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The Story of ARK Explained

All Explorer Notes in Chronological Order

Part 3:
Map of the damaged ARK’s caverns
You can find data maps and detailed descriptions of the damaged ARK and
its regions on the official ARK wiki: Aberration

Please note: I did not make any of these notes! All rights go to Wild Card
Studios, the creators of the game ARK Survival Evolved that these notes
are from.

You can also read all these notes and more on the official ARK Survival
Evolved wiki: Explorer_Notes

This is part 3 of the story of ARK. For part 1 (the Island) click here. For part
2 (Scorched Earth) click here. For part 4 (Extinction) click here. For the She
Who Waits notes click here. For the HLN-A Genesis Chronicles
Discoveries, click here. For the Genesis Glitch Discoveries, click here.


Diana Altaras: Diana Altaras is a United Republics of Earth (URE)

Armed Forces pilot from the future.

Edmund Rockwell

Helena Walker

Mei-Yin Li
Diana Log #1
I shouldn't be leading this group.
Wow, that felt good to admit. If I'd kept that bottled up in my head any longer, my brain
was going to explode. I mean, I know why everyone's looking to me: I'm URE Armed
Forces. "Fighting for a free and united Earth," yadda yadda yadda, but I'm just a pilot!
Throw me in any squadron you want and I'll be your top stick, bet the house on it, just
don't expect me to command the damned thing.

All I can really do is try to keep everyone's spirits up. Sure we're in the ass end of
nowhere, but a smile and a few laughs can go a long way in even the worst of
situations. Can't make rations out of it but hey, baby steps.

Diana #2
You know, this whole "staving off the ever looming spectre of despair" thing would be a
lot easier without all the dinosaurs. Did I not mention those? I should have mentioned
those. Anyway, turns out that raptor attacks aren't so great for morale. True story.

At least the weather's holding up. We've had clear skies for three days now. It was a
good idea to start giving people callsigns, too. Getting a new callsign from my squadron
always made me feel closer to them, whatever it was. Hopefully it works with this bunch.

The newbie suggested Rubberneck for me, since I keep looking at the sky, but I can't
help it. It really is gorgeous here. A perfect blue.

Diana #3
I feel so much lighter now! Sure, part of that might come from sleeping in an actual bed,
but mostly I'm just relieved that my ragtag band of rascals is in better hands.

This larger group we joined is way more organized. They've been setting up shelters,
mining Element and establishing a perimeter for weeks. Not surprising. One of the
leaders is URE special forces, after all.

Weirdly, some of the people here are from the Federation, but given our situation, even
the Feddies are being team players. Hope that truce holds up when we get this TEK
gear up and running…
Diana #4
The more the camp's grown, the more tense things have become with the Feddies, so
today I decided to break the ice. Whatever's happening between the United Republics
of Earth and the Terran Federation in the rest of the world doesn’t matter. We're all in
this together, right?

Of course, with my dumb luck, I didn't make nice with just any old Feddie. I unknowingly
buddied up to Santiago. Yeah, as in the Santiago that's so famous he's only got one
name, as in the guy who hacked into URE command one day and reverse engineered
our latest TEK armor the next. That Santiago.

Turns out he's really into pop music. Super disappointed he's missing the new season of
URE Idol. Go figure.

Diana #5
The top brass finally agreed on a plan today. According to our makeshift engineering
corps, we've got the resources to cobble together an off-brand, flight ready suit of TEK
armor in a month or two. One person will then take that armor and leave in search of
help: me.

I'm fully certified for TEK armor, so I've got a good shot at succeeding, and I'm pretty
sure that my new buddy was the one who got the other Feddies on board. I was the
only pick they could agree on.

It's a lot of pressure, but this is the kind I like. No big group decisions, just a set of wings
and an impossible mission. That's what Diana Altaras is all about.

Diana #6
Oh baby, did I miss real speed! And the sky! Missed you too, beautiful. That prototype
jetpack might not compare to my fighter, but the rush I got was way better than I'd
hoped. Guess I've been stuck here for longer than I thought.

Santiago's been joking about how much I owe him, but he's more right than he knows. I
promised to bring him some music for the ride back to civilization. Least I can do for that
little nerd.
The full set of armor should be done by next week. Then it's finally showtime.

Diana #7
So much for that. Less than a day after I set out, my mission hit a wall, or more
specifically, an invisible energy barrier that extends around this entire area. Definitely in
my bottom ten landings of all time, by the way. My shoulder's still feeling it.

Once I reported back, I took Santiago to inspect the barrier. He thinks it's also the culprit
that's responsible for jamming our long range signals. So basically, as long as this
barrier exists, we have no way to reach the outside world. We're completely isolated.

Unless, of course, we find a way to take it down.

Diana #8
We've finally found our target. Apparently those three obelisks on the horizon are
attached to some crazy teleportation tech, and each one is linked to a fourth signal high
above us.

Whatever's up there is what we need to take out.

Santiago says he can get us there by bypassing the security on one of the obelisk's
platforms. Trouble is, we don't know what'll be waiting for us, and not everyone here's
combat ready. So we're going to take the diplomatic approach and make our mysterious
hosts a present.

The leaders don't want to risk spoiling the surprise, so we're discretely building it in
pieces. The whole bomb won't even be assembled until the minute the operation starts.
Our captors won't know what hit them.

Diana #9
Months of planning, a squad of guys armed to the teeth and the biggest homemade
bomb you've ever seen...and we still weren't prepared. How could we be? I don't think
anyone could have been ready for that insane, shapeshifting whatever-it-was.

It attacked us as soon as we carted the package to the center of the platform. We were
getting taken out so fast that we just set the bomb on a short fuse and made a break for
it. Less than half of us managed to dive off of the platform in time, and I could feel the
heat of the explosion as I fell.
If I hadn't stabilized Santiago on the way down, he'd have been paste too. Of course
with everything that's been happening since we blew up that platform, we all might be
screwed anyway.

Diana #10
Things have gone sideways in a hurry, and I mean seriously FUBAR. Destroying that
platform didn't just weaken the barrier trapping us here, it took out the whole freaking
sky, or at least the giant hologram that was posing as it.

So yeah, turns out this entire landmass and everything on it is orbiting the Earth like
some kind of artificial space island. Wild right? I'd appreciate the sheer insanity of that a
lot more if this place didn't feel like it was falling apart.

We're taking all we can carry and making a break for that cave system we discovered a
while back. If the atmosphere's thicker underground, then we've got a shot of pulling

Diana #11
Looks like we made it just in time. I backtracked to take a peek at the surface, and it's
just one big fire. That's not a metaphor, I mean it's actually burning.

I guess some combination of the radiation that's leaking through the barrier and
reflected sunlight is turning it into our own private hellscape. That's not exactly the kind
of thing you want in your backyard, so the plan is to keep delving into these caverns.

The good news is that they're way bigger than we ever thought. We should be able to
set up a pretty extensive base of operations, and after that...better not think that far
ahead. Chin up and eyes forward, soldier.

Diana #12
Our base is looking pretty fancy these days. We even had enough spare Element to
whip up some genuine Hyper Chambers. I'm feeling more rested than ever, yet
somehow just as restless. There's no sky to lose myself in anymore, that's the problem.
It's left me too much time to think.
Weirdly, I keep coming back to my necklace, the Star of David one my mother gave me.
Sometimes I catch myself reaching for it, forgetting it's not there. Why is that? I've never
been too religious.

Better take one of those gliders for a spin to clear my head - they're the only way to fly
now that our jetpacks stopped working. Maybe I'll think of some dirtier jokes while I'm at
it. Halsted one upped me on the last patrol and I can't let that stand.

Diana #13
I always knew Santiago would come up with a new plan! His taste in pop idols might be
questionable, but if anyone can figure this place out, it's him.

After studying the obelisks in-depth, he's convinced that he can design an amped up
version of their teleportation tech that can connect to more distant platforms.
Specifically, it would be able to lock onto a signal we discovered a few weeks ago, one
that's on a slightly different frequency than all the other obelisks we've detected. More
importantly, it's far, far away from any of them.

The scale of this would be massive, we're talking years of work, but everyone agrees
that it's our best move. The Gateway Project is officially underway.

Diana #14
I knew the Gateway Project would be gigantic, but it's still amazing to see how it's
grown. We're not even halfway done and it's already a sight to behold.

The size is a product of how far we need to travel. The greater the distance, the bigger
the teleportation matrix needs to be. Of course, that means we'll also need a lot more
power, but we've got a solution for that too: the obelisks.

Those bad boys are tapped into this place's main power supply, so in theory we can
hijack that power for ourselves. The caveat is that we'd need a massive surge of it all at
once, and we're not certain how to pull that off. We'll crack that code eventually, though.
I'm sure of it.

Mei Note #1
Where have I been taken? When I tried to pull my sword from that machine, there was a
bright flash and suddenly I was in this desolate place. Whatever that device was, I must
have broken it.
Nerva's corpse travelled with me, blood still seeping from the wound I left in his chest.
Despite what he's done, part of me thinks that I should bury him. He was a tyrant, but he
still died a warrior's death.

For now, I will bandage the wound on my face and rest. It is night here, and it will be
safer to explore in the light of day.

Mei #2
I was fortunate today. The sun was rising as I finished bandaging my wounds, and had I
not glanced at it, I would never have seen Nerva's body. It was three hundred paces
away, right where I left it, and it was smoldering. The sunlight was burning it.

I remembered a cave that I had spotted earlier, and ran for it as fast as I could. My legs
ached and smoke was rising from my armor by the time I arrived, yet I was still alive.

So now the sun was trying to kill me. Perhaps I was delirious, but I laughed at the
notion. Monsters and armies have failed, so let the sun have its chance. I will defeat it

Diana #15
Why do I always get picked to check on the obelisk? I really wish they'd send someone
else for a change.

Every time I have to scale these stupid walls with climbing picks, I wish my armor's
jetpack still worked, even though it hasn't for years. We never did figure out why they
lost so much functionality after the catastrophe. Something new in the atmosphere
maybe. It's still worth wearing when we brave the surface, but I just feel so slow in it.

Oh! Speaking of armor, I found something weird on my last trip: a burnt out chestplate
and some even crispier human remains. I don't know how, but I think we've got some
new arrivals…

Mei #3
Yesterday, I realized that I could rest no longer. I had no more spare cloth for bandages
and had eaten nearly all the moss nearby. Rather than risk the heat of the sun on the
surface, I ventured deeper into the caverns.
It was a treacherous descent, but I am glad I went. This cave is larger than I could have
imagined. In fact, it is hardly a cave at all. A great forest flourishes down here. It is as if
this whole land is backwards.

However, there is one thing that is familiar to me. The air is thick with the sound and
smell of wild beasts. I must remain on my guard.

Mei #4
The light down here does not burn like the light on the surface, even the light that
comes from the ceiling. I do not understand why, but I am glad for it.

I was attacked by a pack of small monsters with spines on their backs. In another life,
they would have terrified me, but now I fear no beast. I slew many of them, but more
kept appearing. Even after killing the largest of them, they did not hesitate.

Only when I neared a strange, glowing pillar did they retreat. They seem to fear the
unusual light it emits. I should use that weakness against them.

Mei #5
I finally removed the bandages from my face. While I avoided infection, the wound will
surely scar. I do not mind, and neither does my new companion.

In fact, I had just removed my bandages when I first saw him. From the branch of a
great tree, he stared down at me with curious eyes. I stared back just as curiously. It
looked almost like a young deer, but its fur was colorful and it glowed like a fallen star.
He reminded me of the paintings I'd seen of Qilin, but he seemed too small.

Whatever he is, he approached me so innocently that I could not leave him behind. So
now he is Xiao, my little light in the dark.

Mei #6
Navigating the forest has been easier with Xiao at my side. His light has both guided
and protected me. The small, spined monsters that I fought before returned in numbers,
but they cowered and fled before Xiao's light, as they did from the glowing pillar. So long
as Xiao is with me, I need not fear them.
Yet Xiao's power is not an endless well. If he does not periodically extinguish his light to
rest, it will fade with time on its own. I must be careful when wandering into the darkest
parts of this forest, lest Xiao's light goes out and we are both put at risk.

Mei #7
Even with Xiao's help, I can only do so much on foot. I need a reliable steed that can
carry me swiftly through the forest and help me gather resources. Fortunately, I may
have found such a beast.

The other night, I heard many howls in the distance. When I investigated, I found a pack
of strange beasts that looked like hairless wolves. They are ugly, vicious creatures but
they are the perfect size for riding.

For now, I shall stalk the pack. When one of the wolves is separated from the others,
then I will knock it out with my arrows, and claim it for my own.

Mei #8
I have named my wolf Shi, for he is so black that he seems to swallow all the light
around him. No beast can replace Wuzhui, but Shi is swift and fierce. Upon his back, I
can travel across the forest with ease.

Yet I know that Shi alone is not enough. In these lands, the strong will dominate the
weak, and they will try to destroy those who do not submit. I am reminded of this every
time my scar aches. To survive I must grow stronger. It is time to rebuild my army.

Mei #9
Yesterday, I stalked a giant shelled beast, with large claws that it could use like hands.
Though slow, it seemed strong. I decided it would be a good addition to my army, but
before I could attempt to bring it down, something swooped down from the sky to attack

It was a great lizard, but not one like the ones I had seen before. No, this beast was a
true dragon, long of body with a feathery mane. It used the feathers on its arms to ride
the wind and tore its prey's shell asunder with iron claws. When it was finished with its
meal, it scaled the cavern wall and became one with the shadows, vanishing entirely
from my sight.
I have found my new prey. Soon, I shall command the might of a dragon.

Mei #10
The dragon was even more formidable than I expected. At first, Shi was able to dance
around the beast while I riddled it with arrows, but I underestimated how far its
feathered arms could take it. Its sudden leap left Shi's leg wounded and I was flung from
the saddle.

The crippled wolf did not last long after that, and I only survived myself by taking to the
trees. By the time the dragon succumbed to my knockout poison, its hide was full of

I buried Shi where he fell. Though he did not serve me long, he did so loyally. Thanks to
him, I possess the strength of a dragon. I am the Beast Queen once more.

Mei #11
Travelling through the cave is easy thanks to my dragon, who I have named Ao Yue. I
have discovered that the cave is even larger than I imagined. Beyond the forest, there
are tunnels that lead further down into the earth, to a land of glistening water and plants
that glow like Xiao does.

How far down does it go? If I keep going, will I find the end of the world? I do not know,
but I will press on. I cannot return home, or even to the island I came from. My enemy
lies dead far behind me, and I have found no friends or allies. I have no aim beyond
simply surviving. So for now, all I can do is move forward.

Mei #12
The beasts of this land grow stranger the deeper I go. Yesterday I was attacked by a
swarm of flying demons with writhing tentacles in place of heads. I think they were after
Xiao. Where some monsters feared his light, these ones hungered for it.

However, they were no match for Ao Yue's fangs and my blade together. Still, I will keep
Xiao close and have him extinguish his light for now. I could not bear it if he came to
harm. Of everyone I have met in these lands, only Xiao has stayed by my side of his
own will. Even Wuzhui had to be laid low first.

I suppose there was that woman from the island too, but she is gone. Besides, I struck
her. I doubt we were friends.
Mei #13
I am not alone in these caves after all. The footprints I found today belonged to no
beast, that much is certain.

Yet if humans left those footprints, they move like no one I have ever seen. They are
deep, as though their feet hit the ground with great force, and they often have huge
gaps between them. No man can leap that far, yet there are no beast tracks that
accompany them.

Perhaps if I move carefully, I can track and observe them. Whether they are friend or
foe, I should learn more about them before I act.

Mei #14
Where did I make my mistake? I moved in silence and never once left the shadows, but
somehow they saw me. I mounted Ao Yue in an instant, but somehow they still caught
up to me.

Had we fought, the battle may have been difficult. There were only four of them and I
had Ao Yue, but their weapons and armor glowed like moonlight and their movements
were swift.

I was about to strike first when one of them raised her hands and took off her helmet,
revealing a human face and hair the color of sunset. She convinced her friends to lower
their weapons, but even as I write, I keep one hand on mine. We may share a camp
tonight, but I dare not sleep.

Mei #15
The armored ones had many questions when they awoke. They were surprised that I
had raised Ao Yue myself, and even more surprised that I came from a different land of
monsters. That seemed important to them.

I asked questions too. They say it is their armor that lets them see at night and move
with such speed. I did not believe it until the orange haired woman let me wear her
helmet. With it I could see through darkness as though it were bathed in green light, or
see the red shadows of distant creatures. It was like magic.
They asked if I wanted to stay in their village for a time. I doubt I will stay long...but I
want to see more of this magic.

Diana #16
This woman, Mei-Yin... she's not like anyone I've ever met, and not just because she's
from hundreds of years in the past. It's those eyes, they're just so intense. It's like
staring into a storm.

She caused a real stir when we first brought her back to base with her pet monster, but
everyone's used to her by now. Honestly I think she trusts us way less than we trust her.
She only seems to speak when she's doing chores, and she's always got one hand on
that sword of hers.

I guess that's what it takes to survive all alone like that, but hopefully she'll learn that it's
okay to let her guard down. Maybe then I can really meet the person behind those eyes.

Mei #16
This village is as strange as the armor its residents wear. They use tools containing light
and sleep in glowing metal cases. They offered one to me, but I refused. I have slept
outside with Ao Yue and Xiao instead. I have no desire to sleep in something that looks
like a coffin.

They claim that their tools are not magic, but machines. I do not understand how that is
possible. On the island, there were many weapons and tools that were new to me, but
they were made of real things. How does one touch light, much less shape it?

It is wondrous and beautiful, but I wish I understood it. I will have to try harder.

Diana #17
I don't think I really understood hard work until I met Mei.

Whether she's learning how to operate holographic controls or working on her aim, she
basically tries as hard as she can all the time, and she hates asking for help. Instead,
she'll just scrunch her eyebrows and glare at whatever she's working on until she can
think of a solution. It's kind of adorable, to be honest.

The only time I think she takes it easy is when we're sparring. That really opened her
up, by the way. She even gave me a callsign, Juzi, although she won't tell me what it
means. I'd bet the answer on a match, but she'd kick my butt in a heartbeat if she got
serious. Those muscles are cheat codes.

Mei #17
It is no use. These machines are beyond my comprehension I cannot even make the
simplest of their tools work properly. Compared to this, training with a spear or sword
seems simple.

I have tried to earn my keep by helping with chores and other tasks, but I usually get in
the way or slow things down. Compared to the others, I am like a child, and they treat
me as such.

This was a mistake. I belong in the forest with the beasts, not among these people in
their glowing metal halls. I will ask them for supplies and depart within the week.

Mei #18
I asked the woman with orange hair if I could take some supplies when I left, but she
refused to do so for free. She said if I wanted the supplies, I had to try to use their armor
first. It seemed like a trick, but I wanted to try the armor anyway, so I accepted.

If I have been tricked, then I have never been so glad to be fooled. When I am in that
armor, my blood dances in my veins and I can feel the world around me. It is as if I was
asleep for my whole life, and I only awoke when I put the armor on.

I cannot leave after feeling that, not until I at least master the armor. Perhaps then, but
not now.

Mei #19
Discretion is the key to the armor. When I started, I would leap further than I intended,
turn too sharply or grip objects too tightly. Now I am in complete control. I could scale a
mountain while carrying an egg and never break it, but also smash stone or fight a
beast bare handed.

Once I got used to the armor, my experience as a warrior helped me learn quickly. I can
already outpace Juzi in a race and beat her in the sparring ring. I try to go easy on her
now. She helped me a lot so I do not wish to shame her.
I should call her by her proper name too, but Diana sounds too serious for a woman that
laughs so much. Juzi fits her better. She doesn't mind it, but I don't think she knows I've
named her after an orange.

Mei #20
Three days ago, I was asked to help the villagers obtain a clutch of dragon eggs. Only
then did it occur to me that they did not have many creatures at their command. They
relied far more on their tools. Perhaps this is why they were so impressed with Ao Yue.

The hunt went well. I had to do much of the work and explain many things, but the
others were grateful. It also let me test the limits of my armor. By now, using it is no
different to me than wielding a sword, and I welcomed the challenge.

After the hunt, no one treats me like a child anymore, even when their tools confuse me.
I suppose we all have different things that we excel at.

Mei #21
I have turned into something of a stable master. The others are still unused to the
presence of so many beasts, and have to be taught how to care for them. It is a lot of
work, but I do not mind. It has been comforting to be around so many beasts again.

I have also taught them some lessons in close quarters combat. While their weapons
are powerful, most of these people are not warriors. They have not tasted war. Juzi
claims she was a soldier, but that she fought by flying metal ships through the clouds.
She says she will show me how if we ever escape these caves. I doubt it, but it is nice
to imagine.

Mei #22
Juzi has finally convinced me to start sleeping in the metal pods the others use. I must
admit, I slept more soundly, though perhaps that was because I knew she could no
longer pester me about it.

I do many things like the other villagers now. I eat like them, I dress like them, and I
work with them. I still struggle with their tools and I know that I can never truly be one of
them, but that was true during the Yellow Turban Rebellion too. Those who I fought
beside were my comrades, but I could never be a true soldier like they were. If that is
my place in this village, then I do not mind staying for a while longer. It is not so bad.
Diana #18
Well, looks like I'm off on another impossible mission. It's been way too long, if you ask

So those abandoned structures that scout team spotted a while back? Well we're still
not sure who left them there, but Santiago says that he's detecting the emissions from
what could be hypercharged, crystallized Element shards in their vicinity. We need
those for the Gateway Project's focusing lens, and we haven't been able to make them

The trouble is, we can't even survive down there without hazard suits, and half of that
scout team got torn to pieces by the nastiest, ugliest creatures we've ever seen. This
could get bumpy…

Mei #23
I must move quickly. The tribe sent a party into the depths of the caverns, where rivers
of violet fire flow freely and nothing grows. They sought something important, something
that could help the whole village, but they have not returned.

There is no response when we call for them through our messenger boxes. The other
villagers fear them lost to the terrible demons that lurk there. I refuse to believe that.
Juzi is with them.

I have equipped Ao Yue with armor and weapons like my own, and donned armor that
will protect me from the violet fire. Whatever beasts or demons lie in our path, we will
destroy them utterly, and bring Juzi's team back.

Diana #19
Mission Log: First Lieutenant Diana Altaras, URE 82nd Fighter Squadron

I'm leaving this for the record, in the event of mission failure. We lost most of the team
soon after arriving in the area of operations. Roho and Flynn got picked off as we
neared the target. Halsted and I are the last remaining assets.

I was able to confirm that the target is in the ruins, and have encoded the coordinates
within this message. I'm going to leave this behind, and then we'll make one last run at
Oh, and if someone could read this to Mei: Sorry I'll never make good on that jet ride.
You'd have loved it, I promise.

Mei #24
This is a place of death. The ground is scarred and barren, and there is no light or
movement save that of the violet fire. Even Ao Yue does not seem to like it. The living
should not tread here.

Why would Juzi come here? What was so important that she would risk this place, and
why would she not tell me? Whatever the reason, it has already cost some of her
teammates their lives. I found their bodies earlier today, mangled and partially devoured
beside the remains of their beasts. Thankfully Juzi was not among them.

Great towers of crystal loom ahead, where the violet fire has frozen solid. Perhaps she
has found shelter there.

Mei #25
I shall have to find whoever forged this gun and thank them with all my heart. Its
strength saved the day.

With my weapon's enhanced sight, I spotted two survivors running from a huge monster,
but a crystal formation stood in my way. Rather than go around it, I sent Ao Yue ahead
and fired through it. My aim was true, and the demon reeled. By the time it recovered,
Ao Yue was upon it, and we finished it together.

I knew one of the survivors was Juzi when she ran up to hug me. I am unused to such
gestures, but I think she understood how grateful I was for her safety. Her teammate is
wounded, but alive. With rest, he will survive.

Mei #26
Even now, I cannot convince Juzi to leave. I even tried using her real name, Diana, to
show her I was serious, but she will not hear it. She says the plans she was looking for
are too important, but what could be worth what happened to her teammate?

It was disgusting. He started spasming in the middle of the night, and then a smaller
version of the monster that was attacking them burst from his chest and tore out his
heart. Blood and bone sprayed everywhere, and I was too stunned to act until it leaped
at me. Fortunately I was able to hold it off until Juzi could shoot it.
Whatever we are seeking, I fear we will face even worse dangers to obtain it.

Mei #27
Juzi said that the item she sought was in some ruins not far from where we were
camped. However, when she called them ruins, I had not expected to see buildings like
the ones in our own village. It was puzzling, to see buildings that looked at once ancient
and new.

I had little time to dwell on the ruins, for we were quickly set upon by more of the great
demons. They rushed us, slobbering and gnashing as Juzi scrambled to find what she
was looking for. I was able to hold them off with Ao Yue's cannons, but by the time Juzi
found her prize, we were being overrun.
To my shame, I had to leave Ao Yue behind to hold the demons off while we escaped. It
pained me to hear his roars as we fled, but his sacrifice saved our lives. Forgive me, my
loyal friend.

Mei #28
Without Ao Yue, we had to move cautiously. Another battle with the demons could prove
fatal, but we managed to avoid their sight. All that was left was the climb.

With no mount, we had to use climbing picks to slowly make our way upwards. It was a
long and treacherous ascent, and we both nearly fell several times. Fortunately, we
were there to catch and support each other, and through our combined strength, we
safely reached the caverns above.

After the climb, we lay there for a long time. I cannot remember if we laughed or cried.
Perhaps both. Juzi says that the item she found could help the entire village, but I do
not care. I am just so glad we are both still alive.

Mei #29
We received a hero's welcome when we limped back to the village. The others say that
Juzi's treasure will help complete a magic door that can take us out of this place. They
speak of escape and of returning home.
That should excite me more. I used to long for those things, yet what comforts me most
is that when they speak of their future, they include me in it. I am finally one of them, not
as a mercenary or out of desperation, but because I am wanted.

I owe it to Juzi, I think. No, to Diana. She trusted me before anyone else. I will not forget

Diana #20
I finally finished the necklace. I could have had someone else make it, but that wouldn't
have felt right, not after all Mei went through to help me. At first I was worried she didn't
like it, but it turns out that she just felt guilty for receiving a gift without giving one.

Typical, right? So in exchange, I finally learned what Juzi meant - Tangerine. This whole
time, she's been calling me Tangerine! Definitely not the worst ginger centric callsign
I've had though, and totally worth it for that look on her face. She was so embarrassed!

In that moment, I almost leaned in and...but I don't think she understands how I feel. Not
completely. Not yet.

That's okay. For once, I'm not in a rush. Once we step through that gateway, we'll have
all the time in the world.

Mei #30
I have been thinking of home lately. It is so far away now. I think that perhaps it is out of
reach. Even if the others can complete their magic door, I do not think I will ever see it

I can accept that now. I can move past it. I have a new home now, I think, and while I
am still not used to its oddities, I feel as though it is mine. Each day I grow more adept
with the tools here, and more used to my routine. It has become normal to me.

And now that this place is my home, I swear that no harm will come to it. I shall protect it
with my life.

Rockwell Record #1
I fear that even with the unwitting aid of Miss Walker, I still cannot completely control the
machines in the starlit sanctuary. I believe they sent us to the correct ARK, but I was
unable to control precisely where we arrived on it. Alas, that means the location I saw in
the sanctuary is beyond my reach for the time being, along with the molten Edmunium I
saw there. Confound it all!

Naturally, I cannot confirm that molten substance was indeed Edmunium until I have
inspected it with my own eyes, but it simply must be! It looked exactly like my samples
did when I attempted to melt them down.

Imagine! An entire cavern of the most potent element known to man! The wonders I
could create…

Helena Note #1
Bloody hell, this place is weird. Don't get me wrong, it's fascinating too. Such an
abundance of underground flora is completely unheard of, and because so many of the
plants here are bioluminescent, the whole forest has an eerie beauty to it.

That's just it though - eerie is the operative word. I've been holding my rifle so tightly
since we got here that I swear I've left dents in the grip.

We should have gone back to the Island. People know us there, they might have
preferred help and supplies. Rockwell didn't want to hear it though, and I wasn't about to
let him come here alone.

Rockwell #2
While the molten Edmundium remains elusive, this underground forest has proven quite
illuminating, both figuratively and literally.

Many of this cavern's species are bioluminescent, so out of curiosity, I dissected several
of the glowing insects that are common here. After further study, I have concluded that
the luminescent fluid found in their posteriors carries something akin to a bioelectric
charge. However I cannot determine how it is generated, and with no place to store it,
said charge fades quickly.

Curious, curious indeed! What could be the cause of this? With no sunlight to provide
the forest with energy, perhaps this charge comes from the soil?

Rockwell #3
Yes, yes of course! The Edmundium is the cause! If there are truly molten pools of
Edmundium somewhere in these caverns, then Edmundium minerals would have
spread throughout the soil over time, allowing its wondrous properties to affect nearby
flora and fauna.

Even if it is not the direct source of the charge found in this forest's bioluminescent
wildlife, it may have incited incremental changes in those species over several
generations, which then led to their development of an internal charge.

How invigorating! I could be standing in the middle of an entire ecosystem that has been
absorbing the effects of Edmundium for generations, and all of its secrets are mine for
the taking. Magnificent!

Helena #2
You can't surprise me anymore, life," I said. "After wyverns, golems and giant sand
worms, I'm ready for anything."

"What about flying squid-bat-murder-monsters?" life replied.

"Well, that is mildly surprising," I conceded.

By which I mean, I shot and cursed at those things all afternoon. At least, when I wasn't
running from them. Thankfully after thinning their numbers a little, they decided that
Rockwell and I weren't worth the trouble. Let's hope they don't change their minds. I'm
not sure I have enough ammunition left to fend them off again.

And yes, I know that FSBMM isn't the most scientific of monikers, but I'm bloody upset
with them right now so that's what I'm calling them...along with some other names I'd
rather not write down.

Rockwell #4
I must admit, I am glad that I coerced Miss Walker into accompanying me. Her scientific
mind may be far below my own, but she can fire a rifle proficiently enough. I suppose
that is no surprise. She is a colonial, after all, and she never has been terribly ladylike. I
hadn't noticed what a foul mouth she has, either. Dreadful!

However, despite her past deceptions and uncouth vulgarity, I must tolerate her
presence for now. The predators here are not to be trifled with. Of course, in my youth, I
could have grappled them into submission. Why, I would simply pin their wings behind
their backs and drive them to the ground. Yes, I'd give them a truly thorough thrashing!
Ah, to be young again...

Helena #3
While I can't say I'm enamored with this station's wildlife, I'm certainly grateful for its
abundance of natural resources, particularly water. The permeability of the rocks here is
astounding. The cavern walls are wet with condensation, and the floor is littered with
pools of water.

After all that time in the desert, this is one change I can welcome with open arms! Thank
God for hydration!

I don't mean that just for my own sake, either. Rockwell seems...distracted. The other
day, I had to keep him from walking headlong into a poisonous mushroom. He wouldn't
fare well in a harsher environment. Then again, at his age, I'm sure I'd lose a step too.

Helena #4
There's no mistaking it. That was a giant, armored mole rat. Thankfully it wasn't
aggressive, so I was able to get a good look at it.

Its appearance made me realize something that I'd taken for granted. Every creature
I've encountered has some basis on either a known species, or human legend. Golems
and wyverns never existed on Earth, but humans did write stories about them. Even the
FSBMMs (still cross with them) appear to be a pastiche of known fauna.

What does that mean? Are the curators of these stations human, do they merely
possess extensive knowledge of humans or am I grasping at straws? I can't say, but it's
worth pondering.

Helena #5
The FSBMMs returned, and I was right - I didn't have the firepower to fight them. Luckily
someone else did.

It was incredible! I've never seen a human move that fast. One second, I'm a dead
woman, and the next there's someone in glowing, silver armor tearing through those
creatures like they were dodos. One got punched so hard it skipped off the cavern floor!
As if a superhuman savior wasn't shocking enough, when they lifted their visor, I found a
familiar face. It was Mei-Yin! It took me a good minute to form a sentence after that. I
must have looked like a complete dipstick, because I swear, she almost laughed.

At least I'm a living dipstick, and with her around, I just might stay that way.

Rockwell #5
Miss Walker I can tolerate for now, but I cannot abide by this barbarian!

I cannot fathom how she even lives, much less how she ended up here! A primitive
mind like hers could never have operated the contraptions in the starlit sanctuary. Yet
here she stands, and worst of all, she wears a suit of Edmundium armor! The very thing
I seek has already been claimed by some savage, sword wielding tart!

It's outrageous! Such a beautiful product of science should not be sullied by her
bloodstained hands. No, Rockwell. You must be calm. If she senses hostility, she will
surely kill you on the spot.

Yes, for now I must bide my time and learn what I can. Whoever constructed this armor,
I must find them.

Helena #6
What's the saying? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? On the Island, I wasn't sure
where I stood with Mei Yin, but now we've been catching up like best mates. She
apologized for socking me in the face, I learned how she arrived here and that she got
her new scar while battling Nerva to the death... you know. Best mate things.

She also introduced us to some of her new allies at her camp, and here's where it gets
loony - they're from the future! Well, my future, anyway.

It all fits, doesn't it? I never met anyone from my future before, but Mei Yin and Rockwell
are from my past and the technology here is beyond anything from my present. Clearly
the current year is far beyond 2008, but by how much?

Rockwell #6
Astounding! That remarkable armor was but the tip of the iceberg. The barbarian
woman has escorted us to the home of her new masters, and I can take nary a step
without finding some wondrous new piece of technology - much of it relying on the
power of Edmundium.

The casual manner in which they use and refer to these wonders leads me to believe
that while they are deeply familiar with the marvelous metal, they may not grasp the
depths of its potential.

Yes, Rockwell, this was well worth tolerating Miss Walker and her savage companion. I
shall learn what these supposed "future men" know, and take it many steps further.

Helena #7
The journey to the village was a bit tricky. Since Rockwell and I lack the high-tech armor
the others wear, they had to help us along with rope ladders and zip-lines.

We made it eventually though, and it's quite a sight. The technology this tribe uses is
incredible, although Rockwell was far more intrigued by it than I was. Mei Yin's friend,
Diana, gave us the grand tour and he pelted her with questions the whole time.

Fortunately, Diana just smiled and answered his questions patiently. Apparently she was
a pilot in her own time, which is the same era her fellow villagers are from. That there
are so many people from one time period on one station seems unusual. I wonder what
it means?

Rockwell #7
The village has a vast supply of Edmundium, far more than my own paltry samples. In
this quantity, I can almost hear it singing to me as I study it. It pulses with energy at
such an entrancing rhythm that it's hard to tear my eyes away from it.

The villagers here refer to it as "Element." Nonsense! Everything is an element. Did they
simply forget to name it?

I have also been learning what they know of the "Charge" that is common in this place,
which I made note of earlier. Their own studies confirm my suspicions that it is the result
of the Edmundium that permeates the caverns. That makes it worth researching.

Rockwell #8
Obtaining detailed information from these villagers is like drawing blood from a stone!
The red haired woman, Diana, has been pleasant enough in answering my queries, but
she is no scientist. Her naivete makes that quite evident.

I simply must convince these future men to place me onto one of their research teams.
That's where I'll really gain some ground. Unfortunately, they seem rather skeptical of
my scientific prowess.

Bah! Ridiculous! I don't care what year they hail from, I am Sir Edmund Rockwell! A
mind like my own only comes once a millennium. It should be their honor to have me
amongst their ranks.

Rockwell #9
The nerve of these people! I have never seen such arrogance and disrespect directed
towards a worthy colleague!

I finally convinced Diana to let me partake in the village's research and experiments,
and I have been treated like an ignoramus. These so called scientists dare to talk down
to me? They dare to underestimate me? Fools, the lot of them!

Well, I daresay I don't need them. Now that I have access to their facilities and supplies,
I can research Charge and Edmundium just fine without their aid. Soon enough, my
knowledge shall surpass their own, then we shall see who is primitive.

Rockwell #10
Confound it all! Why am I progressing so slowly? These scientists are no more
intelligent than I, yet they make continual progress while my own research continues to

It's just a matter of experience, that's all it is. They are more familiar with their tools and
they have more information at their disposal. Were I in their shoes, I would have
finished that ridiculous project of theirs months ago!

I must work harder to account for my handicap. I shall eat and sleep in the lab, and
allow for no distractions, not until my so called peers have learned to respect the name
of Sir Edmund Rockwell.

Rockwell #11
At last, success! I have finally been able to convert this "Charge" into proper electricity.
Subsequently, I used it to create not only a Charge battery, but a lantern as well. It was
a simple matter, really. It's baffling that these supposed scientists haven't managed it

Based on their surprise when I showed them my new invention, my earlier supposition
was correct: they've barely scratched the surface of Charge and Edmundium's full
potential. Soon enough, I'll have surpassed their understanding of both.

Yet if they expect me to share the full fruits of my research with them, they are sadly
mistaken. Those who doubt the genius of Sir Edmund Rockwell shall never reap its

Rockwell #12
I have at last persuaded Diana to show me this grand project those bumbling scientists
are working so hard on. I am hardly impressed. If I had to guess, I would say that this
gateway project is merely aping the transporter platforms present at the base of every
obelisk, and crudely at that.

Everyone is quite excited about it, the small minded simpletons. Why are they so eager
to leave this place, where the impossible is within reach? They speak of "escaping" as
though this were some kind of prison, when in reality, it is a land full of unparalleled
promise and possibility.

Helena #8
I have to convince them to stop! There's no way the station will allow this.

"This place would never allow anyone to master it."

If it weren't for Raia's warning, I'd be ecstatic about what they were creating. A gateway
that can help us escape the station and reach the planet below? It's brilliant, but the
obelisks will kill everyone here before we can complete it, just like they destroyed the
village Raia told me about. I'm sure of it.

Bloody hell, I'm going to look like an absolute madwoman. I've barely settled in here and
I'm already coming to them with doomsday prophecies. I'll need to convince Mei Yin and
Diana first. They're my best bet.
Helena #9
The tribe's leadership was surprisingly receptive to my ideas, but still a bit skeptical.
Apparently they've already fiddled with one of the obelisks, and even damaged this
station's control center. So while they believe my account of what happened in the
desert, they think the threat is already contained. Thankfully Diana convinced them to
lend me a small team to inspect the obelisk, just in case. Better than nothing, at least.

However, on this station, getting to an obelisk is something of a risky proposition. To

reach them, we'll need to make a trip to the surface, which even Mei Yin says is
dangerous. That means before I go, I'll need to get a crash course on that armor.

Rockwell #13
Thank goodness this Diana woman is so agreeable. She seems to view me as her
personal responsibility, and as a result, she has served my whims rather well. All I need
do is assume the guise of a kindly, curious old man and I can persuade her to see to my
every need.

I've nearly convinced her to escort me to the lower caverns, where molten Edmundium
is said to flow in abundance. Those caverns were the reason I came here in the first
place, and I'm certain an excursion into their depths would yield invaluable insight. I
need only push and prod just a bit more…

Helena #10
My time in the desert may have given me some skill with firearms and helped me get fit
- despite failing to give me washboard abs much to my chagrin - but I'm still no soldier.
That was evident to anyone who saw me flailing around in the training yard these past
few days.

If it weren't for Mei Yin and Diana, I'd still be crashing my TEK Armor into rocks or
tripping over myself like a drunken dodo. Plus, I always feel less silly when there's
someone to laugh at my mistakes along with me.

Fortunately Mei Yin will be accompanying me to the obelisks, so this whole thing won't
rest in my unsteady, armored hands. Thank God!

Rockwell #14
Once I upgraded my Charge Lantern prototype to be vastly more portable and efficient,
the village council could ignore my petitions no longer. I shall be accompanying an
expedition to the lower caverns posthaste!

At last, I shall be able to observe Edmundium in its rawest, most natural state!
Marvelous! I can hardly contain my excitement, though I must make an effort to.

The barbarian woman has been glowering at me for days. I suspect if she could, she
would watch my every move, and probably forbid Diana from speaking to me.
Fortunately, Miss Walker has been distracting her with trivialities, but I must still be
cautious. That savage will turn to violence on a whim, and I must not provoke her.

Helena #11
Mei Yin and I set out yesterday, alongside a bespectacled computer expert named
Santiago. He'll be the one to actually examine the obelisk. He claims that he can hack
into its terminal. If it's preparing to unleash a surge of power, as I suspect, then he says
that he might be able to reroute it.

Rockwell, for his part, is staying behind. He's been aiding the village's scientists in their
studies since we arrived and has become rather... engrossed. Every other sentence
with him is about that bloody metal he named after himself. It's a bit troubling, but
thankfully Diana said she'd look after him.

I can't spend time worrying after Rockwell now, though. The fate of that whole village
might depend on this expedition. Focus up, Helena! Let's do this!

Rockwell #15
Thankfully, it seems I shall get a reprieve from all those nasty glares I've been receiving.
Miss Walker has taken her pet barbarian with her on that fool's errand she's running to
the obelisk. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say!

I didn't bother to learn all the details of Miss Walker's mission, but it seems clear to me
now that the obelisks are a red herring. It is the Edmundium that matters, so if she and
her violent little lackey want to play explorer, so be it.

In the meantime, I shall journey into the heart of these caverns to conduct real science,
and make real progress. Excelsior!
Helena #12
The structure of this space station must be vastly different from the others to allow for
these massive caverns. Is that uncommon, or do many of the stations vary so radically
from one another? I've only seen three. For all I know, they could come in all shapes
and sizes.

Speaking of different, Mei Yin's been fairly talkative since we left, at least for her. She'll
still grow quiet sometimes, but instead of trying to burn me to death with invisible eye
lasers, she stares into the distance and idly fiddles with her necklace. I think it depicts a
plane or spaceship of some kind. I wonder where she got it

Rockwell #16
I cannot say that I enjoy wearing this bulky, inelegant suit, but Diana claims that its
protection is necessary if we are to venture into the Edmundium caverns, so I shall
endure it as best I can. I suppose that means I shall have to find a way to think without
stroking my beard...

Regardless, I am glad to be off. The other scientists that are accompanying me are
rather nervous about the whole affair, citing monster attacks that plagued previous

Lily-livered, the lot of them! Science is full of risks, and this is but one more, one that
shall prove well worth it in the end.

Helena #13
They weren't exaggerating when they said the surface was dangerous. Direct exposure
to sunlight during the day will quickly burn a human to a crisp, even in this fancy armor.

That means we have to adjust our sleep schedules and wait just below the surface until
night falls. When it does, we'll make a mad dash for the obelisk, let Santiago get in as
much work as he dares, then run our asses back to safety.

Strewth! I thought that bloody desert was diabolical, but this tops it for sure! Why
couldn't we do something simple, like flee from a pack of ravenous Allosaurus or
something? This life I lead, I swear...

Rockwell #17
I have travelled the world and created countless scientific marvels, but never before
have I seen a sight so beautiful. In its rawest form, the song of the Edmundium is even
more enchanting. Had I the time, I would simply gaze at it for days.

Sadly, I must make haste, before the others realize what I already know - that within
Edmundium is the potential for a new dawn for humanity. I can see it, I can feel it! I must
be the one to unlock its secrets. Our fates are intertwined, this majestic metal and I.

More data, Rockwell! You need more data! You are so very close!

Helena #14
Santiago's still going over his readings from last night, but even without them, it seems
clear that the obelisk was behaving oddly. It was pulsing wildly and the ground beneath
it received regular tremors, as if the whole station was on the verge of tearing itself
apart. If this obelisk goes off, it could mean armageddon for every living thing here.

Despite this, Santiago is insisting on analyzing his readings. The scientist in me is proud
of his dedication to hard evidence, but the part of me that would rather not be
obliterated by a mysterious, high tech space station really wishes he would hurry the
hell up.

Helena #15
We shared our findings with the village by radio. Santiago's analysis confirmed what I
suspected - the obelisks are highly unstable. They could be days away from reacting.

However, Santiago raised a good point. Even if the gateway project is shut down, we
can't say for sure that it would stabilize the obelisks. It may be too late to dissuade the
station from destroying the village. The only way to ensure our survival is to shut down
the obelisks themselves.

According to Santiago, we can't do that from the obelisk's platforms, but he may be able
to manipulate said platforms into teleporting us somewhere we could. Specifically? Into
the heart of the station itself.

It's a huge risk, but it may be the only hope we have.

Rockwell #18
I've done it! They didn't think I could contain it, but once again I've proven them to be a
band of fools. At last, I have obtained samples of molten Edmundium in its raw,
undiluted form!

I must be judicious with it. I could only create two containment pods for collecting
samples, and I may not be able to convince the council to let me return to these caverns
to gather a second batch. This will have to be enough.

No matter. I have been making miracles with primitive supplies and dimwitted assistants
for years. Any sample size at all is enough for Sir Edmund Rockwell!

Helena #16
I can't believe it! We actually made it! We're inside the station! There's a platform here
that Santiago was able to lock onto. Perhaps it was used while the station was being

The architecture here is similar to that of the control center I encountered before - a
jagged cavern of metal, lit by an unearthly blue glow. There's a constant hum all around
us, likely from the power being sent to all areas of the station.

Hopefully Santiago is able to find a map on that console he's been messing with. Then
all we have to do is find a control room and shut down the obelisks. Simple, right?

Helena #17
As we made our way deeper into the station, we passed through a massive chamber. It
was so vast that I couldn't see the bottom of it from the bridge we were on. Yet it was
packed full. From wall to wall, it was filled with specimen tubes, each containing
creatures, fetuses or eggs.

I knew from the holograms that I'd seen on the Island's control center that each station
created its own creatures, but I'd never seen where the process actually occurred!
There were specimens for every creature that lived on the station - from dinosaurs to
huge, alien looking monsters. I would have loved to get more data from the room's
consoles, but...

You know, after reading that aloud, I think Mei Yin was right. That idea really does
sound stupid and dangerous. Good call.
Rockwell #19
Now that I have returned to the village's laboratory, I have confirmed that raw, molten
Edmundium is far more potent than its solid, impure counterpart. Of course, I'm the only
one that sees it. The close minded lackwits here that dare to call themselves scientists
refuse to get close to it. They claim it will make me sick.

Rubbish! The Edmundium would never harm me. I can feel its warmth. I can hear it
calling to me. It speaks not of danger, but of infinite potential.

They're all so painfully myopic. Their impure Edmundium may make for fine armor, but
that is a mere fraction of its true power. They will see soon enough.

Helena #18
Ever since I saw those strange holograms in the Island's control center, I'd considered
this possibility in the back of my mind, but I wasn't prepared to confront it. Not directly.

The room was similar to the one with the creatures, if much smaller. Specimen tubes
lined the walls in neat rows and columns, but these all held the same species: Homo

They weren't clones, exactly, at least not of each other. Each one was unique, and they
were all adults.

I suppose I came from somewhere like this too - designed in that control center and
then created in this factory. Does that mean my memories, they're all transplants?
Fake? No, impossible. They're too vivid, too detailed. Maybe, somehow, the station can
reach back in time and just... copy someone.

That seems unlikely, but I think I'll cling to it. It makes me feel more... real. At least that
way, someone actually lived my life. Even if it wasn't me.

Helena #19
The human specimen room was hard on everyone, but I think it was the worst for Mei
Yin. She's gone completely silent, trudging behind Santiago acting like an armored
zombie. I've tried my best to explain everything and offer my support, but I'm not sure I
When I think about it, it's incredible that she's made it this far with her sanity intact. In
her time, they were nearly seven centuries away from inventing bloody gunpowder. The
idea of a machine that creates human beings - and that it created you - would be

I hope she's all right, for all our sakes. Seeing her rattled like this makes me feel a lot
less safe.

Rockwell #20
The villagers have been quite bothersome since I returned. It was interfering with my
work. Diana kept "checking in" on me, claiming she was "concerned," but I saw through
her lies. I see through them all. They simply want to benefit from my genius.

Luckily, I was able to distract them with a side project of mine, what I call Plant Species
Z. I was studying the effects of charge on various flora, and stumbled upon a new
species that can act as a bioluminescent sentry. They seemed to believe that this was
the center of my research, and so I happily let my samples pass into their incompetent

It's a paltry sum to pay for some much needed peace and quiet. Now it is just me and
my Edmundium, as it should be.

Helena #20
We finally found it! This has to be the obelisk's control room. Fortunately, the consoles
here were similar to the ones in the control center that I've used before, so I was able to
help Santiago get started.

He's been working on it for a while now, muttering and cursing to himself the whole time.
I can't blame him. This is some baffling shit we've... ha! No way! He just said he cracked
it! It certainly sounded like he did, too. There was a loud hum and...

Oh. Those are roars. Lots of roars. Time to run, then! I'll finish this later.

Rockwell #21
I no longer need to worry about working with a limited sample size, thanks to my genius.
The solution was right in front of me the whole time - I merely needed to transform the
village's supply of solid Edmundium into its liquid state, then rid it of impurities.

It was easier said than done, of course, but I am Sir Edmund Rockwell! No problem is
too complex and no task is too great for me. Nothing can keep me from my goal.
Nothing can keep me from ascending.

That is the true power of Edmundium. I see it now. It can take a living thing and change
it. No, elevate it. Yes, yes, but I shall need to test it. Subjects, subjects, I shall need

Helena #21
Right as Santiago finished hijacking the obelisk, the station unleashed a horde of
creatures in self-defense, so we blasted the controls and ran like hell. Fortunately, Mei
Yin's battle instinct brought her back to reality just in time, and she led the charge
through a throng of fangs and claws, while Santiago and I did what we could as we
raced to keep up.

Even though Santiago had prepared the platform for a quick getaway, it was a close
call. I had to pull him through the portal just before it closed, but in the end, we made it.
We're covered in guts and still a bit twitchy, but we made it!

Strewth, what a day! I need a pint and the world's longest nap, stat.

Rockwell #22
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! The test went more splendidly than I could have imagined!

I used one of the small, glowing creatures that the villagers keep as pets for my first
subject. It was a timid, fragile thing, that is until I injected a full dose of pure, molten
Edmundium into its veins. Then, as I predicted, it ascended! Within minutes it grew in
size and power, until at last it was a mighty, fearsome beast!

Alas, that meddler Diana "put it down" before I could study it more closely. Bah! That
was no mercy. That was as close as that worthless creature would ever get to tasting
godhood, and she ripped it away! She is the murderer, not I! One day, she shall be
punished for it.
Rockwell #23
They dare to lecture me? Me? Imbeciles! They claim to be from the future, but they fear
progress! I performed a miracle of science and their reaction is to scold me like a child.

Damn them, damn them all! They'll never let me have another subject at this rate. How
am I to continue my experiments without subjects? They may let their petty morality
hold them back, but I won't let it bind me. Not when I'm this close.

I know with certainty now that Edmundium can unlock a species' potential, I just have to
perfect the process. Even without subjects, I must find a way. I must!

Helena #22
You'd think I'd be more enthused. We saved the village, I confirmed the true nature of
these space stations and when the gateway project is complete, we could actually
escape this madness. It's all good news really, so why am I not thrilled?

I tried sketching some of the wildlife we've spotted on the way back the village, but I
stopped halfway through. What's the point? In the desert, I told myself it was a form of
self-expression, but is it really? If a machine created me to behave a certain way, am I
expressing myself or the will of the machine?

I really need that pint. Maybe several.

Rockwell #24
I may not be allowed to collect more test subjects, but I am not without resources.
Rather than use living creatures, I have taken my experiments one step further, and
begun testing the effects of Edmundium fusion on human blood - my blood.

Thus far, the results are promising. Yes, this is the proper way to do it. Injecting the
Edmundium into that creature was too crude. If I first fuse the Edmundium with the
subject's blood, and then inject the resulting concoction...

Yes, that's it. I have it! The Edmundium knows it, too. It hums its approval as I work. It
knows that soon, we shall be one. Soon, I too shall ascend.

Rockwell #25
Such power! Such beauty! I can feel it within me, growing stronger by the second.
Never have I felt so alive!
It was a risk, of course. My process is not yet perfected, but by cutting off the circulation
in my left arm, I was able to contain my metamorphosis within it. Now I can study the
results before I undergo my final ascension to godhood.

I must hurry! Hurry! I cannot hide my arm from these lesser creatures for long, nor can I
resist its allure. It is taking all my discipline to not simply ascend right now. Yes, why
don't I? I should do it! I deserve it, I...

No, patience! Patience! You’ve waited so very long, just wait a little longer.

Helena #23
We contacted the village to tell them we succeeded. They were a lot more excited than
we were. It was quite raucous actually - cheering, applause, and all that - enough that
Santiago almost dropped the radio right out of his hands.

Even Mei Yin cracked a smile at that. She's coming around, if slowly. She just needed a
bit of space, I think.

I'm starting to come to terms with everything myself. Even if my memories are someone
else's or aren't real to begin with, what I've done since I arrived on these stations was
my choice. What I do from now on is my choice. That's who Helena Walker is.

I think I'm okay with that.

Rockwell #26
I've gathered as much Edmundium as I dare. The villagers are distracted with their
inane celebrations, so thus far I have moved undetected.

Imbeciles! What cause could they have for such joy? I've heard mention of Miss Walker,
but whatever she has accomplished, it is nothing compared to what I've done. Nothing!
She is nothing! I'm the true scientist here, the true genius, and soon I shall prove it!

Yes, well done, Rockwell. Well done! This Edmundium will be more than enough. With it
you shall claim what is rightfully yours! At last, at long last!

Rockwell #27
The last preparations have been made. When I set down this pen and begin my final
experiment, I shall finally achieve my ultimate goal. I shall at last look down upon the
bumblings of mortal men from high above on an Edmundium throne.

I, Sir Edmund Rockwell, shall become a god!

So on this day, let earth and heaven tremble! Let the rivers of this blessed metal sing a
song of triumph that echoes forever throughout the depths of these caverns! Let the
unworthy drown in despair, for a great doom approaches them, and it shall swallow
them whole alongside anyone who dared to mock my name!

On this day, on this glorious day, I ascend!

Helena #24
We got another call from the village, but this one wasn't celebratory. In fact, best we can
tell, it was a distress call. Santiago couldn't quite clear up the signal, but it had that sort
of tone. We heard Diana's voice, panicked shouts, and someone mentioned Rockwell.

Since then we've picked up the pace. Hopefully we can make it back in time to help, and
the situation isn't as dangerous as it sounded. If something were to happen to Rockwell,
I can't help but feel like it would be my fault for neglecting him.

Damn it all. We've got to hurry!

Helena #25
I'd feared we would be too late, but I never expected the village to suffer such complete
devastation. There were bodies and debris everywhere. I nearly retched at the sight. In
the distance, I could just make out the culprit - a colossal, violet figure disappearing into
the cavern's depths.

We raced to find Diana, but by the time we arrived, there was nothing we could do. She
died of her wounds in Mei Yin's arms, somehow still smiling. However, before she
passed, she was able to tell us the identity of the monster that had done this.

His name was Edmund Rockwell.

Helena #26
I can't let Mei Yin go after Rockwell alone. It's my fault that he was here. He's my
responsibility! So why am I huddled here, writing down my thoughts as though I'm too
afraid to say them aloud?

For weeks, we've been besieged by monsters that Rockwell either bent to his will or
created himself, but today Mei Yin finally grew sick of hiding. She grabbed every
weapon and able bodied beast she could and left to hunt him down alone. I've never
seen her like that. Even Nerva never made her eyes burn with such hatred.

Damn it, she's going to get herself killed and it will be my fault! But how can I shoot him?
He's my oldest friend. He helped me when I had no one else.

But it's my fault, so I have to try. I have to!

Helena #27
I caught up with Mei Yin and Rockwell among the flowing rivers of magma in the
deepest pits of the caverns, where they were already in the midst of battle. By then,
Rockwell had grown into a hulking monstrosity, lashing out with flailing tentacles.

I needed only one look at that hideous, misshapen face before I made up my mind. I
fired until my trigger finger went numb, and together, we were able to divide his

In his fury, Rockwell created a hole in the cavern floor, and with one final blow, Mei Yin
forced him through it. She nearly fell in herself, but I managed to catch her arm just in
time. Thank God I did. If she'd fallen…

Well, I'm just glad it's over.

Rockwell #28
Primitive! Savage! How dare you? You are nothing! I am a god! How dare you?

Hate you! HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! Where have you banished me? What is this place?
What is this feeling? Everything. Yes, everything. The earth and the sky. Every stone
and every crevasse. I feel it all. What is this place? What am I?

Helena #28
To Sir Edmund Rockwell,

Know that I choose to remember you not as the monster you were in your final
moments, nor as the secretive, obsessive man you became after I found you in the
desert. I should have seen the signs then. If I had, perhaps I wouldn't have to mark this
empty grave.

This grave is for the man you were, and the man I will remember. He was the man who
I'd talk and laugh with over tea long into the night, and the man who'd offer me supplies
and a steed without a second thought. He was a scientist, a scholar and gentlemen.
Wherever that man is, I hope he is at peace.

Your friend always,

Helena Walker

Rockwell #29
I am beginning to understand. It was hard to comprehend, for my eyes are still newly

I did not used to see as I see now, nor did I speak as I speak now. When I speak, it is
not to a man. They are lesser beings.

When I speak, I speak to this place, speak to the ARK, and it speaks back to me. It tells
me secrets, things that I never could have understood as I was before.

It whispers to me of something greater, a plane ever higher than the one I walk now. We
can reach it, the two of us. The ARK and I. Together.

Rockwell #30
[This note does not contain text, only an image of a mutated Rockwell alongside the
floating ARK.]
Helena #29
The effects of the monster's rampage still linger. Mei Yin hasn't said a word since we
returned. She just stares at that starship necklace, turning it over in her hand again and
again. It took an hour of coaxing just to get her to eat.

At least the gateway project survived, through one miracle or another. Santiago is
organizing the survivors into teams to complete it. He thinks they can finish it within two

I suspect I won't be welcome to join them when it activates. Not that I blame them. I
brought Rockwell here with me. The people he killed, the destruction he caused... it's on
my head. How could I ever ask forgiveness for that?

Helena #30
The gateway is set to be complete tomorrow, so last night, I packed up my things and
prepared to say my farewells. Santiago protested, but ultimately understood. Mei Yin, on
the other hand...
I've never seen her break down like that. It caught me completely off guard, as did the
part where she wouldn't let go of my wrist. She kept saying that she'd already lost too
much, and that she couldn't lose anything else. I couldn't just leave after that, even if I
could break free of that iron grip (which I doubt I could).

So that pretty much settled it. Tomorrow, the gateway will open, and we'll touch down on
the planet below. We'll finally escape this mad experiment, and we'll do it together.

Aberration Ascension Cutscene:
This cutscene shows the survivor activating the Gateway Project portal
system built by the TEK clan and being teleported to Earth.

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