Reduced Poli and PIL Reviewer

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GDU 2021


(Reduced Version)

By: Glydel Shialyn D. Urbano, UP Law Batch 2021

“Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from
them.” Article II, Section 1 of the 1987 CONSTITUTION

This reviewer is patterned after the 2020/21 Bar Syllabus (Reduced Version, released on 04 January 2021), including
jurisprudence until September 2020 (cutoff). Most cases came from Prof. Gwen De Vera’s 2020 and 2019
(expanded) syllabi. GDU added canonical cases based on her reading of Nachura (2016) and the UP Bar Operations
Commission Reviewer (2020).
MMDA v. Residents of Manila Bay

Political Law The cleanup and/or restoration of the Manila Bay is only an
aspect and the initial stage of the long-term solution. The
preservation of the water quality of the bay after the
rehabilitation process is as important as the cleaning phase. It
I. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL LAW is imperative then that the wastes and contaminants found in
the rivers, inland bays, and other bodies of water be stopped
SEPARATION OF POWERS from reaching the Manila Bay.

It thus behooves the Court to put the heads of the petitioner-

The principle of separation of powers refers to the constitutional
department-agencies and the bureaus and offices under them
demarcation of the three fundamental powers of government. It
on continuing notice about, and to enjoin them to perform, their
means that the Constitution has set out the allocation of power
mandates and duties towards cleaning up the Manila Bay and
to the executive, the legislative and the judicial departments of
preserving the quality of its water to the ideal level. Under what
the government. To the legislative branch of government,
other judicial discipline describes as "continuing
through Congress, belongs the power to make laws; to the
mandamus," the Court may, under extraordinary
executive branch of government, through the President,
circumstances, issue directives with the end in view of
belongs the power to enforce laws; and to the judicial branch of
government, through the Court, belongs the power to interpret ensuring that its decision would not be set to naught by
laws [Angara v. Electoral Commission]. administrative inaction or indifference.

Each department of the government has exclusive cognizance Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Aquino
of matters within its jurisdiction and is supreme within its own This Court does not have the power to audit the expenditures of
sphere. The principle of separation of powers and its concepts the Government or any of its agencies and instrumentalities.
of autonomy and independence stem from the notion that the The Constitution saw fit to vest this power on COA, which alone
powers of government must be divided to avoid concentration has the power to disallow unnecessary and extravagant
of these powers in any one branch; the division, it is hoped, government spending. The separation of powers doctrine
would avoid any single branch from lording its power over the precludes this Court from encroaching on the powers and
other branches or the citizenry. functions of an independent constitutional body. Our
participation in the audit process is limited to determining
When is there a violation of separation of powers whether the COA committed grave abuse of discretion in
Broadly speaking, there is a violation of the separation of rendering its audit decisions.
powers principle when one branch of government unduly
encroaches on the domain of another. The principle of The principle of separation of powers also applies to
separation of powers may be violated in two (2) ways: independent constitutional bodies, not just among the
1. When one branch may interfere impermissibly with the three departments of government.
other's performance of its constitutionally assigned
2. When one branch assumes a function that more properly General Rule: Section 1 of Article VI of the Constitution
is entrusted to another. provides that "the Legislative power shall be vested in the
Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and
The Supreme Court as the final adjudicator
a House of Representatives."
When the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional
boundaries, it does not assert any superiority over the other A logical corollary to the doctrine of separation of powers is the
departments; it does not in reality nullify or invalidate an act of principle of non-delegation of powers, as expressed in the Latin
the legislature, but only asserts the solemn and sacred maxim: potestas delegata non delegari potest which means
obligation assigned to it by the Constitution to determine "what has been delegated, cannot be delegated."
conflicting claims of authority under the Constitution and to
establish for the parties in an actual controversy the rights
which that instrument secures and guarantees to them [Angara
v. Electoral Commission].
GDU 2021
City of Bacolod v. Phuture Visions Co., Inc., G.R. No.
190289, January 11, 2018
CONST., Article II, Section 1. The Philippines is a democratic
Consent may be express or implied, such as when the
and republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all
government exercises its proprietary functions, or where
government authority emanates from them. such is embodied in a general or special law. In the present
case, respondent sued petitioners for the latter's refusal to
The Republic of the Philippines
issue a mayor's permit for bingo operations and for closing
• Democratic and republican state its business on account of the lack of such permit. However,
• Unitary and decentralized while the authority of city mayors to issue or grant licenses
o National government and local governments and business permits is granted by the Local Government
(vertical allocation of powers) Code (LGC), which also vests local government units with
o In the Philippines, a republican and unitary state, corporate powers, one of which is the power to sue and be
sovereignty "resides in the people and all sued, this Court has held that the power to issue or grant
government authority emanates from them." It licenses and business permits is not an exercise of the
means that the constitutional legislator, namely
government's proprietary function. Instead, it is in an
the people, is sovereign. In consequence, the
exercise of the police power of the State, ergo a
people may thus write into the Constitution their
governmental act. As this Court has repeatedly held, waiver
convictions on any subject they choose in the of immunity from suit, being in derogation of sovereignty,
absence of express constitutional prohibition. A will not be lightly inferred.
constitution is based, therefore, upon a self-
limiting decision of the people when they adopt it.
• Presidential form of government
o Characterized by separation of powers (horizontal See: IV. Judicial Review
allocation of powers)


1. Legal – power to issue final commands; Political – sum
total of all the influences which lie behind the law Characteristics
2. Internal – supreme power over everything within its 1. Inherent in the State, may be exercised without need of
territory; External – also known as independence, which is express constitutional grant
freedom from control. 2. Necessary and indispensable; State cannot be effective
without them.
Effects of change in sovereignty 3. Methods by which the State interferes with private property
Political laws are abrogated [People v. Perfecto]. Municipal 4. Exercised by the Legislature (as repository of all
laws remain in force [Villas v. City of Manila]. fundamental powers of the State)

Effect of belligerent occupation 1. Police power

No change in sovereignty. Political laws, however, are
suspended (except: treason), Municipal laws remain in force Definition and basic principles
unless repealed by the belligerent occupant. At the end of • The power of promoting public welfare by restraining or
belligerent occupation, political laws shall automatically regulating the use and enjoyment of liberty and property.
become effective again. • There is no compensation. If at all, compensation comes in
the form of an “intangible, altruistic feeling that the
SOVERIGNTY IN RELATION TO STATE IMMUNITY individual has contributed to the public good.”
• Police power has been characterized as the most
CONST., Article XVI, Section 3. The State may not be sued essential, insistent, and the least limitable of powers,
without its consent. extending as it does to all the great public needs.
• Police power cannot be bargained away through the
Legal and practical rationale medium of a treaty or a contract (hence, it prevails over
non-impairment clause)
The principle is based on the very essence of sovereignty, and
• A law enacted in the exercise of police power could be
on the practical ground that there can be no legal right as
given retroactive effect and may reasonably impair vested
against the authority that makes the law on which the right
rights (e.g. retroactive effect of PD 857 – Subdivision and
Condominium Protective Decree).
GDU 2021
• Property must bow to the primacy of police power because synonymous with public interest, public benefit, public
property rights, although sheltered by police power, must welfare, and public convenience. As in the case of senior
yield to the general welfare. citizens, the discount privilege to which the PWDs are
entitled is actually a benefit enjoyed by the general public
Who may exercise police power? to which these citizens belong. The means employed in
GR: Congress invoking the active participation of the private sector, in
XPNs: Delegated (by law) order to achieve the purpose or objective of the law, is
1. President reasonably and directly related. Also, the means employed
o Examples: R.A. 6939, P.D. 260 to provide a fair, just and quality health care to PWDs are
2. Administrative Bodies reasonably related to its accomplishment, and are not
3. Law-making Bodies of LGUs (under the General Welfare oppressive.
o E.g. zoning ordinance, land reclassification 2. Eminent domain
MMDA does not have authority to exercise police power
See: II. Bill of Rights on Rights during Expropriation
While the law does NOT empower the MMDA the power to
confiscate and suspend or revoke drivers’ licenses without the
CONST., Art. III, Section 9. Private property shall not be taken
need of any other legislative enactment, the same law vests
the MMDA with the duty to enforce existing traffic rules and for public use without just compensation
regulations. Thus, where there is a traffic law validly enacted by
Definition and basic principles
legislature (local or national), the MMDA is dutybound to
• The power of eminent domain is the inherent right of the
confiscate drivers’ licenses in the exercise of its mandate
State to condemn private property for public use upon
[MMDA v. Garin].
payment of just compensation.
MMDA does not have the power to enact ordinances • Distinguished from police power: property condemned
[Gancayco v. City Government of Quezon City]. under police power is usually noxious or intended for a
noxious purpose, hence no compensation is paid. When a
Limitations on delegation of police power property, however, is taken and appropriated for some
1. Express grant by law; public purpose, there is need to pay just compensation.
2. Within the territorial jurisdiction (if delegate to LGUs); and
Who may exercise eminent domain
3. Exercise must not be contrary to law
GR: Congress
TEST OF VALID EXERCISE OF POLICE XPN: Delegated (through charter):
POWER “Means Purpose Test” 1. LGUs- see Section 19 of LGC
1. Lawful Subject - the interests of the public, generally, as 2. Other Government entities (e.g. DPWH)
distinguished from those of a particular class, require such
interference and that the subject of the measure is within the The repository of eminent domain powers is the legislature, i.e.
scope of the police power [Ichong v. Hernandez]. In other exercised through the enactment of laws. But power may be
words, the activity or property sought to be regulated affects delegated to LGUs and other government entities (via charter);
GENERAL WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC. still, the delegation must be by law.

2. Lawful Means - the means employed are REASONABLY Note: Strict construction will apply against the government
NECESSARY for the accomplishment of the purpose and not agency exercising the power of eminent domain. This is
unduly oppressive upon individuals. pursuant to the well-settled principle that eminent domain
cases are to be strictly construed against the expropriator.
• There must be a showing of imperious public necessity for
the taking of private property without just compensation. It 1. Necessity
must also be shown that such taking is the only • This is generally a political question (if power of
reasonable and calibrated response to such necessity. An eminent domain is exercised by Congress), BUT if
ordinance aimed at relieving traffic congestion meets the exercised by a delegate (LGU or any other government
first standard; but declaring bus terminals as nuisances agency), the determination of genuine necessity is a
per se and ordering their closure contravenes the second justiciable question.
standard [Lucena Grand Central Terminal v. JAC Liner].
• The concept of public use is no longer confined to the
traditional notion of use by the public, but held
GDU 2021
2. Private Property just compensation for property subject to agrarian
• All private property capable of ownership may be reform is determined [LBP v. Eusebio].
expropriated, except money and choses in action. • Means not only the correct amount to be paid to the
Even services may be subject to eminent domain owner but also payment within reasonable time from
[Republic v. PLDT]. taking. If not, the State must pay landowner interest by
way of damages from the time the land was taken
3. Taking in the constitutional sense (12% until June 30, 2013; 6% afterwards).
• Taking need not be actual eviction. In People v. i. But when the government, before taking the
Fajardo, an ordinance prohibiting a building from property, deposits an amount representing the
blocking the view of the plaza was considered taking. zonal value of the property, there is deemed to be
Hence, just compensation must be paid. no forbearance of money and the owner is not
• Taking may result only in the imposition of a burden entitled to interest.
upon the owner of the condemned property without ii. Taxes paid by the owner after taking by the
loss of title or possession (e.g. right of way). government is reimbursable.
• Taking also occurs when agricultural lands are • Entitlement to just compensation is not limited to
voluntary offered by landowner for CAPR coverage. owner. It includes all those who have lawful interest in
The effective date of taking should be the date of the property condemned.
approval of the PARC confirming the land as covered • Tax credit given to commercial establishments for their
by CARP [Hacienda Luisita v. PARC]. compliance with the Senior Citizens Act is a form of
• When there is taking in the constitutional sense, the just compensation.
property owner need not file a claim for just • The Land Bank of the Philippines is an indispensable
compensation with the COA, he or she may directly go party in expropriation proceedings. It also has
to court to demand payment. personality to initiate a petition for the determination of
• Requites for valid taking: just compensation.
i. Expropriator must enter private property
ii. Entry must be for more than a momentary period Take-over power vs expropriation
(i.e. Entry must be indefinite or permanent) CONST., Art. XVII, Section 17. In times of national emergency,
iii. Entry must be under warrant or color of authority when the public interest so requires, the State may, during the
iv. Property must be devoted to public use or emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed by it,
purpose temporarily take over or direct the operation of any privately
v. Utilization must be in such a way as to oust the owned public utility or business affected with public interest [no
owner or deprive him of beneficial enjoyment of just compensation required].
the property.
Section 17. The State may, in the interest of national welfare
4. Public use or defense, establish and operate vital industries and, upon
• Refers to general concept of meeting public need or payment of just compensation, transfer to public ownership
exigency; synonymous to public utilities and other private enterprises to be operated by the
interest/welfare/convenience Government [just compensation required].
• Public use is a flexible and evolving concept; it is broad
enough to cover use which, while not directly available Agan v. PIATCO
to the public, redound to their indirect advantage or
On the take-over provision, Section 17
The State in effecting the temporary takeover is exercising its
5. Just compensation police power.
• Refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property; the
FMV of the property is determined by its character (e.g. The temporary takeover by the government extends only to the
size, shape, location) and price at the time of taking. operation of the business and not to the ownership thereof. As
• Its ascertainment is a judicial prerogative. Hence, such the government is not required to compensate the private
legislative measures fixing method of just entity-owner of the said business as there is no transfer of
compensation is an encroachment on judicial power. ownership, whether permanent or temporary. The private
They are not binding on the courts; treated as mere entity-owner affected by the temporary takeover cannot,
guidelines. likewise, claim just compensation for the use of the said
i. Note: In agrarian reform cases, RTC-Special business and its properties as the temporary takeover by the
Agrarian Court must consider the factors enumerated government is in exercise of its police power and not of its
under R.A. 6657 and the DAR formula as they power of eminent domain.
provide for a uniform framework by which
GDU 2021
RECENT JURISPRUDENCE ON EXPROPRIATION As such, "trial with the aid of the commissioners is a
substantial right that may not be done away with
National Transmission Corporation v. Bermuda capriciously or for no reason at all." Evidently, the
Development Corporation, G.R. No. 214782, April, 3, 2019 recommendations of the BOC carry with it great weight and
It is well-settled that a case filed by a landowner for recovery value insofar as the determination of just compensation is
of possession or ejectment against a public utility concerned.
corporation, endowed with the power of eminent domain ,
which has occupied the land belonging to the former in the Republic of the Philippines v. Sps. Goloyuco, G.R. No.
interest of public service without prior acquisition of title 222551, June 19, 2019
thereto by negotiated purchase or expropriation Time and again, the Court has held that zonal valuation,
proceedings, will not prosper. Any action to compel the although one of the indices of the fair market value of real
public utility corporation to vacate such property is estate, cannot, by itself, be the sole basis of just
unavailing since the landowner is denied the remedies of compensation in expropriation cases.
ejectment and injunction for reasons of public policy and
public necessity as well as equitable estoppel. PROVISIONAL VALUE =/= JUST COMPENSATION
Moreover, in Capitol Steel Corporation v. PHIVIDEC
The proper recourse is for the ejectment court: (1) to Industrial Authority, the Court clarified that the payment of
dismiss the case without prejudice to the landowner ling the the provisional value as a condition for the issuance of a writ
proper action for recovery of just compensation and of possession is different from the payment of just
consequential damages; or (2) to dismiss the case and compensation for the expropriated property. While the
direct the public utility corporation to institute the proper provisional value is based on the current relevant zonal
expropriation or condemnation proceedings and to pay the valuation, just compensation is based on the prevailing fair
just compensation and consequential damages assessed market value of the property.
therein; or (3) to continue with the case as if it were an
expropriation case and determine the just compensation [LEONEN CASE] Land Bank of the Philippines v. Lucy
and consequential damages pursuant to Rule 67 Grace and Elma Gloria Franco, March 12, 2019
(Expropriation) of the Rules of Court, if the ejectment court Regional trial courts, sitting as special agrarian courts,
has jurisdiction over the value of the subject land. have original and exclusive jurisdiction over all petitions
for the determination of just compensation to landowners,
Note: In Republic of the Philippines v. Lim (2015), the SC held as well as the prosecution of all criminal offenses under the
that where the government fails to pay just compensation Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. In contrast to the special
within five years from finality of the judgment in expropriation agrarian courts, the Department of Agrarian Reform
proceedings, the owners shall have the right to recover Adjudication Board only has preliminary administrative
possession of their property. determination of just compensation.
Republic of the Philippines v. Sps. Silvestre, G.R. No.
Just compensation is "the full and fair equivalent of the
237324, February 6, 2019
property taken from its owner by the expropriator." The
Just compensation, in expropriation cases, is defined as the measure of the taking "is not the taker's gain but the owner's
full and fair equivalent of the loss of the property taken from loss." The term "just" intensifies the term "compensation" to
its owner by the expropriator. Its true measure is not the obtain a real, substantial, full, and ample equivalent for the
taker's gain, but the owner's loss. The word "just" is used to property taken. The jurisdiction of the trial courts, sitting as
modify the meaning of the word "compensation" to convey special agrarian courts, is "not any less 'original' and
the idea that the equivalent to be given for the property to be 'exclusive'" because the Department of Agrarian Reform
taken shall be real, substantial, full and ample. passes upon the question of just compensation first .

The appointment of commissioners to ascertain just The determination of "just compensation" in eminent
compensation for the property sought to be taken is a domain cases is a judicial function. The executive
mandatory requirement nonetheless. Thus, while it is true department or the legislature may make the initial
that the findings of commissioners may be disregarded determinations but when a party claims a violation of the
and the trial court may substitute its own estimate of the guarantee in the Bill of Rights that private property may not
value, it may only do so for valid reasons; that is, where the be taken for public use without just compensation, no
commissioners have applied illegal principles to the statute, decree, or executive order can mandate that its own
evidence submitted to them, where they have disregarded a determination shall prevail over the court's findings.
clear preponderance of evidence, or where the amount
allowed is either grossly inadequate or excessive. Administrative Order No. 5 provides a comprehensive formula
that considers several factors present in determining
GDU 2021
just compensation. However, as this Court held, it is not the State by virtue of its sovereignty, for the support of the
adequate to merely use the formula in an administrative government and for all public needs.
order of the Department of Agrarian Reform or rely on the
determination of a land assessor to show a final Lifeblood theory and Necessity theory
determination of the amount of just compensation. Courts Taxes are the lifeblood of the government, for without taxes,
are still tasked with considering all factors present, which may the government can neither exist nor endure. A principal
be stated in formulas provided by administrative agencies. attribute of sovereignty, the exercise of taxing power derives its
SC source from the very existence of the state whose social
contract with its citizens obliges it to promote public interest
In Land Bank v. Yatco Agricultural Enterprises, this Court held and common good.
that when acting within the bounds of the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law, special agrarian courts "are not strictly Who may exercise taxation powers?
bound to apply the [Department of Agrarian Reform] formula to GR: Congress
its minute detail, particularly when faced with situations that XPNs: Delegated (by Constitution)
do not warrant the formula's strict 1. Local legislative bodies – see Art. X, Sec. 5 of the 1987
application; they may, in the exercise of their discretion, CONST
relax the formula's application to fit the factual situations 2. President – see Art. VI, Sec. 28(2) of the 1987 CONST
before them."
That said, any deviation to the basic formula made in the 1. Due process of law
exercise of judicial discretion must be "supported by a Taxes should not be confiscatory.
reasoned explanation grounded on the evidence on
record." A computation by a court made in "utter and Judicial review for unconscionable and unjust tax
blatant disregard of the factors spelled out by law and by amounting to confiscation of property
the implementing rules” amounts to grave abuse of The legislature has discretion to determine the nature, object,
discretion. It must be struck down. extent, coverage, and situs of taxation. But where a tax
measure becomes so unconscionable and unjust as to amount
3. Taxation to confiscation of property, courts will not hesitate to strike it
down; the power to tax cannot override constitutional
CONST., Article VI, Section 28. (1) The rule of taxation shall be prescriptions [Tan v. del Rosario].
uniform and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a 2. Equal protection clause
progressive system of taxation. Taxes should be uniform and equitable.

(2) The Congress may, by law, authorize the President to fix 3. Public Purpose
within specified limits, and subject to such limitations and
restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates, import and export Tax for special purpose
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or Treated as a special fund and paid out for such purpose only;
imposts within the framework of the national development
when purpose is fulfilled, the balance, if any, shall be transferred to
program of the Government.
the general funds of the Government [Sec. 29 (3), Art. VI].
(3)Charitable institutions, churches and parsonages or
4. Double Taxation
convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries,
Additional taxes laid on the same subject by the same taxing
and all lands, buildings, and improvements, actually, directly,
jurisdiction during the same taxing period for the same taxing
and exclusively used for religious, charitable, or educational
purposes shall be exempt from taxation.
(4) No law granting any tax exemption shall be passed without
Gerochi v. Department of Energy
the concurrence of a majority of all the Members of the
If generation of revenue is the primary purpose and regulation
is merely incidental, the imposition is a tax; but if regulation is
Definition the primary purpose, the fact that revenue is incidentally raised
does not make the imposition a tax.
It is the power by which the State raises revenue to defray the
necessary expenses of the Government. It is the enforced
proportional contributions from persons and property, levied by
GDU 2021
Supremacy of national government over local government The guarantee extends to aliens and includes the means of
in matters of taxation livelihood [Villegas v. Hiu Chiong, G.R. No. L-29646 (1978)].
MIAA v. Court of Appeals
Due process only applies in judicial/quasi-judicial proceedings
When local governments invoke the power to tax on national
government instrumentalities, such power is construed strictly The functions of the NBI are merely investigatory and
against local governments. informational in nature. It has no judicial or quasi-judicial power
and is incapable of granting any relief to any party. Accordingly,
There is no reason for local governments to tax national one cannot claim that they were denied due process during an
government instrumentalities for rendering essential public NBI investigation [Shu v. Dee].
services to inhabitants of local governments. The only exception is
when the legislature clearly intended to tax government Prior notice and hearing, as elements of procedural due
instrumentalities for the delivery of essential public services for process, are only required in judicial or quasi-judicial
sound and compelling policy considerations . proceedings, not when the government agency is engaged in
There must be express language in the law empowering the performance of quasi-legislative or administrative functions
local governments to tax national government [Sanggunian v. Jadewell Parking].
instrumentalities. Any doubt whether such power exists is
Define the term life as used in Article III, Sec. 1.
resolved against local governments.
In Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo (2008), the right to
In this case, the airports, lands and buildings of MIAA are life is understood to include ―quality of life – which is
exempt from real estate tax for the following reasons: (1) MIAA entitlement to a life lived with assurance that government he
is not a GOCC but an instrumentality of National Government; established and consented to will protect the security of person
(2) the real properties of MIAA are owned by the Republic of means: (1) freedom from fear; (2) guarantee of bodily and
psychological integrity, and (3) guarantee of protection of one‘s
the Philippines, and, thus, exempt from local taxation.
rights by the government.

II. BILL OF RIGHTS Define the term liberty as used in Article III, Sec. 1.
Liberty is the right to exist and the right to be free from arbitrary
DUE PROCESS personal restraint or servitude. It includes the right of the citizen
to be free to use his faculties in all lawful ways.
CONST., Article III, Section 1. No person shall be deprived of
The term cannot be dwarfed into mere freedom from physical
life, liberty, or property without due process of law[.] restraint of the person of the citizen, but is deemed to embrace
the right of man to enjoy the faculties with which he has been
Due process furnishes a standard to which the governmental endowed by his Creator, subject only to such restraints as are
action should conform in order that deprivation of life, liberty or necessary for the common welfare.
property, in each appropriate case, be valid. It has been
identified as freedom from arbitrariness [Ermita-Malate Hotel Define the term property as used in Article III, Sec. 1.
and Motel Operators Association v. City of Manila]. Property has been commonly understood to include interests
therein which pertain to some form of benefit enjoyed by
Lack or deficiency in constitutional procedural due process owners. Thus, to have a “property interest” in a benefit, a
voids the decision made by the State. person or entity must clearly have a legitimate claim of
entitlement to it which is more than an abstract need, desire or
Lack or deficiency in statutory procedural due process (e.g. unilateral expectation [NTC v. Brancomm, 2019].
labor disputes) does NOT void the decision of the corporation
or company, if the dismissal is found to have been made with Mark Anthony V. Zabal v. Rodrigo R. Duterte, G.R. No.
just cause. It would only give rise to claims for nominal 238467, February 12, 2019 (Boracay closure)
damages. Concededly, "[a] profession, trade or calling is a property
right within the meaning of our constitutional guarantees.
Scope One cannot be deprived of the right to work and the
Universal in application to all persons without regard to any right to make a living because these rights are property
difference in race, color or nationality. Artificial persons are rights, the arbitrary and unwarranted deprivation of
covered by the protection but only insofar as their property is which normally constitutes an actionable wrong."
concerned [Smith Bell and Co. v. Natividad, G.R. No. 15574
(1919)]. Under this premise, petitioners claim that they were deprived of
due process when their right to work and earn a living was
taken away from them when Boracay was ordered
GDU 2021
closed as a tourist destination. It must be stressed, though, intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning and differ
that "when the conditions so demand as determined by the as to its application. It is repugnant to the Constitution in two (2)
legislature, property rights must bow to the primacy of respects: (1) it violates due process for failure to accord persons,
police power because property rights, though sheltered by especially the parties targeted by it, fair notice of the conduct to
due process, must yield to general welfare." Otherwise, avoid; and (2) it leaves law enforcers unbridled discretion in
police power as an attribute to promote the common good carrying out its provisions and becomes an arbitrary flexing of the
would be diluted considerably if on the mere plea of Government muscle [SPARK v. QC, 2018].
petitioners that they will suffer loss of earnings and capital,
government measures implemented pursuant to the said State the overbreadth doctrine.
state power would be stymied or invalidated. The overbreadth doctrine decrees that “a governmental
purpose to control or prevent activities constitutionally subject
In any case, petitioners, particularly Zabal and to state regulations may not be achieved by means which
Jacosalem, cannot be said to have already acquired sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the area of
vested rights to their sources of income in Boracay. As protected freedoms.” The overbreadth doctrine assumes that
heretofore mentioned, they are part of the informal sector of individuals will understand what a statute prohibits and will
the economy where earnings are not guaranteed. Certainly, accordingly refrain from that behavior, even though some of it
they do not possess any vested right on their sources of is protected. [Southern Hemisphere v. Anti-Terrorism Council
income, and under this context, their claim of lack of due (2010)] A law is overbroad when it “needlessly restricts even
process collapses. To stress, only rights which have constitutionally-protected rights” [Loida Nicolas-Lewis v.
completely and definitely accrued and settled are entitled Commission on Elections (2019)].
protection under the due process clause.
Distinguish an as-applied challenge from a facial challenge.
KINDS OF DUE PROCESS Distinguished from an as-applied challenge which considers
only extant facts affecting real litigants, a facial invalidation is
Substantive due process refers to the intrinsic validity of the an examination of the entire law, pinpointing its flaws and
law. The law should not interfere with the rights of the person to defects, not only on the basis of its actual operation to the
his life, liberty or property. parties, but also on the assumption or prediction that its very
existence may cause others not before the court to refrain from
Procedural due process consists of the basic rights of notice constitutionally protected speech or activities [Disini v.
and hearing, and the guarantee of being heard by an impartial Secretary of Justice (2014)].
and competent tribunal [Secretary of Justice v. Hon. Lantion
(2000)]. b. Procedural

Substantive Procedural GR: The minimum requirements of due process are notice
Nature and hearing.
It requires that the law must It refers to the method or
XPN: However, notice and hearing are not required in every
be fair, reasonable, just. manner by which a law is
case, for there are an admitted number of exceptions in view of
Essence the nature of the property involved or the urgency of the need
Fairness and justice Notice and hearing to protect the general welfare from a clear and present danger.
(opportunity to be heard)
Who should comply Instances when the need for expeditious action will justify
omission of these requisites, e.g. summary abatement of a
Lawmakers Adjudicating body/officer
nuisance per se like a mad dog on the loose, which may be
killed on sight because of the immediate danger it poses to the
a. Substantive safety and lives of the people. As such, filthy restaurants may
be summarily padlocked in the interest of the public health and
State the test applied to determine compliance with
bawdy houses to protect the public morals. [Ynot v. IAC, G.R.
substantive due process, in general.
In general, the test is whether the government (lawmakers) has No. 74457. March 20, 1987]
sufficient justification for depriving a person of life, liberty and
Publication of laws
property [White Light Corporation v. City of Manila (2009)].
Before a person may be bound by law, he must be officially
State the void for vagueness doctrine. and specifically informed of its contents. For the publication
A statute or act suffers from the defect of vagueness when it requirement, “laws” refer to all statutes, including those of local
lacks comprehensible standards that persons of common application and private laws. This does not cover internal
regulations issued by administrative agencies, which are
GDU 2021
governed by the Local Government Code. Publication must be Be that as it may, lack of preliminary investigation does not
full, or there is none at all [Tañada v. Tuvera, G.R. No. L-63915 invalidate an information. It is not even a ground for motion to
(1986)]. quash. The case need only be suspended for the conduct of a
preliminary investigation [Yusop v. Sandiganbayan].
i. Judicial Procedural Due Process
ii. Administrative Procedural Due Process
State the requirements of judicial due process.
The requirements of judicial due process are as follows: State the cardinal primary requirements of due process in
1. There must be an impartial court or tribunal clothed with administrative proceedings.
judicial power to hear and decide the matter before it; The cardinal primary requirements of due process in
administrative proceedings were enumerated in the case of
Hence, the judge who decided the case should not be the Ang Tibay v. CIR (1940). They are as follows:
same person to decide it on appeal because he or she 1. Right to a hearing to present own case and submit
cannot be considered an impartial judge [GSIS v. Court of evidence in support thereof.
Appeals]. 2. Tribunal must consider the evidence presented.
3. Decision rendered must have evidentiary support.
2. Jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired over the person of 4. Evidence which supports the finding or conclusion is
the defendant or over the property subject of the substantial (such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind
proceedings; accepts as adequate to support a conclusion).
5. The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented
3. The defendant must be given the opportunity to be heard; at the hearing, or at least contained in the record and
disclosed to the parties affected.
Notes: Not all cases require a trial type hearing (e.g. labor 6. The tribunal or any of its judges, must act on its or his own
cases where submission of position papers suffices). Right independent consideration of the law and facts of the
to be heard does not mean verbal arguments in court. One controversy, and not simply accept the views of a
may be heard through pleadings. subordinate in arriving at a decision.
7. The tribunal should, in all controversial questions, render
If lack of opportunity to be heard was occasioned by the its decision in such a manner that the parties to the
negligence of his or her own counsel, petitioner cannot proceeding can know the various issues involved, and the
invoke denial of due process. Negligence of the counsel reasons for the decision rendered.
binds him or her [Villaruel v. Fernando].
4. No decision shall be rendered by any court without • Filing of a Motion for Reconsideration in administrative
expressing therein clearly and distinctly the facts and the proceedings cures the lack of opportunity to be heard
law on which it is based. No petition for review or motion [Chua v. Court of Appeals]. The essence of due process in
for reconsideration of a decision of the court shall be administrative proceedings is opportunity to be heard or an
refused due course or denied without stating the legal opportunity to seek reconsideration of the action
basis therefor. complained of [Quintos v. COMELEC].
• Right of a party to cross-examine the witness against him
Appeal and due process even in a civil case is an indispensable part of due process
The SC has consistently reiterated that the right to appeal is [Ortigas v. Lufthansa]. But in administrative proceedings,
not a natural right nor part of due process; it is merely a technical rules of procedure are not strictly applied.
statutory privilege, and may be exercised only in the manner • Ang Tibay rules does not apply in preliminary
and in accordance with the provisions of law [Alba v. Nitorreda, investigations which are creations of statutory law merely
G.R. No. 120223 (1996)]. giving rise to statutory rights [Estrada v. Office of the
XPN: Criminal conviction for death (there is automatic review).
State the principle applicable in relation to procedural due
Preliminary investigation and due process process in labor related proceedings.
Right to preliminary investigation is merely a statutory right. Mariveles Shipyard Corporation v. CA (2003) enunciates that
That said, it is a substantive right and a component of due procedural due process in labor-related proceedings does not
process in the administration of criminal justice. Hence, to deny require a trial-type hearing, the same is satisfied when the
it to the petitioner would deprive him the full measure of his parties are given the opportunity to submit their position papers
right to due process. to which they are supposed to attach all the supporting
documents supporting their respective claims.
GDU 2021
Twin requirements which constitute the essential elements adjudged unconstitutional because of their effect in
of due process in labor cases operation…. If a law has the effect of denying the equal
The employer must furnish the employee with two written protection of the law it is unconstitutional.
notices before the termination of employment can be effected.
The first is to apprise the employee of the particular acts or 2. Requisites for valid classification
omissions for which his dismissal is sought; andThe second
informs the employee of the employer's decision to dismiss What is a classification in law?
him. A classification in law is one where the law distinguishes
certain groups of people through their characteristics within
EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE which such law applies. The requisites for a valid classification
in law are as follows:
1. It must rest on substantial distinctions which make for real
CONST., Article III, Section 1. No person shall be deprived of
2. It must be germane to the purpose of the law;
life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall
3. It must not be limited to existing conditions only;
any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. 4. It must apply equally to all members of the same class.

1. Concept What is an intentional or purposeful discrimination, in relation

to enforcement of a statute (and statutory classification)?
Equal protection of the laws mean that all persons or things
similarly situated should be treated alike, both as to rights Department of Public Works and Highways v. COA, G.R.
conferred and responsibilities imposed [Ichong v. Hernandez No. 237987, March 19, 2019
(1957)]. An erroneous performance of statutory duty - such as an
apparent selective enforcement of the statute - could not
Central Bank Employees Association v. Bangko Sentral ng be considered a violation of the equal protection clause
Pilipinas, G.R. No. 148208, December 15, 2014 unless the element of intentional or purposeful
The "equal protection" clause does not prevent the discrimination is shown. There is no violation of the equal
Legislature from establishing classes of individuals or protection of the laws in prosecuting only one of the many
objects upon which different rules shall operate - so long as equally guilty persons. This lone circumstance would not be
the classification is not unreasonable. sufficient to uphold the claim of denial of the equal
protection clause. Absent a clear showing of intentional
Equality of operation of statutes does not mean indiscriminate
discrimination, the prosecuting officers shall be presumed to
operation on persons merely as such, but on persons according
have regularly performed their official duties.
to the circumstances surrounding them. It
guarantees equality, not identity of rights. The Constitution The element of intentional or purposeful discrimination
does not require that things which are different in fact be may appear on the face of the action taken with respect to
treated in law as though they were the same. a particular class or person, or it may only be shown by
extrinsic evidence showing a discriminatory design over
The equal protection of the laws clause of the another not to be inferred from the action itself . But a
Constitution allows classification. All that is required of a discriminatory purpose is not presumed, there must be a
valid classification is that (1) it be reasonable, which means showing of "clear and intentional discrimination.”
that the classification should be based on substantial
distinctions which make for real differences, that (2) it must 3. Levels of scrutiny
be germane to the purpose of the law; that (3) it must not be
limited to existing conditions only; and that (4) it must In SPARK v. QC, as cited in Zomer v. Court of Appeals (2019)
apply equally to each member of the class. the three tests to determine reasonableness of classification
was summarized: (i) strict scrutiny applies when a
[C]ourts are not confined to the language of the statute under classification either interferes with the exercise of fundamental
challenge in determining whether that statute has any
rights, including basic liberties, or (ii) burdens suspect classes;
discriminatory effect. A statute nondiscriminatory on its face
(ii) intermediate scrutiny test applies when the classification
may be grossly discriminatory in its operation. [W]e see does not involve suspect classes or fundamental rights but
no difference between a law which denies equal protection requires heightened scrutiny, such as in classifications
and a law which permits of such denial. A law may appear involving gender and legitimacy; and (iii) rational basis test
to be fair on its face and impartial in appearance, yet, if it applies to all other subjects not covered by the first two tests.
permits of unjust and illegal discrimination, it is within the
constitutional prohibition. In other words, statutes may be
GDU 2021
[LEONEN CASE] Zomer Development Company, Inc. v. Rights involved: Economic, property, commercial legislation
Special Twentieth Division of the Court of Appeals, Cebu City which do not affect fundamental rights of suspect classes
and Union Bank of the Philippines, G.R. No. 194461, January
The STRICT SCRUTINY TEST applies when a classification Republic of the Philippines v. Manalo, G.R. No. 221029,
either April 24, 2018
i. interferes with the exercise of fundamental rights, "Fundamental rights" whose infringement leads to strict
including the basic liberties guaranteed under the scrutiny under the equal protection clause are those basic
Constitution, or liberties explicitly or implicitly guaranteed in the Constitution.
ii. burdens suspect classes. It includes the right to free speech, political expression,
press, assembly, and forth, the right to travel, and the right
A "suspect class" is defined as "a class saddled with such to vote.
disabilities, or subjected to such a history of purposeful
unequal treatment, or relegated to such a position of political On the other hand, what constitutes compelling state
powerlessness as to command extraordinary protection interest is measured by the scale rights and powers arrayed
from the majoritarian political process." in the Constitution and calibrated by history. It is akin to the
paramount interest of the state for which some individual
Note: Suspect classifications are not limited to classifications liberties must give way, such as the promotion of public
based on race, alienage or national origin but could also be interest, public safety or the general welfare. It essentially
applied to other criteria such as religion [Samahan ng mga involves a public right or interest that, because of its
Progresibong Kabataan v. Quezon City (2017)]. primacy, overrides individual rights, and allows the former to
take precedence over the latter.
Requisite for validity: (1) Compelling state interest; (2) It is
the least restrictive means to protect such interest Although the Family Code was not enacted by the
Congress, the same principle applies with respect to the
Rights involved: Fundamental rights (e.g. free speech, acts of the President which have the force and effect of law
exercise of religion, right to travel); also applies in suspect unless declared otherwise by the court. In this case, We find
classes. that Paragraph 2 of Article 26 violates one of the essential
requisites of the equal protection clause. Particularly, the
Burden of Proof: Government (heavy presumption of limitation of the provision only to a foreign divorce decree
unconstitutionality) initiated by the alien spouse is unreasonable as it is based
on superficial, arbitrary, and whimsical classification.
classification does not involve suspect classes or
fundamental rights, but requires heightened scrutiny, such
as in classifications based on gender and legitimacy.
CONST., Article III, Section 4. No law shall be passed abridging
Requisite for validity: (1) Substantial government interest; the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the
(2) Unavailability of less restrictive means right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the
government for redress of grievances.
Rights involved: Does not involve suspect classes or
fundamental rights, but requires heightened scrutiny, such [LEONEN CASE] Diocese of Bacolod v. Commission on
as in classifications based on gender and legitimacy Elections, G.R. No. 205728, January 21, 2015, July 5, 2016
No law. . .
Burden of Proof: Government While it is true that the present petition assails not a law but
an opinion by the COMELEC Law Department, this court
Lastly, the RATIONAL BASIS TEST applies to all other has applied Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution even to
subjects not covered by the first two tests. governmental acts.

"The rational basis test requires only that there be a . . . shall be passed abridging. . .
legitimate government interest and that there is a All regulations will have an impact directly or indirectly on
reasonable connection between it and the means employed expression. The prohibition against the abridgment of
to achieve it." speech should not mean an absolute prohibition against
regulation. The primary and incidental burden on speech
Requisite for validity: (1) Legitimate government interest; must be weighed against a compelling state interest clearly
(2) Purpose and means correspondence allowed in the Constitution.
GDU 2021
b. Purposes of free speech doctrines
. . . of expression. . .
This court has held free speech and expression and other [LEONEN] Diocese of Bacolod v. Commission on
intellectual freedoms as "highly ranked in our scheme of Elections, G.R. No. 205728
constitutional values." These rights enjoy precedence and 1. The right of the people to participate in public affairs
primacy. includes the right to criticize government actions.
Speech that promotes dialogue on public affairs, or airs out
grievances and political discontent, should thus be protected
a. Continuum of thought, speech, expression, and
and encouraged.
speech acts
2. Free speech should be encouraged under the concept
What is the purpose for including the term expression of a market place of ideas
within the coverage of Article III, Section 4? To paraphrase Justice Holmes, [the] freedom for the thought
The purpose of the inclusion of “expression” is to illustrate how that we hate, no less than for the thought that agrees with us."
broad the coverage of the right is; it extends to forms of
expression other than mere speech. It has been held that the 3. Free speech involves self-expression that enhances
freedom of expression is so broad that it protects nearly all human dignity
forms of communication. Speech, print and assembly The rights of free expression, free assembly and petition, are
regarding secular as well as political causes are protected; the not only civil rights but also political rights essential to man's
freedom is not confined to any particular field of human interest enjoyment of his life, to his happiness and to his full and
[Chavez v. Gonzales (2008)]. complete fulfillment.

[LEONEN CASE] Diocese of Bacolod v. Commission on 4. Expression is a marker for group identity
Elections, G.R. No. 205728, January 21, 2015, July 5, 2016 Free speech must be protected as the vehicle to find those who
Speech is not limited to vocal communication. have similar and shared values and ideals, to join together and
"[C]onduct is treated as a form of speech sometimes
forward common goals.
referred to as ‘symbolic speech[,]’"such that "‘when ‘speech’
and ‘nonspeech’ elements are combined in the same course 5. The Bill of Rights, free speech included, is supposed
of conduct,’ the ‘communicative element’ of the conduct may to "protect individuals and minorities against
be ‘sufficient to bring into play the [right to freedom of majoritarian abuses perpetrated through [the]
expression].’" framework [of democratic governance]
[I]t is of great importance in a republic not only to guard the
The right to freedom of expression, thus, applies to the
society against the oppression of its rulers, but to guard one
part of the society against the injustice of the other part."
made to conduct enacted, and even to inaction itself as
a symbolic manner of communication. 6. Free speech must be protected under the safety valve
Ebranilag v. Dvision Super Intendent: Freedom of speech
Free speech must be protected as a peaceful means of
includes the right to be silent. Aptly has it been said that
achieving one’s goal, considering the possibility that repression
the Bill of Rights that guarantees to the individual the liberty
of nonviolent dissent may spill over to violent means just to
to utter what is in his mind also guarantees to him the liberty
drive a point.
not to utter what is not in his mind. The salute is a symbolic
manner of communication that conveys its message as
2. Types of regulation
clearly as the written or spoken word. As a valid form of
expression, it cannot be compelled any more than it can be a. Prior restraint and subsequent punishment
prohibited in the face of valid religious objections like those
raised in this petition.
What are the aspects of press freedom?
The aspects of press freedom are freedom from censorship or
Note: In NUWHRAIN-APL-IUF Dusit Hotel Nikko Chapter v.
prior restraint, and freedom from subsequent punishment.
CA [G.R. No. 163942 (2008)], it was held that the labor union
members’ violation of the hotel’s grooming standards (they PRIOR RESTRAINT
shaved their heads) constitutes an illegal strike, which is not
protected by the right to freedom of expression (note na private
State the definition of prior restraint and give an example.
entity ang nagbawal sa employees magpakalbo; bill of rights
The concept of prior restraint refers to the censorship or
cannot be invoked against private entities).
restriction of the press and of expression by the government
even before publication or dissemination.
GDU 2021
• Prohibiting any person making use of the media from
Any law that requires the prior approval of the government in selling or giving print space or air time free of charge for
the exercise of free speech and/or expression is prohibited by campaign or other political purposes. Ratio: Police power
Art. III, Sec. 4 of the Constitution [Near v. Minnesota, 283 U.S. of the State to regulate media for the purpose of ensuring
697 (1931)]. equal opportunity, time, and space for political campaigns,
which COMELEC is authorized to carry out [National
Note: Not all prior restraint is invalid. But all prior restraint is Press Club v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 102653 (1992);
presumed invalid. Osmeña v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 132231 (1998)].
• The power of the MTRCB can be exercised only for
Examples of prior restraint: purposes of reasonable classification, NOT censorship
• Censorship: Censorship conditions the exercise of [NACHURA, citing Gonzalez v. Katigbak, G.R. No. L-
freedom of expression upon the prior approval of the 69500 (1985) and Ayer Prod. PTY. LTD. v. Judge
government. The censor serves therefore as the political, Capulong, G.R. No. 82380 (1988)].
moral, social and artistic arbiter for the people, usually
applying only their own subjective standards in Define viewpoint neutrality.
determining what is good and what is not. Viewpoint neutrality stands for the idea that when government
actions implicate the speech rights of groups and individuals,
Note: There need not be total suppression. Even those actions must be done in an evenhanded way. They may
restriction of circulation constitutes censorship [Grosjean not discriminate based on the message advocated.
v. American Press Co., Inc., 297 U.S. 233 (1936)].
[LEONEN CASE] Diocese of Bacolod v. Commission on
• Permits: A law is unconstitutional if it requires that before Elections
a magazine or newspaper may publish a certain piece, it In this case, the tarpaulin was NOT paid for by any candidate
must seek the approval of the government. To allow or political party. There was no allegation that petitioners
otherwise would abridge the freedom of speech and coordinated with any of the persons named in the tarpaulin
expression that are protected by the Constitution. regarding its posting. On the other hand, petitioners posted
the tarpaulin as part of their ADVOCACY against the RH
• Business closure Law.

WHEN UNCONSTITUTIONAL National Press Club involved the prohibition on the sale and
• COMELEC prohibition against radio commentators and donation of space and time for political advertisements,
newspaper columnists from commenting on the issues limiting political advertisements to COMELEC-designated
involved in a scheduled plebiscite [Sanidad v. COMELEC, space and time. This Court upheld the constitutionality of
G.R. No. 90878 (1990)] the COMELEC prohibition in National Press Club. However,
• Arbitrary closure of a radio station [Eastern Broadcasting this case does not apply as most of the petitioners [in
v. Dans, Jr., G.R. No. L- 59329 (1985)]; or even when National Press Club] were electoral candidates, unlike
there is legal justification, such as lack of mayor’s permit petitioners in this case.
[Newsounds Broadcasting Network v. Dy, supra].
• COMELEC resolution prohibiting the posting of decals and Moreover, the subject matter of National Press Club,
stickers in mobile units such as cars and other vehicles Section 11(b) of Republic Act No. 6646, only refers to a
[Adiong v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 103956 (1992)]. particular kind of media such as newspapers, radio
• Searching, padlocking, and sealing of the offices of broadcasting, or television. In the case at bar, petitioners
newspaper publishers by military authorities [Burgos v. lost their ability to give a COMMENTARY on the candidates
Chief of Staff, G.R. No. L-64261 (1984)]. for the 2013 national elections because of the COMELEC
• An announcement by a public official prohibiting the media notice and letter. It was not merely a regulation on the
from airing or broadcasting the Garci tapes under the pain campaigns of candidates vying for public office .
of revocation of licenses [Chavez v. Gonzales, 2008]
We distinguish between political and commercial speech .
• COMELEC prohibiting playing of campaign jingles in
Political speech refers to speech "both intended and received
mobile units during campaign [Mutuc v. COMELEC]
as a contribution to public deliberation about some issue,"
WHEN NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL "foster[ing] informed and civic minded deliberation." On the
other hand, commercial speech has been defined as speech
• Prohibition against pre-mature campaigning: Law which
prohibits, except during the prescribed election period, that does "no more than propose a commercial transaction."
The expression resulting from the content of the tarpaulin is,
making speeches, announcements, or commentaries for or
against the election of any candidate for office [Gonzales
v. COMELEC, G.R. No. L-27833 (1969)].
GDU 2021
While the tarpaulin may influence the success or failure of might be provoking the vengeance of the officials they criticized
the named candidates and political parties, this does not (chilling effect).
necessarily mean it is election propaganda. The tarpaulin
was not paid for or posted "in return for consideration" by Exceptions
any candidate, political party, or party-list group. It is clear
that the prohibition under the law excludes personal opinions [LEONEN CASE] Harry Roque v. AFP Chief of Staff, G.R.
(ONLY SPONSORED MESSAGES ARE COVERED ). No. 214986, February 15, 2017
General Rule: Trials are public.
This Court’s construction of the guarantee of freedom of Exception: Disbarment cases are confidential.
expression has always been wary of censorship or Disbarment proceedings are covered by what is known as
subsequent punishment that entails evaluation of the the confidentiality rule.
speaker’s viewpoint or the content of one’s speech. This is
especially true when the expression involved has Exception to the exception: PUBLIC INTEREST
POLITICAL consequences. The confidentiality in disciplinary actions for lawyers is NOT
absolute. It is not to be applied under any circumstance, to
Abstract guarantees of fundamental rights like freedom of all disclosures of any nature.
expression may become meaningless if not taken in a real
context. This tendency to tackle rights in the abstract As a general principle, speech on matters of public interest
compromises liberties. should not be restricted. Accordingly, matters of public
interest should not be censured for the sake of an
unreasonably strict application of the confidentiality rule.
So basically, if may advocacy aspect (political speech), gov’t
CANNOT REGULATE. But if the expression is made for The confidentiality rule requires only that "proceedings
purposes of ENDORSEMENT ONLY, regulation is permissible. against attorneys" be kept private and confidential. It is
the proceedings against attorneys that must be kept private
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS and confidential. This would necessarily prohibit the
Re: Prior Restraint/Censorship distribution of actual disbarment complaints to the press
GMA Network, Inc. v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. (as in Fortun v. Quinsayas) . However, the rule does not
205357, September 2, 2014 extend so far that it covers the mere existence or pendency
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION of disciplinary actions.
A restriction on the amount of money a person or group can
spend on political communication during a campaign Some cases are more public than others, because of the
necessarily reduces the quantity of expression by restricting subject matter, or the personalities involved. A lawyer (Harry
the number of issues discussed, the depth of their Roque) who regularly seeks attention and readily
exploration, and the size of the audience reached. This is welcomes, if not invites, media coverage, cannot expect to
because virtually every means of communicating ideas in be totally sheltered from public interest, himself. LOL.
today's mass society requires the expenditure of money .
This Court will not freely infringe on the constitutional right
Thus, expenditure limitations represent substantial, rather
than merely theoretical restraints on the quantity and to freedom of expression. It may interfere, on occasion, for
diversity of political speech. the proper administration of justice . However, the power of
contempt should be balanced with the right to freedom of
The assailed rule on "aggregate-based" airtime limits is expression, especially when it may have the effect of
unreasonable and arbitrary as it unduly restricts and stifling comment on public matters . Freedom of expression
constrains the ability of candidates and political parties to must always be protected to the fullest extent possible.
reach out and communicate with the people. Here, the
adverted reason for imposing the "aggregate-based" airtime b. Content based and content neutral
limits - leveling the playing field - does not constitute
a compelling state interest which would justify such a CONTENT-BASED CONTENT-NEUTRAL
substantial restriction on the freedom of candidates and Object of restraint
political parties to communicate their ideas, The content: The message Incidents of speech: the
philosophies, platforms and programs of government. or idea of the expression. time, manner, place of the
expression in public places,
Freedom of speech includes freedom after speech. Without this a. Clear and present danger O’Brien Test
assurance, citizens would hesitate to speak for fear that they test: There must be a clear
GDU 2021
and present danger of a Only a substantial Under this rule, "the evil consequences sought to be
substantive evil that the governmental interest is prevented must be substantive, ‘extremely serious and the
State has a right to prevent required for its validity. degree of imminence extremely high.’"
[Reyes v. Bagatsing, supra]. Intermediate approach:
Here. there is no compelling and substantial state interest
b. Balancing of interests Somewhere between the endangered by the posting of the tarpaulins to justify
mere rationality that is curtailment of the right of freedom of expression. There is no
c. Dangerous Tendency required of any other law reason for the state to minimize the right of non-candidate
and the compelling interest petitioners to post the tarpaulin in their private property. The
d. Direct Incitement standard applied to content- size of the tarpaulin does not affect anyone else’s
based restrictions [Chavez v. constitutional rights.
When does content-based analysis apply? Content-based restraint or censorship refers to restrictions
Content-based restraint or censorship refers to restrictions "based on the subject matter of the utterance or speech." In
based on the subject matter of the utterance or speech . A contrast, content-neutral regulation includes controls
content-based regulation bears a heavy presumption of merely on the incidents of the speech such as time, place,
invalidity and is measured against the clear and present or manner of the speech.
danger rule.
"When the speech restraints take the form of a content-
The latter will pass constitutional muster only if justified by a neutral regulation, only a substantial governmental interest
compelling reason, and the restrictions imposed are neither is required for its validity," and it is subject only to the
overbroad nor vague. Under this rule, "the evil consequences intermediate approach. Here, even if we apply the test for
sought to be prevented must be substantive, extremely serious content-neutral regulation, the questioned acts of
and the degree of imminence extremely high [Diocese of COMELEC will not pass the three requirements for
Bacolod vs Comelec (2015)]. evaluating such restraints on freedom of speech.

When does content-neutral analysis apply? What are the Intermediate Approach (O’Brien test)
requirements under the O’Brien test? A content-neutral government regulation is sufficiently
Content-neutral analysis applies to regulations that are merely justified:
concerned with the incidents of the speech , or one that merely 1. If it is within the constitutional power of the
controls the time, place or manner, and under well-defined Government;
standards. 2. If it furthers an important or substantial governmental
When the speech restraints take the form of a content-neutral 3. If if the governmental interest is unrelated to the
regulation, only a substantial governmental interest is required suppression of free expression; and
for its validity. Because regulations of this type are not 4. If the incident restriction on alleged [freedom of speech
designed to suppress any particular message, they are not & expression] is no greater than is essential to the
subject to the strictest form of judicial scrutiny but an furtherance of that interest.
intermediate approach—somewhere between the mere
rationality that is required of any other law and the compelling On the first requisite, it is not within the constitutional
interest standard applied to content-based restrictions [Chavez powers of the COMELEC to regulate the tarpaulin. As
v. Gonzales (2008)]. discussed earlier, this is protected speech by petitioners
who are non-candidates.
[LEONEN CASE] Diocese of Bacolod v. Commission on
Elections, G.R. No. 205728, January 21, 2015, July 5, 2016 On the second requirement, not only must the governmental
Size limitations during elections hit at a core part of interest be important or substantial, it must also be
expression. The content of the tarpaulin is not easily compelling as to justify the restrictions made.
divorced from the size of its medium.
Compelling governmental interest would include
CONTENT-BASED REGULATION constitutionally declared principles. We have held, for
Content-based regulation bears a heavy presumption of example, that "the welfare of children and the State’s
invalidity, and this court has used the clear and present mandate to protect and care for them, as parens patriae,
danger rule as measure. It will pass constitutional muster constitute a substantial and compelling government interest
only if justified by a compelling state interest, AND the in regulating . . . utterances in TV broadcast."
restrictions imposed are neither overbroad nor vague .
GDU 2021
In any case, faced with both rights to freedom of speech Direct Incitement Test
and equality, a prudent course would be to "try to resolve Political discussion even among those opposed to the present
the tension in a way that protects the right of participation. administration is within the protective clause of freedom of
speech and expression. The same cannot be construed as
Speech with political consequences, as in this case, subversive activities per se or as evidence of membership in a
should be encouraged and not curtailed. As petitioners subversive organization [Salonga v. Cruz Paño, G.R. No. L-
pointed out, the size limitation will not serve the objective of 59524 (1985)].
minimizing election spending considering there is no limit on
the number of tarpaulins that may be posted d. Specificity of regulation and overbreadth doctrine

The third requisite is likewise lacking. The size regulation is What is a facial challenge and is it permissible in Article III,
not unrelated to the suppression of speech. Limiting the Section 4 cases?
maximum size of the tarpaulin would render ineffective
petitioners’ message and violate their right to exercise General Rule: As-applied challenge
freedom of expression. A party can question the validity of a statute only if, as applied
to him, it is unconstitutional. [Southern Hemisphere v. Anti-
SIZE MATTERS! Terrorism Council, G.R. No. 178552 (2010)].
The form of expression is just as important as the
information conveyed that it forms part of the expression. Exception: Facial challenge
A facial challenge is allowed to be made to a vague statute and
First, it enhances efficiency in communication. A larger to one which is overbroad because of possible 'chilling effect'
tarpaulin allows larger fonts which make it easier to view its upon speech protected under Art. III, Sec. 4 of the Constitution.
messages from greater distances.

Second, the size of the tarpaulin may underscore the Exception to the exception: Facial challenges do NOT
importance of the message to the reader. From an apply to criminal statutes
ordinary person’s perspective, those who post their A facial challenge generally does not apply to penal statutes.
messages in larger fonts care more about their message Criminal statutes have general in terrorem effect resulting from
than those who carry their messages in smaller media. their very existence, and, if facial challenge is allowed for this
reason alone, the State may well be prevented from enacting
Third, larger spaces allow for more messages. Larger laws against socially harmful conduct. In the area of criminal
spaces, therefore, may translate to more opportunities to law, the law cannot take chances as in the area of free speech
amplify, explain, and argue points which the speakers might [Romualdez v. Sandiganbayan (2004)].
want to communicate.
Exception to the exception to the exception (lol): The
These points become more salient when it is the electorate, criminal statute restricts free speech.
not the candidates or the political parties, that speaks. When a penal statute encroaches upon the freedom of speech,
a facial challenge grounded on the void-for-vagueness doctrine
Large tarpaulins, therefore, are NOT analogous to time and is acceptable. As Justice Antonio T. Carpio explained in his
place. They are fundamentally part of expression protected dissent in Romualdez v. Commission on Elections, "we must
under Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution. Hence, such view these statements of the Court on the inapplicability of the
regulation on the size of tarpaulins (carrying a political overbreadth and vagueness doctrines to penal statutes as
message) is deemed CONTENT-BASED. appropriate only insofar as these doctrines are used to mount
‘facial’ challenges to penal statutes not involving free speech."
THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE!!! [Disini v. Secretary of Justice, 2014]

c. Incitement and advocacy Loida Nicolas-Lewis v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.

223705, August 14, 2019
Distinguish between incitement and advocacy. A facial challenge of a law or statute encroaching upon the
The constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not freedom of speech on the ground of overbreadth or
permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or vagueness is acceptable in our jurisdiction.
of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting
or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or Under the overbreadth doctrine, a proper governmental
produce such action [Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)]. purpose, constitutionally subject to state regulation, may not
be achieved by means that unnecessarily sweep its subject
broadly, thereby invading the area of protected freedoms.
GDU 2021
Put differently, an overbroad law or statute needlessly time, place, and manner.
restricts even constitutionally-protected rights.
Any regulation of speech in the context of electoral
On the other hand, a law or statute suffers from vagueness campaigns made by persons who are NOT candidates or
when it lacks comprehensible standards that persons of who do NOT speak as members of a political party which
common intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning are, taken as a whole, principally ADVOCACIES of a social
and differ as to its application. issue that the public must consider during elections is
UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Such regulation is inconsistent with
It is noteworthy, however, that facial invalidation of laws is the guarantee of according the fullest possible range of
generally disfavored as it results to entirely striking down opinions coming from the electorate including those that can
the challenged law or statute on the ground that they may catalyze candid, uninhibited, and robust debate in the
be applied to parties not before the Court whose activities criteria for the choice of a candidate.
are constitutionally protected. It disregards the case and
controversy requirement of the Constitution in judicial BUT!!!!!!!!!! Regulation of election paraphernalia will
review, and permits decisions to be made without concrete STILL be constitutionally valid if it reaches into speech
factual settings and in sterile abstract contexts , deviating, of persons who are not candidates or who do not speak
thus, from the traditional rules governing constitutional as members of a political party if they are not
adjudication. Hence, an on-its-face invalidation of the law candidates, only if what is regulated is declarative
has consistently been considered as a "manifestly strong speech that, taken as a whole, has for its principal
medicine" to be used "sparingly and only as a last resort." object the ENDORSEMENT of a candidate ONLY.

The allowance of a review of a law or statute on its face in To be constitutionally valid, the [content-neutral] regulation:
free speech cases is justified, however, by the aim to avert 1. Should be provided by law,
the "chilling effect" on protected speech, the exercise of 2. Reasonable,
which should not at all times be abridged. 3. Narrowly tailored to meet the objective of
enhancing the opportunity of all candidates to be
e. Speech regulation in relation to election heard and considering the primacy of the guarantee
of free expression, and
With respect to speech in the context of elections, the 4. Demonstrably the least restrictive means to achieve
regulation must only be with respect to the time, place, and that object.
manner of the rendition of the message . In no situation may
the speech be prohibited or censored on the basis of its The regulation must only be with respect to the time,
content. For this purpose, it will not matter whether the speech place, and manner of the rendition of the message. In no
is made with or on private property. situation may the speech be prohibited or censored on the
basis of its content. For this purpose, it will not matter
[LEONEN CASE] Diocese of Bacolod v. Commission on whether the speech is made with or on private property.
Elections, G.R. No. 205728, January 21, 2015, July 5, 2016
The regulation must only be with respect to the time, place, This is not the situation, however, in this case for two
and manner of the rendition of the message . In no situation reasons. As discussed, the principal message in the twin
may the speech be prohibited or censored on the basis of its tarpaulins of petitioners consists of a SOCIAL ADVOCACY.
f. Speech regulation in relation to media
General Rule: NO regulation! Viewpoint neutrality
The traditional view has been to tolerate the viewpoint of the CONST., Article XVI, Section 11. (1) xxx The advertising
speaker and the content of his or her expression. This view, industry is impressed with public interest, and shall be
thus, restricts laws or regulation that allows public officials to regulated by law for the protection of consumers and the
make judgments of the value of such viewpoint or message promotion of the general welfare. xxx
content. This should still be the principal approach.
Four Aspects of Freedom of the Press
Exception: Pwede content-neutral sometimes
1. Freedom from prior restraint;
However, the requirements of the Constitution regarding 2. Freedom from punishment subsequent to publication;
equality in opportunity must provide limits to some 3. Freedom of access to information; and
expression during electoral campaigns. Thus clearly,
4. Freedom of circulation [Chavez v. Gonzales, 2008]
regulation of speech in the context of electoral campaigns
made by CANDIDATES or the members of their political
parties or their POLITICAL PARTIES may be regulated as to
GDU 2021
Freedom of the press =/= freedom of broadcast media the utterance questioned) and present (not only probable but
Freedom of broadcast media is lesser than that of the press imminent, immediate and likely inevitable) but also traceable to
because of its pervasive presence in the lives of people and the ideas expressed [Chavez v. Gonzales (2008), citing
because of their accessibility to children. Cabansag v. Fernandez (1957) and Gonzales v. COMELEC
While all forms of communication are entitled to the broad
protection of freedom of expression clause, the freedom of film, Note: This test has been adopted by SC and is the test most
television, and radio broadcasting is somewhat lesser than the applied to cases re: freedom of expression.
freedom accorded to newspapers and other print media
[Chavez v. Gonzales]. State the dangerous tendency test.
Under this test, the question is whether the words will create a
But all forms of media, whether print or broadcast, are entitled dangerous tendency that the state has a right to prevent. It
to the broad protection of the freedom of expression clause. looks at the probability that a substantive evil will result, and it
The test for limitations on freedom of expression continues to is not necessary that some definite or immediate acts of force,
be the clear and present danger test [Eastern Broadcasting v. violence or unlawfulness be advocated [Cabansag v
Dans, Jr.]. Fernandez (1957)].

[LEONEN] Re: News report of Mr. Jomar Canlas (LOL) in State the balancing of interest test as it applies to cases
the Manila Times issue of 8 March 2016, A.M. No. 16-03- involving Article III, Section 4.
10-SC, October 15, 2019 The balancing of interest test is employed when a particular
The freedom of speech and of the press is not absolute. conduct is regulated in the interest of public order, and the
regulation results in an indirect, conditional and partial
Zaldivar v. Sandiganbayan: [F]reedom of speech and of abridgment of speech. The courts determine which of the
expression, like all constitutional freedoms, is not absolute conflicting social values and individual interests (not including
and that freedom of expression needs on occasion to be national security crimes) demand greater protection [Chavez
adjusted to and accommodated with the requirements of vs. Gonzales (2018)].
equally important public interest. One of these fundamental
public interests is the maintenance of the integrity and Loida Nicolas-Lewis v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
orderly functioning of the administration of justice. 223705, August 14, 2019
Restraints on freedom of expression are also evaluated by
In Re: Emil Jurado: [F]alse reports about a public official or either or a combination of the following theoretical tests, to
other person are not shielded from sanction by the cardinal wit: (a) the dangerous tendency doctrine, which were used
right to free speech enshrined in the Constitution . Even the in early Philippine case laws; (b) the clear and present
most liberal view of free speech has never countenanced danger rule, which was generally adhered to in more recent
the publication of falsehoods, specially the persistent and cases; and (c) the balancing of interests test, which was
unmitigated dissemination of patent lies. also recognized in our jurisprudence.

The Court is not immune from criticisms, and it is the duty of IF CONTENT-BASED
the press to expose all government agencies and officials On the other hand, a governmental action that restricts
and to hold them responsible for their actions. However, the freedom of speech or of the press based on content is
press cannot just throw accusations without verifying the given the strictest scrutiny in light of its inherent and
truthfulness of their reports. The perfunctory apology of invasive impact. Only when the challenged act has
Canlas does not detract from the fact that the article, directly overcome the clear and present danger rule will it pass
or indirectly, tends to impede, obstruct, or degrade the constitutional muster, with the government having the
administration of justice. burden of overcoming the presumed unconstitutionality.

3. Judicial analysis, presumptions and levels and When the speech restraints take the form of a content-
types of scrutiny neutral regulation, only a substantial governmental
interest is required for its validity.
State the clear and present danger test.
The clear and present danger test states that speech may be The intermediate approach (O’Brien Test) has been
restrained in instances where there is substantial danger that formulated in this manner: “A governmental regulation is
such will likely lead to an evil the government has a right to sufficiently justified if it is within the constitutional power of
prevent. The danger created must not only be clear (a the Government; if it furthers an important or substantial
connection with the danger of the substantive evil arising from governmental interest; if the governmental interest is
GDU 2021
unrelated to the suppression of free expression; and if In Chavez v. Gonzales, the Court seemed to have likened hate
the incident restriction on alleged [freedom of speech & speech to profane language, to wit: “[S]ince profane language
expression] is no greater than is essential to the or ‘hate speech’ against a religious minority is not subject to
furtherance of that interest.” subsequent punishment in this jurisdiction, such expression
cannot be subject to prior restraint.”
A CONTENT-NEUTRAL REGULATION Nevertheless, it is arguable that “hate speech” is not
The restraint, however, partakes of a content-neutral protected speech. In Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC, the
regulation as it merely involves a regulation of the Court recognized that [t]he right to freedom of expression is not
incidents of the expression, specifically the time and place absolute [and that] some forms of speech are still subject to
to exercise the same. It does not, in any manner, affect or some restrictions.
target the actual content of the message.
See: ICCPR, Article 20, which mandates State Parties to prohibit
APPLYING O’BRIEN TEST by law “[a]ny advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that
Being a content-neutral regulation, we, therefore, measure the constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence. The
same against the intermediate test, viz.: (1) the regulation is Philippines ratified the ICCPR on 23 October 1986.
within the constitutional power of the government; (2) it furthers
an important or substantial governmental interest; b. Defamation and libel
(3) such governmental interest is unrelated to the
suppression of the free expression; and (4) the incidental Libel is not constitutionally protected speech. The government
restriction on the alleged freedom of expression is no has an obligation to protect individuals from defamation [Disini
greater than what is essential to the furtherance of the v. Sec. of Justice, G.R. No. 203335 (2014)].
governmental interest.
False reports against public officers are not shielded from
Here, there is a failure to meet the fourth requirement. In sanction by the right to free speech. Free speech has never
the judicial review of laws or statutes, especially those that countenanced the publication of falsehoods, especially the
impose a restriction on the exercise of protected expression, persistent and unmitigated dissemination of patent lies [In Re:
it is important that we look not only at the legislative intent or Jurado].
motive in imposing the restriction, but more so at the effects
of such restriction when implemented. The restriction must GR: Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious
not be broad and should only be narrowly-tailored to [Alonzo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 110088, February 1,
achieve the purpose. It must be demonstrable. It must 1995].
allow alternative avenues for the actor to make speech . XPNs: This presumption of malice does not exist in the
following instances:
In this case, the challenged provision's sweeping and absolute 1. A private communication made by any person to another
prohibition against all forms of expression considered as in the performance of any legal, moral or social duty ; and
partisan political activities without any qualification is more than 2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any
what is essential to the furtherance of the contemplated comments or remarks, of any judicial, legislative or other
governmental interest. On its face, the challenged law provides official proceedings which are not of a confidential nature,
for an absolute and substantial suppression of speech as it or of any statement, report or speech delivered in said
leaves no ample alternative means for one to freely exercise proceedings, or of any act performed by public officers in
his or her fundamental right to participate in partisan political the exercise of their functions [Art. 353, Revised Penal
activities. Code]

J. Leonen: I concur in the result. Nonetheless, I maintain that Group Libel

the provisions in question should be stricken down as they are Where the defamation is alleged to have been directed at a
forms of prior restraint and content-based illicit prohibition on group or class, it is essential that the statement must be so
the exercise of the primordial right to freedom of expression. sweeping or all-embracing as to apply to every individual in
that group or class, or sufficiently specific so that each
4. Special topics in free expression cases individual in the class or group can prove that the defamatory
statement specifically pointed to him, so that he can bring the
a. Hate speech action separately, if need be [Newsweek Inc. v. IAC, G.R. No.
L-63559 (1986)].
Note: This concept is not defined in domestic law.
As the size of these groups increases, the chances for members of
such groups to recover damages for tortious libel become
GDU 2021
elusive. This principle is said to embrace two important public prosecution for the sale or exposure of obscene materials
policies: unless these materials depict or describe patently
1. Where the group referred to is large, the courts presume offensive hardcore sexual conduct.
that no reasonable reader would take the statements as so
literally applying to each individual member; and What remains clear is that obscenity is an issue proper for
2. The limitation on liability would satisfactorily safeguard judicial determination and should be treated on a case-to-case
freedom of speech and expression, as well as of the press, basis, and on the judge’s sound discretion [Fernando v. Court
effecting a sound compromise between the conflicting of Appeals, G.R. No. 159751, December 6, 2006].
fundamental interests involved in libel cases [MVRS v.
Islamic Da’wah Council of the Philippines, G.R. No. A dance portraying the life of a widow who lost her husband
135306 (2003)]. cannot be considered protected speech if the audience, about
a hundred customers, was howling and shouting, “sige muna,
c. Sedition and speech and relation to rebellion sige nakakalibog” (go ahead, go ahead, it is erotic), during the
performance [People v. Aparici].
Freedom of Expression and National Security
When a fictitious suicide photo and letter were published in e. Commercial speech
newspapers of general circulation expressing disappointment
in the Roxas administration and instructing a fictitious wife to What are considered commercial speech and are these
teach their children to burn photos of the President, the SC protected under Article III. Section 4?
held that such act constitutes inciting to sedition. Inciting to Commercial speech is defined as “speech that proposes an
sedition is an act that suggests or incites rebellious economic transaction” and it is not accorded the same level of
conspiracies or riots and tends to turn the people against the protection as those guaranteed under Art. III, Sec. 4 of the
constituted authorities, or to provoke violence from opposition Constitution. This definition was provided by Chief Justice
groups who may seek to silence the writer, which is the sum Puno in his concurring and separate opinion in Pharmaceutical
and substance of the offense under consideration [Espuelas v. and Healthcare Association v Duque (2007).
People, G.R. No. L-2990 (1951)].
In Dioces v. Bacolod v. COMELEC, the Court defined
Heckler’s Veto commercial speech as one that does "no more than propose a
Heckler’s veto is an attempt to limit unpopular speech. This commercial transaction." In contrast, political speech is one
occurs when an acting party’s right to freedom of speech is both intended and received as a contribution to public
curtailed or restricted by the government in order to prevent a deliberation about some political issue. Commercial speech is
reacting party’s behavior. entitled to less protection than political speech.

Under the free speech clause, the government may not silence Test for evaluating the constitutionality of commercial
speech based on the reaction (or anticipated reaction) of a speech regulations:
hostile audience, unless there is a clear and present danger of 1. Speech must concern lawful activity and must not be
false, misleading, or proposing an illegal activity ;
grave and imminent harm, which is not easy to prove.
2. Government interest sought to be served by regulation
d. Obscenity/pornography must be substantial;
3. The regulation must advance government interest; and
Obscenity is an issue proper for judicial determination and 4. The regulation must not be overbroad
should be treated on a case to case basis and on the judge’s
f. National emergencies
sound discretion

These are the various tests of obscenity: David v. Macapagal-Arroyo

Re: Freedom of Speech and Assembly
Miller Test in Miller v. California (1973): The holding of meetings for peaceable political action cannot
A work is obscene if: be proscribed. If the persons assembling have committed
1. the average person, applying contemporary community crimes elsewhere, if they have formed or are engaged in a
standards would find that the work, taken as a whole, conspiracy against the public peace and order, they may be
appeals to prurient interest; prosecuted for their conspiracy or other violations of valid laws.
2. the work depicts or describes in a patently offensive way, But it is a different matter when the State, instead of
sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state prosecuting them for such offenses, seizes upon mere
law; and participation in a peaceable assembly and a lawful public
3. the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious, literary, artistic, discussion as the basis for a criminal charge.
political, or scientific value. No one will be subject to
GDU 2021

Re: Freedom of the Press Absent any clear and present danger of a substantive evil that
Closure of media establishments is in the nature of previous the State has a right to prevent, the right to peaceable
restraint or censorship abhorrent to the freedom of the press assembly in public places like streets and parks cannot be
guaranteed under the fundamental law, and constitutes a virtual denied [Reyes v. Bagatsing].
denial of petitioners' freedom to express themselves in print.
City or town mayors are not conferred the power to refuse to
It is well to remember that military power is a means to an end grant the permit, but only the discretion in issuing the permit to
and substantive civil rights are ends in themselves . How to determine or specify the streets or public places where the
give the military the power it needs to protect the Republic parade may pass or the meeting may be held [Primicias v.
without unnecessarily trampling individual rights is one of the Fugoso, (1948)].
eternal balancing tasks of a democratic state. During
emergency, governmental action may vary in breadth and Government employees
intensity from normal times, yet they should not be arbitrary Employees in the public service may not engage in strikes or in
as to unduly restrain our people’s liberty. concerted and unauthorized stoppage of work [GSIS v.
Kapisanan ng mga Manggagagawa sa GSIS (2006)].
g. Speech of public officers
The suspension of public school teachers who staged a strike is
Parliamentary immunity guarantees the members of valid. The teachers are not being penalized for their exercise of the
Congress the freedom of expression without fear of being held right to peaceful assembly, but because of their successive,
responsible in criminal or civil actions before courts or fora unauthorized, and unilateral absences which produced adverse
outside of Congress, but this does not protect them from being effects on their students [Balingasan v. Court of Appeals].
held responsible by the legislative body. The members may
Student rallies and demonstrations
nevertheless be questioned in Congress itself.
Students do not shed their constitutional rights to free speech
For unparliamentary conduct, members of the Congress have and assembly at the school gate. While the Court upholds the
been or could be censured, committed to prison, or even academic freedom of educational institutions, it must be
expelled by the votes of their colleagues [Osmeña v. Pendatun, underscored that this right cannot be utilized to discriminate
G.R. No. L-17144 (1960)]. against those who exercise their constitutional rights to
peaceful assembly and free speech [Non v. Dames].
A libelous letter of a congressman, published in a newspaper,
does not fall under “speech or debate” protected by the
Constitution. Speech or debate refers to speeches, statements, Define maximum tolerance.
or votes made within Congress while it is in session, or duly Maximum tolerance is the highest degree of restraint that the
authorized actions of congressmen in the discharge of their military, police and other peace keeping authorities shall
duties [Jimenez v. Cabangbang, G.R. No. L-15905 (1966)]. observe during a public assembly or in the dispersal of the
same [Sec. 3 (c) of Batas Pambansa Blg. 880].
5. Cognate rights
As a necessary consequence and a part of maximum tolerance,
a. Freedom of assembly rallyists who are able to show the police an application duly filed on
a given date can, after two (2) days from said date, rally in
CONST., Article III, Section 4. No law shall be passed abridging accordance with their application without the need to show a
the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the permit, the grant of the permit being then presumed under the law.
right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the It will be the burden of the authorities to show that there has been
a denial of the application, in which case the rally may be
government for redress of grievances.
peacefully dispersed following the procedure of maximum
tolerance provided by the law [Bayan v. Ermita].
State the scope of freedom of assembly.
The right to peacefully assemble is one of the fundamental
J.B.L. Reyes v. Bagatsing, G.R. No. L-65366 November 9, 1983
rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Freedom of assembly
The applicants for a permit to hold an assembly should inform
connotes the right people to meet peaceably for consultation
the licensing authority of the date, the public place where and
and discussion of matters of public concern. Absent any clear
the time when it will take place. If it were a private place, only
and present danger of a substantive evil that the State has a
the consent of the owner or the one entitled to its legal
right to prevent, the right to peaceable assembly in public
possession is required. Such application should be filed well
places like streets and parks cannot be denied [Reyes v.
ahead in time to enable the public official concerned to
Bagatsing, (1983)].
appraise whether there may be valid objections to the grant of
GDU 2021
the permit or to its grant but at another public place. It is an to advocate public or private viewpoints [Boy Scouts of
indispensable condition to such refusal or modification that America v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640 (2000)].
the clear and present danger test be the standard for the
decision reached. If he is of the view that there is such an Government employees
imminent and grave danger of a substantive evil, the applicants CONST., Article IX-B, Section 2. (5) The right to self-
must be heard on the matter. Thereafter, his decision, whether
organization shall not be denied to government employees.
favorable or adverse, must be transmitted to them at the
earliest opportunity. Thus, if so minded, then, can have Government employees’ right to association and the right to
recourse to the proper judicial authority. unionize do not include the right to conduct strikes, walkouts,
and other temporary work stoppages [SSS Employees
Note: B.P. 880 basically codified the ruling in Reyes v.
Association v. CA, G.R. No. 85279 (1989); Manila Public
Bagatsing [Bayan v. Ermita].
School Teachers Assoc. v. Laguio Jr., G.R. No. 95445 (1991)].
b. Freedom of association
Davao City Water District v. Aranjuez, G.R. No. 194192,
June 16, 2015
CONST., Article III, Section 8. The right of the people, including In GSIS v. Villaviza (GSIS case), it was ruled that the acts of
those employed in the public and private sectors, to form GSIS employees wearing similarly colored shirts while
unions, associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to attending a public hearing inside the GSIS Office, with
law shall not be abridged. clenching of fists and orating against the then President
Winston Garcia, were not constitutive of a prohibited activity
How should the limitation “for purposes not contrary to but were only an exercise of their constitutional freedom of
law” be interpreted? expression. In the GSIS case, CSC found that the acts of
Unless an association or society could be shown to create an respondents in going to the GSIS-IU office wearing red
imminent danger to public safety, there is no justification for shirts to witness a public hearing do not amount to a
abridging the right to form associations. concerted activity or mass action proscribed above.

The government must comply with the heavy burden of Not all collective activity or mass undertaking of government
showing that the organization in fact presents a clear and employees is prohibited. Otherwise, we would be totally
present danger of substantive evil which the State has the right depriving our brothers and sisters in the government service
to protect [BERNAS]. of their constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Every group has a right to join the democratic process, REQUIREMENT OF REGISTRATION; WHEN VALID
association itself being an act of expression of the member’s [LEONEN CASE] Quezon City PTCA Federation, Inc. v.
belief, even if the group offends the sensibilities of the majority. Department of Education, G.R. No. 188720, February 23, 2016
Any restriction to such requires a compelling state interest to In Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions v. Secretary of
be proven by the State [Ang Ladlad LGBT Party v. COMELEC, Labor: The registration is not a limitation to the right of
G.R. No. 190582 (2010)]. assembly or association, which may be exercised with or
without said registration . The latter is merely a condition sine
A political group should not be hindered solely because it qua non for the acquisition of legal personality by labor
seeks to publicly debate controversial political issues in order organizations, associations or unions and the possession of
to find solutions capable of satisfying everyone concerned. the "rights and privileges granted by law to legitimate labor
Only if a political party incites violence or puts forward policies organizations." The Constitution does not guarantee these
that are incompatible with democracy does it fall outside the rights and privileges, much less said personality, which are
protection of the freedom of association guarantee [Ang Ladlad mere statutory creations, for the possession and exercise of
LGBT Party v. COMELEC, supra]. which registration is required to protect both labor and the
public against abuses, fraud, or impostors who pose as
Freedom not to associate organizers, although not truly accredited agents of the union
Freedom of association presupposes freedom not to associate they purport to represent. Such requirement is a valid exercise
[Roberts v. United States Jaycees]. of the POLICE POWER, because the activities in which labor
organizations, associations and union of workers are engaged
Government actions that unconstitutionally burden that right may affect public interest, which should be protected. Furthermore,
take many forms, one of which is intrusion into a group’s internal the obligation to submit financial statements, as a condition for
affairs by forcing it to accept a member it does not desire. Such the non-cancellation of a certificate of registration, is a
forced membership is unconstitutional if the person’s presence reasonable regulation for the benefit of the members of the
affects in a significant way the group’s ability organization, considering that
GDU 2021
the same generally solicits funds or membership, as well as mandamus proceeding involves the assertion of a public right,
oftentimes collects, on behalf of its members, huge amounts the requirement of personal interest is satisfied by the mere
of money due to them or to the organization. fact that the petitioner is a citizen, and therefore, part of the
general "public" which possesses the right.
The right to organize does not equate to the state’s
obligation to accord official status to every single Note: "Public" is a comprehensive, all-inclusive term. Properly
association that comes into existence. It is one thing for construed, it embraces every person.
individuals to galvanize themselves as a collective, but it is
another for the group that they formed to not only be What are considered matters of public interest pursuant to
formally recognized by the state, but also bedecked with all Article II, Section 28 of the Constitution?
the benefits and privileges that are attendant to official There is no rigid test to determine whether a particular
status. In pursuit of public interest, the state can set information is of public concern or public interest. These terms
reasonable regulations—procedural, formal, and cover “a wide-range of issues that the public may want to be
substantive—with which organizations seeking state familiar with either because the issues have a direct effect on
imprimatur must comply. them or because the issues ‘naturally arouse the interest of an
ordinary citizen.’” Whether or not the information sought is of
c. Freedom of information public interest or public concern is left to the proper
determination of the courts on a case to case basis [Sereno v.
Right to access information Committee on Trade and Related Matters (2016)].
CONST., Article III, Section 7. The right of the people to
information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. The following were considered as matters of public concern in
Access to official records, and to documents, and papers jurisprudence: loanable funds of GSIS [Valmonte v. Belmonte
pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as (1989)]; civil service eligibility of sanitarian employees [Legaspi
to government research data used as basis for policy v. CSC (1987)]; appointments made to public offices and the
utilization of public property [Gonzales v. Narvasa, G.R. No.
development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such
140835 (2000)]; national board examinations such as the CPA
limitations as may be provided by law.
Board Exams [Antolin v. Domondon (2010)]; names of
nominees of partylists [Bantay REpublic v. COMELEC (2007)];
Right to Information on Matters of Public Concern [Art. III,
and negotiations leading to the consummation of the
Sec. 7, Art. III]
transaction [Chavez v. PEA and Amari (2002)].
1. Covers matters of public concern. “Public concern” has no
exact definition and is adjudicated by the courts on a case- What are the recognized limitations to the right to information?
by-case basis, but examples abound in jurisprudence (e.g.
The right to information may be limited based on the kinds of
board exams, PCGG compromise agreements, peace
information sought. Those exempted from the ambit of such
negotiations, civil service matters)
Constitutional right are:
2. Requires demand or request required to gain access.
1. Privileged information rooted in the separation of powers
3. Pertains to duty to permit access to information on matters 2. Information pertaining to military and diplomatic secrets
of public concern. 3. Information affecting national and economic security
4. Information on investigations of crimes by law enforcers
Policy of Full Public Disclosure
before prosecution [Chavez v. PEA and Amari (2002)]
CONST., Article II, Section 28. Subject to reasonable conditions 5. Other confidential matters
prescribed by law, the State adopts and implements a policy of 6. Trade secrets and banking transactions [Chavez v. PCGG
full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public (1998)]
interest. 7. Offers exchanged during diplomatic negotiations [Akbayan
v. Aquino (2008)]
1. Covers all transactions involving public interest, including
any matter contained in official communications and public IDEALS v. PSALM
documents of the government agency. Information on on-going evaluation or review of bids or
2. Does NOT require demand proposals being undertaken by the bidding or review
3. Pertains to duty to disclose of the government, pursuant committee is not immediately accessible under the right to
to the policy of full public disclosure. information. While the evaluation or review is still on-going,
there are no "official acts, transactions, or decisions" on the
What is meant by the principle that the right to information bids or proposals. HOWEVER, once the committee makes its
is a public right? official recommendation, there arises a "definite proposition"
It means any citizen is clothed with personality to seek redress on the part of the government. From this moment, the public’s
for the alleged obstruction of the exercise of the right. When a right to information attaches, and any citizen can access all the
GDU 2021
non-proprietary information leading to such definite proposition. must be clearly asserted by specifying the grounds for the

Unlike the disclosure of information which is mandatory BURDEN IS ON THE GOVERNMENT TO PROVE
under the Constitution, the other aspect of the people’s EXEMPTION
right to know requires a demand or request for one to gain In case of denial of access to the information, it is the
access to documents and paper of the particular agency. government agency concerned that has the burden of
showing that the information sought to be obtained is not a
Sereno v. CTRM, G.R. No. 175210, February 1, 2016 matter of public concern, or that the same is exempted
The constitutional guarantee to information does not open from the coverage of the constitutional guarantee .
every door to any and all information, but is rather confined
Rappler, Inc. v. Bautista, G.R. No. 222702, April 5, 2016
to matters of public concern . It is subject to such
The presidential and vice-presidential debates are held
limitations as may be provided by law.
primarily for the benefit of the electorate to assist the
The issue is whether the CTRM may be compelled by electorate in making informed choices on election day.
Through the conduct of the national debates among
mandamus to furnish the petitioner with a copy of the
presidential and vice-presidential candidates, the electorate
minutes of the meeting based on the constitutional right to
will have the "opportunity to be informed of the candidates'
information on matters of public concern and the State's
qualifications and track record, platforms and programs, and
policy of full public disclosure.
their answers to significant issues of national concern." The
Two requisites must concur before the right to information political nature of the national debates and the public's
may be compelled by writ of mandamus. Firstly, the interest in the wide availability of the information for the
information sought must be in relation to matters of voters' education certainly justify allowing the debates
public concern or public interest. And, secondly, it must to be shown or streamed in other websites for wider
not be exempt by law from the operation of the dissemination, in accordance with the MOA.
constitutional guarantee.
As to the first requisite, there is no rigid test in determining CONST., Article III, Section 9. Private property shall not be
whether or not a particular information is of public concern
taken for public use without just compensation.
or public interest. Both terms cover a wide-range of issues
that the public may want to be familiar with either because
See: II. Basic Concepts, G. Fundamental Powers of the State,
the issues have a direct effect on them or because the
2. Eminent Domain
issues "naturally arouse the interest of an ordinary citizen."
Distinguish between compensable taking and regulatory
The second requisite is that the information requested must Compensable taking, also known as eminent domain, the
not be excluded by law from the constitutional guarantee. In inherent power of the State to take, or to authorize the taking
that regard, the Court has already declared that the of, private property for a public use without the owner's
constitutional guarantee of the people's right to information consent, conditioned upon payment of just compensation
does not cover national security matters and intelligence [Barangay Sindalan, San Fernando, Pampanga v. CA (2007)].
information, trade secrets and banking transactions and
Regulatory taking is the State’s exercise of its police power.
criminal matters.
Unlike in eminent domain, just compensation need not be paid
Equally excluded from coverage of the constitutional in cases of regulatory taking.
guarantee are diplomatic correspondence, closed-door
Two phases of expropriation
Cabinet meeting and executive sessions of either house of
Congress, as well as the internal deliberations of the Under Rule 67 of the Rules of Court, there are two phases of
Supreme Court. expropriation:(a) the condemnation of the property after it is
determined that its acquisition will be for a public purpose or
THAT SAID, every claim of exemption, being a limitation on public use; and (b) the determination of just compensation to
a right constitutionally granted to the people, is liberally be paid for the taking of private property to be made by the
construed in favor of disclosure and strictly against the court with the assistance of not more than three commissioners
claim of confidentiality. However, the claim of privilege as a [Republic v. Mupas].
cause for exemption from the obligation to disclose information
GDU 2021
QUESTION: Madlangbayan is the owner of a 500 square meter WHEN IS THERE TAKING?
lot which was the birthplace of the founder of a religious sect General Rule:
who admittedly played an important role in Philippine history Republic of the Philippines v. Castillo, G.R. No. 190453,
and culture. The National Historical Commission (NHC) February 26, 2020
passed a resolution declaring it a national landmark and on its Re: FMV “at the time of taking”; when was the property
recommendation the lot was subjected to expropriation “taken” – upon physical dispossession or upon filing of
proceedings. This was opposed by Madlangbayan on the original complaint for expropriation?
following grounds: (a) that the lot Is not a vast tract; (b) that
those to be benefited by the expropriation would only be the The Court ruled that the computation of just compensation
members of the religious sect of its founder, and (c) that the should be reckoned from the time of the filing of the original
NHC has not initiated the expropriation of birthplaces of other complaint for expropriation. There is no actual taking prior
more deserving historical personalities. Resolve the to the filing of the complaint. In Association of Small
opposition raised by Madlangbayan. Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. v. Secretary of Agrarian
Reform, the Court ruled that the equivalent to be rendered
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Madlangbayan’s opposition is bereft for the property to be taken shall be substantial, full, ample
of merit. In Manosca v. CA (1996), the Court held that the and, as must apply to this case, real. This must be taken to
power of eminent domain is not confined only to the mean, among others, that the value as of the time of taking
expropriation of vast tracts of land. Furthermore, the Court has should be the price to be paid the property owner.
held that “public use” should not be restricted to its traditional
definition but must also include public welfare. In this case, Exception: While generally, just compensation is
there is a public welfare involved as the purpose is in determined as of the date of the filing of the complaint,
recognizing the important role of the founder in Philippine where actual taking was made WITHOUT the benefit of
history and culture. The non-initiation of expropriation of other expropriation proceedings, and the owner sought recovery
historical personalities must also fail, as it is at the discretion of of the possession of the property prior to the filing of
the expropriating authority. As held in JM Tuason v. Land expropriation proceedings, the Court has invariably ruled
Tenure Administration (1970), there is no requirement to the that it is the value of the property at the time of actual taking
adherence to the policy of “all or none.” that is controlling for purposes of compensation. Interest at
legal rate may be imposed until payment is made.
1. Just compensation
In such cases, there is taking when the following requisites
Just compensation is defined as the full and fair equivalent of are present:
the property taken from its owner by the expropriator. The (1) The expropriator must enter private property;
measure is not the taker’s gain, but the owner’s loss . The (2) The entrance into private property must be for more
word "just" is used to intensify the meaning of the word than a temporary period;
"compensation" and to convey thereby the idea that the (3) The entry into the property should be under warrant or
equivalent to be rendered for the property to be taken shall be color of authority;
real, substantial, full, and ample. Such "just"-ness of the (4) The property must be devoted to public use; and
compensation can only be attained by using reliable and actual (5) The utilization of the property ousts the owner and
data as bases in fixing the value of the condemned property. deprives him of all beneficial enjoyment of the property.

The determination of just compensation is inherently judicial is Secretary of the Department of Public Works and
nature. Trial courts are required to be more circumspect in its Highways v. Sps. Tecson, G.R. No. 179334, April 21, 2015
evaluation of just compensation due the property owner, Here, the government took control and possession of the
considering that eminent domain cases involve the expenditure subject properties for public use without initiating expropriation
of public funds. proceedings and without payment of just compensation ; while
the landowners failed for a long period
Note: Full payment of just compensation is not a prerequisite of time to question such government act and later
for the Government’s effective taking of the property; When the instituted actions for recovery of possession with damages.
taking of the property precedes the payment of just In similar cases, the Court has uniformly ruled that the fair
compensation, the Government shall indemnify the property market value of the property at the time of actual taking is
owner by way of interest [Republic v. Mupas, G.R. No. 181892 controlling for purposes of computing just compensation.
While disparity in the above amounts is obvious and may
appear inequitable to respondents-movants as they would
be receiving such outdated valuation after a very long
period, it should be noted that the purpose of just
GDU 2021
compensation is not to reward the owner for the property
taken but to compensate him for the loss thereof. As such, Republic of the Philippines v. Juliana San Miguel Vda. De
the true measure of the property, as upheld by a plethora of Ramos, G.R. No. 211576, February 19, 2020
cases, is the market value at the time of the taking, when the RE: CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES
loss resulted. Compensation must also be just to the public, The general rule is that the just compensation to which the
which ultimately bears the cost of expropriation. owner of the condemned property is entitled to is the market
value. Market value is that sum of money which a person
PAYMENT OF INTEREST desirous but not compelled to buy, and an owner willing but
If property is taken for public use BEFORE not compelled to sell, would agree on as a price to be paid
compensation is deposited with the court having by the buyer and received by the seller. The general rule,
jurisdiction over the case, the final compensation must however, is modified where only a part of a certain property
include interest[s] on its just value to be computed from the is expropriated. In such a case, the owner is not restricted
time the property is taken to the time when compensation is to compensation for the portion actually taken, he is also
actually paid or deposited with the court. entitled to recover the consequential damage, if any, to the
remaining part of the property.
In taking respondents' property without the benefit of Nevertheless, consequential damages are only awarded if as a
expropriation proceedings and without payment of just result of the expropriation, the remaining property of the owner
compensation, the City of Pasig clearly acted in utter suffers from an impairment or decrease in value . The sheer
disregard of respondents' proprietary rights. Such conduct fact that there is a remaining portion of real property after thee
cannot be countenanced by the Court. For said illegal expropriation is not enough, by and of itself, to be basis for the
taking, the City of Pasig should definitely be held liable for award of consequential damages. To be sure, it must still be
damages to respondents. proven by sufficient evidence that the remaining portion suffers
from an impairment or decrease in value.
Such pecuniary loss entitles him to adequate compensation in
the form of actual or compensatory damages, which in this 2. Abandonment of intended use and right of
case should be the legal interest (6%) on the value of the land repurchase
at the time of taking, from said point up to full payment.
If the expropriator (government) does not use the property for a
Republic of the Philippines v. Macabagdal, G.R. No. public purpose, the property reverts to the owner in fee simple
227215, January 10, 2018 [Heirs of Moreno v. Mactan-Cebu International Airport, G.R.
It is settled that the delay in the payment of just No. 156273 (2005)].
compensation amounts to an effective forbearance of
money, entitling the landowner to interest on the difference In MCIAA v. Tudtud (2008), the Supreme Court held that the
in the amount between the final amount as adjudged by the expropriator has the obligation to reconvey property
court and the initial payment made by the government. expropriated but never used, on the condition that the
landowners would return the just compensation they received,
It bears to clarify that legal interest shall run not from the plus interest.
date of the filing of the complaint but from the date of the
issuance of the Writ of Possession on May 5, 2008, since it 3. Expropriation by local government units
is from this date that the fact of the deprivation of property
City of Manila v. Prieto, G.R. No. 221366, July 8, 2019
can be established. As such, it is only proper that accrual of
Several requisites must concur before a local government
legal interest should begin from this date.
unit can exercise the power of eminent domain, to wit:
Effect of Delay; Remedy for Non-Payment a. an ordinance is enacted by the local legislative council
GR: For non-payment, the remedy is the demand of payment authorizing the local chief executive, in behalf of the
of the fair market value of the property and not the recovery of local government unit, to exercise the power of eminent
possession of the expropriated lots [Republic of the Philippines domain or pursue expropriation proceedings over a
v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 146587 (2002); Reyes v. particular private property;
National Housing Authority, G.R. No. 147511, (2003)]. b. the power of eminent domain is exercised for public
use, purpose or welfare , OR for the benefit of the poor
XPN: When the government fails to pay just compensation and the landless;
within five years from the finality of the judgment in the c. there is payment of just compensation, as required
expropriation proceedings, the owners concerned shall have under Section 9, Article III of the Constitution, and other
the right to recover possession of their property [Republic v. pertinent laws; and
Vicente Lim, G.R. No. 161656 (2005)].
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d. a valid and definite offer has been previously made to is presumed unreasonable, dispenses with a search warrant
the owner of the property sought to be expropriated, but for practical reasons. This is why a search incidental to a
said offer was NOT accepted. lawful arrest, search of evidence in plain view, consented
search, and extensive search of moving private vehicle do
SEARCHES AND SEIZURES not require a search warrant.

There is a legitimate, almost absolute, expectation of

CONST., Article III, Section 2. The right of the people to be
privacy in one's residence.
secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and In requiring a waiver in the pro forma Individual Application
for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or for New Firearm Registration, the Philippine National Police
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be appears to recognize the inviolability of the home.
determined personally by the judge after examination under Nevertheless, signing the Consent of Voluntary
oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he Presentation for Inspection does not result in a true and
may produce, and particularly describing the place to be valid consented search.
searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Section 9 of Republic Act No. 10591 provides that applicants for
Who may invoke Types 3 to 5 licenses "must comply with the inspection .
The constitutional right against unreasonable searchesand . . requirements." However, the law is silent as to the scope,
seizures is a personal right, invokable only by those whose frequency, and execution of the inspection. This means that
rights have been infringed. It protects all persons, including the Chief of the Philippine National Police is presumed to fill
aliens [Qua Chee Gan v. Deportation Board, G.R. No. L- 10280 in these details in the Implementing Rules and Regulations.
(1963)]. However, even the Implementing Rules is completely silent
as to the parameters of the inspection. This renders
Against whom invoked applicants for firearms licenses incapable of intelligently
Against the State; the right cannot be invoked against a private waiving their right to the unreasonable search of their
individual. homes.

[LEONEN CASE] Eric F. Acosta and Nathaniel G. Dela Paz True, the standard of reasonableness can be found in the
v. Ochoa law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. However,
RELEVANT TO CONCEPT OF PRIVACY "reasonable" as a standard for inspection is not enough. For
In the recent case of Saluday v. People, this Court the waiver of the right against unreasonable searches to be
interpreted the text of Article III, Section 2 such that it only valid, the provision allowing for the inspection must be as
operates against "unreasonable" searches and seizures ; INFORMATIVE AS TO DETAIL ITS SCOPE AND EXTENT.
thus, when the search is "reasonable," the requirement of a
search warrant under this provision does not apply. World Wide Web Corporation v. People, G.R. No. 203335,
January 13, 2014
What constitutes a "reasonable search" depends on REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY
whether a person has an "expectation of privacy, which In Whalen v. Roe, the United States Supreme Court
society regards as reasonable[.]" The presence of this classified privacy into two categories: decisional privacy
expectation of privacy and society's perception of it as and informational privacy . Decisional privacy involves the
reasonable render the State's intrusion a "search" within the right to independence in making certain important decisions,
meaning of Article III, Section 2, and which intrusion thus while informational privacy refers to the interest in avoiding
requires a search warrant. disclosure of personal matters. It is the latter right—the right
to informational privacy—that those who oppose
A reduced expectation of privacy is the reason why the
government collection or recording of traffic data in real-time
inspection of persons and their effects under routine
seek to protect.
inspections, such as those done in airports, seaports, bus
terminals, malls, and similar public places, does not require TWO ASPECTS OF INFORMATIONAL PRIVACY
a search warrant. These routine inspections are considered The first is a subjective test, where one claiming the right
reasonable searches, clearly done to ensure public safety. must have an actual or legitimate expectation of privacy
over a certain matter. The second is an objective test,
Warrantless searches presumed unreasonable.
where his or her expectation of privacy must be one society
A reasonable search, however, is different from a
is prepared to accept as objectively reasonable.
warrantless search. While a reasonable search arises from a
reduced expectation of privacy, a warrantless search, which
GDU 2021
1. Requisites for a valid search warrant in the form of searching questions and answers, in writing and
under oath, the complainant and the witnesses he may produce on
facts personally known to them and attach to the record their sworn
Rule 126, Section 1. Search warrant defined. — A search
statements, together with the affidavits submitted.
warrant is an order in writing issued in the name of the People
of the Philippines, signed by a judge and directed to a peace
The examination must be probing and exhaustive, and not
officer, commanding him to search for personal property
merely routinary, general, peripheral, or perfunctory [People v.
described therein and bring it before the court.
Delos Reyes (2004)]. If the judge solely relied on the
certification of the prosecutor, then he cannot be said to have
What may be the subject of a search warrant?
personally determined the existence of probable cause [Lim v.
Rule 126, Section 3. Personal property to be seized. — A
Felix (1991)].
search warrant may be issued for the search and seizure of
personal property: The evidence offered by the complainant and the witnesses
should be based on their own personal knowledge and not on
(a)Subject of the offense; mere information or belief. Absent personal knowledge by
(b) Stolen or embezzled and other proceeds, or fruits of the applicant or the witnesses, the warrant is deemed not based on
offense; or probable cause and is a nullity [Sony Music Entertainment v.
(c)Used or intended to be used as the means of committing an Judge Espanol].
Probable cause requirement in search warrant cases
What are the requirements for the valid issuance of a In the case of Burgos v Chief of Staff (1984), probable cause
search warrant? for a search warrant was defined as “such facts and
Rule 126, Section 4. Requisites for issuing search warrant. — circumstances which would lead a reasonably discreet and
A search warrant shall not issue except upon probable cause prudent person to believe that an offense has been committed
in connection with one specific offense to be determined and that the objects sought in connection with the offense are
personally by the judge after examination under oath or in the place sought to be searched.”
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may
Particularity of description; what is a general warrant and what
produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched
is(are) the reason(s) for the prohibition against its issuance?
and the things to be seized which may be anywhere in the
A general warrant is a warrant that does not describe with
Philippines. (3a)
particularity the things which are subject of the search and
seizure. It may also pertain to a warrant issued where probable
The requisites of a valid search warrant are:
cause has not been properly established. Such general
1. Existence of probable cause
warrants are prohibited for running contrary to Article III,
2. Probable cause must be personally determined by the
Section 2 of the Constitution. They are void.
3. After personal examination under oath or affirmation of the
Notes: General descriptions will not invalidate the entire
complainant and the witnesses he or she may produce,
warrant if other items have been particularly described [Uy v.
testifying on matters based on their personal knowledge of
BIR, G.R. No. 129651 (2000)]. Thus, where a search warrant
the facts
was issued for the seizure of shabu and drug paraphernalia,
4. There must be sufficient particularity in the description of
but probably cause was found to exist only with respect to the
the places to searched and the persons or things to be
shabu, the warrant is not invalidated in its entirety; it is still valid
with respect to the shabu [People v. Salanguit]. In other words,
5. The warrant must refer to one specific offense
a search warrant is severable.
Nature of search warrant proceedings
In drug cases, one search warrant may be validly issued for
It is in no sense a criminal action or the commencement of
several violations of the Dangerous Drugs Act [People v.
criminal prosecution. It is not against any person, but is solely
for the discovery and to get possession of personal property. It
is a special and peculiar remedy, drastic in nature, made Failure to specify detailed descriptions in the search warrant
necessary because of public necessity [United Laboratories v. does not automatically make it a general warrant. The
Isip]. description need not be technically accurate or necessarily
precise. It is required to be specific only insofar as
Personal determination
circumstances allow. Thus, an “undetermined amount of
Rule 126, Section 5. Examination of complainant; record. — The
marijuana” was held to satisfy the particularity of description
judge must, before issuing the warrant, personally examine [Kho v. Judge Makalintal].
GDU 2021
2. Warrantless searches
Diaz v. People, G.R. No. 213875, July 15, 2020
A description of a place to be searched is sufficient if the EXCEPTIONS TO SEARCH WARRANT REQUIREMENT
officer with the warrant can ascertain and identify with 1. Warrantless search incidental to lawful arrest recognized
reasonable effort to place intended, and distinguish it from under Section 13, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court and by
other places in the community. A designation that points out prevailing jurisprudence
the place to be searched to the exclusion of all others, and on 2. Seizure of evidence in plain view, the elements of which
inquiry unerringly leads the police officers to it, satisfies the are:
constitutional requirement of definiteness. a. a prior valid intrusion based on the valid
warrantless arrest in which the police are legally
The test of whether the requirement of definiteness or present in the pursuit of their official duties;
particularity has been met is whether the description of the b. the evidence was inadvertently discovered by the
place to be searched under the warrant is sufficient and police who have the right to be where they are;
descriptive enough to prevent a search of other premises c. the evidence must be immediately apparent; and
located within the surrounding area or community. A “place” d. plain view justified mere seizure of evidence
may refer to a single building or structure or a house or without further search
residence. Although the house number was not indicated in the 3. Search of a moving vehicle. Highly regulated by the
warrant, the description of the place to be searched was government; the vehicles inherent mobility reduces
sufficient as the police officers who served the same were expectation of privacy especially when its transit in public
able, with reasonable effort, to ascertain and identify the house thoroughfares furnishes a highly reasonable suspicion
of the petitioner. Further the SKETCHES show the petitioner’s amounting to probable cause that the occupant committed
house as well as the floor plan of her house. a criminal activity;
4. Consented warrantless search;
The requirement of particularity as to the things to be seized 5. Customs search;
does not require technical accuracy in the description 6. Stop and Frisk;
of the property to be seized. 7. Exigent and Emergency Circumstances;
8. Search of vessels and aircraft; and
NOTE: The Court differentiated this case from previous 9. Inspection of buildings and other premises for the
cases (which annulled the SW on the ground of failure to
enforcement of fire, sanitary and building regulations
indicate house number in the SW). This case is different
because in all the other cases, police officers were What are the requirements for a valid work-related
unbridled discretion to conduct the search in SEVERAL intrusion (work place search)?
structures found inside one compound. What is involved in An intrusion into the privacy of workplaces is valid if it conforms
this case is a SINGULAR structure containing multiple to the standard of reasonableness. Both inception and scope
units therein. A fact that the police officers found only after of intrusion must be reasonable.
securing the SW. Court noted it would be unreasonable for 1. Justified at inception: if there are reasonable grounds for
the police officers to have known. In any case, “descriptive suspecting that it will turn up evidence that the employee is
enough” naman because of the sketches. guilty of work-related misconduct.
2. Scope of intrusion is reasonable: if measures used in
People v. Gabiosa, Sr., G.R. No. 248395, January 29, 2020 the search are reasonable related to the search’s
As early as 1937, the Court explained that ultimately, the objectives, and it is not highly intrusive [Pollo v.
purpose of the proceeding is for the judge to determine that Constantino-David, 2011]
probable cause exists. Thus, there is NO need to examine both
the applicant and the witnesses if either one of them is Note: Pollo involves a search of office computer assigned to a
sufficient to establish probable cause . The purpose of both in government employee who was charged administratively and
requiring the presentation of depositions is nothing more than to eventually dismissed from the service. The search was found
satisfy the committing magistrate of the existence of probable reasonable.
cause. Therefore, if the affidavit of the applicant
OR complainant is sufficient, the judge may dispense [Custom’s Search
with that of other witnesses. The police are allowed to conduct warrantless searches on behalf
of the Department of Customs. They are authorized to open and
examine any box, trunk, or other containers where he has
reasonable cause to believe that such items were hidden from
customs search [Papa v. Mago]. Sec. 219 of the Customs
Modernization and Tariff Act states that no warrant is required for
police or authorized persons to pass, enter, search any land,
GDU 2021
enclosure, building, warehouse, vessels, aircrafts, vehicles but Marvin Porteria v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No.
not dwelling. 233777, March 20, 2019
Assuming that there was a valid arrest, the arresting officer
Routine Security Checks in Airports may only search the arrestee and the area within which he
The Court held that the search and seizure of an illegal drug or she may reach for a weapon, or for evidence to destroy.
during a routine airport inspection made pursuant to the The arresting officer may also seize any money or property
aviation security procedures as a constitutionally reasonable used in the commission of the crime, or the fruit of the
administrative search [People v O’Cochlain, G.R. No. 229071 crime, or that which may be used as evidence, or which
(2018)]. might furnish the arrestee the means of escaping or
committing violence.
Exigent and Emergency Circumstances
The raid and seizure of firearms and ammunition at the height Marlon Dominguez v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No.
of the 1989 coup d’état, was held valid, considering the exigent 235898. March 13, 2019
and emergency situation. The military operatives had From a meter away, even with perfect vision, SPO1
reasonable ground to believe that a crime was being Parchaso would not have been able to identify with
committed, and they had no opportunity to apply for a search reasonable accuracy the contents of the plastic sachet.
warrant from the courts because the latter were closed. Under Dominguez' acts of standing on the street and holding a
such urgency and exigency, a search warrant could be validly plastic sachet in his hands, are not by themselves
dispensed with [People v. de Gracia, G.R. Nos. 102009-10 sufficient to incite suspicion of criminal activity or to create
(1994)]. probable cause enough to justify a warrantless arrest.

Inspection of buildings and other premises for purposes of PLAIN VIEW DOCTRINE
sanitation and building regulations Marlon Dominguez v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No.
This is basically an exercise of the police power of the State, 235898. March 13, 2019
and would not require a search warrant. However, it must be The "plain view" doctrine is usually applied where a
conducted during reasonable hours. police officer is not searching for evidence against the
accused, but nonetheless inadvertently comes across
an incriminating object.
Rule 126, Section 13. Search incident to lawful arrest. — A
person lawfully arrested may be searched for dangerous The plain view doctrine applies when the following requisites
weapons or anything which may have been used or constitute concur: (a) the law enforcement officer in search of the
proof in the commission of an offense without a search warrant. evidence has a prior justification for an intrusion or is in a
(12a) position from which he can view a particular area; (b) the
discovery of the evidence in plain view is inadvertent; and
Jesus Trinidad v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. (c) it is immediately apparent to the officer that the item
239957, February 18, 2019 he observes may be evidence of a crime, contraband, or
One of the recognized exceptions to the need for a warrant otherwise subject to seizure.
before a search may be affected is a search incidental to a
In the case at hand, while it can be said that the presence of the
lawful arrest. In this instance, the law requires that there
police officers was legitimate as they were patrolling the area
first be a lawful arrest before a search can be made – the
and that discovery of the plastic sachet was inadvertent, it
process cannot be reversed.
should be emphasized that, as to the third requisite, it was
A lawful arrest may be affected with or without a warrant. With clearly not apparent that such plastic sachet is an evidence of a
respect to the latter, a warrantless arrest may be done when, crime, a contraband, or otherwise subject to seizure. To the
inter alia, the accused is caught in flagrante delicto, such as in Court's mind, a very small plastic sachet is not readily apparent
buy-bust operations in drugs cases. However , if the existence as evidence incriminating Dominguez, such that it can be
of a valid buy-bust operation cannot be proven, and thus, the seized without a warrant. A very small plastic sachet can
validity of the in flagrante delicto warrantless arrest cannot be contain just about anything. It could even be just that — a very
established, the arrest becomes illegal and the consequent small plastic sachet — and nothing more.
search incidental thereto becomes unreasonable. Resultantly,
all the evidence seized by reason of the unlawful arrest is
This refers to the right of a police officer to stop a citizen on the
inadmissible in evidence for any purpose in any proceeding.
street, interrogate, and pat him or her for weapons whenever
the former observes suspicious conduct which leads him or her
to conclude that criminal activity may be afoot [Manalili v. Court
of Appeals].
GDU 2021
jeepney driver. It was the driver who signaled to the police
It must be emphasized that the search and seizure should that Cogaed was "suspicious."
precede the arrest for the principle of stop and frisk to apply
[People v. Sy Chua]. Probable cause NOT a requirement
in Stop-and-Frisk Searches
[LEONEN CASE] People v. Cogaed, G.R. No. 200334, July While probable cause is not required to conduct a "stop and
30, 2014 frisk," it nevertheless holds that mere suspicion or a hunch
The police officers identified the alleged perpetrator through will not validate a "stop and frisk." A genuine reason must
facts that were not based on their personal knowledge. The exist, in light of the police officer’s experience and
information as to the accused’s whereabouts was sent surrounding conditions, to warrant the belief that the
through a text message. The accused who never acted person detained has weapons concealed about him.
suspicious was identified by a driver. The bag that allegedly
contained the contraband was required to be opened under There should be "presence of more than one seemingly
intimidating circumstances and without the accused innocent activity, which, taken together, warranted a
having been fully apprised of his rights. reasonable inference of criminal activity ." The Constitution
prohibits "unreasonable searches and seizures." Certainly,
STOP-AND-FRISK =/= SEARCH INCIDENTAL TO reliance on only one suspicious circumstance or none at all
LAWFUL ARREST will not result in a reasonable search.
Searches incidental to a lawful arrest require that a crime be
committed in flagrante delicto, and the search conducted [This case adopted Bersamin’s dissent in Esquillo]
within the vicinity and within reach by the person arrested is In his dissent for Esquillo v. People, Justice Bersamin reminds
done to ensure that there are no weapons, as well as to us that police officers must not rely on a single suspicious
preserve the evidence. circumstance. There should be "presence of more than one
seemingly innocent activity, which, taken together, warranted a
On the other hand, "stop and frisk" searches are conducted to reasonable inference of criminal activity." The
prevent the occurrence of a crime. "Stop and frisk" search Constitution prohibits "unreasonable searches and
should be used "[w]hen dealing with a rapidly unfolding and seizures." Certainly, reliance on only one suspicious
potentially criminal situation in the city streets where circumstance or none at all will not result in a reasonable
unarguably there is no time to secure . . . a search warrant ." search.

[A] "stop-and-frisk" serves a two-fold interest: (1) the general [LEONEN CASE] Larry Sabuco Manibog v. People of the
interest of effective crime prevention and detection ; and (2) Philippines, G.R. No. 211214, March 20, 2019
the more pressing interest of safety and self-preservation For a stop and frisk search to be valid, mere suspicion is
which permit the police officer to take steps to assure not enough; there should be a genuine reason, as
himself that the person with whom he deals is not armed determined by the police officer, to warrant a belief that the
with a deadly weapon that could unexpectedly and fatally be person searched was carrying a weapon. In short, the
used against the police officer. totality of circumstances should result in a genuine reason
to justify a stop and frisk search.
In People v. Solayao, police officers noticed a man who
appeared drunk. This man was also "wearing a camouflage TOTALITY OF CIRCUMSTANCES TEST
uniform or a jungle suit." Upon seeing the police, the man fled. The test for the existence of reasonable suspicion that a
His flight added to the suspicion. After stopping him, the police person is engaged in criminal activity is the totality of
officers found an unlicensed "homemade firearm" in his the circumstances, viewed through the eyes of a
possession. This court ruled that "[u]nder the circumstances, reasonable, prudent police officer. There should have
the government agents could not possibly have procured a been "more than one seemingly innocent activity, which,
search warrant first." In this case, the police officers using their taken together, warranted a reasonable inference of criminal
senses observed facts that led to the suspicion. Seeing a man activity "to uphold the validity of a stop and frisk search.
with reddish eyes and walking in a swaying manner, based on
their experience, is indicative of a person who uses dangerous Here, the combination of the police asset's tip and the
and illicit drugs.. arresting officers' observation of a gun-shaped object under
petitioner's shirt already suffices as a genuine reason for the
The case of Cogaed was different. He was simply a
arresting officers to conduct a stop and frisk search on
passenger carrying a bag and traveling aboard a jeepney.
There was nothing suspicious, moreover, criminal, about
riding a jeepney or carrying a bag. The assessment of
suspicion was not made by the police officer but by the
GDU 2021
SEARCH OF MOVING VEHICLES; CHECKPOINTS; 5. where the inspection of the vehicles is limited to a
CONSENTED SEARCH visual search or visual inspection; and
6. where the routine check is conducted in a fixed area.
[EN BANC] People v. Sapla, G.R. No. 244045, June 16, 2020
A battle waged against illegal drugs that tramples on the rights Simply, a more extensive and intrusive search that goes
of the people is not a war on drugs; it is a war against the beyond a mere visual search of the vehicle necessitates
people. – J. Cagiuoa probable cause on the part of the apprehending officers.
Can the police conduct a warrantless intrusive search
of a vehicle on the sole basis of an unverified tip Sheer Unverified Information from an Anonymous
relayed by an anonymous informant? On this question, Informant does not engender Probable Cause on the
jurisprudence has vacillated over the years. The Court part of the Authorities that warrants an Extensive and
definitively settles the issue once and for all: IT’S A NO! Intrusive Search of a Moving Vehicle

Search of a Moving Vehicle and its Non-Applicability in Does the mere reception of a text message from an
the Instant Case anonymous person suffice to create probable cause that
Generally: checkpoints are ok so long as routine check only enables the authorities to conduct an extensive and
(non-intrusive). According to jurisprudence, "warrantless intrusive search without a search warrant? The answer is a
search and seizure of moving vehicles are allowed in resounding no.
recognition of the impracticability of securing a warrant
under said circumstances as the vehicle can be quickly The Court has already held with unequivocal clarity that in
moved out of the locality or jurisdiction in which the warrant situations involving warrantless searches and seizures, "law
may be sought. Peace officers in such cases, however, are enforcers cannot act solely on the basis of confidential or
limited to routine checks where the examination of the tipped information. A tip is still hearsay no matter how
vehicle is limited to visual inspection." reliable it may be. It is not sufficient to constitute probable
cause in the absence of any other circumstance that will
Exception; when extensive search is permissible à There arouse suspicion."
must be PROBABLE CAUSE! An extensive search of a
vehicle is permissible, but only when "the officers made it upon In People v. Cogaed [Leonen ponencia], the Court stressed
probable cause, i.e., upon a belief, reasonably arising out of that in engendering probable cause that justifies a valid
circumstances known to the seizing officer, that an automobile warrantless search, "[i]t is the police officer who should
or other vehicle contains [an] item, article or object which by observe facts that would lead to a reasonable degree of
law is subject to seizure and destruction." suspicion of a person. The police officer should not adopt
the suspicion initiated by another person . This is necessary
to justify that the person suspected be stopped and
In this particular type of search, the vehicle is the target reasonably searched. Anything less than this would be an
and not a specific person." In search of a moving vehicle, infringement upon one's basic right to security of one's
the vehicle was intentionally used as a means to transport person and effects." The Court explained that "the police
illegal items. officer, with his or her PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE, must
observe the facts leading to the suspicion of an illicit act,"
Re: Checkpoints (routine check) and not merely rely on the information passed on to him or
The setting up of such checkpoints is not illegal per se for as her.
long as its necessity is justified by the exigencies of public
order and conducted in a way least intrusive to motorists. Adopting former Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin's
However, in order for the search of vehicles in a checkpoint Dissenting Opinion in Esquillo v. People, the Court in
to be non-violative of an individual's right against Cogaed stressed that reliance on only one suspicious
unreasonable searches, the search must be limited to the circumstance or none at all will not result in a reasonable
following: search. The Court emphasized that the matching of
1. where the officer merely draws aside the curtain of information transmitted by an informant "still remained only
a vacant vehicle which is parked on the public fair as one circumstance. This should not have been enough
grounds; reason to search Cogaed and his belongings without a valid
2. where the officer simply looks into a vehicle; search warrant."
3. where the officer flashes a light therein without
opening the car's doors; In Verdidiano v. People, the Court, again through Associate
4. where the occupants are not subjected to a Justice Marvic Mario Victor F. Leonen, held that the accused
physical or body search; was a "mere passenger in a jeepney who did not exhibit any act
that would give police officers reasonable suspicion to
GDU 2021
believe that he had drugs in his possession. x x x There was In Tudtud, the Court held that there can only be an effective
no evidence to show that the police had basis or personal waiver of rights against unreasonable searches and
knowledge that would reasonably allow them to infer seizures if the following requisites are present:
anything suspicious." 1. It must appear that the rights exist;
2. The person involved had knowledge, actual or
The Court correctly explained that "law enforcers cannot act constructive, of the existence of such right; and
solely on the basis of confidential or tipped information. A 3. Said person had an actual intention to relinquish the
tip is still hearsay no matter how reliable it may be. It is not right
sufficient to constitute probable cause in the absence of
any other circumstance that will arouse suspicion." Considering that a warrantless search is in derogation of a
constitutional right, the Court has held that "[t]he
In People v. Yanson (2019), another J. Leonen ponencia, the fundamental law and jurisprudence require more than the
Court held that, in determining whether there is probable cause presence of these circumstances to constitute a valid waiver
that warrants an extensive or intrusive warrantless search of a of the constitutional right against unreasonable searches
moving vehicle, "bare suspicion is never enough. and seizures. Courts indulge every reasonable presumption
While probable cause does not demand moral certainty, or against waiver of fundamental constitutional rights;
evidence sufficient to justify conviction, it requires the acquiescence in the loss of fundamental rights is not to
existence of 'a reasonable ground of suspicion supported be presumed. The fact that a person failed to object to a
by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to search does not amount to permission thereto."
warrant a cautious man to believe that the person accused
is guilty of the offense with which he is charged.'" Mere passive conformity to the warrantless search is
only an implied acquiescence which does not amount
In ruling that the sole reliance on tipped information, on its to consent and that the presence of a coercive
own, furnished by informants cannot produce probable environment negates the claim that the petitioner
cause, the Court held that "[e]xclusive reliance on therein consented to the warrantless search.
information tipped by informants goes against the very
nature of probable cause. A single hint hardly amounts to 3. Exclusionary rule
the existence of such facts and circumstances which
would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to CONST., Article III, Section 3. (2) Any evidence obtained in
believe that an offense has been committed and that the
violation of this section shall be inadmissible for any purpose in
objects sought in connection with the offense are in the
any proceeding.
place to be searched."

People v. Sapla, 2019

Re: Reasonable search of a bus in transit
Further, in Saluday, the Court laid down the following The necessary and inescapable consequence of the
conditions in allowing a reasonable search of a bus while in illegality of the search and seizure conducted by the police
transit: in the instant case is the inadmissibility of the drug
1. the manner of the search must be least intrusive; specimens retrieved. According to Article III, Section 3 (2) of
2. the search must not be discriminatory; the Constitution, any evidence obtained in violation of the
3. as to the purpose of the search, it must be confined to right against unreasonable searches and seizures shall be
ensuring public safety; and inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding
4. the courts must be convinced that precautionary
Known as the exclusionary rule, "evidence obtained and
measures were in place to ensure that no evidence was
confiscated on the occasion of such unreasonable
planted against the accused.
searches and seizures [is] deemed tainted and should be
Hence, considering the foregoing discussion, the Court now excluded for being the proverbial fruit of a poisonous tree .
holds that the cases adhering to the doctrine that exclusive In other words, evidence obtained from unreasonable
reliance on an unverified, anonymous tip cannot engender searches and seizures shall be inadmissible in evidence for
probable cause that permits a warrantless search of a any purpose in any proceeding."
moving vehicle that goes beyond a visual search — which
include both long-standing and the most recent 4. Effects of unreasonable searches and seizures
jurisprudence —should be the prevailing and controlling
line of jurisprudence. Consequences of an unlawful search
WAS IT A CONSENTED SEARCH? NO. An unlawful search will result in the exclusion from admission
as evidence of that which was obtained from such unlawful
search and seizure.
GDU 2021

Further, an unlawful search and seizure may justify: 1. Senate

a) The use of self-help in the form of resistance to such
unlawful search and seizure; CONST., Article VI, Section 2. The Senate shall be composed
b) The criminal prosecution of the searching officer;
of twenty-four Senators who shall be elected at large by the
c) Civil damages against such officer; and
qualified voters of the Philippines, as may be provided by law.
d) Disciplinary action against the officer by his
administrative officers
The Senate of each Congress acts separately and
independently of the Senate of the Congress before it. Due to
III. COMPOSITION AND POWERS OF THE the termination of the business of the Senate during the
GOVERNMENT ORGANS expiration of one (1) Congress, all pending matters and
proceedings, such as unpassed bills and even legislative
investigations, of the Senate are considered terminated upon
the expiration of that Congress and it is merely optional on the
Senate of the succeeding Congress to take up such unfinished
COMPOSITION matters, not in the same status, but as if presented for the first
time. [Balag v. Senate of the Philippines, G.R. 234608, July 3,
CONST., Article VI, Section 1. The legislative power shall be 2018].
vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of
a Senate and a House of Representatives, except to the extent 2. House of Representatives
reserved to the people by the provision on initiative and
referendum. CONST., Article VI, Section 5.
(1) The House of Representatives shall be composed of not
CONST., Article VI, Section 16. (1)The Senate shall elect its more than two hundred and fifty members, unless otherwise
President and the House of Representatives its Speaker, by a fixed by law, who shall be elected from legislative districts
majority vote of all its respective Members. Each House shall apportioned among the provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan
choose such other officers as it may deem necessary. Manila area in accordance with the number of their respective
inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and progressive
(2) A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to do ratio, and those who, as provided by law, shall be elected
business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and through a party-list system of registered national, regional, and
may compel the attendance of absent Members in such manner, sectoral parties or organizations.
and under such penalties, as such House may provide.
(2) The party-list representatives shall constitute twenty per
(3) Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, centum of the total number of representatives including those
punish its Members for disorderly behavior, and, with the under the party list. For three consecutive terms after the
concurrence of two-thirds of all its Members, suspend or expel ratification of this Constitution, one-half of the seats allocated to
a Member. A penalty of suspension, when imposed, shall not party-list representatives shall be filled, as provided by law, by
exceed sixty days. selection or election from the labor, peasant, urban poor,
indigenous cultural communities, women, youth, and such
(4) Each House shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, and other sectors as may be provided by law, except the religious
from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as sector.
may, in its judgment, affect national security; and the yeas and
nays on any question shall, at the request of one-fifth of the (3) Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable,
Members present, be entered in the Journal. Each House shall contiguous, compact and adjacent territory. Each city with a
also keep a Record of its proceedings. population of at least two hundred fifty thousand, or each
province, shall have at least one representative.
(5) Neither House during the sessions of the Congress shall,
without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three (4) Within three years following the return of every census, the
days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses Congress shall make a reapportionment of legislative districts
shall be sitting. based on the standards provided in this section
GDU 2021
a. District representatives and questions of track record of advocacy for their respective sectors.
Majority of the members of a sectoral party, of either type,
must belong to the sector they represent. The nominees of
The power to apportion legislative districts is textually national and regional parties must be bona fide members.

committed to Congress by the Constitution. Thus, it cannot be • National, regional, or sectoral parties or orgs shall not be
validly delegated to the ARMM Regional Assembly [Sema v. disqualified if some of their nominees are disqualified,
provided they have at least 1 nominee who remains
COMELEC, G.R. No. 177597 (2008)].
Under the Constitution and the LGC, apportionment and
reapportionment do not require a plebiscite [Bagabuyo v.
1. 20% Allocation - 20% of the total number of the
COMELEC, G.R. No. 176970 (2008)].
membership of the House of Representatives is the
Population requirement maximum number of seats available to party-list
250,000 minimum population requirement pertains to cities only
2. 2% Threshold - Garnering 2% of the total votes cast in the
with respect to its initial legislative district. In other words, while
party-list elections guarantees a party-list organization one
Section 5(3), Article VI of the Constitution requires a city to
(1) seat.
have a minimum population of 250,000 to be entitled to a
3. Additional Seats - The additional seats, that is, the
representative, it does not have to increase its population by
remaining seats after allocation of the guaranteed seats,
another 250,000 to be entitled to an additional district.
shall be distributed to the party-list organizations including
A province is entitled to at least one district irrespective of its those that received less than two percent of the total votes.
This distribution will continue until all the seats have been
population [Aquino v. COMELEC].
A city that has attained 250,000 population is entitled to a 4. 3-Seat Cap - The three-seat cap is constitutional. The 3-
legislative district only in the “immediately following election”. Seat Cap is intended by the Legislature to prevent any
Thus, a city must attain 250,000 population, and thereafter, in party from dominating the party-list system. There is no
the immediately following election, such city shall have a violation of the Constitution because the 1987 Constitution
district representative [Aldaba v. COMELEC]. does not require absolute proportionality for the party-list
system [BANAT v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 179271 (2009)].
b. Party-list system
Step 1: Compute total number of seats allocated for party-list
• Three different parties or organizations may participate in
the party-list system:(1) National;(2) Regional; or (3)
Step 2: Rank all party-list candidates from highest to lowest
based on the number of votes they garnered.
• National and regional parties or orgs do NOT need to
organize along sectoral lines, or represent any Step 3: Compute for each party-list candidate’s percentage of
“marginalized or underrepresented” sector; votes garnered in relation to the total number of votes cast for
• Political parties may participate in the party-list system
party-list candidates.
a. They register under the party-listsystem;
Step 4: Round 1 – Allocate one (1) seat each for a party-list
b. They do not field candidates in legislative district that garnered at least 2% of the total number of votes.
elections. Step 5: Round 2 – Assign additional seats from the balance (i.e.
c. BUT a party that participates in the legislative district total number of party-list seats minus Round 1 allocations.
elections may still participate in the party-list through
a sectoral wing. Two steps in Round 2 allocation: First, the percentage is multiplied
d. The sectoral wing can be part of the political party’s
by the remaining available seats. The whole integer of the product
coalition, but the former must be registered
corresponds to the party’s share in the remaining seats available
independently in the party-list system.
(e.g. if a party garners 2.73% of the vote, assign it two (2) more
• Sectoral parties or orgs may either be (a) “marginalized or
seats; if 1.80%, assign it one (1) more seat).
underrepresented” (e.g. labor, peasant, fisherfolk); or (b)
“lacking in well-defined political constituencies” (e.g. Second, assign one party-list seat to each of the parties net in
professionals, women, elderly, youth).
rank until all the available seats are completely distributed.
• The nominees of sectoral parties or orgs, of either type,
must (a) belong to their respective sectors, or (b) have a
GDU 2021
Step 6: Apply the 3-Seat Cap, if necessary [See BANAT v. CASAP v. COMELEC
COMELEC]. A term-sharing agreement is contrary to public policy
because it subjects a constitutionally-ordained fixed term
THE FORMULA: Remaining # of Seats (after distributing one to hold public elective office to contractual bargaining and
seat to parties who met the 2% threshold) x (Total votes for negotiation, and treats the same as though it were nothing
Partylist/Total Votes of Partylists) = Every Whole Integer is 1 more than a contractual clause, an object in the ordinary
additional seat. Apply 3-seat cap. course of the commerce of men. To accept this defense will not
only open the floodgates to unscrupulous individuals, but more
[J. LEONEN] Alliance for Rural and Agrarian importantly it will render inutile Sec. 16 of R.A. No. 7941 which
Reconstruction, Inc. v. Commission on Elections, G.R. prescribes the procedure to be taken to fill a vacancy in the
192803, December 10, 2013 available seats for a party-list group or organization.
The total votes cast for the party-list system include those votes
made for party-list groups indicated in the ballot regardless of Lico v. COMELEC
the pendency of their motions for reconsideration or petitions Is bona fide membership in the party-list group a
before any tribunal in relation to their cancellation or continuing qualification? YES.
disqualification cases.
A party-list nominee must have been, among others, a bona
HOWEVER, votes made for those party-list groups whose fide member of the party or organization for at least 90 days
disqualification attained finality prior to the elections
preceding the day of the election. Needless to say, bona fide
should be excluded if the electorate is notified of the finality of
membership in the party-list group is a continuing qualification.
their disqualification by the Commission on Elections. We have ruled that qualifications for public office, whether
elective or not, are continuing requirements. They must be
QUESTION: Greenpeas is an ideology-based political party
possessed not only at the time of appointment or election, or of
fighting for environmental causes. It decided to participate under
assumption of office, but during the officer's entire tenure.
the party-list system. When the election results came in, it only
obtained 1.99 percent of the votes cast under the party-list
system. Bluebean, a political observer, claimed that Greenpeas is POWERS
not entitled to any seat since it failed to obtain at least 2% of the
votes. Moreover, since it does not represent any of the 1. Legislative Powers
marginalized and underrepresented sectors of society, Greenpeas See: X. Process of Legislation
is not entitled to participate under the party-list system. How valid
are the observations of Bluebean? 1. Power to Discipline Members
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The observations of Bluebean are
CONST., Article VI, Section 16. (3) Each House may determine
not valid.
the rules of its proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly
The 2% threshold under the Party-List Law has been declared behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all its
unconstitutional with regard to its application to the allocation of Members, suspend or expel a Member. A penalty of
additional seats. suspension, when imposed, shall not exceed sixty days.

Participation in party-list election is not limited to marginalized 2. Electoral Tribunals

and underrepresented. Three different groups may participate
in the party-list system: (1) national parties or organizations, (2)
regional parties or organizations, and (3) sectoral parties or CONST., Article VI, Section 17. The Senate and the House of
organizations. National parties or organizations and regional Representatives shall each have an Electoral Tribunal which
parties or organizations do not need to organize along sectoral shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to the election,
lines and do not need to represent any "marginalized and returns, and qualifications of their respective Members . Each
underrepresented" sector. Sectoral parties or organizations Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of nine Members, three of
may either be "marginalized and underrepresented" or lacking whom shall be Justices of the Supreme Court to be designated
in "well-defined political constituencies." It is enough that their by the Chief Justice, and the remaining six shall be Members of
principal advocacy pertains to the special interest and concerns the Senate or the House of Representatives, as the case may
of their sector. be, who shall be chosen on the basis of proportional
representation from the political parties and the parties or
organizations registered under the party-list system
represented therein. The senior Justice in the Electoral
Tribunal shall be its Chairman.
GDU 2021
4. Legislative Inquiries and oversight functions
Ongsiako-Reyes v. COMELEC [G.R. No. 207264 (2013)]
The Court held that an Electoral Tribunal acquires jurisdiction LEGISLATIVE INQUIRY
only after (1) a petition is filed before it, and (2) a candidate is CONST., Article VI, Section 21. The Senate or the House of
already considered a member of the House. Representatives or any of its respective committees may
conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with its
To be considered a member, in turn, there must be a duly published rules of procedure. The rights of persons
concurrence of the following:
appearing in or affected by such inquiries shall be respected.
1. a valid proclamation;
2. a proper oath before the Speaker and in open session; and Requisites of Legislative Inquiries:
3. assumption of office. 1. Must be in aid of legislation;
2. Is in accordance with duly published rules of procedure;
The Court in Ongsiako-Reyes clarified the doctrine that once a
3. Right of persons appearing in or affectedby such inquiries
proclamation has been made, COMELEC’s jurisdiction is
shall be respected [Bengson v. Senate Blue Ribbon
already lost and the HRET’s own jurisdiction begins only
Committee, G.R. No. 89914 (1991)]
applies in the context of a candidate who has not only been
proclaimed and sworn in, but has also assumed office. QUESTION HOUR (=/= Legislative inquiry)
CONST., Article VI, Section 22. The heads of departments may
3. Commission on Appointments upon their own initiative, with the consent of the President, or
upon the request of either House, as the rules of each House
CONST., Article VI, Section 18. There shall be a Commission shall provide, appear before and be heard by such House on
on Appointments consisting of the President of the Senate, as any matter pertaining to their departments. Written questions
ex officio Chairman, twelve Senators and twelve Members of shall be submitted to the President of the Senate or the
the House of Representatives, elected by each House on the Speaker of the House of Representatives at least three days
basis of proportional representation from the political parties before their scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not be
and parties or organizations registered under the party-list limited to written questions, but may cover matters related
system represented therein. The Chairman of the Commission thereto. When the security of the State or the public interest so
shall not vote, except in case of a tie. The Commission shall requires and the President so states in writing, the appearance
act on all appointments submitted to it within thirty session shall be conducted in executive session.
days of the Congress from their submission. The Commission
shall rule by a majority vote of all the Members. The requirement of securing prior consent of the President
prior to appearing before either House of Congress applies
Section 19. …The Commission on Appointments shall meet only to Cabinet Members and not to other public officials and
only while the Congress is in session, at the call of its only when either House of Congress conducts a Question Hour
Chairman or a majority of all its Members, to discharge such and NOT in cases of inquiries in aid of legislation as the latter
powers and functions as are herein conferred upon it. should be untrammeled because it is co-extensive with the
power to legislate [Senate of the Philippines v. Ermita, G.R. No.
169777 (2006)].
Pimentel v. Executive Secretary
Even if the Commission on Appointments is composed of
[LEONEN CASE] Solicitor General Calida v. Senator
members of Congress, the exercise of its powers is executive
Trillanes, G.R. No. 240873, September 3, 2019
and not legislative. The Commission on Appointments does
Despite the constitutional grant, the power of both the
not legislate when it exercises its power to give or withhold
House of Representatives and the Senate to conduct
consent to presidential appointments.
investigations in aid of legislation is NOT absolute. An
investigation in aid of legislation must comply with the rules
The Commission on Appointments is a creature of the
of procedure of each House of Congress, and must not
Constitution. Although its membership is confined to
violate the individual rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
members of Congress, said Commission is independent of
Congress. The powers of the Commission do not come from
In Neri v. Senate Committee on Accountability of Public
Congress but emanate directly from the Constitution.
Officers and Investigations, this Court explained further that
Hence, it is not an agent of Congress. In fact, the functions a legislative inquiry must prove to be in aid of legislation
of the Commissioner are purely executive in nature. and not for other purposes, pronouncing that "Congress is
neither a law enforcement nor a trial agency."
GDU 2021
It bears stressing that no inquiry is an end in itself; it must certainly not to approve, review, revise and amend the IRR of
be related to, and in furtherance of, a legitimate task of the the COMELEC.
Congress, i.e., legislation. Investigations conducted solely
to gather incriminatory evidence and "punish" those By vesting itself with the powers to approve, review, amend,
investigated are indefensible. There is no Congressional and revise the IRR for The Overseas Absentee Voting Act,
power to expose for the sake of exposure. Congress went beyond the scope of its constitutional
authority. Congress trampled upon the constitutional mandate of
Additionally, legislative inquiry must respect the individual independence of the COMELEC. Under such a situation, the Court
rights of the persons invited to or affected by the
is left with no option but to withdraw from its usual reticence in
legislative inquiry or investigation. Hence, the power of
declaring a provision of law unconstitutional.
legislative inquiry must be carefully balanced with the
private rights of those affected. A person's right against
5. Power to judge President’s physical fitness to
self-incrimination and to due process cannot be swept
aside in favor of the purported public need of a legislative discharge the functions of the Presidency
CONST., Article VII, Section 11. Whenever the President
It must be stressed that persons invited to appear before a transmits to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the
legislative inquiry do so as resource persons and not as House of Representatives his written declaration that he is
accused in a criminal proceeding . Thus, they should be unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and
accorded respect and courtesy since they were under no until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary,
compulsion to accept the invitation extended before them, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice-
yet they did so anyway. Their accommodation of a request President as Acting President.
should not in any way be repaid with insinuations.
Whenever a majority of all the Members of the Cabinet transmit
The basic rules of decorum and decency must govern any to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House
undertaking done in one's official capacity as an agent of the of Representatives their written declaration that the President is
State, in tacit recognition of one's role as a public servant. unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the
Vice-President shall immediately assume the powers and
However, the deportment and decorum of the members of duties of the office as Acting President.
any constitutional organ, such as both Houses of Congress
during a legislative inquiry, are beyond the judicial realm . Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President of the
All this Court can do is exercise its own power with care and Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives his
wisdom, acting in a manner befitting its dignified status as written declaration that no inability exists, he shall reassume the
public servant and never weaponizing shame under the powers and duties of his office. Meanwhile, should a majority of all
guise of a public hearing. the Members of the Cabinet transmit within five days to the
President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of
Arnault v. Nazareno Representatives their written declaration that the President is
The fact that the Constitution expressly gives to Congress the unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the
power to punish its Members for disorderly behavior, does not Congress shall decide the issue. For that purpose, the Congress
by necessary implication exclude the power to punish for shall convene, if it is not in session, within forty-eight hours, in
contempt any other person. But no person can be punished for accordance with its rules and without need of call.
contumacy as a witness before either House, unless his
If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of the last written
testimony is required in a matter into which that House has
declaration, or, if not in session, within twelve days after it is
jurisdiction to inquire.
required to assemble, determines by a two-thirds vote of both
LEGISLATIVE SUPERVISION: Houses, voting separately, that the President is unable to
discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice-
President shall act as the President; otherwise, the President
It is not correct to hold that because of its recognized extensive
shall continue exercising the powers and duties of his office.
legislative power to enact election laws, Congress may intrude
into the independence of the COMELEC by exercising
supervisory powers over its rule-making authority. Once a law 6. Power of impeachment
is enacted and approved, the legislative function is deemed
accomplished and complete. The legislative function may CONST., Article XII, Section 3. (1) The House of
spring back to Congress relative to the same law only if that Representatives shall have the exclusive power to initiate all
body deems it proper to review, amend and revise the law, but cases of impeachment.
GDU 2021
8. Power to propose amendments to the
(2) A verified complaint for impeachment may be filed by any
Constitution [Art. VXII, Secs. 1 and 2]
Member of the House of Representatives or by any citizen
upon a resolution of endorsement by any Member thereof,
See: XII. Amendmend and Revision of the Constitution
which shall be included in the Order of Business within ten
session days, and referred to the proper Committee within
three session days thereafter. The Committee, after hearing, 9. Concur in appointments of certain officials and
and by a majority vote of all its Members, shall submit its report nomination made by the President in the event of
to the House within sixty session days from such referral, vacancy in the Office of the VP [Art. VII, Sec. 9]
together with the corresponding resolution. The resolution shall
be calendared for consideration by the House within ten CONST., Article VII, Section 9. Whenever there is a vacancy in
session days from receipt thereof.
the Office of the Vice-President during the term for which he
(3) A vote of at least one-third of all the Members of the House was elected, the President shall nominate a Vice-President
shall be necessary either to affirm a favorable resolution with from among the Members of the Senate and the House of
the Articles of Impeachment of the Committee, or override its Representatives who shall assume office upon confirmation by
a majority vote of all the Members of both Houses of the
contrary resolution. The vote of each Member shall be
Congress, voting separately.

(4) In case the verified complaint or resolution of impeachment 10. Power to revoke or extend suspension of writ
is filed by at least one-third of all the Members of the House, of habeas corpus and declaration martial law
the same shall constitute the Articles of Impeachment, and trial
[Art. VII, Sec. 18]
by the Senate shall forthwith proceed.

(5) No impeachment proceedings shall be initiated against the See: Executive Powers, infra

same official more than once within a period of one year.

11. Power of the Senate to concur in treaties [Art.
(6) The Senate shall have the sole power to try and decide all VII, Sec. 21]
cases of impeachment. When sitting for that purpose, the
Senators shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of See: Executive Powers, infra
the Philippines is on trial, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court shall preside, but shall not vote. No person shall be
12. Power relative to natural resources [Art. XII,
convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the
Members of the Senate. Sec. 2]

(7) Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further See: XI. Natural Resources
than removal from office and disqualification to hold any office
under the Republic of the Philippines, but the party convicted 13. Power to declare war or state of emergency
shall nevertheless be liable and subject to prosecution, trial,
and punishment according to law.
CONST., Article VI, Section 23. (1) The Congress, by a vote of
(8) The Congress shall promulgate its rules on impeachment to two-thirds of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting
effectively carry out the purpose of this section. separately, shall have the sole power to declare the existence
of a state of war.

7. Concur in the grant of amnesty by the President (2) In times of war or other national emergency, the Congress
may, by law, authorize the President, for a limited period and
CONST., Article VII, Section 19. Except in cases of impeachment, subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe, to exercise
or as otherwise provided in this Constitution, the President may powers necessary and proper to carry out a declared national
grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, and remit fines and policy. Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution of the Congress,
such powers shall cease upon the next adjournment thereof.
forfeitures, after conviction by final judgment.

He shall also have the power to grant amnesty with the CONST., Article XII, Section 17. In times of national emergency,
concurrence of a majority of all the Members of the Congress. when the public interest so requires, the State may, during the
emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed by it,
temporarily take over or direct the operation of any privately
GDU 2021
owned public utility or business affected with public interest. Power of Legislation
• Veto Power
See: Executive Powers, infra • Power to Declare State of Emergency (only); exercise of
emergency power vested in Congress, but may be
delegated by it to the President
• Integrative Power: powers shared with legislative (e.g.
appointments requiring confirmation, rule-making);
COMPOSITION legislation during times of emergency

CONST., Article VII, Section 2. No person may be elected Diplomatic Powers: Including Power to Enter into Treaties
President unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, and executive agreements
a registered voter, able to read and write, at least forty years
of age on the day of the election, and a resident of the Residual Power: To protect the general welfare of people;
Philippines for at least ten years immediately preceding such founded on duty of President as steward of the people;
election. includes powers unrelated to execution of any provision of law
[See Marcos v. Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211(1989)]
Section 3. There shall be a Vice-President who shall have the
same qualifications and term of office and be elected with and Power to Pardon: Reprieve, commute, pardon, remit fines and
in the same manner as the President. He may be removed forfeitures after final judgment [Sec. 19(1), Art. VII]
from office in the same manner as the President.
Power to Grant Amnesty: With concurrence of majority of all
The Vice-President may be appointed as a Member of the members of Congress
Cabinet. Such appointment requires no confirmation.
Borrowing Power: Contract or guarantee foreign loans with
POWERS concurrence of Monetary Board [Sec. 20, Art. VII]

SUMMARY OF PRESIDENTIAL POWERS Budgetary Power: Submit to congress budget of bills and
expenditures [Sec. 22, Art. VII]
Executive Power: This is the power to enforce and administer
laws. Informing Power: Address Congress during opening of
session, or at any other time [Sec. 23, Art. VII]
Power of Appointment: The Legislative can create office, but
only the Executive can fill it; Congress cannot circumvent this Power over aliens: includes power to deport [Admin Code,
by setting very narrow qualifications, such that only one person
Ch. 3, Se. 8-11]
is qualified to hold office [Flores v. Drilon, G.R. No.
1. General Executive Power
Power of Control: The President may (a) nullify, modify
judgments of subordinates [See Sec. 17, Art. VII]; (b) undo or CONST., Article VII, Section 1. The executive power shall
redo actions of subordinates; and (c) lay down rules for the be vested in the President of the Philippines.
performance of subordinates’ duties.
Araullo v. Aquino, III
Power of Supervision: This refers to the oversight function The President, in keeping with his duty to faithfully execute
[over LGUs]. The Executive must see to it that rules, which it the laws, had sufficient discretion during the execution of the
did not make, are followed. budget to adapt the budget to changes in the country’s
economic situation. He could adopt a plan like the DAP for the
Commander-in-Chief Powers [Sec. 18, Art. VII]:
purpose. He could pool the savings and identify the PAPs to
• Call Out Power: Armed forces to suppress lawless violence;
be funded under the DAP. The pooling of savings pursuant to
• Suspension of the privilege of the Writ of Habeas the DAP, and the identification of the PAPs to be funded under
Corpus: Only (a) in times of rebellion or invasion; AND (b) the DAP did not involve appropriation in the strict sense
when required by public safety because the money had been already set apart from the public
• Martial law: Only (a) in times of rebellion or invasion; AND
treasury by Congress through the GAAs. In such actions, the
(b) when required by public safety; Does not suspend the Executive did not usurp the power vested in Congress under
Constitution Sec. 29(1), Art. VI of the Constitution.

2. Power of Appointment
GDU 2021
continued vacancies therein will prejudice public service or
CONST., Article VII, Section 16. The President shall nominate endanger public safety.
and, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments,
appoint the heads of the executive departments, ambassadors, GR: 2 months immediately before the next presidential
other public ministers and consuls, or officers of the armed elections (2nd Monday of May), and up to the end of his “term”
forces from the rank of colonel or naval captain, and other (June 30), a President (or Acting President) shall not make
officers whose appointments are vested in him in this appointments [Sec 15, Art. VII].
Constitution. He shall also appoint all other officers of the
Government whose appointments are not otherwise provided XPN: Temporary appointments to executive positions, when
for by law, and those whom he may be authorized by law to continued vacancies will: (a) Prejudice public service; or (b)
appoint. The Congress may, by law, vest the appointment of endanger public safety.
other officers lower in rank in the President alone, in the courts,
Limited to Executive Departments
or in the heads of departments, agencies, commissions, or
boards. The prohibition against midnight appointment applies only to
positions in the executive department [De Castro v. JBC, G.R.
[Ad Interim Appointments] 191002(2010)].
The President shall have the power to make appointments
during the recess of the Congress, whether voluntary or TYPES OF APPOINTMENTS
compulsory, but such appointments shall be effective only until First Type: Permanent vs.
after disapproval by the Commission on Appointments or until Temporary Permanent Appointment
the next adjournment of the Congress. A permanent appointment is extended to a person possessing
the requisite qualifications, including the eligibility required, for
Categories of appointments that may be made by the position, and thus protected by the constitutional guaranty
the President of security of tenure.
1. Heads of the Executive Department, ambassadors, other
Temporary Appointment
public ministers and consuls, officers of the armed forces
Where the appointee does not possess the requisite civil
from the rank of colonel or naval captain and other officers
service eligibility, the appointment is considered a temporary
whose appointments are vested in him [must be with
appointment. However, acquisition of the civil service eligibility
consent of Commission on Appointments ];
2. All other officers of the government whose appointments by a temporary appointee will not ipso facto convert the
are not otherwise provided by law; temporary appointment into a permanent one. A new
3. Those whom the President may be authorized by law to appointment is necessary.
An acting appointment is a temporary appointment. A
When the Consent of the Commission on Appointments is contractual appointment is considered a temporary
Required appointment, such that when the contract is not renewed there
In the appointment of: is no dismissal but an expiration of term.
1. Heads of Executive departments (except if it is the Vice-
Where a person is merely designated and not appointed, the
President who is appointed to a cabinet position, as this
implication is that he/she shall hold the office in a temporary
needs no confirmation);
2. Ambassadors, other public ministers or consuls; capacity and may be replaced by the will of the appointing
3. Officers of the AFP from the rank of Colonel or Naval authority [Binamira v. Garrucho].
4. Other officers whose appointments are vested in him by Second Type: Regular v. Ad Interim (this only applies to the
the Constitution (e.g. Regular Members of the Judicial and categories of appointments made by the President under
Bar Council; Chairman and Commissioners of the Civil Article VII, Section 16, requiring confirmation by the
Service Commission, Commission on Elections, and the Commission on Appointments)
Commission on Audit; Members of the Regional and
Regular appointment
Consultative Commissions; Ombudsman and Deputies)
A regular appointment is one made by the President while
Election Ban Congress is in session after the nomination is confirmed by the
CONST., Article VII, Section 15. Two months immediately before Commission on Appointments and continues until the end of
the next presidential elections and up to the end of his term, a the term.
President or Acting President shall not make appointments, except
Ad Interim appointment
temporary appointments to executive positions when
GDU 2021
An ad interim appointment is one made by the President while All the same, while this Court has at times expanded the
Congress is not in session, before the confirmation by the application of the doctrine of qualified political agency, the
Commission on Appointments, is immediately effective and doctrine remains limited to the President's executive
ceases to be valid if disapproved or bypassed by the secretary and other Cabinet secretaries. It does NOT
Commission on Appointments upon the next adjournment of extend to deputy executive secretaries or assistant
Congress. It is a permanent appointment and takes effect deputy secretaries.
If the Commission on Appointments disapproves an ad interim Doctrinal Rulings
appointment, the appointee can no longer be extended a new The President may, by executive or administrative order, direct
appointment inasmuch as the disapproval is a final decision of the reorganization of government entities under the Executive
the Commission. But if an ad interim appointment is merely by- Department. This is also sanctioned under the Constitution, as
passed, there is no final decision. Absent such decision, the well as the Admin Code. This recognizes the recurring need of
President is free to renew the ad interim appointment [Matibag every President to reorganize his or her office "to achieve
v. Benipayo]. simplicity, economy and efficiency," in the manner the Chief
Executive deems fit to carry out presidential directives and
3. Power of Control and Supervision policies [Tondo Medical Employees v. CA, G.R. No. 167324
CONST., Article VII, Section 17. The President shall have
In establishing an executive department, bureau, or office, the
control of all the executive departments, bureaus, and offices.
legislature necessarily ordains an executive agency's position
He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.
in the scheme of administrative structure. Such determination
is primary, but subject to the President's continuing authority to
reorganize the administrative structure [Anak Mindanao v.
The doctrine of qualified political agency declares that, save in Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 166052 (2007)].
matters on which the Constitution or the circumstances require
the President to act personally, executive and administrative As far as bureaus, agencies or offices in the executive
functions are exercised through executive departments headed department are concerned, the Presidents power of control
by cabinet secretaries, whose acts are presumptively the acts may justify him to inactivate the functions of a particular office,
of the President unless disapproved by the latter [Hontiveros-
or certain laws may grant him the broad authority to carry out
Baraquel v. Toll Regulatory Board, G.R. No. 181293, February
reorganization measures. Reorganizations in this jurisdiction
23, 2015.]
have been regarded as valid provided they are pursued in good
faith [Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB v. Executive Secretary].
[LEONEN CASE] Philippine Institute for Development
Studies (PIDS) v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 212022, SUPERVISION OVER LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS
August 20, 2019 CONST., Article X, Section 4. The President of the Philippines
This Court, in applying the doctrine of qualified political
shall exercise general supervision over local governments.
agency, decreed that "the power of the [p]resident to
reorganize the National Government may validly be
delegated to his [or her] cabinet members exercising CONST., Article X, Section 10. The President shall exercise
control over a particular executive department." Therefore, general supervision over autonomous regions to ensure that
this Court held that the Department of Environment and the laws are faithfully executed.
Natural Resources Secretary is authorized to reorganize the
department offices. The President can only interfere in the affairs of an LGU if he or
she finds that the latter has acted in a manner contrary to law.
The declaration of martial law, the suspension of the writ of A law which authorizes the SOJ to review the constitutionality
habeas corpus, and the exercise of the pardoning power of a tax ordinance is valid, so long as the SOJ does not
notwithstanding the judicial determination of guilt of the substitute his or her own judgment for that of the LGU [Drilon v.
accused, all fall within this special class that demands the Lim].
exclusive exercise by the President of the constitutionally
vested power. The list is by no means exclusive, but there The President may suspend or remove local officials by virtue
must be a showing that the executive power in question is of of the power delegated to him by Congress through the Local
similar gravitas and exceptional import. Government Code. The Constitution also places local
governments under the general supervision of the President,
Application and also allows Congress to include in the local government
GDU 2021
code provisions for removal of local officials [See Sec 3, Art X to life or well-being beyond that which is accepted as normal.
and Ganzon v. CA, G.R. No. 93252 (1991)]. Implicit in these definitions are the elements of intensity,
variety, and perception.
The grant of additional compensation like hospitalization and
health care insurance benefits to the local government officials Emergencies, as perceived by legislature or executive in the
and employees does not require the approval of the President United Sates have been occasioned by a wide range of
for its validity [Province of Negros v. COA]. situations, classifiable under three principal heads: (a)
economic, (b) natural disaster, and (c) national security.
4. Emergency Powers Emergency as contemplated in our Constitution, is of the same
breadth. It may include rebellion, economic crisis, pestilence or
EPIDEMIC (or worse, PANDEMIC), typhoon, flood, or other
CONST., Article VI, Section 23 (2). In times of war or other
similar catastrophe of nationwide proportions or effect.
national emergency, the Congress may, by law, authorize the
President, for a limited period and subject to such restrictions
May the President declare the existence of a national
as it may prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and proper emergency?
to carry out a declared national policy . Unless sooner Yes, the President may declare the existence of a state of
withdrawn by resolution of the Congress, such powers shall national emergency without Congressional enactment. Unlike
cease upon the next adjournment thereof. the declaration of state of war, the declaration of the existence
of a national emergency is not reserved to the Congress and
CONST., Article VI, Section 26 (2). No bill passed by either House therefore may be exercised by the President. However, the
shall become a law unless it has passed three readings on exercise of emergency powers requires a delegation from
separate days, and printed copies thereof in its final form have Congress which is the repository of emergency powers.
been distributed to its Members three days before its passage,
except when the President certifies to the necessity of its May the President further delegate the emergency powers
immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency. granted to him or her? Explain.
Upon the last reading of a bill, no amendment thereto shall be NO. The President may not further delegate the emergency
allowed, and the vote thereon shall be taken immediately powers given to him by Congress pursuant to the Latin maxim
thereafter, and the yeas and nays entered in the Journal. delegata potesta non potest delegare (“a delegate cannot
further delegate”), as this exercise of emergency powers
Cf. Takeover power requires the exercise of judgment and discretion on his part.
CONST., Article XII, Section 17. In times of national emergency, The President may, however, issue directives and exercise
when the public interest so requires, the State may, during the powers that he or she may see fit and necessary to carry out
the national policy declared by Congress.
emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed by it,
temporarily take over or direct the operation of any privately-owned
What are the legal consequences of a declaration of
public utility or business affected with public interest. national emergency?
The President may declare the existence of a national
Requisites for the grant of emergency powers
emergency, but the action does not bind Congress or require
Generally, Congress is the repository of emergency powers. Congress to enact legislation to delegate emergency
However, knowing that during grave emergencies, it may not
powers to the President.
be possible or practicable for Congress to meet and exercise
its powers, the Framers of our Constitution deemed it wise to Note, further, that the President has no absolute authority to
allow Congress to grant emergency powers to the President, exercise all the powers of the State under Section 17, Article
subject to certain conditions, thus: VII (take over power) in the absence of an emergency powers
act passed by Congress.”
1. There must be a war or other emergency;
2. The delegation must be for a limited period only; David v. Macapagal-Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396, May 3, 2006
3. The delegation must be subject to such restrictions as the Section 17, Article XII (takeover power) must be understood
Congress may prescribe; and as an aspect of the emergency powers clause. The taking
4. The emergency powers must be exercised to carry out a over of private business affected with public interest is just
national policy declared by Congress. another facet of the emergency powers generally reposed
upon Congress. Thus, when Section 17 states that the "the
State may, during the emergency and under reasonable terms
prescribed by it, temporarily take over or direct the operation of
Emergency, as a generic term, connotes the existence of
any privately-owned public utility or business affected with
conditions suddenly intensifying the degree of existing danger public interest," it refers to Congress, not the
GDU 2021
President. Now, whether or not the President may exercise legislative assemblies, nor authorize the conferment of
such power is dependent on whether Congress may jurisdiction on military courts and agencies over civilians where
delegate it to him pursuant to a law prescribing the civil courts are able to function, nor automatically suspend the
reasonable terms thereof. privilege of the writ.

WHEN EMERGENCY POWERS CEASE The suspension of the privilege of the writ shall apply only to
According to the Constitution: persons judicially charged for rebellion or offenses inherent in
1. Upon being withdrawn by resolution of the Congress; or or directly connected with the invasion.
2. If Congress fails to adopt such resolution, upon the next
(voluntary) adjournment of Congress. During the suspension of the privilege of the writ, any person
thus arrested or detained shall be judicially charged within
The fact that Congress is able tomeet in session three days, otherwise he shall be released.
uninterruptedly and adjourn of its own will prove that the
emergency no longer exists to justify the delegation [See Under Art. VII, Sec. 18 of the Constitution the powers of the
Araneta v. Dinglasan, G.R. No. L- 2044(1949)] President as Commander-in-Chief are the following:
1. Power to call out the armed forces (or calling out power)
5. Commander-in-chief Powers for the prevention or suppression of lawless violence,
invasion or rebellion;
2. Power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
CONST., Article XII, Section 18. The President shall be the
corpus in case of invasion or rebellion and when public
Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines and
safety requires it; and
whenever it becomes necessary, he may call out such armed 3. Power to declare martial law also in case of invasion or
forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or
rebellion and when public safety requires it.
Limitations on 2 and 3
In case of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety requires
(1) There must be an actual invasion or rebellion;
it, he may, for a period not exceeding sixty days, suspend the (2) The duration of the proclamation shall not exceed 60 days;
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or place the Philippines (3) Within 48 hours, the President shall report his action to
or any part thereof under martial law. Congress. If Congress is not in session, it must convene
within 24 hours. Congress need not convene if it will not
[Congress’ Check]
revoke. (Fortun v. Ampatuan; Padilla v. Congress)
Within forty-eight hours from the proclamation of martial law or
(4) Congress may be majority vote of all its members voting
the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the
jointly, revoke the proclamation and the President cannot
President shall submit a report in person or in writing to the set aside that revocation;
Congress. The Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of at least a (5) By the same vote and in the same manner, upon initiative
majority of all its Members in regular or special session, may of the President, Congress may extend the proclamation if
revoke such proclamation or suspension, which revocation the invasion or rebellion continues and the public safety
shall not be set aside by the President. Upon the initiative of requires the extension;
the President, the Congress may, in the same manner, extend (6) The Supreme Court may review the factual sufficiency of
such proclamation or suspension for a period to be determined the proclamation and must decide the case within 30 days
by the Congress, if the invasion or rebellion shall persist and from the time it was filed [Lansang v. Garcia]; and
public safety requires it. (7) Martial law does not automatically suspend the privilege of
the writ of habeas corpus or the operation of the
The Congress, if not in session, shall, within twenty-four hours
Constitution. It does not supplant the functioning of civil
following such proclamation or suspension, convene in
courts and of Congress. Military courts have no jurisdiction
accordance with its rules without any need of a call. over civilians where civil courts are able to function. [David
v. Macapagal-Arroyo]
[Supreme Court’s Check]
The Supreme Court may review, in an appropriate proceeding Commander-in-Chief Powers in relation to the AFP
filed by any citizen, the sufficiency of the factual basis of the Outside explicit constitutional limitations, such as those found
proclamation of martial law or the suspension of the privilege of in Section 5, Article XVI, the commander-in-chief clause vests
the writ or the extension thereof, and must promulgate its on the President, as commander-in-chief, absolute authority
decision thereon within thirty days from its filing. over the persons and actions of the members of the armed
forces. Such authority includes the ability of the President to
A state of martial law does NOT suspend the operation of the
restrict the travel, movement and speech of military officers,
Constitution, nor supplant the functioning of the civil courts or
GDU 2021
activities which may otherwise be sanctioned under civilian law granting a pardon, prescribing the terms upon which the
[Gudani v. Senga]. sentence shall be suspended.

Graduated Powers Probation, on the other hand, is disposition where a defendant

Sec. 18, Art. VII grants the President, as Commander-in-Chief, after conviction and sentence is released subject to (1)
a “sequence” of “graduated power[s].” From the most to the conditions imposed by the court and (2) supervision of a
least benign, these are: (1) the calling out power, (2) the power probation officer [PD No. 968, Sec. 3(a)]
to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and the
Four (4) ways for the Proclamation of Martial Law or the 1. In case of impeachment;
Suspension of the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus 2. Cases that have not yet resulted in a final conviction
to be Lifted: (exception: amnesty);
1. Lifting by the President himself o Sec. 19, Art. VII prohibits the grant of pardon
2. Revocation by Congress whether full or conditional, to an accused during
3. Nullification by the Supreme Court the pendency of his appeal from his conviction by
4. Operation of law after 60 days (without extension) the trial court. Any application therefore should
not be acted upon or the process toward its grant
6. Executive Clemency should not be begun unless the appeal is
withdrawn [People v. Bacang, G.R. No.
CONST., Article VII, Section 19. Except in cases of impeachment,
3. As otherwise provided in this Constitution, e.g. for
or as otherwise provided in this Constitution, the President may
election offenses: No pardon, amnesty, parole, or
grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, and remit fines and
suspension of sentence for violation of election laws, rules,
forfeitures, after conviction by final judgment. He shall also have
and regulations shall be granted by the President without
the power to grant amnesty with the concurrence of a majority of all
the favorable recommendation by the Commission on
the Members of the Congress. Election [Sec. 5, Art. IX].
4. The President cannot pardon members and employees
Forms of executive clemency found guilty by the Supreme Court in administrative cases,
1. Reprieve is the withholding of a sentence for an interval of because it will encroach upon the exclusive power of
time, a postponement of execution, a temporary administrative supervision of the Supreme Court over its
suspension of execution [People v. Vera, G.R. No. L- employees.
45685(1937)]. 5. The President cannot absolve the convict of civil liability.
2. Commutation is a remission of a part of the punishment; 6. The President cannot grant pardon to cases of legislative
a substitution of a lesser penalty for the one originally or civil contempt.
imposed [People v. Vera]. 7. The President cannot restore public offices forfeited, even
3. Pardon is an act of grace proceeding from the power if the pardon restores eligibility for said offices.
entrusted with the execution of the laws, which exempts
the individual on whom it is bestowed, from the Any act of Congress by way of statute cannot operate to delimit
punishment the law inflicts for the crime he has committed. the pardoning power of the President [Risos Vidal v.
It is a remission of guilt, a forgiveness of the offense Commission on Elections, 2015].
[People v. Vera].
4. Amnesty: A sovereign act of oblivion for past acts,
7. Diplomatic Power
granted by government generally to a class of persons
who have been guilty usually of political offenses and who
The President has the power to negotiate, enter and ratify
are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted, and
international treaties. As the sole organ of our foreign relations
often conditioned upon their return to obedience and duty
and the constitutionally assigned chief architect of our foreign
within a prescribed time. This requires the concurrence of
policy, the President is vested with the exclusive power to
majority of all members of Congress.
conduct and manage the country's interface with other states
5. Remit fines and forfeitures after conviction by final
and governments [Saguisag v. Ochoa, 2016].
CONST., Article VII, Section 21. No treaty or international
Note: Parole is the suspension of the sentence of a convict
agreement shall be valid and effective unless concurred in by
granted by a Parole Board (not the President) after serving the
minimum term of the indeterminate sentence penalty, without at least two-thirds of all the Members of the Senate.
GDU 2021
It is the President who ratifies a treaty and the Senate merely Press Release: The decision acknowledged that the
concurs [Bayan v. Executive Secretary, 2000]. Also, the President President, as primary architect of foreign policy, is subject to
cannot also be compelled to submit a treaty to the Senate for the Constitution and existing statute.
concurrence, because only the President has the sole power to
submit it to the Senate and/or to ratify it. It is the President who Therefore, the power of the President to withdraw unilaterally
ratifies a treaty, and the Senate merely concurs. can be limited by the conditions for concurrence by the Senate
or when there is an existing law which authorizes the
TREATY VS. EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT negotiation of a treaty or international agreement or when there
Point of Treaty Executive is a statute that implements an existing treaty.
distinction Agreement
Definition Treaties are formal International POWER TO CONTRACT FOREIGN LOANS
contracts between agreements CONST., Article VII, Section 20. The President may contract or
the Philippines and embodying guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the Republic of the
other States- adjustments of detail
Philippines with the prior concurrence of the Monetary Board,
parties, which are carrying out well-
and subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.
in the nature of established national
international policies and The Monetary Board shall, within thirty days from the end of
agreements, and traditions and those every quarter of the calendar year, submit to the Congress a
also of municipal involving complete report of its decisions on applications for loans to be
laws in the sense of arrangements of
contracted or guaranteed by the Government or government-
their binding more or less
owned and controlled corporations which would have the effect
nature; they are temporary nature.
of increasing the foreign debt, and containing other matters as
formal documents
may be provided by law.
which require They are usually
ratification with the concluded to:
approval of two- 1. Adjust the details
thirds of the Senate of a treaty There is no legal or constitutional provision defining the power
2. Upon confirmation to deport aliens because the intention of the law is to grant the
by an act of Chief Executive the full discretion to determine whether an
Legislature alien’s residence in the country is so undesirable as to affect
3. In the exercise of the security, welfare or interest of the state. The Chief
the President’s Executive is the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of
independent powers facts which would warrant the deportation of aliens [Go Tek v.
under the Deportation Board, G.R. No. L-23846(1977)].
Need for Senate Senate concurrence Note: The President may deport only according to grounds
legislative concurrence is is not required enumerated by law, otherwise it would be unreasonable and
concurrence always required undemocratic [Qua Chee Gan v. Deportation Board, G.R. No.
after ratification by L- 10280(1963)].
the President (2⁄3
of all members of 8. Powers relative to appropriation measures
Force of Has force and Same as an executive See: X. Process of Legislation
authority effect of law (may issuance
amend or repeal CONST., Article VII, Section 22. The President shall submit to
domestic laws once the Congress within thirty (30) days from the opening of every
concurred in by the regular session, as the basis of the general appropriations bill,
a budget of expenditures and sources of financing, including
Subject to Yes Yes
receipts from existing and proposed revenue measures.
Note: The budget is the upper limit of the appropriations bill to
be passed by Congress. The Congress may not increase the
appropriations recommended by the President for the operation
of the Government as specified in the budget.
[LEONEN] Pangilinan v. Cayetano, 2021
GDU 2021
What is meant by saving(s) – (a) does this term appear in 1. Still available after the completion or final discontinuance
the Constitution and (b) where is it defined? or abandonment of the work, activity or propose for which
Yes, the term "savings" appears in the Constitution, particularly the appropriation is authorized;
in Art. VI, Sec. 25 (5) which provides that “no law shall be 2. From appropriations balances arising from unpaid
passed authorizing any transfer of appropriations; however, the compensation and related costs pertaining to vacant
President, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the positions and leaves of absence without pay; and
House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of the Supreme 3. From appropriations balances realized from the
Court, and the heads of Constitutional Commissions may, by implementation of measures resulting in improved systems
law, be authorized to augment any item in the general and efficiencies and thus enabled agencies to meet and
appropriations law for their respective offices from savings in deliver the required or planned targets, programs and
other items of their respective appropriations.” services approved in this Act at a lesser cost [Araullo v.
Aquino, 2014]
While the Constitution does not define "savings," it is defined in
the General Appropriations Acts of each fiscal year, and These savings must comply with this statutory definition of
subject to the interpretation of the Supreme Court. such under the General Appropriations Act for the fiscal year.

What powers and prerogatives does the President b. Unconstitutional

exercise in relation to savings?
The President may, by law, be authorized to augment any item Art. VI, Sec. 25(5) does not authorize the President to re-allocate
in the general appropriations law for his respective office from savings to support the Commission on Audit’s items in their
savings in other items of his respective appropriations. [Art. VI, respective appropriations. The Constitution only allows inter-
department/office augmentation of items from savings found in
Sec. 25(5) of the Constitution].
their respective offices/departments. This reinforces the fiscal
Transfer of “Savings” autonomy of the different branches of governments and the
The transfer of appropriated funds, to be valid under Section constitutional creations which the Commission on Audit is.
25(5), must be made upon a concurrence of the following
requisites, namely: 9. Residual Powers
1. There is a law authorizing the President, the President of
the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, The residual powers of the President are generally described in
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the heads of Marcos v. Manglapus (1989) as the unstated powers implied
the Constitutional Commissions to transfer funds within from the grant of executive power that is necessary for the
their respective offices; President to comply with their constitutional duty to protect
2. The funds to be transferred are savings generated from the general welfare of people. It includes powers unrelated to
the appropriations for their respective offices; and execution of any provision of law.
3. The purpose of the transfer is to augment an existing item
in the general appropriations law for their respective An example of acts that come under the President’s residual
offices [Araullo vs Aquino, 2014]. powers is the power to ban the return of the Marcoses to the
Philippines, as ruled in Marcos v. Manglapus. #NEVERAGAIN!
Note: In Araullo 2015, SC said that the release of
unprogrammed funds (savings) need NOT occur at the end of In MEWAP v. Romulo, the court upheld the reorganization of
the fiscal year (this statement modified Araullo 2014). the DOH through EOs 102 and 1165, as it was within the
President’s residual power to restructure the executive
Is there a violation of the Constitution in any of the following: departments since he has the power of control over executive
(a) the President, through the Department of Budget and departments granted by the Constitution [G.R. No. 160093,
Management, requires the various departments to declare as July 31, 2007].
savings any appropriation not spent within the first half of the
fiscal year and (b) the President, in re-allocating savings to The power to create ad hoc bodies is a residual power vested
support the Commission on Audit’s IT project? Explain in the President in accordance with faithful execution clause
briefly. [Biraogo v. Phil. Truth Commission of 2010, G.R. Nos. 192935,
a. Unconstitutional.

Savings refer to portions or balances of any programmed

appropriation in this Act free from any obligation or
encumbrance which are:
GDU 2021
10. Veto Powers JUDICIARY

See: X. Process of Legislation

Presidential veto is the power of the President to disapprove a
CONST., Article VIII, Section 4. (1) The Supreme Court shall be
bill passed by Congress, and to return the same to the House
composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices .
where it originated with his or her objections within thirty (30)
It may sit En Banc or in its discretion, in divisions of three, five,
days after the date of receipt thereof, otherwise the bill shall
become a law as if he had signed it [Art. VI, Sec. 27 (1)]. or seven Members. Any vacancy shall be filled within ninety
days from the occurrence thereof.
Partial vetoes are invalid, as bills must be vetoed by the
[Cases required to be heard En Banc]
President in its entirety, or not at all [Bengzon v. Drilon, 1992].
An exception to this is the case of an “item veto”, where the (2) All cases involving the constitutionality of a treaty,
President has the power to veto any particular item or items in international or executive agreement, or law, which shall be
heard by the Supreme Court en banc, and all other cases
an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill [Art. VI, Sec 27 (2)].
which under the Rules of Court are required to be heard en
Note, however, that the power to disapprove any item or items banc, including those involving the constitutionality, application,
in an appropriation, revenue or tariff bill does not grant the or operation of presidential decrees, proclamations, orders,
authority to veto a part of an item and to approve the remaining instructions, ordinances, and other regulations, shall be
portion of the same item [Bengzon v. Drilon, 1994; Gonzales v. decided with the concurrence of a majority of the Members who
Macaraig, 1990]. actually took part in the deliberations on the issues in the case
and voted thereon.
Belgica v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 210503, October 8,
2019 [By division]
(3) Cases or matters heard by a division shall be decided or
In the 2013 Belgica case, this Court held: “It is significant to
resolved with the concurrence of a majority of the Members
point out that an item of appropriation must be an item
who actually took part in the deliberations on the issues in the
characterized by singular correspondence — meaning an
case and voted thereon, and in no case, without the
allocation of a specified singular amount for a specified
concurrence of at least three of such Members . When the
singular purpose, otherwise known as a "line- item.”
required number is not obtained, the case shall be decided en
The requirement of singular correspondence, however, does banc: Provided, that no doctrine or principle of law laid down by
not mean that all lump-sum appropriations are the court in a decision rendered en banc or in division may be
unconstitutional per se; hence, the specifically assailed modified or reversed except by the court sitting en banc.
appropriations are constitutional.
For as long as the lump-sum amount is meant as a 1) Those involving the constitutionality, application, or
funding source for multiple programs, projects, or operation of:
activities that may all be clearly classified as falling a. Treaty
lump-sum appropriation is valid. In this sense, the c. International or executive agreement
"lump-sum" effectively functions as a "line-item" that is d. Law
compliant with the doctrine of singular correspondence as e. Presidential decrees
amply discussed in the 2013 Belgica Decision. f. Instructions
g. Proclamations
A lump-sum, albeit meant as a funding source for multiple h. Ordinances
programs, projects and activities, may effectively function as i. Other regulations
a proper "line-item" for as long as these multiple programs, 2) Exercise of the power to discipline judges of lower courts,
projects or activities are clearly classified as falling under or order their dismissal [Sec. 11, Art. VIII]
one singular appropriation purpose. This singular purpose
may be as general or specific as the legislative department Note: Discipline of judges can be done by a division, BUT En
deems it to be, provided that such generality or specificity Banc decides cases for dismissal, disbarment, suspension for
does not negate the President's proper exercise of his item more than 1 year, or fine of more than P10,000 [People v.
veto power. Gacott, G.R. No. 116049 (1995)]
GDU 2021
3) Cases or matters heard by a Division where the required review, prohibit or nullify the acts of legislative and
number of votes to decide or resolve these is not met [Sec. executive officials."
4(3), Art. VIII]
May the National Labor Relations Commission determine
4) Modifying or reversing a doctrine or principle of law laid the constitutionality of a statute? Explain briefly.
down by the court in a decision rendered en banc or in No, a perusal of the relevant provisions under the Constitution
division [Sec. 4(3), Art. VIII] (Art. VIII, Sec. 4(2); Sec. 5(2)[a]) reveals that only courts of law
may determine the constitutionality of a statute. The National
5) Actions instituted by citizens to test the validity of a Labor Relations Commission, being a quasi-judicial agency
proclamation of Martial law or suspension of the privilege under the Department of Labor and Employment, is not such a
of the writ [Sec. 18, Art. VII] court which may determine the constitutionality of a statute.

6) When sitting as Presidential Electoral Tribunal [Sec. 4(7), Do lower courts possess the power of judicial review?
Art. VII] Explain briefly.
Yes. The Constitution has vested the power of judicial review
7) All other cases which under the Rules of Court are required to not only with the Supreme Court but in lower courts as well.
be heard by the SC en banc. [Sec. 4(2), Art. VIII] This is evident in Art. VIII, Sec. 2(a) of the Constitution, where
the Supreme Court was given the power to review, revise,
Spouses Yu Hwa Ping and Mary Gaw v. Ayala Land, Inc., reverse, affirm, or modify appeal or certiorari, final judgments of
G.R. No. 173120, April 10, 2019 lower courts in all cases in which the constitutionality of a law
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, is not an appellate etc. is in question
court vis-a-vis its Divisions, and it exercises no
appellate jurisdiction over the latter. Each division of the a. Requisites of Judicial Review
Court is considered not a body inferior to the Court en banc,
and sits veritably as the Court en banc itself. 1. There must be an ACTUAL CASE OR CONTROVERSY,
meaning a genuine conflict of legal rights and interests
POWERS which can be resolved through judicial determination [John
Hay v. Lim, 2003];
See: VI. Powers of the Supreme Court 2. There must be LOCUS STANDI or a party’s personal and
substantial interest in the case, arising from a direct injury
it has sustained or will sustain as a result of the challenged
IV. JUDICIAL REVIEW governmental action. However, this may be brushed aside
by the Court in view of paramount public interest or
CONST ., Article VIII, Section 1. Judicial power includes the transcendental importance of the issues involved [CREBA
duty of the courts… to determine whether or not there has v. Energy Regulation Commission, 2020]
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess 3. The exercise of judicial review is PLEADED AT THE
of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY;
Government. 4. The constitutional issue raised is the very LIS MOTA of the
The power of judicial review is the power of the courts to test
the validity of executive and legislative acts on their conformity ACTUAL CASE OR CONTROVERSY
with the Constitution. Through such power, the judiciary
enforces and upholds the supremacy of the Constitution. An actual case or controversy is one that involves a conflict of
legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal claims susceptible of
What case do you file in invoking the Court’s expanded judicial resolution; the case must not be moot or academic or
judicial review power? based on extra-legal or other similar considerations not
cognizable by a court of justice. This precludes the courts from
Inmates of the New Bilibid Prison v. Secretary De Lima, entertaining the following:
G.R. No. 212719, June 25, 2019 1. Request for an advisory opinion [Guingona v. CA, G.R.
True, a petition for certiorari and prohibition is not an No. 125532 (1998)];
appropriate remedy to assail the validity of the subject IRR as it 2. Cases that are or have become moot and academic, i.e.
cease to present a justiciable controversy due to
was issued in the exercise of respondents' rule-making or
supervening events [David v. Macapagal-Arroyo, G.R. No.
quasi-legislative function. Nevertheless, the Court has
171396 (2006)];
consistently held that "petitions for certiorari and prohibition
3. Political questions
are appropriate remedies to raise constitutional issues and to
GDU 2021
It is not enough that laws or regulations have been passed
Ripeness or are in effect when their constitutionality is questioned.
Subsumed here is the concept of ripeness. A case is ripe for The judiciary interprets and applies the law. "It does not
adjudication when the challenged governmental act is a formulate public policy, which is the province of the legislative
completed action such that there is a direct, concrete, and and executive branches of government." Thus, it does not—by
adverse effect on the petitioner. It is, thus, required that the mere existence of a law or regulation—embark on an
something had been performed by the government branch or exercise that may render laws or regulations inefficacious.
instrumentality before the court may step in, and the petitioner
must allege the existence of an immediate or threatened injury Lest the exercise of its power amount to a ruling on the wisdom
to itself as a result of the challenged action. of the policy imposed by Congress on the subject matter of the
law, the judiciary does not arrogate unto itself the rule-making
By “ripening seeds" it is meant, not that sufficient accrued prerogative by a swift determination that a rule ought not exist.
facts may be dispensed with, but that a dispute may be tried at There must be an actual case, "a contrast of legal rights
its inception before it has accumulated the asperity, distemper, that can be interpreted and enforced on the basis of
animosity, passion, and violence of a full-blown battle that existing law and jurisprudence."
looms ahead. The concept describes a STATE OF FACTS
indicating imminent and inevitable litigation provided that the PETITION MUST BE BASED ON ACTUAL FACTS!!!
issue is not settled and stabilized by tranquilizing declaration . Ultimately, petitions before this Court that challenge an
Petitioners cannot merely cite and rely on the Constitution executive or legislative enactment MUST BE BASED ON
without specifying how these rights translate to being legally ACTUAL FACTS, sufficiently for a proper joinder of issues to be
entitled to a fixed amount and proportion of Social Security resolved. If litigants wish to assail a statute or regulation on
System contributions [Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Aquino, 2019, Per its face, the burden is on them to prove that the narrowly-
J. Leonen]. drawn exception for an extraordinary judicial review (FACIAL
CHALLENGE) of such statute or regulation applies.
Inmates of the New Bilibid Prison v. Secretary De Lima,
G.R. No. 212719, June 25, 2019 When faced with speculations—situations that have not yet fully
Re: GCTA law. DOJ IRR provided for prospective ripened into clear breaches of legally demandable rights or
application. PDLs argued that the law is penal law, and obligations—this Court shall refrain from passing upon the case.
therefore retroactive in application if favorable to PDLs. Any inquiries that may be made may be roving, unlimited, and
There is no need to wait and see the actual organization and CONTROVERSY. To reiterate, "there must be sufficient facts to
operation of the MSEC. In Pimental v. Aguirre, We dismissed enable the Court to intelligently adjudicate the issues."
the novel theory that people should wait for the implementing
evil to befall on them before they could question acts that are LEONEN CASE] Eric F. Acosta and Nathaniel G. Dela Paz v.
illegal or unconstitutional, and held that "[by] the mere Hon. Paquito N. Ochoa, G.R. No. 211559, October 15, 2019
enactment of the questioned law or the approval of the The Petition failed to establish an actual case or controversy.
challenged action, the dispute is said to have ripened into a There is an actual case or controversy if it involves "a
judicial controversy even without any other overt act." Concrete conflict of legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal claims
acts are not necessary to render the present controversy ripe. susceptible of judicial resolution[.]"The issues presented
An actual case may exist even in the absence of tangible should be "definite and concrete, touching on the legal
instances when the assailed IRR has
relations of parties having adverse legal interests." Actual
ACTUALLY AND ADVERSELY AFFECTED PETITIONERS. facts, as opposed to hypothetical ones, must exist for there
The mere issuance of the subject IRR has led to the ripening of
to be an actual case or controversy.
a judicial controversy even without any other overt act.
[LEONEN] Falcis v. Civil Registrar General, July 2020 Even the expanded jurisdiction of this Court under Article
Falcis justifies the direct recourse to this Court by citing, in VIII, Section 1 does not provide license to provide advisory
addition to the alleged transcendental importance of the issues opinions. An advisory opinion is one where the factual setting
he raised, the supposed lack of need for trial concerning any is conjectural or hypothetical. In such cases, the conflict will not
factual issues. have sufficient concreteness or adversariness so as to
constrain the discretion of this Court. After all, legal arguments
The Petition before this Court does not present an actual from concretely lived facts are chosen narrowly by the parties.
case over which we may properly exercise our power of Those who bring theoretical cases will have no such limits.
judicial review. They can argue up to the level of absurdity. They will bind the
future parties who may have more motives to choose specific
legal arguments. In other words, for there to
GDU 2021
be a real conflict between the parties, there must exist Planters Products Inc. v. Fertiphil Coporation
actual facts from which courts can properly determine The direct injury test was adopted to determine locus standi in
whether there has been a breach of constitutional text . public suits. A person who impugns the validity of a statute must
have a personal and substantial interest in the case such that
Here, Petitioners assail the constitutionality of Republic Act
he has sustained, or will sustain direct injury as a result.
No. 10591 because it allegedly violated their right to bear
Recognizing that a strict application of the direct injury test may
arms, their right to property, and even the right to
hamper public interest, the Supreme Court may relax the
presumption of innocence by disqualifying from holding a
requirement in cases of transcendental importance or with far
firearm license those who have committed a crime involving
reaching implications. Being a mere procedural technicality,
a firearm. However, they did not show that their firearm
locus standi may be waived in the public interest.
licenses were revoked because of any of the provisions of
the law or its Implementing Rules and Regulations. [LEONEN CASE] Eric F. Acosta and Nathaniel G. Dela Paz v.
Hon. Paquito N. Ochoa, G.R. No. 211559, October 15, 2019
When is a case considered moot and academic?
What are the exceptions on standing?
The Supreme Court Court in David v. Macapagal-Arroyo (2006)
defined a "moot and academic" case to be "one that ceases to
The exceptions to the rule on legal standing were
present a justiciable controversy by virtue of supervening
summarized in Funa v. Villar. In that case, this Court
events, so that a declaration thereon would be of no practical
enumerated four (4) types of "non-traditional suitors" who,
use or value.” As a general rule, courts must dismiss moot and
though not having been directly injured by the assailed
academic cases that are brought before them.
governmental act, were nonetheless allowed to file the
Exceptions: petition because they raised issues of critical significance:
1. There is a grave violation of the Constitution; 1. For TAXPAYERS, there must be a claim of illegal
2. The exceptional character of the situation and the disbursement of public funds or that the tax measure is
paramount public interest is involved; unconstitutional;
3. When constitutional issue raised requires formulation of 2. For VOTERS, there must be a showing of obvious
controlling principles to guide the bench, the bar, and the interest in the validity of the election law in question;
public; and 3. For CONCERNED CITIZENS, there must be a showing
4. The case is capable of repetition yet evading review [e.g. that the issues raised are of transcendental importance
Sanlakas case on declaration of state of rebellion]. which must be settled early; and
4. For LEGISLATORS, there must be a claim that the
May a petition challenging the constitutional validity of a
official action complained of infringes their prerogatives
pending bill be validly taken cognizance of by the courts?
as legislators.
Explain briefly.
No. According to the case of Central Bank Employees Assoc. THIRD-PARTY STANDING
v. BSP (2004), the Supreme Court has no power to declare a Through White Light Corporation v. City of Manila, the
pending bill in Congress as deemed enacted into law, as such concept of third-party standing was introduced in our
would not be the power to review legislation but is tantamount jurisdiction as another exception to the direct injury rule.
to usurpation of a legislative function. Under this concept, a litigant may file a case on behalf of
third parties when the following criteria concur:

LOCUS STANDI 1. "The litigant must have suffered an 'injury-in-fact,' thus

giving him or her a 'sufficiently concrete interest' in the
Locus standi or legal standing is a personal and substantial outcome of the issue in dispute";
2. "The litigant must have a close relation to the third
interest in the case such that the party has sustained or will
party"; and
sustain a direct injury as a result of the governmental act that is
3. "There must exist some hindrance to the third party's
being challenged. The term "interest" means a material
ability to protect his or her own interests."
interest, an interest in issue affected by the decree, as
distinguished from mere interest in the question involved, or a Associations may likewise sue on behalf of their members,
mere incidental interest [Association of Flood Victims v. as they are but a "medium through which [their] individual
Comelec, 2014]. members seek to make more effective the expression of their
voices and the redress of their grievances." However, if they are
What is the test to determine whether an entity has locus
to do so, associations "must sufficiently [establish] who their
members [are], that their members authorized the associations
to sue on their behalf, and that the members
GDU 2021
would be directly injured by the challenged (2) the presence of a clear case of disregard of a constitutional or
governmental acts." statutory prohibition by the public respondent agency or
instrumentality of the government; and
[LEONEN] Falcis v. Civil Registrar General (3) the lack of any other party with a more direct and specific
Even for exceptional suits filed by taxpayers, legislators, interest in raising the questions being raised.
or concerned citizens, this Court has noted that the party
A mere invocation of transcendental importance in the pleading is
must claim some kind of injury-in-fact.
not enough for a court to Set aside procedural rules: Whether an
For CONCERNED CITIZENS, it is an allegation that the issue is of transcendental importance is a matter determined on a
continuing enforcement of a law or any government act has case-to-case basis. An allegation of transcendental importance
denied the party some right or privilege to which they are must be supported by the proper allegations.
entitled, or that the party will be subjected to some burden
Enforcement of Environmental Laws; Standing
or penalty because of the law or act being complained of.
1. Any Filipino citizen;
For TAXPAYERS, they must show "sufficient interest in 2. In representation of others, including minors or
preventing the illegal expenditure of money raised by generations yet unborn [Resident Marine Mammals of the
taxation[.]" Protected Seascape Tanon Strait v. Reyes, G.R. No.
180771 (2015)]
LEGISLATORS, meanwhile, must show that some government
act infringes on the prerogatives of their office.

THIRD-PARTY SUITS must likewise be brought by litigants GR: Constitutional question must be raised at the earliest
who have "sufficiently concrete interest" in the outcome of the possible opportunity
1. In criminal cases, at the discretion of the court;
Petitioner's supposed "personal stake in the outcome of this 2. In civil cases, if necessary for the determination of the
case" is not the direct injury contemplated by jurisprudence as case itself; and
that which would endow him with standing. Mere assertions of 3. When the jurisdiction of the court is involved [People v.
a "law's normative impact"; "impairment" of his "ability to find Vera].
and enter into long-term monogamous same-sex
Note: The reckoning point is the first competent court. The
relationships"; as well as injury to his "plans to settle down
question must be raised at the first court with judicial review
and have a companion for life in his beloved country"; or
powers. Hence, the failure to raise the constitutional question
influence over his "decision to stay or migrate to a more LGBT
before the NLRC is not fatal to the case [See Serrano v.
friendly country" cannot be recognized by this Court as
Gallant Maritime Services, G.R. No. 167614, (2009)].
sufficient interest.

Similarly, anticipation of harm is not equivalent to direct Matibag v. Benipayo

injury. Petitioner fails to show how the Family Code is the IT is not the date of filing of the petition that determines
proximate cause of his alleged deprivations. His mere whether the constitutional issue was raised at the earliest
allegation that this injury comes from "the law's normative opportunity. The earliest opportunity to raise a constitutional
impact" is insufficient to establish the connection between the issue is to raise it in the PLEADINGS before a competent court
Family Code and his alleged injury. that can resolve the same, such that, "if it is not raised in the
pleadings, it cannot be considered at the trial, and, if not
If the mere passage of a law does not create an actual case or considered at the trial, it cannot be considered on appeal."
controversy, neither can it be a source of direct injury to
establish legal standing. This Court is not duty bound to find Estrada v. Ranada
facts on petitioner's behalf just so he can support his claims. The Ombudsman has no jurisdiction to entertain questions on
the constitutionality of a law. Thus, when petitioner raised the
“Transcendental Importance” issue of constitutionality of Rep. Act No. 6770 before the Court
There being no doctrinal definition of transcendental of Appeals, which is the competent court, the constitutional
importance, the following instructive determinants formulated question was raised at the earliest opportune time .
by former Supreme Court Justice Florentino P. Feliciano are Furthermore, this Court may determine, in the exercise of
instructive: sound discretion, the time when a constitutional issue may be
(1) the character of the funds or other assets involved in the passed upon.
GDU 2021
In Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol
Judicial review of official acts on the ground of ng mga Manggagawang Pilipino, Inc., the Court
unconstitutionality may be sought or availed of through any of summarized the foregoing "pillars" into six categories and
the actions cognizable by courts of justice. The constitutional adopted "parallel guidelines" in the exercise of its power of
issue, however, (a) must be properly raised and presented in judicial review:
the case, and (b) its resolution is necessary to a determination 1. That there be absolute necessity of deciding a case
of the case, meaning the issue of constitutionality must be the 2. That rules of constitutional law shall be formulated only
very lis mota presented. as required by the facts of the case
3. That judgment may not be sustained on some other
[LEONEN CASE] Eric F. Acosta and Nathaniel G. Dela Paz v. ground
Hon. Paquito N. Ochoa, G.R. No. 211559, October 15, 2019 4. That there be actual injury sustained by the party by
SEVEN PILLARS OF JUDICIAL REVIEW OR THE reason of the operation of the statute
RULES OF AVOIDANCE 5. That the parties are not in estoppel
The so-called "seven pillars of limitations of judicial 6. That the court upholds the presumption of
review" or the "rules of avoidance" enunciated by US constitutionality
Supreme Court Justice Brandeis in his concurring opinion in
Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority teaches that: b. Operative fact doctrine

1. The Court will not pass upon the constitutionality of Film Development Council of the Philippines v. Colon
legislation in a friendly, non-adversary proceeding ,
Heritage Realty Corporation, G.R. No. 203754, Decision
declining because to decide such questions "is dated June 15, 2019
legitimate only in the last resort, and as a necessity in GR: It is a well-settled rule that an unconstitutional act is
the determination of real, earnest and vital controversy
not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it
between individuals.
affords no protection; it creates no office; it is inoperative
2. The Court will not "anticipate a question of
as if it has not been passed at all.
constitutional law in advance of the necessity of
deciding it." "It is not the habit of the Court to decide XPN: An exception to the above rule, however, is the
questions of a constitutional nature unless absolutely doctrine of operative fact, which applies as a matter of
necessary to a decision of the case." equity and fair play. This doctrine nullifies the effects of an
3. The Court will not "formulate a rule of constitutional unconstitutional law or an executive act by recognizing that
law broader than is required by the precise facts to the existence of a statute prior to a determination of
which it is to be applied." unconstitutionality is an operative fact and may have
4. The Court will not pass upon a constitutional question, consequences that cannot always be ignored. It applies
although properly presented by the record, if there is also when a declaration of unconstitutionality will impose an
present some other ground upon which the case may be undue burden on those who have relied on the invalid law .
disposed of. Thus, if a case can be decided on either of Prior to the nullification of a statute, there is an imperative
two grounds, one involving a constitutional question, the necessity of considering its actual existence as an operative
other a question of statutory construction or general law,
fact negating the acceptance of "a principle of absolute
the Court will decide only the latter.
retroactive invalidity.” Whatever was done while the
5. The Court will not pass upon the validity of a statute legislative or the executive act was in operation should be
upon complaint of one who fails to show that he is
duly recognized and presumed to be valid in all respects.
injured by its operation. Among the many applications
of this rule, none is more striking than the denial of the
Film Development Council of the Philippines v. Colon Heritage
right of challenge to one who lacks a personal or
Realty Corporation, Resolution dated October 15, 2019
property right.
6. The Court will not pass upon the constitutionality of a
However, in the fairly recent case of Mandanas v. Ochoa,
statute at the instance of one who has availed himself
Jr., citing Araullo v. Aquino III, the Court stated that the
of its benefits.
doctrine of operative fact "applies ONLY to cases where
7. "When the validity of an act of the Congress is drawn in
extraordinary circumstances exist, and only when the
question, and even if a serious doubt of constitutionality is
extraordinary circumstances have met the stringent
raised, it is a cardinal principle that this Court will first
conditions that will permit its application."
ascertain whether a construction of the statute is fairly
possible by which the question may be avoided. " . . . In applying the doctrine of operative fact, courts ought to
examine with particularity the effects of the already
GDU 2021
accomplished acts arising from the unconstitutional statute, and In our jurisdiction, the determination of a truly political
determine, on the basis of equity and fair play, if such effects question from a non-justiciable political question lies in the
should be allowed to stand. It should not operate to give any answer to the question of whether there are constitutionally
unwarranted advantage to parties, but merely seeks to protect imposed limits on powers or functions conferred upon
those who, in good faith, relied on the invalid law. political bodies. If there are, then our courts are duty-bound
to examine whether the branch or instrumentality of the
c. Political question doctrine government properly acted within such limits.

What is a political question? In 2016, the SC ruled that President Duterte's decision to have the
The term “political question” refers to: remains of Marcos interred at the Libingan Ng Mga Bayani (LNMB)
1. matters to be exercised by the people in their primary involves a political question that is not a justiciable controversy.
political capacity; or The president decided a question of policy based on his wisdom
2. those specifically delegated to some other department or that it shall promote national healing and forgiveness. There being
particular office of the government, with discretionary no taint of grave abuse in the exercise of such discretion, his
power to act. It is concerned with issues dependent upon decision on that political question is outside the ambit of judicial
the wisdom, not legality, of a particular measure [Tañada review [Ocampo v. Enriquez, 2016].
v. Cuenco, G.R. No. L-10520 (1957)].
[LEONEN] Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC
Does the definition of judicial power under the 1987 The Concept of a Political Question
Constitution do away with political questions? Explain briefly.
No. The definition under Art. VIII, Sec. 1 of the Constitution The concept of a political question never precludes judicial review
includes political questions. However, the courts determination when the act of a constitutional organ infringes upon a fundamental
regarding such questions is limited only as to whether there individual or collective right. Even assuming arguendo that the
has been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or COMELEC did have the discretion to choose the manner of
excess of jurisdiction on the part of the official whose action is regulation of the tarpaulin in question, it cannot do so by
being questioned [See Francisco v. House of Representatives, abridging the fundamental right to expression.
G.R. No. 160261 (2003)].
Re: Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
What are the types or categories (species) of political Despite the alleged non-exhaustion of administrative remedies,
questions? it is clear that the controversy is already ripe for adjudication.
Ripeness is the "prerequisite that something had by then been
Francisco v. HRET accomplished or performed by either branch [or in this case,
Section 1, Article VIII was not intended to do away with truly organ of government] before a court may come into the
political questions. From this clarification it is gathered that picture."
there are two species of political questions: (1) truly
political questions and (2) those which "are not truly Petitioners’ exercise of their right to speech, given the message
political questions." T and their medium, had understandable relevance especially
during the elections. COMELEC’s letter threatening the filing of
ruly political questions are thus beyond judicial review, the the election offense against petitioners is already an
reason for respect of the doctrine of separation of powers to actionable infringement of this right. The impending threat of
be maintained. On the other hand, by virtue of Section 1, criminal litigation is enough to curtail petitioners’ speech . In
Article VIII of the Constitution, courts can review questions the context of this case, exhaustion of their administrative
which are not truly political in nature. remedies as COMELEC suggested in their pleadings prolongs
the violation of their freedom of speech.
The more reliable standards in holding that a question is
“truly political” are: d. Judicial Hierarchy
1. a textually demonstrable constitutional commitment of
the issue to a coordinate political department; Gios-Samar, Inc. v. Department of Transportation and
2. the lack of judicially discoverable and manageable Communication, G.R. No. 217158, March 12, 2019
standards for resolving it; and
3. the impossibility of deciding without an initial The doctrine of hierarchy of courts dictates that, direct recourse
policy determination of a kind clearly for non- to this Court is allowed only to resolve questions of law,
judicial discretion. notwithstanding the invocation of paramount or transcendental
importance of the action. This doctrine is not mere policy,
rather, it is a constitutional filtering mechanism
GDU 2021
designed to enable the Court to focus on the more whether the limitation on the size of the tarpaulin in question
fundamental and essential tasks assigned to it by the violated the right to free speech of the Bacolod Bishop.
highest law of the land.”
We take this opportunity to clarify that the presence of one
Direct recourse to the Court under the Angara model: or more of the so-called "special and important reasons" is
ONLY PURE QUESTIONS OF LAW not the decisive factor considered by the Court in deciding
whether to permit the invocation, at the first instance, of its
In Angara, there was no dispute as to the facts. The petition original jurisdiction over the issuance of extraordinary writs.
raised purely questions of law. Petitioner was allowed to file Rather, it is the nature of the question raised by the
the petition for prohibition directly before us because what parties in those "exceptions" that enabled us to allow
was considered was the nature of the issue involved in the the direct action before us.
case: a legal controversy between two agencies of the
government that called for the exercise of the power of We restate the words of Justice Jose P. Laurel in Angara that
judicial review by the final arbiter of the Constitution, the the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the Constitution.
Supreme Court. Hence, direct recourse to us should be allowed only when
the issue involved is one of law.
Transcendental Importance Doctrine
In Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, We ruled: “The ACCORDINGLY, for the guidance of the bench and the bar,
principle of hierarchy of courts applies generally to we reiterate that when a question before the Court involves
cases involving factual questions. As it is not a trier of determination of a factual issue indispensable to the
facts, the Court cannot entertain cases involving factual resolution of the legal issue, the Court will refuse to
issues. The instant case, however, raises constitutional resolve the question REGARDLESS of the allegation or
issues of transcendental importance to the public. The invocation of compelling reasons, such as the
Court can resolve this case without determining any factual transcendental or paramount importance of the case. Such
issue related to the case. question must first be brought before the proper trial courts
or the CA, both of which are specially equipped to try and
To be clear, the transcendental importance doctrine does not resolve factual questions.
clothe us with the power to tackle factual questions and play the
role of a trial court. The only circumstance under the [LEONEN CASE] Devie Ann Isaga Fuertes v. Senate of the
Constitution when we may take cognizance of a case in Philippines, G.R. No. 208162, January 7, 2020
the first instance, despite the presence of factual Indeed, this Court is the final arbiter of the constitutionality
issues, is in the exercise of our constitutionally- of any law — but we are not the sole and exclusive forum
expressed task to review the sufficiency of the factual before which constitutional questions may be posed.
basis of the President's proclamation of martial law
under Section 18, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution. The It is settled that [Regional Trial Courts] have jurisdiction to
case before us does not fall under this exception. resolve the constitutionality of a statute, "this authority being
embraced in the general definition of the judicial power to
determine what are the valid and binding laws by the
Thus, where the issuance of an extraordinary writ is
criterion of their conformity to the fundamental law."
also within the competence of the Court of Appeals or a
Regional Trial Court, it is in either of these courts that EXCEPTIONS TO DOCTRINE OF HIERARCHY OF COURTS
the specific action for the writ's procurement must be First, a direct resort to this court is allowed when there are
presented. This is and should continue to be the policy in genuine issues of constitutionality that must be addressed
this regard, a policy that courts and lawyers must strictly at the most immediate time. A direct resort to this court
observe. includes availing of the remedies of certiorari and prohibition to
assail the constitutionality of actions of both legislative and
executive branches of the government.
A second exception is when the issues involved are of
A careful examination of the jurisprudential bases of the transcendental importance. In these cases, the imminence
foregoing exceptions would reveal a common denominator and clarity of the threat to fundamental constitutional rights
— the issues for resolution of the Court are PURELY outweigh the necessity for prudence. The doctrine relating to
LEGAL. Similarly, the Court in Diocese decided to allow direct constitutional issues of transcendental importance prevents
recourse in said case because, just like Angara, what was courts from the paralysis of procedural niceties when clearly
involved was the resolution of a question of law, namely, faced with the need for substantial protection.
GDU 2021
Third, cases of first impression warrant a direct resort to this the parties. The certification shall state why a decision or
court. In cases of first impression, no jurisprudence yet resolution has not been rendered or issued within said period.
exists that will guide the lower courts on this matter.
(4) Despite the expiration of the applicable mandatory period,
Fourth, the constitutional issues raised are better the court, without prejudice to such responsibility as may have
decided by this Court. been incurred in consequence thereof, shall decide or resolve
the case or matter submitted thereto for determination, without
further delay.
Enalbes, Rebecca H. Angeles, and Estelita B. Ocampo
CONST., Article VIII, Section 6. The Supreme Court shall have
Against Former Chief Justice Teresita J. Leonardo-De
administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel
Castro [Ret.], Relative to G.R. Nos. 203063 and 204743,
thereof. A.M. No. 18-11-09-SC, January 22, 2019
Both the 1987 Constitution and the Internal Rules state that
CONST., Article VIII, Section 6. The Supreme Court shall have the 24-month period for deciding on or resolving a case is
administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel reckoned from the date of its submission for resolution. The
thereof. 24-month period does not run immediately upon the filing
of a petition before this Court, but only when the last
Administrative Powers of the Supreme Court: pleading, brief, or memorandum has been submitted .
1. Assign temporarily judges of lower courts to other stations
as public interest may require Nevertheless, this Court has held that the constitutional
o Shall not exceed 6 months without the consent of provision was merely DIRECTORY in nature. Being the court of
the judge concerned last resort, this Court should be given an ample amount of time
2. Order a change of venue or place of trial to avoid a to deliberate on cases pending before it. Ineluctably, leeway
miscarriage of justice must be given to magistrates for them to thoroughly review and
3. Appoint all officials and employees of the Judiciary in reflect on the cases assigned to them.
accordance with the Civil Service Law
4. Supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof While the 24-month period provided under the 1987
5. Discipline judges of lower courts or order their dismissal. Constitution is persuasive, it does not summarily bind this
Court to the disposition of cases brought before it. It is a
The Ombudsman may not initiate or investigate a criminal or mere directive to ensure this Court's prompt resolution of
administrative complaint before his or her office against a cases, and should not be interpreted as an inflexible rule.
judge; he or she must first indorse the case to the Supreme
Court for appropriate action or else it will be an encroachment
into the Supreme Court’s power of administrative supervision
over all courts and its personnel [Fuentes v. Office of the See V. Supervision of courts on the Administrative
Ombudsman, 2001].
Supervision over Courts and Court Personnel
CONST., Article VIII, Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have
CONST., Article VIII, Section 15. (1) All cases or matters filed
after the effectivity of this Constitution must be decided or the following powers:
resolved within twenty-four months from date of submission for
[Original Jurisdiction]
the Supreme Court, and, unless reduced by the Supreme
(1) Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting
Court, twelve months for all lower collegiate courts, and three
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and over
months for all other lower courts.
petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto,
(2) A case or matter shall be deemed submitted for decision or
and habeas corpus.
resolution upon the filing of the last pending, brief, or
memorandum required by the Rules of Court or by the court [Appellate Jurisdiction]
itself. (2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or
certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final
(3) Upon the expiration of the corresponding period, a
judgments and orders of lower courts in:
certification to this effect signed by the Chief Justice or the
(a) All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any
presiding judge shall forthwith be issued and a copy thereof
treaty, international or executive agreement, law, presidential
attached to the record of the case or matter, and served upon
GDU 2021
decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or should be taken to the Court of Appeals under the provisions of
regulation is in question. Rule 43 of the Rules instead of appeal by certiorari under Rule
(b) All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, 45 as provided in Section 27 of R.A. No. 6770.
assessment, or toll, or any penalty imposed in relation thereto.
(c) All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower court is in 2. Cathay Metal Corporation v. Laguna West Multi-
issue. Purpose Cooperative, Inc. - The Cooperative Code
(d) All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is reclusion provisions on notices cannot replace the rules on summons
perpetua or higher. under Rule 14 of the Rules.
(e) All cases in which only an error or question of law is involved.
3. RE: Petition for Recognition of the Exemption of the GSIS
[Administrative Powers] from Payment of Legal Fees; Baguio Market Vendors Multi-
(3) Assign temporarily judges of lower courts to other stations Purpose Cooperative (BAMARVEMPCO) v. Hon. Judge Cabato-
as public interest may require. Such temporary assignment Cortes; In Re: Exemption of the National Power
shall not exceed six months without the consent of the judge Corporation from Payment of Filing/Docket Fees; and
concerned. Rep. of the Phils. v. Hon. Mangotara, et al. - Despite
statutory provisions, the GSIS, BAMARVEMPCO, and NPC
(4) Order a change of venue or place of trial to avoid a are not exempt from the payment of legal fees imposed by
miscarriage of justice. Rule 141 of the Rules.

[Rule Making Powers] 4. Carpio-Morales v. Court of Appeals (Sixth Division) -

(5) Promulgate rules concerning the
protection and The first paragraph of Section 14 of R.A. No. 6770, which
enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and prohibits courts except the Supreme Court from issuing
procedure in all courts, the admission to the practice of law, temporary restraining order and/or writ of preliminary
the Integrated Bar, and legal assistance to the injunction to enjoin an investigation conducted by the
underprivileged. Such rules shall provide a simplified and Ombudsman, is unconstitutional as it contravenes Rule 58
inexpensive procedure for the speedy disposition of cases, of the Rules.
shall be uniform for all courts of the same grade, and shall not
diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights. Rules of Plea bargaining is a procedural rule in criminal cases
procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall The Supreme Court's sole prerogative to issue, amend, or
remain effective unless disapproved by the Supreme Court. repeal procedural rules is limited to the preservation of
substantive rights, i.e., the former should not diminish,
(6) Appoint all officials and employees of the Judiciary in increase or modify the latter. In determining whether a rule
accordance with the Civil Service Law. prescribed by the Supreme Court, for the practice and
procedure of the lower courts, abridges, enlarges, or
RULE-MAKING POWER modifies any substantive right, the test is whether the rule
Estipona, Jr. v. Hon. Lobrigo, G.R. No. 226679, August 15, really regulates procedure, that is, the judicial process for
2017 enforcing rights and duties recognized by substantive law
Rule-making power of the Supreme Court under the and for justly administering remedy and redress for a
1987 Constitution disregard or infraction of them. If the rule takes away a
The power to promulgate rules of pleading, practice and vested right, it is not procedural. If the rule creates a right
procedure is now Our exclusive domain and no longer such as the right to appeal, it may be classified as a
shared with the Executive and Legislative departments. substantive matter; but if it operates as a means of
While the power to define, prescribe, and apportion the implementing an existing right then the rule deals merely
jurisdiction of the various courts is, by constitutional design, with procedure.
vested unto Congress, the power to promulgate rules
Pimentel v. Legal Education Board, G.R. No. 230642,
concerning the protection and enforcement of
constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in September 10, 2019
all courts belongs exclusively to this Court. RE: CONSTITUTIONALITY OF PHILSAT

Court's exclusive rule-making power covers the practice of

Viewed from this perspective, We have rejected previous law and NOT the study of law. The Court's exclusive power of
attempts on the part of the Congress, in the exercise of its admission to the Bar has been interpreted as vesting upon the
legislative power, to amend the Rules of Court (Rules), to wit: Court the authority to define the practice of law, to determine
who will be admitted to the practice of law, to hold in contempt
1. Fabian v. Desierto - Appeal from the decision of the Office any person found to be engaged in unauthorized practice of
of the Ombudsman in an administrative disciplinary case law, and to exercise corollary
GDU 2021
disciplinary authority over members of the Bar. The admission." For petitioners, "law admission" pertains to the
definition of the practice of law, no matter how broad, practice of law, the power over which belongs exclusively to
cannot be further enlarged as to cover the study of law. the Court. The statutory context and the intent of the
legislators do not permit such interpretation.
The Rules of Court do not support the argument that
the Court directly and actually regulates legal [SUMMARY]
education. It is a reality that the Rules of Court, in UNCONSTITUTIONAL for encroaching upon the power
prescribing the qualifications in order to take the bar of the Court:
examinations, had placed a considerable constraint on the 1. Section 2, par. 2 of R.A. No. 7662 insofar as it unduly
courses offered by law schools. This, however, does not includes "continuing legal education" as an aspect of
mean that the Court has or exercises jurisdiction over legal legal education which is made subject to Executive
education. Compliance by law schools with the prescribed supervision and control;
core courses is but a recognition of the Court's exclusive 2. Section 3(a)(2) of R.A. No. 7662 and Section 7(2) of
jurisdiction over admissions to the practice of law - that no LEBMO No. 1-2011 on the objective of legal education
person shall be allowed to take the bar examinations and to increase awareness among members of the legal
thereafter, be admitted to the Philippine Bar without having profession of the needs of the poor, deprived and
taken and completed the required core courses. oppressed sectors of society;
3. Section 7(g) of R.A. No. 7662 and Section 11(g) of
RE: LEB's Powers Under R.A. No. 7662 vis-a-vis the LEBMO No. 1-2011 insofar as it gives the Legal
Court's Jurisdiction Under Article VIII, Section 5(5) of Education Board the power to establish a law practice
the Constitution internship as a requirement for taking the Bar; and
On legal apprenticeship and law practice internship as a 4. Section 7(h) of R.A. No. 7662 and Section 11(h) of
requirement for taking the bar LEBMO No. 1-2011 insofar as it gives the Legal
It is clear from the plain text of Section 7(g) that another Education Board the power to adopt a system of
requirement, i.e., completion of a law internship program, is mandatory continuing legal education and to provide for
imposed by law for taking the bar examinations. This the mandatory attendance of practicing lawyers in such
requirement unduly interferes with the exclusive courses and for such duration as it may deem
jurisdiction of the Court to promulgate rules concerning necessary.
the practice of law and admissions thereto. The jurisdiction
to determine whether an applicant may be allowed to take PROMULGATE DECISIONS
the bar examinations belongs to the Court. CONST., Article VIII, Section 13. The conclusions of the
Supreme Court in any case submitted to it for decision en banc
On continuing legal education of practicing lawyers or in division shall be reached in consultation before the case is
By its plain language, the clause "continuing legal education" assigned to a Member for the writing of the opinion of the
under Section 2, par. 2, and Section 7(h) of R.A. No. 7662 Court. A certification to this effect signed by the Chief Justice
unduly give the LEB the power to supervise the legal education shall be issued and a copy thereof attached to the record of the
of those who are already members of the bar. Inasmuch as the case and served upon the parties. Any Member who took no
LEB is authorized to compel mandatory attendance of practicing part, or dissented, or abstained from a decision or resolution
lawyers in such courses and for such duration as the LEB must state the reason therefor. The same requirements shall
deems, necessary, the same encroaches upon the Court's be observed by all lower collegiate courts.
power to promulgate rules concerning the Integrated Bar
which includes the education of "lawyer-professors" as Note: The above-stated requirement does not apply to
teaching of law is practice of law.
administrative cases.
On minimum standards for law admission and the PhiLSAT
CONST., Article VIII, Section 14. No decision shall be rendered
by any court without expressing therein clearly and distinctly
The Court finds no constitutional conflict between its rule-
the facts and the law on which it is based.
making power and the power of the LEB to prescribe the
minimum standards for law admission under Section 7(e) of
No petition for review or motion for reconsideration of a
R.A. No. 7662. Consequently, the PhiLSAT, which intends
decision of the court shall be refused due course or denied
to regulate admission to law schools, cannot be voided on
without stating the legal basis therefor.
this ground.

Much of the protestation against the LEB's exercise of the A "Resolution" is not a "Decision" within the meaning of Sec. 14
power to prescribe the minimum standards for law admission of Art. VIII. This mandate applies only in cases "submitted for
stems from the interpretation extended to the phrase "law decision," i.e., given due course and after the filing of Briefs
GDU 2021
or Memoranda and/or other pleadings, as the case may be. It compensation in ex-officio capacities as provided by law
does not apply to an Order or Resolution refusing due course and as required by the primary functions of the concerned
to a Petition for Certiorari [Nunal v. COA, G.R. No. 78648 official's office. The term ex-officio means "from office; by
(1989)]. virtue of office." It refers to an "authority derived from official
character merely, not expressly conferred upon the individual
character, but rather annexed to the official position." Ex-officio
likewise denotes an "act done in an official character, or as a
SELECTION consequence of office, and without any other appointment or
authority than that conferred by the office."
QUALIFICATIONS 1. The prohibition does not include posts occupied by
executive officials without additional compensation in an
ex-officio capacity, as provided by law or as required by
CONST., Article VII, Section 2. No person may be elected
the primary functions of the said official’s office [Civil
President unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines,
Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary].
a registered voter, able to read and write, at least forty years
2. The Vice-President being appointed as a member of the
of age on the day of the election, and a resident of the
Philippines for at least ten years immediately preceding such 3. The Vice-President acting as president when one has not
election. yet been chosen or qualified [Sec. 7(2)(3), Art. VII].
4. The Secretary of Justice sitting as ex-officio member of the
Section 3. There shall be a Vice-President who shall have the
Judicial and Bar Council [Sec. 8(1), Art. VIII; Civil Liberties
same qualifications and term of office and be elected with and
Union v. Executive Secretary].
in the same manner as the President. He may be removed
5. The President can assume any or all Cabinet posts
from office in the same manner as the President. (because the departments are mere extensions of his
personality, according to the Doctrine of Qualified Political
The Vice-President may be appointed as a Member of the
Agency, hence no objection can be validly raised based on
Cabinet. Such appointment requires no confirmation Sec. 13, Art. VII).
6. The President can assume ex officio positions (e.g. The
President is the Chairman of NEDA) [Sec. 9, Art. XII].

CONST., Article VII, Section 13. The President, Vice-President, Compare the inhibition imposed on members of Congress
the Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies or assistants under Article VI, Section 13 of the Constitution, the
shall NOT, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, hold President and Vice-President under Article VII, Section 13,
any other office or employment during their tenure. and those imposed on elective and appointive officials as
provided under Article IX-B, Section 7.
They shall not, during said tenure, (1) directly or indirectly, practice The inhibition imposed on members of Congress under Art. VI,
any other profession, (2) participate in any business, or Sec. 13 of the Constitution pertains to two offices: (1)
(3) be financially interested in any contract with, or in any incompatible office, which provides that no member of
franchise, or special privilege granted by the Government or Congress may hold any other office or employment in the
any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including Government during his or her term without forfeiting his or her
government-owned or controlled corporations or their seat; and (2) forbidden office, which provides that no member
subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid conflict of interest in the of Congress may be appointed to any office which was created
conduct of their office. or emoluments thereof increased during his or her term. Note
that the provision does not prohibit members of Congress from
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within accepting any other office or employment in the private sector,
the fourth civil degree of the President shall not during his except when such office or employment requires them to
tenure be appointed as members of the Constitutional appear as counsel or when there is conflict of interest (Art. VI,
Commissions, or the Office of the Ombudsman, or as Sec. 14).
Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of bureaus
or offices, including government-owned or controlled The inhibition imposed on other elective and appointive public
corporations and their subsidiaries. officials and employees under Art. IX-B, Sec. 7 mandates that
(1) no elective official shall be appointed or designated in any
Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary capacity to any office or position in Government during his or
The prohibition under Section 13, Article VII is NOT to be her tenure; and (2) no appointive official in the civil service shall
interpreted as covering positions held without additional hold other offices or employment in Government during his or
GDU 2021
her tenure unless such is allowed by law or by the primary The person having the highest number of votes shall be
functions of his or her position. Likewise, the provision itself proclaimed elected, but in case two or more shall have an
does not prohibit elective and appointive officials from equal and highest number of votes, one of them shall forthwith
accepting any other office or employment in the private sector. be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the Members of both
This provision is to be deemed the general rule (Civil Liberties Houses of the Congress, voting separately. The Congress
Union v. Executive Secretary, 1991). shall promulgate its rules for the canvassing of the certificates.

The inhibition imposed on the President and Vice-President The Supreme Court, sitting En Banc, shall be the sole judge of
under Art. VII, Sec. 13 dictates that the President, Vice- all contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications
President, members of the Cabinet, their deputies and of the President or Vice- President, and may promulgate its
assistants shall not hold any other office or employment during rules for the purpose.
their tenure, unless such office or employment is expressly
authorized by the Constitution or when such office or Congress may validly delegate the initial determination of the
employment is held in ex-officio capacity [Civil Liberties Union authenticity and due execution of the certificates of canvass to
v. Executive Secretary, 1991). This provision is evidently the a Joint Congressional Committee, composed of members of
most restrictive of all considering that it also prohibits the both houses, provided that the decisions and final report of said
officials mentioned from directly or indirectly practicing any Committee shall be subject to the approval of the joint session
other profession, participating in any business, or being of both Houses voting separately. [Lopez v. Senate, G.R. No.
financially interested in any contract with, or in any franchise, or 163556(2004)].
special privilege granted by the Government. This provision is
deemed to be the exception from the general rule i.e. Art. IX-B, Even after Congress has adjourned its regular session, it may
Sec. 7 (Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 1991). continue to perform this constitutional duty of canvassing the
presidential and vice-presidential election results without need
of any call for a special session by the President. Only when
the board of canvassers has completed its functions is it
rendered functus officio [Pimentel, Jr. v. Joint Committee of
CONST., Article VII, Section 4. The President and the Vice- Congress, G.R. No. 163783(2004)].
President shall be elected by direct vote of the people for a
term of six years which shall begin at noon on the thirtieth day RULES OF SUCCESSION
of June next following the day of the election and shall end at CONST., Article VII, Section 7. The President-elect and the
noon of the same date six years thereafter. The President shall Vice-President-elect shall assume office at the beginning of
not be eligible for any reelection . No person who has
their terms.
succeeded as President and has served as such for more than
four years shall be qualified for election to the same office at If the President-ELECT fails to qualify, the Vice-President-elect
any time. shall act as President until the President-elect shall have
No Vice-President shall serve for more than two consecutive
terms. Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of time If a President shall not have been chosen, the Vice-President-
shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity of the elect shall act as President until a President shall have been
service for the full term for which he was elected. chosen and qualified.

Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular election for If at the beginning of the term of the President, the President-
President and Vice-President shall be held on the second ELECT shall have died or shall have become permanently
Monday of May. disabled, the Vice-President-elect shall become President.

The returns of every election for President and Vice-President, Where no President and Vice-President shall have been
duly certified by the board of canvassers of each province or chosen or shall have qualified, or where both shall have
city, shall be transmitted to the Congress, directed to the died or become permanently disabled, the President of the
President of the Senate. Upon receipt of the certificates of Senate or, in case of his inability, the Speaker of the House of
canvass, the President of the Senate shall, not later than thirty Representatives shall act as President until a President or a
days after the day of the election, open all certificates in the
Vice-President shall have been chosen and qualified.
presence of the Senate and the House of Representatives in
joint public session, and the Congress, upon determination of The Congress shall, by law, provide for the manner in which one
the authenticity and due execution thereof in the manner who is to act as President shall be selected until a President or a
provided by law, canvass the votes.
Vice-President shall have qualified, in case of death,
GDU 2021
permanent disability, or inability of the officials mentioned in the Determination by Congress 2/3 vote: Vice- President as
next preceding paragraph. by 2/3 vote of all members, Acting President
voting separately, acting on
In what other instances does the Vice-President become the second written Otherwise: President
President? declaration by majority of the continues exercising his
The Vice-President becomes the President for the unexpired Cabinet powers and duties
term in case of (1) death, (2) permanent disability, (3) removal
from office, or (4) resignation of the President.
What if the Senate President and Speaker are also not
In case the (1) President-elect fails to qualify, or (2) if the capable to act as President?
President shall not have been chosen, the Vice-President shall
also assume office as President in acting capacity and only Vacancy before the term: Congress shall, by law, provide the
until such time the President-elect is chosen and/or qualifies. manner of selecting the one who will act as President until
President or Vice President have either been chosen and
SUMMARY OF RULES qualified pursuant to special elections.
Situation Who Shall Become/Act as
President Vacancy during the term: Congress shall, by law, provide who
Before the/At the beginning of the Term will be acting President until President or Vice President have
President-elect fails to qualify Vice-President-elect either been elected and qualified pursuant to special elections.
(until the President-elect
shall have qualified) Vice- SPECIAL ELECTION
President shall not have President-elect CONST., Article VII, Section 10. The Congress shall, at ten o’clock
(until the President elect in the morning of the third day after the vacancy in the offices of
been chosen
shall have been chosen and the President and Vice-President occurs, convene in accordance
qualified) with its rules without need of a call and within seven days enact a
Beginning of the term: Vice-President-elect shall law calling for a special election to elect a President and a Vice-
President-elect died or President to be held not earlier than forty-five days nor later than
become President
became permanently sixty days from the time of such call. The bill calling such special
disabled election shall be deemed certified under paragraph 2, Section 26,
No President and Vice- Senate President or, in Article VI of this Constitution and shall become law upon its
President have been chosen case of his inability, the approval on third reading by the Congress. Appropriations for the
or shall have qualified Speaker of the House shall special election shall be charged against any current
Both the President and Vice act as President (until a appropriations and shall be exempt from the requirements of
President died or became President or a Vice- paragraph 4, Section 25, Article VI of this Constitution. The
permanently disabled President shall have been convening of the Congress cannot be suspended nor the special
chosen and qualified) election postponed. No special election shall be called if the
During the Term vacancy occurs within eighteen
Death, permanent disability, Vice-President to serve the months before the date of the next presidential election.
removal from office, or unexpired term
resignation of the President Vacancy timetable:
Death, permanent disability, Senate President or, in 0 days – vacancy occurs
removal from office, or case of his inability, the 3 days – Congress convenes
resignation of both the Speaker of the House shall 10 days – Law providing for special elections should be enacted
President and Vice-President act as President (until a
President or a Vice- 55 – 70 days – Elections should be held within this period
President shall have been 85 – 100 days – Canvassing by Congress should be done
chosen and qualified) within this period
Temporary Disability Resulting to Vacancy
Voluntary written declaration Vice-President as Acting SENATORS
of the President President
First written declaration by Vice-President as Acting
majority of the Cabinet President CONST ., Article VI, Section 3. No person shall be a Senator
unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, and, on the
day of the election, is at least thirty-five years of age, able to
GDU 2021
read and write, a registered voter, and a resident of the candidate for senator to meet such additional qualification,
Philippines for not less than two years immediately preceding the COMELEC, to be sure, is also without such power. The
the day of the election. right of a citizen in the democratic process of election should
not be defeated by unwarranted impositions of requirement
Note R.A. 9225 (re-acquisition of natural born citizenship): not otherwise specified in the Constitution.
Those seeking elective public office in the Philippines shall
meet the qualifications for holding such public office as DISQUALIFICATIONS
required by the Constitution and existing laws and, at the time
of the filing of the certificate of candidacy , make a personal Conflict of Interest
and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship before CONST., Article VI, Section 12. All Members of the Senate and
any public officer authorized to administer an oath. the House of Representatives shall, upon assumption of office,
make a full disclosure of their financial and business interests.
Poe-Llamanzares v. Commission on Elections, G.R. Nos. They shall notify the House concerned of a potential conflict of
221697, March 8, 2016 interest that may arise from the filing of a proposed legislation
Re: Natural-born citizenship of which they are authors.
Under Article IV, Section 2 "Natural-born citizens are those
who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without If there is potential conflict of interest that may arise from the
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their filing of a proposed legislation of which they are the author,
Philippine citizenship." In the first place, "having to they must NOTIFY. That said, they are not prohibited per se
perform an act" means that the act must be personally
from participating.
done by the citizen. In this instance, the determination of
foundling status is done not by the child but by the Incompatible and Forbidden Office
authorities. Secondly, the object of the process is the CONST., Article VI, Section 13. No Senator or Member of the
determination of the whereabouts of the parents, not the House of Representatives may hold any other office or
citizenship of the child. Lastly, the process is certainly not employment in the Government, or any subdivision, agency, or
analogous to naturalization proceedings to acquire instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or
Philippine citizenship, or the election of such citizenship by controlled corporations or their subsidiaries, during his term
one born of an alien father and a Filipino mother under the without forfeiting his seat. Neither shall he be appointed to any
1935 Constitution, which is an act to perfect it. office which may have been created or the emoluments thereof
A citizen who is not a naturalized Filipino, ie., did not have to increased during the term for which he was elected.

undergo the process of naturalization to obtain Philippine

Incompatible Office — “No Senator or Member of the House
citizenship, necessarily is a natural-born Filipino. of Representatives may hold any other office or employment in
the Government, or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
STS v. Dangerous Drugs Board
thereof, including government-owned or controlled corporations
A candidate for senator needs only to meet the
qualifications laid down in Sec. 3, Art. VI of the
or their subsidiaries…”
Constitution, to wit: (1) citizenship, (2) voter registration,
The forfeiture of the seat in Congress shall be automatic upon
(3) literacy, (4) age, and (5) residency. Beyond these stated
a member’s assumption of such office deemed incompatible.
qualification requirements, candidates for senator need not
Thus, when a governor-elect ran for the Batasang Pambansa
possess any other qualification to run for senator and be voted
and won, he could not hold both offices [Adaza v. Pacana, G.R.
upon and elected as member of the Senate. The Congress
No. L-68159 (1985)]
cannot validly amend or otherwise modify these qualification
standards, as it cannot disregard, evade, or weaken the force However, no forfeiture shall take place if the member of
of a constitutional mandate.
Congress holds the other government office in an ex officio
Accordingly, Sec. 36(g) of RA 9165 should be, as it is hereby capacity (e.g. JBC membership).
declared as, unconstitutional. It is basic that if a law or an
Note: The office of the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC)
administrative rule violates any norm of the Constitution, that
Chairman is not a government office or an office in a
issuance is null and void and has no effect. In the same vein,
government-owned-or-controlled corporation for purposes of
the COMELEC cannot, in the guise of enforcing and
the prohibition in Sec. 13, Art. VI [Liban v. Gordon, G.R. No.
administering election laws or promulgating rules and
175352 (2009 & 2011); but note that the structure of the PNRC
regulations to implement Sec. 36(g), validly impose
is sui generis being neither strictly private nor public in nature.
qualifications on candidates for senator in addition to what the
Constitution prescribes. If Congress cannot require a
GDU 2021
Forbidden Office (may forever!) — “Neither shall he be
appointed to any office which may have been created or the CONST ., Article VI, Section 9. In case of vacancy in the Senate or
emoluments thereof increased during the term for which he in the House of Representatives, a special election may be called
was elected.” to fill such vacancy in the manner prescribed by law, but the
Senator or Member of the House of Representatives thus elected
A forbidden office is one to which a member cannot be
shall serve only for the unexpired term.
appointed even if he is willing to give up his seat in Congress.
The effect of his resignation from the Congress is the loss of
his seat therein but his disqualification for the forbidden office
nevertheless remains. REPRESENTATIVES

Other Inhibitions QUALIFICATIONS

CONST., Article VI, Section 14. No Senator or Member of the
House of Representatives may personally appear as counsel CONST., Article VI, Section 6. No person shall be a Member of
before any court of justice or before the Electoral Tribunals, or the House of Representatives unless he is a natural-born
quasi-judicial and other administrative bodies. citizen of the Philippines and, on the day of the election, is at
least twenty-five years of age, able to read and write, and,
Neither shall he, directly or indirectly, be interested financially except the party-list representatives, a registered voter in the
in any contract with, or in any franchise or special privilege district in which he shall be elected, and a resident thereof for
granted by the Government, or any subdivision, agency, or a period of not less than one year immediately preceding the
instrumentality thereof, including any government-owned or day of the election.
controlled corporation, or its subsidiary, during his term of
office. He shall not intervene in any matter before any office of RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT
the Government for his pecuniary benefit or where he may be Residence — physical presence of a person in a given area,
called upon to act on account of his office. community or country. For election purposes, residence =
Appearance as counsel
What is prohibited is “personally” appearing as counsel. This Domicile — place of habitual residence
prohibition is absolute. Thus, when an assemblyman acting as • A person must have a domicile somewhere
counsel for one group in an internal dispute in a company was • Once established, it remains until a newone is acquired
denied leave to intervene, the court held that his action of • A person can have but one domicile at a time.
buying 10 stocks in order to be able to intervene in the
company’s dispute as a stockholder was an indirect violation of Acquisition of domicile
this rule and still unconstitutional [Puyat v. De Guzman Jr., • Bodily presence
G.R. No. L-51122 (1982)] • Animus manendi (intent to stay)
• Animus non revertendi (no intent to return)
Prohibition from being interested in a gov’t contract. This must
involve financial interests.
Duty to Disclose SALN Requisites to change domicile
CONST., Article XII, Section 17. A public officer or employee shall, • Actual change of domicile
upon assumption of office and as often thereafter as may
• Bona fide intention of abandoning the former place of
be required by law, submit a declaration under oath of his origin and establishing a new one
assets, liabilities, and net worth. In the case of the President, • Acts which correspond with the purpose
the Vice-President, the Members of the Cabinet, the Congress,
the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Commissions and other Caballero v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 209835,
constitutional offices, and officers of the armed forces with September 22, 2015
general or flag rank, the declaration shall be disclosed to the The term "residence" is to be understood not in its common
public in the manner provided by law. acceptation as referring to "dwelling" or "habitation," but
rather to "domicile" or legal residence, that is, "the place
SELECTION where a party actually or constructively has his
permanent home, where he, no matter where he may be
CONST., Article VI, Section 8. Unless otherwise provided by found at any given time, eventually intends to return
law, the regular election of the Senators and the Members of and remain (animus manendi)."
the House of Representatives shall be held on the second
A domicile of origin is acquired by every person at birth. It
Monday of May.
GDU 2021
is usually the place where the child's parents reside and
continues until the same is abandoned by acquisition of new (2) The Congress shall prescribe the qualifications of judges of
domicile (domicile of choice). It consists not only in the lower courts, but no person may be appointed judge thereof
intention to reside in a fixed place but also personal unless he is a citizen of the Philippines and a member of the
presence in that place, coupled with conduct indicative of Philippine Bar.
such intention.
(3) A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of proven
Petitioner was a natural born Filipino who was born and competence, integrity, probity, and independence.
raised in Uyugan, Batanes. Thus, it could be said that he
had his domicile of origin in Uyugan, Batanes. However, he Members of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and
later worked in Canada and became a Canadian citizen. In Court of Tax Appeals
Coquilla v. COMELEC we ruled that naturalization in a • Natural born citizen of the Philippines
foreign country may result in an abandonment of domicile • At least 40 years of age
in the Philippines. This holds true in petitioner's case as • A judge of a lower court or has been engaged in the
permanent resident status in Canada is required for the practice of law in the Philippines for 15 years or more
acquisition of Canadian citizenship. Hence, petitioner had
effectively abandoned his domicile in the Philippines and Notes:
transferred his domicile of choice in Canada. B.P. 129 provides that “the Presiding Justice and the Associate
Justice [of the Court of Appeals] shall have the same
What is the effect of petitioner's retention of his Philippine
qualifications as those provided in Constitution for Justice of
citizenship under RA No. 9225 on his residence or domicile?
the Supreme Court.”
RA No. 9225 treats citizenship independently of residence.
This is only logical and consistent with the general intent of RA 9282: Justices of the CTA shall have the same qualifications as
the law to allow for dual citizenship. Since a natural-born those provided for under existing laws for the Presiding Justice and
Filipino may hold, at the same time, both Philippine and Associate Justices of the Court of Appeals.
foreign citizenships, he may establish residence either in the
Philippines or in the foreign country of which he is also a Sandiganbayan [see PD 1486]
citizen. However, when a natural-born Filipino with dual • Natural born citizen of the Philippines
citizenship seeks for an elective public office, residency in • At least 40 years of age
the Philippines becomes material. Hence, petitioner's • For at least ten (10) years or more had been a judge of a
retention of his Philippine citizenship under RA No. 9225 court of record or been engaged in the practice of law in
did not automatically make him regain his residence in the Philippines or has held office requiring admission to
Uyugan, Batanes. He must still prove that after becoming a the bar as a prerequisite for a like period.
Philippine citizen on September 13, 2012, he had
reestablished Uyugan, Batanes as his new domicile of Regional Trial Courts
choice which is reckoned from the time he made it as such. • Citizen of the Philippines
• At least 35 years of age
DISQUALIFICATIONS • Has been engaged for at least 10 years in the practice of
law or has held public office in the Philippines requiring
Same with Senators. admission to the practice of law as an indispensable
Municipal/Metropolitan Trial Courts
Same with Senators. • Citizen of the Philippines
• At least 30 years of age
JUSTICES AND JUDGES • Has been engaged for at least 5 years in the practice of
law or has held public office in the Philippines requiring
QUALIFICATIONS admission to the practice of law as an indispensable
CONST., Article VIII, Section 7. (1) No person shall be appointed
“Practice of law” is not confined to litigation. It means any
Member of the Supreme Court or any lower collegiate court
activity in and out of court, which requires the application of
unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines. A Member of
law, legal procedure, knowledge, training and experience
the Supreme Court must be at least forty years of age, and must
[Cayetano v. Monsod, G.R. No. 100113 (1991)].
have been for fifteen years or more a judge of a lower court or
engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines.
GDU 2021
In the case of judges of the lower courts, the Congress may Are appointments to the (a) Supreme Court, (b) Court of
prescribe other qualifications. [Sec. 7(2), Art. VIII] Appeals, and (c) trial courts, covered by the ban on
midnight appointments? Explain briefly.
Kilosbayan v. Ermita
Ong is a naturalized Filipino citizen. The alleged subsequent No, appointments to the Judiciary are not covered by the ban
recognition of his natural-born status by the Bureau of on midnight appointments. In the case of De Castro v. JBC
Immigration and the DOJ cannot amend the final decision of (2010), the Supreme Court ratiocinated that the prohibition on
the trial court stating that Ong and his mother were naturalized midnight appointments is only applicable to positions in the
along with his father. executive department.

Ruling: Ong has the burden of proving in court his alleged CONST., Article VIII, Section 8. (1) A Judicial and Bar Council
ancestral tree as well as his citizenship under the time-line of is hereby created under the supervision of the Supreme Court
three Constitutions. Until this is done, Ong cannot accept an composed of the Chief Justice as ex officio Chairman, the
appointment to this Court as that would be a violation of the Secretary of Justice, and a representative of the Congress as
Constitution. For this reason, he can be prevented by injunction ex officio Members, a representative of the Integrated Bar, a
from doing so. Ong is hereby enjoined from accepting an professor of law, a retired Member of the Supreme Court, and
appointment to the position of Associate Justice of the a representative of the private sector.
Supreme Court or assuming the position and discharging the
functions of that office until he shall have successfully (2) The regular Members of the Council shall be appointed by
completed all necessary steps, through the appropriate the President for a term of four years with the consent of the
adversarial proceedings in court, to show that he is a natural- Commission on Appointments. Of the Members first appointed,
born Filipino citizen and correct the records of his birth and the representative of the Integrated Bar shall serve for four
citizenship. years, the professor of law for three years, the retired Justice
for two years, and the representative of the private sector for

(3) The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be the Secretary ex

CONST., Article VIII, Section 12. The Members of the Supreme
Court and of other courts established by law shall not be officio of the Council and shall keep a record of its proceedings.
designated to any agency performing quasi-judicial or
(4) The regular Members of the Council shall receive such
administrative functions.
emoluments as may be determined by the Supreme Court. The
Supreme Court shall provide in its annual budget the
The SC and its members should not and cannot be required to
appropriations for the Council.
exercise any power or to perform any trust or to assume any
duty not pertaining to or connected with the administering of (5) The Council shall have the principal function of (1)
judicial functions [Meralco v. Pasay Transportation Co., G.R. recommending appointees to the Judiciary. It may exercise
No. L-37838 (1932)]. such (2) other functions and duties as the Supreme Court may
assign to it.
CONST., Article VIII, Section 9. The Members of the Supreme
Court and judges of lower courts shall be appointed by the CONST., Article XI, Section 8. The Ombudsman and his
President from a list of at least three nominees prepared by the Deputies shall be natural-born citizens of the Philippines, and
Judicial and Bar Council for every vacancy. Such at the time of their appointment, at least forty years old, of
appointments need no confirmation. recognized probity and independence, and members of the
Philippine Bar, and must not have been candidates for any
For the lower courts, the President shall issue the elective office in the immediately preceding election . The
appointments within ninety days from the submission of the list. Ombudsman must have for ten years or more been a judge or
engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines.
CONST., Article VIII, Section 4(1). The Supreme Court shall be
composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices. It During their tenure, they shall be subject to the same
may sit en banc or in its discretion, in divisions of three, five, or disqualifications and prohibitions as provided for in Section 2 of
seven Members. Any vacancy shall be filled within ninety Article IX-A of this Constitution.
days from the occurrence thereof.
GDU 2021
For both Ombudsman and Deputies: Section 8 (2) of RA 6770 is unconstitutional by granting
1. Natural born citizen of the Philippines disciplinary jurisdiction to the President over a Deputy
2. At least 40 years old at time of appointment Ombudsman, in violation of the independence of the Office of
3. Of recognized probity and independence the Ombudsman. The Court did not consider the Office of the
4. Members of the Philippine bar Special Prosecutor to be constitutionally within the Office of the
5. Must not have been candidate for any elective office in Ombudsman and is, hence, not entitled to the independence
the immediately preceding election the latter enjoys under the Constitution [Gonzales III v. Office of
the President of the Philippines, G.R. Nos. 196231 & 196232,
Additional requirement for Ombudsman: He or she must have 2014].
been for 10 years or more:
2. Engaged in the practice of law
QUESTION: State whether or not the following acts are
constitutional: The appointment by the President as CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
Deputy Ombudsman of a lawyer who has been engaged in
CONST., Article IX-B, Section 1. (1) The Civil Service shall be
the practice of law for five years.
administered by the Civil Service Commission composed of a
Constitutional. Only the Ombudsman is required to have been
Chairman and two Commissioners who shall be natural-born
engaged in the practice of law for at least ten years prior to his
citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of their appointment,
appointment. (Sec. 8, Art. XI)
at least thirty-five years of age, with proven capacity for public
QUESTION: May a complaint for disbarment against the administration, and must not have been candidates for any
Ombudsman prosper during her incumbency? Explain elective position in the elections immediately preceding their
your answer. appointment.
A complaint for disbarment cannot be filed against the
Ombudsman during her incumbency. Article XI, Sec. 8 of the Composition
1987 Philippine Constitution imposes membership of the A Chairman and two (2) Commissioners
Philippine Bar as a qualification to be an Ombudsman. The
Ombudsman is removable only by impeachment. If the Qualifications
Ombudsman were to be disbarred, he would be removed from 1. Natural-born citizens of the Philippines;
office without undergoing impeachment. (Article XI, Section 2 2. At least 35 years of age;
of the 1987 Philippine Constitution) 3. With proven capacity for public administration; and
4. Must not have been candidates for any elective position in
DISQUALIFICATIONS the election immediately preceding their appointment.

CONST., Article IX-A, Section 2. [The Ombudsman and his
Deputies] shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or CONST., Article IX-C, Section 1. (1) There shall be a Commission
employment. Neither shall he engage in the practice of any on Elections composed of a Chairman and six Commissioners
profession or in the active management or control of any who shall be natural-born citizens of the Philippines and, at the
business which in any way be affected by the functions of his time of their appointment, at least thirty-five years of age, holders
office, nor shall he be financially interested, directly or of a college degree, and must not have been candidates for any
indirectly, in any contract with, or in any franchise or privilege elective position in the immediately preceding elections . However,
granted by the Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies, a majority thereof, including the Chairman, shall be Members of
or instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled the Philippine Bar who have been engaged in the practice of law
corporations or their subsidiaries. for at least ten years.

SELECTION Composition
A Chairman and six (6) Commissioners.
CONST., Article XI, Section 9. The Ombudsman and his
Deputies shall be appointed by the President from a list of at Qualifications
least six nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council, 1. Must be natural-born citizens;
and from a list of three nominees for every vacancy thereafter. 2. At least 35 years of age;
3. Holders of a college degree;
Such appointments shall require no confirmation. All vacancies
shall be filled within three months after they occur.
GDU 2021
4. Have not been candidates in the immediately preceding • They shall not engage in the active management or
election; control of any business which in any way may be
5. Majority, including the Chairman, must be members of the affected by the functions of his office
Philippine Bar who have been engaged in the practice of • Be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any
law for at least ten (10) years. contract with, or in any franchise or privilege granted
by, the Government, its subdivisions, agencies or
COMMISSION ON AUDIT instrumentalities, including GOCCs or their
CONST., Article IX-D, Section 1. (1) There shall be a subsidiaries
Commission on Audit composed of a Chairman and two
Commissioners, who shall be natural-born citizens of the CONST., Article IX-B, Section 7. xxx
Philippines and, at the time of their appointment, at least thirty- Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions
five years of age, certified public accountants with not less of his position, no appointive official shall hold any other office or
than ten years of auditing experience, or members of the employment in the Government or any subdivision, agency or
Philippine Bar who have been engaged in the practice of law instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled
for at least ten years, and must not have been candidates for corporations or their subsidiaries.
any elective position in the elections immediately preceding
their appointment. At no time shall all Members of the Are members of the constitutional commissions covered
Commission belong to the same profession. by Section 7, paragraph (2), Article IX-B of the
Constitution? Explain briefly.
Composition Yes, members of the Constitutional Commissions are covered
A Chairman and two (2) Commissioners by Section 7, par. 2 of Article IX-B of the Constitution.

Qualifications In Funa v. Duque, the Supreme Court ruled that the prohibition
1. Natural born Filipino citizens imposed by Section 2 of Article IX-A to members of the
2. At least thirty-five (35) years of age Constitutional Commissions must be interpreted in relation to
3. Must not have been candidates for any elective position in Section 7, paragraph (2), Article IX-B of the Constitution and
the elections immediately preceding their appointment the Court’s pronouncement in Civil Liberties Union v. Executive
4. CPAs with not less than ten (10) years of auditing Secretary. Thus, being an appointive public official who does
experience OR members of the Philippine bar with at least not occupy a Cabinet position (i.e., President, the Vice-
ten (10) years practice of law President, Members of the Cabinet, their deputies and
assistants), a member of a Constitutional Commission is
Note: At no time shall all members belong to the same covered by the general rule enunciated under Section 7,
profession. paragraph (2), Article IX-B. He can hold any other office or
employment in the Government during his tenure if such
DISQUALIFICATIONS holding is allowed by law or by the primary functions of his
CONST., Article IX-A, Section 2. No Member of a Constitutional
Prohibition against double compensation
Commission shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or
employment. CONST., Article IX-B, Section 9. No appointive public officer or
Neither shall he engage in the practice of any profession or in employee shall receive additional, double, or indirect
the active management or control of any business which in any compensation, unless specifically authorized by law, nor accept
way be affected by the functions of his office, nor shall he be without the consent of the Congress, any present, emolument,
financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with, office, or title of any kind from any foreign government.
or in any franchise or privilege granted by the Government, any Pensions or gratuities shall not be considered as additional,
of its subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including double, or indirect compensation.
government-owned or controlled corporations or their
subsidiaries. Prohibition against partisan political activity
CONST., Article IX-B, Section 2. (4) No officer or employee in
The following are the inhibitions imposed on the members of the civil service shall engage, directly or indirectly, in any
the constitutional commissions: electioneering or partisan political campaign.
• They shall not, during tenure, hold any other office or
• They shall not engage in the practice of any profession
GDU 2021
SELECTION is entitled to respect from other branches of government.
Inter-branch courtesy is but a consequence of the doctrine
CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION of separation of powers.
CONST., Article IX-B, Section 1. (2) The Chairman and the
Commissioners shall be appointed by the President with the As such, the president cannot be charged with any suit,
consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of civil or criminal in nature, during his or her incumbency in
seven years without reappointment. Of those first appointed, office. This is in line with the doctrine of the president's
the Chairman shall hold office for seven years, a Commissioner immunity from suit.
for five years, and another Commissioner for three years,
without reappointment. Appointment to any vacancy shall be Estrada v. Desierto
only for the unexpired term of the predecessor. Incumbent Presidents are immune from suit or from being
brought to court during the period of their incumbency
In no case shall any Member be appointed or designated in and tenure, but not beyond. Considering the peculiar
a temporary or acting capacity. circumstance that the impeachment process against the
petitioner has been aborted and thereafter he lost the
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS presidency, petitioner cannot demand as a condition sine qua
CONST., Article IX-C, Section 1. (2) The Chairman and the non to his criminal prosecution before the Ombudsman that he
Commissioners shall be appointed by the President with the be convicted in the impeachment proceedings.
consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of
seven years without reappointment. Of those first appointed, Beltran v. Makasiar
This privilege of immunity from suit pertains to the President
three Members shall hold office for seven years, two Members
by virtue of the office and may be invoked only by the holder
for five years, and the last Members for three years, without
reappointment. Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for of the office; not by any other person in the President's behalf.
the unexpired term of the predecessor. Thus, an accused in a criminal case in which the President is
complainant cannot raise the presidential privilege as a defense to
In no case shall any Member be appointed or designated in prevent the case from proceeding against such accused.
a temporary or acting capacity.
Moreover, there is nothing in our laws that would prevent the
President from waiving the privilege. Thus, if so minded the
President may shed the protection afforded by the privilege and
CONST., Article IX-D, Section 1. (2) The Chairman and the
submit to the court's jurisdiction. The choice of whether to
Commissioners shall be appointed by the President with the
exercise the privilege or to waive it is solely the President's
consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of
prerogative. It is a decision that cannot be assumed and
seven years without reappointment. Of those first appointed,
imposed by any other person.
the Chairman shall hold office for seven years, one
Commissioner for five years, and the other Commissioner for NATURE OF THE ACT IS IMMATERIAL
three years, without reappointment. Appointment to any
Leila M. De Lima v. President Rodrigo R. Duterte, G.R. No.
vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term of
227635, October 15, 2019
the predecessor.
The petition must be dismissed even without the
In no case shall any Member be appointed or designated in President invoking the privilege of immunity from suit.
a temporary or acting capacity.
The concept of presidential immunity is not explicitly spelled
out in the 1987 Constitution. However, the Court has
affirmed that there is no need to expressly provide for it
VIII. IMMUNITY AND PRIVILEGES either in the Constitution or in law.

The President is immune irrespective of the nature of

the suit and the acts being questioned.
Unlike its American counterpart, the concept of presidential
[LEONEN] Kilusang Mayo Uno v. Aquino III, 2019 immunity under our governmental and constitutional
To begin with, former President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino system does not distinguish whether or not the suit
III, as President of the Philippines, is improperly impleaded pertains to an official act of the President. Neither does
here. immunity hinge on the nature of the suit.

The president is the head of the executive branch, a co-equal of

the judiciary under the Constitution. His or her prerogative
GDU 2021
To reiterate, the immunity makes no distinction with regard only to offenses punishable by not more than six years
to the subject matter of the suit; it applies whether or not imprisonment.
the acts subject matter of the suit is part of his duties and
functions as President. In People v. Jalosjos [G.R. No. 132875, February 3, 2000], the
SC denied the request of Cong. Jalosjos that he be allowed to
President need not invoke immunity. attend legislative sessions. The denial was premised on the
It takes little imagination to foresee the possibility of the following: (a) membership in Congress does not exempt an
President being deluged with lawsuits, baseless or accused from statutes and rules which apply to validly
otherwise, should the President still need to invoke his incarcerated persons; (b) one rationale behind confinement is
immunity personally before a court may dismiss the case public self-defense; (c) it would amount to creation of a
against him. privileged class, without justification in reason; and (d) he was
provided with an office in the New Bilibid Prison.
Leonen, concurring: Presidential immunity from suit only
extends to civil, criminal, and administrative liability. A Note: charge against Jalosjos was statutory rape (reclusion
proceeding for the issuance of a writ of habeas data, as in this perpetua).
case, does not determine any such liability. The Rule on the
Writ of Habeas Data only requires courts to ascertain the Right of Detained Members to Attend Congressional Session
accountability and responsibility of the public official or A Senator, who remains in detention, cannot be allowed to go
employee. Thus, the President cannot invoke immunity from to the Senate to attend all its official functions. All prisoners
suit in a petition for such writ. whether under preventive detention or serving final sentence
cannot practice their profession nor engage in any business or
However, the proper respondent in a habeas data case for occupation, or hold office, elective or appointive, while in
pronouncements made by the President in his official capacity detention. This is a necessary consequence of arrest and
is the Executive Secretary , following the ruling in Aguinaldo v. detention. The presumption of innocence does not carry with it
Aquino III. This is in accord with the doctrine that the president the full enjoyment of civil and political rights [Trillanes v. Judge
should not be impleaded in any suit during his or her Pimentel, G.R. No 179817, June 27, 2008].
incumbency, as recently reiterated in Kilusang Mayo Uno v.
Aquino III [another Leonen case]. SPEECH AND DEBATE CLAUSE
CONST., Article VI, Section 11. …No Member shall be
Sabio v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 233853, July 15, 2019 questioned nor be held liable in any other place for any speech
Settled is the doctrine that the President, during his tenure or debate in the Congress or in any committee thereof.
of office or actual incumbency, is immune from suit and may
not be sued in any civil or criminal case. However, such To come under the guarantee, the speech or debate must be
immunity does not extend to his alter egos. one made "in Congress or in any committee thereof."
Publication of an allegedly libelous letter is not covered by the
Thus, Sabio cannot claim immunity from suit for being an
alter ego of the President. It was the PCGG, through Sabio
and his Commissioners, not the President, who entered into
Note: The Senator or Member of the House can still be
the subject lease agreements without the requisite public
questioned and held liable in Congress i.e. by the House to
bidding. It will be ridiculous to hold that alter egos of the
which he or she belongs.
President are, likewise, immune from suit simply
because their acts are considered acts of the President Said expression refers to utterances made by Congressmen in
if not repudiated. the performance of their official functions , such as speeches
delivered, statements made, or votes cast in the halls of
PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Congress, while the same is in session, as well as bills
introduced in Congress, whether the same is in session or not,
PRIVILEGE FROM ARREST and other acts performed by Congressmen, either in Congress
CONST., Article VI, Section 11. A Senator or Member of the or outside the premises housing its offices, in the official
discharge of their duties as members of Congress and of
House of Representatives shall, in all offenses punishable by
Congressional Committees duly authorized to perform its
not more than six years imprisonment, be privileged from
functions as such, at the time of the performance of the acts in
arrest while the Congress is in session.
question [Jimenez v. Cabangbang, G.R. No. L- 15905 (1966)].

Regardless of the whereabouts of a Senator or Member of the

Speech made in the Senate floor is protected speech. [Pobre
House, freedom from arrest holds, so long as Congress is in
v. Defensor-Santiago]
session (regular or special session). Freedom from arrest applies
GDU 2021
during closed-door Cabinet meetings [Chavez v. PEA, G.R. No.
Pobre v. Defensor-Santiago 133250 (2003)].
Can a Senator be the subject of a disbarment or disciplinary
action by the Supreme Court for a speech delivered on the Neri v. Senate Committee on Accountability of Public
Senate floor, which contained disrespectful language towards Officers and Investigations
the members of the Supreme Court? NO. What are the forms of executive privilege?
There are 2 kinds of executive privilege; one is the presidential
Our Constitution enshrines parliamentary immunity which is a communications privilege and, the other is the deliberative
fundamental privilege cherished in every legislative assembly process privilege.
of the democratic world. Its purpose is to enable and
Presidential communications privilege pertains to
encourage a representative of the public to discharge his public
trust with firmness and success for it is indispensably communications, documents or other materials that reflect
necessary that he should enjoy the fullest liberty of speech and presidential decision-making and deliberations and that the
that he should be protected from resentment of every one, President believes should remain confidential. Deliberative
however, powerful, to whom the exercise of that liberty may process privilege includes advisory opinions, recommendations
occasion offense. the plea of Senator Defensor-Santiago for and deliberations comprising part of a process by which
the dismissal of the complaint for disbarment or disciplinary governmental decisions and policies are formulated.
action is well taken. Her privilege speech is not actionable
Unlike the deliberative process privilege, the presidential
criminally or in a disciplinary proceeding under the
communications privilege applies to documents in their
entirety, and covers FINAL and POST-DECISIONAL
MATERIALS as well as pre-deliberative ones. As a
IX. STRUCTURE OF GOVERNMENT consequence, congressional or judicial negation of the
presidential communications privilege is always subject to
Bar Bulletin 31 (04 January 2021): This topic includes greater scrutiny than denial of the deliberative process
“composition, functions, powers and privileges, separation of privilege.
powers, and systems of checks and balances,” some of which
are discussed in the other parts of this reviewer. The claim of executive privilege is highly recognized in cases
where the subject of inquiry relates to a power textually
Re: Composition, functions, and powers, see III. Composition committed by the Constitution to the President, such as the
and powers of government organs area of military and foreign relations.

Re: Separation of Powers, see I. Basic principles of political What are the elements of presidential communications
law on separation of powers privilege?
The elements of presidential communications privilege are:
“PRIVILEGES” 1. The protected communication must relate to a
quintessential and non-delegable presidential power (e.g.
commander-in-chief powers, foreign relations],
Legislative 2. The communication must be authored or solicited and
received by a close advisor of the President or the
See: VII. Privileges of Senators and Members of the House President himself; consequently, the judicial test is that an
of Representatives advisor must be in "operational proximity" with the
President, and
Executive 3. The presidential communications privilege remains a
qualified privilege that may be overcome by a showing of
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE adequate need, such that the information sought likely
Executive privilege is the right of the President and high-level contains important evidence and by the unavailability of
officials authorized by her to withhold information from the information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating
Congress, from the courts, and ultimately from the public. authority.
Among the types of information which have been judicially
recognized as privileged are state secrets regarding military, For the claim of executive privilege to be properly invoked,
diplomatic and other national security matters. Certain there must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head
information in the possession of the executive may validly be of the department which has control over the matter. A formal
claimed as privileged even against Congress, such as and proper claim of executive privilege requires a precise and
Presidential conversations, correspondences, or discussions certain reason for preserving their confidentiality. Congress must
not require the executive to state the reasons for the claim
GDU 2021
with such particularity as to compel disclosure of the Judiciary
information which the privilege is meant to protect. This is a
matter of respect to a coordinate and co-equal department. DELIBERATIVE PROCESS PRIVILEGE
Deliberative process privilege is the privilege against disclosure
Examples of quintessential and non-delegable presidential of information or communication, to enable the members of the
powers: Commander-in-Chief powers, the power to give Court to freely discuss the issues without fear of criticism for
executive clemency, power to enter technical or financial holding unpopular positions or fear of humiliation for one’s
assistance for large scale exploration, development, and comments. At the most basic level, members of the Court and
utilization of mineral, petroleum, and mineral oils. court officials and employees may not be compelled to testify
on matters that are part of the internal deliberations and actions
AKBAYAN v. Aquino of the court in the exercise of its adjudicatory functions and
The policies behind the deliberative process privilege support non- duties [In Re: Production of Court Records, 2012].
disclosure. Much harm could accrue to the negotiations process if
these notes were revealed. Exposure of the pre-agreement The following are privileged documents and communications:
positions of the negotiators might well offend foreign governments (1) Court actions as the result of raffle of cases and acts done
and would lead to less candor in recording the events of the material to pending cases
negotiations process. The privilege accorded to diplomatic (2) Court deliberations on cases and matters pending before
negotiations follows as a logical consequence from the privileged the court
character of the deliberative process. (3) Court records which are pre-decisional and deliberative in
The constitutional right to information includes official (4) Confidential information secured by justices, judges, court
information on on-going negotiations before a final contract. officials and employees
The information, however, must constitute definite (5) Records of cases that are still pending for decision
propositions by the government and should not cover
recognized exceptions like privileged information, military Systems of Checks and Balances
and diplomatic secrets and similar matters affecting
national security and public order. J. Brion, Separate Concurring on IPAP v. Ochoa,
extensively discussing the doctrinal ruling in Angara v.
Dino S. De Leon v. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, 2019
Electoral Commission on Checks and Balances
Re: Article VII, Section 12
The three functions of government are concentrated in its three
“In case of serious illness of the President, the public shall
great branches; with each branch supreme in its own sphere:
be informed of the state of his health.”
the Legislature possesses the power to create laws that are
RULING: Outright dismissal of the Petition on its face for binding in the Philippines, which the Executive has the duty to
implement and enforce. The Judiciary, on the other hand,
failure of the petition to establish prima facie case for
resolves conflicts that may arise from the implementation of
these laws and, on occasion, nullifies acts of government
Petitioner’s claims were merely based on what he perceived (whether legislative or executive) that have been made with
grave abuse of discretion under the Court's expanded
from the online news articles discussing the President’s
jurisdiction in Article VIII, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution.
illness. Worse, these news articles are, as the Court has
consistently ruled, characterized as hearsay evidence, twice
The Constitution has provided for an elaborate system of
removed, and without probative value.
checks and balances to secure coordination in the
On Article VII, Section 12 workings of the various departments of the government.
The Court cited the deliberations of the Constitutional
Commission: “We are called upon to be more trusting with
Congress, while supreme in its authority to enact laws, is
respect to the Office of the President that they will know
checked and balanced in this authority through the President's
what appropriate means to take in order to release this
veto power. Congress possesses, save for the limitations
information to the public in satisfaction of the public’s right
found in the Constitution, the full discretion to decide the
to know of the presidency. The state of health or analysis
subject matter and content of the laws it passes, but this bill,
as to the actual condition of the President should be left to
once passed by both houses of Congress, would have to be
the President and his doctor; the burden is left to the Office
signed by the President. If the President does not approve of
of the President to choose the appropriate means of
the bill, he [or she] can veto it and send the bill back to
releasing information to the public.”
Congress with reasons for his disapproval. Congress, in turn,
can either override the veto or simply accept the President's
GDU 2021
Who checks the Supreme Court?
The same dynamics apply to the enactment of the General Congress checks the Supreme Court through the power of
Appropriations Act, which is inarguably the most important law impeachment and the power to apportion the jurisdiction of
passed by Congress every year. The GAA is subject to the courts.
President's item veto, a check-and balance mechanism specific
to appropriation bills. President checks the Supreme Court through the power of
appointment and executive clemency (and quo warranto
[MARTIAL LAW CHECK] petitions charot!).
Note, too, that the declaration of martial law, while still a power
of the President, is subject to check-and-balance mechanisms
from Congress: The President is duty-bound, within forty-eight
hours from declaring martial law or suspending the privilege of
the writ of habeas corpus, to submit a report to Congress. ORDINARY BILLS
Congress, voting jointly, may revoke the declaration or CONST., Article VI, Section 26. (1) Every bill passed by the
suspension. The President cannot set this revocation aside. Congress shall embrace only one subject which shall be
expressed in the title thereof.
The Court exercises a passive role in these scenarios, but it is
duty bound to determine (and nullify) acts of grave abuse of (2) No bill passed by either House shall become a law unless it
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the has passed three readings on separate days , and printed
part of the other branches and other government agencies. copies thereof in its final form have been distributed to its
Members three days before its passage, except when the
[TREATY CHECK] President certifies to the necessity of its immediate enactment
The act of entering into international agreements operate under to meet a public calamity or emergency. Upon the last reading
this wider context of separation of powers and checks and of a bill, no amendment thereto shall be allowed, and the vote
balances among the three branches of government. thereon shall be taken immediately thereafter, and the yeas
and nays entered in the Journal.
Without doubt, the President has the sole authority over, and is
the country's chief representative in the conduct of foreign
CONST., Article VI, Section 27. (1) Every bill passed by the
affairs. This authority includes the negotiation and ratification of
Congress shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the
international agreements: the President has full discretion President. If he approves the same, he shall sign it; otherwise,
(subject to the limits found in the Constitution) to negotiate and he shall veto it and return the same with his objections to the
enter into international agreements in behalf of the Philippine House where it originated, which shall enter the objections at
government, but this discretion is subject to a check and large in its Journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such
balance from the legislative branch of government, that is, the reconsideration, two-thirds of all the Members of such House
Senate has to give its concurrence with an international shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the
agreement before it may be considered valid and effective in objections, to the other House by which it shall likewise be
the Philippines reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of all the Members
of that House, it shall become a law. In all such cases, the
Who checks Congress? votes of each House shall be determined by yeas or nays, and
The President checks Congress via his or her veto power.
the names of the Members voting for or against shall be
The Supreme Court checks Congress when it declares a law entered in its Journal. The President shall communicate his
unconstitutional. veto of any bill to the House where it originated within thirty
days after the date of receipt thereof; otherwise, it shall
Who checks the President?
become a law as if he had signed it.
Congress checks the President through the following: (1) when
it overturns a presidential veto; (2) power of the purse; (3) (2) The President shall have the power to veto any particular
power of impeachment; (4) Power of Confirmation by item or items in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the
Commission on Appointments; (5) approval of extension or veto shall not affect the item or items to which he does not
revocation of proclamation of martial law/suspension of the object.
privilege of writ of habeas corpus.
Purpose of One Subject One Title Rule
The Supreme Court checks the President when it nullifies the
1. To prevent hodge-podge, "log-rolling", or the smuggling in
latter’s unconstitutional acts or when it reviews the sufficiency
of "riders", that is, "any act containing several subjects
of the factual basis of the proclamation of martial
dealing with unrelated matters representing diverse
law/suspension of the privilege of writ of habeas corpus.
GDU 2021
2. To prevent surprise or fraud upon the legislature 4. Second Reading
3. To fairly apprise the people of the subjects of legislation a. On Second Reading, the Secretary General reads the
that are being considered in order that they may have the number, title and TEXT of the bill and the following
opportunity of being heard thereon, by petition or takes place:
otherwise, if they should so desire. i. Period of Sponsorship and Debate
4. But the title need not be a complete catalogue of a bill. In ii. Period of Amendments
any case, a title must not be "so uncertain that the average iii. Voting which may be done by: (1) viva voce;
person reading it would not be informed of the purpose of (2) count by tellers; (3) division of the House;
the enactment. or (4) nominal voting
5. The title of the bill is controlling over the text. [Dela Cruz v.
Paras, G.R. No. L- 42571-72(1983)]. 5. Third Reading
a. On Third Reading, the Secretary General reads
Purpose of Three Reading Requirement only the number and title of the bill.
The purpose for which three readings on separate days are b. No amendment on the bill is allowed at this stage.
required is two-fold:
1. To inform the members of Congress of what they must 6. Transmittal to the other House
vote on, and a. The Bill undergoes the same process (1-5).
2. To give the members of Congress notice that a measure is
progressing through the legislative process, allowing them 7. Bicameral/Conference Committee
and others interested in the measure to prepare their a. A Conference Committee is constituted and is
positions on the matter. composed of Members from each House of
Congress to settle, reconcile or thresh out
Generally, there are 3 ways for the bill to become a law: differences or disagreements on any provision of
(1) When it is approved by the President; the bill.
(2) When the vote of the President isoverridden by a two- b. The conferees are NOT limited to reconciling the
thirds vote of all the members of each houses; differences in the bill but may introduce new
(3) Upon failure of the President to veto the bill and to return it provisions germane to the subject matter or may
with his objections, to the House where it originated, within report out an entirely new bill on the subject.
30 days after the date of receipt c. The Conference Committee Report is submitted for
consideration/approval of both Houses. No
LEGISLATIVE PROCESS amendment is allowed.

1. Preparation of the bill 8. Transmittal to the President

a. Copies of the bill, signed by the Senate President
2. First Reading and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
a. On First Reading, the Secretary General reads the and certified by both the Secretary of the Senate
title and number of the bill. The Speaker refers the and the Secretary General of the House, are
bill to the appropriate Committee/s. transmitted to the President. This is the ENROLLED
3. Committee Action
a. The Committee where the bill was referred to 9. Action of the President
evaluates it to determine the necessity of a. Approval: Bill is assigned an RA number. The bill is
conducting public hearings. If the Committee finds reproduced and copies are sent to the Official Gazette
it necessary to conduct public hearings, it Office for publication and distribution to the
schedules the time thereof, issues public notice implementing agencies.
and invites resource persons. If the Committee b. Veto: If the bill is vetoed, the same, together with a
finds that no public hearing is needed, it schedules message citing the reason for the veto, is transmitted to
the bill for Committee discussion/s. the House where it originated.
b. Based on the result of the public hearings or i. If the Congress decides to override the veto, the House
Committee discussions, the Committee may and the Senate shall proceed separately to reconsider the
introduce amendments, consolidate bills on the bill or the vetoed items of the bill. If the bill or its vetoed
same subject matter, or propose a substitute bill. It items is passed by a vote of two-thirds of the Members of
then prepares the corresponding committee report. each House, such bill or items shall become
c. The Committee approves the Bill and submits it for a law.
Second Reading (Plenary).
GDU 2021
10. Effectivity 4. Yeas and nays on any question at the request of 1/5 of
a. Art. 2, Civil Code: Laws shall take effect after members present
fifteen days following the completion of their
publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is Enrolled Bill Doctrine
otherwise provided. This Code shall take effect one An enrolled bill is one duly introduced and finally passed by
year after such publication. both Houses, authenticated by the proper officers of each, and
b. Even when the law provides its own date of approved by the President. The enrolled bill is conclusive upon
effectivity, the publication requirement is the courts as regards the tenor of the measure passed by
mandatory, in order that a law may become Congress and approved by the President [Mabanag vs. Lopez-
effective. The object of the publication requirement Vito].
is to give the general public adequate notice of the
various laws which are to regulate their actions and Journal Entry vs. Enrolled Bill
conduct—without publication, there would be no GR: Enrolled bill prevails.
basis for the application of the maxim, “ignorantia XPN: As to matters which, under the Constitution, must be
legis non excusat.” The publication requirement is a entered in the Journal, then the Journal Entry prevails.
requirement of due process.
Astorga v. Villegas
Exceptions to the three-reading requirement Re: Authentication
1. When the President certifies the bill as urgent to meet a The lawmaking process in Congress ends when the bill is
public calamity or necessity (no need for three readings on approved by both Houses, and the certification does not add to
separate days); the validity of the bill or cure any defect already present upon
2. In case of vacancy in the offices of the President/VP, its passage. In other words, it is the approval by Congress and
Congress may call for a special election and the bill not the signatures of the presiding officers that is essential.
proposing such special election shall be deemed certified
as urgent and shall become law upon its approval on third Re: Enrolled Bill Doctrine
reading [CONST., Article VI, Section 10]. Petitioner's argument that the attestation of the presiding
officers of Congress is conclusive proof of a bill's due
Joint Resolutions enactment, required, it is said, by the respect due to a co-
A joint resolution is not a bill, and its passage does not enact equal department of the government, is neutralized in this
the joint resolution into a law even if it follows the requirements case by the fact that the Senate President declared his
expressly prescribed in the Constitution for enacting a bill into signature on the bill to be invalid and issued a subsequent
law. However, a joint resolution can be part of the clarification that the invalidation of his signature meant that
implementation of a law as provided in the law itself. A joint the bill he had signed had never been approved by the Senate.
resolution can also be treated as a recommendation to the Obviously, this declaration should be accorded even greater
Executive on how the law can be implemented. Further, neither respect than the attestation it invalidated, which it did for a
the Rules of the Senate nor the Rules of the House of reason that is undisputed in fact and indisputable in logic.
Representatives can amend the Constitution which recognizes
only a bill can become law. [Ang Nars Party-List v. Executive Arroyo v. De Venecia
Secretary, G.R. No. 215746 (2019)] Courts have declared that 'the rules adopted by deliberative
bodies are subject to revocation, modification or waiver at
the pleasure of the body adopting them.' And it has been
CONST., Article VI, Section 16. … (4) Each House shall keep a said that 'Parliamentary rules are merely procedural, and
Journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the with their observance, the courts have no concern. They
same, excepting such parts as may, in its judgment, affect may be waived or disregarded by the legislative body.'
national security; and the yeas and nays on any question shall, Consequently, 'mere failure to conform to parliamentary
at the request of one-fifth of the Members present, be entered usage will not invalidate the action (taken by a deliberative
in the Journal. body) when the requisite number of members have agreed
to a particular measure.
Each House shall also keep a Record of its proceedings.
When Votes Are Required to be Recorded
Matters which are to be entered in the journal Nor does the Constitution require that the yeas and the nays of
1. Yeas and nays on third and final reading the Members be taken every time a House has to vote, except
2. Veto message of the President only in the following instances; upon the last and third readings
3. Yeas and nays on overriding Presidential veto of a bill, at the request of one-fifth of the Members present, and
in repassing a bill over the veto of the President.
GDU 2021
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance (5) No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of
After a revenue bill is passed and sent over to it by the appropriations; however, the President, the President of the
House, however, the Senate certainly can pass its own Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chief
version on the same subject matter. This follows from the Justice of the Supreme Court, and the heads of Constitutional
coequality of the two chambers of Congress. The above- Commissions may, by law, be authorized to augment any item in
mentioned bills are supposed to be initiated by the House of the general appropriations law for their respective offices from
Representatives because it is more numerous in membership savings in other items of their respective appropriations.
and therefore also more representative of the people.
Moreover, its members are presumed to be more familiar with (6) Discretionary funds appropriated for particular officials shall
the needs of the country in regard to the enactment of the be disbursed only for public purposes to be supported by
legislation involved. However, the Senate may (1) to endorse appropriate vouchers and subject to such guidelines as may be
the bill without changes; (2) to make changes in the bill omitting prescribed by law.
or adding sections or altering its language; (3) to make and
endorse an entirely new bill as a substitute, in which case it will (7)If, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress shall have
be known as a committee bill; or (4) to make no report at all. failed to pass the general appropriations bill for the ensuing
fiscal year, the general appropriations law for the preceding
ENACTMENT OF APPROPRIATION BILLS fiscal year shall be deemed reenacted and shall remain in force
See: Module VI. Executive Department; 8. Powers relative to and effect until the general appropriations bill is passed by the
appropriation measures

CONST., Article VII, Section 22. The President shall submit to the CONST., Article VI, Section 29. (1) No money shall be paid out
Congress within thirty days from the opening of every regular of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made
session, as the basis of the general appropriations bill, a budget by law.
of expenditures and sources of financing, including receipts
from existing and proposed revenue measures. (2)No public money or property shall be appropriated, applied,
paid, or employed, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or
support of any sect, church, denomination, sectarian institution,
CONST., Article VI, Section 24. All appropriation, revenue or or system of religion, or of any priest, preacher, minister, or
tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of other religious teacher, or dignitary as such, except when such
local application, and private bills shall originate exclusively in priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary is assigned to the armed
the House of Representatives , but the Senate may propose or forces, or to any penal institution, or government orphanage or
concur with amendments. leprosarium.

CONST., Article VI, Section 25. (3) All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose
(1) The Congress may not increase the appropriations shall be treated as a special fund and paid out for such
recommended by the President for the operation of the purpose only. If the purpose for which a special fund was
Government as specified in the budget. The form, content, and created has been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if any,
manner of preparation of the budget shall be prescribed by law. shall be transferred to the general funds of the Government.

(2)No provision or enactment shall be embraced in the general “Appropriation made by law”
appropriations bill unless it relates specifically to some • Provision of law sets apart a determinate or
particular appropriation therein. Any such provision or determinable (made certain by legislative parameters)
enactment shall be limited in its operation to the appropriation amount of money;
to which it relates. • Allocates the same for a particular public purpose;
• Demonstrates that the legislative intent to appropriate
(3)The procedure in approving appropriations for the Congress exists
shall strictly follow the procedure for approving appropriations
for other departments and agencies. Accordingly, PDAF cannot be considered as an appropriation
made by law because it contains post-enactment measures
(4) A special appropriations bill shall specify the purpose for which effectively create a system of intermediate
which it is intended, and shall be supported by funds actually appropriations [Belgica v. Ochoa, 2013].
available as certified by the National Treasurer, or to be raised
by a corresponding revenue proposed therein. General rule: The President must approve a bill in its entirety
or disapprove it in toto.
GDU 2021
Exception: The exception applies to appropriation, revenue
and tariff bills, any particular item or items of which may be La Bugal Blaan, December 2004 Decision
disapproved without affecting the item or items to which he Re: EDU Actitivies
does not object. General Rule: The State may undertake such Exploration,
Development, Utilization (EDU) activities by itself or in
Doctrine of inappropriate provision tandem with Filipinos or Filipino corporations (60%).
A provision that is constitutionally inappropriate for an
appropriation bill may be singled out for veto even if it is not an Exceptions:
appropriation or revenue item. First, in small-scale utilization of natural resources, which
Filipinos may be allowed by law to undertake; and
XI. NATURAL RESOURCES Second, in large-scale EDU of minerals, petroleum and
mineral oils, which may be undertaken by the State via
Exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources
"agreements with foreign-owned corporations involving
either technical or financial assistance" as provided by law.
CONST., Article XII, Section 2. All lands of the public domain,
waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all FTAAS are Service Contracts with Safeguards
forces of potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, As written by the framers and ratified and adopted by the
flora and fauna, and other natural resources are owned by the people, the Constitution allows the continued use of
State. With the exception of agricultural lands, all other natural service contracts with foreign corporations -- as
resources shall not be alienated. The exploration, contractors who would invest in and operate and manage
development, and utilization of natural resources shall be extractive enterprises, subject to the full control and
under the full control and supervision of the State. The State supervision of the State -- sans the abuses of the past
may directly undertake such activities, or it may enter into co- regime. The purpose is clear: to develop and utilize our
production, joint venture, or production-sharing agreements mineral, petroleum and other resources on a large scale for
with Filipino citizens, or corporations or associations at least the immediate and tangible benefit of the Filipino people.
sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens .
Such agreements may be for a period not exceeding twenty- Ultimate Test: State's "Control" Determinative of
five years, renewable for not more than twenty-five years , and Constitutionality
under such terms and conditions as may be provided by law. In The concept of control adopted in Section 2 of Article XII
cases of water rights for irrigation, water supply, fisheries, or must be taken to mean less than dictatorial, all-
industrial uses other than the development of water power, encompassing control; but nevertheless sufficient to give the
beneficial use may be the measure and limit of the grant. State the power to direct, restrain, regulate and govern the
affairs of the extractive enterprises.
The State shall protect the nation’s marine wealth in its
archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic Control by the State may be on a macro level, through the
zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to establishment of policies, guidelines, regulations, industry
Filipino citizens. standards and similar measures that would enable the
government to control the conduct of affairs in various
The Congress may, by law, allow small-scale utilization of
enterprises and restrain activities deemed not desirable or
natural resources by Filipino citizens, as well as cooperative
fish farming, with priority to subsistence fishermen and
fishworkers in rivers, lakes, bays, and lagoons. Economic Activities

The President may enter into agreements with foreign-owned

corporations involving either technical or financial assistance for CONST., Article XII, Section 10. The Congress shall, upon
large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of minerals, recommendation of the economic and planning agency, when
petroleum, and other mineral oils according to the general terms the national interest dictates, reserve to citizens of the
and conditions provided by law , based on real contributions to the Philippines or to corporations or associations at least
economic growth and general welfare of the country. In such sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens,
agreements, the State shall promote the development and use of or such higher percentage as Congress may prescribe, certain
local scientific and technical resources. areas of investments. The Congress shall enact measures that
will encourage the formation and operation of enterprises
The President shall notify the Congress of every contract whose capital is wholly owned by Filipinos.
entered into in accordance with this provision, within thirty days
from its execution.
GDU 2021
In the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions covering the
national economy and patrimony, the State shall give Section 2. Amendments [only] to this Constitution may likewise
preference to qualified Filipinos. be directly proposed by the people through initiative upon a
petition of at least twelve per centum of the total number of
The State shall regulate and exercise authority over foreign registered voters, of which every legislative district must be
investments within its national jurisdiction and in accordance represented by at least three per centum of the registered voters
with its national goals and priorities. therein. No amendment under this section shall be authorized
within five years following the ratification of this Constitution nor
Public utilities oftener than once every five years thereafter.
CONST., Article XII, Section 11. No franchise, certificate, or any
The Congress shall provide for the implementation of the
other form of authorization for the operation of a public utility
shall be granted except to citizens of the Philippines or to exercise of this right [not self-executory].
corporations or associations organized under the laws of the
[Constitutional Convention]
Philippines at least sixty per centum of whose capital is
Section 3. The Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds [2/3]
owned by such citizens, nor shall such franchise, certificate, or
of ALL its Members, call a constitutional convention, OR by a
authorization be exclusive in character or for a longer period
than fifty years. Neither shall any such franchise or right be majority vote of all its Members, submit to the electorate the
granted except under the condition that it shall be subject to question of calling such a convention
amendment, alteration, or repeal by the Congress when the
common good so requires. The State shall encourage equity
Section 4. Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution
participation in public utilities by the general public. The
under Section 1 [ConAss or ConCon] hereof shall be valid
participation of foreign investors in the governing body of any
when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite
public utility enterprise shall be limited to their proportionate
which shall be held not earlier than sixty days nor later than
share in its capital, and all the executive and managing officers
ninety days after the approval of such amendment or revision.
of such corporation or association must be citizens of the
Philippines. Any amendment under Section 2 [Initiative] hereof shall be
valid when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a
Roy v. Herbosa plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than sixty days nor
For purposes of determining compliance with the constitutional later than ninety days after the certification by the Commission
or statutory ownership, the required percentage of Filipino on Elections of the sufficiency of the petition.
ownership shall be applied to both the (1) total number of
outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote in the election of The following are the MODES of AMENDING or REVISING the
directors; and (2) the total number of outstanding shares of Constitution:
stock, whether or not entitled to vote. 1. By constituent assembly, Congress may by three-fourths
(3/4) vote of all its Members propose any amendment to or
Tatad v. Garcia revision of the Constitution.
The right to operate a public utility may exist 2. A constitutional convention may propose any amendment
independently and separately from the ownership of the to or revision of the Constitution.
facilities thereof. One can own said facilities without operating
them as a public utility, or conversely, one may operate a Note: The people may directly propose amendments only (not
public utility without owning the facilities used to serve the a revision of) to the Constitution through initiative.
public. The devotion of property to serve the public may be
done by the owner or by the person in control thereof who may The (2) STEPS in amending or revising the Constitution are
not necessarily be the owner thereof. proposal and ratification.

CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY: ¾ (overwhelming majority)

The power to amend the Constitution or to propose
XII. AMENDMENT AND REVISION amendments thereto is not included in the general grant of
legislative powers to Congress. It is instead part of the inherent
CONST., Article XVII, Section 1. Any amendment to, or powers of the people — as the repository sovereignty in a
revision of, this Constitution may be proposed by: republican state, such as ours — to make, and, hence, to
(1) The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths [3/4] of ALL its amend their own Fundamental Law. Congress may propose
Members [sitting as Constituent Assembly or “ConAss”]; or amendments to the Constitution merely because the same
explicitly grants such power.
(2) A constitutional convention.
GDU 2021
Hence, when exercising the same, it is said that Senators and of the millions of signatories had seen the full text of the
members of the House of Representatives act, not as members of proposed amendments before signing [Lambino v. COMELEC].
Congress, but as component elements of a constituent
assembly. When acting as such, the members of Congress AMENDMENT, WHEN PROPER
derive their authority from the Constitution, unlike the people, Where the proposed change applies only to a specific
when performing the same function (of amending the provision of the Constitution without affecting any other
Constitution) for their authority does not emanate from the section or article, the change may generally be considered an
Constitution — they are the very source of all powers of amendment and not a revision. For example —
government including the Constitution itself. a. A change reducing the voting age from 18 years to 15
years is an amendment and not a revision
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION b. A change reducing Filipino ownership of mass media
2/3 of all members. If such vote is not obtained, by majority companies from 100 percent to 60 percent is an
vote of all members with the question of whether to call a amendment and not a revision
Convention to be resolved by the people in a plebiscite. c. A change requiring a college degree as an additional
qualification for election to the Presidency is an
Three theories on the Constitutional Convention (asked amendment and not a revision.
before in the Bar)
1. Theory of conventional sovereignty (basically: ConCon is The changes in these examples do not entail any modification
supreme, higher than Constitutional bodies – Executive, of sections or articles of the Constitution other than the specific
Legislative, Judiciary, etc.) provision being amended. These changes do not also affect
2. Convention is inferior to the other departments the structure of government or the system of checks-and-
3. Convention is independent of and co-equal to the other balances among or within the three branches.
PEOPLE’S INITIATIVE Revision broadly implies a change that alters a basic principle
At least 12% of the total number of registered voters, of which in the constitution, like altering the principle of separation of
every legislative district must be represented by at least 3% of powers or the system of checks-and-balances. There is also
the registered voters therein. revision if the change alters the substantial entirety of the
constitution, as when the change affects substantial provisions
Limitation: may not be exercised more often than once every of the constitution. In revision, the guiding original intention and
five years. plan contemplates a re-examination of the entire document, or
of provisions of the document which have over-all implications
Procedure for the entire document, to determine how and to what extent
The essence of amendments "directly proposed by the people they should be altered.
through initiative upon a petition" is that the entire proposal on
its face is a petition by the people. This means two essential It’s not always about the quantity
elements must be present. First, the people must author and A change in a single word of one sentence of the Constitution
thus sign the entire proposal. No agent or representative can may be a revision and not an amendment. For example, the
sign on their behalf. Second, as an initiative upon a petition, substitution of the word "republican" with "monarchic" or
the proposal must be embodied in a petition "theocratic" in Section 1, Article II of the Constitution radically
overhauls the entire structure of government and the
These essential elements are present only if the full text of the
fundamental ideological basis of the Constitution.
proposed amendments is first shown to the people who express
their assent by signing such complete proposal in a petition. Other examples of revision:
Thus, an amendment is "directly proposed by the people a) A switch from the presidential system to a parliamentary
through initiative upon a petition" only if the people sign on a system would be a revision because of its over-all impact
petition that contains the full text of the proposed amendments. on the entire constitutional structure
b) A switch from a bicameral system to a unicameral system
The full text of the proposed amendments may be either be because of its effect on other important provisions of
written on the face of the petition, or attached to it. If so the Constitution.
attached, the petition must state the fact of such attachment.
This is an assurance that every one of the several millions of Each specific change will have to be examined case-by-case,
signatories to the petition had seen the full text of the proposed depending on how it affects other provisions, as well as how it
amendments before signing. Otherwise, it is physically impossible, affects the structure of government, the carefully crafted
given the time constraint, to prove that every one system of checks-and-balances, and the underlying ideological
basis of the existing Constitution.
GDU 2021


The quantitative test asks whether the proposed change is so
Public International
extensive in its provisions as to change directly the substantial
entirety of the constitution by the deletion or alteration of
numerous existing provisions. The court examines only the
number of provisions affected and does not consider the Main source: ASIL PIL 2021
degree of the change.

The qualitative test inquires into the qualitative effects of the I. SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW
proposed change in the constitution. The main inquiry is
whether the change will accomplish such far reaching changes Article 38, Statute of the International Court of Justice
in the nature of the basic governmental plan as to amount to a 1. Treaties and Conventions – international conventions,
revision. Whether there is an alteration in the structure of whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly
government is a proper subject of inquiry. recognized by the contesting states;

RATIFICATION 2. Customary International Law/International Customs –

Doctrine of Proper Submission international custom, as evidence of a general practice
A plebiscite may be held on the same day as a regular election. accepted as law;
The entire Constitution must be submitted for ratification at one
plebiscite only. The people must have a proper “frame of 3. General Principles of Law – the general principles of law
reference.” No “piecemeal submission” is allowed e.g. recognized by civilized nations;
submission of age amendment ahead of other proposed
4. Judicial Decisions and Legal Teachings – subject to the
amendments [Lambino v. COMELEC].
provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and the
Judicial Review of Amendments teachings of the most highly qualified publicists (MHQPs)
See: Javellana v. COMELEC. The question on whether the of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the
Constitution was validly amended/revised is now regarded as determination of rules of law.
subject to judicial review.
This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to
decide a case ex aequo et bono, if the parties agree thereto.
(ICJ 38)

What is the difference between formal and material

sources of IL?
Formal sources are those legal procedures and methods for
the creation of rules of general application which are legally
binding on the addressees. Examples of formal sources include
legislation, treaty making, judicial decision making, and practice
of states.

Material sources, on the other hand, provide evidence for the

existence of rules, which, when proved, have the status of
legally binding rules of general application. As such, state
practice, UN Resolutions, judicial decisions, treaties, and the
writings of most highly qualified publicists are considered
material sources in so far as they provide what the obligations

Is there a hierarchy among the sources?

None. The sources mentioned in Art. 38(1) of the ICJ Statute
simply prescribes the order ra1her than the hierarchy of the
sources that the ICJ must adhere to. Thus. a distinction must be
made between the first three sources as against the fourth source.
While the first three (i.e. treaty, custom, GAPL) are primary
sources, the fourth (I.e. judicial decisions, teachings of MHQPs)
are subsidiary m nature. As such, judicial decisions and teachings
of MHQPs have persuasive value before the court insofar as they
aid the interpretation of the primary sources.
GDU 2021
need not be in "in absolute conformity" with the forwarded
TREATY custom, but the same must be substantial.

What is a Treaty? Should ALL states adhere to a practice for it to be customary?

A treaty is an: (a) international agreement; (b) conducted No. For a practice to be general, it must be adhered to by majority
between states; (c) in written form; and (d) governed by of 'specially affected' states. This means that customary law may
international law; (e) whether embodied in a Single instrument even bind only two states, for as long as the party claiming it must
or in two or more related instruments. and whatever particular prove that the purported custom also binds the other parts, as
designation they may be given. [VCLT, art. 2(1)(a)]. shown in Right of Passage over Indian Territory.

How are treaties interpreted? What is opinio juris?

Treaties must be interpreted in good faith and in accordance According to the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases, it is the
with the ordinary meaning given to the terms of the treaty in recognition and feeling of a State that they are conforming to
their context and in light of its object and purpose (VCLT, art. what amounts to a legal obligation, rather than something that
31). is just done out of courtesy, fairness or morality.

What is the Philippine practice with regard to treaties? What is the Philippine practice with regard to customary
The following are the relevant Constitutional provisions: international law?
• Foreign loans: Art. VII, Sec. 20 (with prior concurrence of Under Art. II, Sec. 2 of the Constitution, the Philippines adopts
the Monetary Board) the generally accepted principles of international law as part of
• Treaties: Art. VII, Sec_ 21 (with concurrence of at least the law of the land." This provision, more popularly known as
two-thirds of the Senate) the incorporation clause, considers both norms under
• Military bases: Art. XVIII, Sec. 25 (with the U.S.; when the customary international law and generally accepted principles
Congress requires, majority of votes cast by the people in of law as part of the law of the land.
a national referendum)
• Constitutionality of treaties: Art. VIII, Sec. 4 (concurrence
of majority of members of the Supreme Court who actually
took part in the deliberations). DOMESTIC LAW
Monists believe that international law and domestic law are part
What is Customary International Law? of a single legal order; international law is automatically
According to the North Sea Continental Shelf Case , it consists incorporated into each nation's legal system and that
of unwritten rules evinced from the generality and uniformity of international law is supreme over domestic law. Monism
the practice of States (custom) and is adhered to by such requires that domestic courts give effect to international law,
states out of a sense of legal obligation (opinio juris). notwithstanding inconsistent domestic law, even constitutional
law of a constitutional character.
What are the requisites or Custom?
The following are the requisites for a certain practice to achieve Dualists, however, contend that international law and domestic
customary status: (a) duration; (b) uniformity and consistency law are distinct, each nation ascertaining for itself when and to
of practice; (c) generality of practice; and (d) a sense of legal what extent international law is incorporated into its legal
obligation or opinio juris et necessitates. system, and that the status of international law in the domestic
system is determined by domestic law. Under this view, when
How long should a practice be before it is considered municipal law provides that international law applies in whole or
customary? in part within our jurisdiction, it is but an exercise of the
There is no numerical requirement. Although the passage of authority of municipal law, an adoption or transformation of the
only a short period of time is not necessarily, or of itself, a bar rules of international law. (Separate Opinion, J. Vitug,
to the formation of a new rule of customary law, state practice Government of the United States v. Purganan)
within the period, no matter how short it might be, should have
been both extensive and virtually uniform. Bernas and Magollana: Philippines adheres more to the
dualist theory (transformation and judicial review). Doctrine of
Should there be total uniformity for a practice to be
corporation is the exception; it is more consistent with monist
considered customary?
No. Total uniformity Is not required. What is needed is virtual
uniformity or consistency. Uniformity and generality of practice
GDU 2021
Philippine Domestic Law in Public International Law behave, and the psychological or subjective factor, that is, why
General Rule: A State cannot invoke its own national law to they behave the way they do.
resist an international claim or excuse itself from breach of duty
under international law [Art. 6, VCLT; Polish Nationals in Note: Constitutional supremacy remains. In case of conflict à
Danzig Case (PCIJ, 1932); Art. 32, Articles on State Constitution and even domestic law win.
Responsibility (hereinafter “ASR”)].
TRANSFORMATION: by constitutional mechanism
A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as Under the 1987 Constitution, international law can also become
justification for its failure to perform a treaty. This rule is without part of the sphere of domestic law also by transformation. The
prejudice to article 46 [Art. 27, VCLT]. transformation method requires that an international law be
transformed into a domestic law through a constitutional
Exception: A State may invoke the fact that its consent to be mechanism such as local legislation. Treaties become part of
bound by a treaty has been expressed in violation of a the law of the land through transformation pursuant to Article
provision of its internal law regarding competence to conclude VII, Section 21 of the Constitution which provides that "[n]o
treaties as invalidating its consent if that violation was manifest treaty or international agreement shall be valid and effective
and concerned a rule of its internal law of fundamental unless concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the members of
importance [Art. 46, VCL T]. the Senate." Thus, treaties or conventional international law
must go through a process prescribed by the Constitution for it
DOCTRINE OF INCORPORATION to be transformed into municipal law that can be applied to
CONST., Article II, Section 2. The Philippines renounces war as domestic conflicts.
an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally accepted
Intellectual Property Association of the Philippines v.
principles of international law as part of the law of the land and
Ochoa, G.R. No. 204605, July 19, 2016
adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom,
We observe at this point that there are no hard and fast
cooperation, and amity with all nations
rules on the propriety of entering into a treaty or an
Under the 1987 Constitution, international law becomes part of executive agreement on a given subject as an instrument of
international relations. The primary consideration in the
the domestic sphere either by incorporation or transformation.
choice of the form of agreement is the parties' intent and
INCORPORATION: by mere constitutional declaration desire to craft their international agreement in the form they
The doctrine of incorporation is enunciated in the Constitution so wish to further their respective interests. The matter of
and states that the generally accepted principles of form takes a back seat when it comes to effectiveness and
international law automatically form part of the law of the land. binding effect of the enforcement of a treaty or an
executive agreement, inasmuch as all the parties,
No legislative action is required to make them applicable as
regardless of the form, become obliged to comply
Philippine law or within the domestic sphere.
conformably with the time-honored principle of pacta sunt
Generally accepted principles of international law refer to servanda. The principle binds the parties to perform in good
norms of general or customary international law which are faith their parts in the agreements.
binding on all states, i.e., renunciation of war as an instrument
of national policy, the principle of sovereign immunity, a
Everyone here knows a little secret, that
person's right to life, liberty and due process, and pacta sunt
servanda, among others. somehow has escaped you, so far:

Leonen ICC case (2021): “Generally accepted principles of Considering where you began and knowing
international law” include international customs [ICJ 38(2] and what you knew, no one in your shoes could have
general principles of law [ICJ 38(3]. Under the incorporation done better.
clause, these principles form part of the law of the land. And, No one. Not even
"by mere constitutional declaration, international law is deemed me.
to have the force of domestic law."
You have come a
long way,
Customary international law
Custom or customary international law means a general and – The
consistent practice of states followed by them from a sense of legal Universe
obligation (opinio juris). This statement contains the two basic
elements of custom: the material factor, that is, how states

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