Practical Research 2: Learning Activity Sheet

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Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: ______________
Date: ___________________________________ Score: __________________


The Research Background
Background Information

Is it important to establish a strong foundation of a study? What are to be included in the

scope and limitation of the study? What is the role of the conceptual framework in drafting
your research work? Do you have any knowledge in defining important variables or
terminologies included in your study operationally? Do you have any idea on how primarily
are you going to present your research hypothesis/es? What particular skills must you acquire
in writing and presenting your written literature review?
The posted questions will be answered as you go on with this part of the lesson. You
have two (2 – 6th and 7th) weeks to learn the necessary know-how about these concepts. Ten
(10) interesting and mind-enhancing activities are prepared to aid you in grasping necessary
information and skills in grafting these research concepts, hence, providing you to a meaningful
learning in crafting the Chapter 1 of your Research.
Sixth week will cover concepts on research background and its scope and delimitation
with four (4) learning activities. On the other hand, the seventh week will cover concepts along
review on framework; research hypothesis; and related literature, giving you six (6) more
learning tasks.
Learning Competency:

At the end of this session, you should be able to absorb and understand the following:

1) Describe background of the study;

2) Indicate the scope and delimitation of the study;
3) Define terms used in the study;
4) List research hypothesis; and
5) Present written review of related literature and conceptual framework
(CS_RS12-Id-e3&5; CS_RS12-If-j-6-7, Quarter 1, Week 6-7)


1. Develop relevant background of the study;

2. Identify the coverage of a certain study;
3. Distinguish the two kinds of framework used in the background of the study;
4. Determine the skills in defining appropriate terminologies used in the study;
5. Construct an appropriate conceptual framework;
6. Differentiate the different manners in presenting the research hypothesi/es;
7. Acquire necessary know-how in presenting written review of related literature and
conceptual framework of the study; and
8. Relate to real-life situations, the concepts learned in this module.
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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Hello there! I am teacher Edison, and in the previous modules
you have learned about some concepts on drafting the research
background, stating research questions, indicating scope and
delimitation of the study and presenting written statement of the
problem. This time, you will learn concepts in drafting the chapter 1
of your research work…

But before we proceed with our topic, please answer the pre-
assessment in this module as to determine your prior knowledge
on the topics at hand. Kindly answer the given questions below

A. Directions (MULTIPLE CHOICE):

Read carefully each item then choose what is being asked on the items below. Select the letter
of your answer and write it on the blank/space before each item.

______1. Which of the following is a function of a theory?

A. Making predictions C. Explaining phenomena
B. Summarizing current knowledge D. All of the above
______2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good theory or
I. It is parsimonious
II. It is testable
III. It is general enough to apply to more than one place, situation, or a person.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. II, and III
_______3. In writing your definition of terms, it must always____________________.
A. Use Webster dictionary C. Use operational definition
B. Use a sentence pattern D. None of the above
_______4. Which of the following is not a component of conceptual framework?
A. Independent C. Relationship
B. Dependent D. none of the above
______5. The following of purposes of conceptual framework except:
A. To clarify concepts and propose relationships among concepts in a study.
B. To provide a context for interpreting the study findings
C. To explain observation
D. To discourage researchers in developing theory development that is useful
and practical.

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______6. It abstractly describes and names an object or phenomenon; that is, an intellectual
presentation of some aspect of reality that is derived from observations taken from
A. Framework C. Hypotheses
B Concept D. Significance of the study

______7. Which of the following statement is not true in drafting the conceptual framework
of the study?
A. Choose your topic C. Isolate important variables
B. Do a literature review D. None of the above

______8. It is a diagram that visually represents and interprets the underlying theory,
principles and concepts of a research.
A. Framework C. Hypotheses
B. Statement of the problem D. Conceptual paradigm

______9. It is a visual presentation of variables that interrelate with one another as

perceived by the researcher before an actual investigation is done to prove its
A. Framework C. Hypotheses
B. Statement of the problem D. Conceptual paradigm

______10. Which among the following is one of the considerations we need to adopt in
defining terms of or research study?
A. Focus on what is something is, not just its effect.
B. Extend the definition of the terms.
C. Supplement the definition to clarify further the meaning of the term.
D. All of the above

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In developing a research, you should consider an evidence-
based background to establish the need to conduct the study. Are
there underlying theories and concepts to support your problem?
Here’s another learning task to help you understand the next topic
in this module.

There are ten (10) general topics enlisted in the table below. Your task is to give at least two
(2) similar terms; and two (2) opposite words for each topic. Write you answers in the
corresponding cells before each item. Note, the terms asked of you are not necessarily the
synonyms and antonyms of the given topics.
E.g. Virus a. Covid19 a. Healthy
b. Infection b. Vaccine
a. a.
1. Inclusive Education
b. b.
a. a.
2. Online Selling
b. b.
a. a.
3. Physical Fitness
b. b.
a. a.
4. Language Anxiety
b. b.
Academic a. a.
b. b.
a. a.
6. Self-Esteem
b. b.
a. a.
7. Family Problems
b. b.
a. a.
8. Social Distancing
b. b.
a. a.
9. Critical Thinking
b. b.
a. a.
10. Physical Literacy
b. b.

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How are you doing buddies? I hope you are still on the
track for your learning journey. Let’s now begin the concept on
how you will establish the background of your study. Hats off!


Figure 4. Expectations in Writing the

Background of the Study (Adu, 2017)

One of the initial paces in finishing a research is the development of the

background study. The background study for a research embraces an evaluation
of the expanse being investigated, existing information adjoining the subject,
preceding studies on the problem, and pertinent history on the matter. Preferably,
the study should effectually set into view the history and contextual information
on your research problem. The purpose of a background study is to support you
to prove and verify the significance of your research question/s and to auxiliary
in the development your study (Allyene, 2020).
Allyene (2020) presented the following significant steps in drafting the
background of your study: (1) conduct initial research in the beginning stages
of articulating a study; (2) read the evidence and develop a research problem or
thesis statement; (3) formulate a thesis statement or research question; (4) start
your research by means of your thesis statement and research question as your
guide; (5) develop appropriate segments or sections as you inscribe the
background study; (6) clinch by recognizing any additional study that needs to
be done in that area, or offer potential resolutions to the issue that haven't been
reflected before; and (7) review, revise, edit, reedit, and rewrite your
background study.

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Designing your research requires you to determine the
sources and/or types of your data. I believe you were already taught
with this concept. Let’s refresh your knowledge on this by
completing the first learning activity. Be enthused always!

Determine whether each of the following items convey factual concepts or opinionated only.
Write the word FACT for true statements, otherwise write the term OPINION. Write your
answers in the spaces provided in each item. Provide a short explanation to support your


Example I am beautiful. Opinion Beauty is relative
1. 3x + 2 = 5, if x is 0.

2. The center of a cell is the nucleus.

3. Covid19 is dangerous.

4. Online class is effective.

Farming is indeed a relaxing
6. I love Mathematics.

7. Catriona Grey is beautiful.

8. Research is a difficult subject.

Summation of x and y is 10, if both
are equal to 5.
Jose P. Rizal was the brain of the
The Philippines was under the
Spanish Colony.
12. Socrates is a great Scientist.
Know thyself is a philosophical
concept from Aristotle.
14. Dance is an Art.

15. All snakes have deadly venom.

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According to Bustos (2016), the following are the importance in crafting

and/or developing the background of your study.
1. A well-written introduction is vital because, quite simply, you never get a
second chance to make a good first impression.
2. The introductory paragraphs of your paper will provide your readers with:
a. the lucidity of your argument,
b. your writing chic,
c. the general quality of your research, and,
d. the validity and cogency of your findings and conclusions.
3. An imprecise, disorganized, or error-filled introduction will generate a
negative impression, whereas, a concise, engaging, and well-written
introduction will lead your readers to think highly of your analytical skills,
your writing style, and your research approach.

Figure 5. Conceptual Background Study Model

(BSGStudio, 2020}

Although the findings of your study form the center of your research, it is
likewise important to institute the background of your study. A well-written
background will offer your study with a background and shall impact and/or
prompt the readers to read the rest of your paper. Nevertheless, most authors
tussle with inscription of the background of the study. An additional-yet-common
problem authors may thump into is determining between the background and the
literature review, which are critical features of any research paper (Sachdev,

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Presentation of the Introduction

More general
specific aspects

Context of
the study

Research problem

Figure 7. Strategy in Writing the Background Model

(Rojas, 2018)

Alongside with its importance, Bustos (2016) also underscored the

following guides in writing the background of your study.
1. Presenting of the research problem;
2. The existence of unsatisfactory circumstance, a felt problem that needs a
3. Foundation of the study;
4. Historical context of the problem;
5. A desire to have a deeper and clearer understanding of a condition,
circumstance, or occurrence;
6. A desire to look for a better way of doing something or cultivating a
product or service;
7. An aspiration to ascertain something;
8. Topographical conditions of the research setting; and
9. An association between the introduction and the statement of the problem.

Rojas (2016), in his research class, also presented this simple tips in doing
the introduction of the study:
a. Establish the international setting of research concepts/variables by
selecting relevant global theories and studies.
b. Discuss national issues and concerns of the main research
c. Evaluate some local literatures and studies about the research concepts.
d. Discuss your empirical knowledge on the main research concepts.
e. Explain the main purpose of the study.

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The next activity will complete your lesson in constructing

the background of your study. I am so very excited to learn about
your learning development, especially on how you will write your
research manuscript.

Complete the needed background information in each of the following items. Give at least two
(2) background literatures/concepts in the corresponding sections (international, national and
local); and one justification for empirical knowledge and purpose of the study as presented by
Rojas (2016). Consider the example given below and start with the activity. Write your answers
in the spaces provided in each item.

Example Topic:
Academic Performance and Language Anxiety of Grade 12 HUMSS Students

1. International Setting
a. Students’ Academic Performance as Mediated by Students’ Academic Ambition
and Effort in the Public Senior High Schools (Ampofo and Osei-Owosu, 2015).
b. The study of Indiantry (2016), entitled “Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English,
revealed two findings. First, two types of anxiety were evidenced, i.e. trait anxiety
and state/situational anxiety. Second, the students’ anxiety in English speaking class
was derived from three main sources of anxiety, i.e. communication apprehension,
test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation.

2. National Background
a. Philippines is a linguistically, culturally, socially and religiously diverse country
which is composed of 7,107 islands. In 2017, the Philippine Ethnologue reported
that the country is the home of 187 individual languages. Of these Philippine
languages, 183 are said to be living while the other 4 are already extinct (Lewis,
Fennig & Simons, 2017).
b. The Philippines has already 41 languages, which are institutionalized, 72 are
developing, 45 are vigorous, and 14 are sadly in trouble while 11 are already dying.
From all these Philippine languages, the Department of Education (DepEd)
identified 12 major languages to be used as a medium of instruction in the currently
implemented Mother-Tongue Based Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) policy in
the educational system of the country particularly in public schools.

3. Local Concepts
a. Language apprehension was evident among the Grade 11 and 12 HUMSS students
in NVGCHS, as shown in the results of the study by Tallungan, Mark Lander
b. Language apprehension was also examined by Rojas et al. (2016) among the Grade
5 and 6 pupils in selected upland elementary schools in Bayombong and Quezon
districts of Nueva Vizcaya. They found out that language anxiety was also be
related to the pupils’ math-word problem skills.

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4. Empirical Knowledge
As observed by the research proponent, most of the students are getting nervous if they
are in their English subjects and/or they are to recite and discuss in specific subjects that use
the English language as main Language in the teaching process. Hence, the more anxious they
might have toward language learning, the more that they get low performance.

5. Purpose of the Study

Benchmarking on the said related concepts, literatures, studies and theories, the study
is proposed to assess the level of language anxiety among the Grade 12 HUMSS students of
NVGCHS for the school year 2020-2021. Hence, the study would also like to evaluate possible
relationship of their language anxiety to their academic performance in language subjects.

Topic: Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS Students in Bambang National High

School for the School Year 2020-2021

1. International Setting:


2. National Background:

3. Local Concepts:

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4. Empirical Knowledge:

5. Purpose of the Study:


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You are now ready to determine the specific coverage of your
study. The process of limiting the scope of your study is indeed
important for you to determine the boundaries or your research work,
thus, giving you specific guides in the completion of your research.

Indicating the Scope and Delimitation of the Study

What are delimitations?
 Delimitations refer to those characteristics that limit the scope and define the conceptual
boundaries of your research (Velasco, 2016).
 This is determined by the conscious exclusionary and inclusionary decisions you make
about how to investigate the research problem.
 Not only should you tell the reader what it is you are studying and why, but you must
also acknowledge why you rejected alternative approaches that could have been used for the
 The first limiting step, is the choice of research problem itself. However, implicit are
other related problems that could be chosen, and be rejected later. These should be noted in
the conclusion of your introduction.
 For example, a delimitating statement could read, "Although many factors can be
understood to impact the likelihood young people will vote, this study will focus only on
socioeconomic factors related to the need to work full-time while in school."
 The point is not to document every possible delimiting factor, but to highlight why
obvious issues related to the research problem were not addressed.

 Figure 7. Scope and Delimitation Model

(Romero, 2017)

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During the division ‘writeshop’ for senior high school research teachers in the division
of Nueva Vizcaya in 2016, Rojas and Velasco agreed, together with other teacher-writers that
the following guidelines should be observed in developing the scope and delimitation of the

1. A brief statement of the general purpose of the study;

2. The subject matter and topics studied and discussed;
3. The research questions addressed;

4. The variables/factors of the study;

5. The locale of the study, where data were gathered or entity to which the data belong;
6. The method/s of investigation of the data gathering instrument or tool used;
7. The population from which the respondents were selected (and perhaps the sampling
process). This must be large enough to make generalizations significant; and

8. The period of the study. This is the time, either weeks, months, or years during the
data were gathered.

Hence, the following strategies of delimitation was also offered by the said poor of
research writers.
(Give specific answers/information to the following KEY COMPONENTS):
1. What? Define and describe your research variables.

 2. Why? Discuss briefly-but-concisely the main purpose of you study.

 3. Who? Who will be you target population? How will you going to select your samples?
Discuss some qualifiers on the selection of your participants/subjects.

 4. Where? Discuss the setting of your study. Why did you choose the said locale?

 5. When? The timeframe given to you in the completion of the study. You can be more
specific by determining the specific dates of completion.

 6. How? These are now the technical research processes you needed in order to complete
your study. These included but are not limited to the following: the research design; research
tools (including process of validation); data collection procedures; asking permission in the
conduct of the study; statistical analyses of data; and ethical considerations.

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You are so lucky for having reached this far! The next
learning activity will hone your writing skills on delimiting the
coverage of your study. Keep it up!

Based from the conditions given in Activity 1 (DETERMINE MY PROBLEM), your task now is
to discuss the key components of the scope and delimitation of your study. Choose ONLY ONE
(1) from the said topics/cases. Write your answers on the provided spaces in each item. Refer
to the given example below.

Example: Neil and Kade would like to solicit and analyze the perception of mothers in riverside
communities in Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal plants versus synthetic
drugs as a homecare remedy to address minor health conditions. The research tandem would
also like to determine if their knowledge on these two types of home medications, is linked with
their socio-economic and academic background. This shall be conducted during the academic
year 2020-2021.

1. What: (a) Perception of Mothers on the Use of Herbal Plants and Synthetic Drugs as a
Homecare Remedy towards Minor Health Conditions (b) Relationship of the mothers’
perception with their socio-economic and academic background.

2. Why: The study aims to determine the perception of the mothers in the riverside communities
of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya about the use of herbal plants and synthetic drugs as a
homecare remedy to some minor health conditions. Hence, the study also wanted to determine
if the mothers’ perception is significantly related to their socio-economic and academic

3. Who? The participants of the study shall be among the mothers of the riverside communities
in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. The total population of the mothers shall be collected from
barangays: Vista Alegre, Salvacion, San Nicolas, and Don Tomas Madella (Barangays within
the Magat river). If the population is above 500, 10% of the said number shall accounted as
the participants of the study, hence, if its equals to 500 and below, 20% of the total shall be
taken as the samples (Gay (1997) as cited by Rojas, 2019). The sampling selection technique
shall be fishbowl technique from the list of all mothers per barangay to generate objectivity in
the process.

4. Where? The study shall be conducted among the riverside communities of Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya, to include the following barangays: Vista Alegre, Salvacion, San Nicolas, and
Don Tomas Madella. These barangays are located adjacent or near the Magat river, hence,
may be part of the ‘poblacion’ barangays of the town, where both technology and cultural
practices are some of the opposing views among its residents, especially among the mothers –
who are considered as the family’s first line of defense for maintaining healthy members of the
family. Thus, the use of both traditional way of healing (use of herbal plants) may still interfere
with the use of updated over-the-counter synthetic drugs – which both bear the same purpose.
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5. When? The study shall be conducted during the academic year 2020-2021. Specifically, the
researcher shall consider the months of August 2020 to June 2021.

6. How? The study will employ descriptive-correlational type of research approach. The
descriptive part shall be eliciting discussions on the perception of mothers about the use of
herbal plants versus synthetic drugs. The herbal plants shall only include the approved 10
herbal plants by the Department of Health. On the other hand, the selection of OTC drugs shall
be based on the corresponding indications of the specified 10 DOH-approved herbal plants.
The description on the mothers’ socio-economic and academic performance shall also be made
through frequency and percentage distribution, and computations of mean. Computations of
Correlation Coefficient – Pearson r shall also be employed to elicit the relationship between
and among the selected research variables. Letters of permission shall be made accordingly
for ethical considerations.

It’s your turn!

Concept: Relationship between Selling Skills and Customer Service Services of School Canteen
Workers as Perceived by SHS Students of Lamo National High School

1. What?

2. Why?
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3. Who?

4. Where?

5. When?

6. How?

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What is conceptual framework? Do you have any idea
what are the different things that we need to learn and consider in
drafting the conceptual framework of your research work? These
are the things that we need to explore in this chapter of our course.


According to Bas Swaen (2015) conceptual framework is used to present what you
assume to find through your research, including how the concepts you included in your study
might relate to each other.

In this sense, conceptual framework is the researcher’s understanding of

how variables in his study connect with each other. Thus, it identifies that variables in the
research study required investigation. It serves as a researcher’s “map” in pursuing the
As McGaghie et al. (2001) put it: The conceptual framework “sets the stage” for
the presentation of the particular research question that drives the investigation being
reported based on the problem statement.
The conceptual framework lies within a much broader framework called theoretical
The latter draws support from time-tested theories that embody the findings of many
researchers on why and how a particular phenomenon occurs.
Steps in Crafting the Conceptual Framework
Before you prepare your conceptual framework, you need to do the following
1. Choose your topic. Decide on what will be your research topic which should be
within your field of specialization.

2. Do a literature review. Examine and evaluate significant, restructured and relevant

research on the topic that you decide to evaluate after identifying issue at hand. Using
reliable sources of information like peer-reviewed and recognized scientific journals
is a must.

3. Isolate the important variables. List down the specific variables described in the
literature and determine how these are connected. Some abstracts contain the
variables and the significant findings thus, may serve the purpose.

4. Generate the conceptual framework. Scaffold the conceptual framework of your

study using your mix variables from the scientific articles you have evaluated and
studied. The problem statement will serve as a reference in constructing the
conceptual framework of your study.
Hence, your study will attempt to answer a question that other researchers
have not explained yet. Knowledge gap must address by your research.

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Remember, if you have already identified your research variables and already
have an initial working title, it is easy for you to draw your research framework.

Take a look on the given examples:

Case Example: Rupert and Justin wanted to learn about the effects of synthetic
fertilizers on the propagation of ‘Baguio Beans’ as compared with the effects of using
organic fertilizer. Give a specific problem statement that shall embody the intent of the
researchers. The project shall be for their Capstone class for the school year 2020.

Let us first identify the independent variable and the dependent variable.

a. Independent Variable (one that will cause an effect), embraces the effects of
fertilizers (both synthetic and organic fertilizers).
b. For the Dependent Variable (one that is being affected), yes – it is focusing on
the propagation of “Baguio beans.”
c. Expected Output. High production of the vegetable product – Baguio beans.
From the identified research variables, we may start crafting the research

Independent Dependent Expected Outcome

Variables Variables
Use of Fertilizers
1. Synthetic Propagation of High Production of
Fertilizer ‘Baguio Beans’ ‘Baguio Beans’
2. Organic

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Another technique that we may include is to consider the specific questions we
have formulated based from our research problem and/or research title.
• Consider the given condition in the above case analysis, the following research
questions may be enumerated:
1. What are the levels of concentrations of synthetic and organic fertilizers to be
used in the propagation of ‘Baguio beans’?
2. What is the effect of synthetic and organic fertilizers in the propagation of
‘Baguio beans’?
3. Is there a significant difference on the number of propagated Baguio beans
between using synthetic fertilizers and organic fertilizers?

From the three (3) questions, we can now draw our research framework as
shown below.
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Independent Dependent
Variables Variables

Use of Fertilizers Q3
1. Synthetic Propagation of
Fertilizer ‘Baguio Beans’
2. Organic Fertilizer
Q1 Q2

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

• Note: If you could observe, question number 1 pertains to the independent
variable/s; question number 2 embraces dependent variable/s and question
number 3 (inferential) focused on the arrow connecting the IV and the DV.
Hence, after the construction of the paradigm, provide a simple explanation of
the figure based on planned flow of completing the research.


This activity provides you an opportunity to test your
knowledge and skills in terms of developing conceptual framework
of a study, which will serve as a scaffold in developing your own
research work.

Study the given statements in each items and choose one among the given topics on then
complete the research paradigm based on the examples provided to you earlier.

Titles/Concepts for Selection

1. Mathematics Academic Performance of SHS STEM Students of Bintawan National

High School according to Age and BMI Profile

2. Language Anxiety among Grade 11 and Grade 12 HUMSS Students of Nueva Vizcaya
General Comprehensive High School

3. Knowledge on the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) among Mothers in

and Riverside and Upland Communities of Nueva Vizcaya

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Dependent Expected
Independent Outcome
Variables Variables

Figure 1. Research Paradigm


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In this part of the lesson, you are going to enhance
your knowledge in organizing definition by understand
operational definition, the steps in formulating definition in
achieving a correctly defined terms used in your study. Hence,
providing your readers to fully grasp what your research work all

According to Goes, J. (2015), defining significant terms is important to
guarantee a common understanding of key concepts and terminology is shared between
the research author and his or her audience, particularly if the term is unusual or not widely
Principles in Choosing and Organizing Definitions
1. Focus on what something is, not just what its effects are or what it is used for.
2. Extend the definition so that it exactly covers what you want the reader to
3. It is helpful to supplement a definition.
4. You are advised not to develop a definition for any term which has already a clear
and accepted definition in place.
5. Finally, once you establish a definition, do not change its meaning in the middle
of the article paper.

Understanding Operational Definitions

Operational Definition refers to specific definition of a concept based from how
it is used in a research study.
Two Types of Operational Definition
a. Experimental or Manipulating Operational Definition. It describes how a
term’s reference is manipulated
“Short class”- one lasting less than 50 minutes
“Long class”- one lasting more than 50 minutes

b. Measured Operational Definition. It describes how referents of a term are

“Short Class”- one ending before squirming begins.
“Long Class”- one still in session when ½ of the class is squirming or looking out
of the window.
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This task will measure your knowledge and skills in identifying

appropriate terms used in a study and define them how basically they
used in certain research work.

The following example of research titles/concepts are drawn from selected terms and/or
variables, the first item already underlined the selected terms, provide the conceptual definition
of the terms being underlined. For items #2 and #3, identify the research variables and provide
their operational defition. Write your answers on the provided spaces. Please be guided on the
example provided below.

Social Implication Of Conducting Bogwa Among The Tuwali Tribe Of Capisaan, Kasibu,
Nueva Vizcaya And Its Relevance To Their Daily Lives

Terms Definition
Social Implication It refers to the results, on society or part of society, of the
event or the action. In this study, it pertains to the result of
practicing bogwa on the lives of the tuwali tribe of the
locale of the study.

1. Level of Awareness and Effectiveness of Tri-Modular Instructional Program in

Practical Research 2 among Grade 12 Students of Bintawan National High School

Terms Definition



Tri-Modular Instructional

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2. Learning Practices and Its Influence to the Language and Academic Performance in
English of Senior High School Students at Malabing Valley National High Schoo l

Terms Definition

3. Extent of Implementation, Awareness and Level of Effectiveness on the Ecological Solid

Waste Management (Eswm) Among the Residents of an Upland Community

Terms Definition

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I am so delighted that you are now nearly done with your
lessons on the first two chapters of your research course. Another set
of learning activities are prepared for you. Please take time to
accomplish it. Good luck!

Analyze and examine following statements on the first column of the box provided below
then identify whether the given situation is Alternative, Null, Nondirectional,
Directional, Logical, Empirical, Complex, and Simple hypothesis. Please be guided
on the example provided below.

Statement Type of Hypothesis

Example: There is a significant relationship between the
respondents’ language anxieties and their selected study Alternative Hypothesis
constructs in English.
1. There is no significant interrelationship along with the
components of the respondents’ language anxieties.
2. There is significant relationship with the respondents’
learning practices along with their academic performance.
3. There will be a difference in how many words are correctly
spelled by children and adults.
4. Adults will correctly spell more words than children.
5. Participants who have been deprived of sleep for 24 hours
will have more cold symptoms in the following week after
exposure to a virus than those who have ample sleep hour.

6. Teacher-student relationship influence students’ learning.

7. There is no significant relationship between the type of

water I feed the flowers and growth of the flowers.
8. Hyperactivity is unrelated to eating sugar.
9. There is a significant relationship between Mentos and Diet
10. My health improves during the times when I drink green
tea only, as opposed to root beer only.
11. Cacti experience more successful growth rates than tulips
on Mars.
12. Roses watered with liquid Vitamin B grow faster than
roses watered with liquid Vitamin E.
13. Eating sugary foods daily leads to obesity.
14. Overweight adults who 1) value longevity and 2) seek
happiness are more likely than other adults to 1) lose their
excess weight and 2) feel a more regular sense of joy.
15. There is no significant change in my health during the
times when I drink green tea only or root beer only.

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What is a Hypothesis?

McLeod (2018) define hypothesis (plural hypotheses) as a

specific, measurable statement of what the researcher(s) predict will
be the outcome of the study.
Furthermore, he likewise suggests that this usually involves
proposing a possible relationship between two variables: the
independent variable (what the researcher changes) and the dependent
variable (what the research measures). In research, there is a convention that the hypothesis is
written in two forms, the null hypothesis, and the alternative hypothesis (called the
experimental hypothesis when the method of investigation is an experiment).
Types of Research Hypotheses
1. Alternative Hypothesis
This hypothesis suggests significant relationship between the two variables being
studied which means that one variable has an influence on the other. It implies that the
outcomes are not due to luck and that they are significant in terms of supporting the theory
being evaluated.
A one-tailed directional hypothesis predicts the nature of the effect of the
Example: Students will recall significantly more information on a Monday morning
independent variable on the dependent variable.
than on a Friday afternoon.
E.g., adults will correctly recall more words than children.
2. Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis states that the two variables being studied have no relationship,
hence, it suggests that one variable does not affect the other. In other words, the results are due
to chance and are not significant in terms of supporting the idea being investigated.

Example: There is no significant change in my body during the times when I took a
diet scheme only or I do exercise only.

3. Simple Hypothesis

This type of hypothesis presents the association between one dependent variable and a
single independent variable.
Example: The higher the unemployment rate, the higher crime rate.
4. Nondirectional Hypothesis
A two-tailed non-directional hypothesis predicts that the independent variable will have
an influence on the dependent variable, but the direction of the effect is not indicated.
Example: There will be a difference in how many numbers are correctly recalled by
children and adults.

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The construction of the research hypothesis can also be patterned from our specific
questions. Remember, that the statement of hypothesis is anchored from our inferential

Let’s take a look on the given examples:

Case Example: Rupert and Justin wanted to learn about the effects of synthetic
fertilizers on the propagation of ‘Baguio Beans’ as compared with the effects of using
organic fertilizer. Give a specific problem statement that shall embody the intent of the
researchers. The project shall be for their Capstone class for the school year 2020.

The following shall be the specific research questions:

1. What are the concentrations of synthetic and organic fertilizers to be used in the
propagation of ‘Baguio beans’?

2. What is the effects of synthetic and organic fertilizers in the propagation of ‘Baguio

3. Is there a significant difference on the number of propagated Baguio beans between

using synthetic fertilizers and organic fertilizers?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the levels of concentration of the fertilizers

and the number of propagated ‘Baguio beans’?

The enumerated questions contain two (2) descriptive questions – which are questions
#1 and #2. Meanwhile, questions #3 and #4 are inferential questions, which are your bases in
the formulation of your null hypothesis.

Why null hypothesis? It is easier to measure than alternative hypothesis in terms of

direction. The inferential question was asking if there is significant difference and/or
relationship, the answer would only be yes or no at a significance level of 0.05 for educational
researches and 0.01 for experimental studies.
Thus, the following null hypotheses shall be made:

For Question #3: There is no significant difference on the number of propagated Baguio
beans between using synthetic fertilizers and organic fertilizers.

For Question #4: There is no significant relationship between the levels of

concentration of the fertilizers and the number of propagated ‘Baguio beans.’

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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This activity will ensure your skill in writing the research
hypothesis. Good luck!

Considering the earlier activity on construction of research paradigm, the same set of research
titles/concepts shall be used for your activity in writing the null hypothesis. Write the specific
inferential question and the corresponding null hypothesis. Write your answers in the provided
spaces in each item. See given example below.

Social Implication Of Conducting Bogwa Among The Tuwali Tribe Of Capisaan, Kasibu,
Nueva Vizcaya And Its Relevance To Their Daily Lives

Inferential Questions Null Hypotheses

Is there a significant difference with the There is no significant difference on the
participants’ perception on the social participants’ perception on the social implication
implication of conducting Bogwa when of conducting Bogwa when grouped according to
grouped according to their profile variables? their profile variables.
Is there a significant relationship on the There is no significant relationship on the
perception of the participants between social perception of the participants between social
implication and relevance of Bogwa? implication and relevance of Bogwa

1. Journal Writing Skills of Grade 10 Students Exposed to Online Searching

➢ Consideration of the journal skills on: news writing; feature writing; editorial
writing and sports news writing.
➢ Evaluation on the time spent in doing online searching

Inferential Questions Null Hypotheses

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2. Language Anxiety among Grade 11 and Grade 12 HUMSS Students of Nueva Vizcaya
General Comprehensive High School

Inferential Questions Null Hypotheses

3. JEN L. PEZ, a Senior High School Research student wanted to characterize the
differences on financial literacy among Bayombong Tricycle Drivers who are single or
married, owner or non-owner, high school undergraduate or at least high school
graduate. Help her formulate the research questions.

Inferential Questions Null Hypotheses

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A good literature review doesn’t just summarize sources – it

analyses, synthesizes, and critically evaluates to give a clear picture of
the state of knowledge on the subject. The next topics will provide you
the necessary knowledge and skills which can be useful in making and
completing your study.


According to Rallis (2018) literature review is not an annotated bibliography in
which you summarize briefly each article that you have reviewed. While a summary of what
you have read is contained within the literature review, it goes well beyond merely
summarizing professional literature.
It focuses on a specific topic of interest to you and includes a critical analysis of the
relationship among different works, and relating this research to your work. It may be written
as a stand-alone paper or to provide a theoretical framework and rationale for a research
study (Rallis, 2018).
In an article publish by McCombes (2019) she pointed out that conducting a literature
review involves collecting, evaluating and analyzing publications (such as books and journal
articles) that relate to your research question and there are five main steps in the process of
writing a literature review:
1. Search for relevant literature;
2. Evaluate sources;
3.Identify themes, debates and gaps;
4. Outline the structure; and
5. Write your literature review.

Why Write a Literature Review?

When you writing a research paper, you will have to conduct a literature review to
situate your research within existing knowledge. The literature review gives you a chance
1. Demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and scholarly context
2. Develop a theoretical framework and methodology for your research
3. Position yourself in relation to other researchers and theorists
4. Show how your research addresses a gap or contributes to a debate
You might also have to write a literature review as a stand-alone assignment. In this
case, the purpose is to evaluate the current state of research and demonstrate your knowledge
of scholarly debates around a topic. The content will look slightly different in each case, but
the process of conducting a literature review follows the same steps (McCombes (2019).

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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These guidelines are adapted primarily from Galvan (2006) as cited by

Rellis (2018) and McCombes (2019). This step-by-step approach is very useful
to use as you write your review.

Step 1: Review APA Guidelines. The Publication Manual of the American

Psychological Association (7th ed., 2019) and the APA Style web site
( are helpful tools among aspiring and novice writers
because it provides a comprehensive reference guide to writing using APA style,
organization, and content.

Step 2: Decide on a Topic. It will help you considerably if your topic for
your literature review is the one on which you intend to do your final project, or
is in some way related to the topic of your final project. However, you may pick
any scholarly topic.

Step 3: Identify the Literature That You Will Review. Before you begin
searching for literature, you need a clearly defined topic. If you are writing the
literature review section of a dissertation or research paper, you will search for
literature related to your research problem and questions.

Step 4: Evaluate and Select Sources. For each publication, ask yourself:
What question or problem is the author addressing? What are the key concepts
and how are they defined? What are the key theories, models and methods? Does
the research use established frameworks or take an innovative approach? What
are the results and conclusions of the study?

Step 5: Analyzing and Synthesizing the Literature. After you have

collected the articles you intend to use in your literature review, you’re ready to
analyze each one (break it down and identify the important information in it) and
then synthesize the collection of articles. (Integrate them and identify the
conclusions that can be drawn from the articles as a group).

Step 6: Outline your Literature Review’s Structure. There are various

approaches to organizing the body of a literature review. You should have a rough
idea of your strategy before you start writing.

Step 7: Write your Literature Review. Like any other academic text, your
literature review should have an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.
What you include in each depends on the objective of your literature review.

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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After equipping yourselves with tones of information regarding
on writing review of related literature, its time for you to tests your
knowledge of the rules of referencing. Knowing these rules helps
you avoid plagiarism. Good luck!

Read and analyze scholarly the situation below and UNDERLINE whether the given
choices in each item were right or wrong. If the statement is CORRECT explain why
on the spaces provided in each item, otherwise just leave it blank. Please be guided on
the given example below as your benchmark in accomplishing this task.
1. You’re doing a paper on death and dying and in the course of your research you have
talked to a family friend whose child recently died. You want to include something she
said to you, although it is not a quotation. Do you have to reference this, and if so, how
would you do it?
a. Put a parenthetical note (if in APA style, which is suitable for the social
sciences) as follows: (J. Doe, personal communication, April 1, 2004), but
do not put it into the reference list.

Correct Put a parenthetical note (if in APA style, which is suitable for
the social sciences) as follows: (J. Doe, personal
communication, April 1, 2004), but do not put it into the
reference list.
Wrong ______________________________________________
b. Since no one could check on this, and you are really putting it into your own
words, it is not necessary to cite it at all.
Correct _______________________________________________
Wrong _______________________________________________

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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c. It is sufficient to mention in your text that a friend had experienced this situation.
Correct _______________________________________________
Wrong _______________________________________________
2. You like the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point and
you want to pull them all together and use them in your own paper in a list. What ought
you to do?
a. Examples used to prove a point are managed a little differently than opinions, ideas, or facts.
These are treated the same way we would treat common knowledge, and not referenced.
Correct _______________________________________________
Wrong _______________________________________________
b. Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.
Correct _______________________________________________
Wrong _______________________________________________
c. Include them in one parenthetical citation or endnote after you have finished listing them.
Correct _______________________________________________
Wrong _______________________________________________

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The review or related literatures and related studies are important to substantiate the
background and the need to conduct the study. Hence, these shall give relevant theories
that may be related and/or negate with the purpose of the current study. Meanwhile, studies
may validate the processes included in your study.
Let’s take a look on the following exapmles:
Chapter II
A. GENERAL STATEMENT. The study focused on determining the ethnomedical knowledge
on plants used for alternative healthcare practices among the Gaddang tribe in Bayombong
Nueva Vizcaya. The literature and studies that are cited in this study strongly support the need
to study the research concepts. They are presented thematically as to exemplify the relevance
of the research variables and their associations.
Ethnomedical Knowledge
Philippines is considered to hold high number of medicinal plant species used for
healing because of its existing plant diversity pattern (Hawkins, 2018). These medicinal plants
significantly support cheaper (Tan, 1980), immediate (Abe & Ohtani, 2013), and safe and
effective (Tantiado, 2012) health care in the country, where people below the poverty line and
those who have inaccessibility to acquiring modern health services because they live in isolated
areas (Gutierrez, et al., 2013).
In many parts of the world, the development of present-day medicines was based on
traditional uses of plants by local communities for the treatment of various ailments (Zolla,
1980). In fact, the beginnings of most plant-based medicines that were developed by medical
companies are in ethno-medicine (Ayoola, et al., 2013).
Lately, the importance of traditional knowledge on medicinal plants is recognized
worldwide, finding solutions to emerging diseases and health problems had led to a plethora of
published related materials (Hashim, et al., 2010) India, has published numerous related studies
that is why it is considered to be a country that is very rich in traditional knowledge on plants
(Kumar & Hamal, 2011). The Philippine government through the Department of Science and
Technology and related agencies are making a move in conducting researches on drug
discovery from the plants that are being used by local communities in the Philippines. Despite
these ethno-medicinal studies that were performed all over the world, only few documentations
on ethno-medicinal plant is done in the Philippines, in most cases focusing only on indigenous
groups while the knowledge of traditional agriculturists and forest dwellers is neglected
(Langenberger & Prigge, 2005).

Medicinal Plants
The use of medicinal Plants for herbal treatment has been done for many centuries until
now and serves as a source of drugs for treatment and prevention of diseases (Banaysiso,,

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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2010). Rural people living in developing countries still rely on traditional herbal medical
system because of their traditional belief, practices and their lack of allopathic medicines (Aziz
M., Adnan M., Khan A., Shahat A., Al- Said M., Ullah R., 2018). People experiencing poverty
and living in isolated areas have minimum access to modern health services (Gutierrez,,
2013) so they support cheaper (Tan, 1980), immediate (Abe & Ohtani, 2013) safe and effective
(Tantiado, 2012) healthcare in the country.
The Philippines holds a high number of medicinal plants species offering a larger scope
for ethnomedical healing (Hawkins, 2018). It is also used by Filipinos to cure minor sickness
such as cough, colds, flu, and other skin infections (Domingo R., 2017). According to the
Department of Health, there are 10 clinically tested herbal plants that can treat illness namely,
Akapulko, Ampalaya, Bawang, Bayabas, Lagundi, Niyog-niyogan, Sambong, Tsaang Gubat,
Ulasimang Bato and Yerba Buena.\

Ailments Cured
Medicinal plants are mostly used for respiratory problems, dermatology and treatment
of wounds among the Kalanguya Tribe (Balangcod & Balangcod, 2011).
According to the study of Ahmad, M., Khan, M.A., Zafar, M., and Sultana, S.,
medicinal plants are useful and are safe in treating diseases. It was proven in their study that
medicinal plants can cure some common diseases. Abdominal pains and worms may be caused
by undercooked meat, an infected animal and poor sanitation or hygiene, proven medicinal
plants to cure these are siris tree, pomegranate, etc. Asthma, cough and Bronchitis are common
respiratory diseases, it maybe inborn or acquired from our environment, vasaka, okra, and
guajava are proven medicinal plants to cure these diseases.
Other diseases can be caused by viruses, diabetes caused by too much glucose in our
body that leads to high blood sugar. Diarrhea and Dysentery which are common inflammatory
diseases, digestive disorders caused by bacteria, and ear infections caused by lack of proper

Parts Used and Modes of Preparation

Herbal Plants are used in different ways which are dependent on the kind of diseases or
ailments treated. Some of these include infusions (hot teas), decoction (boiled teas), tinctures
(alcohol and water extracts) and maceration (cold baking) (Nafiu, M; & Adeyemi, S., 2017).
According to the studies of Olajuyigbe and Afolayan (2012), and Amel (2013), leaves are the
most utilized plant part for medicinal preparation.
The leaves of the plants are the most abundant and the easiest to utilize. The fruits, roots
and stems are also utilized. Internally, medicinal plants are prepared by boiling the leaves or
roots with water to be administered by the patient. External usage of herbal plants is also done
by making a poultice out of the plant parts.

The Gaddang Tribe
The culturally diverse country of the Philippines, has approximately 14-17 million indigenous
people that belongs to the 110 ethno linguistic groups existing in the country (UNDP, 2013).
The Gaddang Indigenous Communities of the Cagayan Valley are mostly found in Central

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Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino, and Cagayan (NCIP, 2009). In the Province of Nueva
Vizcaya, one of the earliest settlers is the Gaddang Tribe.
They get their food usually from haunting, fishing and gathering to supplement their
act, they consume rice, corn, mushroom and other plant crops (Lumicao, 1984). Most of the
said ethnicity are now living in the northern part of Nueva Vizcaya particularly in the town of
Bayombong and other neighboring communities.
Bayombong (16°29’N, 121°09’E) is a 1st class municipality and Capital of the Province
of Nueva Vizcaya Philippines. It is a 136 km2 municipality characterized as mountain
dominated steep hills and mountains encompassing an area of 36.44% of its total land area.
Most land masses are inhabited by the Gaddangs. The location of the place made it ideal for
the study to be conducted because modernity has not yet totally in height.

The review of related literature and studies dealt with the variables that will determine
the ethnomedical knowledge of the Gaddang Tribe in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.
The indicators of the present study is based from the study of Balangcod (2011) entitled
Ethnomedical Knowledge of Plants and Health Care practices among the Kalanguya Tribe of
Tinoc, Ifugao.
The concepts and ideas of different Government Organizations like DOH (2017), and
NCIP (2009) on medicinal plants and indigenous people were also reviewed in this research
In conclusion, the studies and literatures cited in this chapter provided the researchers
a frame of reference which will be a great help in conceptualizing the ideas with regards to the
current study.

• The higlighted example uses thematic approach in discussion the review of related
literatues and related studies. As such, we can deduced the following technique in
writing this part of our study.

1. General Statement – discussion on how you selected your literatures and its
2. Dependent Variables
- Discussions on the selected research variables along with the dependent
variables. Just select concepts/theories and studies most relevant with your
3. Independent Variables
- Are there topics and concepts related to your independent variables.
4. Other Relevant Concepts (If needed)
The Population, Existing Laws and Theories, etc.
5. Synthesis – the last part requires you to point out similarities and difference of
your concept to all of your selected references.
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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The next performance task shall test your skills on how
you rephrase cited concepts from your references. Good

Provide a short restated discussion on the given items. Again, bear in mind the
ethical considerations in writing your manuscript for review of literatures and
review of studies. See example below.

In many parts of the world, the development of present-day medicines was based on
traditional uses of plants by local communities for the treatment of various ailments
(Zolla, 1980 cited by Tallungan et al., 2020). In fact, the beginnings of most plant-based
medicines that were developed by medical companies are in ethno-medicine (Ayoola,
et al., 2013).

Restated Discussion:
According to Zolla (1980) as cited by Tallungan et al. (2020), some parts of the world
would show that the development of recent medications was patterned on the
conventional practices of using herbal plants in remote locations and communities as to
deal with several illnesses. Hence, the origin of many plant-based drugs, which were
industrialized by medicinal corporations are more of ethno-medicine in nature (Ayoola,
et al., 2013).

1. In the study of Cruz A. (2018), work immersion prepares the students to real life
situation from what they have learned in class. Such as for the technical vocational
livelihood (TVL) students, during their electronics they are taught to fix or mend
electrical appliances and wirings that when applied outside of school it is further more
improved and is seen to be more effective. For accountancy business management
(ABM) students were able to apply their accounting 1 subject in balancing transactions
and others. If applied to the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
students, the knowledge that they’ve learned will be more embedded into their minds
(Gandia et al., 2020).

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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2. Findings have stated that work immersion is a learning process according to

Georgiou, Y. & Kyza E. (2017) these includes the patterns of problems solving and
interpreting data. Students who have more experience and knowledge are more likely
to have less flaws and mistakes than those who have no experience at all. Also, with
more experience the tendency of having a culture shock is less than unexperienced
students (Jian & Schmidz, 2014).

3. According to Vossen, T.E., Hinze, I, Rippe, R.C.A, Van Driel, J.H. and De Vries,
M.J. (2018), Students see that doing research is an activity applicable for edifying, and
find themselves practically capable to complete such task. It was also stated that
students are not overly passionate to continue in a research career.

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Good Job! You have already reached the end of the lesson
for the first quarter of this course. We hope that you have grasped
thoroughly the necessary skills and knowledge in crafting the first
two (2) chapters of research study. It’s time for you to reflect on
what you have learned along with this journey by completing the
following phrases below.

1. I believe that I have learned

2. Foremost, I believe that
3. Second, I believe this (branching from your answer in item #2) means that
4. Finally, I believe that I can apply this concepts in
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
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My heartfelt commendation for your perseverance in
reaching this part of your academic endeavour.
To capsulize what you have learned from this
module, kindly answer the summative evaluation of the
lessons included in this chapter of the course. God bless
and Good Luck to your next journey!

Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of your best answer on the space before each item.

____1. Which is a primary source for literature review?

A. Encyclopaedia B. Index C. Journals D. Research Views
____2. What is the most commonly used medium to cite sources within the social
A. MLA C. Harvard system
B. Chicago Manual Style D. APA
____3. Which of the following is the best way of citing source from internet?
A. Juan Dela Cruz, 2016. The Level of Awareness on Intellectual Property
Right. Presented in Journal of Social Sciences of the Philippines. Vol. 12.
S34, pp 34-38.
B. Dela Cruz, Juan (2016). “The Level of Awareness on Intellectual Property
Right”. Captured at http://www.uaap.eud/socialsciences.php.
C. Dela Cruz, J. (2016). The Level of Awareness of Intellectual Property Right.
Presented in Social Sciences of the Philippines Journal. Vol. 12-2016, 67-
69. Captured last March 12, 2017,
D. Dela Cruz, Juan2016. The level of Awareness of Intellectual Property
Right. Excerpted from
____4. Which of the following statement is correct as synthesis of the study?
A. There are more girls than boys that serve as respondent in the study.
B. In this study it shows that more girls answered in the interview than boys.
C. There are 68 percent of women out of the total population over 22 percent
of men.
D. All of the above
____5. Which of the following is the best way of citing sources from the book?
A. Velasco, Jayson D. 2012. The Literature in the Modern World.
McGrawHill, Copyright 2012, pp 23-30.
B. Velasco, Jayson D. (2012). “The Literature in the Modern World.”
McGrawHill, Copyright 2012, pp 23-30.
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

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C. Velasco, J. (2012). The Literature in the Modern World. McGrawHill,

copyright2012, pp 23-30.
D. None of the above
____6. Which among the following is NOT a primary resources of information?
A. Published Dissertation C. Under graduate research out put
B. Academic Journal Articles D. Dictionaries
____7. Which among the following statements is not true when it comes to the
purposes of conceptual framework?
A. To discourage researchers in developing theory development that is
useful and practical.
B. To clarify concepts and propose relationships among concepts in a study.

C. C. To provide a context for interpreting the study findings

D. To explain observation
____8. It is a diagram that visually represents and interprets the underlying theory,
principles and concepts of a research.
A. Framework C. Hypotheses
B. Statement of the problem D. Conceptual paradigm
____9. Which among the following is one of the considerations we need to adopt in
defining terms of or research study?
A. Focus on what is something is, not just its effect.
B. Extend the definition of the terms.
C. Supplement the definition to clarify further the meaning of the term.
D. All of the above
____10. Which among the following is one of the advantages of operational
A. Make research methodology used clear to the reader.
B. Combine statements to things, either directly or indirectly.
C. Help assure good communication by specifying how terms are used.
D. All of the above
_____11. Which of the following references is the appropriate referencing format for
education and other social sciences research?
A. APA B. Chicago C. Harvard D. MLA
_____12. What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the
A.State the first and the last names of the author.
Use the author, date citation method.
Use an asterisks and a footnot
Insert the complete citation in parenthesis

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_____13. Which of the following is NOT an ethical guideline for conducting research
with humans?
A. Getting informed consent of the participant
B. Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completed.
C. Keeping participants identity anonymous
D. Telling participants they are free to withdraw any time.

_____14. Which among the following is the purpose of doing literature review?
A.To demonstrate familiarity with a body of knowledge.
B.To show the path of prior research and how current project is linked to it.
C.To integrate and summarize what is known in an area.
D. All of the above.

_____15. Which among the following is one of the guidelines that can help researchers
to find the merits of the material and decide whether to include them in their
research work?
A. Examine the title C. Read the abstract
B. Read the article D. All of the above

_____16.This refers to print, electronic or visual materials necessary for your research.
A. Facilities B. Resources C. Equipment D.

_____17. Which among the following is an example of a primary resources?

A. Letters C. Encyclopedias
B. Academic Journal Articles D. Dictionaries

_____18. This gives details of a scholarly publication’s location, helping the readers
find it quickly with in the research work.
A. Citation B. Casual C. Related literature D.

_____19. This is the ability to infer relationships among sources such as essays,
articles, fiction and also non-written sources such as lectures, interviews and
A. Synthesis C. Abstract
B. Related studies and literature D. Discussion

_____20. This refers to the questions of which is right and what is wrong.
A. Ethos B. Phatos C. Logos D. Maltose

_____21. This is committed when authors present the words, data or ideas of others
with the implication that they are their own, without attribution.
A. Plagiarism B. Producer C. Copyright D. Cheating
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_____22Which among the following guidelines is not true in following ethical standard
in research work?
A. Discuss intellectual property frankly C. Be conscious of multiple
B. Follow informed consent roles D. None of the above

_____23. Last week your professor talked about her theory of the best method for
electoral reform in a lecture. A. Since you are writing the paper for your
professor, it is understood that all that has been said in the lectures are part of
the common knowledge of the course.
A. Proper B. uncertain C. Wrong D. No idea

_____24. Great minds think alike, but even if you did think of the idea on your own you
still need to reference the published source. Otherwise, readers will accuse you
of plagiarism. You can use this source to support your argument, and you can
try to show how your idea differs from the other author’s, but you still have to
cite the other source.
A. True B. False C. No idea D. Uncertain

_____25. Examples used to prove a point are managed a little differently than
opinions, ideas, or facts. These are treated the same way we would treat
common knowledge, and not referenced.
A Wrong B. It’s Ok C. Uncertain D. No idea


Galvan, J. L. (2006). Writing literature reviews (3rd ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak

Goes, J. (2015). Definitions of Terms in Dissertations. Dissertation Retrieved from

McCombes, S. (2019). How to write a literature review. Scribbr blog post. Retrieved

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

Observe Health Protocols.

McGaghie, W. C et. al. (2001). Problem Statement, Conceptual Framework, and

Research Question. Retrieved on January 5, 2015 from

McLeod, S. A. (2018). What is a hypothesis . Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
Rallis, H. (2018). Guidelines for writing a literature review. Retrieved from

Regoniel, P. (2015). Conceptual Framework: A Step by Step Guide on How to

Make One [Blog Post]. In SimplyEducate.Me. Retrieved from

Prepared by:


Teacher II, NVGCHS

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

Observe Health Protocols.

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