A(n) ____ is a piece of steel that has a 90° bend in it.
a. L column c. steel column
b. steel tube d. angle
____ 8. ____ grades of stainless steel have the highest corrosion resistance and contain both chromium
and nickel.
a. Ferritic c. Bainitic
b. Austenitic d. Cementitic
____ 9. A stainless steel with a No. ___ finish has a soft satin finish that is moderately reflective.
a. 2 c. 6
b. 4 d. 7
____ 10. The major use of ____ is as a coating for sheet metal used for roofing or siding panels.
a. tin c. copper
b. lead d. zinc
____ 11. Many joists are manufactured so that a joist may be placed around another joist, or ____.
a. concentric c. boxed
b. nested d. collocated
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. Galvanized metal ____ in 27" x 96" sheets are typically used for backing for plaster, gypsum lath,
fiberboard, or similar plaster bases used to cover steel products.
a. lath c. mesh
b. strips d. backing
____ 13. Splices are usually kept about ____" above a floor level so that the connection can be made without
interfering with the girder-to-column connection.
a. 16 c. 24
b. 20 d. 28
____ 14. With W shapes, a ____ is often added to the outer edge of each column flange to provide stiffness
at the connection.
a. cement board c. brace
b. block d. steel plate
____ 15. When steel shapes are combined to form a ____, CAD drafters working with the engineering team
will draw the details to specify the shapes to be used and the types of connections.
a. timber c. beam
b. truss d. joist

Complete each statement.

16. The yield point is represented by the letters ____________________ in beam formulas.

17. The W or wide-flange steel is composed of two horizontal surfaces called ____________________.

18. A(n) ____________________ plate is a plate added to an intersection of structural members to

provide support and stiffness.

19. The structural system is made up of a(n) ____________________ that supports the walls, roof, and
all externally applied loads.

20. Girders are normally formed from ____________________ shapes because of the ease of making
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 10 - Chapter 16_Floor Plan Components, Symbols, & Development

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. A ____ is created by passing a horizontal cutting plane through the walls at approximately five feet
above the floor level and removing the upper portion of the structure.
a. site plan c. cut plan
b. floor plan d. key plan
____ 2. A ____ is a very small-scale floor plan that shows the overall footprint of the structure, with specific
areas of the structure divided into zones.
a. site plan c. cut plan
b. floor plan d. key plan
____ 3. ____ walls help form the basis for the skin of the structure.
a. Exterior c. Bearing
b. Interior d. Nonbearing

____ 4. Walls that form hallways, enclose elevator shafts, surround bathrooms, or surround a specific
tenant space in an office complex are examples of ____.
a. static partitions c. fixed partitions
b. stationary partitions d. stable partitions

____ 5. A ____ wall is a wall framed with either wood or steel studs and covered with masonry.
a. shear c. curtain
b. faced d. party
____ 6. A ____ wall is a wall that has a specific fire rating and can resist the spread of fire for a specific
amount of time due to the materials that were used to construct the wall.
a. break c. retarding
b. resistance d. fire
____ 7. A ____ wall is a masonry wall designed to resist lateral displacement of soil or other materials.
a. retaining c. ponding
b. holding d. hold-back
____ 8. Many commercial projects use fixed glass set in an aluminum frame, referred to as ____ windows.
a. display c. storefront
b. merchandise d. street-view
____ 9. ____ are windows that are mounted beside a door.
a. Case openings c. Skylights
b. Transoms d. Relites

____ 10. ____ are often drawn as a square or rectangle on the floor plan with either a thin dashed or
continuous line depending on office preference.
a. Case openings c. Skylights
b. Transoms d. Relites
____ 11. A ____ is an inclined floor that connects two different floor elevations on the same floor level.
a. ramp c. stair
b. step d. run
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. ____ floor plans are used to provide support information to specific areas of the main floor plan.
a. Enhanced scale c. Real scale
b. Enlarged scale d. True scale
____ 13. When several options for construction material must be specified, ____ symbols can be used to add
a. ending c. reference
b. completion d. finish
____ 14. ____ are used to provide reference points established at a uniform distance throughout the project.
a. Mesh c. Grids
b. Patterns d. Overlays

____ 15. A ____ plan shows the ceiling of a specific level of a structure.
a. reflected ceiling c. view-through ceiling
b. reflected floor d. view-through floor

Complete each statement.

16. The ____________________ forms the core of the architectural working drawings and is typically
the first drawing created as the drawing set is being developed.

17. ____________________ walls are defined by the building code as walls that support compression
loads transferred from floors, roofs, or other bearing walls.

18. ____________________ represent the change in elevation between two or more different floors.

19. ____________________ are used on most architectural and structural drawings to reduce the
information that must be placed in and around the drawing.

20. ____________________ markers are used to reference construction details to the floor plan.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet 11 - Chapter 10_Unit Masonry Methods and Materials

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Masonry construction consists of setting building materials in a bed of ____.

a. cement c. thinset
b. joint compound d. mortar

____ 2. ____ brick is made from a mixture of natural clay and straw that is placed in molds and dried in the
a. Adobe c. Economy
b. Back-up d. Hollow

____ 3. ____ brick is masonry units with a hard, dense surface used for floor applications.
a. Jumbo c. Paving
b. Norman d. Roman
____ 4. A(n) ____ is a seam placed in a wall to relieve cracking caused by expansion or contraction.
a. expansion joint c. compression joint
b. relief joint d. shift joint
____ 5. ____ provide a durable, economical building material with excellent structural and insulation values.
a. Concrete blocks c. Cement blocks
b. Concrete masonry units d. Concrete units
____ 6. To minimize cutting and labor cost, concrete block structures should be kept to their ____ size.
a. common c. interchangeable
b. standard d. modular

____ 7. ____ face or scored face blocks are made with seams cut into the block, so that they resemble 8" x
8" x 8" blocks rather than 16" blocks.
a. Lattice c. Grid
b. Squared d. Traced

____ 8. A ____ is a thickened area of wall used to support gravity loads or to provide lateral support to the
wall when the wall is to span long distances.
a. pilaster c. support
b. post d. truss

____ 9. Placing steel in the masonry creates a wall known as ____ construction.
a. augmented masonry c. enhanced masonry
b. reinforced masonry d. augmented wall
____ 10. Vertical reinforcing is required in walls at ____" o.c. with a maximum spacing of 24" if stacked bond
masonry is used.
a. 40 c. 44
b. 42 d. 48
____ 11. Horizontal ties are normally added when of each wall level, forming a reinforced area referred to as
a(n) ____.
a. bond beam c. join beam
b. tie beam d. attaching beam
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. A ____ allows steel reinforcement to be continuous at a corner.

a. timber c. bend
b. hook d. combiner
____ 13. A ____ ties intersecting members to each other.
a. timber c. bend
b. hook d. combiner

____ 14. A ____ represents steel when it is shown in end view.

a. solid circle c. solid square
b. dashed circle d. dashed square
____ 15. Mortar mix is normally governed by ____.
a. ASTM C33 c. ASTM C100
b. ASTM C75 d. ASTM C144

Complete each statement.

16. ____________________ brick is a brick whose nominal dimensions are 4" x 2 2/3" x 12".

17. A(n) ____________________ is the connection between the wythes to add stability to the wall so
that the entire assembly acts as a single structural unit.

18. ____________________ are small ribs that are placed around the surface of a bar.

19. Depending on the loads to be resisted, the engineer may require ____________________ to be

20. The AutoCAD ____________________ command is effective for drawing rebar in end view.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #12 - Chapter 11 Concrete Methods and Materials

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ is a mixture of lime, silica sand, iron oxide, and alumina.
a. Portland cement c. Cement
b. Oregon cement d. Porter cement

____ 2. ____ concrete contains steel reinforcement to increase the tensile strength of the concrete.
a. Pretension c. Reinforced
b. Plain d. Precast
____ 3. ____ concrete members are cast and cured in an off-site location and then transported to the job
a. Pretension c. Reinforced
b. Plain d. Precast
____ 4. ____ concrete has a unit weight of from 115 to 130 lb/ft3.
a. Lightweight c. Structural lightweight
b. Semi-lightweight d. Insulating lightweight
____ 5. Portland cement or plaster that is applied with a compressed air gun is considered ____ or
pneumatic concrete.
a. blowcrete c. blowncrete
b. shotcrete d. blastcrete
____ 6. The distance between the outer edge of the steel and the outside edge of the concrete member is
referred to as the ____.
a. top c. cover
b. overhead d. header
____ 7. A(n) ____ floor system consists of a slab supported by parallel reinforced concrete beams
supported on reinforced-concrete columns.
a. one-way reinforced concrete c. reinforced concrete
b. two-way reinforced concrete d. enhanced concrete
____ 8. With the ____ method of construction, floor slabs for a multilevel structure are poured on the
ground, one above another.
a. hold-slab c. join-slab
b. lift-slab d. attached-slab
____ 9. Walls taller than ____ feet, which can’t easily be formed with plywood, are typically poured in a
horizontal position and lifted into place.
a. 7 c. 9
b. 8 d. 10
____ 10. ____ columns are formed in premanufactured fiber tubes.
a. Square c. Circular
b. Diamond d. Hexagonal
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. A ____ column uses a steel tube filled with concrete in the center of the column, surrounded with
reinforced concrete around the outer surface.
a. multimedia c. combination
b. composite d. multi-material
____ 12. A ____ column is a column with a steel shape such as a W encased in wire mesh and surrounded
in concrete.
a. composite c. combination
b. controlled d. conforming
____ 13. Control joints, or ____ joints, are joints that are placed in concrete members to allow for movement
resulting from temperature change, shrinkage, or deformation.
a. contraction c. slip
b. expansion d. hold
____ 14. Joints are placed at a maximum of ____ feet intervals in walls unless the wall contains multiple
a. 5 c. 15
b. 10 d. 20
____ 15. Joints provided to facilitate the construction process are referred to as ____ joints, or as keyed or
pour joints.
a. planned c. building
b. construction d. slab

Complete each statement.

16. ____________________ concrete units are formed at the job site and then lifted into place.

17. Unlike masonry construction, reinforcement in poured concrete also requires the use of
____________________ and chairs to maintain a uniform positioning.

18. ____________________ is used to describe the process of pouring several components in one
pour so that all units act as one.

19. Concrete walls must be a minimum width of ____________________ inches.

20. Isolation or ____________________ joints are used to separate a floor slab or wall panel from
adjacent structural members so that stress cannot be transferred from one member to another and
cause cracking.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #13 - Chapter 12 Fire Resistive Construction

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Fire resistance is measured in ____.

a. time c. space
b. distance d. breaks

____ 2. The amount of fire resistance provided by a concrete wall is a function of ____.
a. the type of concrete used
b. the thickness of the wall
c. the type of concrete used and the thickness of the wall
d. the thickness of the wall and the coating materials
____ 3. The equivalent thickness is the ____ thickness of the solid material in the unit.
a. middle c. standard
b. average d. usual

____ 4. In the case of a concrete or masonry wall, it would not be necessary to add anything to the upper
____ inches of the wall for fire protection.
a. 12 c. 16
b. 14 d. 18

____ 5. Class ____ roof assemblies are capable of passing a test for severe fire exposure.
a. A c. C
b. B d. D
____ 6. Class ____ roof assemblies are capable of passing a test for moderate fire exposure.
a. A c. C
b. B d. D
____ 7. Metal ____ that project outside the floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies are required to have their
own fire protection.
a. joists c. beams
b. timbers d. members
____ 8. A fire and smoke ____ is an air register that has a closing device that is activated by a heat and
smoke sensor.
a. controller c. suppressor
b. damper d. blocker
____ 9. ____ fixtures create more wall and ceiling penetrations than any other building system.
a. Electrical c. HVAC
b. Plumbing d. Life Safety
____ 10. Electrical penetrations of fire-resistive walls must be carefully detailed in the ____ drawings.
a. as-built c. electrical
b. plumbing d. architectural
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. One of the most common electrical penetrations of a fire-resistive assembly is a ____ in a fire-rated
suspended ceiling system.
a. drop-out light fixture c. drop-in light fixture
b. suspended light fixture d. hanging light fixture
____ 12. ____ are intended to prevent fire from spreading from one part of the structural system to another.
a. Draft blocks c. Draft retarders
b. Draft stops d. Draft inhibitors

____ 13. Spaces between the ceiling and the floor above in a non-sprinklered building of combustible
construction need to be divided into controlled areas by ____.
a. draft stops c. draft retarders
b. draft blocks d. draft inhibitors

____ 14. Allowable areas for the space between the ceiling and the floor in nonresidential occupancies are
limited to a maximum of ____ square feet.
a. 500 c. 2000
b. 1000 d. 3000

____ 15. Fire-rated assemblies need special treatment at ____.

a. openings c. penetrations
b. locations d. joints

Complete each statement.

16. Many firewalls are required to have a(n) ____________________, a portion of the wall extending
above the roof.

17. Vertical ____________________ extending through floors can play a key part in aiding the spread
of fire.

18. A fire damper is connected to a device that senses ____________________ only.

19. Thick wood members will ____________________ on the outside but not burn through for an
extended period of time.

20. Long, concealed spaces such as attics or crawl spaces can aid the spread of fire, especially in
____________________ construction.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #14 - Chapter 13 Structural Considerations Affecting Design

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Loads imposed by a moving object such as a car are known as ____ loads.
a. live c. dead
b. dynamic d. resistant

____ 2. Hanging a load off the side of a column instead of directly on top of the column would introduce a
tendency to bend, referred to as ____.
a. bending moment c. dead moment
b. bending point d. dead point

____ 3. The weights of building materials such as rafters, roofing materials, floor materials, and walls are
referred to as ____ loads.
a. live c. dead
b. dynamic d. resistant

____ 4. Buildings need to resist changing vertical loads from people, furniture, machinery, and other similar
features, which are called ____ loads.
a. live c. dead
b. dynamic d. resistant

____ 5. Live loads are spelled out by the ____ code.

a. mechanical c. architectural
b. structural d. building
____ 6. ____ walls are designed to resist the lateral force from soil piled up against the wall.
a. Holding c. Hold-back
b. Retaining d. Knee
____ 7. Forces that push sideways are referred to as ____ forces.
a. lateral c. vertical
b. longitudinal d. common
____ 8. A rigid roof surface is called a roof ____.
a. membrane c. diaphragm
b. casing d. covering

____ 9. Shear walls are tied to the floor or roof ____ above.
a. membrane c. casing
b. diaphragm d. covering
____ 10. ____ frames made of steel are frequently used instead of shear walls as forces increase.
a. Blocked c. Braced
b. Anchored d. Connected
____ 11. A chord in concrete block walls is formed using ____ set in mortar.
a. rebar c. struts
b. ribs d. slats
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. ____ frames are made of steel members and depend on a very rigid connection of the horizontal
members to the vertical members.
a. Movement c. Connected
b. Structural d. Moment
____ 13. A ____ is a beam that is attached to the edge of a diaphragm to transfer lateral loads from the
diaphragm into a shear wall or braced frame.
a. fly c. buttress
b. drag d. draw
____ 14. When a building has an irregular shape, loads may need to be transferred into shear walls by use of
a ____ beam.
a. draw c. drag
b. haul d. lug
____ 15. Moment connection details are carefully designed to be ____.
a. ductile c. moldable
b. malleable d. moveable

Complete each statement.

16. ____________________ loads are determined by the actual weight of the materials from which the
building is constructed.

17. ____________________ loads are the loads determined by the use and occupancy of the building
and are therefore much less exacting than dead loads.

18. A wall with rigid sheathing is called a(n) ____________________ wall.

19. A(n) ____________________ is a continuous piece of material, or several pieces joined together,
that resists the forces of tension.

20. Braced frame construction features either ____________________ or concentric bracing.

EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #15 - Chapter 14 Project Manuals and Specifications

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. ____ provide information regarding the quality of materials and workmanship, methods of
installation, the desired performance to be achieved at completion, and how performance is to be
a. Stipulations c. Riders
b. Specifications d. Conditions
2. The specifications for a project are either found in a ____ or placed on one or more sheets of the
construction drawing.
a. project manual c. project specifications
b. program manual d. program specifications
3. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) recommends that the documentation for every project
contain a ____.
a. program manual c. program specifications
b. project specifications d. project manual
4. Many owners of small, ____ funded projects opt for specifications that are less specific than those
found in a project manual.
a. municipally c. privately
b. state d. publicly
5. The term ____ has often been used by contractors and their subcontractors to refer to the written
specifications that are used to supplement the plans.
a. guide c. spec-book
b. specs d. guide
6. The project ____ contains many documents related to a specific construction project in addition to
the written specifications.
a. manual c. handbook
b. specifications d. guidebook
7. Structural ____ governing major components of the skeleton of a structure may be placed in the
project manual or on the structural drawings.
a. stipulations c. specifications
b. riders d. conditions
8. A(n) ____ is a summary of the bidding and construction procedures for a project.
a. invitation to offer c. proposal
b. tender offer d. invitation to bid
9. The purpose of the ____ is to tell each bidder the format to be used for the reviewing of bids.
a. instruction to contractors c. instructions to all
b. instruction to bidders d. instructions to bid
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

10. The purpose of a(n) ____ is to provide a uniform presentation of the cost associated with the
construction project.
a. bid form c. proposal form
b. request form d. invitation form
11. Although not always used, ____ can be used to amend the contract during the bidding process but
prior to the awarding of the contract.
a. amendments c. addenda
b. attachments d. additions
12. ____ specifications are used when the information regarding quality or quantity has not been
a. Reference c. Descriptive
b. Performance d. Cash allowance
13. Specifications that call for materials by their trade name and model name are referred to as ____
a. descriptive c. reference
b. proprietary d. performance
14. Many smaller offices have ____ sets of specifications, which can be edited for similar projects.
a. master c. initial
b. primary d. complementary

15. Many engineers use ____ per square meter for structural calculations.
a. minipascals c. meganewtons
b. kilopascals d. kilonewtons

Complete each statement.

16. Projects that are funded by federal, state, or municipal money are required to have a(n)
____________________ manual.

17. The terms project manual and ____________________ have become more representative of the
contents of each aspect of the construction documents.

18. A(n) ____________________ is a legal document, which assures that the contractor will provide
the goods or services represented in the contract agreement.

19. ____________________ specifications are the most detailed type of specification and are used
when the architect assumes total responsibility for the performance of a system.

20. A minimum standard for quality or performance can be established by using a(n)
____________________ specification.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #16 - Chapter 15 Land Descriptions and Drawings

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. For legal purposes, each piece of land is outlined by a description of the property known as a legal
a. title c. description
b. name d. identifier
____ 2. A ____ description is also referred to as a long description.
a. metes c. bounds
b. metes and bounds d. boundary

____ 3. Each quadrant of the compass contains ____°.

a. 30 c. 60
b. 45 d. 90
____ 4. Land within townships is broken down into one-mile square parcels known as ____.
a. sections c. sectors
b. quarters d. areas
____ 5. A(n) ____ map is used to show the area surrounding the construction site.
a. adjacency c. vicinity
b. neighborhood d. sector
____ 6. A(n) ____ is a small valley used to divert water away from a structure.
a. easement c. border
b. boundary d. swale

____ 7. A ____ indicator is represented by a V placed between lines that indicate the top and toe of the
a. bank c. slope
b. rise d. run

____ 8. A ____ plan shows the existing contour of the construction site.
a. site c. topography
b. contour d. geographic
____ 9. A ____ plan is used to show the finished configuration of the building site.
a. sloping c. gradient
b. grading d. slope
____ 10. In a topography plan, a ____ is drawn to represent each known elevation location.
a. mesh c. grid
b. spacing d. layout
____ 11. Existing topography is determined from ____ grades determined by the survey team.
a. elevation c. cut
b. fill d. spot
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. Land in its unaltered state is considered to be the ____ grade.
a. natural c. elevation
b. finish d. cut

____ 13. ____ material is soil that is removed so that the original elevation can be lowered.
a. Elevation c. Cut
b. Fill d. Finish
____ 14. ____ material refers to soil that is added to the existing elevation to raise the height.
a. Elevation c. Cut
b. Fill d. Finish
____ 15. The angle of the cut or fill bank that is created is referred to as the ____.
a. angle of repose c. angle of rest
b. angle of sleep d. angle of reflection

Complete each statement.

16. The boundaries of property are described by ____________________, which are angles
referenced to a quadrant on a compass.

17. Sites that do not require extensive excavation often reflect finished grade ___________________
on the site plan.

18. A(n) ____________________ working for the civil engineer translates preliminary designs by the
architectural team and the topography drawings into the finished drawings.

19. ____________________ grade refers to the shape of the ground once all excavation and
movement of earth has been completed.

20. The point that represents the division between cut and fill is referred to as ____________________.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #17 - Chapter 17 Orthographic Projection and Elevations

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Elevations are typically drawn at the same scale as the ____.
a. site plan c. floor plan
b. standard plan d. architectural plan

____ 2. For relatively flat sites, the grade can be determined based on the type of ____ to be used.
a. flooring c. walls
b. foundation d. roof
____ 3. For structures with concrete slabs, the finished floor must be a minimum of ____ inches above the
finished grade.
a. 4 c. 8
b. 6 d. 10
____ 4. Door styles should be confirmed with the door ____.
a. schedule c. reference
b. list d. picking list
____ 5. When walls are not parallel to the picture plane, the elevation should be broken by a ____ and an
elevation using true orthographic projection should be drawn.
a. side line c. parallel line
b. mating line d. match line
____ 6. As the scale of the drawing increases, so should the amount of ____ to represent each material.
a. hidden information c. detail
b. abstraction d. color
____ 7. A double-domed skylight should have a slightly ____ surface.
a. beveled c. slanted
b. curved d. rotated

____ 8. For a pattern to be used accurately, it should fit the ____ of the drawing.
a. size c. scale
b. view d. perspective
____ 9. Elevations often use ____ to keep the drawing uncluttered.
a. symbols c. icons
b. objects d. labels
____ 10. Floor and ceiling lines can be represented by a ____ pattern.
a. short-short-long c. short-long-long
b. long-long-short d. long-short-long
____ 11. Section markers like those used on the floor plan are placed on the ____.
a. perspectives c. plans
b. elevations d. reviews
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. Most offices use titles that start with ____ and are followed by an appropriate modifier to describe
layer contents.
____ 13. ____ is provided by the use of local notes.
a. Markup c. Abstraction
b. Amendment d. Annotation

____ 14. Dimensions can be expressed using traditional dimension methods or by the use of ____ symbols.
a. elevation c. standard
b. selection d. reference
____ 15. Structures made of site-poured concrete, wood or steel frame, or tilt-up concrete panels often
require ____ elevations as well as the exterior elevations.
a. orthogonal c. architectural
b. structural d. reference

Complete each statement.

16. Elevations are drawn using a drawing system called ____________________ projection.

17. When an opening must be projected in an inclined wall or roof surface, the opening will not be seen
in its true shape because it is not parallel to the ____________________ plane.

18. Materials are often represented by using a(n) ____________________ pattern created by AutoCAD
or a third-party vendor.

19. When using AutoCad, drafters typically encounter problems in scaling the hatch pattern and
defining the extents of the pattern placement when working with the ____________________

20. Heights that are specified or dimensioned on the elevation are usually highlighted by a(n)
____________________ symbol.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #18 - Chapter 18 Roof Plan Components and Drawings

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ is a ratio of the vertical rise to the horizontal run used to describe the angle of the roof slope.
a. Pitch c. Angle
b. Slope d. Run-To-Rise

____ 2. Manufacturers of roofing material typically consider ____ roofs to be those with less than a 2:12
pitch (17% slope).
a. weak-sloped c. high-sloped
b. small-sloped d. low-sloped

____ 3. Depending on the location of the structure relative to the property line, building codes require a
minimum of a ____" high parapet wall regardless of the pitch.
a. 25 c. 35
b. 30 d. 40

____ 4. Lightweight metal called ____ is used to protect each wall/roof intersection from water seepage.
a. edging c. flashing
b. drip-shield d. drip-edge
____ 5. A ____ is a small block of wood or other material that is placed below the roofing material where the
parapet wall intersects the roof.
a. cant strip c. tank strip
b. can strip d. block strip
____ 6. ____ roofs are generally considered to be any roof with greater than a 4:12 pitch (33% slope).
a. High-sloped c. Weak-sloped
b. Low-sloped d. Strong-sloped
____ 7. A ____ is an inclined roof that is used to cover one or more full stories of a structure.
a. manard roof c. valley roof
b. mandrake roof d. mansard roof
____ 8. A ____ roof is a roof formed by two intersecting roof planes and can be found on both low- and
high-sloped structures.
a. valley c. gable
b. ridge d. hip
____ 9. A ____ is a combination of a gable and a hip roof.
a. Gable hip c. Roof gable
b. Dutch hip d. Dutch roof

____ 10. ____ roofs consist of two or more layers of bituminous-saturated roofing felt, cemented together
with bitumen and surfaced with a cap sheet, mineral aggregate, or similar surfacing material.
a. Aggregate c. Composite
b. Stacked d. Built-up
____ 11. Chimneys are represented on the roof plan according to their ____.
a. size c. type
b. style d. height
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. A ____ is an arrow that indicates the flow of water on the roof.
a. slope indicator c. slope marker
b. pitch indicator d. pitch marker
____ 13. For sloped roofs built in areas of the country that receive large amounts of rain, ____ are placed on
the low edge of the roof to collect the water.
a. troughs c. drains
b. rain catchers d. gutters
____ 14. ____ are placed in the roof to remove water from the roof wherever the water cannot run over the
edge of the roof.
a. Gutters c. Troughs
b. Drains d. Spillways
____ 15. In areas with minute amounts of rainfall, a metal ____ can be installed on the roof to drain water
away from doorways.
a. gutter c. diverter
b. trough d. inverter

Complete each statement.

16. Many low-sloped roofs are surrounded by ____________________ walls, which are exterior walls
that extend above the roof.

17. A(n) ____________________ or saddle is a small “fake roof” built to divert water.

18. A(n) ____________________ of roofing is equal to 100 square feet.

19. Changes in roof shape are shown on the roof plan with continuous _____________________ lines.

20. A funnel-like collector called a(n) _____________________ is placed on the outside of the hole to
funnel water from the roof to a downspout.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #19 - Chapter 19 Drawing Sections

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. A ____ section is produced when the cutting plane is parallel to the long axis of the structure.
a. longitudinal c. vertical
b. latitudinal d. transverse

____ 2. A ____ section is produced when the cutting plane is parallel to the short axis of the structure, and it
is often referred to as a cross section.
a. longitudinal c. vertical
b. latitudinal d. transverse

____ 3. A(n) ____ section is a section that does not go completely through the structure and can be used to
show construction materials that are not seen in other sections.
a. complete c. detailed
b. partial d. incomplete

____ 4. ____ sections are drawn to provide clarity for a small area, such as the intersection of the floor
system to a wall.
a. Complete c. Partial
b. Incomplete d. Detailed

____ 5. A section is one of the ____ drawings developed by the design team to represent the typical shape
of the structure to the client.
a. draft c. preliminary
b. partial d. starter

____ 6. The number of sections to be drawn is determined by the ____ of the structure.
a. type c. complexity
b. style d. size
____ 7. The scale used for wall sections and details is often determined by ____, which are on file in the
office library.
a. plats c. areas
b. sections d. blocks
____ 8. The method used to represent each material will vary depending on the ____ that is used to create
the section.
a. scale c. style
b. size d. tool
____ 9. ____ lines are used to represent the edges of poured-in-place or precast concrete members.
a. Thin c. Dashed
b. Thick d. Mixed
____ 10. A ____ pattern consisting of dots and small triangles is used to further define the concrete from
other materials.
a. hatch c. solid
b. dots d. dashed
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. The use of ____ dimensions on full sections varies greatly depending on each office.
a. vertical c. external
b. internal d. horizontal

____ 12. Detail ____ are especially prevalent on sections to provide enlarged views of intersections.
a. points c. markers
b. marks d. dots
____ 13. ____ on each type of section is used to specify material and explain special insulation procedures.
a. Lettering c. Hatching
b. Numbering d. Labeling
____ 14. ____ can be assigned based on common assemblies created using CSI guidelines.
a. Addenda c. Amendments
b. Annotation d. Models
____ 15. Because of the similarities of many structures, common intersections can be drawn and stored as
a(n) ____.
a. xblock c. mblock
b. cblock d. wblock

Complete each statement.

16. The cutting plane for a transverse section is usually ____________________ to the materials used
to frame the roof, ceiling, and floor systems and generally shows the shape of the structure better.

17. Although not as common as other types of sections, a section can be combined with
____________________ to explain construction of a structure.

18. Both vertical and horizontal dimensions may be placed on sections, whereas partial sections and
details generally show only ____________________ dimensions.

19. The project manager will generally provide exact dimensions for inexperienced drafters on a(n)
_____________________ print.

20. Once a wall section has been created, the _____________________ command can be used to
create the opposite wall, which can then be moved the appropriate distance to represent the total
width of the building.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #20 - Chapter 20 Interior Elevations

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Interior ____ are drawn to show the shape and finishes of the interior of a structure.
a. specifications c. elevations
b. details d. plans

____ 2. Except for a few features that are critical to the design of a structure, interior elevations are
generally not a part of the ____ elevations.
a. preliminary c. opening
b. beginning d. preface

____ 3. Interior elevations are based on the ____ of materials that are shown on the floor plan.
a. place c. position
b. location d. site
____ 4. An elevation symbol should be placed on the floor plan where any possibility of ____ exists.
a. danger c. disagreement
b. confusion d. disorder
____ 5. In theory, a viewing plane is placed on the floor plan ____ to each wall containing material that must
be explained.
a. similar c. concurrent
b. simultaneous d. parallel
____ 6. Base cabinets are often ____" high.
a. 18 c. 30
b. 24 d. 36
____ 7. When a cooking area is used to serve the public, the ____ generally develops the elevations for the
kitchen equipment.
a. supplier of the kitchen equipment c. client
b. head chief d. CAD drafter
____ 8. A scale of ____ is often used for elevations.
a. 1:30 c. 1:50
b. 1:40 d. 1:60

____ 9. The outline of cabinets and the lines representing doors, drawers, and exposed shelves are ____
a. thick, continuous c. thin, dashed
b. thin, continuous d. thick, dashed

____ 10. ____ lines are used to represent water closets and urinals, showing the basic components of the
a. Thick c. Mixed
b. Dashed d. Thin
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 11. Kitchen appliances are represented by a ____ that outlines the shape or by a detailed
a. box c. triangle
b. circle d. line
____ 12. Horizontal dimensions are used to locate special equipment from ____ lines.
a. network c. lattice
b. grid d. net

____ 13. When cabinet drawings are placed on a separate sheet, the drawing file is generally named ____.
a. J-ELEV-#### c. I-ELEV-####
b. K-ELEV-#### d. L-ELEV-####
____ 14. Modifiers such as APPL, CABS, CNTR, EQIP, HDWR, or PLMB can be used to describe ____ such
as appliances, cabinets, counters, equipment, hardware, and plumbing fixtures.
a. sections c. groups
b. areas d. layers
____ 15. Layer titles such as FINE, HEAVY, and LIGHT can be used to define ____.
a. linetypes c. types
b. styletypes d. lines

Complete each statement.

16. Elevations are referenced to the floor plan by the use of a title or a(n) _____________________.

17. Interior elevations are similar to the exterior elevations in that they are drawn using
____________________ projections based on a viewing plane.

18. A(n) ____________________ section is used to show construction methods and materials of
interior built-ins.

19. Common features represented in the elevations, such as the range, dishwasher, and refrigerator,
are usually inserted as ____________________.

20. Titles such as BORDER, TEXT, and DIMEN can be used to describe both the drawing
____________________ and general drawing information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #21 - Chapter 21 Ramp, Stair, and Elevator Drawings

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. A ____ is an inclined surface that connects two different floor levels.
a. wedge c. ramp
b. plane d. riser

____ 2. The ____ is the vertical distance from one floor level to the next.
a. tread c. run
b. rise d. berth
____ 3. The ____ is the total length required to form the stairs.
a. tread c. run
b. rise d. berth
____ 4. The ____ is the horizontal portion of a step.
a. tread c. run
b. rise d. berth
____ 5. A ____ provides support for the tread and riser.
a. brace c. string block
b. string d. stringer

____ 6. The ____ for stairs is the vertical distance above the stair measured from the tread nosing to any
obstruction above the stair.
a. toproom c. headspace
b. headroom d. head opening

____ 7. A ____ is the railing that is placed around stairs to protect people from falling from the floor into the
a. guardrail c. guard
b. blockrail d. string rail

____ 8. The total rise and run of a stair is based on the ____ for the rise and run of each tread.
a. owner requirements c. architectural requirements
b. contractor requirements d. legal requirements
____ 9. Handrails are generally made of ____ diameter metal pipe.
a. 1 1/16" c. 1 1/4"
b. 1 1/8" d. 1 1/2"
____ 10. Handrails are supported on metal uprights called ____.
a. balusters c. stringers
b. buttresses d. guards
____ 11. When drawing a stair that goes to another level on the same floor, the entire ____ of the stair is
a. rise c. run
b. length d. width
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. If the stair is to be ____, only drawings required to attach the stair are supplied.
a. remanufactured c. postmanufactured
b. premanufactured d. site-built

____ 13. Draw the stair section so that it is referenced to a ____ whenever possible.
a. reference plot c. reference catalog
b. reference sample d. reference grid
____ 14. Because of the ____ used for details in stairs, it is important to use varied lineweights and
appropriate hatch patterns to accent each material used.
a. scale c. size
b. proportion d. style
____ 15. The elevator ____ is the area at the upper end of the shaft required to provide clearance for the
elevator and the shaft mechanism.
a. service area c. loft
b. mechanical area d. pit

Complete each statement.

16. ____________________ are a primary method of changing floor levels in a multilevel structure.

17. The ____________________ is the front edge of a step.

18. A(n) ____________________ is the vertical shaft where the stairs are to be placed.

19. Because of their high cost, ____________________ stairs are used in only the most restrictive fire
rating situations.

20. The elevator ____________________ is the area below the lowest floor required to provide
clearance for the elevator and the shaft mechanism.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #22 - Chapter 22 Drawing Framing Plans

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ plan views include framing plans of the roof level and each floor level.
a. Architectural c. Mechanical
b. Structural d. Engineering

____ 2. The ____ plan should be used to specify the locations and the materials used to resist the forces of
rotation, uplift, and shear.
a. timber c. framing
b. skeleton d. lining

____ 3. Sawn, engineered, and laminated beams are represented by ____ lines.
a. thick dashed c. thick solid
b. thin dashed d. thin solid
____ 4. The most common shapes to support major loads are typically ____ shaped steel beams.
a. M-, T-, and W- c. M-, S-, and Z-
b. T-, S-, and W- d. M-, S-, and W-
____ 5. Steel decking is often used to form a ____ in horizontal surfaces.
a. diaphragm c. barrier
b. blocker d. sheet
____ 6. Members that make up the frame in rigid framing or prefab methods are typically ____ shapes.
a. S c. W
b. T d. X

____ 7. Frame and intermediate members are located based on ____ locations.
a. midline c. mid-post
b. center-to d. centerline
____ 8. ____ is widely used for framing systems because it can be cast into almost any shape.
a. Steel c. Wood
b. Concrete d. Aluminum
____ 9. Forming walls with ____ is a common method of construction.
a. cast steel panels c. precast lumber panels
b. precast steel panels d. precast concrete panels
____ 10. The ____ plan must show the location of each panel as well as the members that are used to form
and support the floor or roof framing.
a. tilt-in c. tilt-up
b. tilt-to d. tilt-at
____ 11. Framing plans for a steep-pitched roof can be drawn using the ____ as a base.
a. floor plan c. wall plan
b. roof plan d. window plan
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. Roof plans for structures with a low-sloped roof can use the ____ for the drawing base.
a. floor plan c. wall plan
b. roof plan d. window plan

Complete each statement.

13. The specifications for a beam should be written ___________________ to the beam it describes or
placed in a schedule.

14. On the framing plan, steel columns are typically represented by a(n) ____________________ line.

15. Precast concrete panels are poured on the ground and then lifted into position once they have

16. Separation of material by ____________________ and color can greatly aid in the development of
framing plans.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #23 - Chapter 23 Drawing Structural Elevations and Sections

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. In addition to describing distances between members, the elevation also serves as a ____ for listing
beam sizes and for connection details.
a. reference grid c. reference catalog
b. reference map d. reference list
____ 2. ____ for a tilt-up structure are used to show the size, shape, opening locations, and reinforcing for
each panel of a structure.
a. Plans c. References
b. Views d. Elevations
____ 3. A scale of ____ is often used to draw panel elevations.
a. 1/12" or 1/8" = 1'–0" c. 1/8" or 1/4" = 1'–0"
b. 1/12" or 1/4" = 1'–0" d. 1/8" or 1/2" = 1'–0"

____ 4. The engineering team draws sections to show the ____ relationship of major material intersections.
a. horizontal c. cross-sectional
b. diagonal d. vertical
____ 5. The ____ used to create structural sections and details depends on the intent of the detail.
a. scale c. proportion
b. size d. style
____ 6. Panel elevations can be drawn of an entire ____ of a structure.
a. front c. face
b. surface d. frontage
____ 7. For a scale of 3/4" = 1'–0", the metric counterpart is ____.
a. 1:5 c. 1:15
b. 1:10 d. 1:20

____ 8. For a scale of 1" = 1'–0", the metric counterpart is ____.

a. 1:5 c. 1:15
b. 1:10 d. 1:20
____ 9. For a scale of 3" = 1'–0", the metric counterpart is ____.
a. 1:5 c. 1:15
b. 1:10 d. 1:20
____ 10. Structural details drawn at a scale of ____" and larger should always represent materials with their
actual sizes.
a. 1/4 c. 3/4
b. 1/2 d. 5/8
____ 11. In small-scale drawings, thin materials such as plywood, sheet rock, or steel plates may be
represented ____ than they really are to add clarity.
a. thicker c. wider
b. thinner d. narrower
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. Structural sections and details should be drawn as close as possible to where they are ____ on the
a. needed c. referenced
b. compared d. obscured
____ 13. When individual detail boxes are used, an attempt should still be made to ____ details so that
similar items can be aligned.
a. collection c. aggregate
b. sets of d. group
____ 14. The drafter’s main consideration when drawing sections or details is ____.
a. to clearly distinguish between materials
b. to make more use of available whitespace
c. to ensure that each project uses sufficient time
d. to make each project cost a similar amount
____ 15. A key to good detailing is to use varied ____ to distinguish between materials.
a. linestyles and hatch type c. hatch patterns
b. lineweights, linetypes, and hatch d. linetypes

Complete each statement.

16. ____________________ for poured concrete show the location of each column and beam.

17. ____________________ are concrete panels that are not full height, located over or between areas
of glazing.

18. Steel required to reinforce openings can be represented in a(n) ____________________ to keep
the drawings uncluttered.

19. No matter which method is used to represent the panels, details must be drawn to represent each
panel ____________________.

20. The amount of detail to be drawn is determined by the ____________________ that will be used to
plot the drawing.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Worksheet #24 - Chapter 24 Foundation Systems and Components

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. ____ refers to the granular composition of the soil and influences the bearing capacity.
a. Soil texture c. Soil compaction
b. Soil density d. Soil structure

____ 2. ____ is caused by reduction of space between soil grains.

a. Stabilization c. Compaction
b. Settlement d. Sedimentation
____ 3. The height of soil in its undisturbed condition is called the ____.
a. grade c. natural condition
b. natural slope d. natural grade
____ 4. ____ is soil that is added to the site in a very systematic method to ensure its load-bearing capacity.
a. Compressed fill c. Concatenated fill
b. Composed fill d. Compacted fill
____ 5. If the footing and stem wall are formed separately, a ____ is formed in the footing by placing a 2 
4 in the wet concrete.
a. keyspace c. headspace
b. keyway d. margin
____ 6. A cavity called a ____ can be built into the wall to provide support for beams.
a. beam mortise c. beam pocket
b. beam socket d. beam spot

____ 7. A ____ or basement wall is typically made of 8" (200 mm) poured concrete or concrete block and is
assumed to be anchored at the top and bottom by a floor system.
a. retaining c. barrier
b. holding d. restraining

____ 8. A wall that is not supported at both ends by a floor system is referred to as a ____ retaining wall.
a. cantileveled c. cantilevered
b. counterleveled d. counterlevered
____ 9. A ____ floor system is often used for multifamily construction projects in damp climates.
a. post-and-beam c. beam-and-pillar
b. mortise-and-beam d. pillar-and-post
____ 10. A ____ plan is usually drawn when the walls of the structure extend from the footing.
a. slab-on c. slab-on-grade
b. grade d. graded slab
____ 11. Grid markers, elevation symbols, and a north arrow are the symbols typically associated with ____
a. basement c. mechanical
b. foundation d. structural
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

____ 12. ____ are an effective method of presenting foundation information.

a. Lists c. Catalogs
b. References d. Schedules

____ 13. The foundation plan should be drawn at the same scale and in the same ____ as the floor and
framing plans.
a. orientation c. position
b. angle d. proportion

____ 14. The foundation plan can best be drawn by ____ the floor plan layers, which show the exterior walls
and the interior load-bearing walls.
a. thinning c. winnowing
b. thawing d. freezing

____ 15. The ____ drawing for a concrete slab foundation plan should show the support for each bearing
wall and column.
a. lower c. base
b. upper d. top

Complete each statement.

16. The height of the soil above a known point is referred to as its ____________________.

17. Bearing walls resting on a wood floor system or columns or posts on a concrete floor system are
supported by a beam supported on repetitively spaced spot concrete footings called

18. The floor slab can be poured as an extension of the foundation wall and footing in what is known as
____________________ construction.

19. A(n) ____________________ wall is a wall framed between two separate dwelling units.

20. General ____________________ can be used to organize information related to the foundation
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 1
(Building Elevations)

Sketch the North, South, East, and West elevations of our project. Each sketch should show
conceptually what kind of look and feel you would like to create for the building. You are not
required to stick exactly to this concept; it is just an initial step to get you thinking about
proportions, scheme, and design.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________
Sketch # 1 - Continued
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________
Sketch # 1 - Continued
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________
Sketch # 1 - Continued
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 2
(Building Layout)

Sketch the first and second level floors plan of our project. Show reception and office areas,
restroom facilities, sales and showroom areas, manufacturing and storage areas, break room,
stair and elevator locations, as well as any other amenities you wish to include. Your sketch
should reflect a logical layout and flow through the building. You are not required to stick exactly
to this concept; it is just an initial step to get you thinking about the layout of the building.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________
Sketch # 2 - Continued
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 3a
(Panel/Panel Joint Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing the butt joint between two 8” concrete panels. Seal the 3/4”
joint with elastomeric caulk over 1” backer rod on both the outside and inside of the panels. Add
any other dimensions or information specific to your joint configuration. No steel reinforcement
needs to be shown in the walls but reference the structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 3b
(Panel/Panel Corner Joint Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing a quirk miter corner joint between two 8” concrete panels.
Seal the 3/4” joint with elastomeric caulk over 1” backer rod on both the outside and inside of
the panels. Add any other dimensions or information specific to your joint configuration. No steel
reinforcement needs to be shown in the walls but reference the structural drawings for this
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 4a
(Panel/Footing Connection Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing the intersection of an 8” concrete panel with a 30” x 12” deep
concrete footing. The top of footing is located 4’-0” below floor level. Show a 3” x 3” x 9” deep
sleeve spaced at 48” on center. Support the wall on 1” of non-shrink grout and connect the wall
to the footing by using a coil insert in the bottom of the panel and a 7/8” x 14” coil rod protruding
from the insert into the footing sleeve. No steel reinforcement needs to be shown in the wall and
footing but reference the structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 4b
(Panel/Floor Connection Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing the intersection of an 8” concrete panel with a with a 5”
concrete floor. Show the floor placed over 4” of engineered fill. Show a perimeter joint in the
slab located 48” from the back of the concrete panel. Provide a 1/4” x 1 1/4” fiber isolation joint
between the two slabs and seal this joint with elastomeric caulk over 3/8” backer rod. Connect
the two slabs using #6 x 36” smooth bars placed at 18” on center and 2” clear from the bottom
of the slab. Connect the wall to the slab with a coil insert located in the back of the panel and a
3/4” diameter x 24” long coil rod protruding from the insert into the slab. Space the coil rods at
48” on center and 2” clear from the bottom of the slab. No additional steel reinforcement needs
to be shown for the wall and floor but reference the structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 4c
(Panel/Floor at Doorway Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing the intersection of an 8” concrete panel with the concrete floor
at a doorway. Thicken the typical 5” slab to 10” thick x 10” wide at the doorway and provide a
1/4” x 1 1/4” fiber isolation joint between the slab and the wall. Show the floor placed over 4” of
engineered fill. No steel reinforcement needs to be shown in the wall and floor but reference the
structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 4d
(Floor/Floor Isolation Joint Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing a typical isolation joint in the 5” concrete floor. Show the floor
placed over 4” of engineered fill. Provide a 1/4” x 1 1/4” fiber isolation joint between the two
slabs and seal this joint with elastomeric caulk over 3/8” backer rod. Connect the two slabs
using #6 x 18” smooth bars placed at 18” on center and 2” clear from the bottom of the slab. No
additional steel reinforcement needs to be shown for the wall and floor but reference the
structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 5a
(Panel/Floor at Doorway Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing the intersection of an 8” concrete panel with the concrete floor
at a doorway. Thicken the typical 5” slab to 10” thick x 10” wide at the doorway and provide a
1/4” x 1 1/4” fiber isolation joint between the slab and the wall. Show the floor placed over 4” of
engineered fill. No steel reinforcement needs to be shown in the wall and floor but reference the
structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 5b
(Floor/Floor Isolation Joint Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing a typical isolation joint in the 5” concrete floor. Show the floor
placed over 4” of engineered fill. Provide a 1/4” x 1 1/4” fiber isolation joint between the two
slabs and seal this joint with elastomeric caulk over 3/8” backer rod. Connect the two slabs
using #6 x 18” smooth bars placed at 18” on center and 2” clear from the bottom of the slab. No
additional steel reinforcement needs to be shown for the wall and floor but reference the
structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 6a
(Footing/Pedestal/Floor Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing the intersection of a 16” x 16” concrete pedestal with a 6’-0” x
6’-0” x 18” deep concrete pad footing. The top of the pad footing is located 4’-0” below floor
level. Show the top of the pedestal intersecting with the 5” concrete floor. Provide a 1/4” x 1 1/4”
fiber isolation joint between the pedestal and concrete floor and seal this joint with elastomeric
caulk over 3/8” backer rod. Show a plan view of the pedestal indicating that it is rotated 45° to
the footing. No steel reinforcement needs to be shown in the footing, pedestal, or floor but
reference the structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 6b
(Floor/Fire Rated Wall Detail)

Sketch a detail (section) showing the intersection of a 2-hr fire rated wall with a concrete floor.
The fire rated wall uses 5 1/2” metal studs at 16” on center and is covered with two layers of
5/8” Type “X” gypsum wall board on each side. Thicken the 5” typical slab to 10” thick x 1’-6”
wide and center this area under the wall. Show the wall anchored to the floor with 1/4” diameter
expansion bolts or equivalent.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 7a
(Wall/Mezzanine Floor Detail – Viewed Parallel to Floor Joists)

Sketch a detail showing the intersection of an 8” concrete panel and mezzanine floor. The floor
is located 12’-0” above the main level and is constructed of 4” light weight concrete over 1 1/2”
metal deck, supported by 14K3 Open Web Steel Floor Joists spaced at 24” O.C. The joist bears
on a 6” x 4” x 1/2” thick continuous ledger angle located 8” below the top of the floor. The ledger
angle is connected in the field with fillet welds to an 8” x 8” x 1/2” thick plate w/ (2) 1/2” Ø H.A.S.
embedded in the back of the concrete panel. Provide a 1/4” fiber isolation joint between the
panel and the floor and seal this joint with elastomeric caulk over 3/8” backer rod. No steel
reinforcement needs to be shown in the panel or floor, but reference the structural drawings for
this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 7b
(Wall/Mezzanine Floor Detail – Viewed Perpendicular to Floor Joists)

Sketch a detail showing the intersection of an 8” concrete panel and mezzanine floor. The floor
is located 12’-0” above the main level and is constructed of 4” light weight concrete over 1 1/2”
metal deck, supported by 14K3 Open Web Steel Floor Joists spaced at 24” O.C. The deck and
floor at its edge is supported by 6” x 4” x 1/2” thick continuous ledger angle located 5 1/2” below
the top of the floor. The ledger angle is connected in the field with fillet welds to an 8” x 8” x 1/2”
thick plate w/ (2) 1/2” Ø H.A.S. embedded in the back of the concrete panel. Provide a 1/4” fiber
isolation joint between the panel and the floor and seal this joint with elastomeric caulk over 3/8”
backer rod. No steel reinforcement needs to be shown in the panel or floor, but reference the
structural drawings for this information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 7c
(Wall/Beam Detail)

Add the following detail to your project.

EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 8
(Parapet/Roof Detail)

Sketch a detail showing the transition from a precast parapet wall to flat roof. The roofing
system is a Single-Ply Roof consisting of gravel over roof membrane over rigid insulation over a
concrete/corrugated metal deck. All this is supported by open web steel roof joists. Flash over
the top of the parapet and roof membrane. Be sure to include a cant strip at the transition from
wall to roof and any other necessary fasteners. Think about water penetration, you do not want
any water to be able to get into the building.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 9a
(Beam/Column Detail)

Sketch a detail showing the connection of a wide flange beam to a HSS tube column. The
connection is made using a shear plate welded to the column in the shop and bolted to the
beam in the field. Show this connection in elevation from the side and include a portion of the
floor/roof deck. You may need to look at prior sketches to make sure you represent the floor/roof
correctly above the beam. Reference the structural drawings for beam and column size
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 9b
(Beam/Joist Detail)

Sketch a detail showing open web joists bearing on a wide flange beam. The joists are welded
to the beam in the field. Show this detail in elevation from the side and include a portion of the
floor/roof deck. You may need to look at prior sketches to make sure you represent the floor/roof
correctly above the joists. Reference the structural drawings for beam and joist size information.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 10a
(Window Head Detail)

Sketch a detail (in section) showing the top portion of a window/curtain wall and an 8” concrete
panel. Show the interior side of the concrete panel being furred out with 3 5/8” metal studs and
1/2” sheetrock. The window/mullion sits inside the concrete panel and needs to be sealed with
caulk. Show insulation and any other finishes in this area.
EGDT-2100 Advanced Architectural Name: _____________________________

Sketch # 10b
(Door Jamb Detail)

Sketch a detail (in section) showing an interior door jamb interacting with a 3 5/8” metal stud
and 1/2” sheetrock interior wall. Show insulation and any other finishes in this area. You may
want to search on the internet for a few examples.

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