Profiling Undrained Shear Strength in Soft Clay Layer by Full Flow Penetrometer

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Profiling undrained shear strength in soft clay

layer by full flow penetrometer



Final Year Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirement of the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Faculty of Science and Technology

University of Macau


I declare that the project report here submitted is original except for the source

materials explicitly acknowledged and that this report as a whole, or any part of this

report has not been previously and concurrently submitted for any other degree or

award at the University of Macau or other institutions.

I also acknowledge that I am aware of the Rules on Handling Student Academic

Dishonesty and the Regulations of the Student Discipline of the University of Macau.

Signature : ____________________________

Name : ____________________________

Student ID :____________________________

Date : ____________________________



This project report entitled “Profiling undrained shear strength in soft clay layer

by full flow penetrometer” was prepared by AO KUOK CHONG in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil

Engineering at the University of Macau.

Endorsed by,

Signature : ____________________________

Supervisor : Dr. NG IOK TONG



It is normal to thank those who have given help and support in carrying out the project. The

length of the acknowledgement should not exceed one page.



Evaluation the strength profile of clay layers is an important issue in geotechnical

engineering. There are some testing methods have been developed by the various

researchers. Nevertheless, each method has its own limitations and applicability under

different geological environment, soil types and testing conditions. This project

examined the applicability of a series of model T-bar penetrometers in determining

the shear strength profile of a soft clay layer simulated in the laboratory. An

experimental program was performed in a kaolin soil model prepared in a large

calibration chamber. The experimental program includes conducting some basic soil

properties tests, vane shear tests and T-bar penetration tests. Based on the results

obtained from the experimental program, the determination of undrained shear

strength profile using different sizes of model T-bars at various testing rates were

investigated and discussed. Based on the results of this project, the proper size of T-

bar and testing rate of T-bar test were recommended for determining the strength

profile in soft clay layer. In addition, this study also suggested that T-bar test can be

used for roughly estimating the sensitivity of soft clay. The findings of this project is

beneficial to the researchers and engineers who want to characterize the strength


profile of soft clay both in the area of laboratory physical modeling and as a reference

for the field T-bar test result interpretation.

1.1 Background

One of the important considerations for a successful geotechnical project is that

the strength properties of soil layers of the project site have to be well

characterized. Because the reliability and safety of the corresponding proposed

design must be ensured for the project. Undrained shear strength (Su) refers to

the shear strength of a fine-grained soil under undrained condition. It happens

when the soil mass is filled with the water which cannot drain out due to very low

permeability or the rate of drainage of water is much slower than the rate of

loading acting on the soil mass. Since soft clay has low strength properties, the

geotechnical engineers always concern its undrained shear strength.

Undrained shear strength determination for soft clay is commonly done by field tests

such as cone penetration tests (CPT) and In-situ vane shear test (VST). The cone

penetration tests can have continue measurements along a soil profile but the vane

shear test can only measure discrete data in the soil layers. On the other hand, the

process of conducting VST is time consuming. Therefore, many engineers prefer to

use CPT for undrained shear strength determination. Besides, the full flow

penetrometers such as field T-bar penetrometer has become commonly used in recent

years especially for offshore projects. The field T-bar penetrometer test not only can

provide continues measurements along a soil profile but also the measured strength

profile have higher resolution than CPT (XXXXXX1984). By taking the advantage of

field T-bar test, this study attempts to examine the applicability of the model T-bar

test for characterizing the strength profile of a soft clay layer for physical modelling.

It is also expected that the results obtained in this study will give some insights to

engineers who use field T-bar penetrometer for undrained shear strength profiling in

practice. In this project, 1-g physical modeling geotechnical testing was performed in

the laboratory for the investigation of model T-bar penetration test in shear strength

estimation in soft clay; soil strata model was constructed inside a soil calibration

chamber to simulate the naturally formed clay deposits under the similar field

conditions. For preparing the physical soil model, the kaolin clay slurry mixed from a

large clay mixer was poured layer by layer inside a soil chamber in which a drainage

system which composed of a sand layer and a gravel layer was constructed at the

bottom of the chamber for assisting the consolidation process of the soil model. After

the consolidation of the soil model had completed, a series of T-bar penetration tests


using different T-bar sizes at various testing rates was performed on the soil model. A

motion planner system was used for controlling the T-bar penetrometer moving

vertically down into the soil layer. During the penetration, the penetrometer bearing

resistance will be measured by a load cell connected to a data logger. After the

completion of the T-bar tests, undisturbed samples were taken out by inserting a

100mm sampling tube to the soil model. These undisturbed soil samples were used for

determining undrained shear strength from Lab vane shear test. With the results

obtained from the Lab vane shear test, the measurement of the T-bar tests can be

calibrated accordingly. Finally the results were discussed and some recommendations

were made. In addition, this study also suggested that T-bar test can be used for

roughly estimating the sensitivity of soft clay. The findings of this project is beneficial

to the researchers and engineers who want to characterize the strength profile of soft

clay both in the area of laboratory physical modeling studies and as a reference for

the field T-bar test result interpretation.

1.2 Methodologies

In order to perform the 1-g physical testing successfully in this study, some

experimental techniques were well studied and well performed such as the

laboratory testing on soil sample index properties, the calibration of load cell and

LVDT, consolidation of model clay layer and a drainage layer of sand and gravel,

top of the drainage layer on top of the soil model, implementation of data

acquisition system and the operation of motion control unit system. The T-bar

penetrometers were attached to a load cell together with the data logger in which

the load resistances up to the depth of about 300mm were measured. The vertical

displacement of the T-bar was measured with a LVDT installed on the frame

attached in the chamber. Vane shear test had been performed at different

locations in the same soil layer and the results were used for calibrating the T-bar


1.3 Objective

The main objective of this project is to examine the applicability of model T-bar

penetrometer for characterizing the undrained shear strength profile within a soft

clay layer prepared inside a large calibration chamber. Based on the results of this

project, the proper size of T-bar penetrometer and testing rate for obtaining

reliable undrained shear strength profile are recommended.


2.1 Background of the undrained shear strength


Undrained shear strength which is a term to represent a type of shear strength which

different in drained strength condition in soil mechanics. As the knowledge, there

was nothing that was an undrained shear condition of soil. During the test is more

simple, quick and economical for the measuring of the shear strength of a soil.

There are a number of factors are depended, the major factor as shown below:

 Orientation of stress

 Stress path

 Rate of shearing

 Volume of material

Tresca theory (Tresca, H. 1864) is defined the typical equations of undrained shear

strength based on Mohr's circle:

σ 1 −σ 3=2 Su


σ 1 is the major principal stress

σ 3 is the minor principal stress

Su is the undrained shear strength

Undrianed shear strength generally using the limitation of equilibrium analyses

where the soil mass is fill in the pore water which cannot drain out or the rate


drainage water is much slower than the rater of loading react on the soil mass that

are generated due to the action of shearing the soil may dissipate. It profiling forms

site investigations involving soft clay which is an important part.

Undrianed shear strength always becomes an important element in a lot of site

investigations, including the soft clays. Normally, laboratory test which was using

the undisturbed samples and the field test for the combination. In-situ vane shear

test (VST) is the most broadly that we used for measuring both of the peak and

residual undrianed shear strength (Su). Although it is the most widely test, some

disadvantages are still existed, such as the results of the estimation of Su are

uncontinuous and discrete, well-spaced, lack of the variation of depths profile

(since the process of the test is slow and it is impossible to achieved a continuous

information) and the result can be affected by the thin layers of stiffer material.

2.2 Review of test for shear strength

2.2.1 Vane Shear Test (BS 1377: 1975, Test 18)

The undrained shear strength (Su) of clay generally obtained from the laboratory

test (Head K.H.,1982) on undisturbed soil sample or direct measure using the

field vane shear test.


Vane shear test is a term of type of in-situ geotechnical testing method which is

very popular by used to measure the undrained shear strength of soil. Sweden

was used it in 1919 firstly. Carlsson, Skempton, and Cadling and Odenstad also

have the further studies after, it has been used widely all of the world in the


Vane shear test is directly used to determine the fully saturated clay without

disturbance. In other word, the soil sample carry fully saturated and undisturbed

around the test. In general, in-situ vane shear test is more common to be used.

Laboratory vane shear test equipment shown in Figure 2.1, and in-situ vane shear test

are also similar for measures the undrained shear strength of soil and typically useful

for the soil which have low shear strength for which cannot be measured by the other

tests such as triaxial test.

After the sampling tube is removed from the soil model, it can be place horizontally

under the Vane shear test machine as shown in Figure 6.5. Then, the designed

position of the test specified and placed. It should be make sure the sample is fixed

under the vane already. Checking the pointer on the dial in order to ensure the pointer

was set to the zero position on the inner and outer scale. If no, it should be adjusted

which the carrier and the handle were rotated until the pointer was brought to the zero

position on the inner and outer scale. 12 mm × 25 mm vane will be used inserting to


the sample. Finally, record the initial reading of the pointer and the final reading on

both angular scales.

Figure 2.1 Vane Shear Test in order to determine the Undrained shear strength

The vane shear strength of the soil can be calculated by following formula:

S= M /K Eq. (2.1)


S = Vane shear strength (kN /m2 )

M = Torque to shear the soil (N ∙ m¿

K = Constant depending on dimensions and shape of the vane

*The Gravitational acceleration should be used 9.81 m/s 2

Assuming shear strength was distributed uniformly along the ends of the cylinder

making by the vane rotation and its perimeter. The following formula for determined

the K as shown in below.


K=( π × D 2 × )(1+ × H)×106 Eq. (2.2)
2 3


D = diameter of vane (mm)

H = Height of Vane (mm) (The limit of maximum is 25 mm)

D = Width of Vane (mm) (The limit of maximum is 12.5 mm)

K = Constant value related to height and width of vane

(The limit of maximum is 7.159× 106 )

For the M, which is the torque, is obtained from the pointer position reading on the

scale when the failure. M can be determined by using the calibration Sheet as shown

in Figure 6.6.

Figure 2.2 Degrees of rotation with Torque in kg ∙ cm

2.2.2 Torvane Test


Torvane Shear Test (Figure 2.3) is a type of determination of undrained shear

strength of fully saturated cohesive soil in field or laboratory which is quick and

easily. It acceptable the determination of a large number of strength values with

different orientation of failure planes. The portion of torvane of a disc (vane) with

blades on the lower surface which will be compress into the soil during the test

and an upper knob attached to the disc through a precision helical spring which is

rotated by a torque which is applied by fingers and to the disc during the test. All

that is needed is a reasonably flat surface 25mm in diameter or larger than 25mm.

Torvace is from zero to one TSP in the stress range. So that, Torvane test only

can be the undrained shear strength determination which is independent of

normal pressure for fully saturated cohesive soils. Therefore, Torvane test is only

properly for the clays which are very soft to stiff.


Figure 2.3 Equipment of Torvane Shear Test


2.3 Literature review about T-bar test

A small-scale T-bar penetrometer that combined the advantages of the cone

penetrometer test and in-situ Vane Shear Test was developed for improving the site

investigation tool for soft clay deposits in laboratory centrifuge models (Stewart and

Randolph, 1991).

T-bar Test can be performed with the existing cone penetration test (CPT) in soft clay

and directly related to the undrained shear strength of the clay via a plasticity solution

to eliminate some of the uncertainty involved in the interpretation of conventional

penetration tests in soft clay (Stewart and Randolph, 1994).

Small strain and large strain FE analyses have been carried out to detect the effects of

various in-situ factors on the limiting resistance of cylindrical T-bar and spherical ball

penetrometers in homogeneous cohesive soil obeying a Tresca or Von Mises failure

criterion. The soil rigidity index was confirmed that it has no influence on the ultimate

bearing resistance for either T-bar or ball, but only on the penetration needed to reach

the limiting resistance (Lu, Hu and Randolph, 2000).

Three different shapes of penetrometer, T-bar, ball and thin circular plate that both

smooth and rough interfaces have been considered were compared by the steady-state


bearing resistance with the soil strength profile; the effect of soil carried down with

the penetrometer was quantified (Lu, Hu and Randolph, 2001).

T-bar was introduced due to its potential for increasing the reliability of interpreted

undrained shear strength relative to the CPTU for soft clays in deep waters. Empirical

correlations based on field tests and laboratory tests on samples at one offshore and

two onshore soft clay sites indicate that T-bar factors are in a somewhat narrower

range compared to cone factors (Lunne, Randolph and Chung, Andersen and Sjursen,


Numerical simulation of T-bar penetration was presented in strain-softening and rate-

dependent soft clay and numerical analyses were carried out varies of the parameters

controlling the strain-softening, rate-dependent behavior shown by naturally occurring

soft clays. The evolution of periodic shear bands ahead of the advancing T-bar

penetrometer has been discussed providing new insights into the T-bar penetration in

soft clay (Liyanapathirana, 2008).

A series of laboratory-scale T-bar penetrometer tests were conducted on a clay bed

virgin consolidated from reconstituted high plasticity marine clay. The presence of

water on the surface of clay bed had a profound impact on penetration resistance,

particularly on the remoulded strength obtained by taking the T-bar through

successive penetration and extraction cycles (Ganesan and Bolton, 2013).


Su= Eq. (2.3)


q net : The T-bar penetration resistance

N b : Strength factor for T-bar

Su: Undrained shear strength

T-bar penetrometer (Figure 2.3) was first developed at the University of Western

Australia (UWA) for the accuracy of strength improvement in centrifuge testing

(Stewart & Randolph 1991). T-bar penetrometer is for determining the undrained

shear strength of saturated cohesive soil which is widely used in the field.

The portion of T-bar of a short cylindrical bar attached a penetrometer rod at the end

at a right angle with just below a calibrated load cell. Some of the T-bars also include

an inclinometer which can represent the vertical deviation during the insertion of

testing and transduce the pore water pressure. Typical field T-bars are 50 mm in

diameter and 200 mm in length. The penetration resistance used for calculating the

undrained shear strength, and that penetration resistance can be measured by using a


bar factor ( N b ), that is refers to the steady flow of soil around the T-bar and the

surface roughness of the T-bar.

Some of the advantages are given by the T-bar penetration Test. For instance, the test

is fast because of the simple controlling and it can ignore the corrections with the pore

pressure or overburden pressure. Also, the undrained shear strength can be determined

its continuous profile by the penetration resistance. Moreover, the T-bar penetration

Test also can determine both of the undrained shear strength and the sensitive even in

the saturated cohesive soil. Nonetheless, some disadvantages still exist in the T-bar

penetration Test. One of that refers to there is no typical penetrometer rates are

applied for different soil. In order to increase the accuracy, it is necessary to

determine the correction of a rod resistance and the result will be affected by a friction

between the soil and the surface of T-bar during insertion process.


Figure 2.4 Different types of T-bar



In order to simulate the real site, a lightly overconsolidated kaolin clay layer can be

simulated by a clay layer firstly and using for the experimental investigation of the T-

bar penetrometer test, Lab Vane Shear Test, Torvane Test and Pocket Penetrometer


Due to the clay layer required a consolidation process, it is necessary to have a

chamber which represented the container and a layer of sand and a layer of gravel

which represented the drainage system. The content of water in each bucket of clay

need to maintain in 96% which is about 1.6 times of the liquid limit of the kaolin clay,

in order to obtain the more workable clay slurry for pouring into the chamber.


In this chapter, the determination of the index properties of the Kaolin clay before the

lightly overconsolidated kaolin clay layer was prepared and the preparation works of

the clay slurry for performing the tube sampling tests are described.

3.2 Index Property of Kaolin Clay

The basic index of Kaolin clay were determined by carrying out some laboratory tests,

such as liquid limit test, plastic limit test and hydrometer test for determining the

Atterberg Limits, Specific Gravity, Particles Size and plasticity index of kaolin clay

before mixing the clay slurry. The simple introduction, procedures and result of each

test are shown below.

3.2.1 Specific Gravity, Gs (ASTM D854)

Specific gravity, which can call relative density, which is the ratio of the density of a

substance to the density of a reference substance. For gases, the reference substance

almost is air which at room temperature, 21 °C and the room pressure, 1atm. For

liquids, the reference substance almost is water which at the temperature, 4 °C and

the pressure, 1atm. Thus, the reference substance nearly always will be water which at

the temperature, 4 °C and 1 atm pressure in this project. The basement formula of

specific gravity is Gs= ρ w . In other words, specific gravity will change as the

temperature and pressure change so that it should be calculated in the same situation.

Specific gravity is essential for determining weight-volume relationships of soils.

The specific gravity test will be used to determine specific gravity.

In order to obtain the Gs in kaolin clay, some equations should be used and obtained

each parameter which are in the equations during the Specify Gravity Test. The

following equations will be used in Specify Gravity Test as shown in below:

ρT ( M 1−M P )
M 1 t= +M P (Eq 3.1)

Gs =K M S /( M S + M 1 t −M 2t ) (Eq 3.2)


M 1 t = the mass of water-filled pycnometer measured at temperature T.

M 2 t = the mass of the full pycnometer containing the soils and water measured at

temperature T.


M P = mass of pycnometer

M S = the mass of the soil solids

G s = the specific gravity of the solids

ρ0 = water relative density at T 0 which respect initial temperature

K = a correction factor used to account for errors associated with water density

The material of the specify gravity test, which are kaolin clay powder, pycnometer

and evaporating dish as shown in Figure 3.4. The numbers of the pycnometer depends

on the numbers of the test which are designed before. Make sure that the pycnometer

was cleaned and dried already before the test. Then, weight the mass of each

pycnometers and weight again after filled the water and recorded the mass. Recorded

the initial temperature at the same time. Mix the kaolin clay powder into the water and

form it to be like a paste and continuous to add the water until the pycnometer is

three-fourth full as shown in Figure 3.5. In order to remove all the trapped air, heating

the pycnometer for approximately 10 min. During the heating, the bubble will be

appear on the top of liquid. Ensure that the kaolin clay may boil when subjected to

vacuum. Heating kaolin clay should be allowed to cool off to room temperature.

Weight the pycnometer with the sample and water again which make sure the outside

surface was cleaned already. Measure the temperature of the solution in the


pycnometer and record it to the nearest whole degree at the same time. The content of

the pycnometer should be poured into an evaporating dish and placed in a drying oven

to determine the dry mass of solids.

Table 3.1The data of those parameter in equation in two test

1 2

M P (G) 46.16 62.76

M 1 (G) 145.7 162.52

T 0 (℃) 16.1 16.4

T 1 (℃) 15 15.1

ρ0 0.99 0.99

ρ1 0.99 0.99


M 2 t (G) 146.51 164.81

M e (G) 571.45 164.04

M d (G) 572.73 167.72

M s (G) 1.28 3.68

M 1 t (G) 145.71 162.54

Gs 2.63 2.61

AVG. G s 2.62


M 1 = mass of pycnometer and water

M e = mass of evaporating dish

M d = mass of evaporating dish and oven-dried soil


Figure 3.4 Preparation of specify gravity test

Figure 3.5 Three-fourth full of pycnometer

3.2.2 Water content

Water content is an important term in fundamental geotechnical engineering

parameter, which refers to the percentage of water within soil. Water content is the

most basic and easiest way to define the behaviors of the soil and it relates to

numerous equations of soil properties. For instance, water content is a vital element to

determine the liquid limit, plastic limit, and so on. Normally, water content can be


measured through the laboratory tests by using a series of controllable and simply


Before the water content measurement, some parameter measurements are needed

which are the weight of sample dish and the weight of sample dish with sample soil

by using electronic scale. Putting the soil sample with the sample dish inside the oven

and waiting above one day or more. Then, measuring the weight of sample dish with

dry soil sample and using the water content equation had shown as below:

W wet −W dry
w= (Eq. 3.3)
W dry


w is the water content in percentage (%)

W wet is the weight of sample dish with sample soil

W dry is the weight of sample dish with dry soil sample

3.2.3 Hydrometer Test

Hydrometer test is a term of classification of fine-grained soils, silts and clays

grading. Hydrometer test is used to the sieve analysis which is the grain sizes are too

small. Basically, Stoke's Law is used for falling spheres in a viscous fluid in which


depends on the grain diameter of terminal velocity of fall and the densities of the

grain which is in suspension and of the fluid. Using the distance and the time of fall

that can determine the grain diameter as a knowledge. The specific gravity (or

density) also can be determined by the hydrometer in suspension, and the percentage

of particles of a certain equivalent particle diameter to be calculated.

In order to obtain the sieve analysis in kaolin clay in this project, the hydrometer test

is needed for the grain size are too small soil sample. In this project, two times of tests

will be design for the hydrometer test. Before the hydrometer test, some preparations

are needed for the test. The material of the hydrometer test, such as kaolin clay, ,

Calgon(Sodium Hexametaphosphate), hydrometer and water and so on. The

preparation procedure will be present by following.

30 g kaolin clay (75μpassed) added into 150 H 2 O 2 ml and heat it. For the heating, it is

needed to heat till by 50 ml left. And then, repeated to add another 150 ml and heat till

50 ml again. Repeat the process until no more air bubble appear from the soil

solution. 2 to 3 days will be designed in this procedure in order to eliminate the

organic material from soil. After that, 125 ml calgon can be add into the soil solution

and leave for one night in order to disperse the soil particles as shown in Figure 3.11.


Make blank solution which is 125 ml calgon solution was added with water up to 1

liter solution in order to reduce the dispersion agent correction at the same time. Also,

the distill water will be filled into the soil solution until become an l liter soil solution

as shown in Figure 3.12. The preparation of the hydrometer is done already. After one

night, the hydrometer test can be started. In order to make the soil solution of small

particle is more homogeneous, shake 1 liter soil solution at least 1 min before the test.

After shaking, the test can be started immediately. Put the hydrometer into the 1 lit

soil solution and record the hydrometer reading according the corresponding time

interval (1, 2, 4, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 1473, 1581, 1925, 2040, 2908, 3028, 3176,

mins) and record the temperature of the soil solution and the hydrometer reading of

blank solution in the corresponding time interval. Finally, calculate and plot the

relationship between the passing (%) and grain size of diameter as shown in Figure


The following calculation after reading the hydrometer shown in below:

D=k √ (L/t) Eq. (3.4)

P= {[ ( H−B ) +Cm+m ] / W } ×100 0 × 100% Eq. (3.5)

m=1000 [ 0.99823−ρw −0.00025 (t−20) ] g/L Eq. (3.6)



D: grain size (mm)

K: Sedimentation constant (get from table, temp. vs. Gs)

L: effective depth (cm), (get from calibration table with hydrometer reading)

t: time interval (min)

P: passing (%)

H: hydrometer reading in 1 lit soil solution, g/cc

B: hydrometer reading in 1 lit blank solution, g/cc

Cm: minicus correction (use 0.0003 g/cc)

m: temperature correction, g/cc

W: mass of soil, g/cc

ρw : water density at temp, t

Passing (%)

0.1 0.01 0 0
Grains size (mm)

Figure 3.9 The test of hydrometer test in kaolin clay.


Figure 3.10 The preparation of hydrometer test.

Figure 3.11 After filling the distilled water to soil solution to become 1 liter soil


Table 3.2 The k value in different specific gravity and different temperature


Table 3.3 Values of Effective Depth Based on Hydrometer and Sedimentation

Cylinder of Specific Sizes



3.2.4 Atterberg Limit

Atterberg limit is a term refers to the fundamental measurement of the nature of a

fine-grained soil. There are four behaviors in different water content of the soil,

which are solid, semi-solid, plastic and liquid. These various states are carrying

its own consistency and behavior of a soil then result the different engineering

properties. Based on it, silt and clay can be distinguished by those Atterberg

limit. Liquid Limit (Standard such as BS 1377 or ASTM D4318-93)

The liquid limit (LL) refers to the percentage of the water content when the

soil changes to a plastic state from a liquid state. Also, the liquid limit is

always determined by two method that are cone penetration method as

shown in Figure 3.12 and casagrande method. Cone penetration method will

be performed for determining the liquid limit in this study.

 Here are the procedures for liquid limit determination of the soil. Firstly, the

soil sample was took into the bowl and mixed until its surface become

smooth. Secondly, a portion of the mixed soil was pushed into the cup with

the palette knife and placed this cup under the center of the cone. Next,

adjust the gauge reading to zero when the tip of the cone was gradually

lowered until it is exactly in contact with the surface of the sample. Pressed


the start button and recorded the reading after the needle stopped moving.

After these procedures, 10-soil was took and weighted from the area

penetrated by the cone, put into the oven, and weight it again in the next day

for the water content determination. Then, repeat the above procedures of the

soil sample which is carrying different water content. Finally, plot a curve

which refers the relationship between the water content and the penetration

depth, in order to estimating the 20mm depth of water content in this curve.

Figure 3.12 Cone penetration Apparatus Plastic Limit (ASTM Test Designation D-4318)

Plastic limit (PL) is a term of the water content at which the behavior of a

fine-grained soil starts to present plastic behavior. It is the value of the water


content at which the soil no longer and deformed by rolled into a thread of

3.18 mm in diameter. In this project, the measure of plastic limit were

performed according to the ASTM Test Designation D-4318.

Here are the procedures for plastic limit determination of the soil, Firstly, a

portion of the sample of soil was took on the hand, and rolled into a small

ball which tend to be in 3mm diameter. Kept on rolling until there were

some cracks alone the rolled samples that can be estimated it is like a plastic

limit behavior. At this times, using the cracked soil sample the measure the

water content which is the plastic limit.

3.2.5 Plasticity Index

Plasticity index (PI) is a term of the size of range of water content between the

changing behaviors of soil. The Plasticity index is the different between the

liquid limit and the plastic limit, in other words, plasticity index is equal to

liquid limit minus plastic limit (PI = LL-PL). This size of range can define the

soil characteristic, such as Clay will be formed when there is a high Pl of a soil.

In the other side, silt will be formed when there is a low Pl. Except the above

situation, if the Pl of a soil equal to 0 (non-plastic), it will tend to a little or clay

or no silt. In this project, the kaolin clay is used in a series of tests. In the


measurement of plasticity index of the kaolin clay is 29.1% by using the liquid

limit and plastic limit of kaolin clay.

3.2.6 Classification of Soil Model (ASTM Designation D 2487 -06)

The Unified Soil Classification System was applied for the classification of the

sample, Kaolinite, in this study as shown in Figure 3.7 and 3.8.. As the result,

the soil model is classified as CH high plasticity clays.


3.3 Preparation of soil model

3.3.1 Preparation of soil chamber

In order to establish a 1-g physical model testing, the bottom of the chamber

using two layers of soil (gravel and sand) for drainage shown in Figure 3.13. In

the drainage layer, clean up the chamber and ensure the drainage holes are

unblocked firstly. Geotextile is used for ensure the gravel and sand cannot go

inside the drainage holes shown in Figure 3.14. Putting 200 mm high of gravel

at the top of first geotextile (Figure 3.15) and 200 mm high of sand at the top

of the gravel for the drainage layer (Figure 3.16). And also establish a

coordinate axis on the glass screen. Coordinate axis is needed to define the

measurement of soil displacement. Set up a 10×10 point to establish a simply

format on the glass screen and the distance between two points is 10cm. Draw

a 1:1 size of paper to measure each point location on the glass screen by using

AutoCAD software. This paper will be fixed behind the glass screen and

marked the point on the glass screen. And then install the glass screen on the


front of chamber and placed the geotextile on the top of the drainage layer

shown in Figure 3.17.

Figure 3.13 Chamber layer form and front diagram


Figure 3.14 Geotextile on the bottom of the chamber.

Figure 3.15 200 mm high of gravel for drained layer on the top of the geotextile.


Figure 3.16 200 mm high of sand for drained layer on the top of the gravel.


Figure 3.17 Drainage layer with geotextile

3.3.2 Clay slurry mixing

Clay slurry is a mixture of the Kaolin clay powder (Figure 3.16) and distilled

water, and the ratio between these two elements can determine the water

content of the clay slurry. In order to improve the workability, 1.8 times liquid

limit of Kaolin clay are performed in this study, which in order to improve the

workability. During this condition, the characteristic of the clay will become

more homogeneous, so it can reduce the impact of the result and increase the

accuracy. About the first step of the mixture, Kaolin clay powder and distilled

water will be mixed together by an electrical rotation mixer machine (Figure

3.19) which is using 1.6 times liquid limit of Kaolin clay. However, we cannot

use this clay slurry directly because there are many bubbles trapped in the clay

slurry through the mixing process. Secondly, a part of the clay slurry need to

put into a soil pattern mixing machine (Figure 3.19) for removing the bubbles

and this action will repeat again and again until all bubbles in the whole clay

slurry are removed. The reason of using the electrical rotation mixer machine

first rather than the soil pattern mixing machine is because of the workability

process and the accuracy result. If the smaller mixing machine is performed

only, 1.8 times liquid limit of Kaolin clay must be measured every time then


the error of the result will be increased. Finally, poured the clay slurry on the

top of the geotextile into the chamber and repeated the whole mixing process

until the chamber was full as shown in Figure 3.22. Also, put a new geotextile

on the top of the clay for the consolidation as shown in Figure 3.23.

Figure 3.18 Kaolin Clay powder


Figure 3.19 Electrical rotation mixer

3.4 Process of consolidation

The consolidation is defined as the compression of fully saturated soil under an

imposed load as shown in Figure 3.24. The clay particles and water are

relatively incompressible under the loads and fully saturated soils are occurred

with drainage of water. In this project, there are two stage are divide into by

consolidation process: the first stage is self-consolidation and the second stage

is load-consolidation. And a series of load, concrete blocks and metal plates,

was put increasingly on the wooden plate, which was put above the geotextile


on the surface of the clay slurry for the consolidation purpose, which is a wood

plate with the sponge which connected the edge of wood plate and fix it in order

to prevent the clay lost on the top and make sure the water come out only. Since

the clay slurry did not have any strength to bear any surcharge load after

mixing, self-consolidated the clay slurry was required. The load-consolidation

process (Figure 3.23) will be started after the self-consolidation has been

completed already. In this process, a series of surcharge loads were placed on

the top of the clay layer. It is necessary to put a geotextile on the surface of the

clay slurry firstly rather than the wooden plate was put, which aimed for

preventing the clay squeezing out from the gaps between the wooden plate and

the chamber but allowing water to drain out during consolidation. Before the

consolidation, it is necessary to design the schedule of putting surcharge loads

in corresponding days as shown in Table 3.2.

Figure 3.20 Concrete blocks and material plate


Table 3.2 The schedule of the loading in consolidation process



2015/02/16 7 concrete blocks 56 kg

2015/02/17 8 concrete blocks 120 kg

2015/02/18 9 concrete blocks 192 kg

2015/02/19 9 concrete blocks 264 kg

2015/02/20 3 concrete blocks and 5 steel plates 338 kg

2015/02/21 7 steel plates 408 kg

2015/02/22 8 steel plates 488 kg

In the Table3.2, the schedule of placing loading was designed. Then, the total weight

of loading was calculated also in the last day of load placing. Therefore, the total

pressure in this consolidation process can be known using the Eq. (3.7) and (3.8). The

surface area is the500 mm ×950 mm. In this project, the design pressure during the

consolidation process was 10 kPa.

F=mg Eq. (3.7)

P= Eq. (3.8)



F: The force of the loading (N)

m: The weight of the loading (kg)

g: Gravity acceleration which used 9.81 m/ s2

P: the pressure of the loading during the consolidation process (kPa)

A: the top of the clay surface area (m2)

Figure 3.22 Full view of the soil penetration model


Figure 3.23 Geotextile on the top of the clay

Figure 3.24 Added the loading and set dial gags on the top of chamber


Figure 3.25 the fully loads on the top of the soil model

3.5 Summary

This chapter shown that the lab test which would like to obtain the soil index

that was perform in this study. The preparation of the soil model such as the

clay mixing process, the setup of the chamber and the preparation of the

consolidation. Pay attention on the clay mixing in order to ensure the soft soil

was homogenous and had enough workability. In the consolidation process, the

loading place was needed to consider before placing on the top of the soil. It is

necessary to plan the load schedule and the placing process. For the placing

process, the loading should be placed on left, right, front and behind were

balancing as shown in Figure 3.24 and 3.25. After the two stage of


consolidation has been complete, the clay layer is carried out an enough strength

which can simulate to the normally consolidation clay layer in the real situation

of the site as shown in Figure 3.26. Base on this result, sampling tube

penetration tests and T-bar tests can be started after the setup of the penetration


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Deformation (mm)

Time (hours)

Figure 3.26 The relationship between the settlement and time during




4.1 Introduction

Reliable and accurate to determine the soil strength is a fundamental aspect of

foundation design for offshore structure. At the present time, the assessment of soil

strength in situ is included of cone penetrometer and vane shear testing. For the

assessment of soil strength in laboratory is included with core sampling to obtain the

soil sample for laboratory testing. In this study, the undrained shear strength of Kaolin

clay can be determined by using the laboratory T-bar penetrometer has been designed

and fabricated.

4.2 Soil Chamber with Perspex Window

In this study, the Kaolin Clay slurry was consolidated inside a soil chamber. The

chamber is an open up metallic rectangular box which is 1.2 m high, 0.95 m long and

0.5 m wide and have drilled eight hole at the bottom of chamber which are for

drainage purpose. A motor is used for controlling the load cell driving up and down

and the LVDT is used for measuring the vertical displacement of the T-bar

penetrating into the soil during the test which are hanged on the chamber. Load cell

and LVDT are testing together and obtaining the load resistance of the T-bar


penetrating into the soil with the corresponding penetration depth is measured. A 200

mm layer of sand and a 200 mm layer of gravels at the bottom of the chamber in order

to establish a drainage layer for the consolidation procedure of the clay slurry. A 750

mm layer of the kaolin clay are prepared on the top of the drainage layer. The

geotextile have be placed which are between the drilled hole and drainage layer for

preventing the drilled hole blocking, between the drainage layer and clay for

preventing the clay lose into the drainage layer and ensuring the water come out only

and between the loading and the clay for preventing the clay lose out at the edge

during the consolidation process.

Above the soil model chamber, a metallic frame was attached in order to set up a

motor which was installed for the purpose of driving the penetration test equipment

during the testing. Then, a load cell was attached in between the motor and the

penetration equipment for the resistance values recordation of the penetration

equipment. The position of the penetration equipment can be adjusted properly, it is

because the frame can be moved. An adapter was used for connect the load cell and

the different size of penetration equipment as shown in Figure 4.1.



Load Cell

Figure 4.1 The adapter between load cell and penetration equipment
Also, the load cell was connected to the data logger in which the penetration

resistance can be measured during the test.

Figure 4.2 Overall detail of the equipment setup


Before the experiment, in order to have a reliable result obtaining in the experiment,

the load cell calibration is needed. The detail of the load cell calibration process is

reported next section.

4.3 Load Cell Calibration

In order to calibrate the load cell, the ring is proved for calibration. The relationship

between the vertical deformation of the ring and the known weight which is acting on

the ring shown Figure 4.3 can be found. The procedures of measure the vertical

deformation of the ring which is acting the different weights. Firstly, a series of

weights (10 kg, 20 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg and 50 kg) were added to the ring step by step

which are increasing the weight. The data of the dial gauge was recorded in each

loading acting. Plotting the curve which is the relationship of the dial gauge readings

and the corresponding applied loads in order to calibrating the load cell shown in

Figure 4.4.


Figure 4.3 Proving ring Calibrating

Proving Ring Calibration

f(x) = 69.67 x + 0.58
50 R² = 1
Weight (kg)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Ring value (mm)

Figure 4.4 Result of Proving Ring Calibration

After obtaining the relationship between the weight and value of dial gauge in ring,

the calibration of load cell will be done which includes two parts, compression and

tension of the load cell. In the tension part, the calibration using by hanging a several

of weights to the load cell and records the corresponding output voltage using by the

data logger. And the compression part, the calibration is similar to the tension part,

compressing the load cell. In this part of calibration is to compress by driving the

Load Cell downward on the top of the ring. The load cell will send the signals to the

logger in the form of voltage during the compression. Therefore, the relationship

between voltage and the ring readings can be found and the load applied can be knew

because of the result of the calibration of the ring.

The procedure of calibration of compressing the load cell:

Firstly, the proving ring was connected with the load cell that the ring is below the

load cell and touching on the plate as shown in Figure 4.5. The load cell was driven

downward direction until touched the proving ring and recorded the value of the dial

gauge which is the initial value. After that the load cell can be slowly downward to a

certain displacement of the dial gauge. The corresponding voltage value and the dial

gauge reading were recorded. In order to the purpose of the calibration is that the

voltage was nearly 50 mV corresponding to 50 kg, therefore, repeat the procedure and

calibrating it. The 50 mV nearly to the corresponding weight is 50 kg was the

maximum output of the load cell. When the increasing displacement of the moving

slowly downward load cell, the value of proving ring and its corresponding load cell

value were recorded by the data logger. The comparison of the data of the load cell


and the calibrated proving ring data, the calibration of the load cell can be done as

shown in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.5 Load Cell Calibrating

f(x) f(x)
= 69.67 x + 0.58
= 69.66 x + 0.58
50 R² =R²1 =1
Weight (kg)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Proving ring dial (mm)

Proving Ring Calibration

Linear (Proving Ring Calibration)
load cell calibration
Linear (load cell calibration)

Figure 4.6 Result of Proving Ring Calibration

4.4 Linear Variable differential Transformer LVDT


The model of the LVDT was used in this project which is SENSOTEC, MVL7C-

10000(060-5654-00). LVDT was used for the depth of the tube or T-bar

determination during the penetration testing process as shown in Figure 4.7. Before

the LVDT used in test, the calibration was needed in LVDT, which was similar to the

load cell calibration. In the calibration, set a known incremental displacement was

applied to the LVDT and recorded the corresponding displacement interval of the

values in the unit of voltage at the same time. Designed 7 mm for the interval of the

displacement and the 14 mm, 21 mm and so on were the continuous displacement.

These interval of displacement were assigned and recorded with the data logger.

Then, the relationship between displacement and voltage was presented as shown in

Figure 4.8.

This figure was used for the calibration chart all measured values during the

penetration testing.


Figure 4.7 LVDT setup

Figure 4.8 the result of the LVDT calibration


4.5 Penetration T-bar penetrometer

4.5.1 Introduction

Undrained shear strength was determined by the T-bar Test in this project. The same

diameter and shaft length which is 10 mm and 450 mm and the different length which

is 25 mm and 50 mm of T-bar can be used and tested with different penetration rate

and place in the chamber. After the penetration test, the resistance of penetration

process will be recorded by Strain Smart 5000 with depth. Using some equations in

order to determine the undrained shear strength using by penetration resistance. The

set-up of experimental, procedure of the test and result of T-bar were showed below.

4.5.2 The set-up of experimental

In this experimental, the material of the T-bar Test were prepared such as a soil

chamber, a load cell, a data logger, software Strain Smart 5000 and Motion Planner

were used. A clay layer and a drainage layer is prepared into the soil chamber model

which the figure 4.1 shown the soil profile. Load cell measures the penetration

resistance which is connecting with the T-bars. Data logger is connected to the load

cell and analyzing the penetration resistance which is during the test through the

software of Strain Smart 5000. Motion Planner control the T-bar driving up and down

during the test in the different penetration rate.


4.5.3 Procedure of T-bar test

After the setup of the experiment, the T-bar Test will be started. The T-bar was

connected the load cell and driving the load cell in order to adjust to the testing

position before the T-bar was cleaned. And ensure the T-bar has been vertical or not

already. The connection between the load cell and the Strain Smart 500 and the

connection between load cell and the Motion Planner which are the recordation of

data and movement of load cell and T-bar. And ensure that are work or not. The T-bar

was driven to the position for just touching the surface of clay. Set the requirement of

the rate and ensure that are ready or not in Strain Smart 5000 and Motion Planner for

the test. Strain Smart 5000 and Motion Planner were controlled together and the test

can be started. Strain Smart 5000 will be recorded the data during the test.

4.6 Set-up of the data logger

A data acquisition system or data logger (Vishay Measurement GRM Instrument

division System 5000, Model 5000 Scanner) was used for measuring the displacement

of the LVDT and the tube penetration resistance and T-bar resistance of recordation

measured from load cell during the penetration process in this project. The data logger

was connected with a computer and operated by the software which is called Strain

Smart 5000 Version 4.01 Build as shown in Figure 4.7. In this figure, the

data logger work together with the computer. The readings which is from the load cell

will be converted to a text file and plot a graph automatically. Then, for checking the

uniformity of the soil properties in the soil model, a series of T-bar Tests were needed

and obtaining the strength of the soil model also using the same load cell and data


Figure 4.9 Data logger together with the computer

4.7 Motion control system

In this study, a computer was connected with the data logger. Beside a computer was

also connected with a motion controlling system as shown in Figure 4.8 in which

movement of the penetration equipment was controlled by a program which was


called Motion Planner. During the test, penetration equipment can be controlled to

move up and down for obtaining the data of the soil model.

Figure 4.10 Motion controlling system


5.1 Introduction

There are two software had been used in this project. The responsibility of Motion

Planner is controlling the speed and the depth of the penetration travelling. The

responsibility of Strain Smart 5000 is obtaining the record for both LVDT and Load

Cell reading. This chapter will gives the introduction of implementation of these


5.2 Motion Planner

The program which is used to control the motor to drive the penetration equipment up

and down direction during the test is called Motion Planner, which is a Microsoft

Windows-based software and is designed for penetration movement control of

machine parts which is using the simple command, such as Go1, D, V, Mc0 and Ma0

are used for the motion of the penetration equipment control, and the manipulation of

Motion Planner is listed at Appendix A. The function of these commands is started as


Go1: Start to drive the penetration equipment up or down direction

V: Set the penetrating velocity of the penetration equipment

D: Set the distance of travel of the penetration equipment

Mc0: Stop until the sampler reached the design position

Mc1: Non-stop penetration until the “Stop” or “reset” button is pressed manually

Ma0: Sampler penetrates at Incremental mode

Ma1: Sampler penetrates at Absolute mode

Gohome: Go back to the original position


V=0.5 was used as the penetration speed during the test. The real penetration speed

can be obtained by using timer in a corresponding displacement when D was set equal

to -10000 then the displacement of the movement of the driver was equal to 7 mm.

The motion planner speed will transform to the real penetration speed in the tests. Pay

attention that the driver will move down when command the sign of d-, and the driver

will move up when command the sign of d+.

5.3 Strain Smart 5000

Strain Smart 5000 is a software system for obtaining and recording measured data

from temperature sensor, LVDT, piezoelectric sensors and other commonly used

transducer. In this project, Strain Smart 5000 is used for the LVDT and load cell

measurement of data obtaining. The procedure of the program using as shown in


1. Ensure the computer is connected with the motion controlling system or not. And

then open the Strain Smart 5000 program after the connection between the

computer and the motion controlling system is done. Provide each step of the

manipulation are shown in Figure 5.1 to 5.5. The green “online” button should be

switched on already. After that “Zero/Cal” should be checked for reset the LVDT

and the Load Cell data of values to be zero. Caution and errors will be happened

when the connection between computer and controlling system is incorrect.


Figure 5.1 Location of reset zero and online buttons

2. Press the “Arm” button can be clicked on and in a window of arming scan session

will be displayed as shown in Figure 5.2. “New online display” is clicked for

checking the error and caution and some adjustments again, and choosing the

“Calibrated Values” in a new window as shown in Figure 5.3 and also a

“StrainSmart Online Display” window is shown and as shown in Figure 5.4,

double clicking the first blank row that can be measure each of decimal

adjustment. After that the data recordation of the tube resistance and the LVDT

can be started.


Figure 5.2 Arming scan session window

Figure 5.3 New online display windows

Figure 5.4 “StrainSmart Online Display” window


3. The recording should be ended and the data should be saved after the test have

finished already. Next, output those data to the window which using a text file.

The outcome of the outputting data as shown in Figure 5.5. ID was shown in the

first column, time was shown in the second column, and then the loading

resistance and penetration depth was behind.

Figure 5.5 Output data



6.1 Introduction

In this study, the undrained shear strength profile of the kaolin soil model was

characterized based on the resistances measured by conducting the T-bar tests along

the depth of the soil model. In order to make sure the undrained shear strength

estimated from T-bar test values, a series of vane shear tests was also performed along

the depth of the soil model. According to the literature, a relationship between T-bar

test results and undrained shear strength is used in this study. Before applying the

relationship for this study, the results of the vane shear tests were used to calibrate the

Nb factor of the relationship. A series of T-bar test were conducted in this study in

which three different sizes of T-bar penetrometers (25 mm, 50 mm and 90 mm) were

used as shown in Figure 6.1 and the location of each test is presented as shown in

Figure 6.2.


Figure 6.1 Different size and dimensions of T-bars in this project

Figure 6.2 The location of T-bar penetration test in design

The T-bar tests were performed at different rates such as 1.4 mm/s, 2.8 mm/s, 5.6

mm/s and 7 mm/s and the corresponding results are discussed in this section.

6.2 Discussion of T-bar test results

Figure 6.3 and figure 6.4 shows the results of T-bar tests performed at different

location with the rates 1.4 mm/s and 5.6 mm/s respectively. It can be seen in figure


6.3, the results of all the tests performed at the rate of 1.4 mm/s show very close to

each other. It indicates that the T-bar test performed at the rate of 1.4 mm/s is

repeatable and consistent no matter the testing locations are different. However, in

comparison with the results shown in figure 6.4, the tests using the rate of 5.6 mm/s

show more variation and the resistance profiles at different locations have bigger

differences than the results of 1.4mm/s tests. Because the same T-bar size was used

for all the tests in these two figures, it is believed that the rate effect is an important

factor for charactering the strength profile of clay. Therefore, it is suggested in the

study that 1.4 mm/s is a reliable rate for profiling the strength of clay. In addition, the

results shown in figure 6.3 also indicate the soil model was prepared to have rather

uniform strength profile inside the soil chamber. Because of the above reasons, it is

proposed that the results obtained from the rate of 1.4mm/s can be used for calibrating

the T-bar relationship. In this study, the N b factor is calibrated using the vane shear

test as a reference test.


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2



Depth (mm) 100

150 T1
200 T3


Resistance (kg)

Figure 6.3 Resistance of 25 mm size of T-bar in 1.4 mm/s rate in each location

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2



Depth (mm)

150 T5
200 T7


Resistance (kg)

Figure 6.4 Figure 6.3 Resistance of 25 mm size of T-bar in 5.6 mm/s rate in each


6.3 Calibration of Nb factor

Randolph and Houlsby (1984) proposed a relationship for determining the undrained

shear strength of clay using T-bar resistance values as shown below:

=N b Eq. (6.3)
Su d


P: force per unit length acting on the cylinder

d: the diameter of the cylinder

Su: Undrained shear strength

N b : bar factor

In the relationship, the N b factor is a key factor for the reliability of the results.

Stewart and Randolph (1994) advised an intermediate value is 10.5 of the N b .

Therefore, N b factor was used to calculate the undrained shear strength in general.

However, according to Randolph and Houlsby (1984) the N bfactor is depended on

many factors such as roughness of the T-bar, stress history and soil types. Therefore,

it is necessary to investigate the Nb factor that can be suitable for use for laboratory

T-bar test results in this study.


In order to calibrate the T-bar test result, the Lab vane shear tests were performed in

this study. Undisturbed samples were taken from the soil model by using a large sharp

tip sampler (i.e., 100mm diameter). Then, a series of Lab vane shear tests were

performed along each soil sample at different depth intervals as shown in Figure 6.5.

This process was done after the completion of all the T-bar tests. Figure 6.6 shows the

results of the vane shear tests. The curve is resulted from the averaged data at the

same depth interval.

Vane Shear Test results by the corresponding depth as show in Table 6.1 and Figure


Vane shear test

1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70


Depth (mm)





Undrained shear strength (kPa)

Figure 6.6 Lab Vane Shear Test result


In the calibration process, the trial and error is needed. Figure 6.7 shows the possible

values of Nb factor that can be used for this study. It can be seen that when the Nb

factor is 9.5, the trend line (dot line) of the data is closest to the 1:1 line in the plot

compared with other Nb values. Therefore, the Nb factor equals to 9.5 is suggested to

determine the undrained shear strength profile for this study. This value is a little bit

different from the one suggested by Stewart and Randolph (1994) which is 10.5.

However, it is within the range of 9-12 suggested by Randolph and Houlsby (1984).

Therefore, the Nb factor of 9.5 is believed to be a reasonable result in this study.


N=9.5 N=10
4.00 4.00
3.50 3.50

Vane Shear strength (kPa)

Vane Shear strength (kPa)

3.00 3.00
2.50 2.50
2.00 2.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
0.50 0.50
0.00 0.00
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
T-bar Strength (kPa) T-bar Strength (kPa)

N=10.5 N=11
4.00 4.00
Vane Shear Strength (kPa)

Vane Shear Strength (kPa)

3.00 3.00
2.50 2.50
2.00 2.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
0.50 0.50
0.00 0.00
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
T-bar Strength (kPa) T-bar Strength (kPa)

Figure 6.7 Different trendline with different N b factors.

6.4 Investigation of rate effect on undrained shear strength profiling


According to the previous section, the use of the 25 mm size of T-bar at the rate

1.4mm/s gave reliable results. The calibrated N-factor value (9.5) is used in this

section to study the rate effect on undrained shear strength profiling. Figure 6.8-11,

show the results of using 25 mm size of T-bar tested in different penetration rates. A

total of 4 rates such as 1.4 mm/s, 2.8 mm/s, 5.6 mm/s and 7 mm/s were reported. In

the figures, the red curve presents the approximate profile based in the vane shear test

data in order to ease the visual judgement. As can be seen, the vane shear test curve is

close to the estimated undrained shear strength profile based on the T-bar results at

the rate of 1.4mm/s. it indicted the calibration of Nb factor is applicable to shear

strength profiling in this rate. However, as can be seen in other figure 6.9-6.11, as the

rate increases the T-bar strength profile shifts to the right hand side increasingly. This

indicates the rate effect is very significant to the strength measured by the T-bar. The

possible reasons may be due to the pore water pressure increases as the rate increases

because clay has very low permeability such that the water cannot be drained during

undrained condition. The pore water pressure can be build up very large during the

action and therefore the strength profile will be larger than lower rate. On the other

hand, during penetration of the T-bar, the clay under the bar was compressed to be

stronger such that the bearing capacity was increased. Because the rate in fast, the soil

flow around the bar was not faster than the rate of compression. As a result, the


strength profile of the clay layer was increased due to faster rate. Because the rate

effect is significant in characterization of the strength profile, in this project, 25mm T-

Bar penetrometer and the testing rate of 1.4 mm/s is recommended for undrained

shear strength determination.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4



Depth (mm)

150 1.4 mm/s

Vane shear





Undrained shear strength (kPa)


Figure 6.8 Relationship between vane shear strength and T-bar strength in 1.4 mm/s
with depth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Depth (mm)


2.8 mm/s
200 Vane shear




Undrained shear strength (kPa)

Figure 6.9 The relationship between vane shear strength and T-bar strength in 2.8
mm/s with depth


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4



Depth (mm)


200 Vane shear




Undrained shear strength (kPa)

Figure 6.10 The relationship between vane shear strength and T-bar strength in 5.6
mm/s with depth
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4


Depth (mm)

150 7 mm/s
Vane shear



Undrained shear strength (kPa)

Figure 6.11 The relationship between vane shear strength and T-bar strength in 7
mm/s with depth

6.4 Sensitivity of soil model estimation


Sensitivity is one of important parameter in soil classification and geotechnical

engineering. It is defined as the ratio between the undisturbed state and the remolded

state of the soil strength. All of the soft soils such as clays, are much more sensitive

than the other soils. For foundation design in high sensitivity clay, cautions about the

testing results have to be made. It is because high sensitivity means that the soil is

easily to have large disturbance. In this study, the sensitivity of the soil model were

estimated roughly by using Push-in and Pull-out phase (Newson and Bransby, 2004)

during T-bar penetration test. As reported by (Newson and Bransby (2004), Push-in

and pull-out phrase of field T-bar test can give a roughly estimation of sensitivity of

clayey soils and the corresponding bearing resistance profile had a similar trend but

opposite direction as shown in Figure 6.12. In this project, the push-in and pull-out

phrase of penetration resistances obtained from model T-bar test were examined.

Figure 6.12 Push-In and Pull-Out phase in T-bar Test (T.A. Newson and M.F.
Bransby, 2004)

Figure 6.13 and Figure 6.14 show the results of Push-in and Pull out phase obtained

from T-bar tests performed at two different soil models using the same testing rate as

1.4mm/s. The reason of testing in two different soil models is to check the consistency

of the Push-in and Pull out phase in different soil strength.

As can be seen in the two figures, the trend of push-in part has shown that the

increasing penetration resistance immediately at the upper layer of soil model in both

soil models. And also both have a similar trend to the push-in and pull-out phase as

the one shown in Figure 6.12.However, Figure 6.12 shows that the values at the pull

out part is lesser that the push in part. This indicates the sensitivity is between 1-2.

The results in this project show a little different from Figure 6.12. A simple

comparison by observation between the push-in and pull-out curves in Figure 6.13

and 6.14 with depth suggests that the clay in the soil models has sensitivity close to

one. The results from these two figure also indicate that the sensitivity does not

change if the strength of the same soil is different. It is believed that the T-bar test

can be used for roughly estimating the sensitivity of soft clay.


-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4



Depth (m)






Penetration Resistance (kg)

push-in pull-out

Figure 6.13 Push-In and Pull Out phase of the T-bar Test in soil model 1.

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Depth (m)

Undrained Shear Strength (kPa)

Push-in Pull-out

Figure 6.14 Push-In and Pull Out phase of the T-bar Test in soil model 2.



This project examined the applicability of model T-bar penetrometer in determining

the shear strength profile of a soft clay layer simulated in the laboratory. An

experimental program was performed in a kaolin soil model prepared in a large

calibration chamber. The experimental program includes conducting some basic soil

properties tests, vane shear tests and T-bar penetration tests. Based on the results

obtained from the experimental program, the determination of undrained shear

strength profile using different sizes of model T-bars at various testing rates were

investigated and discussed.

The following conclusions can be drawn in this project:

1. The rate effect is significant in model T-bar test results. The larger testing rate, the

larger strength will be measured.


2. The rate of 1.4 mm/s is the most proper rate for T-bar test since a series of model

T-bar test using this rate gives a repeatable and consistent results in the same soil


3. The model T-bar factor, Nb was found to be 9.5 which is within the range of 9-12

for field T-bar test suggested by previous researchers.

4. Model T-bar test can be used for roughly estimating the sensitivity of soft clay.

In this project, the determination of undrained shear strength profile were conducted by two

types of laboratory test. The major investigation of this project, which discussed the rate

effect in T-bar penetrometer for determined the undrained shear strength. Before determined

the undrained shear strength, one important parameter should be found. N b factor which is the

important constant value for undrained shear strength determination in T-bar test. In order to

obtain the Nb factor, lab vane shear test can be used to be a reference test. In this project, the

Nb factor is found and the value is 9.5. This value is acceptable and reliable. It is because 9.5

is included in the range which is Randolph and Houlsby (1984) designed before. In other

hands, Nb factor is obtained by the rate of 1.4 mm/s and the size of 25 mm T-bar. It is

because the result of 1.4 mm/s and 25 mm size of T-bar can be performed a

reasonable and reliable performance. Furthermore, those results are closed together

and have a same trend along the depth. Nb factor can be passed through all the test

result to determine the undtrained shear strength. As the objective, the different rate of

testing results are combined with vane shear test. (1.4 mm/s, 2.8 mm/s, 5.6 mm/s and

7 mm/s). According to the results, the 1.4 mm/s which is the most of acceptable and

reasonable value in this study. For larger than the rate of 1.4 mm/s, the results are

become larger the vane shear result. There are two ways in these situation. For the fast

rate, the pore water pressure cannot come out faster than the T-bar penetrometer

penetrate. Therefore, the pore water pressure should affect the bearing capacity of

clay to be a larger value. Furthermore, during penetration of the T-bar, the clay under

the bar was compressed to be stronger such that the bearing capacity was increased.

Because the rate in fast, the soil flow around the bar was not faster than the rate of

compression. As a results the strength profile was increased due to faster rate. Finally,

higher penetration rate will perform higher variation at the T-bar result combined with

vane shear strength result. Therefore, it is suggested that the rate of penetration during

the test which control it at 1.4 mm/s to 2.8 mm/s is acceptable in this study.

Furthermore, the size of T-bar penetrometer in this study suggested that using a 25

mm size of T-bar can performed a likely result.



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