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CH-1 Long Q.

CH#1 Ideology basis of Pakistan

Long Q/A

Q1. Evaluate the Islamic values that are the basis of Ideology of Pakistan.

Ans. The Muslims of the Sub-Continent got a separate homeland so that they might
give practical shape to the final and absolute authority of Almighty Allah.

Basis of Ideology of Pakistan

The ideology of Pakistan is based on Islamic ideology. Belief, prayers, supremacy of
law, fraternity (friendship, brotherhood) equality and justice are the components
(part, portion) of the ideology of Pakistan. The details of these values are given below:

1. Beliefs
2. Prayers
3. Justice and Equality
4. Promotion of Democracy
5. Fraternity and Brotherhood
6. Rights and Duties of Citizens
1. Beliefs:

The Muslims of Sub-Continent put up the demand for Pakistan because they wanted
to lead their lives in accordance with their beliefs and faith.

i. Eemaan:

Belief of Islam includes belief in the oneness of God Tauheed and faith, the finality of
the Prophet hood of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH),Life here after, Angels and Books
reveled by almighty Allah. The set of the above-mentioned beliefs is called Eemaan.

ii. Tauheed

To believe in oneness of Allah and finality of Prophet hood of Hazrat Muhammad

(PBUH) is the first pillar of Islam. Tauheed means that Allah is the creator and master
of entire (whole) Universe. No one is His partner and nothing is beyond His knowledge
and man is the deputy of Almighty Allah.

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iii. Prophet Hood

Faith in Prophet Hood means to believe that Allah sent messengers for the guidance of
mankind. This belief demands that the Holy Quran and the noble life of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) must be acknowledge (to accept) as the source of guidance.

2. Prayers:

i. Namaaz:-
The second pillar of Islam is “Namaaz”. It is obligatory (compulsory)to offer the prayers
at the fixed hours. Such a system of submission (to submit) to almighty Allah should be
maintained over entire society.

ii. Fasting: -
The third pillar of Islam is fasting. Like all other prayers, it is the best manifestation
(presences) of obligation.

iii. Zakat: -
Zakaat is the fourth pillar of Islam. With the system of “Zakat”, wealth in circulates
instead of accumulating (gather) in a few hands.

iv. Hajj
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam; it is an obligation only for those who are financially able
to perform it.

3. Justice and Equality

i. Importance of Justices and Equality:

It is determined in Islamic belief that all human beings are to be given equal status
without any discrimination (difference) of cast, colour, language and culture.

ii.Khutba-e-Hajja-Tul-Wida and elevation (raising, lift)) of Justice

In his sermon(speech) on his final pilgrimage (Khutba-e-Hajja-Tul-Wida) Hazrat

Muhamma (PBUH) explained this fact in following words:

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“O people, all of you have one God and mankind is the offspring (comes into existence)
of Adam. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority
over an Arab also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority
over white’.

iii. System of Courts: Justice should be exercises in every field of life. Independent
judiciary (Judges) and supremacy (authority) of law are the basic condition for the
establishment of equality of life.

4. Promotion of Democracy:

Democracy is defined as government of the people by the people and for the people.

Consultation (take advice, discussion) and deliberation (advisement, take suggestion)

are the basis of Islamic state and Society. Democracy is promoted in an Islamic State
and rights of the people are protected. The system of Government is run for the
welfare of the people.

5. Fraternity and Brotherhood

Fraternity and brotherhood has special significance in an Islamic society. When
Islamic government was formed in Madina , the example of Fraternity and brother
hood set there was Worth seeing. Holy Prophet also constituted a system of “Zakat”
and charity.

6. Rights and Duties of Citizens

In an Islamic State, rights and duties are closely connected and both go hand in hand.
The right of a person becomes the duty of the other person to fulfill. Non-Muslims
citizens of an Islamic state have an equal social status with the Muslims citizens.
Mutual balance between rights and duties is the key to make an Islamic State a
successful one.

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Q2. What is meant by Ideology? Describe its sources.

Ans. The Urdu Word ‘Nazria’ is known as ideology in English.

1. Definition of Ideology
i. Ideology is defined by different sociologists as under:

“Ideology means such a plan or programme as is based upon philosophy and

application to solve political, social and cultural principles on which a nation or
civilization based

ii. According to World Encyclopedia

“Ideology is a set of political and cultural principles on which a nation or civilization is


iii. According to George Brass

“Any plan or programme of common life based upon thinking and philosophy (a
beliefs) is called ideology”.

iv. Sources of Ideology

Following are the fundamental contents of an ideology.
1. Common Religion:
2. Common Race (genetically belong to same group):
3. Common Language and Residency:
4. Common Political Purposes:
5. Common Customs:
1. Common Religion:

Religion is not only a set of adoration (worship) but it has profound impacts on the
whole of the social life of all individuals. Every religion maintains social relationships in
light of specific ideas. For example, the European, The Japanese, The Hindus and the
Muslim want to lead their life lives according to their religions respectively.

2. Common Race (genetically belong to same group):

Common ideas are originated (create, come to existence) from common race.

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A common race gives birth to common ideas. It is quite natural that people belonging
to the same race develop the sentiments (emotions, feelings) of sympathy and
brotherhood for each other. Racism (belong to same group)is a strong bond, which,
because of common ideas, binds the human beings in blood like relationship.

3. Common Language and Residency:

Language is the means of conveying (To deliver, carry) the feelings sentiments
(emotions) and thoughts to others. These help to form new ideas. Similarity in the
ways of living and harmony (unity, love) in ideas depend mostly on the common
territory (area).

4. Common Political Purposes:

Because of common political purposes and political ideas, most of nations of the
present age try to achieve political freedom for the survival of their national life so
that may become a strong nation.

5. Common Customs:

Common customs have played a vital role in the formation and development of ideas
in every age. Common customs create ideological harmony (unity) with respect to
culture and Thoughts.

Q3. Describe the significance of ideology.


A set of ideas on which a political, cultural, social or economic system is based is called
ideology. It represents the collective consciousness (awareness) of a group of people
in a particular phase (stage) of History.

Significance of Ideology

1. Existence of Nations

2. Foundation of Motivation (to encourage)

3. Axis of life

4. Sources of Discipline

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5. Knowledge of Rights and Duties

6. Source of Life

7. Source of Identity

8. Foundation of Basis Social System

1. Existence of Nations

Man has been sent to this world to this World with some purposes. Purposeless (aim
less) life never gets success. The existences of nations are reflected (seen, appear)
through their ideas. Ideas create consciousness of purpose among nations. These ideas
lead the nation towards success.

2. Foundation of Motivation (to encourage)

Ideas create consciousness (awareness) of purposes among nations, these ideas lead
the nation towards success.

3. Axis of life
Ideas are the axis around which life revolves. It is the second name of a motivating
4. Sources of Discipline
Ideas provide discipline to various aspects (parts) of human life.
5. Knowledge of Rights and Duties
Ideas determine (set) the nation duties and goals.
6. Source of Life

Idea is just like something which is invisible but the, nations look live and dynamic
because of it.

7. Source of Identity

If a nation ignores its ideas, it endangers (danger to exists) to its existence and some
new ideas try to merge (enter) this nation and change its identity.

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8. Foundation of Basis Social System

Ideas provide the foundation to any political, economic, social or cultural movement in
the society.

Q4. Explain Two-Nation Theory

Two-Nation Theory: Origin, Evolution and Explication

Ans: Two Nation Theory

In the Sub-Continent, every individual who embraced Islam associated himself, socially
and practically, to the Muslim society and State. Thus, he would break all previous
relationships and link himself to a new social system. This identity formed the basis of
Two-Nation Theory.

Means of Two Nation Theory

In the perspective of the Sub-Continent, two Nation Theory means that two major
nations, the Muslims and Hindus, were settled there. The two nations were entirely
(completely) different from each other in their religion ideas, their way of living and
collective thinking.

Historical Fact:

The Indian Muslims fought war of freedom on basis of Two-Nation Theory and after
accepting this theory as a historical fact, two separate states, Pakistan and Indian,
came in to existence. This theory is the basis of ideology of Pakistan.

Evolution of Two-Nation Theory

So far as the evolution of Two-Nation Theory is concerned, we will evaluate some

personalities and their thoughts. These personalities belong to different periods.

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2.Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Two Nations Theory

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the first person who used the term “Two Nation Theory”
due to Hindi Urdu Controversy(conflict) in Banaras in 1867. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
declared the Muslim a separate nation.

Convincing the Government

He convinced the Government that there are at least two nations settled in the Sub-
Continent, one of them is Muslims and the other is Hindus. The Muslims are a
separate nation in every respect because their civilization, culture, language, customs
and philosophy of life are different from those of Hindus.

3.Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Two Nations Theory

Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal presented the idea of a separate state for the Muslims.
He said: “The Muslims would not allow that their religious, political and social rights
are usurped. Therefore, i would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province
(Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Sindh and Baluchistan put together in a single state.

4.Chaudhary Rehmat Ali and Two Nations Theory:

In January 1933, during his stay at England, Chaudhry Rehmat Ali along with some of
his friends published a pamphlet named “now or never”. It was also distributed

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among Indian politicians. In this pamphlet, the name of the separate state for the
Muslims was proposed as Pakistan.

Opinion of Chaudhary Rehmat Ali

Chaudhary Rehmat Ali was of the opinion that the Muslims possess the history and
civilization of their own and on the basis from other nations living in India.

5. Quaid-e-Azam and Two Nations Theory

Quaid –e-Azam was a firm (strong) advocate (supporter) of Two Nation Theory. He
gave the Muslims the status of a separate nation in every respect. He said:

“Musalmans are a nation according to any definition of a, nation, and they must
have their homeland, their territory and their State.”

Address of Lahore Resolution

Pakistan Resolution was passed on 23rd of March 1940. In his Presidential Address
Quaid-e-Azam said:

The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs
and literatures. They have different epic, different heroes, and different episodes. To
tie together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the
other as a majority must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric
that may be so built for government to announce the partition of Sub-Continent by
keeping in view the interests of the two nations. It would be a right step religiously as
well as historically”.

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Q5. What is meant by ideology of Pakistan? And describe its historical background.


1. Meanings of the Ideology

According to Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, the word “ideology” means “the
sciences of ideas and way of thinking”.

2. Historical Back Ground

i. Era of Muslims Ruler
ii. Era of British Ruler
iii. Hindus Conspiracy
iv. permanent slaves of Hindus.
v. Role of Muslims Leaders

i. Era of Muslims Ruler

The Muslims ruled the Sub-Continent for centuries. They continued living freely
according to the teachings of their religion.

ii. Era of British Ruler

The establishment of British rule caused harm to the free status of Muslims and Islam.
During their reign the Muslims were oppressed (press).

iii. Hindus Conspiracy

When the British rule was near its end, it was evident that Hindu majority government
will be formed in Sub-Continent. It was feared that after getting rid of the temporary
slavery of the British, The Muslims would become permanent slaves of Hindus.

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iv. Role of Muslims Leaders

Many Muslims dignitaries (VIP, very important person) including Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal started their efforts for security
of dignity and freedom of Muslim community in the Sub-Continent. As a result of these
dignified (honourable) personalities, Pakistan came into being.

3. Pakistan and Islam

Pakistan is an ideological state. It is based on a specific philosophy of life. Its basis is

the religion of Islam. This religion has been in practice for centuries. This is basis that
caused the movement of Pakistan.

4. Definitions of the Ideology of Pakistan

i. Formation of Islamic Society
ii. Practice of Islamic Principles
iii. Protection of basis Rights
iv. Establishment of Islamic Rule
v. Establishment of a welfare State
i. Formation of Islamic Society

The ideology of Pakistan is the name of creating a society based on the principles of
Quran and Sunnah.

ii. Practice of Islamic Principles

The ideology of Pakistan is the name of practicing the principles of Islam. It is also the
name of thinking to test these thoughts and a laboratory to test these principles.

iii. Protection of basis Rights

The ideology of Pakistan is the name of steps that were taken for the security or,social
,cultural and economic values of the Muslims.

iv. Establishment of Islamic Rule

The ideology of Pakistan is the name of practical efforts for establishing the rule of
Islam and strengthening the unity among the Muslims, without losing the national

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v. Establishment of a welfare State

The Ideology of Pakistan is the name of a welfare state where the welfare of the
people is considered.

Q6. Write a note on the following:

a. (The Economic deprivation (neediness, Poverty) of Muslims in India)
b. (Origin of Ideology and its significance)

a. The Economic deprivation (neediness, Poverty) of Muslims in India

Ans: Back-Ground

When the war of freedom (1857) was over, the Muslims were oppressed very badly.
Although the Hindus supported the Muslims in this war, but the Muslims targets of the
wrath (revenge, anger) of the British. So they suffered a lot and faced serious
consequences (outcome result).

View of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan has depicted this miserable condition of the Muslims in following

“No calamity (disaster, monster) has descended from heaven that had not searched
the house of Muslims before it came down to the earth”.

The Economic deprivation (neediness, Poverty) of Muslims in India

1. Deprivation of Jobs
2. Deprivation of Property
3. Hindu Monopoly (authority, control) in Local Trade
4. Industrial Revolution
5. Destruction of Cottage Industry
6. Ban on Export
7. Lack of Knowledge
8. Nobles Seek their own interests

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1. Deprivation of Jobs

The British dominated by prejudice (bias) and enmity, dismissed all the Muslims from
government jobs especially from Army and shut the doors of employment to the

2. Deprivation of Property

The Muslims were deprived of their properties. Their properties and lands were
allotted to Non-Muslims. The Muslims became tenant (someone who pay rent)
cultivators instead of owner of the land.

3. Hindu Monopoly (authority, control) in Local Trade

The business of the Muslims was ruined. In order to get the support of the Hindus, the
British gave them special business privileges. The Hindus established monopoly in local
trade. The Muslim traders suffered economic cries.

4. Industrial Revolution

As the result of industrial revolution in Britain, better and cheaper productions were
manufactured there. These products were imported to India.

5. Destruction of Cottage Industry

In resulted in the destruction of cottage industry which belonged to various nations of

India including the Muslims. The cottage industry collapsed because it could not
compete with the modern industry.

6. Ban on Export

The goods produced in Britain’s could be imported into India but Indian products were
demanded neither in Britain nor in Europe. The export of Indian goods was affected
and millions of people suffered unemployment which included a large number of the

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7. Lack of Knowledge

In the seventeenth and eighteenth century, several revolutions took place in all fields
of education, but the Muslims paid no heed (attention) to the changing trends and
failed to cater to the needs of time.

8. Nobles Seek their own interests

The nobles were divided into different groups. They were selfish and seek their
interests: It was also one of the reasons of the economic deprivation of Muslims in

b. Origin of ideology and its significance source of Ideology

Following are the elements lead to the formation of an ideology among people.

Sources of Ideology

Following are the fundamental contents of an ideology.

1. Common Religion:

2. Common Race (genetically belong to same group):

3. Common Language and Residency:

4. Common Political Purposes:

5. Common Customs:

1. Common Religion:

Religion is not only a set of adoration (worship) but it has profound impacts on the
whole of the social life of all individuals. Every religion maintains social relationships in
light of specific ideas. For example, the European, The Japanese, The Hindus and the
Muslim want to lead their life lives according to their religions respectively.

2. Common Race (genetically belong to same group):

Common ideas are originated (create, come to existence) from common race.
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A common race gives birth to common ideas. It is quite natural that people belonging
to the same race develop the sentiments (emotions, feelings) of sympathy and
brotherhood for each other. Racism (belong to same group)is a strong bond, which,
because of common ideas, binds the human beings in blood like relationship.

3. Common Language and Residency:

Language is the means of conveying (To deliver, carry) the feelings sentiments
(emotions) and thoughts to others. These help to form new ideas. Similarity in the
ways of living and harmony (unity, love) in ideas depend mostly on the common
territory (area).

4. Common Political Purposes:

Because of common political purposes and political ideas, most of nations of the
present age try to achieve political freedom for the survival of their national life so
that may become a strong nation.

5. Common Customs:

Common customs have played a vital role in the formation and development of ideas
in every age. Common customs create ideological harmony (unity) with respect to
culture and Thoughts.

Significance of Ideology
1. Existence of Nations

Man has been sent to this world to this World with some purposes. Purposeless (aim
less) life never gets success. The existences of nations are reflected (seen, appear)
through their ideas. Ideas create consciousness of purpose among nations. These ideas
lead the nation towards success.

2. Foundation of Motivation (to encourage)

Ideas create consciousness (awareness) of purposes among nations, These ideas lead
the nation towards success.

3. Axis of life
Ideas are the axis around which life revolves. It is the second name of a motivating

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4. Sources of Discipline
Ideas provide discipline to various aspects (parts) of human life.
5. Knowledge of Rights and Duties
Ideas determine (set) the nation duties and goals.
6. Source of Life

Idea is just like something which is invisible but the, nations look live and dynamic
because of it.

7. Source of Identity

If a nation ignores its ideas, it endangers (danger to exists) to its existence and some
new ideas try to merge (enter) this nation and change its identity.

8. Foundation of Basis Social System

Ideas provide the foundation to any political, economic, social or cultural
movement in the society.

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Q7. Elaborate the Ideology of Pakistan in the light of pronouncements of Quaid-e-Azam.

Ans. The Ideology of Pakistan and Quaid-e-Azam

The sayings and address of the Quaid-e-Azam which he delivered on different occasion
reflect the ideology of Pakistan. He struggled for separate state on bases of Islamic

The Ideology of Pakistan in the light of pronouncements of Quaid-e-Azam

1. True Picture of Muslim State

2. Foundation of Muslim Nation

3. Pakistan and the Holy Quran

4. Islam is a complete Code of Life

5. Need of division of India

6. Addressing the Officers

7. An Islamic Laboratory

8. A Staunch supporter of the Two Nation Theory

9. Elimination of Differences

10. Criticism on Western Economic System

1. True Picture of Muslim State

“The territories having Muslim majority i.e Punjab, Bengal, Assam, Sindh, North-West
Frontier Provinces (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Baluchistan should be put together to
form Pakistan where people may lead their lives in accordance with the principles of
their religion, civilization, traditions, ethic and economics. The Muslims may run the

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affairs of state according to their values freely. The minorities should enjoy equal
rights too religious and moral”.

2. Foundation of Muslim Nation

Once Quaid-e-Azam said,

“Pakistan came into being the very day when the first Hindu became a Muslim”.

3. Pakistan and the Holy Quran

In the annual meeting of 1943 at Karachi Quaid-e-Azam said while clarifying the
relation of Pakistan and Islam:

“What is that relation which has made Muslim a single body? What is that rock on
which the structure of Muslim Nation is restored? What is that base which has secured
the safety of boat of this Muslim Nation? That relation, rock and base is the Holy

4. Islam is a complete Code of Life

While addressing the students in March 1944, Quaid –e-Azam said:

“Islam is our guide and it is the complete code of life”.

5. Need of division of India

Addressing at Aligarh Quaid-e-Azam Explained the ideology of Pakistan in the following


What was the motive of demand for Pakistan and what was the reason for a separate
state for the Muslims? Why was the need to divide India felt? Its reason neither is
narrow mindedness of Hindus nor tactics of the British: It is the fundamental demand
of Islam”.

6. Addressing the Officers

Addressing the Officers of the Government of Pakistan at Karachi on 11th

October,1947, Quaid-e-Azam said:

“The establishment of Pakistan for which we have been striving (struggle) for the last
ten years is, by grace of God, an established fact today., but the creation of a State of

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our own was a means to an end and not the end in itself. The idea was that we should
have a state in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could
develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social
justice could find fair play.

7. An Islamic Laboratory

On one occasion; while explaining the ideology of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam said:

“We do not demand Pakistan simply to have a piece of land but we want a laboratory
where we could experiment on Islamic principles”.

8. A Staunch supporter of the Two Nation Theory

He was a great supporter of Two-Nation theory and he considered the Muslims a

separate nation in every aspect. He Said:

“The Muslims are a nation, by every right to establish their separate homeland. They
can adopt any mean to promote and protect their spiritual, moral, economic, social,
political and cultural interests”.

9. Elimination of Differences

On 21st march 1948, Quaid-e-Azam addressed the people of Dhaka.

He said:

“What we want is not to talk about Bengali, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi and Pathan and
so on. We are nothing but Pakistani. Now it is our duty to act like Pakistani”.

Beside it, he announced that minorities would be given a complete sense of security
and that they would enjoy equal rights. This is the fundamental teaching of Islam.

10.Criticism on Western Economic System

On 1st july,1948, Quaid-e-Azam inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan. On this

occasion, he said:

“The economic system of the West has created almost insoluble problems for
humanity. It has failed to do justice between man and man. we must present to the
world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and
social Justice”.

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9. Describe the ideology of Pakistan in the light of the pronouncements of Allama

Muhammad Iqbal.

Ans. Introduction:

Allama Iqbal was the first person who for the first time gave the concept of separate
state for the Muslims keeping in view the Two Nation Theory.

The pronouncements of Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

1. Demand of a consolidated Muslim State

2. Rejection of United Nationality

3. Muslims are Millat

4. Geographical Limitation of Mankind

5. Unity of Muslim World

6. Need for a Muslim State

1. Demand of a consolidated Muslim State

In his famous presidential address at Allahabad in 1930, he demanded a separate state

for the Muslims. He said:

“The formation of a consolidated North-west India Muslim state appears to may be

the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India. The life of Islam as
cultural force in this living country very largely depends on its centralization in a
specified territory. I, therefore, demand the formation of a consolidation Muslim State
in the best interests of Indian and Islam”.

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2. Rejection of United Nationality

Allama Muhammad Iqbal asserted that the Hindus and Muslims could not live together
in a country. Muslims have separate recognition from Hindu on basis of religion and
culture. Allama Muhammad Iqbal said clearly:

“India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different

languages and professing different religions. It was the prime duty of all civilized
nations to show utmost regard and reverence for religions principles, cultural and
social values of other nations”.

3. Muslims are Millat

According to Iqbal Muslims form a Millat due to Islam and their power and strength
depends only in Islam. In his poetry, he presented the key concept of the basis of
Muslim Millat of Pakistan.

4. Geographical Limitation of Mankind

He advised the Muslims to adopt every aspect of religion and to break the idols of
colour and creed.

5. Unity of Muslim World

He considered that all the Muslims living in any part of the World form one Millat.

6. Need for a Muslim State

Emphasizing the need of a separate Islamic State, Dr. Allama M. Iqbal said:

“Hindustan is the biggest country of Muslims. If Muslims have to stay alive in this
country as a cultural force, they must establish a federation in a certain area”.


Allama Iqbal never used the word Pakistan for his speeches but in all his speeches the
demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Sub-Continent. So, his sayings
are considered as the ideology.

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