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2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE




2FE861 Scientific methods in

Business Research 20220112

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Test opening time 12.01.2022 13:00

End time 12.01.2022 15:00

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PDF created 12.01.2022 15:30

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

Random method questions

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

1 Combining methods Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

2 Method chapter Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

3 Measurement level plant Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

4 Research design need Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

5 Natural experiments Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

6 Cross sectional design Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

7 Ethics Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

8 Argumentation Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

9 Evidence Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice


Question Question title Status Marks Question type

10 Coding from theory Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

11 Coding Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

12 Coding description Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

13 Coding is creative Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

14 Coding Gioia Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice


Question Question title Status Marks Question type

15 Correlation multicollinearity Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE
16 Correlation ice cream Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

17 Correlation causality 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

18 Highest correlation 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

19 Highest correlation 2 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

20 Correlation diagonal Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

Data collection

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

21 Data collection method Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

22 Interview types Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

23 Interview guide Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

24 Interview method Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

25 Data collection bees Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

26 Response rate Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

27 Method choice Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

Descriptive statistics

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

28 Descriptives median Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

29 Skewness & Kurtosis 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

30 Highest observation 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

31 Histogram outlier Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

Exploratory Factor Analysis

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE
Question Question title Status Marks Question type

32 EFA explained variance 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

33 EFA discriminant validity Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

34 EFA Eigen .7 # of factors Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

35 EFA cross loading Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

36 EFA validity dimensions Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

37 EFA validity correlation Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice


Question Question title Status Marks Question type

38 Frequency missing data 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

39 Frequency table 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice


Question Question title Status Marks Question type

40 Questionnaire design Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

41 Measurement level 1 Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

42 Measurement level managers Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

Philosophy of Science

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

43 Philosophy perspectives Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

44 Objectivity 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

45 Philosophy outcome Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE
46 Inductive methods Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

47 Deductive methods Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

48 Method approach Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

49 Objectivity 2 Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

Qualitative data analysis

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

50 Gioia coding method Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

51 Gioia native 1 Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

Quantitative Data Analysis

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

52 Analysis purchase intent Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

53 Group means Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

54 Mexican food groups Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

55 Mexican food time Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

56 Bias in data collection Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

57 Group averages training Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

58 Critical cutoff Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice


Question Question title Status Marks Question type

59 Regression equation Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

60 Standardized betas 1 Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE
61 Regression residuals Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

62 Significance two-sided Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

63 Significance level regression 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

64 Regression long/short Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

65 F-statistic Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

66 Regression OLS Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

67 R-square interpreted Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

68 Regression, OLS Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

69 Regression error term Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

70 Adjusted R square instead of R square Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

71 Regression F and P value Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

72 VIF threshold 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

73 What is R Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

74 Adjusted R-square reason Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

Reliability analysis

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

75 Reliability improvement 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

76 Cronbach's alpha 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

Research Design

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

77 Inductive approach & theory Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

78 Inductive approach 1 Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

79 Causal method Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

80 Research design Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

81 Research approach 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

82 Research approach 2 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

83 Case study design 1 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

Research Problem & Question

Question Question title Status Marks Question type

84 RQ role 1 Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

85 RQ role 2 Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice

86 RQ should Correct 1/1 Multiple Choice


Question Question title Status Marks Question type

87 Sampling random Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

88 Sampling Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

89 Sampling Cates Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

90 Sampling method bees Wrong 0/1 Multiple Choice

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

1 Combining methods
Which term describes combining several qualitative and/or quantitative methods?

Select one alternative


Component analysis.


Inter-rater reliability.

2 Method chapter
The method chapter:

Select one alternative:

Is not the most important chapter of a research paper, compared to, for instance, the
theoretical chapter.

Should in detail describe how the research has been conducted, such as who did what, how,
and when.

Should briefly cover how the research has been conducted without going into detail into
exactly who did what and when.

Is a way of showing, and giving reference to, the theory of methodology, such as what
ontology is, and when to expect different ontological arguments.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

3 Measurement level plant

As you write this exam, you are actually thinking about your favorite plant. It is cold in Uppsala and
you are worried that it might be too cold sitting on the window sill. What level of measurement is a
temperature scale?

Select one alternative





4 Research design need

With respect to Professor Wedlin's lecture on research design, which statement DOES NOT
describe why a research design is needed?
A research design:
Select one alternative:

Considers strategies and choices for what data to collect, how to collect it, and how to
assess it.

Locates the study in a particular knowledge domain.

Facilitates the formation of a research question that is relevant and researchable.

Turns a research question and objectives into a project.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

5 Natural experiments
True experiments with randomly assigned subjects and control groups are unusual in social
sciences, including economics and business studies. More often, you will see quasi-experimental
designs like the Mexican music and sales of Mexican food example. The subjects (the people
shopping) were not randomly assigned to shop in stores with/without Mexican music playing. In
2019 and again in 2021, the Nobel Prize winners for economics employed what is now widely
known as "natural experiments". Professor Wedlin talked about this. What is a natural experiment?
Select one alternative:

An event occurs to a specific group of people outside the control of the researchers, but in
such a way as to resemble random assignment. Data is collected from before and after the
event, and correlation is established.

An event occurs to a specific group of people outside the control of the researchers, but in
such a way as to resemble random assignment. Data is collected from before and after the
event, and causality is established.

A naturally occurring event (i.e., there is no human intervention) occurs to a specific group
of people outside the control of the researchers, but in such a way as to resemble random
assignment. Data is collected from before and after the event, and correlation is established.

An event is triggered by the researchers that affects a specific group of people, but in such a
way as to resemble random assignment. Data is collected from before and after the event,
and causality is established.

6 Cross sectional design

What is a cross-sectional research design and what is one of its greatest weaknesses?
Select one alternative:

Data is collected at different times from a cross-section of respondents, so concluding

correlation between variables is strong.

Data is collected at a specific point in time, so concluding causal inference is weak.

Data is collected at a specific point in time, so concluding causal inference is strong.

Data is collected at different times from a cross-section of respondents, so concluding

causal inference is strong.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

7 Ethics
What are a few of the norms we follow in pursuit of conducting ethical research?
Select one alternative:

Not harming participants, respecting privacy, and limiting transparency so that valuable data
cannot be stolen and exploited for unethical purposes.

Not harming participants, respecting privacy, and ensuring transparency so that the
research can be evaluated.

Not harming participants, respecting privacy when possible, and ensuring transparency so
that the research can be evaluated. Sometimes data collection on sensitive topics justifies
compromising privacy.

Harming participants only when to outcome justifies the means, respecting privacy, and
ensuring transparency so that the research can be evaluated.

8 Argumentation
Does argumentation play any role in presenting research?
Select one alternative:

Absolutely not. Argumentation implies emotion, which translates to subjective conclusions.

A guiding principle of science is to avoid subjective conclusions.

Of course. You argue for your claims based on your data, your logic, and possibly the
theory you are working with.

Absolutely not. You make neutral observations based on your data and possibly the theory
you are working with.

Of course. Argumentation is in some cases more important than the evidence from data.
Data is meaningless without interpretation and argumentation.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

9 Evidence
Professors Wedlin and Sallis to some degree represent the poles of the Philosophy of Science
spectrum of constructivism (Wedlin) and positivism (Sallis). Why are they both skeptical of the
word "facts" and they both emphasize the importance of the word "evidence"?
Select one alternative:

Research at the constructivist end of the spectrum is by nature more suseptible to flaws,
thus Wedlin is the researcher emphasizing evidence, whereas Sallis works with facts.
Numbers are numbers, they represent an objective truth.

In statistics, there is a trade off between type I and type II error. A 5% significance level
essentially means that 1 in 20 times the wrong conclusion will be drawn. That is, the wrong
hypothesis is supported. This is why Sallis is the proponent of evidence. Wedlin works with
patterns in data, evidence is not an important word in this context.

This is not true. Wedlin works at the subjective end of the spectrum, thus emphasizing
evidence. Sallis works at the objective end of the spectrum, thus emphasizing facts.

Research, no matter which perspective, can always have flaws. In statistics, this could be
represented by the trade-off between type I and type II error. Conclusions should be drawn
upon the basis of a large body of findings, "the greater evidence", and social scientists
claiming facts should be treated with care.

10 Coding from theory

When drawing on existing theoretical frameworks and a priori ideas in the coding:

Select one alternative:

You create a better coding because you draw on already accepted, established, and
sometimes even famous theories.

You get help with structuring your coding/analysis, but you risk “boxing in” or “shoehorning”
your answers, while missing out on other patterns and explanations.

You first search unconditionally in the text as a whole to get a pre-understanding of the
data, and then you apply the theoretical framework to your data to see if the data confirms
the theory.

You get a better way of describing your findings because structure always is preferred over
lack of structure.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

11 Coding
One way to describe coding is finding your way from "raw data" to "making a statement". Coding
methods we looked at included Grounded Theory, Thematic Coding, and the Gioia Method.
Coding is:
Select one alternative:

Inherently inductive going from data to theory, and is inappropriate as a deductive approach
to testing theory.

Inherently inductive going from data to theory, but is possibly quasi-deductive in only one
context where frequency analysis can be applied, thus turning it into a quantitative

Only inductive. To suggest coding can be applied deductively is nonsense.

Most often inductive going from data to theory, but can be applied deductively to test a
theory by looking for qualitative findings in the data.

12 Coding description
Which statement best describes qualitative data coding?

Select one alternative

It is the process of transcribing data for further analysis.

It is the process of adding numerical codes to data.

It is the process of identifying causal links between constructs.

It is the process of organizing and labeling data.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

13 Coding is creative
Coding is a creative process in which you:

Select one alternative:

Based on existing theories, scan textual data to seek support for what you already

Do word searches of texts and then examine the frequencies of how often specific words
are mentioned.

Try to make sense of the data by “complexifying” the number of alternative explanations.

Work with data in order to find patterns so that you can make sense of a certain

14 Coding Gioia
When you code your data according to the Gioia, Corely & Hamilton method, which coding
approach is most appropriate?

Select one alternative

You focus on key-words. You do not need to aggregate or condense the text as long as
you find good key words.

You structure your findings by first setting headlines on different paragraphs of your data-

You move from data-text (empirics) to higher analytical levels by aggregating and

You find answers to your RQ directly in the data-text.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

15 Correlation multicollinearity
You will be running a regression with the variables in the correlation matrix. Which correlations
will show whether there is any danger of multicollinearity?

Select one alternative

The correlations in the column under Success.

The correlations between what will be the independent variables.

Correlations are not used as an indicator of multicollinearity.

All of the correlations should be examined for multicollinearity.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

16 Correlation ice cream

In Sweden, ice cream sales have a strong statistically significant negative correlation with
umbrella sales. In Vietnam, the correlation is not significant. Why?
Select one alternative

Vietnamese eat ice cream when it rains and use umbrellas when it is sunny.

There are not enough people in Vietnam to get a statistically significant correlation.

In Vietnam, people use umbrellas for both rain and shade.

In Vietnam, it is tradition to eat ice cream when it rains, and that is when they also use

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

17 Correlation causality 1
How do correlation coefficients show causality?

Select one alternative:

The causal relations are in the first column, which in this example is under Success.

The correlation coefficients measure positive causality or negative causality, depending on

the sign of the coefficient.

Causality cannot be inferred from a correlation coefficient.

The Sig. (2-tailed) indicates the level of causality.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

18 Highest correlation 1
What is the highest correlation in the matrix?

Select one alternative




2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

19 Highest correlation 2
Except for the diagonal that shows 1s, what is the highest correlation in the matrix?

Select one alternative



Between Success and Experience.


2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

20 Correlation diagonal
In a Pearson correlation matrix, why are the correlations on the diagonal equal to 1?

Select one alternative

Because that is the value you get when you correlate a variable with itself: perfect positive

It is an arbitrary absolute value of perfect correlation.

Because the diagonal cells contain exactly 50% of the variance from each variable –
perfect identical correlation.

It is a logical value that Pearson set when he invented it. 1 multiplies perfectly through all
the other coefficients without changing them.

21 Data collection method

My PhD thesis was about fish consumption. One way I collected data was to invite 8 friends for a
fish dinner that I had prepared. During dinner, we discussed a set of topics that I had prepared
ahead of time. I took a lot of notes during dinner. What kind of data collection was this?

Select one alternative

A case study.

A focus group.

A party.

An in-depth interview.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

22 Interview types
A researcher conducted interviews in order to develop a theory about customer-supplier
relationships. She asked each respondent to describe the relationship in her/his own words
without specific questions or prompting. What type of interview format did she use?

Select one alternative





23 Interview guide
For an interview guide, which format (open or structured) would best fit the inductive approach?

Select one alternative

Questions are open and not structured, according to existing theories.

Questions are a mix of open and structured theory driven questions.

Questions should reflect the research question, open or structured is not relevant.

Questions are structured in line with existing theories.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

24 Interview method
The interview method is appropriate when:

Select one alternative:

The researcher wants to get deep knowledge about a certain phenomenon.

Good access is provided to interviewees (persons who will be interviewed).

It is always appropriate to make in qualitative research as it is the most dominating way of

collecting data.

The researcher lacks a precise research question.

25 Data collection bees

James was surprised that people are most irritated by bees while barbequing and eating
outdoors. Bees are vegetarian, wasps eat meat. To try and understand what he perceived as
confusion, he developed a guide for what he wanted to discuss (based on theory), and invited 8
friends over for a one-hour discussion. What kind of data collection method is this?

Select one alternative

A focus group.

A case study.

An ethnography.

An in-depth interview.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

26 Response rate
Only 40 people answered a survey that was sent to 200 people, to give a response rate of 20%.
The people who did not answer might be systematically different from those who did. What is this
kind of bias called?

Select one alternative

Non-response bias.

Statistical bias.

Self-selection bias.

Recall bias.

27 Method choice
You think people are fixated on weight differences of models in clothes advertising. You do an
experiment where you photoshop a training clothes advertisement to manipulate perceived body
weight. You get 100 people and randomly show them one of the two photoshopped
advertisements. Then, they answer a short questionnaire about their perception of the
advertisement and you ask their intention to buy the product (the dependent variable). What
statistical analysis would you use in this experimental research design to test the effect on the
dependent variable?

Select one alternative

Regression analysis.

Correlation analysis.

Reliability analysis.

Repeated samples t-test.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

28 Descriptives median
In the Descriptives table, does the median of 1 indicate the center of the distribution?

Select one alternative

No, because it is an ordinal variable.

Yes, because it is a nominal variable.

No, because it is a nominal variable.

Yes, because it is an interval variable.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

29 Skewness & Kurtosis 1

What does the Skewness and Kurtosis indicate for the variable Confidence?

Select one alternative

The variable is abnormally flat.

The variable is not abnormally skewed.

The variable is normally distributed.

The variable is not normally distributed.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

30 Highest observation 1
In the Descriptive statistics table, what is the highest observation (value reported by a
respondent) for Experience?

Select one alternative





2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

31 Histogram outlier
In statistics, when considering a normal distribution, what is an outlier?

Select one alternative

Observations above the curve on the displayed histogram.

An observation higher than 15 on the displayed histogram.

An observation that is far out on one of the tails.

An observation that clumps in the middle of the normal curve.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

32 EFA explained variance 1

In this exploratory factor analysis, how much cumulative variance is explained with a three-factor

Select one alternative





2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

33 EFA discriminant validity

Use an absolute value of .5 to determine the cutoff for whether or not a factor loading is
meaningful. In this Rotated Factor Matrix, three factors emerged. Can you say whether the
constructs have discriminant validity?

Select one alternative

No, because cross-loadings are only relevant for reliability analysis.

Yes, because each indicator loads above .5 on one factor and below .5 on the other

No, because each indicator has loadings above .5 on more than one factor.

Yes, because each factor has indicators that load above .5.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

34 EFA Eigen .7 # of factors

You have done an Exploratory Factor Analysis on 7 measures of two latent variables. When you
look at the provided output, how many factors will be extracted with a cutoff eigen value of .7?

Select one alternative





2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

35 EFA cross loading

Use an absolute value of .5 to determine the cutoff for whether or not a factor loading is
meaningful. In this Rotated Factor Matrix, three factors emerged. Five indicators load on factor 1,
five indicators load on factor 2, and three indicators load on factor 3. Are there any cross-

Select one alternative

Cross-loadings only occur in regression.


Cross-loadings are only relevant for reliability analysis.


2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

36 EFA validity dimensions

In this rotated factor matrix there are no cross-loadings and all the indicators are above .5, which
we have determined is the cutoff for them to be meaningful. Our conclusion is that we
have construct validity.

What are the sub-dimensions of construct validity?

Select one alternative

Discriminant and convergent validity.

Content and discriminant validity.

Internal and external validity.

Face and criterion validity.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

37 EFA validity correlation

Which type of validity refers to the degree to which two indicators of the same construct
Select one alternative





2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

38 Frequency missing data 1

Looking at the Frequency Table, what is the frequency of missing data for the two variables?

Select one alternative

46.3% for Male and 53.7% for Female.

There is no missing data.

5.3% for Commitment and 0% for Gender.

95 for Gender and 90 for Commitment.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

39 Frequency table 1
For Risk_Propensity, which response value in the dataset has the highest frequency?

Select one alternative

6 has the highest frequency.

37.9 has the highest frequency.

Female has the highest frequency.

Completely agree (7) has the highest frequency.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

40 Questionnaire design
When creating a questionnaire, what is a good way to make sure you properly cover the
dimensions of each construct?

Select one alternative

Read everything you can about the theoretical contaxt so that you can then make the

Use existing questionnaires, but adapt them enough to avoid plagiarizing other

Avoid using existing questionnaires so that you do not plagiarize other researchers.

Start by looking at existing questionnaire on similar topics or theories.

41 Measurement level 1
In a survey about managerial stress, managers were asked whether or not they have high blood
pressure. Which level of measurement is this?

Select one alternative





2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

42 Measurement level managers

In a survey about healthy living and stress, managers were asked their weight and height. Which
level of measurement is this?

Select one alternative





43 Philosophy perspectives
The ontological perspectives positivism and constructivism (also interpretivism, anti-positivism,
relativism, etc.), can be envisioned along a spectrum:

Positivism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The perspectives are associated with different views on how the world works. Which of the
following is more associated with a positivist perspective?

Select one alternative

Expressing opinion.




2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

44 Objectivity 1
Ontology, epistemology, and methodology are connected. The assumptions we make regarding
how we perceive reality provide guidance on how we acquire knowledge about reality, and thus,
what kind of methods we apply. In the process of gaining knowledge through scientific methods,
we often shift perspectives depending on the research question.

From a positivist perspective, is it possible to be objective?

Select one alternative:

It depends on the research methodology.


It depends on the research question.


45 Philosophy outcome
When using an inductive approach, is theory the outcome of data collection?

Select one alternative



Only when you are also being abductive.

Only when you are also being productive.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

46 Inductive methods
What sort of research methods are most commonly associated with a inductive research

Select one alternative

Quantitative methods.

Qualitative methods.

Descriptive statistics.

Exploratory factor analysis.

47 Deductive methods
What sort of research methods are most commonly associated with a deductive research

Select one alternative

Qualitative methods.

Case studies.

Quantitative methods.


2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

48 Method approach
Sometimes, phenomena are well understood and well defined. If we wanted to investigate them,
which approach are we likely to use in our research?

Select one alternative





49 Objectivity 2
Ontology, epistemology, and methodology are connected. The assumptions we make regarding
how we perceive reality provide guidance on how we acquire knowledge about reality, and thus,
what kind of methods we apply. In the process of gaining knowledge through scientific methods,
we often shift perspectives depending on the research question.

From a constructivist (anti-positivist) perspective, is it possible for an excellent researcher to be


Select one alternative:

It depends on the research methodology.

It depends on the research question.



2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

50 Gioia coding method

When you code your data according to the Gioia, Corely & Hamilton method, which coding
approach is most appropriate?

Select one alternative

You focus on key-words. You do not need to aggregate or condense the text as long as
you find good key words.

You find answers to your RQ directly in the data-text.

You move from data-text (empirics) to higher analytical levels by aggregating and

You structure your findings by first setting headlines on different paragraphs of your data-

51 Gioia native 1
When you are charting the territory you become, to some degree, embedded in the topic. The
Gioia, Corely, and Hamilton (2012) article talked of the importance in qualitative research to, “get
in there and get your hands dirty (p. 19)”. They also highlighted the risk of getting too close and
“going native.” What did they mean?

Select one alternative

Adopting the informant’s view and losing your higher-level perspective.

Becoming friends with the informants and losing your research focus.

Adopting the informant’s view and becoming a subjective researcher.

Getting such a deep understanding for the topic that you become subjective.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

52 Analysis purchase intent

You do a study amongst students in the business program about loyalty to smartphone brands.
You measure their satisfaction, trust, and brand attachment to their current phone, and ask them
whether they intend to buy the same brand on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is "absolutely no" and
7 is absolutely yes". What statistical analysis would you use to test purchase intent?

Select one alternative

Regression analysis.

Reliability analysis.

Principal component analysis.

Correlation analysis.

53 Group means
Of these statistical methods, which one would you use to test for differences between group

Select one alternative:


Cross tabulation.



2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

54 Mexican food groups

You do an experiment at a local COOP grocery store where you measure the sales of Mexican
food for one week while playing Mexican music. Through the payment card, you track the gender
of who is purchasing. You want to know whether there is a statistically significant difference
between male and female purchasers for buying Mexican food. What statistical analysis or
test would you use?

Select one alternative

Correlation analysis.

Regression analysis.

Independent samples t-test.

Repeated samples t-test.

55 Mexican food time

You do an experiment at a local COOP grocery store where you measure the sales of Mexican
food one week with no music playing. Then, you play Mexican music for a week and measure
Mexican food sales. You want to know whether there is a statistically significant difference
between the two periods. What statistical analysis or test would you use?

Select one alternative

Regression analysis.

Independent samples t-test.

Correlation analysis.

Repeated samples t-test.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

56 Bias in data collection

When a survey is sent to a sample of potential respondents, most often, not all of them answer.
What kind of bias is this?

Select one alternative

Statistical bias.

Self-selection bias.

Recall bias.

Non-response bias.

57 Group averages training

You do an experiment where you photoshop a training clothes advertisement to manipulate
perceived body weight. You get 100 people and randomly divide them into two groups. You show
each group one of the two photoshopped advertisements. Then, they answer a short
questionnaire about their perception of the advertisement and how attractive they think the model
is. You use a scale where you can calculate averages.

What statistical analysis would you use to test the average difference between the groups?

Select one alternative

Regression analysis.

Correlation analysis.

Independent samples t-test.

Reliability analysis.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

58 Critical cutoff
In the ANOVA table, if the F statistic is above the critical cutoff value found in the F-statistic
tables, you reject the null hypothesis. Since you do not have tables handy, you can make this
evaluation based on the p-value (the value you see under Sig.). What is the most commonly
used critical cutoff value for the p-value?

Select one alternative





2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

59 Regression equation
In an OLS regression analysis, based on the Coefficients table, if you were going to write out a
regression equation so that a person could calculate, “for a given value of Xn, Y would equal ___”,
you would use the:

Select one alternative

Unstandardized beta coefficients for the statistically significant independent variables.

Standardized beta coefficients for the statistically significant independent variables.

Unstandardized beta coefficients for all the independent variables.

Standard errors for the statistically significant independent variables.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

60 Standardized betas 1
From the Coefficients table, what information do you get from the standardized beta coefficients?

Select one alternative

The relative effect size of each independent variable on the dependent variable.

The relative proportion of variance measured by the t statistic.

The standardized proportion of the variance explained by each independent variable

The standardized proportion of the variance explained when the variable is significant.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

61 Regression residuals
In regression, what is the residual variance?

Select one alternative

It represents all the errors explained by the independent variables.

It is the cumulative variance of errors made when measuring the independent variables.

It is the variance that is not explained by the regression coefficients.

It is the cumulative variance of errors made when collecting the data.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

62 Significance two-sided
In SPSS, the default Sig. value (also called p-value) is derived as a two-sided hypothesis test. In
layman terms, we say each independent variable is “significant”, when we reject the null
hypothesis. Using the generally accepted cutoff value of .05, please say which of the
independent variables is significant or insignificant.

Select one alternative

Gender, Age, Experience and Risk_Propensity are significant, while Commitment is


Gender, Age and Experience are insignificant, while Commitment and Risk_Propensity are

Gender, Age and Experience are significant, while Commitment and Risk_Propensity are

Gender, Age, Experience and Risk_Propensity are insignificant, while Commitment is


2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

63 Significance level regression 1

In SPSS, the default Significance (Sig.) level (also called p-value) is derived as a two-sided
hypothesis test. In layman terms, we say each independent variable is “significant”, when we
reject the null hypothesis. Using the generally accepted cutoff value of .05, please say which of
the independent variables is significant or insignificant.

Select one alternative

Gender and Age are insignificant, while Experience, Commitment and Confidence are

Gender and Age are significant, while Experience, Commitment and Confidence are

Gender, Age, and Experience are significant, while Commitment and Confidence are

Gender, Age, and Experience are insignificant, while Commitment and Confidence are

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

64 Regression long/short
In regression, if your model is too long (too many independent variables), the parameter
estimates for the beta coefficients become less precise. If the model is too short, you are
missing important independent variables and the parameter estimates for the beta coefficients
become biased. Why is too short worse than too long?

Select one alternative

Bias means that the parameter estimates are, on average, too high.

Bias will also inflate the R-square, giving an inaccurate estimate of explained variance.

Too short is missing important variables, so collinearity estimates are wrong.

Less precise estimates are random, so at least the error averages out.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

65 F-statistic
Consider the F statistic in this table (below). From this, how would you conclude that the R
square is significantly different from zero?

Select one alternative

The F value is greater than the mean square regression value.

The regression sum of squares is greater than the residual sum of squares.

The p-value is below .05.

The F-value is below the critical F value.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

66 Regression OLS
With respect to OLS regression, which of the following statements is correct?

Select one alternative

The unstandardized beta constant indicates the Y-intercept of the regression line.

A dummy variable changes the slope of a regression line.

You can use dummy variables as the dependent variable.

In simple regression (one X variable), the standardized beta is the slope of the regression

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

67 R-square interpreted
In the Model Summary, how would you interpret the “R Square” statistic?

Select one alternative

It is the amount of error in the regression equation.

It is the coefficient of explanation for the regression equation.

It is a measure of the collinearity in the regression equation.

It is the explained variance in the regression equation.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

68 Regression, OLS
With respect to simple OLS regression, which of the following statements is correct?

Select one alternative

You can use dummy variables as the dependent variable.

The beta coefficient for the X variable indicates the slope of the regression line.

The constant indicates the slope of the regression line.

A dummy variable changes the slope of a regression line.

69 Regression error term

In regression, what is the error term?

Select one alternative

It represents all the errors explained by the independent variables.

Residual variance that is not explained by the regression coefficients.

It is the cumulative variance of errors made when collecting the data.

It is the cumulative variance of errors made when measuring the independent variables.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

70 Adjusted R square instead of R square

Why would you use “Adjusted R Square” instead of the R Square?

Select one alternative

To compare regression equations.

To adjust for the F statistic.

To adjust for unexplained variance.

To adjust for the t statistic.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

71 Regression F and P value

Consider the F statistic in a regression equation. To reject the null hypothesis (in layman terms
this means we are happy with the regression equation), what should the Sig. number (p-value)

Select one alternative

Equal to the critical cutoff p-value.

Below the critical cutoff p-value.

Less than zero.

Above the critical cutoff p-value.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

72 VIF threshold 1
In OLS regression, you should be concerned if the independent variables are too highly
correlated. Another way to assess "multicollinearity" is to estimate the variance inflation factors
when running the regression. How would you interpret Variance inflation factors (VIF)?

Select one alternative

Variance inflation factors are not used in OLS regression.

Below 0.05 indicates a problem with multicollinearity.

Above 10 indicates no problem with multicollinearity.

Below 10 indicates no problem with multicollinearity.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

73 What is R
In the Model Summary, how would you interpret the “R” statistic?

Select one alternative

Normally, we take the R and divide it by the Standard Error of the Estimate to then get R

Normally, we interpret R as the amount of error in the regression equation and R squared
as the amount of explained variance.

Normally, we do not interpret R. We only interpret Adjusted R Square.

Normally, we take the square of the R statistic and interpret that as the level of explained
variance in the regression equation.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

74 Adjusted R-square reason

Why would you use “Adjusted R Square”?

Select one alternative

It adjusts for explaining the extra amount of error in the regression equation.

It adjusts upward for each additional independent variable.

It adjusts for a change in sample size.

It adjusts downward for each additional independent variable.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

75 Reliability improvement 1
If you wanted to improve the reliability of the scales, you would:

Select one alternative

You cannot improve the reliability.

Add the scales together.

Remove Conf3 and Commit2

Remove Conf5 and Commit5.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

76 Cronbach's alpha 1
Cronbach’s Alpha indicates the internal consistency of a set of measures, or in other words, the
reliability of the measures of a construct. Using Nunnally's (1978) suggested cutoff of 0.7, are
these two scales for Confidence and Commitment reliable?

Select one alternative

Nor for Commitment, but yes for Confidence.

No for Confidence, but yes for Commitment.

Yes, because the values are .817 and .892.

No, because the values are .819 and .896.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

77 Inductive approach & theory

Is theory the outcome of data collection when applying an inductive approach?

Select one alternative


Only when you are also being productive.


Only when you are also being abductive.

78 Inductive approach 1
Which answer would best fit the inductive approach?

Select one alternative

The researcher, through a literature review, finds that there is a lack of theory explaining a
certain phenomenon. Then, decides to investigate.

The researcher is using an approach where he/she structures the findings according to

The researcher is testing a theory by collecting data that is found to be most suitable given
the existing theory.

The researcher discovers that not much empirical work has been done on a specific topic.
Then, based on what theory she finds, decides to investigate.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

79 Causal method
Of these statistical methods, which one is associated with a causal research design?

Select one alternative



Exploratory factor analysis.


80 Research design
What is the research design?

Select one alternative

It is the design of the data collection. For example, questionnaire design or how an
experiment is made.

It is the plan for how the data will be analyzed and interpreted.

It is the plan for how a research project will be conducted.

It specifies the ontology, epistemology, and methodology of the research.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

81 Research approach 1
If we wanted to investigate a vaguely understood phenomenon, which approach are we likely to
use in our research?

Select one alternative





82 Research approach 2
If we wanted to investigate a well-understood and well-defined phenomenon, which approach are
we likely to use in our research?

Select one alternative





2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

83 Case study design 1

Which answer best describes a case-study design?

Select one alternative

It attempts to reveal why or how one variable produces changes in another variable.

It emphasizes a full contextual analysis of a few events or conditions and their


It attempts to capture a population's characteristics by making inferences from a sample's

characteristics and testing resulting hypotheses.

It provides repeated measures over an extended period of time.

84 RQ role 1
One way to construct relevant research questions is to first consider research problems. Are we
lacking knowledge about an important issue? Is there a practical problem that needs solving?
Another way is to consider the cost of not solving a problem. What are the consequences of not
solving the climate crisis?

What is the role of the research question?

Select one alternative

To motivate the development of constructs.

To motivate and focus the research.

To lead to relevant hypotheses.

To lead to measurable constructs.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

85 RQ role 2
Charting the territory means to learn about the topic area, which includes looking for previous
conceptual papers and research studies. In social sciences, research questions:

Select one alternative

Must lead to quantifiable results.

May motivate theory development.

Should focus on the processes of social interaction.

Must be embedded in developed theory.

86 RQ should
The research questions should:

Select one alternative:

Be researchable and represent a gap in knowledge.

Include constructs that are related to each other.

Be creative in how the research will proceed.

Contribute to the greater good.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

87 Sampling random
Assume that there are 500 people in a population and they are all on a list. You want a random
sample of 50. You add the first 10 names to a hat and have a friend randomly pick one of the
names. Starting with that name, you take every tenth person thereafter. In this way, you get
a sample of 50. What kind of sample is this?

Select one alternative

Probability sample.

Non-probability sample.

Cluster sample.

Stratified sample.

88 Sampling
James made a survey to send to Campus Gotland students. Statistically speaking, this is
the population. He has a current list of all CG students, including their contact information. He will
take a sample from the list and send out the survey. What is the list called?

Select one alternative

The list.

The sampling frame.

The sampling list.

The registry.

2FE861 Scientific methods in Business Research 20220112 Candidate F3DB-0121-EDE

89 Sampling Cates
About 30 years ago, a good friend did a survey on gay consumption habits. There were no lists of
gay people, so instead, he sent his survey to 8 gay friends and asked them to pass the survey
on to their gay friends. This is sort of like sending a chain letter. What kind of sample is this?

Select one alternative



Dough roll.


90 Sampling method bees

James has a keen interest in bees and has three beehives in his yard. At their peak, each hive
has about 80 000 bees. He is concerned that people in the neighborhood might be nervous about
living next to 240 000 bees. He created a small survey and emailed it to a couple of his
neighbors. In the email he asked that they please share the survey with their friends. He hopes
the survey gets passed along enough times to get a final sample of about 100 responses. What
is this sampling method called?

Select one alternative

Chain letter.





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