Life Adv Wordlist Final Alphabetised Unit 1

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Life Advanced Word List  Unit 1

1 Lessons for life

Page 9 the area was already starting to boom | the economy
was booming | business is booming at the moment
easier said than done  /ˈiːzɪə sɛd ðæn dʌn/ Phrase | a booming economy | solar power is a booming
if you say that something is easier said than done, industry
you mean that it is a difficult thing to do and you
might not be able to succeed if you try to do it individualistic  /ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuəˈlɪstɪk/ Adjective
getting a job in the film industry is easier said than if someone is individualistic, they do things for their
done | trying to get a pay rise out of them was easier own benefit and do not bother about other people
said than done | I know it’s easier said than done, but in society
I’m determined to do it Dutch society is individualistic and modern | we’re
a much more individualistic society than we were
guiding principle  /ˈgaɪdɪŋ ˈprɪnsəpl/ Noun 40 years ago | individualistic cultures value the self
a guiding principle is a belief or rule that is above the group
important to you and that influences the way you Noun: individual | Adjective: individual
act or the decisions you make
the survey questioned 50 individuals | individual
“more haste, less speed” was her guiding principle freedom is very important to everyone here
for years | the guiding principle behind the
organisation was fairness to customers and staff | misinterpret  /ˌmɪsɪnˈtɜː(r)prɪt/ Verb
one of the guiding principles has to be trust if you misinterpret something, you understand it
make a point of  /meɪk ə pɔɪnt ɒv/ Phrase
if you make a point of doing something, you I think he deliberately misinterpreted my email |
deliberately do it, even if it is difficult or takes a lot the Prime Minister said her comments had been
of effort misinterpreted | even though the article was very
clear, it was misinterpreted by some people | the
make a point of doing something statistics were misinterpreted by several journalists
she always made a point of talking to her Noun: misinterpretation
grandmother after church | you should make a point
of checking your bank statement every month | we what he said was a complete misinterpretation of my
used to make a point of cooking a big family meal proposal | the letter was open to misinterpretation
every Sunday point the way  /pɔɪnt ðə weɪ/ Phrase
rule of thumb  /ruːl ɒv θʌm/ Noun if something points the way, it serves as a useful
a rule of thumb is a practical way of deciding example of what someone should do or should avoid
something, based on experience rather than any doing
theory, which is accurate enough but might not be the mistakes of the past should point the way for us
precise in the future | let our experience point the way for
a good rule of thumb is to add twice as much milk you | ministers praised the proposal as pointing the
as flour | my rule of thumb is that when the dough way forward
stops sticking to the bowl, it’s ready | her rule of strive  /straɪv/ Verb
thumb was to wait three minutes before trying again if you strive to do something, you try very hard to do
Pages 10–11 strive to do something | strive for something
act on  /ækt ɒn/ Phrasal verb all hospitals strive to offer the best medical care
if you act on something, you do something that it possible | great athletes are always striving to
suggests or recommends improve their performance | we must always strive
neither recommendation has yet been acted on | he’s for peace | she is driven to strive for perfection
never acted on my advice yet, so I don’t suppose he’ll
start now | the police failed to act on the information Pages 12–13
they had received
aches and pains  /eɪks ænd peɪnz/ Noun plural
boom  /buːm/ Noun aches and pains are general feelings of pain that are
a boom is a period when a country’s economy is very not very severe
successful and when there is a lot of business activity as you get older, you get more aches and pains | I
the city is undergoing an economic boom | the had a few aches and pains after playing rugby for
building boom of the 1990s | a boom in house prices | the first time last week | he’s been complaining of
the 1970s were boom years for the capital aches and pains for weeks | after a good night’s sleep
Verb: boom | Adjective: booming my aches and pains disappeared

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Life Advanced Word List  Unit 6

as and when  /æz ænd wɛn/ Conjunction people come from far and wide to see Stonehenge
if you do something as and when something else | their popularity spread far and wide | she travelled
happens, you do it whenever that happens or at the far and wide in her youth | they searched far and
same time wide for the best place to start their business
we’ll have the next meeting as and when it’s
first and foremost  /fɜːst ænd ˈfɔːməʊst/ Adverb
necessary | we’ll give you more news as and when it
you use first and foremost to emphasize the most
comes in | you pay for the phone calls as and when
important element of what you are talking about
you make them
the committee is first and foremost a decision-
bits and pieces  /bɪts ænd ˈpiːsɪz/ Noun plural making body | first and foremost, we need to recruit
you use bits and pieces to refer to a number of small, more salespeople | Dan was first and foremost a
not very significant or important things brilliant musician
I put a few bits and pieces into a suitcase and set off
free spirit  /friː ˈspɪrɪt/ Noun
| have you got all your bits and pieces? | he picks up
a free spirit is someone who always does what they
bits and pieces of work whenever he can
want to do and does not let other people tell them
control freak  /kənˈtrəʊl friːk/ Noun what they should do
a control freak is someone who hates things she’s an artist, a free spirit, and a loyal sister | I’m a
happening by chance and who always wants to be in free spirit and I’ll go wherever I feel like going | they
control of what is happening around them were both free spirits who loved the outdoor life
her sister is such a control freak | don’t be such
fun and games  /fʌn ænd geɪmz/ Noun uncount
a control freak! I’ll be back by nine | I admit I’m
if you refer to activity or behaviour as not all fun and
a control freak when it comes to my camping
games, you mean that it can be quite serious a lot of
equipment | my first husband was a control freak
the time even though it might look enjoyable
dreamer  /ˈdriːmə(r)/ Noun my job is not all fun and games, you know | bringing
a dreamer is someone who is not very practical or up children is not all fun and games, I can tell you
realistic, but who wants everything to be the way | it’s not always fun and games as a professional
they imagine it even though that is unlikely to footballer
joker  /ˈdʒəʊkə(r)/ Noun
my brother’s just a dreamer who’ll never get to act in
a joker is someone who doesn’t take life very
Hollywood | I thought he was a dreamer who’d never
seriously and who is always telling jokes and trying
come to anything, but now he’s a successful lawyer |
to make people laugh
we need a few dreamers in the company to come up
with new and wild ideas he’s changed a lot now, but at school, he was always
such a joker | my uncle’s something of a joker | she
Verb: dream | Noun: dream
came from a family of practical jokers (people who
she won the lottery and now has more money than like to play funny tricks on other people for fun)
she could ever dream of | he was still dreaming of
Verb: joke | Noun: joke
living in New York | working for the BBC was the job
of my dreams she’s always joking and laughing with the other
students | a really funny joke
driven  /ˈdrɪv(ə)n/ Adjective
someone who is driven is very determined to succeed judgmental  /ˌdʒʌdʒˈment(ə)l/ Adjective
in what they are doing someone who is judgmental is very quick to criticise
someone or something, often before they really
her father was a driven man who worked twenty
know enough to be able to make a fair judgment
hours a day to build his business | a team of driven
mountain climbers do you realise how judgmental you are being? | I’m
tired of listening to all these judgmental parents |
family  /ˈfæm(ə)li/Noun I don’t think he was being judgmental, he was just
a family is a group of people, usually including saying what he’d seen | I’d rather you kept your
parents and their children, who are related to each judgmental comments to yourself
other and who live together until the children are Noun: judgment | Verb: judge | Noun: judge
grown up and leave home
pass judgment (on something) | make a judgment
my dad was a real family man (a man whose family
he came to the restaurant to pass judgment on the
is very important to him and who spends a lot of
food | he showed very poor judgment in his choice of
time and energy being with them and looking after
partner | it’s too soon to make a judgment about the
them) | there are five of us in our family, my parents,
school | I judged it wise to leave before it got dark
my two sisters, and me | she came from a big family
| he’s a very poor judge of character (not good at
| they’re a lovely family | a family holiday (when
recognising other people’s personal qualities)
everyone in the family goes on holiday together)
life and soul of the party  /laɪf ænd səʊl ɒv ðə ˈpɑːti/ Noun
far and wide  /fɑːr ænd waɪd/ Adverb
if you describe someone as being the life and soul of
you use far and wide to emphasize that an area is
the party, you mean they are always ready to have a
very large or that distances are very great
good time and will always encourage other people

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Life Advanced Word List  Unit 6

to have a good time during social gatherings buses come to and fro all day long bringing tourists
with her personality and energy, she’s the life and to the site | I spent all day going to and fro with
soul of every party she goes to | apparently he medical supplies | he ran to and fro between the two
was the life and soul of the party when he was at kitchens
university | my dad was the life and soul of the party,
but my mum was a very private person Pages 14–15
movement  /ˈmuːvmənt/ Noun a fact of life  /ə fækt ɒv laɪf/ Noun
a movement is a group of people who share the a fact of life is a difficult situation that you cannot
same ideas and beliefs and who work together to try avoid and that is part of everyday life
and spread these beliefs stress at work is a fact of life these days | having to
he belonged to a right-wing, anti-immigration pay tax is a fact of life. No point complaining about it
movement | several new political movements began
life during the war | the Scottish independence a wild goose chase  /ə waɪld guːs ʧeɪs/ Phrase
movement if you say that something is a wild goose chase, you
mean that it involves a lot of effort and activity but
outgoing  /ˈaʊtɡəʊɪŋ/ Adjective will never succeed
someone who is outgoing is friendly and lively, and send someone on a wild goose chase
likes meeting new people
the discovery sent us on a wild goose chase to the
they’re both quite chatty and outgoing | Sandra other side of the city | don’t bother, it’ll just be a wild
remembers him as a very outgoing person | he’s goose chase | we ended up on a wild goose chase
very funny and outgoing | she has a very outgoing trying to find a restaurant that had closed three
personality years ago
peace and quiet  /piːs ænd ˈkwaɪət/ Noun uncount all walks of life  /ɔːl wɔːks ɒv laɪf/ Phrase
peace and quiet is a quiet atmosphere with no loud if you refer to people from all walks of life, you
activity, in contrast to a busy, noisy atmosphere mean that they come from lots of different places
it’s hard to find peace and quiet in the city | I go and backgrounds
down to the river for a bit of peace and quiet | just the concert attracted people from all walks of life |
give me some peace and quiet will you! (don’t make people from all walks of life attended the conference
a lot of noise or try and talk to me) | we took the
children out for the afternoon to give Jo’s dad some assertion  /əˈsɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n/ Noun
peace and quiet | all she wanted was some peace and an assertion is a statement made firmly and
quiet after a long journey on a crowded train convincingly
I disagreed with his assertion about the value of
safe and sound  /seɪf ænd saʊnd/ Adjective
swimming lessons | he couldn’t provide any evidence
if you say that someone or something is safe and
for his assertion | I stick by my original assertion (I
sound, you mean that they are all right and not hurt,
insist it is true) | no one dared to challenge her latest
especially after being in a dangerous situation
assertion that global warming was unstoppable
everyone got home safe and sound after the
Verb: assert | Adjective: assertive
thunderstorm | the comfort of knowing the family
was safe and sound | they promised to keep him safe the company asserted that its working conditions
and sound until his parents came to collect him were perfectly safe | this idea has been frequently
asserted but never proven | you need to be more
settle down  /ˈsɛtl daʊn/ Phrasal verb assertive if you want people to believe your ideas
if you settle down, you start to live somewhere
permanently and make it your home, for example bluff  /blʌf/ Noun
after you get married a bluff is something untrue that you say deliberately
in order to deceive someone or make them do what
after a few years travelling around Asia and America,
you want. If you call someone’s bluff, you tell them
she came back and settled down in Scarborough
you know they are trying to deceive you so there is
| he’s 44 and he still hasn’t settled down yet | he
no point in their continuing to try. In the game Call
remarried three years later and settled down with
my Bluff, you read out three definitions for a word,
his new family | it’s time to settle down and have
only one of which is correct. The other players have
to guess which definition is the correct one
short and sweet  /ʃɔːt ænd swiːt/ Adjective let’s play Call my Bluff | he said he would shut down
if you say that something is short and sweet, you the factory, but we knew it was just a bluff | you
mean that it is short in a very good way and does not should call his bluff and see what he does next
go on too long Verb: bluff
keep your blog posts short and sweet | the meeting the detective was bluffing, but Walters didn’t know
was short and sweet and we were home in time for that | it was too late to admit that I’d never been to
dinner | luckily, the ceremony was short and sweet Berlin so I just had to bluff it out (carry on with the
to and fro  /tuː ænd frəʊ/ Adverb
if you go to and fro, you go first in one direction or
to one place, and then back in the other direction
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Life Advanced Word List  Unit 6

break the ice  /breɪk ði aɪs/ Phrase whether she’s French or German is neither here nor
if you break the ice, you do something that helps there, she’s just a brilliant singer | the fact that he
people relax in a social situation where they had should have been at school is neither here nor there
been feeling awkward or shy | I don’t care if it was lunchtime or dinnertime, that’s
when Alan came in with two dogs, it certainly broke really neither here nor there
the ice | she broke the ice by offering to show them
see better days  /siː ˈbɛtə deɪz/ Phrase
round the garden | a joke helped to break the ice
if you say that something has seen better days, you
come full circle  /kʌm fʊl ˈsɜːkl/ Phrase mean that it is now old and not in very condition
if you say that events have come full circle, you my bike has seen better days, but it still gets me to
mean that despite a lot of activity a situation is still work every day | the house had seen better days
basically the same and nothing has really changed when we bought it, but we’ve done a lot to it and it
history has repeated itself, going full circle | this looks great now | we stayed in a hotel that had seen
brings the event almost full circle | his career has better days
gone full circle, and he’s back working for the Post
succinctly  /səkˈsɪŋktli/ Adverb
if you express something succinctly, you express it
foregone conclusion  /fɔːˈgɒn kənˈkluːʒən/ Noun using only a few words
if something is a foregone conclusion, it is so as he succinctly put it: “never” | try and answer the
obviously true that there is no point discussing it to questions succinctly | the article succinctly explains
see if there is any alternative how to apply for an Irish passport | she summarized
the result of the match was a foregone conclusion the main points of the lecture succinctly and
by half time | it was a foregone conclusion that he entertainingly
would win the election | the outcome of the battle Adjective: succinct
was a foregone conclusion your opening paragraph should be succinct and
to the point | a succinct account of the company’s
have the time of your life  /hæv ðə taɪm ɒv jɔː laɪf/ Phrase
recent history
if you are having the time of your life, you are
enjoying something very much indeed the story of my life  /ðə ˈstɔːri ɒv maɪ laɪf/ Noun singular
he’s having the time of his life in Oxford at the if you refer to an event as “the story of my life”, you
moment | she danced all night and had the time of mean that it was slightly unfortunate, and typical
her life | I’ve just turned 60 and I’m having the time of the bad luck that you get. But it’s not a serious
of my life comment and is usually meant to be humorous
I was late for work three times last week – story of
life-saver  /ˈlaɪfˈseɪvə/ Noun
my life
a life-saver is something that helps you out of a
difficult or dangerous situation the world is my oyster  /ðə wɜːld ɪz maɪ ˈɔɪstə/ Phrase
this website has been a life-saver | music has been a if you say that the world is someone’s oyster, you
life-saver for me over the years | thanks for the lift – mean that they have the opportunity or possibility to
it was a real life-saver do anything that they want to
once you’ve finished university, the world’s your
love is blind  /lʌv ɪz blaɪnd/ Phrase
oyster | relax! The world’s your oyster | the world was
if you say that love is blind, you mean that when
her oyster
someone is in love they do not see any faults in the
person they love wear your heart on your sleeve  /weə jɔː hɑːt ɒn jɔː sliːv/
it is said that love is blind but friendship can see Phrase
clearly | he trusted her the whole time – it must be if you wear your heart on your sleeve, you do not
true that love is blind hide your emotions, and everyone can see what you
are really feeling
manipulation  /məˌnɪpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun
she’s a singer who wears her heart on her sleeve | I
manipulation is the action of controlling something
daren’t wear my heart on my sleeve | it’s Valentine’s
or influencing someone to do what you want by
Day, so wear your heart on your sleeve for once
being clever or deliberately dishonest
what’s the difference between persuasion and
manipulation? | there was no evidence of fraud Pages 16–17
or manipulation | his mistaken belief led to the bargain hunting  /ˈbɑːgɪn ˈhʌntɪŋ/ Noun uncount
manipulation of many other people bargain hunting is the activity of going round shops
Verb: manipulate | Adjective: manipulative looking for things to buy that have a lower price
he was good at manipulating others without ever than normal
being manipulated himself | a persuasive and we went bargain hunting in Camden market | I did
manipulative politician some bargain hunting online and found a jacket for
just £12 | let me give you some tips on bargain hunting
neither here nor there  /ˈnaɪðə hɪə nɔː ðeə/ Phrase
Noun: bargain hunter
if you say that something is neither here nor there,
you mean that it is not at all important or relevant bargain hunters will enjoy the regular market

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Life Advanced Word List  Unit 6

outside the Town Hall on Tuesday | several bargain Resolution was to get a new job by the end of
hunters were waiting outside for the shop to open February

buddy  /ˈbʌdi/ Noun on loan  /ɒn ləʊn/ Phrase

a buddy is a friend. A buddy system is when if something such as a book, CD, DVD, etc. is on loan
someone who is new to an organisation or from a library, someone has borrowed it and you will
institution is paired with someone else who has been have to wait for it to be returned before you can
there longer and who can help and offer advice borrow it yourself
thanks to the buddy system I settled in very quickly two copies are out on loan, but we have a third
| you don’t have to take part in the buddy system if copy you can borrow | I couldn’t do my history essay
you don’t want to | she volunteered to be a buddy in yesterday because a book I needed for it was out on
the buddy system loan

compulsory  /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ Adjective

if something is compulsory, you must do it because Pages 18–19
of a law or rule disproportionate  /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔː(r)ʃ(ə)nət/ Adjective
English and maths are both compulsory subjects something that is disproportionate has too much of
at my school | sport is compulsory until you’re in one element or feature and not enough of another
the fifth year | I had to do two years of compulsory a disproportionate number of politicians went to
military service private school | a disproportionate number of victims
Opposite – Adjective: optional were over 70 | Native Americans continue suffer on
geography and history are optional subjects, but we average disproportionate poverty
suggest you do both Adverb: disproportionately
the disease disproportionately affects children
counsellor  /ˈkaʊns(ə)lə(r)/ Noun
a counsellor is someone whose job is to listen to elder  /ˈeldə(r)/ Noun
people who have problems and to help them find a an elder is an older and very respected member of a
way to solve those problems community, especially one in a position of leadership
a marriage counsellor | a debt counsellor the village elders met to discuss the problem | one
they went to a marriage counsellor, but it was of the elders disagreed with the others and had to
too late | a visit from the bereavement counsellor leave the village | we knew we could always ask one
(someone who helps people after the death of a very of the elders for advice
close relative) | a counsellor for people with anxiety
fund  /fʌnd/ Verb
Noun: counselling
if someone funds something, they provide the
individual counselling sessions | I went to my tutor money that is needed to pay for it
for support and counselling | money has been
we’re looking for someone to fund an expedition
provided for student counselling services
to the South Pole | the government should fund
diverse  /daɪˈvɜː(r)s/ Adjective more research | the project was funded by a major
a diverse number of things includes many different oil company | the latest study was funded by Goethe
sorts University
the place she lives in is very racially diverse | the Noun: funding
university offers courses covering a diverse range of the funding ran out before we’d finished the
subjects | Southern California is culturally diverse | research | private universities do not receive
London has a diverse population government funding
Noun: diversity | Verb: diversify
invaluable  /ɪnˈvæljuəb(ə)l/ Adjective
its cultural diversity was what attracted me to Cardiff something that is invaluable is extremely useful
| the quality and diversity of the restaurants in the
his advice was invaluable and helped me decide
city is amazing | the EU is attempting to diversify
on the right university | our weekly meetings
its energy supply (make sure it gets its energy
throughout the project were invaluable | an
from several different places) | it was important to
invaluable contribution to the design of the factory |
diversify the business rather than rely on just one
their support proved invaluable
successful product
self-esteem  /sɛlf-ɪsˈtiːm/ Noun uncount
New Year’s Resolution  /njuː jɪəz ˌrɛzəˈluːʃən/ Noun
someone’s self-esteem is the opinion they have of
if you make a New Year’s Resolution, you make
a firm and determined decision to do something
differently to improve your life after 1st January low/negative self-esteem | high/positive self-esteem
make a New Year’s Resolution | keep a New Year’s after he lost his job he went through a period of
Resolution very low self-esteem | they should try and strengthen
their child’s self-esteem | success leads to higher self-
have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? | a
esteem | our goal is to promote positive self-esteem
magazine article offering advice on how to keep
your New Year’s Resolutions | my New Year’s

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Life Advanced Word List  Unit 6

Review pages 20 trading post  /ˈtreɪdɪŋ pəʊst/ Noun

in the past, a trading post was a shop or other place
brazier  /ˈbreɪziə(r)/ Noun where people could exchange goods, especially one
a brazier is a metal basket on legs which people use that was a long way from large towns or cities
outdoors to burn wood or coal for heat or to be able
to cook things Timbuktu was a key trading post | until 1842 the
settlement was an important fur trading post | Ibiza
workmen stood warming their hands over a brazier was a major trading post along the Mediterranean
| the fire in the brazier had gone out | put more coal routes | they were allowed to establish a trading post
on the brazier just outside Colombo

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