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The problem.................................................................................2
Question of the study...................................................................2
Why the world needs Islam today?..............................................2
The significance of the study :.....................................................3
Limitation of the Study................................................................3
Definition of terms.......................................................................3


Any religion aims to guide humankind to God and put rules to the human
life. Islam, also, came to organize man life, to set the relation between
Allah and man, to arrange the relation between man and his spirit, to put
rules for societies to build up great nations and to put an end to the
gloomy period which dominates the earth for a long time. Islam tries to
attain these goals by noble means and without forcing people to follow
the teachings since everyone has a free will to believe or deny, "Let him
who will believe and let him who will reject " Al-Kahf, 29. Hence, Muslims
have to do all their best to introduce the true essence of Islam to non-
Muslims, to unveil the wonderful face of their religion and to correct the
misunderstanding that widely spread today. And they should do this holy
job with the appropriate tools and means.

The problem
There is a rising tendency in the west against Islam, this tendency brings
charges against Muslims all the time, criticizes Muslim countries
everywhere and presents a generalized stereotype image of Muslims to
the people.

So, Muslims today have a great mission that is to present the true image
of Islam to the world and correct the false one.

We can achieve this goal by answering the question of "why our modern
world needs Islam?", by uncovering the core of the Islamic teachings and
convey it to the world with the suitable channels and by explaining how
the western media treating the Islamic issues superficially and

Question of the study
Why the world needs Islam today?

The significance of the study :

-It presents the real image of Islam.

- It explains why the materialistic western civilization needs Islam.

- It gives a brief introduction to Islam for non-Muslims.

-It emphasizes the importance of spirituality for humankind.

-in general, the study is a good example of approaches which we can use
to address non-Muslims.

Limitation of the Study

The question of the study clearly shows that the main target group is non-
Muslims in the first place or the people who have a false image of Islam
or have not any idea about it. However, we can use the same message
with some secular Muslims or Arabs who want to erase religions from
our life and think that religions are mere evil.

Definition of terms

Hajj: the Islamic pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, and every Muslim
should make at least once in his lifetime. (Britannica, 2017)

Ramadan: the ninth month of the Islamic calendar; Muslims all over the
world observe it as the fasting month. it is one of the Five Pillars of


The five pillars of Islam: the main five obligations which every Muslim
should do to live a responsible life, and they are: Shahadah, Salat, Zakat,
Sawm and Hajj.

Zakat: a term used to refer to the obligation that every Muslim has to
donate a certain proportion of wealth yearly to charitable purposes. (Staff,


Ibrahim, I. A. (1997). A brief illustrated guide to understanding islam.

Houston: Darussalam.

Maududi, A. (n.d.). Islamic Concept of Spirituality. Retrieved from

Masters, D., Squires, A., & Kaka, I. (n.d.). A Brief Introduction to Islam
(part 1 of 2). Retrieved from

Britannica. (2017, February 02). Hajj. Retrieved from

Staff, I. (2008, March 17). Zakat. Retrieved from


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